Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 18 Mar 1920, p. 12

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&LI4COUXTES DO MOT PAY ASlifIGI SALARiES AS LAKE à$ a Result The e l a Sersous Shortage.of School Teach.. -- -ers EleWhere. * POT FELT IN LAKE COUNTY Lake County, which,. oexLto Cook couaty, pays school lteacers more than any other county in Illinois, wil rend the following dispatch witAl mauchIt nterest. Washtington, March 2.-l'h. CQuIi- try is faced with a serion shortage 01 school teachers, -rhiefly through falture to provIde adequate salaries, accordtng te reportýý to the United States bureau of education. Comditions are becoming alightiy beter, however, the report statea. in - -* n., cv,înscompareu it wînutoW of hatt October. when te National Education association conducted an inQui0ý Inte the situation. A. 0. Ncai of the bureuus division of rut ai etiucation salit there ia an lnc reasing wthdrawal of 7sen teach- ers frein the. profe'sion, te percen- f, tagA of Ùiale tearhera In 1918 belng oniy 17 ltrr cent, or one in every six, f Baseed on returla frein state school f offfeiaIs, the reports show that on Feb 13 ladt there were 18,279 achooIs r Olsetibecas-6f lack of teacliers and 41,000 bc ig taught by teachers Charaticerized a -5'below âtaïidard-7ut taken on teîi1orarily In' the enter- Sen c>." lreatpr shortagea are ahown ta exist i southero stains. Taxpayers Favor Better Pay * fl tonîîîgto a questionnaire sent cul h)' the connîjaioner 0f educa- lion, a trvat nîajority.of testates in which 'eltools are cinusît report that chidren are being transferred to ôther distt jets, whlle te rentainder report Pupils losing their ,rade., To 5flotlîer question as to what extent taxpa' crs are Interesîlng themeelves ln paying btiter salaries for teachers, th.e resiontase amait unanimous Ifor nIncrease. Salaries pald teachers ln 1918, sta- liits show, were on an average of $6016 for elcîoientary teachera and $1.031 for those teaching ln high PFhools. From aaiary scbeduies rol- lécied frointvarious states. givlng salaries received b> Indivîdual ieach- ers in ibrec cunties in each state.lit la sholmn t bartwag. paid rural teach- ir IrlE-11 Car below the foregoing av- erage in0 tnany statos,rt'aày localities shuit-ini;salarres tiard a3 tow as $150 anit 32ji sa> ar. ÀLFORD i, DECKER lIAS MNISTED IN TUE U. S. CAVALRY TVis tcruire h bt -talotted althtes interst-ct on ûor1%W ssting1on antd * Gnesee ettee[s tean lis woî'k in earnes, yeleidlay. One rerrult, AI- tord G. Ilucker, as rmiîrecd for the cavairy and sontibark to his oli organization. q,,vo!'ai more applica- ion., havA e bu tî tde a-id more will probably ta -sot oui tt.ray. Enlilt- mrents aire for ot or r'urre years. Re- ernt.,. PS> lui oe thptv cholce of 5J.y camp, i TPe 1 iîied Statei. Foreign servilce- or. n ln Itarýi art Phtitppines, l'anana Alakila or China. Etiiist- mentis n te ariy prode attend- SOrt' St (eofCi Pe khaxýi unîversities. prj% it,îgtte saine ittr ouctlona one woiui reit o in a ri 'ilian co'lege aid atl vuptnses paid. Sè4 rgi A. C. Joslyri expects to re- min fisers ith te hut for tthe, bal- inte of the weei< and Oi gladly answt-i an>' queetionna Iertanlor te enlisîmentrr or arny life. as sdias aný% oih'-r inenbers or the p:jrty. WINTER SNOWS ARE IIELPFUL Wînter anas s and bard ftoezlng weFsthler, reported in tOSDy parts of the i'nilîed States 'is s inter, are the begt agencies for getting salis ita coun- dit -ion, according ta United States de-' p'ariaient of agriculture specaiists.1 Soit la nothlng more nor tess thaus finely dlvided rock with decayeti veg- etable mattr mixeit with Il. Every tirne the vater freezes ln the cr Vche of a rock it makes the openýý la g a littie wi(lor untî the rock las split tlet fragments; more vatai' gets i toothe' oproîngs inthese trag- ments agnd freezes, and ao Lite work ot teduction goea on ftttever. Every tlime liii' grouind freezes now soit1ila-foruned, but thts new toUits10i need of otanure or decaying veget- able malter betorti it sili hold vateir in ninute qoarîit tes and btaln condi- tion te produce crope;. Es:ery tinteItle solj In tlrrod n cul- tlvatiog the particles are ground te- gelber, and tAeY rub orbreak off stili bter paricles. If the soit la lOy vet when ILla i worltîd, te parlicles vl becotne cemented togüther and thera wilil ha dodu or lumrp> soit. Thse liîle hairlike 'roots of Mlants Sat urday Sa les ofRSter Appare Cldren's New Spr ing Coats. Are Ready et 5.989,7.50- $10 The 18111. tlts ame fot lorsetten hem 80 e vlanice eqetion ofan elaborat* displar of beaaitul and pracUical conte for 1IPrinh in serges, veel popItns. .11k moires. .81k popituan d faille Sflks la &Il saise. Women's 1.25 Silk Corset Covers 89c- A 8Pocial Pttrehffl-brngs tliae great bargains. Cerset cavera or fiegh Colored alkâ nicely trtnmed in &Il Bsucs. The New- Banded Sailors Very Special at j iniess mnwl c iat this apca elling of banded sallors n 5ev- eral ve rytnstyles ln black, brava and navyl ied and laquered chip straws. A Varied Display o1--- Milinery'Modes for Spring at 7.50 Ito $18 -reveala' a wealth ot charming bat styles fer sVTiOg vith the neveest shape becomlngly bedccked with gay flowers and ribbons. Many are hand- mae vîit beautiful raffle, vork and new sIPP@r straw as well as tb. favored Franck zallors with flowar trlmmtag. Our Entire Stock of Women's Misses, C hiidrens' Winter- Coats Has'Been Sensationally Reduced for An Immediate Disposa! Women's Coats 9.75, 14.75 19.75, 2-7.50 3 4.75, 49.50 Childreigs Coats -9,,75, 12.50 Northern Jlnois Great..t S tortlot Womon ai ChiJdton A Great Spèc lSole 0/ Women',sNj SILK -Corset Covers -chemise,_ -Bloomers $3698 neanty. iliken udegamnfr lte Spring wardrobe are hers avaliable at a d.cided saving, regular values range trem ".50 to 85.98. Values -to $Zfit MUSLIN -Gowns -Chemises -Petticoats 1069 Au lnteresting collection of pretty stYle, ta geos, chemise and petticoats aKm offèred for tomerrow aI lthe 1ev-.. price et 81.09. ,Women's 2.50 House Dress Aprons 1069 NICOaIY -Made bouse drassaproa-w 11 ih mediumt and dark coloringsln vant. New Beits And nov those nev- belts for genarai vear on coat. rock, sweater. etc.. t the. new narrov stylas ln a varlety of colona andi widtha. Springs' NewesttCrie- atdons are Seen in These Ultra Styrlish Coats 0f Wlàich--There- are Literally Hundreds Seiling at- 22,50,27.509 $35 42.509,49.50 A captivatlng Choiceofetswagger sportl modela ln coats in Lbe sett rich camr:' haîr velours, polo cloths, Scotch tweeds, wool Jersey@, etc.. in short and three- quarter lengths-belted or tome swing- lng-Introduclng novel arrangements la poekata. collars, sIcav., and cuffa. Women' sslik boot boa. In a va- rlety of colora and moRt ail sizes. 2.-50 SiIk Ilose 1.79 UWomnasallât hose of au excel-. lent Quallty tu a ltmited number of pairs, black only at 81.79. Hundreds of Women Will Attend'this Sale- 1,200 Dresses,' Jerseys, Silks, Tricolettes, Sergées Specially Priced at' $12.50 $19.75 $24.75 $29.50 $35.00. If varlety alone vas an indication or com« moadatft>n o! desirahleness and superlorlty -; tIc;.. Qui' asortmenta vould stand unap- -rmehable n this communily. Youli lad dresses vlth flgured georgette blouses and ac- cordian *pieated .skirts. itoiero andi aton jacket - effects lu satins, taffetas and trIcotîne. and handiome newr- styles la ricolettes, accerding te price. Corsets Up to $2, nt- A collection of good stylas la diacontîqpd numbers but la mont d9i'aise. vin b. fomn tluhlits lot. Corsesto $5 Speewiat Igèe are both front and back lace modela n lte nev »ring style. saiMa rtht. vbile savlng. Other Corsets $54 and 7.50 Frent ad back lIsee styles for tté oasaus Who vanta a realy fine corset are bée. la plan or brocad- ad materitis la. vhitt and flash ln p.rtect-ittingeoem. fort-giviag models. 1.98 K!lit Petti-1 Stylish News $8- Skirts Specially Priced $598 Mhrts oftlner wool Serges and wooi Panamas ln pretty styles andmIaont 91l Wool Plaid Skirts For Spring to $12.50 AndtIs price in for those strikIng Other Skirts Il4C. $1 -8 C#- 12 2! At these prîces you viii finI a bewll- dering array of cbarmilng iskinos fmtI Scotch woolenm in new plide, amali checks and plain colora ln bah or se. cl>rdion pleted« affects. In the Children's. Shop * hildren'as tîgham DRESSES Up to$P.-50Qat at $9 t ont et these protty dresses are foer te..of 2 te 4 but there are nems nus&- bers for' <iris up te 11, 3.50 D.reses $2.48 ' Pretty corred glngitamis la plain or - plaid and chockedafet ea Usaiguin op te and încludiag 14. S5.98-Serge DrIpses 3.9 An Inviting Event Es Ti Waists Up to 2.50 -at 10-98, flore la hn. large table et protty stylos l asts cf Jai silks. Froncht Voiles and organdies ta in a Ies at Values to S8.50 -at 4,.89 Avery fortunate purchase la respon- Bible for tise. unusual values lnail1k georgette crepe valuts.-witAt thair pret- ty ombroidery and vide variety of ho- Comlng style.. Walsts to 12.50 AnOpportunlty for tItrftwomen and mnisses te indulge their proponaity for ecenemy whille satlatying titeir desre for the ultra atyilih ln *prlng blouses la bere presented. Blouses of Tricolettes 1 Satin lRajohs, EtAc. e 12.50, $15, 18.50, $25 s.rhsgaloveillat Creatlons M'akre op this unucual and temptbg mortfliOft vbtch inelude. vas-omanutrilhng slolifflU la vah oaderfiir. gorgeoiefabilsm gata rjaâ, ticéettes andtei e ot Of Seorgettes as vel-as te nev 1g15dW Silk Gloves, 1.39 L LA FRED KIRSCHI LOSES IN Pl~ IN CUBA TO Surprising Result5 'Nhen Former C ~Loses' iut-iy-2 Fr.- Kr- to * itt of ltle IlUjtett i>-r- of i f11.t at 1 l,. ,Ittîs t i îii S à. t itr"d a ,y a it n y 2 *3 % 1i lad r ae-ni cd theiti ti u l F. 8.-iad.- dvii 1'. tromnnifor clt-rk b; antd thus will clontInut E. W. Riley Sa- u at3.-,Ltfor. Wmi. liobe-in iiaed 1out.ahway 3ionday lMr. lCirschne lion anti will go tntu the independent candidlate. lie dîi Ont Wotk ILuthe, S;,i. a. tnd hiî., t r.-ttd. i flot get lits tiiia fLîat t(iliil'a COiLfl outi fur yearà, antI hi- abt,-x t Ar u i.,. -M. Li îti u't ir j i., ii itri.. 1 , 1'. îîm ..iiuc on , t aui '.L, lal il. l e. it lonr,i ,:o la u i1a.i i i.oý 61, , l iii , ri i Iiri .kt ** t. - tIna t, l its iIlgr n oo - Il, 'i+' % W-l Aliii ON ..,.. r.ABO va il., E S tif N 'i L . ir l'! t-. .,*, M iOuIv! ir.- ',ft ofir i *. *,11 -tt,r-'la itte il t tîtîmt-flis STti, tiit-. 1n IVir-i ptrsontt dîtîrit cd thti lighs they w. -ek li' otf the' city ln * itei-ille -plaîîîly. Strff tir, krweré cý *thoitU -U.. .who watche tlrevotik.-.froin the- 8 and bilrring tops, Cfirla * ru' . t' i,,grauit ianîd %%j îrrttl,1 ith liithe- r.t-ttr soint-tti,,- asr ar-rtr t ho, %vh '*lie-i. w.i-t r fltrr. n1e\,-IraIt--r offices si lad wires iu(IdElnIY andr b.- tal irplren wer (if t. rir-rotiand the re-.-.1ils ser allen the rlr-play faded fron tire ,..Ivice-restored t, Ai tht- Western Un w a.,-aid, lte effects firt vas fit about nOr LIIcE FLOWVER 1! the- northi la sshtappeat-ed 10 bE seafilrC . wlth roug t-vert pe-talsrrrdiating f and Irbo..oning fortir forni. * Gir.-'-iiizii yelIov. ligiti the tiortîcrn sky. Abt ed -pti-tsof-pale reti 1 tad- ntl and ln a fe appear te-t far diatat they were seen tiret. And tiiet there s-e ers a-ross the north t stretch friont the not to he zetîlit. lîke was bandr of lîsht f rom lights.

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