Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Mar 1920, p. 6

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i r î"r~ir~"'~rr-'r' '~ 'e" î ~- r'r ti t i ) ~ & '~ '~ IhLL er\LJriilL,'xur..\j, .L ~ x~. x~'. i s <i. Il s s a!IR;. >~.< e - &t 'r '..r' ,* * ~ a' a~* 'r ~'-~ ~ 't 5 1' çn*. ç ~'"- '*"- i t' 'i t.' t e r r'- ~,, ;j~ ~ t tir-i 4At 't' W" iii c -. J' 'r'.....- lu'ul ' r paig i ii ci Si %,T.. . itit',ri j ,- M.1 îtr-bra1 .1 g ICI C J' ' oîrrci' r ',ii ' 1, '~ o ' , , ,r ,rÀ. r '.~ ti .'1., , r. , r ,i ' "'i ' . n r * ' ir' ~re ar"' "/, î', î', Ci'r i . r'\ t, i , i n. II', i ' r'i - rn o 1,2 1 îri ii .r . ,C~, I .- c', t - s ,eee " t d 1- iii " dit,'i-r Iii î .. di!rra l , r1: r. ri' . . r 1:ir 'n l." ,' r, I !, il-it,' I',t M m' ' ' Ptie aI '.r ' ' l î t i11t"irî n' su.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ir1.r1:,,i I'l 1r .' r 'ii '.î. ii rr t' ,lieî."t .itu j ici tt j 1 j:u i.r i ri', t-tta h iI ',iurrît a ri, .. C -itri nr iCrit týir r jli t t ir': ti.'iiti ,c u it n '1tr'rtotr- i ',;Ird iî'cgtr %-r ti nd tir ItI.' iîirrr, '1, rrt iîi tti'..i $ 'CCti r :, . rt ' tout o 1Wl F R a ki, n erWre t'Sa sP"-I-irî .îr M, 1 1)rrr1r ci, CWa-rCnrr'r , drri 1 iii ut. niritilIîîi rO iure n ii ra, r'n'r' h ': ' trr lie an C led i"Iry jjtr' si'n vn' ti ri. iti t, r'i.iICIp "arr -ii tni1k'i dl M, -1eClht aout".liiW UV-A 1 iNISHE thenitýý "("a ilto 'id aedn ' "CI 1 a IllebI.,ri lbutkilo laukipl-neI rsaiiCtek Co n w sInte tIlHty; eAlctrreene. oma alltaIiiU*III, ti ýC i -lta1 i m i i bl iic jn ,i i tfinlffciai ta have los forlit n ttilIr'stur MOfiht> tiOtfint ii lig54l455t ' )0I l t e d tI<t ti%%hiifi l . ti1. rI, , l tepublicn aîsessrship go ina-itier_ is riîltnwtr lit'.tlt, ta".o k C 1 today saed:icematirat hi'r'ttijiin hai Saura te o n om i- 'iîr1îat ti tal. icîi-Ni a tti os ion l w Garne to Jol 1wt Lo "fi i"ktèi . j Ui , adt 'In-Th-I, I pr M ER lit Iwl lk inn tSee oc e Rnioutbt uat fotbe l i i erc Si-t" t- ' r' . ii, rrr'tir r llr 1,th ,ýg' ogh ik'spnn an eneenet adiae:fthiliti'iiittilti rira rrete i - n ta e R rn rofiia]heipars-.1r irir n IyN efr aqm d o pnt4 res it sh 'rc as tie ofiia re or I. n t ". reft Lake'i na ai str' ni jr' e' I"e' c .t ththat I havebot'd t. teodistrias. df r i p tri t: t . Î ae i Ba .di II 1- l a o-1 I , l' ii tle iestcori sarce m 'mner j ir- h aliii' r rr stti jr "Suri .t r, j 'rme' n il jlk . no i j t -t i M it hei ng 1 )(alts," tr' tity "1 tirk j ' e n tephi rrjih n f rm hca T o w n treei tum"dat ert tt ' e - r r"' at r of thîS- - .fi H . "Iiri i sh"t ' d ' his i 'al'sa r y oed m se r ay Oe, fter- 1 1,nIoreet t' itrîttît iii ' . " .' ti i ,Ii"'.iirnn 'î'îîî ' isa-a. "si an tr.'r ie-I I rsCnth oo f or liciaR S m Th, Fred Buck. . djr . t rd r 'r' H a' ilt I pi i t ogi'r -. " î t,' N D I T I T i .. ' d. e off i i iuai In thet r r "rytj' ,rl andr rijt,"t j ,t. . r'ii nil ti*j îc '.r II ', jr- The. tdi' ter ob , ,rlsll 1 l 'l C h<- a r le s A rm e s , r. . t . , , , . 'treî'iirp'licrirou r tt j. n' g . i i ti n gr, t r i '. r r i r tP Il't(jr fron' li c ' ' ar t. ' , nr ' Io frr r ' , .o n ficia ,-'...i.r iis ohv otfr h O R E T JOr L,,IET'r- \' ,iit ' . 'i i , '. r' i Ait ,- t u'r." - jir viei ' P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! Lin.r î ' . r '11,11 liUnrtlii CIt Webbh..........r 72 Bannde ...... 411 t.o Pae- ioacl ('atttnttrnioner- Tutytrui' .. l' si 4t71 4-7?7 VV eFiqIl , Made Yeîung Bright eyes, a clear rrtn an-d aIbo v full cf y'outl'i ni4 heatr' vi",,/-. youe-S if Vou WîII eepyat'v-r-i inr order by'IytI GOLO MEDAL The rV.oridl'sstandard !--'cr, -r kt,1 tiver, hiarîrer and ir-ir i r trl es rnjWruasoh titi satd 1, -k ., 11, i 1696. Ail riruggists. iî" ;- for the. - toG.d M tiii ci' .. .... PCtCci.r.-iji 'i ne'-, i. FO0R S.A.L E Winnet!ia SpecaI Assesane-t Bonds First Mortgage 6% Bonds on I.ake County Real Estate. GEORGE ANDERSON Anderson Block - LAKE FOREST, ILL. Thoodort M. Durt, President W. B. Smith, Vice President F.W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager. TrELEPONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. j u c OBTAT F TITLE - TJTLES GUARANTEED Capî(aI 13.:O L VAUKEGAN ILLINOIS iji i I ri r i t - I l pl Iiit'j c ,r.ji i t r ' r t j.r n'j ."r j, j n i r'ir t -r i't' trj t it '11. r i1 qr ' 'ii r, ir.i iIj Il I il y .11 r frîr 11 ii 1i l ti I i 1'tt.jj 1,'i iiriiitf ilp \% "F"t'il;ltit' , ji r tr l i ' i'rt1;' ' 1 ' i l, 1 ,l, i i l1 'iili ftît get it tn ui ait , ' t'i ,% ,isl;ioe 1î'iî il SrjrilrŽ ' . tir r' n jr îtiii.r r r,' .' ijîr r aiier ni flir' tr ilait loiv. 'l'iii,-. î 1oîî , Ij.. j rîr, r' ,,rr 1'" t.,alit at ' iet te 1rjt ru nuI \\itt i l t'i t ;i'ttttbo~it olie SrCtt -c.,trr I E 'CI g 1'aaI !r; kl'. (I:liithe quinttear IVLS)15 YEAR ULI> t.4 ofî[lie atîr'u zi1î. rto , w , r GIRL JIERE; ARRESI j trît '1-'l"rt in;.i ........ VCentertI Wxaikier.nIt h it itti. Itru l lh ir ,x-. F i'. i li" . ... .. . Gu ae' tIl1 tIiý 1i' itîrof PIncîtio rit tirinitial grrot-im ,,rrr' iru_'o('. . i"eurd tED~INI"i GIAA of tliii'trt'lt ,1soeiel. c-rîday ititeirîon, ' SacOnd Tem. s. itiniiegr iv oer tht' Il la t teai ti b'.'iPosition. 'lie olwngdsa l f i (kc e of 44ta 10. eCtoach ' ng laalct lou ltîî'nn bis 'îra sch lnd teiti titrChmberlarin.Ci'ero ...... . orward teita ai the trotirile thCt lires îiled Up the secondhait f ite gaine. tt'uý ..ceti1ligia ...Frward far a yotignan un tua1 city wha Saturday nîereieîg aukcgan 1, Pester. WN'aukefa .... .Centir trotîthi a 1e-year-odgr aWtk trounced Gardener, wbo bad previous C' Pester. Watukegan---------.Guard gan and narried het: ly devoured Sandwich, to the Inn 1'ùrlnîian. Joliet..-------------Gurd Are-est for contribecting to the de- of 45 ta 19. The second tearni was " liiteuency of li-year-old MiliI Wrix- aiso used a good portion of tiis' ton was the weddhcog gif t Qi Walter gante. By deteating Gardener waux-1 Jon Crawford. aged 81 years. one Wrixton ho i Benard Christenson. 24, egan got Int the sem-inaîs Satur-t0f the hest knkown of the piloneçr who married Wrixtonis daughter hn e day atternoon, folbuwing up Ita tri tue-mers of bbcý town of Pleas-&ni ,Waukegaca lait Wednesiday. umphs by defeatlng the husky MazoIPraire,1 ad foi- several years living Water Wrhxton. the ftIler. stateal boys hy a score of 26 tot 17. Hio,.-j1. rretirenrenýt al Zion City, dled at'Ibis iiorning tiat ChrIstenistn haut ever this gamei was a fi5&ht froni star hI.. btic- in hat cty Wbdnesday knawn is datcgh ter for foue- year-aand t'tîl finish as; bbe husky warrlors frolu March 10, fllowing _a loùgilluess front never gave any lnkling that he wasi Mazon put up a -£rappy game Ltd, 'a compliethon of ldlemsm.. For tp-ciaetly' iur'resed-nInller. At-tlîe W~aukegaIe had to exîend herseiftto,,yca-s lhe was anc of the mrot prom- snelmleadtegr eetci flnah n tt'loeg ed r tre rle 1ment ctizens of Plasaent PraP1le. ig .ecrtIy.He tietlierallter alite One thnîcsand fans packed lmuaS1 Sur's-vng hlm are two sons. Spencer fln'tahed at the contcinuation school #thie ym $aturday Pecri oWitngFCrawford of RarIne; two daughtersadwe h ws bog tahk Ilaout two tîundred %Vau egafl Nie-.. naMeville of Zion and Me-'a. dwe h a hog iabk il1oemand eighî itundred l Jie Warneii dolhy of enogha. eî'y ou rWaahlngton Avenlue, where tans. Huecdredrr were tue-fel aîway __________!lr'e woe'ks There wgs'sorne delây i tarttng lié Wednesday Mihllie left borne at 21 final garne, the baille flot getttrg, X o x 0 x o x o x o x o a o si o x o x Sixtb Street as usure? toatatend lte utîdpr way unthl 9:30. trtaukegan. x THIE INDEPENDENT la the x r'ocallonal achecol, bstking ber lunch started out strang, Capt Birstaw1 o moaélt wîdely cead noepaper In o wihhlber. She dld not relue-n borne 'at Li osing the hall the-ougit the houp x Lake crnîty. xi elle regutar hour anal il &r&'q fot untîl f orty Iwo secondsailtter the opening xa0 o ex 0x e x 0 x 0a o xo x 0 xo a0ox -ala' in the eo'eing that sble called T!~O: ~'~I[ *0 i 'r 'j' i ' r. ' r, t i 't FRANK 6. PETERSON FORMER nA! KFrI.N PFSIDFNTe,!S PF i) .î'o1îrak r; J'..., v - i" Il,, in!r. .1 , j'~ ..irit .r n , 01î .,ni 'z 1 1 ... .i li ' Vý 1. -Il A lh t " r N r P 'r ,r i >ii -jm f1 .. " > 1, Si j, tr. r i 'i r-,. ma, .m 1 1 t, , r ik 1r o, 11r' t 'rur' ri, - d b, à if-. tî'roir-ir c a ttuCûh Julia ofif 'auk'.'Lzan. iotrr Thought. tors Irdna andi i'eur]. nnlrrialptr enit tt rei-itet hîrnor on r,-W. Tet.,r-on. aira hi-. fer hl'itî ýnt î'ir ieîi. aiqter, Esther oaf lackfrri Jst ri in ,.t riai.,t irte s" an ili eil Y a l, l ie 'i tW lt tsor e. i ngt 1li' rihttheHtiti e rt kegihait nudrBol ooCooOoq 0 W AD S 009 000G(~ The funeral se who diet iaIt ir.' A)ital laiel Titaî d Me-. Meade ifort 1 use-iinortharaîr cause of failligi year ago lie soidi ed a nice borne many friendsanal bis loa. Intel Greenw 'od ceuet road. a Little t-ast lt-rves one les t lit" Memuorial i)k C' A. lnsîe'. s;I.e'nI a, ew dn' a tfciattivea. Word bas bei-n deit'.î in Chicage ma a former I1 i',îui road bere. Ici.bourdeal wiltî t'.teced la resigr healtit, Deaib 'ami I-ia was burleel liene ir lroettfi C'iS, . itiîe Irrîni i 'iliay ndn and r i.îa 'err vi t11i t i i ' r hii .tr.r T 't , i tle ticeautes, 'Éle scijoolst ctosed Thurda tolactitera' institut

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