LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, IWNOIS, THURSDAY. MAY 6, 1920. PAGtE 1ITVR Babies *'uperstion, and muds of 13abies. àf,-... 't r1r -i ,Cr n chran.ces 1,- n-rt crielif C bij- Ial'îeï BCOIsS IN THE LE PUBLIC LIBRARV r0 C' h' , D S 1-r rf r blC îy .1 1 DO GIRL FOR GEN EWORK. IYO LAUN WORI< EASY. MRS 0. GENESEE STREET, PHONE 995. if il mc'anics. . C if workioç caad,,rrn'- I.AppIy ai an, . ,, tIîan P. Mudd MoCCCo, aCi>orli >1' ('111( q4.ý'. jI. ri, ba, C-r sCix 7I-'C. n; Cri CandC r !C.n A ,nil- CCC' lCCf i ru, hk , S. 19 21 iî.'o DCent 5.-II CCi 19 I tillers 5 [CaCsengî-i Car.- >eriysîle Ilti gi, for-hbaicling. ire- t'!' rioutl Rlocjk s fî'nîî îrnrsted stock. Jaci, .,îoii Street, i.îinte- 19 hi *enîan Garden Tiactor. tg order, M'ii canilidr' A.ddresa 1). Miriller, 2143 inelon. 111. ltbonî EC hri K ing rreclICCi ne 27&W-l. A. Anider- 191i1 or ilselve men ai iRe cebouîie. Sixt> dats, nber Co. 7i INITAltY SIIALL.i)\V t d "-I, or less. Drink 1 rrCold contaminatioCrn Flousec inoving, hont3e aînd lotior actrens, iiriîl V1LIJING INIJUSTEY. 31 aCnCd 9. 16 241 iTO :ELL GIiOCLER .-xprifence iCCi nece_9ý c lai-geai grtrCeis - Ciii »00OO.0) wants anit riCr Iat-ality to CCCII - - el natlonally knosso :tensive line of grocer- fings, lui.ricrring oilî' .No cap.ital rccquireit. taie age and occupa- tonî & Cri, 152 "V iîîf- Nlr. and Mis. Roy Procloi- hase ri, Nr. and YIrs. "Viiani Fendilki*i Il W.dnieiclay ai 7.30l p ni.. Oaved ta Woukegan. Hrar iitdfied n Lib. rysil. v lc(w ii O/ .Sechce ln16 will be Ine, .hurch lay in ilThursday. Libe, >cille, FUnion service in-.- is:1 f Born, Sunda>, May 2, to %f. aitvii lMys.-Clarence- Colby, a .son. Edith, littie daughie ,-î fi. XiandI SM N \LAWRENCE, E'ISCOI'AL î h.rch in 1he ee., ning. A eain ys Lib e rty v î.eB. e1. Sîien. bast, sa-n quit illRev. GorctnoirAiphous MacWhortec -talion la aLL. Born, te Mr. and Mma. Prank Star- . i uhbte.Priest in Charge butla uchbeter.I 1 3 FfI.h Sunday aller Easipr. ford, an Sund:y, May 2, adaughier. HaveCdlbted9',tuil, n:>Wr.knStckand Can~req. Mrm. F. Clevelad heu been removed lHerbertOGilespie of Wauliegan ai- - C.m,- r..of the,,î,ia,îr mi.7:30r. m.rrry Comunion te a home for Invalide la Oleneoe.. ended te business In Libertyville on Bank, wa# a businegssvisiter Ito Chi- gent ythm Orlndolr. :4 à p, cher. Shoi 4f IdMisAnnia SwansOn of Chicago la a Wedogsday. cage Tueaday. Il sat h wfte.4. ain- hrî-h Scba(ý« nd se". ci. T . .a. îî . 1:i' CCi. I ii arrien 1Mr. and Mra. Tony Moi s are> ithe-mon. Ihîi.,.1'.Thi ,. . .Iin. Engî guetet aith E, H. IBrown home. Mma Amber C. Warren ives in Wau- Miss Myrîle Smale anent the kegn luda vlitnglir rrri~r.Mc., ndw arcyII.,wih bi liie îroud aarenis or a ne'. bah> daugipr, In the-inierest of' chtirch-going 110 e. m - i., C iîîriî In Mrs. P. E. Allen of Evafletoui ealled T. A. SImpiran. and imily. 1ii.Ia>odNU bot-n April 19. "The -average man belle..-.,in tiiî~iinr,.r'r r.'riî- on Lbertyvîlle friends Wedanday. Xi. oelliîloiw.. . vtCN. n is .irlirn.r ihurî-b: Jet bhli e consistent and goa .4îr ."rrr,'nde r. and Mrs. Lea. Warren oi Waur.lîîh'CoelaSL rnes .Mr.i.T. I. Monroe waK la Oak l'a t'k uhe Weslyan bosîîiis in Chicago Tues !- hpeiSnaye b- oen a ve, ia moed mn,, r Wlr on ar<d. -- over Sunday wiib Mimis Lucy Wingai.-. dey. She bas been iii foi- somp ime. .r., Warren.. îparents, Mr. and Nll.s.. lai on Milw.aukee a..-,i, r>.i.PIESBYTERIANr llH"Fud fiiig RyKln1> n aiivâe io il. iMgel. EarI C. Morgan, PsatorffîI hi ga,nîdpa olI. srii u o e n'rada. yai-î, îMiFsa Caroline Ma Wafeîir'r . s n Smi Srî,a chîol ai l , 1C aii îej a hiegradprens. ir a -Mi. F . W i'o Waukeganii.. 'aek. 'Tb..* vwiil be Ge.orge Kiepiîer ira inprohîn, .1e ,-a Moed in Cbicago, apici. , s..kcr,1 I'aukhi c biia eii..'CiAnnOr.- l lne..'.4alng lbhe appmeaî-aiicî ni bils a.iiihelhonme of ber i,lih. rin Li.bel . r -. . fi ai]agi. Mr.1aftd STil, lP lîî i i 1- 1 IS .eiir. H Uai,'i ani ii mere !n \%,',,r, ~nissCîn riCIUhi ~laaWrrnve friend8, in i i'HI-gan % -nesdaC atli«nCfOCCf .MlsM NMaryGannî, îj .; aa, li .-Cîg. I61-Cn iurnIel ir . i u. S , ,'. P 1' i. Irlsl rî rm,î - rraî , ) îukr.;nn1., %V.. i t. fýýa -lrCCC Over gSundr,> njr nohîjr r-. -r .-r 'CI , nnC ,lr %Ir and ,i l .r'î I C% . '.r iiIj ' loiia I('Iiiiiil h as Ir5 .,u n.-r Eirnetsr i . ,, i, and 1 ~lh~ ia N 1-m ..'CCSr , oir I . ,îa- -- Ieturli.d rrday tram FIL Petersburg, ';ilday- -.îsrrne- ard 'rîr- .U, Forida. MAXWELL We have secured the-agency for the Maxwell Automobile in tis tenitory, and can make quick de)iveries. There are nearly 400,500O of l'd&xw el!- on tlîe roads. of tht wWr. today, proof of the steiling qualities of this popular car. .Lat k Street 1hà.aing a oew iront s.-, anda. iîu<-i rn I Cic'az Mtrndaiv-înngirrl r riiiIan , I.. ali- M i-' a ii5 C,r r' ,r,. ai' ih ir erC.. f.r , rC ~ i A rr, C 'Cr Cfl W ri l? r MC Il iir,.rvl1,.' ha Cl .CrC!- i C i CCfC,'i rrî r brrr] f, 'r j rin i r.. 'CI. Crf fi. - C 1' jr . CC CCC - C C - . ir C C C CC: . - -- .- f TheCî oC .X !he skjp'ji ,tr i( r: thos C -t r ar ,II\,C T C.C~. you L;-- of this car û c ii '- nir ti' <ce ' 1-1,B, EGER CO. ~ T ELEPHONE !7 W.îtiî C511lise recontiiuction pioblèema. al the delayed bullidint', nov-. to i e i esumed,prices are flot ikely to be Iower. A delay may mean bîgher costs for-you, be- sides the loss of time and profits to you now. We %,Ill saè you e% ci possible dollar If 'ou %wîIl a'àme with w; at th1ý imne. 1A S eMBE COA L E E; W.F RNC R 'rie.-Nothei s' Ciase , , 'f rir jIiscoial church '.'ili ,,,-î' i i r r ,C. CiC -. nton, '.an 7, wih 'Mir. en,.-IofbY \.-n'bf-irry avenue. Mis K ~A. hi an.-. 5', i-.)rî-r h.. Firancis MWiIla l rr , f C,, r i fii C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j;i CIr rC- ri.,Ila r rrCf 5r r -l atiorCf, .5 ong nC p> I-l:- C kr-rl iCjIiS w IC sr r C <.rm .1 rn liaur isia. California, 1jrr'-i , CC.r r ! CCi4 al r N iiilrijoseCiin I', fb - rrn M rIth , '.ome o'C i l.s 1, . , , i , 1 1 iEi- i i ri f. C i C 'C CCC' 'f jr,' 'C\ C I . - C C~C 'ai - 1', r- r iCrCCiC. Xlii I r~ r C-ir I' Cf irCiC~ C' C 'r" f î,C C CCI.-r CCC 'C Qîîrrr.rC C C i N - r:kr'rnrCr. uC C r."..r. S'irjC.i C i r, Criiîrif \'C~ - 4 C. r' C~ , C - i - C CCC'CC' f , UC' ,rrCiiC 'f - ' r 'r jir.' îi 1,f 1' - - - C - - mir " .1 1fr n' -C * CI CCCCCCHO jr C C, C , j ' - l , l;, jen es. in C C F i ;r, - if Ulr Io - 'CM'nC CiC . ' C. C iirrr*vic C i'1110,C i rC C rr CCC i:, 'l' Thfr ' I. - -rrHCf rrgîm scIItiCCI rîcbr CCC C CCC C C 'C, Cai i 1ii ie 1i C C ' - I' dri lU i 5IC'CCC C.C i. C\rfj-, .AniiCCj1, n: C q CC jr' ti"ir i"I. CC C j - .f C C," r (i '.1iCC l, i IC ' ii !l z'l >In 1CIe l Cf ii . Cio andCC CCi C'ii Clu .s tiC anCNth i, ;i f Iwertj C' o ers C es c..CCC Cthe r :.and' C C r CCiCiC:IICCn CCnd rSCiCC' CjC igîleeofi ii -f I>ikeCioperly rCn the crs, cake. cecuil ie frassanprub Ii, ok r CC!lr, 1aim nali anCi î'iibiil ain$ iiCil lîr.- CijCS ny pesensaxme MI, anC nt-. C C% ,,,. O p i.îi j CC .iA1',' CCqC 'Cf1 il'11W a i kM I-SC. CC. CCîi r C- ..-i I , Crs.aC C C-riiig. as- C Ci IiCC mn 'ira t pcsî,Iong.ast (iiir-an Cxrv'ei d ClIisil in ilie %'aesi n ithe 11C1CwC Ibrîllier- ijealtli. shîch lias been iCpoCili tif laie- liray b.- b'npfiuî.-.i \\'CX Crkes'CC.'aSi. -Saiui'ia> Ioa tte-nd Ille,,- IniiiCCC(Ci lîi sisieCi. Nlrr REtrsr 'ncrriw . -. it CCl as( Tlîuîrday Cil duC1 CC as 'a cii CiCQCiCinycti ii sle i î SIvf a ~ o elilidr'eii l'lie îî it rCI Iliehld Satiu rCay ai Waie- W all Paper r=. i 1 . CiiC11/iC' ie .irl iiî'ii w as C' CIIICI IC uI licdli ICCu5C 0on Lincoln avenue, -Now isth thime to re-papet those roon-is. Wal paper = ,,u'i.b>'l .IlRmiwl îs higher pri-ceci this' year, but by buying early and '- -1. y Iel CCs' ' CieIC rr taking advantage of a fortunate chance to secure paper in îî C -1 C CCC :irC C:C. >bfc<riirm lijîrl.I at a big discount, we can supply you with.late patterns - .&rlý aIl r11- rumîrîr.îr.r irîmri b.-, CC . 1 ~~ riNlw i CC ir e Cil'5 iaiiiimeni 'ahît-li Priced Very ReaoCmCr.son Iextingisktilw lrC hlr'rr1wl Isa IPaul A I,'îr ICr Cn C iîiirg foi, C'niso man , ' ir,. r Cl.CC'ICC i a CC 4)1i' w liî Ntlb k la. i r.I c l inair pCC, __G. T, LUCIE & SON Norh 1);C'ii en asrlsost FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ant i plili. ls eiîrrn will Irik(i']lip ÀJBERTYVILLE, ILL. -~ andrilier -'r.rlsi i ('i jCiago about a '(Cr',C ai (CCC,'- I nfCIrlrle ii. arile ALEXFLDA TELHog 1. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 1 Pay the Highest Prices Junk and Old Auto. Aàtmobie Parts foc-Sale r'ý-:tirig a' Il i iiDa>ic' r l. .-t 'CC *ai,. -o aif' - i n ie ,lmano n ,avî a (C , ir.ii mee.. tuising'Cv 2. rj iranlel. ',- Boy Sciouti il i.. rric r ,-î, rrrr.îry h akc-sno clîfferr.i 'as hat your standing or circuinstances MACýI l Cl(ouîrt rî' I -,rrCiCCmeeting. Fi le GFic , ;I l ir i l,,ê niai he today. i ir orget ijr-elur-a',onal Inter 1 .,rrclr Worl (onfei*-nce SundaY. VOL HAVE IT IN OUto hecoîr'e a decided success. ri, 16. M ..rnm rr "r , :- i,-Ital lit krsr'rn alr-r' trh$-' i'sirsrr . A hank. accourt 'asil eip a s. 'îem,îîl«c %vOrking jrlan %wtt! help. 1'r lfit .f ii n d ;r l .brrr rima'- i, .:rj -I V 'T ' lr'-i inIli, B-rt 'ase 'as rovou to inow that WF ARE VOUR FRIEND, and * M 'I In kiT CAl ,~sse s'aIl 'ave come an oppo) ni înitý- ta îalk itover 'asith you. Rev. C. F. klil-auer. Pasto,'. SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY (t rCC'Cirlljr al Il le F C IfiST N - - C. C rrrm C, n Cf t in Foi ,'r'r, In .r, i,, f--1 i CC' iir7 'Ciberty C TheatrCe. C Friday and Saturday, May 7 and 8 WILLIAM HART in "WAGON TRACKS" Sunday, May 9 Special- "Fires of Faith' Wedaesday, May 12 o 4fl...~ i IeeSeO*IetTeee*Oe*e*eeeeOo.eeO@.e.~ee....Q HERE APT ÏACKS AND NAILS ANDC SCREWS thir;gs %vrIl CI), omleiîn'îe. iall lust use. SR2FLES, I-OOKS AND Sf<tEW-EYEýS i 100, always ready h5Iere for you. HERE'S A HINGE, LOCK, BOLT AND HASP to secure thîngs from the burglar's grasp.- HERE'S A KEY TO LOCK TOUR DOOR mlhen night cornes on Hardwr o New Dress,,Goods r' Il asirr 1-ImoiI l laist eek it wiis -rîated Irirai Fîrnk i-llub waon iCjudg- ' Ci'nr I.c C I l sI CCC Crin rîl- Suit iais P.rflk 'Ijrrrîri r , ; -,1',n n [liei. Ilor nub I.rC C ir;il C r - i,Cfr. The 1rî - 1i viiw i jrîCrCCjr C l lie seidietwans in r ""s C " aCj jr rIC i CIil rfiu loîrîb lIrIs 1-CC C ;, C j ,II HIC'jCfilC. IIC '.1>5rilir C ;ilC C aC C T ir rrî r sa hu f To b>-Mi'CliiCC','r CriC..the anîcyti' Il ,- panr i theii i r mnî Iîe iatouseks nase r- CIoCn ' CI xri CCCl-frrni, ,'rrskno r" a, the oid 'XcC' îllplate, îqnilh oC Voiles, Ginghams, Pop- lins and Tissues Messeline and Taffeta -Silks W. W, CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY Phone Z9 Libertyville. 111.' A ÀMNXJPJ » A v m F' ýj')'