Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 1 Apr 1920, p. 2

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-pAimw 22E(iO SIPPEI> 6WmJ;NONE BREAK. lienry Freund, who reldes near Bosch, race ved a two bDushel ettj-1 menuct et eggs f rom Cay Center, Neb., Men'a and tbey arrlved ln perfect condition, none beleg broken ln transit altiiougii tie dIstance in about 600 mlles. There wcrc 225 eggs ln the. sbip- ment and only toUrteen pIoVed In- fertile wben he tested tbem. The eggsl were for batebing la hie ineubstor, and the chIche will be uitebcd ln about a wec. Ballot _ ORiPileUCAN PARI! Cj)D[MOCRAIIC PARI! O For &Spervisor, H. B. EGER O E. D. HURBARD Il For Asseisoi-, C. M. WILCOX For Commissioner of Highways, OE. L. DAVIS For Trustee of Schools. O - S. L. TRIPP For Supervisor, E DAN MORRISN FoLT9wnThCirk E. H. BROWN, JR. F or Assessc>, E ... . ........... For Commî'ssioner of Highways, EJ. R. MULHOLLAND .E For Trustee of Schools, J. W. COOPER 1 ltereby certify that the abovc is a true specimen of the Ballot to be voted ai the Annual Town Election in Districts Nos. 1, 2 an 3, Liberty- ville Precinct, Lake Cotnty Illinois, on Tuesday, April 6, A. D. 1920. E. D. HUBBARD, Townm Clerk. Men's Ballot-- 0 [ 08PfRY(7II~ID[[BN For, Supert isor. ElALFRED G. MAETHER E For Town Clerk, nl C. 1. H-ERSCHBERGER F or Assessor, GEORGE M. WEIDNER For Commnissioner of Highways, ES. T. FOOTE For School Trustec, FlCHARLES GS nl F LI Supc\ e'Or, For Town Clerk, For Assessor, 1l For Commissioner of Highways, .... ....... ..........l----- For Scho Trustee, E ........................ I liereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the Ballot to be voted at the Annul Town Election in ibe Town of Vemon, Lake Coemty. Illinois. on Tuesdsay, April 6. A. D. 192â. C. J. HB«HBM EM , Town Clerk. Men's MBdot PROPOSITION ma SLIa spmcaai &zfS Hurd Rma Pupos 1 hereby certify that the above à a truc specinen of a Proposition to be voted on at the Annuel Town Election in the Towni of West Deerficld, Lake Couaty, Illinois, on Tuesdlay, April 6. A. D. 1920. WM. F. PLAGGE. Town Cerk. Meu's Ballot .0.IIIi PIOP[LS PAI! INji[NOL For Supervisor. For Supervisor. te tbat o! Mr. Wright or bave their attorney file au Intervening petit- ion wblch muet be passed on by Judge Edwards before a teinporffl nJunct Ion eau be laeued. There lea tilI iziotbcr course.whlCli oan be pursued- tisslI te wtat until the counly treasurer goes Into coesnty court and asks for a judgement on ail uncoilected taxes. Il these are sus- talned tlsey ther trîlI escape paynlent of the 18 per cent temporrily. Tiiose I t-li dîslite te pay the. cortested 18I per cent then cie go into court anid file objections. But because a man ecapes Pay- ment et the '18 per cet now doca not mean tbat be trili ecaCpe it eoentualy as fitle the plan of the various faxlng bodie te taire an ap- peal ta the supremne court. hs wbo have pald thelr taxes aireadY wI11 gef no rebate. it le sald, for tire nîoney aiî-eady bas been turned over te the varlous taxing bodie. Tire county treasurer esYs flrvf thc majorlty of people, who continue. te pay their taxes -are net seckllsg tu- profit by a possible tecIbnicihay er- rîr- they are paying thic entîra anioutit. Fred Funkt, i Uenesee St. mierchazît je a typicil exemple efthtbs .public-splrited attitude. Mr. i'u-nik»s taxes itmount ta $600. le meate net the sllghtest profest. ssying tliat lie realized bat the, citY needetl more nîoney ta operate properly and lie did -net purpobe te maite an effort te Attorney.- are decllaing te accept For Supervisor, Q JAMES O'CONNOR .................... . - - - -E.............. For Town Clerk, WILLIAM F. PLAGGE For Assessor, FRED MAU For Town Clerk, ....... ...... .... ...... F or Assessor, For Commissioner of Highiways, For Commnissioner of HiRhwavs For Çommnissioner of Highwayî. Q OHN CAROLAN Q ELMER L. CRAVEY [J AMES E. FAGAN 1 heeb ertify that the above is 'a truc specimen of the ballot ta be vote at the Annual Towh lection ini the Town of West Deerfield, Lake Ccunty, Illinois, on Tuesday. April 6>4 D. 1920. WM. F. PLAGGE, Town Clerk. For Town Cerk, For Assessor, E ........- .............. the ME"5 of people wbêete ctotal amnount of taxin lu fltAt est il. ou, $200 or $300, aentthe amount t]it would b. aved tomPorsrllY would b. m0 mail t»st it WOUIf flot be worth wilei to boter wltb t. The big iesjority of th* People art mot trytua to figbt the psymlent 09 tubele tmXaiboomus..the fee they woSld bave to psy au attorney wouid be op mucb or'more asetbey vOuld Can't Cet a Home; Keno. Woman-Gives Up Klddies Kenoaba. Wia.-Th.shortage cf bousels la Kenoma forced 'o»n Keno eh& zuotiier to givé Up ber thr.eewch. dren en Thurmday. "Everyviiore 1 have gens," su. dsclaredti IltIid- lord bua wfused 'to ooMatbr Uy Bp* plication viien b. i.amned Iiiad threê, wush cblldrep. 1I mu e machaborne fer them W= theuu UDElTYVUEJD~oe!, TH~DY9 AMRIL1.1920.. RAIL FIREMAN DI"0 0F DUtNO. u h f tre JoehDella. Fort Âtkmneo, Wls..ND C IE T fireman wor Iln. Chicago, miltraukhe a St. Paul ralliroaid, dicd ln the Washington Boulevard boaptal . M Â IS 6 cage, today or borne Ilcurred Suuday plddtwo m .«»tofpedd. IN M IOE1RFTS W. I[oans. the.talnneer, sM.ý - thse boupiltal, ahortly atter uAdb. niciet aefe taientere. James Leathera. " dd-oalidii22t refe Jyesrsold. 43Dicktens avenue, li tumed ink310000lake- serlouely lniured, but la expect4eo F e. z R Y reffler. mtSoeR bry The caua. of thse accident a flot Yet itnowii. The train wu a ast The $100,000 IÀite Forcit liquor frelglit, bolit for ClileSU. tbeft casles. vblcbbave bees drsgglug fifteruneucceifully through tise A;NNU;770TWN MKEYTINC AID 'lAkedounty courts. are maode the ELE CTION. subjeet of an investigation by as upe NOTICE 18 HEREDT GIVEN fo fthc Mligrand jury collai t aiWau*agam legal vetera, residenfe et the Township yesterday by Staf 'a Aftornev Jamles ef Lberfyrtlle. Ceunty ef Laite. 1111-,G. Welcis. noie, thaf the Annual Townshipo Meet- FolloWlng are the indltments re- ing and Election of Offîcers of sald tue-ned Mociday atternoon: Township trilI faite place Ewr teig n rn TUESDAY, THE SIXTH DAY 0F17 ad Ateig ad Fas ' APRL 1 Steleie Burglary of Caroln M. Ely proxime. beieg the fîrËt Tuesday in rstece of Lake Blufif on Oclober M il û- Îb24, 1919. The Electien trili begîn ai the heur Edwarel .tfer-ite: Burglary of of 7 A. M. and close ai 5 P. M. In the the Hugh, Mc.Bii,-e' houle ai Lake places deslgnated as follows: ist Dhli o-sf'1'.n Noveinper 9. 1919. trict ai Town Hall. Libertyville; 2n(d} Ed,&ard Attrldgç,Feank Sfeele District ai C. Goiti & Co'$Fruit StorE. and Williamî Jor-dan: Burglary or Libertyville: 3rd IDistrict az the Vil-j 1 e George _JAl.Kicnlock bomne ,at lage Hall. Ares. I lakeForest. on flecember 12. 1918. The officers to be elecied s are IBuge Olaî G ai SïPervIsoe-, one Township Clerk. one antillaB urtgesson. Wi{,uary o.!Davi Assessor. ane Conînîlsioner of High-: Jonas Kuperiieiioe,- filoime 'ai Lake wYavs and one School Tr-ustee. Forest on Decenîber 2u, 1919. The Town Meeting will open in the dvr Mtigo Fan Sem, Town Hall. Libertyville. nt the heur 1 twr telg.l'am t-se of 2 P. NI., aend after éhoosing aMNod- Albers V.eedan., Don Iioîîeii.Alphonse j irater te'll îroceed ta 'hear andi cati- 1Williams ned. s l>l 'eO'l i i dan .1ê e urg- rider reports of officers. toa aipropriate tac>' of the Charles Il. Aekert bomne 1>10ev to defray the nece9sary ex- nt Umke Forest on 1),- rîbe; 2'191!>. penses of the township,. andt t deliber- Pearl L. IDenni', Wmtiliaxo Jordan, aie and decide on suc? necasures as ' F.lard Attermdge and Franmk Steeie: mai«, in îursusnc'e of taw. corne before litirglae-y of Ihi>! Or . . i cieeri Ilfle mieting. ;oiiiat Lake lof;er;st unJaflu:irY à. (Gi%(en under ni%, liant thi-, 24th day 19 E. ri. HL'BBARD. le-ie ivturned are ii lsgaîi-t wlîun' 14IfTo.wnsh ip Clerk. ndictiiients have bteil retue-ned pre- .,fOu.Iï l'liene'> ;nd1L1ff;îrf;f0 mu Sie NOTICE 0F AWARD iliat tliCy piiietilalidfI lie-' obbs-îy Public notice la hee-eby gien that a; addilîional bonie . ii li otesd 'an aws;-d 'of the contraci for the con- bv the liai. struction of the umleîoement herein- It îva) dsclosed e- .riy i 1;;t;-e- afler desePibeti, bas been msade t0 the hat ef rY posible îîlturnce a be- E. R. Harding Copany, andt Tat pur- - g uought 10o am a it bock tOc suant to the Statute ln such case made 1veosecuimon of roee iltfhe tiet-1 andi proîided. a contract wll lie CD -fli. lit Scierai if1T,-f.e-s 0in-bleu tered inlto wilh said E. R. Harding fierons îlthi-bsfrscfc .'om1eno, t les uan fen tisys front o eein lac i i-'bl the firsf day 0f Aprit, A. D. 1920. fo ,rciiÏpr.oýh ol h the following describe i inprovernent wliijskeyie an4i e de-ce on w ich Io-wi:- Ile atau!- eouid rr".t i;a ta- baàdis AO ,i -tn, 10d < t xI fie -pîîeared. - i .,: itîi1ierîî1t%0 ua' g . nIieni. A men 'he lier-t ail - \cre niad-" block stini sewers. includlog concrete in Laite Foi-est, Uhiefi James Gardon nianholes, concrete de-oli nianhlie,!rs4imd thcatithorities Nier> b>rin. ba._- concrefe ouflet end wall, vitrlfied tule peî-ed b>' frentis ofthfepronr pipe juncîlons closedl with vitifeied r *suuaeing the loss wit.fii'. iria dises. together withh tht adjustinir and' PeQPl,tC, io in t arn -1e-li-lwth flie connectink of freseni torni water se-oterb off the iquoi. Upecaiei-es 0' catch basins or inlets andi starni wtaer the W'illiamn J. O'l.nen Detective sewers, ta ie nmade and e.nsfructed in, gns.wo-king for t he- msurance slong and under certain streefs, ave-i o=tfanies, ohfaine- confessions fe-one nues, places, courts and i ublie waye. the men arresteti andi kept flîere con- or parts of afreefa. aavenues. places,! fi-e*ons. it is allexeti. courts andi Public ws',s in the Village l Seek Lignt on Caes. of LiberfyvIlle. Laite County, Illeois. IThe îneestigation new in lîieire-r- andi in, along and under certain private S~Iotabe nmore for the lurpose ori PraPee-f>'in the said Village of Liber- laroîeingIgto O atemmaa ty'ellle. Laite Coua 't>, Illinois. andi lIjParsons wbo Ifate teen hinderin> tliiec certain prîvafe propee-l>' t-hhn and 'eo.cnno i ae ehrtia tritheut fhe corporate limits of said lt'On th hhIte ofthecsei e ta Village of Llbcrfyîllle. and In certain onthe ega hî ne aestifo tc praperty owned by said Village of Uib- heftf are aIl out an bonds awalîing erfyvîlle wifhin and wtithou lits cor- trial, porate Imita, for the purpose of pro-_______ vldleg a system t relief andi stermn secters for Uic removal ofet sorm. ,sur -5IA A iTl1 face, drainagead overflow waters eIn 3tM 1jJjjjTER U saîi Village, In thse minner abotru and set forth lu an ordînance jpassed andi approvedby the Presielct and Board IN THiEÀIILiNO ertyvîlle, on thse tweefy-elgbth day of July. A. D. 1919. su prvM uyA TON AS) YU Ami provîded by laid .ordînance of ____ sald 'VIll apssied adapQlM IStli. à. 1D. lm1. I"Mi the owners of The proposition et obtaînlna se a majorltY of <ne frStallo'Cf the loti diieticu of 18 par isolatlu taxesase a and lande sblittiug uo sald PTOpsd result o! the action tabon by judge IMMrvament. or tbeîr agents. Shah R . K. Welehb& tew,«o in rat-' enter hito a wrtténenàoîtruet ilà ng. a temyorsry lm$*nction igaint' tes daf'sffem thesfUt P*ilctlua et Oouuty rr.aurer ,»mber lu the. tbbsolmot e deo55$. wuî* au004UMa»collection o! rolsi ste 153-a le thé MM u-iomveatp.t ep. per pent. 1 es cse of William Wrigbt. la net th ais ty 1oa r 1oueand On.e m.straîgbtened W ebvy s. drÈti $evegt"A8i a" IOLiW elbàsThe court resWaiI .troseurwr ($94.11710). the. prie. t wwih lbi fImcolleef Ing more tison1% lwrj s*iebis bais swavfd dte #&M B.:.]ILcent of the,4izeu .o- .Wtgh Hiardlmg Compau. )Ar. -wvigbt ba ;.l y tenditi D)ATUD mit LibertyvlleI.lUhLm6hi. ibflat proportion ef bie taxes and isat tiret dey et A*%, tà. -alm. reeelvtd a receipi là gîit paymeat JAIAY .moloW. - 0f taxes.11 1 U M . OOLII4O. Otiier taxpayers who tink t Uat 3013FR W., HÀXT. al that Ie neccassry for tisoin te do ilembers of thi e rid:o! Local lm- la for them ta go-to tise county .ruai- provements o! the Village of Liber- urer and get eut o! paylng 18 par tyville. Lake Couuty, Ilîluots. cent o! tbeîr taxes are iaborlng uen& BEN 1R. MLUR. -r a misapprebiensîon. Attorney for Board o! Local lm- Befôre tbis cae b. done It le neces- provements. 14'1t cary for tbem te file a suit elmti*t WISCONSIN MAN PAYS HEAVILY; ATTACK- EDITOR La Cross. Wl. Marcb 26.-4jtor- >1. W. Whoatofl of the. Hokaa (ina.> "lChier' ws awardcd d~ag. f .ot M 'in tii. circuit court be- lçdy l8a & acUos sasSait Dain iDrO, à husky stock buyM wbo sflhSld the. edîtor wheu lneffsed over arficlea question. ing hie loyalty, pu*bibed In JuIy,' 1918 Service to- Chicago, Convenient Schedule TRAINS ARRIVE IN CHICAGO 7:44 a. mi. 8:14 8-44a.n 9:14..n. 9:44 .m 1(>14om l & .44 i 1I1l4 a 5;14 p. m 5:44 p. m 11l4 p. m 0:4~4 . tri. 7:14 p. m. 7:44 p. m. 8tîl4 p. m. 8,44 p. m. 9s 14 p. m. train lbaves at Then eYM beur unti 3:32 p. . 3:54 p. m, 4-.2 p.. 424 pr 4-32 p.m.454 p 501 p.. 5-.24 p.,i 5:32 p. . 5-,54 pý 6:02 p. . (r24 p, m. 6;32 p. ( r54 ptim. - m0 . 7-24 p. r 7:32p.7, l54 p, m Then evM yheur until 12:32 a. m.; lait 1:27 a. mi. For further information apply to the CHICAGO NORTH HORE & MIL WAUKLE R R. Libertyvile Ticket. Office 'Phone: Libertyvillel74 E LI TI FA Ctxmnect et Lake Bluff TRAINS LEAVE with EEIrmUT"~ LIBERTY VILLE TO CICAGO REA»ILTY Col' TO BOOST MfANY DE Loans for Week 275; 213 Ristr Filed; Many By A. K. ASitîant Secretr >and Trust C Iltiieai S ofliîý foer the %eee4k Iiu N Ileber oe r',' Ve N:lnih-r a ,,.V S Nuiobe' (if e>> 'loal ou1i; I. ut i. a,.aboie the sien fl; l1 t isn.g are In wauki 1ella;.le*r J. - -e i'nri> [.I o1 a n r <meli i s? ie-r Yi'ar UC AO F. lie-ut M . ien ti 4-raietea 'aukegan iPark fuir lut- a' auart het a1 om i l 1 I- r-' etg fi toi $1.304). HAiid M. Durst bo projeerty >on eoutii~d, für nomiîna considez lae-* trust--de.ed fer difarlea M. Olsen the Phillp Bi,4k pruDe ilik<hOiy steet *' just 1-r street. for ziomin aend gave back trust i Earle -1,.Huftman Hutchînson place ou loue, opeomete Butri, 4;;.800. le"slie Tmfrdell b> 'rtPleýy lot, ji Weft Janep5 àstreet north for nominal consîidera D>avid fgRpeler boui Nimreory profeerty If à(-'ga"~o G-tend avez ln mighiaei William M. lan't th.. kehaefer litai e om ":2 &.in. (x32 a. mi. 7-02 a 7:32a.m 8-02 a. m. 8-32 a. nm. 9-02. , 9d32 a 6:24 a i 6.54 a i U:4 a i 7:54 .i. &24 a i 8:54 a i 9:24 a. Mi. 954 &. i

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