Lbjer.tyville Independent' LUke Côluffy Independern Waukegan Weekly Sun THE LUNCH WE USED TO CARRY cfIt would be trite to say that much of the increased cost oflv-ing is due to the increasing numbekr of conveniences da4lythruàt before us and .which our ready acceptance cf effort saving devices bida us eimpIoY. What lma become of the old fasbioned package cf lunch?. Not one lccp worker in a thousand carriez thathomely littie packet simply because it is 80 easy to b. served in a restau- rant. Pride i. costing us money. We-mre too metropolitan, too intôlerant of homely fashions. The. girls from the. offices aud stores coniplain about the. price.,of foocd in the. restau-, rant, but they would b. hcrfled at the. suggestion that tliey brimg with theni eacli morning a lunch box filled with a, quai- ity iumoable te get at any price âowiitown. Tis isnet advice fer those who must lunch downtown. t merely ta a sugestion for tho. who.need not. Chicago ta -~I of reéaufnia Mi it - gfod---top spee& ý Fewev Iwshesnienam mre food at a lma price.. Thie âwning supply of food ta what we are al cl in ng about. Howxnauy memrought te shave thernselves? How m»aY mm and women eught to poliali their own shees;'cleanthei own hats; how nuany amen oglt te got into the pipe habit sud ettcf the. cigar habit; how niany housewives ought to m*ae tbewr own %ce cream; malie their owP candy? W. are growing mnore and more' indifferent te tr:-fles. Tii.,icels'ue used te ave are baing tm.sul-with a penny for tax-into a thcuuand creivices that dlidn't exist a few yean ago.- In short, we are lcsing sight cf the sagest cf saymngs: penny saved is a penny earned. SEEK SLAYER 0f 8 VEiR OLD BOY; TO QUESTION BROTHER' FO AEIdea ,1 Furnished With, Acres Homeàs of Ljrnd LOCATLD ON, BEAUTIFUL GAGES LAKE TÙe Ideal Purn'Shed Home. This Clira.,orig F rarmoCottage 1 ana cffering fer -ltc tAeta ( trrh.rl asil litPerai te anYoZe desl,-ng an liî-aity Irriairri Crunîiy hu I ta orar VWauriegan, anrd Yet 1it le' ex cridcd frorn #Il contact witt tire irrrry and hitSil of thi. nt ueîrîiréi lorilst. -ila beauaituily aittr.ted witli ample gi-ornait pace, irorderlng upon Gages Alakf, 2f/2 mnilesfroni the valliage îalhOad station of Gays Lakte. trorigi w'hich rune the Ciicago,. Milwaukee and iii. Paul Railway andl the Soo Lino Railway. Gages ,aite ia the hiearet t t he amail laites te tht. city, Il lnaa prirratety-owned laIte. heing tire troperty of.abot t leivCf er tivelve 'pcreons. Thts private ownersbip Ivesa airc- Jut,-controi te ait et thé activities around tirq, lite. l'here are no hotela or bourding bousse. pon tris 10dY or yater. Tt tic tierefore free front posibilty of asà- noyance f rom bointroua and unchemnly conduci of silO- A&.dand irolidy crosle ltai noo ulten iar the -pieanure Ti.LcatioD. Tht, country home iiac,.the mosit beautifutloi r.tion of any tplace irà ipit. entiie district and Winl aPPea te ayone Interested lni a property of tht. itlnd. ltiaroua- terpart canniot b. <ound aaywhere. Il la trtcty a ciiarm- ing body of water-a laite filed wih fine fiuh uhat are worirtirtrougir ttc ieacon. Tire place la offerird ai aý bargalit. wtrUe catciring, and whicir wilt afford deltgbîful aport ail U.nder the ircumgtances bowey.r. 1 muet dispoO of tire properiy and tire buyer wti cocure a summèr lo- cation tirai ho ailit aiways enjoy posaeaéing. Mies lirai ire oMti a revolver but In- vhiîrefithat ih asitnt loadeal. île taid ire ment te Waikegan last Satnur- day te buy Faone carfridges but saYar tîfti$issoli. Vaircî. a' miane SE-nt, lîrfot rcal binu thre ,-IreL es eoedu andlhie coutl tart gel thcni. BIlare Wtteeiock mmiiaire mal ben given ate nderstanal htiriVair'en lada a. rvoltverilithir, ocssien.î Il was siailealtlitai Valien o bably (COntriniFront Plage ONt1 %%,(,nd be qiiesittinvl hifore thre lose thre parentscutd lire Iiditurd tri leave (if tire dtty. It verra planned aitre to thre rooto. , examline Perzigiais revolver. BULLE IS OCATTireb faci that the bullet enteroal the Th BotuleT kiS lOCaTED ne top cf the boys theat! and proceedeal Itie nteoretthadtmore ap~pentdln alinosi a traîght'tdowoward course tht heamelmoendhle more sparotcaîîred officiais 10 discount thre theory tiad nte eit definea botemth otacutltirai alali nîlgirihave resulteal front witir tire aiidow tedge at the ecirool .a taY ulute.dfoi oe i- The probe resulted th irt!e bul1t btance Ing fôund solidly wedgedin the bouet ai the lower part of tire ,kull. Tire Maybe Rlght. lead nissit, iad entereal the top of thre A ltnR igmer %iro bougt ii lqnop uea and liadt péseal completely tbru front a bootlegger sated afterward the brain. Onrat whilkY wRE Racec.calty for The positive siateotent of the sc'8foiotîoneof iil aling. At fiat tirere teacher tirai there w"u no bolle ln the May ire sometiing 10 hic argument. boy'F akuti veien sIte batiied iis head We caaà't Imagine a tone-aober man efinvîncoal the coroner and menîbers ev eaeywikiglt aeO et the, jury that the butin sound ças ionsbrtejwlîn ooa noo neot inflcted untîl afterveard. Ina tac lit was apparent that death must have W.n ugrCi ei o.. been alnotriinstanilaneotis. Stiar nce t ot al gir s 1.3a FATIIER OWNED REVOLVER Poundî, but tt'i)$ aIn teparlIer days Perzilan admitteil to thet, ulior- oftil, vtroductio (front 1352 bo 14W0>. Ride aB4C Give Ycur Youngster Hias "Realet" Fun -a bicycle. Encourage him ta join lte BOY Scoute and bicycle cluba. It %Ali heip himn grow mrong and maniy.t efficient and independenti. hic onc way ta give hiîm every opportuntty for a succeaaful business carcer. . Thé Garage, The garage on tihe plice la a large twvo-story irilld- log. fi ta large Enougit for tire toring of four or tise tourIng cars. fi alan ccntaIic a Large tout roont Tirere lm another room thtircoîrirbc iedr.f4r an Ice irenrIlei titis waa ihorîgiridesiratie. Th.e roorn hias a crîent ftoor wth a drain fer tire saler. It hac been tiard ty us for a Iaunadry. Thre iltrr fluor of tire garage ta aa tail tstic rontailtir a good floor. At one end uf the attir is a roornt Icara-d off for -tire aeoftirhe garda-ver. TIere nnaatnlng airace 'Ka uaed for a chldren@ lodoor play roo. Ih Mac also ued for ciretering txtîa coin- pany and eontaîns cois foi sleeping purpoaoa. Puimping Plant. Tharre la, aiso Rn ecIacluiAutomnatr Pumping Sya- tranifur boke Mater, Ttre art, aprlnkling pIpea îunnlatg aIt over te croii y. enail-dng tire garden andîl an to ire iiororigtriy atriniier I n te absence 0f rm. anal Jnearlngth ie beaity of tire groitodm. andl an tanfaiing euirtly cof layera, andl 0f garden vegetab us. A Pickerel Just Caught ln Our Lake. The Best Fishing of any of the Lakes in this section. Tirs fia-,tii lIn ait e i. eili ,ynl ail Miro raveo hadlit the rri-îrr eofeaggtng ln thiia polt aittth arte, as tire tr-Pt tter irsalcif'any fiihing ln tire i-nt],,! cirîn ri tai a cf tt cfon. Tiis fart i la e- tto.tht, alamount of fiahtng donc. strc la cooflord 1tirah prop-ty ownera about the, tai.', tier famrilles anal tlrir grir -tq. Tire lake la Miii toîtral Mutr act. 1t irn'rYstitri-i ur.sarrds of yortng 4mccc inttc laite tibtaittecifrontilire FiaIt (omia- Moteon f lire Stat e of Iliois tandaaie outh-b- VI nioaltatea Ftah Hatctrerlca. Ne onote ras te (nold for lisle upon tire laite for fIshing tîlrpooes, candno one aoc, ans' ftiing in thin laite drcitt Iboaewiro co lii' irrîrilborrderieg upon t anal tteir invite.] glanai. Pecluiion, and fn-criait, froint Intrîrun iy an rînde.abIr le .mini, miii- tris Cottage a da-Irable posaession. Telephone 82>, - 132 S. Genese Waukegan,-Ill.- Bhowing end of Garage from side of vegetable garden. Front GQate and Eutzance. Front Porch of Cottage. The Cottage Tlrc cottaîge contaunaf» l'.i r a d rt îîîra tru-e Pci rnd-ti taorih the full tifro!thre trîo.Each bfdroom hias tarinig Mater frnm twc fairceta--nt faut- (L i t frarliling Mater frof a Mi Ii165f fet di, p iocid in& vater front th4e laite. We tin our own gas plant, undl manrufactre gan for cooking anal ligiriing pi%'rpoftz.. and for heattng tire otta-b Bcd rooms andl bath rooma havir ambesios-lnal gus gratta connectea-rt Mliithe gna plant, cal nd In lilly seatter tire mrnem a mabe rom- fortatrly warmeui. T'rireoain living rroni Ila frinimteal with ti mue heat. Tirere tians a wetlpd-.bath roont, large btht tutu. anal an inmtantattioua htt aater lia-cir. Ttc1m malds room ha» runntng water and ar-parate talikr- ThIt ion a alarge roont andl ahi comfottaiîiy acrom- otodnte tivo mals. Ttc collaitutale la ona large roont, anal may te tîveal if alen, aa'% " addililotralspart, ted routin for gli-sta. Th- cottage asoîlarnete i rci. îcve fi, i arrose tir , ' ail of tire Istar nd is alnaayadry anrd lîî-lthifîl.Tire grOîînii.i entiin Amcm.- eiAredly developeri rrnarnenital rhrîriatac- , rfandl air n oimirtîr ffi- fruit Irea. Welrila W4rte iil ituci iglit leais iugo. Aitt inîlirveaand or r f thte u tg are prô-ci e-d witii i îrt-pi 0f 'c iin tSorrn drciaundîtoalua, for aI thY proler tIrn. uand ¶Ire ottinîga van i, seaicr La tîglianlund eic t'ortîin lttir toll,,. Tie-cottage iras benr n r fi unguardaîl ca ry Minier anal th ias neyer hefm brein Into, or In any May ns il. ciingthe Itî gir yearr of nay ownltrrh!ia. Size of Property. Yu¶y ttaoçriv 'fi coýi&0i onthlit i-ri v8130 jfait. F-ont tc tcitet toy lnrun s riadfîwiasn 1tirelaite a divianceofo aboîri 270. fet. (ompiiiing abolitcric avisitof ]and. My prorrtY tIgirta nt tireifaite'are 139 feu-t frontage, opori tire tate. andl outinlo théi aie abouîtt ttlletfront tir ehierIû lne. makItine iarly fout-acirra in tirelaie. ad a tota-l of land] anallAite uf atprToxiratly tive acres, W o it i th f ta n a c re . Tir e copatalng map sirow@ a portion of Laite County. anal show@ thet location 0f Gagea Lak.itel len tweive M-lile. Sirnctly aicat cf Wauitogan. anal about five mite. front Llbertyvllld. Reason for Selliug. ?hi; .Osn for erf ein orir 'Ott;rgc for cale 1-,2"nucîîe nMYbot ",M. n chiragg reiqrirea cnhrterit ttncnand I i.Vioms ita 31iont going ouit ti i lc("r ,tnlr iilal r(inaiing ie. r îfgtt. My M 1f. net wlisng t er lta rio it oal. iit. idi1-rrîodto off-rr l for sale. The Lake.. Tht, lahe lin nearty one and one-hrjelfet;r u:rg. aouttit trer- Quarters et a Mlle uldei and-abiout mizity-flve tet deep inthe cen- ter portion. Il ia ted by eOintantiy fiowing springsanad overfiova ai_ tihe iowgat end of the lait*. Tht, overflow runeiloto, second Xaite or Druce.Lake. The. laite rune iengthwicc, North and South. iii' ïcrety la on the. West Side of the, laite, and fac"eieét. In guru- n5r tinte, uhetil itathot, the wtnd alwaym blown f rom the South Emst and au the air ses AyeOVCrIbeJaka.AAi ool-d- --by -tli- IImii iur cottase. the breeses arc always cool &A dr.- frenhig. -Without a doubrt, w. have the, beet locatton on the Slie The ýPer in Front of Our Cottage. The Soil. Tb# -r11 nttntt land lta (a ttfiibiaet .r,îC e '-u tlIrir iiii moat. _rîtiing in Le gruin W.- hase ami.., ' lr r-i entrîty of1ntrawirthian wI r ilid -vi, and à a .riîraluindane,. of vegettf&es Them e cactaiicandl frits mwtre (r, ipérior 1 inryi the ma rietsa afordeal. due ta tire rieli tall. and t0 o-tfant aprînklitre w'iuh iake wîtIr. Tire lai'.wttr i cirroir la 'haronouch iii ascatot vi-getrbi.- growvta, and nouikilt tht egraiîias ls otten ti, cae. Other Property Owners at the Lake. The. laie Richard W. Stars, 0f Searc, RIorci & Co., osrnét the largeat portion of tliilake, andl incebis deatir. his wtdow andt childeen hae made Lhel permanewnt home a 'ht. tîming laite. o- pouite our cottage seronte tlela ierd tire GamocClt, Tht.@ club la made up ef woalthy people from Lake lruct. Ilinüi- Showing our cottage from Huntixiigton'a lawn Our Cottage Taken from a Boat i the Lake Interior of Cottage. Th iàti l- lot of tire cottage la finisired In catirerrin pine -mi r- hr- ed. Nu iriait. r. Tire cottage la tirerefore aissys dry and does nît nnoclt mîrty Miren opcned tIlire oprlng, afint belng cloceal dîîrirg tae witr maths, lite a plactarea cottaga uuatty doec. Thé. haie- of tire eotire Cottage ta a double fluor. surh two tirr-itnessea 0of reelir- elzcd-papor iretwec them. ThaIn revenla anoieturrafront cnmtng îîî from below. 'Tire ceiltng joint art, aiparate f rom the atitl floor joint. sitir building pairer Sictseen mt ceoff Ina. Titis in&ulate ir.', ceiling andl nuakea tire cottage uouuraily cool. For Further Information, See- Te.]go DURST Pres. Security Savings Bank Waukegaç, Illinois CHAS B.SPAU PIONEER RES He Was Lifelong R Spaulding's Corner en his, father's Ho C ilrres Dirdî-<l irur t ný 1tel.g%(Cor nîr. tirrer IlliJ Wrrukogaa retidunt 0f wltir lit pare:nts, Mr. anal Sla'uldingl'pianfeàa unit elere born a8'4, andl waa a t fctoog the, i60-acro fart irti fat fiomthtie goveitimm-nt t fotes, aled idt 7 o'cloýcl Ing at the, home of fim P. Spauldins, wbo occupi the original iomeste-ad, yeazr' tlimes. uriliwt la Union cometery, wbîcý cated on the original t5pa Mr, S<auldlng retaided Jigs Cornera wireftheuIn through tirat sction on Chicaugo to inade during liais. Hia fatire'r cao tut ,two-tory" ]os cabin in ty. tire tr*t ilin meanin andl not two-story sa 1 postiesuued a rémariatrie probabiy tnew cmore abou Co.ity hilitory ansiploner other man. 31r. î,aUidlne oPerateal alvo ttriptf.clurod brick livt, ri-s.retiring fron bustiness into 1h1. lie cdon for lire Spaaltling'a Corni lI.ire lratobon sît1 tirfude. iis home, Mui. Sjau vvtad by anotirer !ion, 19iatiding, anal a ali George IWrlglir. aRîtoth- a i hie 'orna-fl,. lis wJiî earm atro. pot(' A Ibeng. v hjýr-. irel aiunaledlitthlI KelatxaruaaaNotlntaigi te, ef liitlra tit).1 The rfini avIli be ire-lu tr'tay frou of Edarin'll, Sparuing amir intürtinent Rt inira Fiiorls are asked to lianeil ligFriy Jr. MW, B:u uSrtrtsk, MWaukî ga Jatîln Serhrowski, Northr Soîria Sznalcrti4ul, (Ii Wtlllatrt A. %'*arct. 1<, Loruis.- il Ne-rtle, Krirrtir iiiiliwlt J. Ridr btu iau r, Pa,,24; Atm tir i,îrir-url Jay lia-a, C(irerîo, 22 lirvital ('1r1c;ui0, 110. Savet-illieriol. îriryslak cec Scianirtti <i;rHatOti..2 Bennir- StéIpleton, Keno, Dirana LîhoreWasiiega Alez Snititir. ('hieýsgo, soni Ont hParka. àf2 'a ('i .. liîirflt'tnl ' 2iis. \lMy F. :%t(rgh tlaurrgi- ltroot. iN'arîr Lundis f1arva-a. Wartkr cal Mîian j Kit.r trlIti 22:Cnî'- M Euht. Mi] hui.,a fi;; l.r "I-ria iiro. v.r5, 41. Fred W. Emgert, ('h cal it -Passer Amdert IrtoIr Ba con lii iga cirevri Conlet Crawf- Dianiel Davis Fcoaor Elcar North Shore Auto Top Co. SCOTT H. PETERS, Maqger 236 North Couaty St. . Phone. so2g, Waukegan MAKERS OF AUTO TOPS, CURTAINS, ...IBACK' CURTAINS, SEAT COVERS, ETC. Curtains Repalre4 Cars Washed Ail Work Ciuarinteed~ A PAYMENT OF 81,000 REQUIRIED WHEN CONTRACT 55 SlGNEO DY PURCHABER AS EARNEST MONEY. ONLV 20,MINUTES DY AUTO FROM WAUKEGAN. PRICE 18,000.00, FUR- NISHED COMPLETÉLY, REAOY TO LtVE ON IT ALL YVEAR% ROUND. WATRR, ELECTRIC AND GAS LIONTS, TWO TOILETS IN blOUSE. SEWERS, TItRER WAS1I BASINS, LARGE MODEA 'N BATH TUD. MORTOAGE CAN4 OF RENEWEO. .1V ST REMEMUER, POMO.G CASH WILL SUY -UT THIS WEEI( AND UNTIL MAV 18T, 190. F.LRST COME1 FIRST jCIOSEo. - TITLE GUARANTEIED BY LAKtE COUNTY T. a T. GO., WAUKEGAN. PHONE, WORD. CALL. OR WRITE IMMEDIATELY. blOUSES ARE 5CARCRI THuIS ONE l8 A BARGAIN. PHONE DREXEL 3107 ('AT656TE.HICAGO, STLEET jeC JI CHIAG IL. 'i