Our Spring -Houseàï-C leanrng- Sale wili continue' until May First Make your selections now - we wili dediver at fly time. Goods held for future delivery wlthout any extra cost. $14 Feit Combination Mattresse ý\,e lhavc 100thiat we will ale ~place oit sale this week for. $895 $v.oo -Sanitai-y L I NK- Ç[ RING, I eavyfiaine, 24 to be sold for ooîly $5.95 This Detroit Jewel Gas Range OR GLY 4245 Wc invte '< t t o t01 niit. ov er soo r>oom -sizeR Exclusive agents foi- (IEZ A.l RU . 9X12 91. $1900 $17-85 Studet T HE GREA FER ledge of motor ca you will be able to tri the superior qualities tics of the~ SERIES 21 six. 50 H. P. detachable- intermediate tran=n ACH-EI Lah 217 N. Gt ATORY ieNfAL TO PASS ON "IRED" 'LEADERS' SPEECfES State's A'torney James G. Welch has'Speethes. Taken verbatum for that purpose. BRUNDAGE TO BE JUMGE Thie real p1r1105 of baytaj a court reporter athtie lovenic Nattial hal talt Bunday to record the verbatsim speeches of organîzei of the steel and wire vorkers a in oPlaee te text 'in tbhelanda of Atorney General Brundaga te, pas@ on 1,mz and de- feflze vhether thesepeakers cas> b. prosecwted for iiictitg trouble. A receat.ruliiig resîîlted in thse con- -viction of ail editor for prlltig [trouble s.d..unde1rtibiulnlith ould be poasible ta convict persona gulltY of maklng speeches of a simîllar nature. 8tates Attorney James G. We1M, vili have a court reporter at ail (lie meetings and thi. bat of the sPelhut will be referred to the RMtoY ges' eral. While ih la a liard matter to draw, the. lino0on loyal Or dîsloYal. e<tî.ca- Uaonal or revolutionai-y talits. NI-. V.Aelchla i determined to) go to the bot. tans of tle matter regarding the Ten t t-eet met tings and determîne vietlier or no thta pe*Kers vueo liable to Proeecutlan. Bty putting the matter Up tu the aI- torney general it wîi lie out of per- sona, prehudîce and theretore- bis opinion wili be faîrer to ail cont-1 cermed. TELLS O W liE WAS FORCEO. LEUiL SEPARATIONS; Mrs. Claudia Hampson, _"Per footL36," Whose Clothes Shoked Zon ()is -one. MRS..TORDOFF ALSO SUES. Titres vives. v tthn ak egfan and one 0f' Laie Bluff bave tlred of mgtrimonial bonds and todity filetd suit& lu rcuit court aubIng for di- vorce dacrese.Ailt tireesBute vg tilsd by Atty. J. A. Miller.. .TI HAMPSON CASE O)ne of tii. most iatereitIiig suitej wau that filIed by lire Claudia Hamp- son of Lake Bluff. againet lier bus- bandld.Lster E. iHanipsnonf wauk- egan. Tbey ver. nsarrled at Chicago May 13, 1918. ,Obe saYs tbey llved toEtItg alf,. ccmbr -1L919 H. te cbar e Ithci-uelty. tva se- cii acts being mentioued. The ,Hampoaa's foi-merly resided at Zion Cty viiere Mrs. Hanipso» vas ar- rested byth le chef of pblIce cn a charge of vlolatlng tise Zion ordln- snce relative to dreas. It vas chargeli tlsat ber shirt vas 100 bigli from the ground and ber valet vas eut too 10w la' the ascii. Thie Zion police asserted that aithtie time sbe vas a,> "perfect. 36". Mrs. Hanipson via gîven a lecture on dresa reforme and vas not fluet. Thée Hanipsons have ane chuId, Gladys,, aged 3, vliom the notber seeX@ to reti. Sue almo àas alimony, assertiîsg that ber liuaband lias an Incomne of S160 per mofttb. THE TORDOFF CASE Au an echo to the sensatianal charges vI;hcl ber liumband made amgainât lier about two yiare ago. Mrs. LUlian M. Tordoff of Wauk- egan today fled suit foi- divorce firom ber busband Han-y G. Toi-dort, a local liarvare merchant. Thse couple - vt~wre maried eta rFoxz.Lake, W i., Sept. (Cotlnued 9rom Pu Oe021.) 24. 1896, and ived togerther unlIl January 8, 1918. She gays lie de- known Laik, Fergot YOUn ma1,l, -bO' serted lier at that ie.. Tboîerer la defendant on a charge of robbefry two children. Ovendoien. aged 8 and Ia the circuit court et Waukegan. ai'Florence. aged 6, Mrs. Tordoff gays ane of the piifrcipalis Ia Northi Shore lier husband lias real etati valued boote thefts tataling et000. a 16.000 and pertional property val- Kenney tesrified that while lie was ued il $20,000. She says lits monthly entertained" et the point of a gun' Income from bis business le $500. by Barnes for about an hour awralt- Slie asks for thie eustody of the child- mag the arrivai of Edward Âtteiidge, ren, also for aiimony. William Jordan and Pearl Dennii f!n THE HORTON CASE an army truck fretin Fort Sheridan, Mrs. Emily Marie Hiaiton of Wauk- wbich the latter bad obtained. and Pgan says ele married James 8. Hor- l n whieh tbey bauled away thie liquor. ton et Waukegan. Novenîber 10, 1917 During the tliife the men were and 'that tliey Ilved together until )r Riig amd Linioleumii Depart- aw 5Itiflg the arrivai oft he tr-uck, Joe February.7. 1918 when sitesasys lie Rtugs always on lialin. Ilunn. a telephone lineman, came to deserted bier. theAckrt omeandwasmet by Barnes foiced ta walk uPolaire an dl ýLiNE CuNGOLIUNI: GOLD there iuiprisoned, accoridng intausSIJIAI<SIIORTM EI Attor-ney Jalmes-G. W'elch ln bis in- structldbts to the jury as to what bi o.(xg 6xg ~~~intended to prove ln the case against SS'HLSL Steele. After taking thie liquor, At- O T VIO EA4 $118 $f.75teridge. St-ee and Vénnis drove truhLake:lffadWaultegan PUICE TO 2 CENTS and look< the lîquor to Kenosha. where -eaukpe avenue. Weich lurtber stated. ln Orîier to tet a juey à--wa.s necet Railroad Strike Slows Trans- sayfor the state to texamine elghty- portation; Dock Strikes Cur * tallpdMfs Mr.Ac keit. The robhery tails Importation. look place January 9.1 l'le jurors vere Ed '\!"vnard. John-it h,) ad jsugai-? muloban, A. F. (ont-ad .WalterVn i i-iealtno vuclianimal ln Wso- Kuren, Charles Cu rry and I-ouîs Gui kegan-alluest. lidge of Waukegan. Charles iiook and Tt nak i itbe dealers scr-atch thel,- hi-%i-y Howard of Warren. P'aul heliads and thili iran rfflords visions _____Geiser, llighland Park, Charles A(ir, 'of dollar igns witen tliey thlnk. of tin, L.bet> % lle, and Mer-hi Clarke îUgai T -Y ai-e unabie to buy sugai- and FA MJunnofut Waueonda. tsday fur Irs han $27 a hundred. e ats us îî l % am e-- hiî'h .:, the hlghest Price on îlecoi-d. cea-the lime te iobbei-y wa., coin "M att i te trouble?' a Sun ip--' iimitd. Bai-neý, la a Chicago mnan. le- 110ter ,.î ris between lumps (not cently dlscliarged from i te arniy. Su'afr, bat ather in hhie iroat as liot urned saes evidence and aie tic Ihinkbi ut hîs next grocery bill. tin custody. -r îîg'replies thbe grîceUr. ' (ýý 'iene trîke cut7the suc lf .îî dock and ailied "îîes l -. Ni--w Yîoîi-and collier-easiO'n por.- (.i IhVue lie'Il Sd stofilied tImporta- 111 ins orile ravitproduct Io refi;êrs. Hdkl'i<rî-, and confectiloners musti S FR 1 S r haie rugar ai- any pite and i-ney' are - outbidiurvg i-be rétail(rrs." Cia Lu3i ttr esoute relief v in 4ght. \ieéijainloads of sugar, appi-oxi- )aker Spec al Si , iiatvI1y n24,0I00 baga bave tieen orý iii I,l;pod Io Chîicago trom Can- 'r aa. \l'h ibis arivai expected Ileu-lu' act mponthlititiglr pi-ices are' your know- inch wheelbase, giving maximum libers us Il lie 16 cents a pound. Tlils suler lias been releaêed by the Cana-' us, the better comnfort for five passengers. dian qoeurment. Canadian officis weeconviplledl, tbey hall no rîgbt to- l'Y appreciate place a han on exportationi, inasmucli' Ail Studebaker Cars are as il reprsenteraw sugar sent I andcapaili-f rom .New York toMastreai to lie and apabli-equippeci with Cord Tires. rei-e d. About 176,000 baga viii bie !0 SPECIAL- "This is a Studebaker Year- d _____________hiclgo For Muimc einnara Studebaker quality dominant for DlthhT of moden isteola t wvel ý-bead motor; ixty-eight years, is reflected in Bihel«iandl'. tel la Brook etreet, now unvlergîvlng transformation te accom- issiori; 119- this SPECIALI-SIX. InOdute the newr Guarde club. TIaIS taras In suite of "somnd.prod" rmoi eailed thte "littadel ilte," mter the ICOtpospr, wbo lived snd died la BIOok Otreet, for the Use of MusicallY ln. lq-& WELLS MOTOR Go* llned vîetorsi. This admirable ar Ie CoUnty Distribuio)rs Phone %8. rangemen~t enabled alistOf B0 ucli ditein -triaments la the bande enese StW aulegan nfi ois f te novice es the piceSo or tise.baig- enese St.Wauk ganillioipipes to pratice -vlth"tt dlaturbiflg their fellow.Sgutn....London Tises. Juot an ea Eobhy, Just bomne froni is tiret visit to the rouar, ivas telilng the foîka of S its Tenders. *'And say, met," lie sald;, 1 "Out on the faim lbeyget milk fi-on - Il , Ows.sand 1ts mai as gaod as any.1-. ~' ' Boston Tranecripi. Ibn,________ _____ AIXIIEiNGo Lak. so m&' r.t Store For Wom end Ch ildren $16.50 Dresses Woo8r.,Pmm. Dresse- to $25' T.ffýL ,satin.,Cr.p. L Dresses to $40. A.GiganticSiSa- Delayed Easter Shipments Suits. Up to $40 at 327.350 Suits to $65. 475 S uits to $85 Admimal>lsnew stylas in Berges. -TricotînesWool Poplins Cliecked Veldu. Waol Jeseys la P'an.ld. Brided. Pleated sAd Ebnioldtred Ta<ckts vltb aew Ideas la pocksts ankd belted ef- fecta. Recala. of concessions grated us by manufaturers in ocogsderalloa for the. laie aMYSIv of these SUltu vs are able te .quota liese ltarsstlng reduetioas. A Speci*al CoatSalè. Made PQssible by A Special Purch.ase - - Sport Coats to $25-00 1Thie Ineffable cliaran of lies, styhlali coua le dally attracting large numbers ot,, vasus and misses desirable of comblnlng loy price wtic Quality and utimost style. Here gre polo cloths, tweeds camel liair, ae. 5LA VOLUME XXVII.- Haif Million Dollars Chicago Diocese fc Nemor of Soi l'lamm aadread) cicale. uz fclldfiofi'm-- fiut.in Ofivi in-estar it' won iL' an ('ae itilctchut( tilibtic %Wedarsda y Ili norcmn f a $SM0,( ward 1-unes, milliSoairt belusan. to ArcbbhoLp Il vas st-aîed ia chut tihe 1-ines donatian, vi Iuefrn of ut'lis jf'ovil. Ev died la France. and wbî fîIr itie -building outil)(e u 4-1, 4ailth- lai-geai4tcingle e%, i maille by a ia>tuali Cavbollc education. ~linîuliane-ousl> <oinet mient vhai a purse vf $j iraifildb) a coasmittee oft' b.- arclîdiocese. bUa .Ilurrvdlezi upfifn il,,e cv vît ' iilf ii lic -u0! ,uv, (rr.'Al aj,l î "fi AtilI- T 1;f i or>.' ilfifil iifi rI vr r, iait rtI l Aiidjtrg trci. III r fi i r iflhéfit foirififif-rly lte Siteildîn w nuuu. a libiai-> aud a fvI. ai as duiuturies tu i i fiflfit55ttfi1'lTe ,' Li. uuc-luuv indei îba Sr i fi! I'i. 'Lake. r lui- IfIufI he div-u 1 Il.. i,iiliiag l-cl~rt lie ua, eI ,upfIfI, heci l .ilf lt be'-rected l n*lii ;, I lf'! t fi ,(a fo, i ;Ii Mun ;l b i l'Ail vitrasa-I cillvtges tn ti Il),l i lue av.-us Il .\i ictLv-ua .nd uo] %fi&, j il] aiii, v fovr lits " re. fi r'<h tlith i-I i ders of teaciters conduc: r "Ti-t' i ;,niinfu Mir ilinie ttiffifiIoifA îjres- by livte dedt(: jnjilit- b Michael CUIl l'inj rt :. 0 ýnI aI thlj Icne la- inhtirisl0 io.,,, f ehiso nOdon II TWO ESCAPE ASYLUM; W FORMER IIOl 1f1gin rEîiiho4pihtal we.'k. vercrgptOi-5C î*rF Ehit'r Grei-ca. ift Elviit J GrUItila hark iiit ie iospihal B wriglit, wio vas l1,1t ýj ttitis section tutu' .'î tand tîsherma pert iii tly-castlng- prises In contesta In 'vf the counitry. Wl- 'for-cti aà year or mo. imbîmed wltbthe ides va. tîying tobil l lettes'a to Waukegaa- an.] save liim. . He va,' biotîglt to glve* tea anlty bearimi Elgin. Maltte\-,'n lias escal Tbe twa men. whî vu-bIng tantthe fields walked to tileir formet gring te, Lakte Marie j Hugliwood. Siserif f v tflutd by Elgin authi mes vere at large a lobout for theni wbu Lake Coucty. -1 §-l mil -liti