Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Apr 1920, p. 10

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Lib'ertyville Inependent W LOAL&* £mie Cougggy bzdependei -Waukegan weemy Sm 0 m lkeu.ZW&ukfan todow. ________à rouf tireai thtec 3. L. PrIce boumi - . -'80 North Gen.sae strfet, callad tont M R.BUILDING, the tira department at 8:1j5 o'cioek MOREtuis- rnrnng. The damage waa luthe "midst -a ahoUsing ditua4ti9n *that is nearly.desperate, ~' isecouagin toleairu that the CUrve of building i. going up at A Dumber of WauKetlan. PAoue ai- it isencoragig tatended a concert at norton Hall. ite a flot inconsiderable rate. It will be, peihaps, sèveral yeari before PorýLA hIà afte.nonnn. gl'en by thbe building catches up with the. demnand, but the rapid swing in the. làby1SGanmle singêîs of Chicago. wfth -Maieafla ldlsy, soprano .)Oiltt. upluirard dirýction that will occur in 1920 Wil b. of sorte lhelp, at i' Uneral ,of Edward Pienlcowsky' h F il compilation of proectecibuilding operations, md y t mncalC Mmadhea1p si. *# »urial at unie,. li.byte omercial and FinncalChonse of New York, Grove teetry. AI Yafý rtarkt. formerly mi!SS covering 171 cities in various sections of the country, supplémients Grace Strck'and of North CGbkng.,' the. january favorable report. The total of intended outlay fo r who bua been v'sitng wth ber- Pat building foots up ta $11'2,633,266 against OnlIY 34.330,503 in i 191, or ""n'ts ir. and NT-R. W. 3 Strickliimi of NoriChleago, To" a tpev weetoç an increase of 228.8 per cent; and, a gain over 1918 of CvCfl Kmoe - rAiturned te hpr homo' Tuesday ev,- 275 Per cent. --l a aia, li.Mr. Vabr. In Greater New York the current sggregate of buidM*g "tu je «Ctmanyl dbere Earihoe. ~>n $24,,577,129 against $8,125,613 inii 1, and compares with but $4,.-7 Tbere are mrny aties of<meas'es ln Waukî.gan just now, 328,691 two years aga. Outside cf New York tii. estimated expen- Th imi tiez,,Bin 'orW:«l. ditions provided for undercotas entered into, total* $88,oS6.- conein bas raised the str,-eel 'vrfar~ Vo6 204,5 iin 1919-and W325,Si6m.oxin IiOhaloIte 6*ePfts.Wall- iiaan.o to date. roaians ai 5 Conts. igî8BtT. what of the future? In the 170 cities in the country ai large ail but 23 exhibit ins- fi 0Gard. formeri, cIot.tflnt sales- crease over last year. It is impossible to tell how much cf thein- t. nai thte Globe and ille Doolîttile & Whyte stre., Who tg no-w inus ___l'ase is due to expansion of business, auch as factories, office kolea. OÈJIL, wrtes he w:ll oreto buildings. theatres. Waitkega I JuIy for a visit clu, aAttorney J. &Al.,aiortlesaexcep-G * CRITýýCAL STATE 0F NEWSPAPERS lion te a recent item il, the sui 51sf- lig htathie law buliineaslied alumpd h, No business has been bit during these pressing-times like the. berause Of the entofereen f i'>, newsipaper. Daily crnt reads af the termination of daily papers - . . whicb always in the past had prestige and big business. The latest omes froin Rock Island. Read this: ROCK ISLAND, ILL_, - The Rock lsland lns. Daily Union, Jtfer 16 ycars of existence, ceased j (IL SIaFdi1a publication lttth the issue-of March 2'4, when 1:(- ,i'srtH it wàs abý;o.bed by the Argus. This le.avcs An11-ia %iit,.o p tc dai!y paper in Rock Island. Pýnd. on top cf that Icomes a Chicago morni ng paper whiclh$17 I) 4 uî-rcs readers NOT ta buy the paper but te BORROW it cf neigh- bors. Thisis directly contr sting ta thle usual aim cf newpapers: r'o get as many people ta buy their paper as possible. s7 It just shows the rtewsprint situation is so ucute that it ap- pearil evidc'xt that, ere long, papers will be sold ai a profit oni the VV'V pmper itsclf railler than because it contairta matter which adver- ties a merchants wares. ...Illustrating the situation further, it is sighificant ta note that the. Tribune this mornjpg in its final editian prints but 24 pages w mId the Herald-Examiner but 16. Gting tbern down pretty smail, aren't tiiey. e LOS ANGELES, CALIF., April 5-Pub- bihr er. announced to4y that the puice of morning papers on strects and news stands A r m t a l would b. advanced May s from 3 te 5 cents on o itI i~e wekdasad ht h ftçi of the. two after- of I,,.I IuQch noon papers now selling for 2 cents would b. ama n advanced to 3 cents, while a third afternoon paper now selling for Y cent *ould b. advanc- N - orou ed taz2cents. SHOOTS SON TO KM' HIE VFR OU CII .5 .5 s i.-, WAND EAg IRST, WAYTO PIJTHI Livr, IOWEL I.iAI4DSTOMACH E '0 1 ut. ~ ~Imm. cair r.n u st W . tiar .. Md 1111101111, da a.vaian m d& ry , vea »»» n.ois r. Ntwap. 418M OM" Couatp d 1 a M_îatifdueUtulpaoela .-sue u 'ipaie 14t, W» lI a tiqauel ut pJ - atr« 4w j t A O wEI5< a .ahurit p m* amat -l ai Tu e-the pSIWka, avide atiy i~ nt- hmsna effective tile enthmama.îo, s* & ur & 4 ato at'but,> c Iparion et crotd Of pickalcer a- tic laU.r iti fot mièreMr notice. »anaral 01 Patar Drimibe, 47bave the. cata lier' cthin a shotuf da. thriet. evklsof ahbi. diffaraersta ««Mg t"11111111> Sotitb Uie «»Mla w»auh#4d today tie a Irttealkm o ud bi te selt eoff et perom uaradmaudatpilag berna- lys lia the saculata rConcePtion Vrai Dale Or North.t Chicago h, the policeman thitnmielîes mad.,ttootc.'* chl lea veu more ebnsqhb. furial at Bt MarY's cerne- taken th forame qh;pcft.ja M i i.w getk ..ifor tieft . 30 -'n*o bot Lai? -. ahn---D'K - uea ihey arauricthle otier kind. Accord.i R. V. Olrien et Cicago Je a cr frtlsmc ora t.saneu iy ie 1n o i theîla tua lcb"Iitess nsvisiter inWaukegan toda>. - cntcaigC. o b stic .tse-Pun thé Waits for Her .Brothcr, 'ie!ar cvas better. Ter" e ydance cnsrutinifth brn. 'rhe Amici c;tt)iat niga. font fibia t the K. of C. Recreatten-ha] ottuclti0 ii*ons do Rewlng for the buczaar Wl the TiUriday evenlne,,nder us.le 1oula Carrhon, Mika Uebl0 anti Tiecocreaoi"so jury wlich le b--u' varlous oriaal,.ationu of Christ of the K. of C. ehra Cpen l hoodore ('ardus iliad a cloge-itaîlite ýmake off iciltinquiry into the soîtti *iUrch wli gIse In tihefeur future. Jocett Balratow te in Monte'llo tleuh tht. nuîrning waila' flslUnt-on lof Jeanne Anna De Kay was .sworU. 'iNe Rîkir dli holdInstallation of Wln.. for tco dayi. Lake ldk.1itsan a &bore dlab"ce Troii,1yestlerday at ihu!üs nmorgue, 7i3 f. OffICer, tis eventng. Police magie- Don M. Smith ta spendlug a caeleks the Waukegan barber. The boat thie !Clark «Ét.. Cbhî stiti n adjournedafet trato Walter Taylor bas charge of fhe vacation in Asmeelda, W~~C. cere la nearly î.pcej Over, duecote tr eiewing fthe body. 'rI!e lcu. instiffatlon of thc officers. Diean R. Neely. th ic al son of ti-" atî'ung wav.. . ll be raunid a& 10 o'citek loiticr-1 1 vcn childenaraeiiDposd te ticetMr. end bMre. t'en Neeiy <of 418'Nortl The, Ladies Aid cf tic Swîditlî roc mxornîag when Mlii DeL Nfayl' Park Board pl o f seîlng p',opîe's,<nnysiet asdaa ha~n ebditcu-hwI ae ur brother, Jolut,. îtrrivelo front New' borna, for Dta!k purposes. A ierth n.roc afterneocirt a2 o'ock at * hureb ,York.'Young Ple l'ay bas wleed Mras. mide.mati aîîd bis cife cer ié s.kin< ..Mrs, B. A. Munsit cn ,<rtaimeâ the parle)r. Aiebdaîies . 1% andi Pter GertretiiHowe llritin al iul flouse ,,bout lie drlving 0f people ont o<r sortal service tasa ofil e First Meti- Oison wili enter tai. t mtat'e no> îuner,î arrangenintë . tlbtIncs, w-enthIr ai - ,.av..old cdist chureh et ier hotu.' Wadna'day W.rt.. Reanle bas just returncd 'uttIl hola here. so n s p o k e éuth'e w x o nr t e y e v em gla g . T i e a lfa ir p r v d te bi c a fro u ïi W iî t rt , .. v e r s ti c v i mlh d a 4et- tic polteman te cihan.tithé Damtmont anjoyable anc as mai'wo eno dioro to board auvay?' A "s'rning bas bren sent out urg- fWillard Tlines, onae t thé sue-esaful N 1E#01NYC U Ing penec netdiorurofr dhüoy wAklM pveraCtOCNio Louis Larsen wbo lîves on Be '-carbeard o aspapar. utiotati 1Tburoda i isi the regilar 7. deSreet nîgt to agel piî 0f 'abouge or lie lu bundics.and seli it to the1 lu of HomterDahuunjier Post, Ave. 11 13i V -udortr nigt t aKe ICIof' eol lo c u r n' yrell ppv i ua -talltfièalritumgIbaida becoming eo acute miany newst apers enter tannuent eommiîîeea dli bavre lia ealu for a fe minutas. Wh en may be compeld to suspend puti-li tsomehbtng of Intpegt. irIlMe'las en ppni ha retlt.ned If wax gone. >2H lAsation In thec near future unies cvery Ai mnîar e la...1... *lc '<un y haiii tn fheW ccll foi,'lted euplensatew oie srap et palier la saî'ed. - a reeru o tahé W.rC.enî w Ldke F 'or- usdnt :rhamn ofte Wia! aId0e tic Phil and Intendas tela1 the Tie Woman'à nllay te thp aftaraeoa ut the Temple. Thi, lent- ; day MIr. Morey cas Iu Llbertyrl ' matter before the police unies thc Amertun Ligion cilimeet Thîr-igo u aiîgdib icast.fxn cea ods to.!î Pettsreurnd mtedltgiy Iday evenIng at the off ices of Ccunty The Foreign Miuleaary Sodiety or felsees Cainpalin headrittajri rr Sam Blunan, a civil car veterun, SitPerjntc'ndent Slmln-t t.tic Congregatonal churci VIlII.meut Wood tiave been e.ttabliaheè ut 'Ir. celebraîed hiis 7Stb birttiday today. jThe publie meelîutg litai cas ie bave ai tIhemme ofMis. Alfred IltrJpe Morey-s office. Friands of C. K. MCD«Onaiorethle beel' beld et thecOncil chamtter:, 212 Hickory St. at 2:30 Tbutsîiay____ Q;riesqs-Pfleeer Tacnnng co;npan-, are lt.s avenlng for the pitrpo"e of atar- ettetitoon. 1 p 1r udly t l i g abou t a bow ling score n tz gne m unlty uS ervice co ik' n N orth B een m for a ettr il itroug li R rc 1sýe - 11r, l un rt. I O i he litngltcen be roliedC4 a.eago han bc-lmtwItalel tntit velitpark foilay? Ne? Weil, ytu 'ro te tdn ilmI. t44. -- - j ~Wctinsday, Aprillq. î'?icud Ctîv5 apprîîiîln i l et t cflb. r- oret cfil ui'. i tait l'nst. DRESSESCOVEkALL APRONS ,lit frtis fu lis tîl lin' a îr':- h SPlanned A. Series of Sales THA T WILL BE ?alk of the Tonln April campaign replete with savings, on new, desirable merchandise, itue hatinjustice to yousef you can not overlook them. announcements they wil guide you to a gold mine of- savings. )day We Tel of A'Remarkable Saturdav'Sale of Women'sCoats-Suits--Dresse's _____of Uncommnon Individuality and Charm THE NEW SPORT COATS ara decidediy awagger. Tbey're tieaptifulty tai- lored of cismy mater- ilas and are lu a great range et color combina- tiens. Bvery ane vos- sesmes a cbarm and ln- dtviduality fiat cull de- liait Yeu. Tee lote at $24.75 - THE NEW are- fau4lcssely talored of t ha mont faublgmable Yn'.t%ýrra1s. Ticy icasi niany Individu&) trart. touchestn and suci un- croinmwnstyle distine- titin liat you'Ilifind Lîtosinat our nec gant 'P'o lat5 '$19.75 $24.75 The bi uits Are Wondertul Values This in a" extraordinary show îng cf uncornimonly clever Sýuit a a sen- satîonallyilow, prîce. They're well tailoreti Suits ai extcellent unaterial and in styleL tlat are really captïva.hing. Suits that ycu'll be proutî 0ear att a price .hat w. neyer thoug4t we would be able ta, bring ycu this seasn.- Corne in and sec tlîetîî. They'll speak for themselvea far better than we cati tell about them. 'h. price is anly ....... -9 '7 i Sioetest Dress S"if You'li surely need an extra skirt and her'. your opportunjty. lu this çaie you'li find swagger new plaids and ulli-woI seiges-n the neweait spiit styles andOUIi" uit pleasut op s Di esses of A p ai gBeat Sîvmiing new Dresses of all-weýcl Serge.- They're in a wcu-Id of difler- Cnt new nindels et strikattg inflividlîality andi are se attractive in their gralce- fui beanty ta il'% practicafly inlpottiible ta ilebcribe tbcni. 'lhey're dresses ao price as reaekof %eng omorrowhe're ua gthto yeà ee dri e a edark enif at aywhere near sothe dress to wear with a coat. Let us show them tu you* at 4 9 Ever WananD ainty Silk Frocku s F-vrywo u elightt ti n wex quiîte sîlk fok eyr odeJigbtfuîIly maiafying Th1çse art as Iovely as they eut- lýIn>g4te sud . YAIIIoeGN Cul - OIJTWTS KRÉ CLAIILVOYAN l'opers Wed in Friday Despite CI~ ant's Predicti ni in heno'-iia ont e on 1tIfileU L t AYi tIire Ot.1. being wagild li l<i St, It n, tui ], or' -ii N. ;i "fta..tth h:j ;ec I ' " fni i l 't a ;t forlie mari t' i r .Ilfi Wt ti i ý d .!)i iii d ay i I.i t t5 -,;,ilt Flt'iii. tlti 1, t %Iisl>:',I îî,1, ' of- 1 1 1 t t h i t , t'.' ti. t e ' t l , E. C 'UC i ¶5-U ' it ' . - ne uIt r t i al t T h- r-i . î If-cl for. tit 1.t-tptt ttJr, Wt Mr -Oil LSRVC TrFOR -îr AI N -i il' the Sentiment as Vo' pressed Themselvet Poiicv of the Pari Told lln Figures. As estltiuilaieWI.'iisa rtsi ii(m uoti on "iti pJa ther it% l'atk bard. th.'e eured a, .xpr."ili'rof #rii l ih.- patk htîard 1 li iit '- of [ ietht <Iiril t 'saittind i oti- js bt ult lattît ta' oftf h.'pai k tis ented Ithre,'.nt!m'nt ai, rit boarti"- policy. Th rî'fonthe i h 't cho fis anatli, aol to Ibis.; FO0It Ai C7T. PARKli BOARID PAL 58 31 U3 67 5 14 6 49t 7 50. S 42 19li 10 12 1il li 12 8 ot. 399 "S. MABEL HIC r r. M at h î l u t k o y , y o u n i Nii Mt- JîtiliIte havi W'Y al iert homîîîîe,-.49 W. d' h ..icttxo, lin Marcfi .10111,11lIer loi- Mrs. I-t c .-in uti li huîreh anti * -alîi hi-lit Office in bu ti o- orRi-tifar ib - nglh inthe Ubi'rly Lut a i libranch e s to f lR ed (r . gmpail b> lir niollhrr %wi t ln Alîvi.N t,"(iti tiOnefil lier It ~, . . S. N I.rf .f P. C liii Io .s ytin Ni. ld T yi 'sJs nte fTo WneflOpruiis That Have Made the Globe Wauke- gan'8 Center For Newest Fashions aud Demnstated Thtat You Cau Depend Upon This Foreniost Fshion'Store to>-Mwss Give Real Value F«o Every Doilo Spent. M.9

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