Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jun 1920, p. 12

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...' Iý&i.L&.e 1L 0e eeeK --A ~Aâ ééé éè~ééé éé4~44 ê44 ê ~444 ê4* 46 444 ê44 4*ê *4ê 444 ~ 44 444 444 444 - 'W'W W -- -L E'R 3 I I e i i e i e e e e e e e e e e e i e *' e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e i e e e i e e 'e e e e e e e *5 i e i i e e e e e e e e e e e e e 8 e Iý r With This Wondsrfu -Sa! This sale is ano ther contribution in our fight to cut the cost of clotbing.. W v I isted in that nation-wide drive many__Wéeks ago.' We told you then we were-be the movement to the hilt and we slashed prices to prove it. We forced clothing p down in Waukegan' and now wé cut the costs stili further. You havent seen savings in years and it may be many a montil eeyosetemaa. Smartest New Suits for Men* and Your Men At -A Surprising Price These are suits that'Il cause you to open yotir eyes T'hey're ail in sI> I eh new models such as tlhe waist une and belted cf- fects that are .,o popular wîth the young fellows as weIl as modeis that thc older men are Iookin'g for. Both single and double brcasted stylesare included. fhey re of aood fabrics____ in brown or gray mixtures. Suits that you'Il sec priced in -to~s th~outry ver ip-$4-5 but w4- a=e g ong ltlol break thc back of clothing prices if i can'be dorke and Wu îhey aIl go at une price in this sale. Your choice at- Matchless Suits For Particular Mt 1 - l Are Given Drastic Price Cuis An extraordinary display fron the forcmost makers of men's clothes ni the woild. Suits frora tlr(, master designers of The 1 louýe of KuppeY-nht nr, Campus Togs and others who havc made Aracrican clotiies known the Nworld oqver. They're dlic last word in Classy Tailoring and arc in every wanied style and fabric and color. No îinattn how particular you are yotiî Snd ai suit to pleca«ý, you inî thisgre-at display. i hey'rc suits that sell regularly up to $65 and you haveti't seen such values :n ycars at this sale price. You'I find styles to suit men of cvery age an~d every build at- The Famnous Cowden One-Piece Overails 1 lere's news for every man w.ho rîeeds over- alis. You've ail heard of the Cowden One IPiece Ovcrall -no doubt inany of you have worn them. They're the most popular gar- ment of their kind' in the countrv today. i heir maker says tht'yre a -Bear for \Wcar* and they prGc.xC it. \'have t1icim li Lkh Hbile na ti Miaki and w( vc pir,J tht-m n il nrk-11c. way. Car-ne in iand S" m Ou Il Le weil1 r' Â1i in fcact youllll ba dr- L'A;jthdtweth the yûu get at only Itartiiw Saturdav Juno 12 There's no excuse for wearing old clothes. We'll help you get new ones. Clothing ,prices show littie signs of dropping on the market but we own our stocks and we' re dead willing to sacrifice our- profits and make our contribution to this drive "in a wav that brings direct benefit to you. Every man and boy shares in these matchless savings. Read every one of these items anýd then follow the crowdà to the Globe. The Cleverest- Lot of Suits You'li Find. ýAnywhere At Such A Price lb ese are suits any man will be proud to wear. Tbey're the procluct of manufacturers known the world over for the ex- cellence and style of their clothing. The suits are devcloped of splendid Worstcds, Serges and Flannels in no end of classy nt'w patterns and the tailoring as .-.eIl as the fa-brics tell of tiieïr quali-ty at a glance. There are style s for the Young chap and th"-Mlder- rmas weil and if sold regular they o0 -coét you Up to $55. They're a part of our contribultioin bthis great coulitry wide drive to cut your cost of living however, and away they go at .- ---- ------- .50 Men's Dependable. Raincoats Are Features of This Sale Every man appreciates a Rain Coat cf the dependabie kind-they are a real nc:(cý csity in the Spring, Summer and Faîl and ttkre's lardly a gar- rncnt in the wardrobe tiiet youlIl give Larder service. The coats in, this si!c arc bu:lt for rvc and combine a wonchjrfui arnount of d-c-Icdable quzii;tv, wit li a classy, appearîànce. Th ry are iM, ail th- wanted colors' in plain aAd i*xtures and in ;ýil stzes. Coate 'r ouill actually like to -,ear and you Lavent scen tlierr cqual in many «£i vear at this special price. Don't mi .ss this extraordinary opportunity they're rnarked at an oId timc price- Underv Men's Athletic Unior For thre warm ,diivs. âtrongly made and bi carafon,- a spcial fer ibis jun Sale at . - , ' M 'sMcsh Union Joi- i a~tyou NVS Men's Shirts and D Balbriggaon shirts anc er .%7îh long q4 tiorcl value at each $pecials Men's 'Manhatgen Athletic Union Suits. You all know the nanie aI stands for quaity. These are very Wilson Bros. Men's Union Suits. RL{bbd suits hit and ecru. Anklelnts Long or short 5lCecVS ilI..59 Nlens Paamas insoiid col- .ors and strij3cd effects, all ~izes. Good $3.50 'Values. Saeat....... 2.59 ifta 1~- - Men's Trou sers Specially Priced Men's Styliah Trousers of good %wors- teds in LoîthlL and drark celiis T nyein all biLes and seilruai at '(but ar,ý-c ý 3 l prii d- t ti" pir Mcn's Troustrs mn srt rînew " ac 71 hey'rq c(À Spl I 'id worst, is and c-hmrrs in suit patteîns and are excellently -tailored. UnQoiniimr, gond $10 values speciaily priccd at îLe7.85 pair .1 We've Marked That'11 Ease the Si BOY's SUiRS of' 11. fabrics in the new Norfolk syle. 'Theyr with a belt ail around anfd have sicie or pockê"ts. The pants are lined throughoi some of them have a live leather beita new patent clasp at the botiom. Ands them have two pairs cf pants. ~ This is your opportunity to se- j cure a remarkable suit value a t Boys' Suits A special lot of boy's suits at actually less than today's whole- sale price. They're new season- able suits in broken lots. Sizes from 7 to 18 years- up ta $15 values at 918 Wash Suits Boys' wash suits cf Twills, Repps, Crashes, and Amoskeag cloths, Norfolk Jrs., Oliver Twist styles in sizes from 2 ta 7 years, specially 19 fpriced at. Wash Suits-l Boys' wash suits cf faut Chambray, fancy Amci Crashes and Reppe, Midib folk, Jr. and Oliver Twist Sizea from 3 to 7 years., While they lait'at Clothes at, Pri-ces Father's Pocketbook J )Y s' Extraordinary Suits, 1 irctIy aIl wool fabrice. They're'hand tail- rthe best all wool fabrics and every suit e airs of pants. The coats are in Norfolk %v Lli pleated backs and the .d. Iie sizes range from 10O ' l6 years. These are ou.r regu-U Ilr $25 suits priced for this sale at Boys' LBlouses FFamous Kavnee Blouses of fast'es and madras cloths aripes. AU sizes. Very ~'~~~ih - 95c' pants are full 19,e75 Sport Blouses Boys' Sport Blouses in assorted patterns and ail sizes. Excellent quality. Just the thing for Boy's Sener wear- 95c at each ..................... Krîee Panïts Made of strong fabrics in dark patterns and lined throughout. Ail sizes are inclucled. Very Special for this i 1.98 sale at ........ . .......... P p 4 z Bmg" ur Furnishir Nowat Thest MEN'S DRESS Handsome new shirts in ail thev colors. They're inail sizes and1 ing. They're shirts that sel1 regu]i Now at ........... Fibre SiIk Shiri Stunning new SAl Fiber'Shirts ir range of colors and patterns alsc arc exceptional ( Ivalues at,....... e1 j Neckwear iA ri xl itrd mSer t o <f f indsumî'nets' .iIk fou r in Men's Hats liands. Go $1.5o ialueti Soitami uif lncs b in-k cac..............9 gray anS brosn. $3 values for this Juuie Sale.... 1098 Mcn's Sox Men's '.Caps 511'.<ouon Sos ln black Odds-and cnd4eiastsyes, ln and ori o S oo 5e 'ai- mnany 'wanic te tr iad iat colorsat ..... .....98c]J pairi19C Col Sort Collai si at each.... Menp Popendrable Very good great bargalm t .... ~.~êê444~* e** e *#**'..~'.'a~.' - w - a M M WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS~. These Shoe Savings Will Turn Hundreds. of Feet to The Globe Men's Brown Caif Oxfords made wîth CGoodyear welt sewecl soles and narrow and wide toc styles. They're classy summer shoes - the kind you'll bc proud to wcar and sel1 regularly at $10. Our price- 8.35 for ths sale Men's B.hîck Oxf'ords ---- ii di~e wanted new lasts and all sizes. Conîfortable and serviceable shocs tha milgive splendid wcar.83 Special it .... Spectals for The Boys Smon iin val sho,7s for the ey ZUre loue styles Ijuilt on-foot form-àlasis ad rie sc)Iid leather througlhout Just the Sl oe for tlhe growuîig boy." 2.95 3.35 3.85 Supply .Yoi A-dL ý& Aý ý& ý&,dL ý ý ý - oq, osé WWWWlw ý ý A 'w 'w ýw ý 14 'w ý ý Il 1 'w ýw IV 'w 'w ýw 'w ýw 'w OR Ej 'A , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - là, TH:E O.F c LOT.Hi M M I t' 's- N i s' e, c '.1 '1 "s t" Up

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