Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Mar 1920, p. 10

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ëflSTLSOF-ALL- TAXPAYERS UNDER 1THE FEDERAÀlL ACT overnment-Posts Lists of In- lividual Who Paid Income Taxés in Former Year. IVE FEOPLE INFORMATION ~OTIE~DDIS.,IrW no mal. If you are curtouis andma "t Io knaw Wbether or not tbe n-ali ne11- d0cr le paying Uticie Sam anl ieur J tex. te chance lo open ta you now. There tg n new wrlnkle [n ronncht &n wth te Incarne tax lawwtlî . e et every man and vonlan in thte dis tuiet Who palut an Iirîome at yefir-1P no matter If Il lhait ta he :ung frnîn 11um naitûr thte collfeti'ia 'aisèerdaip.len *84k.- -i1.usl be post. 0 uilli n 11.5 -salftilard off te îe)lfll-e4 'h 0-'t. vif nrw .):- I1 ail Ovc! WIs-onsln. H mlit be mare inter I asit-ing to potÏibe hnes Of men *TIO falcd ta pay and were fored ta coir a'. , acroca bytiegvrmlt agents,l but the bas seeI, lit ta1 peitatili the. names. The lit fors Kenosita l8 a long anc and rontains the r.anes of a lot of men whoaa bot of peopliuatot mnspeet werf'! mabing enc.ugh ,noney. Iç, ble toieti w.*. te pay th-.federal incorne tax. - Tho.younhtshs làithie aboI incture lookas though theY Wer .AMOtPNTP OF THE TAX CECRE. ail uet for the hundred-iard dssh ln aa American summrertimeoOut- V While te' governmeiit I- i gving dool' spart carnival. Tis enow la the pieture, however, forces theIn. out thee lht of men and vonen vhia ePlanst4on that the7 are actually jIlveclle patients et au openair jPl paid, It le stili keeplng secret.4 th'51 sanilsuluin ai St. Mrt, Swltserimfd. Tiie expressions on tii. youn4- es anoutitI paid,.bytem. The Incarne sterir faccesinditate.LtaI ju ina -ftreatînent ls greaitdope., p4 lt ia* lbis nat'yet bepuns-amtradci 1- eti'as ta file on te bulletin biards thés anioint of tiaessed aain t * ** * * * lbe varjaus tarri w owriers and ttfe him been the practice of the gavcrn-1 ment Io hoid ail surit reports and*aIt(SLilU au-h ttx ie-ie.- se confldtirial. tut- E lector Williams. in a letter ann<îîînc- tauc ite new plan of postlng the nai- ' 0 O 0 ~ 00 tL es of Incarne tax payers. aya he If% Chitqtaer Hanen. Blair, Nd, 3., ; L ail People callcd ta the raft that these , Stanley Kockorosky. Great Lakes, lise' -e on file for their lîpiimetlî n.21. Mabel Carîseen. Waukegan. 12.i Ille Isrt le nul as :,st brought dean Gustave.Ll,. saF:n-"-4jJaeiher. N. P. od nT r n ta contaîn the namnes o! corporatioî.s 24; Hliy1, D. lsen, Evanalon. 22. taxd. s~tqG. Codius,, Chicago, 20; OVI GOHAq STATE OIÇE BETTEII. 'Cara Rfirkeri, rame 24 M l a k e A In m*kIng a publie pating ufthlie Wm. R. Ilocliver. Prnceton, Was - St. Finiier Notify &mres or h incarne lAx payers. the 2-AieJ eeai ae 0 govertiment las jont;the claie c'ns 7 lc .Zlesi a 0 -better. Thf state. hiaever, tIieti ___MerBàs t- ___ e.10 1 Ash Street., $ý- lit ofbath corporations and in- iWhen Lucy% teîîcier tlid ber îiuat 'Phone 720,or 3, divîdual inrnmes taxes vîitlte coun-j @ahe ras Ove minutes leI.oraolcmil, tr cierk sorne lime igo aind! wile te lite replid: "I dI dnmean ta b. laie, re'ward. publcation of te list bat; been frowi-'adIf1mtn rnenlthwy,â ait on. the lilt stowtng not oniy th, p filîntrnnu i iev>,r fiat af pas crr but the ainouat pald been a heap itmr" by eaclîfl, open for ite lucîctionl ai anc--ne who'-a-cs ta denand il.( SAVE CASHt BY ir',vIru! gbiil',tlI, i IN - ILLINOIS NO W T-anniil .ý-,n or t teiir'prt- ment- 01 financé. tor Ille. ear endiniz Deeraî- , Lithow s flai li- Doaiss a% i"d îeaî-ly$2500inte de- pari et - sUntuer the civiil îi a lts ecode ha tza i n g ai nini g- a -h dise in t.. r. a t 'Q hu passa ge- of t iil-lai ci ti co was Il tr-(it e s d, i % in til e f oUilel[ ( :fU 1. -i .1 i i(Il mi ai-ne Ùuini, cu liiiau- twj t--tappropla tlion.Itle rt. bu..aru, ad commnissionstt(-'0 iet a ui~n litai.i!c*~and i ltee N"is no C Inira i Z] lauý1-is l, rga i nt 11i(toit Many pircuases cci.- made locail> and itili e. if any, atte.1je s asimadle til buy gtouds uîî ,.î ait ad an.a.g.ou, Trhe adernisemnt, fni- ci- its sent ail y ley ihe lr-nceut*i-tzi<ipur- cha.cuns' di i.n. tiiC12il(es-~lie: pi tria upan Cotracta entered inu an punrI chaises made. a-s aremiuit(i c, urithds cari s,1ni rail di 5mw il Th,-re a re.'j bovet,ér, a targe niunber of tniait andl emergenry jurcLiases niatfite n tht state and upn osut h lurhas es- lie departinent of inance has ilnsîsea ltat 1le sttle shautd c-cte li en- eût of cash dise-uni. wli.ere îianieiii la nmade vitiiîthe. ustîai ten du> s. la aîdex-fta carry inta effect Ihis sr&ngee.nnt vitl laknown as lite "Pinki slip 5>sieni' wab 'iiet Tii-se brigitl, ink i cip lire nialieu to ta cciditcauntot uciieî Vauche-itscs ani-ked are rushied thi-augit fnr prompit payment by every cierk, baook -kpeper and audîlor In arder flital r.- mitance t-bail cea-h te cansigniir wîitan i he cash discount tinte àspeci lied. This Innovat ion in slate affairs vas no miiilied tatIil iak severai bouitits of effort and a gond deasi of discipline on the lpartof te department tisiore bands oaIdiisi-ons and managang ai- Ostera awakenci] ta teneceutmty for -poptonîi iayienl uf illsi. At ile- pres-t MittUnie, itaweaer, tew. Iarly* cash dJacoulîts acailabie are lest. TRAMPS RARELY SEEN NOW-A-DAYS Trsmpe.or haboi a i 'Shleccr ttaes b iîci ttitey were best knovn. bave virtuali>' vanitibed 10 lite point of Weng carely en. Jumil vusliey bave passed out le diffîcul ltuo sur. ku itlime vas viten they wveSgsanuiî 6'aus as ta luake theinselves petisaIl moot amali citiezanmd Waukegan at tites vwas averrun vii tbem. Wbehber it la -berauise af high -*« Waoîhibitan 'or te "van ai- iUgb'* orders of vorld ývar ifitys Or al W if hm cSmbined ftat Ihes' braugiti abou the caboltia-ofeltthramp may be lbord tesor«e on, but Uîey bsvec - "4e osuitr s Il svaljowed by the I Unit sud are oilnot exlinet nov, ctti poice oMeitais art. MmsimcSld ocs!a iv > n- dèïffl %'a ept empliom Soa tsa tbe tuni e.ur. -te. amotrema" ~. ~i.W hed~shr utyliftf 'lut' rPenîn- sr;g s i a few v.cks at ihrin col-caS a Icr g iighrft ri-îiîn iîg seat-on - mon tls if r joyintiîfor thie 1wifc and kielîles. If vmur car iii slip ,ihape? -- M'il i i- jc àa-"ercc of plcasure or one- of enils',htîti Thcre is no (,ne part of scîlîr car tiat'a asimîiportant as the Lattery -It'. <he very hta.rt of the Motar Car. T-. \'lUR P,ýîlterx' Rl(iGUr ; no ý FA 1 )ii Y ? Ifif ni t -ni s1liit gýi'. Cttrit f I. ,lefr il iS o t-tci. R iglîtr ut gyond1 ar-' ,ier a slicrtago l" rcfor Spritîg ie- 'llite dcîniand cxtecds Ille '.îîply. We %% cre'l ,fntlunattein s4ui- Pin alni et! fer Lakc Couru s'. A ir(a'tiu!\- xs' h..e etrde-rs frein licai-iY 100 otf the good folks of -,W a ii k ea' t il (jmii. nrroundli g tWii13. Tt scems Utat ail over the couîntry tniolor car owncrs fullv rcali7e titat "E i"is the (113-li attery ha th lem real "'honet-,-(o* service -Sa theY are buYitig 1>111 by the thousands. W'e know the good folks of Lake County want -the hs-in order that you rnay flot be disappointed by flot bcing able to secure an "EX IDE" latcr -we wil reserve one for vou NOW. You'can take it when yoJ)-!re ready ta ftart the season. BUT DONTr DELAY. IF YÔU DO THERE, WILL lNOT BE ENOUGH 0F THOSE GOOD "EXIDES" TO GO AROUND. WKAUKEOAN 'EXIDE' BATTERY STATION Ho wARD Sui, Propnor 100Coumtty St. teoi.»..,2244-- - i. Thisa ýcoupon jaeood for $Lcoo in cash appiy- :nlo on the pu-uoroà uMW atteu'y dur, l'a tom. montu or Usuel. Pies..réserve Uatt.urf for mode, ....... . Ça r. la l undmise tft hlat cats..dlvr lign era *Read the çoupon OM, -ton MailI t in or, cali-us by,,toiephone NEiJEENC Of no..* CIIIO. MAN MAY BE FÀAM TO TENANT The elght rmontit aid son of M-. nid Min. Charles ,Debw of-22nd St. Narth Cicaga j,.4erloualy 111 Witl tinenCoia.wlîch was, cauaed byAtbe condition of the home., Dr. J. L. Miller, City pbyaicjan'! Nortit, Ciicaiga. together wlth miei - bers -.7 the CuX Council lnvestigatet cofldttond ait liv bce In- quest;an, on Tuesday sud dtscoviQred tite baic- ment flauIded wllh water. The ity ~ hieJtit pbyuîlan of.PNortht Cii' xg) Orderel the owreî*'Iýtheii bouse cent- ed by iisbw la ýemedy conditions tp Snd about lthe home ammendlately. rThe reno of ttpowner' of lthe p!a, e ivas flot di-uigc by tii City beali uhysitaan. 1 "It la a crime for an owner ai y, ioiu4 ta be so negligent *bout li comditton that thei home is tu mmd ur- em t'a owner -V' the b<Bee in quei- ton takes steps immedistsly ta rem- '41codiUo - viiià -i hi. fuil l ent Wathe kw," Dr. Mi- ler aaserted tluthe, Sun today. An enarmnous mz.e 19 attaite hy bone trees -or imy yewui. At Founr tan'a abbcy. Yorkshilre. the yew tree* -pre- Cid ltu 1iS. Cu'lfarnia ha@à ery anclent tree in 5fsripopn grave. inobab tre". of.Afrien have been coim- puted la b. ir.ore thon 5,000 years nid, en a decidmous cyprue t Cbnpuit. Rim, size 35 x 4, e. or Belvidere rJack Bairstow, 1 Waukegan, II. 1 and reiceive Smart Styles'M oderàtely Priced. At This Store WE GIVE xe, TRADING STAMPS Sete10 We givc .&* eete10 H. Trad i n gRgue 1 Stanips with clonr e t.n every lOc pur- Onsr fratd ,on chase. They Orfrt er secure y o u E Ut E 'UM U U .1 ' The oiiiy egr vaiciablfe prain-cesttUl o n e _ _ _ _ _ _ S o l d , o n a , Suits In the New Sp rîng style May- Be Rlad . [lere at ý$29.75 We are i a position to offer you nome of the season .s new suiua at the above price. The mnaterials are oi serge, and the styles are of latest moment, and while flot as elaborately %made and finiskiec as the highler priceci moclels, they are indeed excep- tional values at this price. See these tomnorrow at $2975. There is an air of amartpess that distinguishes every suit that we have selected for your approval thia season. Reliaijie tailorig, exceptional fabrics and hinest of fin-', ishing are to be seen at, once, in models of trlico- tine, Poriet twill v-erge1s tIc.; in a widc prîce 4 ,7 o $ 2 range from Charmi*ng Frocks Reasonably Priced Tomorrow sbould see some brisk buying- in the dress section due to these reaarkable values at this early in the season, and we are fortunate in being able to-, of fer them at such a ptice. M àteiao tiotines, serges, wool velour, and theIl there are dresses of taffeta and somne satins. Ail have been 5 grouped together for this special selhn>rv w1irch is without22.5 doubt very unusual as to value. 2 Stunning Millinery is an Exýclusive 'Feature Here With'uch a wide variation as- to trlmnmings for.-the hàtsthseaoe- ection is aided to-a gTeat extent as there Is an appropriate style for. every ope A peep at Our Millineéry sec tion reveals the clau'iet aasortment of hati. in thse city,. and following our usjal custom we havc a large selectiob at mkîdrate pricea and spe'cial attention in dircted- to two groupe >ried a- 7.50, and U0 i We-F Select We no in selecti use expert ceptional v becomirg e The N( Sedute e shapes for t and new ca] Sele g, - PRICE I ,~ El To The Motor Car Owners of Lake Co A Season of Skirts This is a season when particular at- tention mnugît be paid to the separate skirt. Especially prominent are tÉhe light wooletis in hàndsome plaids, checks and the beautif4, accordion pleated. Also plainer. models are included for those who want something conservative and pric- es range- upwards from .-... ......... .... .. Modish Short Coats The new Spring conta are sn-art, .youthful ands.wagger in materials of camels hair, polo clot}i, tweeds, etc' ; the styles are juet right without being overdone and show patch pockets, notched collara, raglan sleeves and belta. Three quaiter and inger tip length are both shown and .,îether is e qu al11y popular. Prices are $18.75 .o...... 6 .- 9 075-- -"lm t ým MEAT IBILLS BE STARTE Camp&ý-gn to Win- -from High-pricî Op-en sMarch ~E.At a! justice sdti ~riOo ecoumlaialon. Consumera vili b. it tram bigit-prbced cu'! and ianiut and fi-y il autiihus but muet I.'. $t te ex>ecled Othaï. du,-at the le" vcosly c-t lquamtiemto sOsitu' h Thesé 111at,' vli be pricea Uîid-r te f1e i-eutit iplics' î.olulîi-iiun andai ç. 'Unrl'!tesiunair'le qualil>' Rêtow as0% ta Sac< ~ li~~* çj' p ii'2i n quoleo the tdltaaing La--î loiddlo w es tern rîîtri- Biser short louas N ate-akaf...... fiep? tenderianeN ter lI . l- d ci l N o. Stunor rf, ' - INO 1 .... * MS 'OSTI.Y liEu steaks pot roanta, et Bi-tkel.s N . .

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