JU.7%T LE":INDEPENDENT' LAKE COIJNTY PEF Lake Cou nrys Big Week y WAUKEGAN W'EEKLY SUN .k«.m 9 l &M "w W"" à ~Cems C""bu XrQL xvi-NO.î6.ý t&MERTYVTLLýE INDEPENDENTAPR- . r5, 920. FOUR PAG ES $1.50 FER YEAR IN ÂDVÂNCE.:' tE&?-AIRING Warered i7e4Z rYVILLE, ILL. *LLI NGS - $1,000 - $1,000 Lnce Co- URST Insurance ociation FR ACtTORS E ADO i Riaks A:eccd. ted. st fire eut1 tlicft t Mortl. CARS. han to Needl and esentative ERTYVLLE, iLL. iTATIVE TO YOU.- à friend and cus- extends the loan* bhase of still more rînersh ip between easant and profit- upon each othier; me to time; the -e his bank sound k . iof Area rea, lIuiois il pay y«u. LEGION lmASfioul ON wIT SENATOR PRECINCT là Lake LOWOEN Mo .ome OM 5--I S Bnt.n 1i-Il104 23 2..-128 152 3- -132 194 4.. 135 1"6 Deniiial aiUse of Gymnamum 5 ý*.*'-,92 207 of Libertville Sohoil î"-------.*21 4 CassDseso. Newport --, 25 1 STARTS ELECTION FIGTT 0- 'lt I . 13 2 Z2.......2 Lake Villa 1. ...- 77 6 Tihe San bau recelv"d the. fllowlng A,%ýn 1-.....36 5 comnimmcatios froin Edwarsl Uavinii 2--- 23 7 Commnasder of Libertyvllle Post. hAm- Warren -. -se 5 enican Legion, and Ernest B. Moret Waukegan 1- 97 32 -astltita --- - - - -- -6 2 21 "OWIDg 10 lthe unexpected and un- 3- ....14 38 mlclted publicicy given The Ameret-4 M 30 'con Leglon bfcauia of the. echool 8ý---- - 9 14 hrde>ction we f..î,l that an explan- 6- 32 1 at-icn leadu... Af the. tarf we wish 7 32 il to make fi plain that our fight lq not a 27 03 wit theehol board. but entirely 19 .33 3 wi thiRB. Swi ft. The gyunaqium10 a . Pitsode wax onfortunate. Tiie facto' ' I 46 10 Ire tiiemc. As early am January i the 1112". 41 (.1 jairnian of Our athietic commîttîe 13 46 rcuist.'-d ta high settool board to 14 31 1 ;tViow îe to us. the gymflasiam one SheildO ,1 ..35 le or tw.î nîglil a wepk for baa4ketbali 2 30 î gaýe'sjansdi rartJeI, WVc did not think 3 .13 tf neesuary te rail attention 10 the 4 76 39 arginizatiocn a nîlre%1sonniblit, of Lbertyville lI 63 1e The Arnoîiran La-gion. Our firit ris ' 2 41 12, ~ t nii,,was froin on,' or more 322 'aib-r 01o1 lhe bcarcl ani wa, t 1 te Frernont 42 pfef ttha.1, . Il ie. h rintrnc'îîh..rm Wautôttda 47 13 w-r- in ijir ocjfgrantinn our rêquet Cuba 37 15 )ri Sl4t.'riwift sîî,k' Uai. asking Ela 40 3 cie - og.i'iza'ion and rcsp n Vernon 12 3 »Jtiiiy of The.Amei jean [,igion and i W. Deerfieid 50 6 tcIcQ)oicng ti,. rFqueAt ile. r--niarksoq;eerfield l 20 9 caci.icl %iîti'ay, In faking action and 2 . 53 5 'w' coulig.,c cjo reply to our reqtaest. a 21 10 On îanuary 31 te fotiuwing 1c-tcîer 4 35 21 w4,4 isent t thje board:' 5-. 2 3 I.ibertyviliij1. in6 ..4 2 Ji'nuary Il. 192u. 7 17 <hrl.,Avrll.1res. of te jileool a22 Boa rd.- Litw-rtyvjlle, 111, Total 2342 130 ijajrne ini g 1 hcmn The abOave table inctudes 47 of Sonj irjO e'.tfî. chirmn po 1 ield 2. 4 and àbeing mtaaiflg. feajî,ori- of our a rI.tl ornziittee; County Wooo Mon Women 14 17 14 12 25 14 13 15, 7 6u 6 21 S si 3 Il il 2 64 21 24 il 67 21) 17 4 29 9 40 4 42 2 29 1 25 4 32 8 21 26 2 25 87 55 35 13 16 13 132 13 33 5 36 2 la0 3 22 1 .12 4 21 2 21 13 41 6 21l l 27 23 30 31 47 50 10 10 19 5 25- 17 1485 520 the 60 precinets Of1 JOHINSON mn W.mn 2 S 2 24 4 Lake Coumty; Oser- Apfiké,t (0 m'ral nîbêrg 'of the. sihoot boardiniiir'garci tu granting the îpi.iit corimlderable time maktnS I npiltical and business liCe. Tby titie of ilm fijifj vhjî,i gymnaglumr to secle of a patriotie nature. "'Noth- bad thougbt 5,. was recovering, tih', flbertyvJIlrc* Aiîrican Il.egion log. Sougond for tbe boys"' waà his At a o'clocw wedneisday be began puaittW,- wocld ijke III gel the gym publie sentiment. Doenl Senator to sink. Synîptoins were en aiarming naiucm twn njghtAi a weel sana will lîwift rftiember te- days wben tho tiat Mrs. Sullivan sent for bi& Pby- ho willing fi)defray soyexirs ex Ppenne eafety uf the very toundal.ions or lb. sicians and fn bis% eblîdren. Wlthbthe incurred for janlior service, and pay nàtion depended upon the ibuccegse Of iev. Fattier Kelly af Our Lady nt Mt. for any damage we rigbt accident. aur fighting armiez la France? Sure- Carmel cburch. 743 BelmaitI avenue., ally do. We bave. hoa rd of -,n defi - îy a mnt of bis intelligence niuet îboy were ail preent at the end. cit e action In tbe malter but the kboythbat physicai starnina and mua- Three Daulhters; On@ son. rumoràii that theboshard La Pot In- cular devololimenl were the. prima"y Tii famiy conisiste of titre. daugli- Mined te favor the proposition*. force. that brougbt our boy@ back terse. Mrs. filObert M. WOU litMre. LADo Sbelieve that we are justifled In vicîorious. P. Cwnmings and Mre. Thoimas Brel) &skiait for the gymnaslum ia yIew uo f )Doasb.othlnk that strifling athiet- fnan and his son, Boetios. Aàfle1iiiw. the. mCl tbat we now bave cirer aîxîy le aoUvties amons Our Young mnn 1,8i t . Sullîvàa, was. also preéent meinhers anid a permaneant organisa- will produce a better type of citiaen? Mrc. uivan wrsa unconscloîîs for tion uith perinanent officers. High- Whon It lay witbin bis power' to talre fifteen minutes bofore he dled and land Park and Waukegan posta, as the boys away frein street cornera diS not suifer anyl great pain. HIe watt ab numettîus pons througbout and the tuvn bang outas ud Place liaS been taking medîcine for bis the. country are timing the higb achoal theni in the oniy gymnasuuaint the heurt for a long tinbo. nymnnaiums Lake Forest pont bas communty. he useS an Influence Ilr. Mis Iniornîed the tamlly wben coimplet. freedoin of the Lake F'orent wbîch liq Unamerican. and loft triera lie arrivedl about 3:30 a'clock, that Young Mi-na<Club building. Mary un the street corners. Our opinion la Ibere vas litle hope. k'rayers for tht ponsaIn clfrpnt Iocelif les are being that a man wbo renders decisiolis af dyng ver, Iben board and the dylng furnished l eub bîouses. and moinsbtat sort Isnflot a Sitting poisOn ta e man was annointed. H-e wa8 prop- muatntsinanre itndsanad many oUier placed in charge of educattng our poil up in b.d. ln bis bath robe with henefits by tflc eoniunities. cildren. or ln any publie office.- pillovio beblnd hlm. 'The meacsn la wolladivanced àuiS "The atbletic Incident aboya re- Two vweele ago It vas thought that if w.' are ta accornPliih anything this ferred te in of ninor Importance. bh. bad passed thé cet5la n Uic lînes yoir jmmi'diate actionu lm necessary. snd probabliy merEdy called our atten- which baS troubleS Jilini for r.onths. We ,; Poctfully reqcî.- at ths ie board lion t o the Senator. The. American He.hait epent te vintor iln palan jonmider tiis matler and advise us as Legion te 00f a polîlical organizalibfi, Beacb and laler baS tome up In flot a-ii c pssîe.but our esuierience In the s5rvice bas Springs, Va,. andWabhington. fie Your., v.ry ruiy, undoubtediy iven us a very keen ap- developedl a bard coid wbicli affecteS Ern.'acB. Moffet î'reccation of the dulies of citisenabip. la broncitial tubes. He could bard- Adjutant. Thetoirât duly ln our opinion le that T'y talai tImes. It waa tbought that iwar.i i'avtn. every citizen sbould take part ln ill bv ould recoier whenî te stoppagen Commndetcr. politicai activities. net necessarily as iln one of the bronebial tubes isa8 ce- lu epte of thiisr'qut-st for i.nnîe- a leader, but as Individuels. As mndi- lieved. Hie general physiccal condi- dlaWacîçciTwa.., two wee.ls before viduals. -we do 00f want ta support tioan as eound and his bearf wacc s jr-îîlY wait rvc ýivuIl lie senatai' for s member of the sidS ho b.n1 gond condition for a man P"bruary 12. 1920. sho or or an>' ather public f of iebt age. He wan 59 yearg old. E. B. Mollet, ice and wanf him, 10 know IL. In con- Flcuneral ai 10 o'clo-dk Safcjrday Adjutiant. clusion. ve want every one ta knov morning ai Hoiy Naine caîhedrdal.Sa Dt Sir:- as au inspection of the vote vIli petior andStSate strects. Tte IBoard of Ediealion oLItJwlry- show. tbal -Our iuarrel le wltb Rod -________________ viii,. Township fligli Scitool directs ne>' B. Swift, and no one else."--- ine if0 acknowedU.receipt of your ]l-,fier of January 21, and t0 a sa in -ROGER SULLIVAN IES. >ý e'.ply thaf t I fIt'e eire nt the ' !ee- RrrC ,ll-nde i41 bers of the board bojif individfiaiiy ocrC Sufen dd af41- ainc as&a board ici aid ,and [rodiole thboeloek Wednesday afler-noon at bis w(-uf,reof ta, LeKioii. rcsicitmefi. 342 Welington streer. Chi- Thje Board wouf lbio gla-d te Iearn cao as a rffluif of a sudden altack 1 0 OA tihe' tieaif. off our proposcai inc ou- of heast fatilir,' wflit vas ejiperin- iOAreSW M. sect ion witii Your rishit jor th--usedcdh t'cilpiegoi.H caring for thi, janilcîr service. expenue bail been In fatiing liealf b for several andl Iossiblé danijag. whichl nigtbtch nonhm. bout bis deatit camp as a shock- donce. and 10 know wfî,t arrangement f0 lis fauii and lu bis many bilende viay o ieîîadî' forIi iurin Iîle observ-mo anc-e 1f iuch.,rî,gulattrutiq s nmia>'bc a ,r edu on'witbIi c.51,.Le to use of "I a .îî furîfier directeilomyta he S a tn n L v fn U tr tlw tact fliat the High Scbool Audi- S a tn ihig ~ u r fri-iijjjj lm 001 prlimarity and exclusiv- . for an otersiholpur ue- That Goes Into Your Car to Work- rcd ifito Position different froini ahto chools wiich bave regular TIIERE i. îno 'perlîap)s" about the "EXIDE." T rttw gyainasnis; andt Iat lIhe boacan-ry- nid biui recognize ils responsibilit>' vearsof batîury-building experience gtîaraîtees the enid-tiriuig for titi use of the' building for snob purlcoses as h was pIscineS sud ereet- rîglitnesof its every detail. It is burit te efîî:-.sîoîh ii to fulill Itt la the conscientious lpwruldpnaiy )pi,,i., .1aietiboard that the Town >pocfîydec ab. Hall wbielî lias fornierly served aisaa E DÊ Sevcisqulypcta. gymnasiumii îigît.be used by the Le-"E IV Srieisquly rata. gicîn as long as iftrovides sufficient mi-n for lis acfivif les. Nevertbelesa The nextt imne you reqtiire batt.ery service, vi.it olîr if thé, use of tbe 13gb Scbnol Audi- "EXIDE" Service Station-or, better still, caîl for c vcBlat- 'rInim proves neeeseary and can ho U.'rageSb mnner wbf ch leq pire- tery Test rcgularly. rtical and eatisfacttiry, the Board l ite wie yuwl oi oacrCtt la elande reaciy 10 accommociale you.Iia ite wieyu ilcoetiaprit ht Itespecifully youre, "EXIDE" Service is really an iniportant %tel) tnsard fmore Grave tridley, Sec. Of itbe BoarS of efficient and econornicaI operation of the I 'itterv in VR Edîîcation. Ca r. "Dy Ibis Uime fitas lt) late le or- ganise a baskctbiall téain witb any, succeais anS wye feit titat the, IBoard directly through the efforts of Sena-Y TI orplana foi a basketbali teami A itB TI,~ T TO ,Fhltih ve belieye would baie boi% a '0t ta>tbe Legion &ait eLibert7- ILH.SHEJA, Prop. IL M fl*wMim* - LAKE COUNTY WITII OEN'L WOOD SECOND Wlth ony tio ront nsln out of fifty. laie County Tuesday recorded a ballot "lilde to Uov- ernor IPrank 0. Lowdon for premIdent votte, Wood recoiving 1830. and Hir- amn Jobugon, whofe name wwril- ten ini.407. This gives Lowden a maiority of 1739, and, a msjoalty of 1132 ô Ver the votes of both Wood and Job.91î comined. À. treaiedom A Lwden vote waRs cast ln Bentoins f.iret five procinciq which are ln Zion, Lowden treliiig 1536 of the. 1647 total votes cast. More women voted tban mhen n a.' î vn, 949 votes belng cunt bli the woin.si and 612 by the. men. Thé grand totale Include aIl butý Deerfield tv'o, four and six, tb.s *t-j en f£rom Deerfield two. being rccelvicd ton late for the. tabtilated'ecbedule. ]ui tiit precinet Low4en reelv.îd 58 vute 1 af Ive of whlch were wometns Wood 50. t«enty thre. being %om- ea% Johnison 3 and Hoover 1. Deerfte'dl. wus the only preeicit ln Lake County carrled by Jb tion. wbere h. recelved 41 votes bin ow- den', 29, and Wood's 32. to#den %.d Jehnecn tled 1n Waukegan. Il on nie n'a vi tes but one woma,î 52v- <'d- Lowden. ln 46 2vecincts, hôt Inn l fg Stl[eldis 4, t.Ibertyville2, Deerfteld _4 and 6. te vote for delegatea tcîlte lleInberg, aiternates Il-ayes and Béb national nrninatlug j.ouvention wae lake 5 0. ab. f-ljjj .p: SitIMIHTS ON TIIMSDAY. LotccFwn 1285. Saim H. Bradbury recelved -one vot. &bbott 820. for president 0f lte Unfted Stala b Cook 907. Bradbury., wbo wus Lke Couat In the saine territory. the candi. Icensu@ suliervisur. ia denylng th,' dates for alternai» dteeate# 50 the statement ut trienda that ho cant tic national nomnating conventionRob- vntp for hîmielf on the Democrail ert J. Douglas received 1631, Chtas, ballot. Mr. Bradbury contends Uthe L. Swanson 586, and Eugene M. Run- jitle common courteay for a preîldea yard 1602. tiat nominee flot to cast a vote W0 On the democratiji ticket Hierbert him.eelf and that tlhey îîruplly v'ol Ilooser rpeelved 25, William G. Me for their opponent« ila u Adon 11, Oovernbor ua4rd. 18. WoudnIngs Bryan alsu rflcc..ceduone vot. row Wilson 2, Palmer 3. William ln Ihat precinet un 'ho Démaczmtl. Jenningm Bryanî, and Sam Il. Brad- ballot. bury of Waukegan 1. Precînet CommittOemen Rsaulté. On the rame 1tIrket thte national In te Wciukegan 'Tentb precîinet convention delegates received 'the Charles t Crapo ilRep recelved téc folpyviîg votets:I Brennan 61. a 5ke nuiober for (Co!ntinuedunPe W> We Give S. & H* Trading Stamps 'Vwz 3e.çt S'tore - on the l>*vth Shoe'e SALE 0F BLOUSES Mciite r ) r !-li. Noat ,ti i- liied 3.98P 5.98? 9.98 THIS OFFERINGO0F STRIKINGLY IMPORTANT VALUES ASSUMES A OREATER SIGNIÉICANCE THAN ONE ORb)INARILY EXPECTS IN AN EVENT'0F THIS KIND. THE REASON IS THAT WE HAVE ADDED SEVEXAL VERY SPECTAL PURCHASES TO OUR SEASON'S STOCKS, THUS MAKINO THE VARIETY FOR SELECTION EVEN MORE COMPLETE AND 'UP-TO-TliE-HOUR. New Spring Suits-A Great Saving Oppoërt-unity 13Y far the fltost intcrestiîtg valtfes we have sItowii Ibis Csy. The 1,)t conss of Sutit., fashiotirA tille, l'eau de Ceil and ijovelties. lu no inîstance ctiulil the garniefîls be dluplicatecl at the prices îîamcd. - ~L~~29.75FOR SUITS WORTH$4 Madc of mnen' wear Serge, liîîeîi wiîh plain or figure I Pt s>willqw SiIk;- string * beits, IŽain-and button trimnug are featurcil and wonderful values at this low..pricing. -$39.7.5 FOR SUITS WORT'$5 UP TO........... of nien'a wear Serge and Tricotines. Some have flare jack t, 'wlîle others are cf the nevt one button miodels with Tuxedco collar and belt sleeves. $497 FOR SUITS WORTH$ 65 I 'cremely smnart 511115 cf .1ricîtine, lîued î%vitli Iussywil wTaffea.Fini.4lt0ilwith strng belîs, box pîcats andl tuck.3 and aIl are hant tailrdmoes $595 FOR SUITS WORTH$75C -$59.7 UPTO ..... ..RH Group consists of stlits tailorel f Tricofine.î,, Velsor Clîecks aîîd Noveltie.,. Lin- ed with Pfssywillow Taffeta. A variety of mîodes, redc.'îcd from $750. -6975OR SUITS WORTH $87*50 -Finequâiy Tricotiue Sitit-s, liatî tailore I andlatî s-ietl rcicered . Sonaie have TIcoete estees.lDistnctî\ive m . iia aly)fmds * $7975FOR SUITS WÔRT $975 B3eaut ilvenbrtidiercil sîits, of Sîe rîiind Pea leCiin ct cttis 'odan d J hr, ffioîliigll the huer Sîîri.ng featr An Exceptional Offering ot. New Spring Coats - TIiese groiip i I ýt ) lethrjrsey V ndf1 I ' i> f.tIs for iravctI ur sports wxs r and .Silei t' nc c. lln, Ia d V l irs, re tlie fahlrie adI pted f r thie juio e i., wrap. Tljc.i.*are Itttel, box l bs ack a nI eontfiaiou models ..ltvîi ii iiut, * ~ brown, Pekin, green,. etc., sli are ftill'liiiec w1 l silk and! îîany havc the pîîiii.r - conîvertible collar. Notc the redtictiorîs. of qerge, Tri':- $25.oo COATS NOW........... $17-50 $45-00 COATS NOW .......$34-53 $29.50 COATS NOW ............ $22-50 *50.00 COATS NOW ........... $39-50 $37-50 COATS NOW ........... $29-75 $59-75 COATS NOW...... ý$47.50 Sale of- Silk and Woolen Dresses Two groups, very specially priced, iasioned of Tricotines, Serges, GenrgeIte. Taffeta, Satin and Tricolette in a witie %ariety of authentic styles. There are the lîest values considering these %,ery noderate iiarkin'gs that our dress section lias .,hown for Borne time. 'GROUP i. Consists of stylisli new dresses of pTin1ted Georgette, Tricotine, Serge, satin and coîîîbinat>ps. l' lietitcw shorut, tlîre quarter and long steevc miodels cofiared and uncollared, long an~d lorni waist are shown $ 87 Reduced froin 29-75 to ............................1.......................................$ 87 GROUP 2. Consists of dresses niodeled of Tricolette, Satin -and' Taffeta in a varlety of colors and styles including the bouffant and harem models witht $3975 short or long sleeves. Reduced froni $47.5o Preferential Vote For PresidentI LOWDEN SWEEpS Sharp Reductions TQ-Morrow In Wô1en's and Misses' Apparel MILLINERY SÀLE Twa group%. of 5qcia lIV priced biats in Ntilani, I.c Pineapple..st'raw, iM .Hernp, and Mlilan Patent $30098 and $595 1 PART TWO lý- .-W. l - fflw.ý