m 6r Skk~t that i several y'ears il __ -~ )iu can do best n0W. M '. LMAN NAMEJ> Probed .a Scandai 110W OVMAN AS FIRST IN NA VY TO ,. ELD 140B AT BAY r D113, LAND, FIGilTING WITli FAKE CANNON Distinguished Service Cross, 0, L. Stanl ey was Steamboat Posthumously, Awarded to Etigineer on Fox Lake Lt. Weeden E. -Osborne. 25 Years Ago.r OFFICIAL REPT PRAISES HlM IS NOW A BUSINESS AGENT f DdyoU ko ht on-Of th!i n rnection wluh the appe nî eni 0f gvernmnet't. nélw deitritera l9 ta bie 1'... *tini.y au bualoasa az nt of tlb namod after a L8ke Couaity Iff tithra SttamfitterieUnion of Waukegan. Ji Did you khow that a Lakte CoutY a n e rentins te recAil 1,ha h busnaout boy wa (lie flost commla3iloned cf- envable record. He has bee n n e fd ficer of the U. 9. Navy te meet deatti wlth tie union slice 1908. ha, ng h cii duTii the. land figbting verweaaet' ni b LeeMcposough for 8evf n eh a i. Diâ yau know tint because of %un jlie nevi-. has been known te t.. radue. signal beroiscîn, a Lake (IOURty yOUng jbains fetir t al tinte» ntflo t e the man wa potiuniouaip awarded "tbç union but te the. con$ enctors e -11. tA distingulibed service erou sud tet leur yeare *go at a laior unkn ricnir, aavy modal of iionorV' Iet Electrtc Park, Mr' tanlf.Y a'. qvot- Yeo. W' a fact. ad the ment popuar' uniofi man In the ASd the saimnettilm Young man tr wu Weeden E. Osborne, dental sur- Borne tweny-tive reira auon.fiStan- jîeon. a lieutenant in the. navy wio *ley n'as li the .teamboat loilne,,o at 1 ived inLake Villa, Lake County et Foi Lake, bains engineer andi manaiger the tlime of i enitollent. of a 'ntemboat tint plied twlaiin, Mc.- glformation bbatcoins out Ite Henry a&M Fox Lake, meeting cli hoos the effqct tiiot Order nuntlr ig lera enfler tram-on tiie North % Weel, ni in' the. moly departmnent dtcd yaaliing- uthe" dey tiie steambotat awu"lthe cnly tdà Voit, 90, 1920 net OBIZ namtis, wairFOX Laka could b. eah.b. lie, W th. detreyer atter Osbrne and titre flply y y oiiowed thi. vocation about l-' 'ito >e by perpeatu l amn»p ias, t theor- jà A ALFriends 0f, Ur. IStanley recali an In- der, Dci. offieliai of réecord tg Waolf- Ihi@ VirieWbeoeWa a utisne. nobstumas 0f th. uboemmitietatinfi avent whieh Itaptienet durlng hIstan. prkiole him for hl@ Vonèder- e« aVfttlls f . oleUMCeMalue. et Uzp.ailturel anthe Wn Doi tiietime ha won at McHrnry. A dam' fui brtvery. p.ItUEI.bSliv.ildm0917élie I0 WUveraiâtiet mOhsale. BIgll br0USî Va. buli seros the Mrer icI Mritenry lier@ le the ptragraph 0f tie or- 1 blelgt&M e tBit iaOIudiU ft Wvas beiglit te ligit lat the ta faciltai. aiaamnboeitlandini A ishort der, selerai uumber' 618 telung or orD.prtcmt-upet OlfLIOOOOla DPr0aeiàste mmufature ti- Ume atethepeope' ei Wilivitl Win., the recognition given Lieul. Osborne P esiBAI a" o ly @e t «118 obeivtli piaule 80the fr081i. Thale and iýned by Secret" of the Nicvy WO o me d.f.eltelaItMU' MatAMOelcu Viafl e bd lises klUed adVcii. totgi ha hratmn la val ins u Mtbe vin dabei "llamlntg nâtia' y li aIaiff siA- 0fUicrveT wn.cousin tudr iand tu tom mm a iW t I Iiugpan.ufVas ppiicd. b fooR Detroyer No. 296. under conai rue- Ur. tePir, wkela i. vllia bistrd terilsae a iepubbun opre. On, day a dlgaition of aboit fiy t ien et theB.ethlehem nSblIldIng M avLl outuré Les A mcab e0théie mmlpaoounae &jj e. not ta MlcHanry wilth theintention et CoSquantum. Mam.,.named in _____________________________ dctroyi.g ithe dam. meorr f iale.Osbonev. BniaMrh. Stal e baiianuid camnc II urgeon. United Sta re v deon- - -- 1fr. Paied ote i aincd n othen In Cbiienito Hl., Novcmbtr 13: 1892 NOIW 1isTTII PMrien ry bridge. Hel. t-intI th; up- Elllied litiaction vwitb the Sixth reg- 11Eon he dam -and tarted te ramni lnws" l M?îînes Jolite 8. 1918 ai Chat- itata il. seeking 10 causa the invaders i10 thMa of19ieutenaa ta uyn ulLAEor grade ___________ The ruse worked for the. lime, ai i.aut. rite Sixth Itegiment Marines,, arcn FORE À LftI UI frlt ern u c i.dmltp.. * ,,CRITICISM OFt BRITISH 'Then @aannedl.ceverd the I as aa 26, 1918. Pouthumouaiy awarded the BY WILSON Il BARHI) ta*. moe. and the woek of tearlit Outi dietinguicbed aservice Cross and the, tb. dam va« conciuded. Navy niedlai bi honor for extraordîn- Doi't Delay any Longer the ________ riryherotn lndir rie duýJngtheWai'brngton, D. C., Mday 12.-A C liâtvanic. ont fourene,, F raùce. 'l'ne rialltiflg of Those Sets confident lai cablegram rrom Preml- naxture of his profe-adonei dulies gave YoiJ Have Bought. dent itrleon finte er-Admiral ilims a A co ntleman. huii t very justification for, romain- in. sent during the nar, woafIl pea tbBt the. mont general Ids ingi In the i-ar. bui fin tlirtw nieNOresad Io the Lecate naval inve8tîgat- whleli people bave formed of a gentie- lbe g' ocrai rebcuc vok andt perforni N NEED TO FEAR FROST. Iutg tmmittee Iodaiy by Secretary mon te that of a person of fortune eenie-icdeeds in tîdîng the nîîund- ______ b.British Admiralit3, btiLad te1above the vulgar, a" cmbclliahed b.Y j ed. n'hile tarti yng a ssouridei et- Rig non le the tinte ta gtt 0111011 . 'ueeat Ipet~i.u rpreltaalmanner. that are fajiionâble ln hligb flI f in~ a Place Of eAfetY lie %ams etsc to thfeground ir t, bIucu- ou eGetBiingetnvllire. In Iisi.case, ff-we and fasblon litck by na heli and tnstantiv kjiil lent Young ceni. Thase nbo bad .pL.trirty effectlve.ly againat it e aete LCntuietIgelsl attireHein li thé oieSta oi*0onb. puling unih youngonlons uintarIneîi and cnled en Admirai ahe cooie ti o otfmodern geentmen cd .lievaslietiri Cttitictiotimuliliers ln the garden 'agi year flIm, for commenth and suggeEtIonn i opsto imdmgnlmn effrp l te niedStte Nvytecanbepulig reh oug itllnsbaeed on 'nctednîtogifor whatever the failuion may bel mecet daih duilng-te fitbing usver- fer lb. table. The earleagt fi-ebh v * wele mrlorImrlfro orab"t. fronr tiralardeI.moral, for oh 'trem fnt bthe.grend alJett ayT he admiroiy nas ,bei,1p totha î streasort. riit or liront, it la remans n te &rund&M In-Poinî t fPanic" b in héface of the su -euellt tedity oa gentleman tpe on- j ter, giows in bunilbee, antd a füu' of them ashouid hlie n avtry gaden for m"e sci utinlh mssge salit. form. ,And yct 1 apprellenti that truc Eeyplan ne ttuigeet Uic> reject tit aatgthrIdpneto thIe eariiest crop. Ilb.et mav be for orne reamon Of prudence" Mi-.'gnîiil loehridpnet0 S. n eitedtuti at faorvoartf et fortune or faeplon. of time, eustome, or F L ( li tt a i n e d n eOn ind a g î s Y irUlt ' n ol a li m e f o r p r u d e n c e , b u t f o r b l-üi , ý t , g v < u i - i - n M i s n a d d I y v e t h o l m u l l i ens , t h u l k n t t daT h e tle a in e h-IA aI( th t inte they ctili rn dDAFS eCiC KI tbie coi-t of i-cnt loi'îeg.. ulit stia c cf itue ld. gelean _____________________________f ro ad îservë ô tiilai-r flic c:cfi CARptaNZA TRAPPE-Tbey art alec uteful Jet giinganan Adiri îs' î*a Wîîsa', *Serrtaymanently înveariaile and Indispeu' C9AFINA TRAON.. arly ir(p of!fiature bulbe. but a î-r IAnitînîralbInarepiy. aatthe reet' ary necessary to lte constitutIon 0f »1tai-ced andtgeoti efmrn uii-nIlatPtmessagetin connection with lis an- the anmecharacter taelthecend of fime& te ke.d a'ruail t f rna bulbe il, at Fer tb Siane' chargtes agalbI te -Henry Brooke. sui--incinthi-rmrei fo te. 'emnirt-.1 sMhie. an' i"temot-if orula ntas y <epartmenl's conduct of teVai-, I.> Ci-ta 1111 a ti Tî.s ,i r i.,wadiuicotctttatdtt- g ait s "a long lelegram t gfeiterailtti orFlepiy igp0h ei ty i".0ltit l a l. f xS.t. Mît adt er-e bt it eniiaiidtît,iget aeo f whai tht Briish adnmirait) mas do- orFa,?yggimhtaaI IPc , an d lte ho, .în' il, 111gise O.ualiy as gli-d rotîirne,&Il- 'ticîtot à("-,: ; ne , gel~ . i ugh Ihe I d imets do net loük as:A4M I u S cd Te 'i 'tuKt ,,ý,l'Laîîî active an Young looklné; tOîttil..SAV Ti8Atît1 teiÇ,rt n, ,drt1nt-. racet rt>b. iet Ili dofuble rotils ix ln' bcoB LUL K of eo oPrrai,e.,one *,, sart and tmo Inbt &part tin lie front(lrd '.ttlt, ant ls e kn tv Pi- trosue. Tit'Utle forr oung ni-nk, y i O- L KEFO ES li . - e t aI n A , t . , - ti i t' î b i, . - ii . .ia a m J i te fo u-j c lo s e t e ra i.-c th e h i t t tr tli frtl iteoîrtost je i-f t -tottrg uios.FROM THEL (IRLS le etnjt cf'teoza, 1tli . -tU,- For àa w i-tty tiet lontg,. lllni-'d t., t~ okitg tt,.î i!, - t.t.troa*n dotuble.Il tlies onte quari t f-nets 10Moî,i O. ilelî, tri 1101. i'r Togetlte erlieët and tcrderesit tAriza fotci-,amre -trrnctled .oil gthe nqedprur nclg aa ?Me-qicn naionalsticîuaii Young onionti fi-ont sesIhe grocîîd Auiqeti-a r lco. mng Ckii- PitidiOof Amid hothrrugon fti tcd wth ment lm teolié. unitcrtaki-n b>tht alumi 1 rriilenit . ioag., .i,'ieoldb lcogl f-riic 11tiltruoc,,',cfcuis'lO trae, e Aacelaero Afndr 0 -11-1ios.'rth e old mantute, tienoi-.fea aluid cull- ctding in an anoi.nrem,-tiîmadie ai th lecroag tan'-i- f Zeapie fbtt, o.tîtn~-sali oe dee'ply anîd finely. A te w fiosts it r t fthe alui. n. ceeat-n at il adrg .fitt t te luin hie superor andl ttoe . tIunt huitthle îoung onici.m andl tbty "t"îte tii-âi-aallrci-nentlu icimprovcnienl, fer clorag tmim.fat.aonati,tt-n c tlo' Me ay be put Into tht ground as mTttij lige nullitIe mihooed blt.a. onttlee for giving ail necessarv 1 t1n9-r.,(e.S.nh. (' .i -ti't . f rela, it Ifiait boevtoîked. It gain. ncth- -f ut lmiuntl aoîd former i-l.dnt",, ho îik.d tat Ihpir cmtnand., ,- t.-e. mît mlgX.bowever, la try'te plant lhem t lý cin Il,*fitont c. rise noney. anti the greal car oNsIlt nuii l it l t, ~o.'. ttr'.Ci ~. ~ ~. Ie-.i-ut a new pregidentl Tea thousanti t'sort. onMer- tmi.t1 b.1l ,wbilie Ile coll le st'l I el uand fa{tggY dollai-s olrr.dy hb i-t. iWedged to car-TonaeuciwW c. TSIS'tin'ma, . its i-t 'ut tSi titipla. onaeteic\Wli eitfti, Yl.aI fi ai-vettpt..t'te.l-'tbis effort ei matie In ordtie gvecsiri0 soso- . (1 .niuilAr mtitie l r-impîuoti-'ti onjt3'y t-e 01.2 toici-gefront ttecominp sro air iiaîii.îtti i.learlt.'ari-cf. FIRST OF FEATHERED THINGS ci ben asicar Or rTrc titius-tonality of maiteriatheîî4 tesVa4beattating. At on.tlime Il i h eise h i L~FEDERAL WRI'TS NAM£ rheolrx utHaeici e. o vt~ erge. of attondotng leService Station, a i(<lay -rhepey ut aeBe e ti itilas a coeducationItiîsitutiocn. HEADS BUfTF BROS. narkable Lookung ird FrorntAr- 1ciai-leS B 1Moire,'. îîitieni of the alu- mti thfull and comvpcîe t7iî-1efor thti-armrof o!Theodote couts c ofo i oiai , tat ite ittii-Pte of exery point the twnti fl.tilepreiden o!Utino tc. (ni- Appnrace. à ht nieti na. ibn Jottes. an aiu- %V lut, rsletof-nt iinco-rni irtîn t. (t"itltiid the posiionlofît ie dii- ompatîr, 730 %Ve.iti Monroe tielt. Toîiay tlic Iirtîs are ail qalie dltfçr- tt-utee-. 1Laniel 9.WuN'ýtnrth reporîtd L, gand E. W. Boehm,. a-crelari- of nt thti iiy eoprs agi,. Theîc :c iteitit fo l.ttg i.. i-r l « Cars lite Irn, on c-arges of coîtraaoy to firt r lli-tfit Iwaa i-vers'ici-n seii tb Soir-a iîittC(du, atlrs have bei-ure pseneà Ct viols e theI, aierse., er, I'ed ai the ns, tullil the ArcItoeoiteryz. wibci intereated inlithe hrexili-iit.'cfthe t n-n.sne Cr o ViolotO ti- Levery rigcniad,u nttuliti. Arerra l(it fdaibuilding tht. mo.rnit.g. - lia slrîeword, meanlng "incloni M. W. Wto>ý,.iey ats apltointeul chair- Motorbu ill ta otrgeti hhît Ilte lo iti. sott wIng." If wona v ery of i trd. Il man .f tl.e fitnit- enmnit.e anti Mri. A Mrin ila l~idztiit of mugoir et p ofîta rang- hitd a long, thicit tait, wititbw fWet'ttihaito fleg a xAndesni- lngfioti î i ticcit. opona.fora , -,itive iommittee. A peraaD 1h,ie ,naltito0fin0f1804.i43. a ThPo ug ra r ieso nod.itît feathers groKling frein Atuburn loi-t ttlpoiof24.4..Th uaILIt ios netl le a bird'a ttill litr.on Mot. ut- le seid te0lbave lise otrctîatidfront the u oe ienfir' tîî IT »U A U ff rtholoniew t C'olonial Sugta oîiani- of Netv Orli-ans nwUSElyyIWÀ U 5FORieia1SX hibO tiuriîî*gMari-h endi Av.il ai ait averhgi- lad twa legs, nitlt whIch fI could IJiaw aa t ixMi cot of 13.2 centset pounti anti coud ai waut aod p-reb ln tie troe. Il aise Bulitadan)duicor"-i an avarage prie of 29.4 cents a pouttd. ladtVaoter 1m. he ind. bt1 Cai-e Met May Ack Writn for Dractore. u rbhy uëed te0 dinh about tb. Chevroet . Mete lrirtghl charges on titis miner. t ju.lie.. Itned of lylng frein bougi t10 CortMîci utigt.amnoînted t0eunir 43 ci-nlq a fon- bougu, ies birds do nowsv.t . weon 1 hoinaa Hilggnbotbamt, wbo iemen- Çonmotnalt dreti pouutt;Is. la I. d wrrants for tht ditait with a sort of armor lubieid, aÎÎ.a i dtac l.CliiWr.ftl C dwiguanMoi board ôf directors of the fl-m, a ethe reptile'.. ls beait vas armed witb liaI lte people nho reilly suffored Danil@ out icked ater. strong toth. muet durlug î'ttI cnflict were the ]Devis _________O! course tiers le no sueb bied au vommu and childi-en.. Mr. H5gln Dodac Blru.Nt Arcle TC, s..'vethé CoUd, Iis nov. and It la not aurprlming liat bothàra lived asaii ecbmond, Vit- Diia WarFa F'or n long tine, il legs thougbî tii.t sucb a bird dianld peau ;way. , ven81g111111-WIIU the arlultes, bth BIneacO neNeri tie.goden loyer bore or tli e lm jorie liehos.days Ivo oaice hrs urago or Gray, peafledalong the rdad near tet ýA cON- OR A- CREX RUG IR A CHEAP covFMi- - JN(l FOR MOR ANY I'LOOR. LINOLIEUM EEIMANTB «iod.grade, soeue strips large enough to îver an entire floor for only, per yard STAIR CARPET Beavy Velvet grade - 79e suit2ble for halls 1.e98 at Olily,yd.- 'BUY A LLOYD'S LOON CARRIAGE TOMOEROW A Spring guaranteed for 20 years an d Felt Vombination roll 89 edge Mattress for orly ......... These Two. Articles Are Worth $25.00. $5.00 Sweeper $2.95 je Tea Kettle oiJuniitre, Carpehs,RU $3.45k± Jur yrat idtlr iilît ihtly, fori-stîtrage lc.ttery age batte- -zui % ia', andî h ci p andtii-I mati ciorntoIl niblic. Hadiu iaît.'i-x tiwtier's îuisk ii- resp-oîîutbilitý- fuir Ile woi-kiîtansiiip, we offer lii ýw hattery aI a \Villardl I- Serv.ice free of cha.'rge, e priîîted inifornmationti Oit làa on Which Willard Batte ries anre 'dan kaki-a ,ill Kar i-la Rigton tiitti Aison Abohiio er teci (Phiu.a, chgan .are )Une Kniglit inItor tre 'h rn den an-Mdagnett, ymlad dg. tnAeri danna edmont PIrt'te - ro tc i-i- Rock Falla si nger standard 9tannood lailey tlteartis Littîdebaker Velie Cemmnercial Car@ Acasnn Actît, Ameri'aii Commercial Aniertean- Arhnlederi Atterbtiri 1nrb nte eti-hithem l-lirkeye capitol Chevreiet Clydendasie 'ey'Wouldn't Use Themn. - Jýobý 1 The-- Nation-wie WillaroI Serice Org fit)I tis uaestutblislied and lis îaaintain-ed f car tîwner-t bçîiefit, to assist Ihini in geil rcally traincîl service by nico who kno ganiza- for the ting a x their Tule laiesIt of many Willard contribtutions 10 battcry 'iniprovemeot is the StilIl Better \Villard with Threaded Rîîbber Insulation-which ein- hrüly doeàaaÇi with what wias prevlttusIy ail altiiosltîuniverci-slbotter>' repatr expeuNe - i-- iiistlatio. Regulan Equipment: CîtIlîti-Trutck ('omnierce Corlisàa C'unntnk Ian DyEider Pt.dg. Broi. Duel TrucS & Tra' tiir lgin Fi-iirai Fulton P. W. 1). tiarford 0. M. Ir. Grant- Denmo Hahin Hamiltion lankî'ye lenney Iligratie kluffmafl Pre. Intl i Iarventer Indiana italanauOO I<inslKar 1 ané t uvernn ?tack -Madsoon Menoinne merctiry P.tligan 1Ifearsa Ctlnne«mooti itcltetl e Nottiey (tntitia Otshkoi-h "tatnier Trtuî k JR, Riddtla lîock Falis Sandow Bayera & ScateII vervlee Selden Stenet atuflebêe? TIff li Titait - Tran$POit velue vlin Ward.tiaiii-r V5'hto fflatiicn Charging and Rcpairiîg Al .1 i I 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Make,4 4 4 e11 Storage Battery Company Wi&kegan, II 114 & 11z6 Exchange St. Kenoatta. Wl, bèAéèéé îvestgate Our Przices Before Making YOur OCOl - Jut Reei'ved a $5,M Delayed ug 8hlpment0.. . - !OR- SYOTJR 'OME.. - riesa i Short liolcloths tires. Weare %ues on these iat we can give me that will in- o buy now. epleto wlth well f splendid, 'al It doesn't mat- original prices .cognize at once Ily low prices. are charrning in .ed shades. At i,9 $6025 $7e25 Iyou coata that ot find regularly n $8c50 to $13.50 ES î'gcttes, Taffetas, nes at sharp aud e37.50, as Specials 'o 18, 40 and 44 for rs inity to buy your vacation wear. -1 ring for Saturdaye 1 Serge Plaids. Al 13.5 0. 'S C MAY 1-3., . 1