Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Mar 1920, p. 10

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__ eo__ a ___#__________ .W ÀT'STu ,A l3 *--* tà" UIU(IILI bWlt mot P4i, a .hi.-e-Ftoelove and Alib rtl3.oîoe. ol sno <IRLS? ÀFRID TO .fne coistol etchiltren are betnt QIITTfi Po.040 tri tli uelnîîor r Curcli- advocated ln 1Frau.oas a remeiiy toti ucsa r i1,ppllll.i ie nîetliod sug-___________ "'POP QUJESTION?"")" e puat2i on - RAYSLAKI3, APR. 15 W.,I 1Into Acdreqa "Iinîbo r iiy crd , <j -ue I u a :U rb a n a W a têr LC o ng res .s . aiiniotlîr,-nariýd ;r 1. W y.Allen, presidçnt of the North ]Records at Office of County \ho iiake2 a relc<îu LO-vloue. Finds it Interferes With HIS Shore Santtary Uiitrltt former eng- j 1;iielia cdrdenIndicatacs --aI Il L.egal Business and Remun- In"eer and bacterlosla1t tth* WauIc- Leap Year a Fizzle. wIf k, iiiedh:,l tter)pOîî auiJ Lcxcit-j eation's too SmaiI. ad teodelver «fiaddre'e betdre té care. T'lte r.lild 1,ltu LeCeil lui-LOFIllinois braneb, at Urbant% hext Yrl- MAY(. OFFER AN INbUCEM'T by h.ttli ltW HIS" RESIGNATION- IS .FILED. day. - Mr. Allen'& subjeot wtai b. ýWiter i E WCUT CT ILR W. Churcirell, attorn,* anidoet- and sewage purificationl.,, The wt Evidrintly boi. jîdgîng hy the c - I.vIY SI1IL IN ' atratGaaae ts ett teo osconference la te e h.od 1rd ld the' office (f the i. arrhiigelici postof f te department big resgnation Thuran d ltd*y. iWho --tsons. once ok ai ak gn,. fer a glarIce NEilI? a skthat bo t. relevd Arilwiàthol .d ettb.e nglefflling hall shows that 11wenum ber tof!1 letlce.îAi4I AV 6, It was learned, today. atmi-lreots unIv.rt6 W est ti. at-. ta.ed dur 1 9 Lb. fi-att wo mutti idir.,Churcbtllssalai-y as poait-egO tOdlgtswlb eaa tbis year ;s not up to the record of or er I. sstd ho b about $1,600 per IRotel Beardsley. ther yea ro. Durlng January of tutuq Newport Town Caucus w&@-held at annum and ho ta allowed about $600 wliusevc .7ear a total of 1l-,Ucieuses were tE- WelchalHall, Roaccrans, Saturday, fer lerk hire. Rowei.r, lt tleimas- Two Pastoral w leeSevc vuet- In Feburary tIlt total 'cas Lut March 20. Floyd Luc,. of Wesworlb sbi. to get a coti for that amouint 121. wasSnomnatedl loi.,town lerk; Roy and the addltional cornes frm the This would Indirattat flute worn- AlcOck of Vi#d$Worth for "asesr, potmaterse salai-y. - Inadttton t0 en of Waukcganï and Lake cotifty anÂd Emtntt Uastlngs for HIghway that h. le requlr.d to pay ront and EL LD Y D are iut avaling tiemaclv«et f 10 the sonv .sr.Alcoc and furatah light and heat. ti-t opportunity in four Yeat-s tu Lues. were nominated witbout oppe- T. pontm*etuhlp tolies ou mueh W0p ite 4quwôfEi - -t ---sillow. y iiWtsOOS W -of.- ueLiI tttonmefrngj- lInquiry aIthofIefte uil Ferry of MIon (ity, and Mr. Lux of tlb. aliry ho re<tvei, and ho be- lerk shows Ihat iso far RMaflBuwn Wadsworlb. Hart luge]ilves ln tb. 111 . Omiset st. Wukgen Year marrilge. Rosecrans and Wafr8worti aud badl 'Of course IL la pretty liard te tel the advanlage or.fhuvlng msuiy years' thetr iemno wna opdepertence as a ro,d worker, having B eçtie kiUi'ti3and "I rant cone worked trader ,sctuE--bfthue best road out and ask lthe, .-one of the inar ro-irrtors u lit uSale 1le bs aIe riage leenëe cieriti eaid.- but Juag contracted for andi rluroved many lng by appetirflnCiis 1 would SIIy t1lat M the womnen have flot a'îaled tthri,'rtles offroad In lits ciwn tow.nship. na couîty lrk Le m llidee , ýcon- itedlig il i'titiM t Roperans turnedid i a te iii teadvi-iabi litYo l>lly f i o u OU t. e-îits of irpt ballot showedt free ii ccU I(up lrar ci upio tllaTtT i TlIo. dLux lbeui aan - éien.l;itii m ifa l' tr yinHast-. Ice- C rea.ii Cone. lotiand iwla no r Fcni ant- WE'LL SAY lHE CAN ?ir;otcliçgad o 1 ae fP rs BOWLofITII 'theALL y Sweetan eiou lou i I b l ii i argii of ibis work Ior Tii"B tli~Ttc itIt . anc ilp O.i .'. i> îît lî.îî;ucOrder Now, Prompt Deivery on (l;l00) lOti lizlls lbî, tconptician ta Judg 0 r' Fît' uI« r 'ofthe oniti i m i:àibe tady»o i oit 1Ail Orders Wholesale and Retail wod thi i is tiei-îîi- gllileît aiii obolnlnFoolt cii th -.(r 1nsî c dalSctnnig ie W u e a l eC e m C n o with 224 . a d î'a Wrd. c Iii' 1<0 « No Writteru Muîiç in Siam.W u eg"\ce r a C n ttri ti, ( 1 a .'itiii c. \ýIl the, ic n Siiili III&.l I. lievr wriicn, ml Waokùgiî. 'nue ut i"O l,,. boi le;ilisltîînîîcd îîy cir "l auîîl iîîl down hfruaa iPhone 994 109 MaIson Street --In LakRe te .îny. geuîcîîil tic 0gelîcratîon. Hart,. Schaffner & Marx - Glothes for Easteî MJ/ OST men want new Cothes for Easter but th#y have Ma hard time deciding just what ta get-and for that very reson rnany men bave corne to depend upon this Store to make their cho;ce for thea. if you have nevcr enjoyed that sertice, corne he-re now and find out for yourself houw convenient it s. 0f course we do not tell themn what ta buy, but we bave seIct "e from the country's foremost lunes the beat Suits, Hais atZ Furnishings offered and then we arranged them here for quick-a nd convenient selectien. We would like ta show you the new Toge today. Wilyou spare a short tirne ta see them? There wil be ninsister- h, yçu buy ju':s becýxse voa carne talok. SIJITS. -to $85 Hats Shirts 'lies Und erwear -- $3 to$10 - - $2 to$15 - - $5.00 WE GIVE 4W TRADING STAMPS Se. the HOOVÉR budilon Swooper dbmostrat.d en Or tirst f<r.- Soid on easy pay- monte. Let lm bemofi. strate the HOOV- ER , uction swesçuo ln yoilr ogvn home. Nio oh- ?7zem Bee t&ore - On Mhe fforth Shore Select Easter Ap-parel Now *And Gain -Much'In Way,0f Choice The New Dresse@ are se supeeb in their loveiness that it je fot an easy matterte decide whlch e is e prettieut axnong the Satine, Taffetas, Georgettes and lustroui' Tricolettes. -e Whic h eveo in cho.en in sure te be a creation of boauty ani- ini latent vogue for ganter and aUl suner wear. Even at Ibis fmoderate price one may select dresses of bewitcht- Ing beatîty ini Taffetas, Satins arnd Georgette. Direct frovm the centera of fasiuin every one shows the lalest style'touch and i 'lii bce chosen by many wluo appreriale tthe nrw at a conser%ý,ativc prîce. -at $49.75 D)resses ini t tis gcotip sta îid ,nrtreh apaut fi*rn ithe ocuiiarl'. and eseceîtliy froi n ny ,ýsiîtn eijcw 1ere tut iniecheoite mion ex. A dmt uahly f luntid< rici Sa T ii, ffe t a, a"i ,CeciCrgettie otit eiiauudd -alsfnr Irit,-S'pîîîg and Surit ne. ' 1.g7 M -at $49.7 Amricnig ail irite harc de'r îicsnonc ex.t!att'1 ar' ly vrit:. tlin-e of fiiîe't -1, Iricolte, and lthe sîvt--iii.i ic lny mrýit'. h nigfi aire 1positit ciy Ieautifiul. I ir ii- %ion's 'p iî.lomJntineii~st.' arc incuteui xi iiiNai s- Plut tà.a fsc, 'di:, ,.-mu $49.-75. Suits are as -lovely as -the Springtime Season i Many of these Suits are made for youthf dl figures which desci-ve teo bc sxnaitly attired. TIhece are liztie suits ,that flaunt safky coats, with theii- stri0~t lnt skirts often accordior pleated. A gay bit of silk or braid may be e-,veal- ' ced on the waist or pt the belt. F(li ièr -eîlîuug vctirec eaîiv i. tht a girt.,il- p ii -. - ns ,;,, tî <vt, ir. al.ihilte f.thti. ti i al l , à.r.iî o i !d'I Wtergc-,ii'tirn ',iircîvtl-.'clotrh cc-. ;i. t 29.75 $35 49.4t'w$1È5 I il i ll-ç '-a-1ie' tht, ~ ~ Il aixiAi : Iiir., c..: tihFe, lia.rit:u. i T' ico( i.)v -, - frq Ea$ter iosiery Sale ici-y is a necessity, and you will find the bést assortment as usual here. i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Mc ni ,îji,îuislKh, r ' Pi ril d t pair <, andi iti "lite Faînîîi, 1,1(li îx Silk 1 I-c iii bla ck- aniAii I îll u b Pricel at pair, fruni i o ........... Blouse Sale mien' liii, -', r ( tc hI1 fît(ti l e t,.t li .e iail, tnitti- tti< ii tt ind maiitde\î. \\ît ,itdI as higlu as SucÇ, blut i 'i 1in aî cayiiiai l (Second Ploct) Easter Hats are Ready Ilats of racc bcauty andî chacun greet von' ri n every 51h,' iri tlins eciai haster showiig. Si Siliali i itui tii su laplis, fiîtiitg ttil)în. lînristiiiii il up at fuiny angles, lte ti sport sh aîîes andi îi î elit triiîsp.îcieitsit hahîrs thiat ti eîjii tilx iititir. - %Wr have acratuged anme very uîruîîsuai %-luies which aiiow for w ie sehclion aIt these prices. $5, 7.50. and $10, (Second FI, - - IL/ Open Eveénings from Now 'Tii Easterj MEN Inthie new The pailerna riFed and wJL ru ta. ýTb tý Niaiked Rt Fo '. MENS5 S' NEW SH in11 Mallog; calE. IThey wili guse t aiud are in prices Li, 'là

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