- TAX!AS TWO CITIES PLAN filiT un te POreet anl Hlgirland Parx gayera are IIrep gtu> gle ,Aie «. eâMOfloth, ~ Othe. covia asitla bitted, slehIiely ta rejult hi a lau aif botiK.oe $150,000 an.d ZUUUU "vtenue Co the.county. Thet Sun la lnformed the taxpayers tu tLcîe conamnunît'- ai e vreiîal tg pret t ors to enjoin courîty tr<,asLr- Iiiv W. Bracher fro',,c i1frtlii Pei* leged excosa taxee. the ninveni-tit btin.-the iBmp aM that ftrtpd 'il, Wvtke'gan by W.ii arai Wrighi, i1) FOR tweznty years Buick en iir Fdesigmers have been 'movine building a Buick prestige in n design and construction that- has the world's châllenge, It h»a been an achievement worth the. estabaho.d a -Buick reputation off hil and valu.. The. publie h. learn.d t. d.p.nd upozi Valv4n-1a.d Motor Car, and the. gre upon Buick deafor Buick modela ls compliment that can b. pald to Buick ai at DTTEI AUTOMOBILES ARE DUILT Duici i Di. atrlb utori forL a ke C.G. WENBAN &-SON ShW*Romtin lAS W.4ngWwS7t. -- Woukegçin Lake Forot Phone2 wfl99n the battery equipmcntou 85eoff ~;WULflflUCARS >(ANUPACTURED.-ý Muet bé RIGHT, else they wouldn't use ,thern. --uTIe Tread Rubber Wilard is Stili Better." f COLWELL STORAGE BATtERY CO. r16 Madison St. 114 Exchange Waukean..IIIKenosha, XVi#. 1- L I. J ivwlre k ch obýo va tubr 'J-iu e L jý U t tor *eUMo t-> I&. . *W tM ~~'rurt~PL - Iog oexact tlpam't are avsY (M w ii. u t au 'iI1e proposéd lni.lnctlinia rQ t a be the. &Mount <of the allei ex-~Ii toeb nti.ssi ppi ont thes treastirex fratu c!lI*9t- esse taxes 111 rach aDpoxlinm1ir ________________ !n - îLe 30 pDer cent flat iase' ih'Ie $150,000 ta $200,000. t11t toard of review added Bf '14 la1t Bo far in other Wauleegan tqxpay- i «<,on. and whloh Jud.i )WcItiiiliii- osbv le eiin uh1,wt ee , - % illegal ln thý case Of NVAUX- onM rs hve t etiilsuIr e thoz egan eind wntehh ttce.v wil', stand * ancM.Wtgtfld I ay thweo Ae06au the taxpayers file.,Jt la declard the. treasurer will ask a court order ta ________________________ refuhd oxcesa taxes alroady coUected and for permission to r*Yla the tax Oi baoks accoraingly ta evire the. ex mo peemof -lawsbulte. If t4hi la amie It viii take severai l motha ag ÔTver the. four books wlteih itt WauX,-5 egai Na. 1[and No.a. 2,anid HltaU Pa& sud Lake Forest. An iEvent of7urpasmingI Great EatrSe bru- AdvantageousleQuoted 0* set- uclet Watches. 7-- ynl ueranteed. gold-ffll- C t t et. A mnt depend- e es. and many-beau. nt frt, at 118.00.jnfvda ffeekIy CutO of tlaousands of orluge.- tri Our v lu.. end &er off the: 7And Now Corne the N Of the C*Ptivating Modes In ne@rs aW meds.Sul g forward, om ns rnotor C." answered al effort and [gh standaod th. Bulck the. h1gh.. Rchievement. ta7 r' , Fewer, More Interestin g1 Hundredsat oVariaion. i- (s For Easter yPriced Saturday, at- r n amotier mted encialiY by lte doxiing of nov e.ppmkar I-o tonorre'w. amareSit, of every, deacrlptiao4for es'erf tame iuho sud Suu$ of plainr tatlard -linos andt ubsu$he rlm ta t' >pu FO-r Women ÀndChildren r nportance-Timey: Saving:- mm«ed-2,OO Dresses.' tthe. Followlng Speciai Prices ...... ...... VOLUME XX\ II - MILJ( WAR TWEEN NES AND FARM secy. KeeOf M i Declares Farmer Fight of Thei PRICE 0F MILK DRC NOT FOPI Tt . niorning., (Tit Trib necltains the f( Th-whoilsaie Irice -15 cents a hundreti yes arbountb te only one-fil du-r r," on a quart bol siu uIe(-'wlit nflt Ibe bons. i..reduction waseai gin by Chartes H.'Poti thé Co-operutlve Marki A compromise price 0f vas r tid fer e1 pany, wbilch handlesrI produters of northern diana and 9buth..rn asireî $2.90, and tltë c eaniem bad offp.r..d $2.4 dîtter. ' e 0 h.tuli said W f. Wanzer ifn & Son:..Chicago dealer about a fifth of a cet quart bot de, and il wot î#bl.teithandie,' -The- rilk pmoduc'-r. i 1' 'r- t.t, rrluctittn,; Mlari.ýl when ?ih. piCr. zi.l irn-ired 1tounds Mi:k p-dtIri r-ut)i tlr fa_. i t t! 1h'- mo- atil- ltr i t' .ý lit.' ut djuel; Y,-aid W. J. Kiti ilh- 51.11<'larkettit .ddr'- t da large h-r druie' ,sin Harvard. We. are ctinfront-ýd ,d'fi. uit probleuî-'.e U.4. Il il, th e question lir tUr great organlits tire attiiudi! aa.ouIii0-d Foodi Co.. whiîch ha, i dlie uiik produetIlb th, N.Milk àMarketing Iruanîr' in Pi'rantonie N%,- f>I)l allan, WI-. a . ailt r- l the. lrg t ha h- ' -tri letir- f t I i , z i t Il < 1' r ti Er l' - i> 'r - 'a - a i ht il' r;rI-CI ri k. l ' Iv. - hh ti-iliait War h ' h.-- ai ' I, : - - I ',n t!-- foli- !11"a ti-a r. tu-r- - -r tir. t..rirre tir- r. rr rr i litL'rit- laL ar-,i -a ian Žtr- dur' r a' F qiuik" 1 CI ' Ilifr t are rf , -- tilik P liandligt1wi-; rrr %vantaS r iriidia . viiti. r-rday'-e ( --I 1 :l intr tilt piy front irIdO tirJ., lii hr 1utati.rtî- ai ai" ahjmgl' Varyar,'1tr htI tsed-rlont n Vnr-r-'the Nestîr cept lb.' îilk oft h. long'rr t t rthe mari. tire abtti tion of lti eý-abliî îîîik handl In tii.. rlisiict and g( ilng business In comPr big Conipani,,.gwhic] tri lia -iý Pl - fi'-trodut s-"rted 'It niay ie t tiig-l, ns tirthre fil 9ing r.t iti il ; -Ir 'r rnder tirat h rr- : .pr-iirdd ti rie --ti' h -tir. Euht LEfi !S BR( MAN TIROMW 1-«tVo gliu am iontCl -tl, rani-i roir hor t, St 'f r- ito atI i ,n rrtr i rt t - hiaan hort,r lewIl scarel an riO ari%aY te cap -Ii-Tna. Vo~ * off' i. r-r'"it rein!' Ie litalti Il rild ion wlth hlm via Wu"ry. The. voundeÈ 29.- $35