Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Mar 1920, p. 2

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'PG"W" TRASFER IJEAD' QUARTERS 0F SA BD. TO LAKE.FOREST lt IF nert Me bandy place for the members ta meet ta confer with en "eaers and alliers who migt have accaession ta came here ta consUlt witb tbem. George Anderson, wbaD rented Mile new office ta the board lie a brother of James Anuderson,. Use trtitare of lte district. The build- ing ini whieh the office wlll be la. t - c~~~~~~~~atea auuuU iWaliwi . D)eUdie Fact That Four 0f Six t e Members Live 'ee N ADDT Change IMade. ONC M E RENT'CHEAPER, INCONVEN- FOR PRESIDENT IS IENCE TO MEMBIERS LAEONTMN MUCH GREATER. ÀEC NYMA At a meeing of the Nortii Shore 8anitary Disrict held Tueeday aller- While flot Known Generally monu te board a oued Ia mare titeir Gen. Wood eid Family live hmadquartep' £ram iWaukegan ta Lake Forest and aulborized tie «in at Fort Sheridan. sumatian 0f a lea>'e Wit George Ontehg moae vroin Andersor. for raouts n ite Ander- On1wbg moaeueruin son block for liree yuars ai$2 a Liake Mlichigan lesa solidîy-buit brickc * - innîli.honte, one uofnany sîrnîllar pries ai iloThe . lal daetai dy Fort Sheridan housing ufficers ai hor ite in 'atketan and utone Ittiarters of te senior miajor gerierai Northt Chicago snd Ce tterk Of ut itfthe Atierican Aarniy. andcrni- board ;;lsiiies tu \N'Itl'ili;, î., Maes ntder ut ,1adisthe Central Ijepartnteat- i l ather ,:uritrisinlg itou the irasrteeS lt, îiat îeoitard Wood. would relnuse lite iieadquarters ftrint ek-o thlWodisote l h e (mlity e tot. tu 1 ' ke For e naltI uuiltsu h s es, anIlteyitt,-.i't la it paît; one of, bis prînciplea la îîut îers qîtîte o im-t't 't uand A reg t'ftatnsthernlud gne', joriîy of the board. aiîtospitals. tîctîlithe jurisdîction ut The Waukegaa iiî,.ihu<ts o<ilhe i a department commrander. flence ne hoard are. W1ý. J. Allen. ,res ident. ' nîy visita the isarda occasîanaiiY, Humer (c(tuieJantes il.i-fa3 e lathe 0as lie diddoat (ristnias day atud sev- Natt .thicaîgo fnientici Witsntv ivl aIliimes hefore att since. ta chat ltaitowettIi of ttik s k ite lerk a ilt th if tlt 9hdivisio The titer vuteittibe1 t, i' Jaiiîei- An- ,whi-i. h e nmade, tront a cruîtd ut rais deis--on tif 1ake Ioreet aud Johnt Ohi t rlto t a splendid tightiiîg or- ver ot ig thland Paý'k. ritlllztLtioi. Il t' salîJt1h, reinîuîalirnit Watt Oitwiiî,ti.a,-n't thle plear-ure o! * ,keglin - t l ý.t ores'! mti a,ii 5Ikiiouw-iitglte cumltîaitdtng genel'ai a recoîIlt ut a $ Io a nivntlit tcrease cngel a faliitid of 3arns about asked for' ie roulas tule distiîct bas hin i he happilis ta pay a cati an Occuî'îed coii Nadisun Street. HO' any of te nId-tintera Cil thle e'ral ever. the cana enience ot hce ng lu0rfePartinîeît w ho have beeti w th th1e caiteit tilt' ,ýcotînl1:t 8-tt itrIl, gttt C Iîe'tt itacticatit ail tme tinte slflte i it,s etonsidei ei in decîding ta oodtne îu iedlîîî niove tbe ollite i Lake Foite4, u1* k uof pacttylig. Arertraitizing and * whit'.i'. Iilii ti.îu--ilttcai i thie ediiî'attig tit' pîtate" uorSMindantao eenter uf ihe district, geogrý,itttîuiilt . and Siuu. B-U Y A HOME While the Buying Is Not Necess4rily' Good, but Possible The home situation, so fat as "pini li 3 ec;bhnefu houses are concerned. is serlous, 1 AN 8 ROOM HO USE AND BARN and is beoming mare so each day. î r octd oer xei heat; Our population is increastng at i loI; cash l; balance $35 per a rate that exceeds 2 per cent per tuonth.RON OUEA BR annum. We have had no) cpidem- f1EN lat cen raISEoANeDBANcu ics to lessen our numbers. The loss ner; laces sautli anti east steets; of American citizens n the great ,huuse dld but un gooti condition; thor- war was lesa than one-fif th of one ugly modern; $4200; cash Sua5o; bai' per cent of our population. AN APARTMENT BUILDING Thetc bas been buNt Catuprisung une store; one 6 roam compara- atiartinent snd one 4 cooam ,atment; tively littie construction of any fine location; tva bocks tram electrie cbaracter &uri* the past three station; building alimait 0ev; viii ret rmg for $45 per month; $5500; cash $50Ô; ycars, and mnore particularly i thus balance $40 per mnontb, The incamoe the case ithc matter of hoMe~s. iii PUY out on tItis building if prop- The cost of atderia and labor ha eriy handled. Caused thme cost of contruction to 1 can stii offer a few good Lake Wnie fully 100 per cent over Cowty faims with possesion in pre-wertuncs. The lois caused tune for this ycar's crope. by "tres, iaves4IatimOO ad other . Au goACRE FAIM Cbstnactmaas h rewaded Dot 01111Y Two milefrtr Grayalake; 80 roda CoigbCtioo. but production of eV- off cemeast road; bouat of black soit; ery k"good and complote a diarybildfing;n «7 lad. fine condition; $225 par acre; stou A uiuotadgof thc rdla- teedad implemeplts eM reusonble Ibm E camt 10iii~ I CaSOd A 120 ACRE FARIM ciai te 1.horma coasevaive and 1nve miles trom towx; cgond ud, ààe.a uhaz j" is U0y tilel ad coltvat.d; complet@ dair>' 1bildings la good condition; 816 per 10OUk "eas îi Cuagilêe COu.h- acre; stock Joad and Implemeats if d0S iii f* ~reStor& fl In..désired. lauave sali ecutive de -iets A M 0ACRE FARPM - Tvo miles tromtn vs; good black of ow Fedoeal Goveàmuicas arc at lervel land; some tiling needed; ser- Ioggaiead. The j, f io Ycebe building; $130 per cie.. One a preuictWa campaign wluch msu- A 10 ACRE FARPlI &#ly interferes With ailaUtries. Jolnlng the corporate imite of aj .good town; ver>' best of black soit; TheseCO tim m ' ad ll5fl otiilIlUledad cultivaad, $26000 Worthi of of nmr or leos imprtance tenders nev-bulldings; 1225 per acre. This la unpo one of the moet attractive farmse ln the ou"oo for home construction Lakte cont>' and vîll refit for $15 per anyting but gratifying. acre or better than 6 iper cent on the investment, This la one of those Tbcse statanents are truce as fari that viii iran set tfoc twice .moeît people know, and being truc, wvIt a aaked tr it nov. there lis no proceas of reasnlng to One mile tromaingad to; ver>' show that bouses 'ill be cËeaper baquaiity black el land; ail thar- for several years to corne. There campietermoderni buildings; beautiful aire many reasons for believin lavo; young thritty orccard an rock d;$300 suier acre; liait cash; bal- tha thy wll ostmoe i th ner an)ce ta suit the purchaser at 6 per future.' cent; fine line of s-tck feed sud in- Folloing re metiond, b ief ements If desireti. This tarin vil Folloing re mntioed, ren,t for $20 per acre or btter titan 6 ly, a few homses for sale, at real per cent on (ho lnveitment. A 4 ACRE FARM bau'gains, considering ail condi- Tva miles tram ans tovo and 2Y4a lions. 1 can offer for sale a few miles train anather tawn; uns mile homses that wvill be buîlt ta suit the tram one of the greatest sommer re- sarIs In uarth east Illinois; on'gravel purchasel' and sold on monthly. cosd; a nearl>' uev 6 roorn bunigalow- harti a'od fluors; electric llghts; ce- paylflcits.nient vaîks; tine lawn; beautiful A SIX ROOM HOUSE AND BARN stade; large combination barn sud Pull lot; wel ocaled; one block garage; $3500; cash $2600; balance ta tromn elecetric car line; cly water; sait the purchaser. 'Eever; gusa; eleclricity; sidea'alks; ait A 10 ACRE FARM lmîruierents pai tor; $2600; cashi One mile tronu luan; an cernent $400); balance $25 pier inonth. road; 6 ruin. thorougbîr modern bun- - A SEVEN ROOM HOUSE galoaw; lew con bination bat'u'and gar- Good location; otne btîutk fraun eter ate; 4 acces beautital tîtuber; ane of lnlc station; fuît tt; lbîtrsuglutI mil the ntîlî attcactive tlaces lu Lake eru -xext liea,; allm epo%-iints oup $5 - o; ernu.Iosuit lurchaser. F. M. HARDING UBERTYILL INEPEDÇNI. TMMRSAY, MARCH 25, 1920. i2ULtNi' ON LUXURY TAN. o0oo00oo0o00o000000000 O A slateuient h as beeîî sent out to SAETRPFR Waukegatn ut thc ruliiig of the de- oR EA AET M E partlttelt ont luxury taxer-. This tî- 1O0000000t,00000000 (t ude> t h e a itax uot ice c reatît anti, oihsei so-caild luxurlei of lte cat March 13, 1920. aîîd drink line w hîch is ot partieular'r F If.Kueblier and if itte1Cai imtportance in view' ut the rapldly ap- .\teier, vet 160fetr, lot 2v,. caîîtv proactîng seasan for soft drinka anti cleriC s sUUivision, Libertt ille. tcee creani, The ruiing says: 'Ail, MJarr-anty deed, $10. .sales ut sott drinks, tee creani sodas.j Nannie a. Buckley and lttîsband ta sundaes. or ather siniliar articlesl Walter c;radle. tut H. Date & Fis1-cî' ut food or drink fronti a soda tduntaun eubdi% istun, ulightatt Park. Wt for can.uisnptualu In ut In Proxiit! ranty de,$10. lu lte placgont te business aiiere; 1.A. VI'h-hitand wsf- e tIl. A. Es' suid, are subject ta tax. This s true1 gers, nurtîtaiest 40 acires, secton3i whetber or nat suîh place o ust a- [F're;îuunt township. Warraniy ulesti, ne:s. hotel, restautrant,. afeteria.iun- $m eh ruant. or club bouse. and whether Caterine fi. Dietnieyer ta J. .. or net. sucb sales are made 8sd2,Past wltb the sale of a subtantiai article Liltieye& Sots2gan d 29, Pein. auon of faod as a part of a meal. anîd wbe- Lie an Wrrganty sudiision8, 00. ther or net service- frein thse- soda konsiWrn Codeed1,80k0C. l la made by way of thse kitchen. duch WsosnCnesd ikC.t sales at a batel restaurant, cafeteria, Nesle'a Food Co., three tracts of lunch recru or club bouse.,imade train fand ai Grayslake; a tut in Veo, and thse kitchen as part ut a meal, ana ll'/ acres un section 16 Vemno: net servedl froîqi the soda tountli, township. Warrant>' deed. $500, are nlot taxable. Estais of John Rtobertsonu. de- "'Sucb sales at a botel, restaurant. ceased, ta A. J, Leonard snd vite. catfeteria, lunch routa, or club bouse, tract of ]and at Lakte Zurich, War- separate and &parit ram the sale or l'Sfty deed. $3,506.26. a substantial article of food as part Elizabeth Gratis te R. E. Bietlsm ot a meal, are subleet ta tai. and vite, lot on veet aide Sheridanî road. north and adjacent lot i, tocbs 1, Rogers addition, WaUkeaa. War- IN~'rant>' deed, $10., ILLIN IS i A Otto Bares"aendU ile te Pe"e pART N.DE EL» Kipgma and vite, lot 5 and nortb w" varoneihalf of lot 6. Wbinwrigbts Wain- lhiiPARTii~ EVEL lOw avenue subdivision. Waukeffn. OPMTNTS IN "WESTJ.C. ed $10oV J Wos n vile, lot- 1. andnortis oss-thlrd lut 1%le requcat tbat Illinoîsales write 2, L. 0. Wainwright'a Walolow ave- ta their friends in South Dakota, urg- nue subdivision., Wankea. War- Ing tbem ta vote for the endorsement ralsty deed. $IfO. of Govenor Lowden ait the states . .UJochblmad Ifs t, La . Z presidentia primary electiot brinus EYltholt and vite, nortb one4bil lot ta mtnd thse close tise betveen 111- 17, blocÈ 7. Gra7sake. WarrsntJ' noie and the two Dakotas. deed, $4,500. Beoti of thse Dakatan are settled Martin Mliallik and vifete la tefa ver>' largel>' b> former residecta of Andrezejewski and vile, lot 7. block Illinais. Mciienry county &oubu a 10. DreYers subdivision. North ÇlM. contrlbuted bundreds of farmers to cage. Warrant>' deed. $10. these states, and iome af their moat MilseIt Starkielau to Jacob Perjan- succesaful and enterprising citiiens fIan. st 30 test lot 12, blocki 3 I*dd ere trom Mciienry count>'. & George's additlajs. Wauicegan. What le true ot the Dakatas la like- Waiiaiity deed, 11,M0. Vise true of ail the western states, W> A. Caoington and.'wife ta C. W.. Illinois vas papulated and developed Lewis, 102-3 acress Ini th ane-hait b>' men strongly imbued with the fila- southwest une quarter section 36. neer spirit. That. spirit lela nthe l3eerfield township. Warranty deed. bload of their sons, and ever>' move- $10. ment for apening and settling new J. R. Bennett and wite ta James territorir bas tound Illinoisans in thse Stralan and wlte. sstl part est ane- traint rank, The>' are In ail the vaîks hait nortiteasi ane-quarter. section of lite and their itnpress Io an aIl the 9, N'ewport tawnship. Warrant>' great sebievernents ofthlIe vest, -deed, $14,060. Caming tram a territory In vIsicIs March 16, 1920. vers merged Ïbe strongest elarnents Jeab Gabrek ansd wite ta Geranim of itemn New England, New Ydrk and Pente and vite, lots 26 and* 27. block Pennsylvania and the best airains of 9. Waukegan Higblands, Nartht Chi- those troni the south, Illinais bas cuago. Warranty deed, $10. made a wonderful contribution ta the Frank Panek and vIfete lAberti lite of lte wesî. Their Ideals lu no Kaznilerlzyk andI vite, lots 9snd incanaiderabie messure are the ideats 40., hock 27. Washburn Park. Nodtb, ot the wpatt. Western institutions and Ohicagu. warranty deed, $10. lave are'for thte most part patterned 1.ukasz itugie-and alto ta Anthony atter thase growing out ofthe Ibelîi- Stîtat ant ife-lIt3,3nd 4, block 30. nois arnalgamatian." Waahhurn "Park, Norlt Chicago. If.there could be compiled a rostd Warranîv îleed, .$10, of ail the western men ut distlaction IPhilimea- B. Lyon et aI ta J. J. An- wba were born and reared in Illinois, dot'.on and Ifélî, lot 112. lyan,'o third. the showing a'uuld prove a revelation subdivision of toir grounds. W'auke-. ta those vbo have not considered 1111- gan. Warî'aîîy deed, $10. nais' Influence on the territor>' vest W.I.1. Lyon and wlto ta Arvd ot the great M isstasippi. An Idea of t-uadgren anu i te, lati 9, 10, 11 and Its-imagnitude co ho ad by caîling 12, tuluk 2, Nivon's addition te Oak-~ ta mind ltaose anîong yuur own trIends land sildivislon. Wtîukegan. War- jand acquaintances who have gone ranly tîe.'., $10. W'est and tnade gaed. Kalteliet.- Cututhurne ta Phyllis But ta South Dakota. Thot stale Wagtthttcu lut 59, G;reen Bsy addi-j wil bld a prinîary elertton on Marcb lion. Lakýi Forest, Warrant>' deed. 23. 13ing agln unusuatîy early die lils 11,20. j hly o overlooked DELINQ ENTS ~j %misneasspecil efforts are put ;orth acingatninthereto. A~IU!Now if you bave a friend or ea Dt AYIfiDENUATES Ive, in South Dakota, lust drop hlma FOR DLline'ald remind hlm that Illinois la 4IN6TAR depending on Saut h Dakota te regls- DE D tera hevy primary vote iD favor of Governor Lowden. It wlill timulate bis Interest adb fgetassac Added Twenty-Five Per Cent te South Dakota toiks wI>o are mak- Charged 10 Federal Tax lste feIfwdhenm hei wk.ia Delinquents. ,e Harvard Herald. Waulcegan people who failed ta file 'their federal incarne tax atate- Postpone Conference to muent on last Monday and who bave .Pa i odPvn sought ta make reportes Ince Otha lnZ* odPvn time. are feeling the atengtb of the Iaw. Uncle Sam is keeping bis prom- Lakte county road committee, board ie ta the peaple who tiled returns of aupervisars. hbo bâti pitnned go- witbin the date set bY' iaw the de- log te Chicago today ta attend a linquents are being calied upan ta canference1 witb thre state itiwaY compromise tvith the gavernmnent bY officiais for the purpase af stteanpt- paytng a penalty of 25 Per Cent ai ing ta work out a plan ta finanCe the tax. It is adnîltted that flUnd- the paving af Sheridan road tbl'augh reds of Waukegan people are subjet Zion.dld net go because thse meeting ite penalty and thatthe penalty grw waa caIIe& off at thse lait moment. tas the period of delinquency increases S .Bat tt iha oms fMany fteicroae opne sionler. being called suddenly taeltasb- ftt5tWaîîktLA-have Inat filed their-r Y-, fl gton.--Op eÇ* - fe-fl4 bue- Estalemelîla but. it la declared that In Thse meeting itill lie held a wee< 1 tbhe cases epxtenisions, have jbeen froîn t day. -granted by the tederai otficials8s that the coipanies are given added finie ln whicb tauItiake their reports. 1, o 0o0o 0o * o ,O o oo oo o The Chicago department la noaw Chle-1 t klng uptlie returos receîved and. 0 MARRIAGE LICENSES o Nvithîn a tortiîlil agents utfie go'. 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 returns. out of peuple who haveeft1, Robert P. Balwin. Greai LaItes. 24; ed ta fil. *Theiee people ivill aIllie iElreda Pratt. Waukegan. 19. reqîîird ta pay a penalty ta be as-, Johny A. McCuichîn. Arena, WIs., sessed la keeping %"1h the degre«I Visne 2 t ofnteîît iin falîng ta tile the re- 25; Esther ,.Wbtane2. tam. ýRaYmond k'lament, NoirthîChicago, PUBLISH LIIST LATER. to 23; £Manda Vagt* Plsti~tne, 20. Lalci uniiin the year the IL, o John S. Sigb. Milwaukee, 51; Mar- if ticonies tuor the tederai tax ahI garet Blerry, Evanstua, 45. tthe people who have muade return" George Gutbrie. flarbarua, MWis., 24; -lie posted. Tihe aw providesatl Nellie Koeltler, sýane, 19. they lbe post.ed at teesofftice in t Waukegan. WVhile titis list willot Thas. Ray, Fl. Sheridan. 24; Evan- gî'.e th'e ainount ufthte incume Or! geline Glaver, Union Ciit!.'eann, 21. the îinconîi uf the peaple nanied or; Philip A. Faeîiaci, Chicago, 21; Via- the aniount of tax assessed aggtnmt lette Stahi, saine. là. thent. If wilt give the naine ut every Charles M. Ru--. Il, Chiîcago, 38; tic son %%ho tiins filed a staternent and Leaett 34. Martin, sanie, 42. urm-ists peuple isba are inter-, Ottu B. Butse Jr.. North Kankakee. e-ted %w illlbe able to disco'.er seIta ha- 29; Victoria G. King, Noiti il xilka- ecaped flie incrnie las, drain. It l' 'k,,. 2 expeeted that reports front the PeopleHg igni iî c Xii W tII aid rnaterially iii smoking out! u- Nagn iCia ' , 4- 1n1 lthe people aba are evadîng the tax. 1,' hno,.N No figures are given aout as ta the'tDaniel F. httî-' Zion, 22: t, ofai tu thelie usane tax paîd b'.' . t rude Rt' Illier, Zion, 21. %'Vaukegan people, but itla sk-nOUn lOi heimariJ. Snbvl. ailS, cii 2.5: Oiearuun s tihe itn ýxcess out hree ilMary AI airr, Witii'uni. . IMillion doîiars or a ltlle mlore titan' Wittred J. Dluir>. iiuuglition, Nlih. t a.t tit t leste'd fur state i ncunie 2'. ;N Maes t tort iiio i t toi.i lton. n ttk îîi lu!- 31xhit,22. ( o ,ýrface and per, S%ý ý *ieonne- s Service to Chicago Conîvenient Schedule Coaneet at Lake Bluff TRAINS LEAVE with Expres Traie LIBERTYVILLE TO CHIICAGO 6-02 a. ai. 6:32 a. m. 7-02 a. m. 7:32 a. m. &2a. m. 8:32 a. m. 9M a. a. 9:32 a. m. 6:24 a. m. 6:54 a. m. 7:24 a. m. 7:54 a. m. 8:24 a. m. 8:54 a. m. 9:24 a. mi. 9:54 a. m. Then .very heur until: 3:32 p. m. 3:54 p. M. 4:02 p . m. 4:.24 p. mu. 4:32 p.. 4:54 p. . 5.02 p. . 5:24 p.r. 5:32 p. .u.5:54 p.r. 6:02 p.. 6:.24 p.r. 6;32 pi. m 6:54 p.r. 7.02 p. rM. '7:24 p. rm. 7:32 P. rm. 7,54 p. mu. Thon every bour until 12:32 a. m.; 1:27 a. mi. TRAINS ARRIVE IN CHICAGO 7:44 a. m. 8:14 a. m. 8:4a. m. 9:1 4a.m 9:44a.m 10-14am. 044m. m.- Il.14 a. m 5:14 p. m 5:44 p. m 6:14 p. m 6:44 p. m 7:14 p. ti 7:44 p. M. 8:14 p. rm. 8:44 p. mu 9:14 p. m. last train leaves at For further information apply to the' CHICAGO-NORTH SHORE & MIL WAUKEE R. R. Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Libertyville 74 j I I r I ( I r i ( I r E gi g ( J 4 Uv TUIEDEAD M JIEROFS iOraves of Soldie and Belgium Ar Care Throu National headtitj 'i trapitleld tif Hunc ýi catîtta tioti cii ied 'i i viding fieIds o] atnd Bclgiuni fS tth ttdead Whot aret t 1'glin 1).C ici- liî'hîîp Charies H. t N.Y., senior ctatît til,uî pedittiiiat- ,<-aled w iii :l- itIttvenien t tur' ilt m tany tif uilt F l's istilie luist It Arinîy, BiAhîp Li.-Ih New Yock: Wt1 liîait Cti uîtlt-ut.Myron, C111(';.1t r. <eogce M adelphia.; Rev.' Oea D.DD, of New Yorl lander of Philadeph T. Manning. D. D. Henry Morgentbau William E. Balle>' Vol,' Prederick M.. Ai rantuel ilompere ot C. and others, lnu tnnouncing t, titis aaaiation. Bis' '.Amnerica le 1t ton orthUcfe eret1 wbat thse final restl dead la ta be-wbetl ftb tbis cuntry, N, pute the rigbt of P elaim thse fultIlinen miade b>' the Amer, ta return to Amern' aur dead soldiers, B abus that there are learnlng of the plan itaintain lu Franre Field of Honor for 'tfor"P.r overseais' r hit more excel lent w 'A bill ta Inrorp ~nI i w t t s, .4 Y J, 1~[ t>--- t, t q I I I AREA, ILL. 1 Keep the place up!' Pint preq& . ts erecation Safeguard the investment you already have in your home. Good paint will do it. It is'the most important part of upkeep. It preserves the wood from the deteriorat- ing effects of time and weather. Dorn't neglect painting. Noxail Paint will give you greatest pro- tection and durability. . It is economical, because it gives thorough satisfactýon, lias long life. Twenty-sixyears ofxpaint rniak- ing experience are behind it. NOXALV, The pain t tath the guarantee When you buy Noxali Paint you know exactly what you are getting. You have an absolute guarantee of satisfaction .and long service. This guarantee is on. every cari. Use Noxali and take no chaneft. Manufmeursd and guoemfe.d by ENTERPRISE PAINT MFG. CO., Chicago G. T. LUCE & SON Phone 27 lÀbertyvifle, M.i Pb-o" 184-J

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