of te Norti Fort>' ln Block Pour la (). bu, the Plat of which e Recorderm Office 'Laike. situated ln annd Park, ln the ln the State of iii-. )y virtile of a -cou. aeph i>ellhsye, Ber. d Grace Ives Strang, leoorder'e Office of %pîrit 19, 19201, as r 191798, free and t or elaim of home- the, part of Grace wilî assign. transfer be purchaser thereot title, Interest Àa.î aie of saut Herbert ,ed or. in and lii 921b. t . IVES. rator a'.ao-l Vkia1 Jul% l15 '-22. TION PiOTICE IC I 1. ll"r.bv îîvfl lîr. aultinjsiî airi' of z.> Wat iWt ,'îttel 'ourbi t touri of Iat" it fî lani aealit.sai! wd .and r.'qu.%-'i ti Adirinittrairix > Jiie 2X. 1924) the Mill of Rats," By icker. R. 1. ihnian 1iI.t have thtafl an> mtian l)ogS (, near thim Got $1 AI». inside or 6 weeks out, Killed thim bv nivitt f1tiess thé, reaI ltesiz.î'a. 25c, 50(, zuarantepd 1)y Sclîanhké 'ckvir liruit Storil :ELDMAN j )HONE 307-J YVILLE, ILL. llighest Prices for D[OD AÔTos. e Pa"t for Sale. l wo n the 'd, as t for :b, for vit}tin tvied. ct for roveai D., for saîu tyvie, L-ake ('ountN. Village Clerk. or Nurses bhe Victory Me- e of instruction mn accredibeai school nier ail classes of men of cpprovedi irovideai for, also ion, enabiing stu- their course. The mished. and three Dod moral characi' i education of two id. Applications to lospital LIDLf 'lIV ILLL-IEN iJLrLi'4L Ii~EIcou~y IDEPENDENT ~Coun»ýy Big Weeà!ly lJî~l~ AVOL. P.&2TWO TIIB1ERTYV[ILLE INDEE.DNTJLY8190 REPORTED ZDON MAY ABANIDON SHER- JOAN ROAD PAVJNEi .oliva Administration Says the .~Independents May Block Proceeding. MATTER UNDER DISCUSSIONI VlotCil>.. JuI>.7-Téré lninomre tait about bandonln4 lie ltropseéd coîwreta ruati throuath 'ion Cil>.. AI aptgblié meeting helti nt the Pire Peparîmént huillhn;L ocSheridan Poat Il vas decidudttiblat thie oplosi- tion matie h> thé Indépendenta agausl thé pavlng o! Sheridan iîoad vas bu srong. anti threore there l5a adanger o!rte vboiéIV !,g col- laplvg. îinstead.thie Cit>. l1t8 iissfl dng te plan o or painig Emixaut ai' tvanti compellng thé réildéiîla or land owners of tlac iiutreet te 1*7 for thé Improrcment. Tité meling vaS for thé pitrposte of o!iformiug thé propera>. ovîu s of certain otrécIs liat thé Cit>. bar! foraulaleti a plan a! assessiug prop- 41t>. owuers oun Sherian Itoati, Lit- Isba a'niéEmmaus avenue .andt xMtocb avenue. with thé threé crres- Pouduig avenues on théeéai o!f8h ri- dan mai. Certain JuInependenta fit 'te meeting wv!eédkrecil>. opposti tu bhe plana a.4 pasented b>. thé La- cal Improcenactit Boardi, coimitàn;; o! W. il. Clendîuaén. presadii-nt;at.Ilpb It. i'îibal secnetary, amîdiA. L. liueaa r- ayagér, tblrit niUtenr John H. sayt . JP. B. Johnson. Arhur Stevenson anti i oiher ludependeti el élthe fon forr covslderahle trne andt hadt ieir sa>.. jFumie o! the lilcpeudetius îàtésu hll office as aldermen liti lie Ciity AdmiitratIon anti as thei' bat nul lad a volte ln the Cil>. affailao.iuilcte thé>. véréejit hb>. theTheocralet thé>. aetii'ý-d g. i to have a sa>. onve Diore. Thé>. rasc-d objections lu anl thé pooatétplans Ra-t i ' -,itid b> . r lendintata, oile aiftiutai bcbg in favor o! a.tebing a tax ou lanti own- ers on Sheridan lioati. anti naklng thetta pa>. ail o! tic coalst of thé nev conci clé toai, v-hlé others vére un favor îof ésteudangtg ii' aa.-ament ai er tus ntlré City.. Bir. Clcntiveu litenéti patienil>. ho ail thé viesexpremeséti > he In- dupendents anti aise avvweréti ev- (raI qusttions. lié ahovedtheIbafolY o! ainemptin., to asmas thé entîré Cil>. as It voulut take a frce of Clenkal t lemat a mnti te hune i up andi scen theu thé asttesamenl voulti ou- 1>. amont te a dolar or leus to proP- erI>. eveers ou thé veut limita. wih over seven yaars là pa>. This voulti muan (bat tjam assessaments voulti ha- comea apublic henéfit and ti i oulti Ihen have ta go through on a bond lax, anti a biondi tai of. that élus voutti ha larger Ihan the Cil>. couti legali>. issue. Tite meeting as prEeniedtu t thé public ai the meeting méans thal theté té pruposédt ax o! sevén dol- larst a font on Sherîian Roati through the niidié bhal! mle, or $350.00 for & fîfI>. foot lot. On thé norlb anti South aides of tiIs haîf mile the as- semsmentwould hé 82.00 a foi, or $10b.00 on a flftY fot lot. Most lots on Sheridian Roati are oui>. 25 feét. Thidlelé al! naleéon Eisa anti Eim.acenuues vli lhé approxi- mnatél>. 875.00 a lot.,Band thé nortb anti South ial! naileabout $50.00 a lot. LenltiaAuSsad Elizabeth aveut'esi for thé tente'r liai! mile vîll iehéaip. pixiiiately $15.tj0a lot. vîth 120.00 alot ou thé nortit aidsouîh sidet, Tité propoaci cocre ittoadt rougb- Zion la to ho 1l feet vIde. vitta the eiéceptiot or a mial l rup ln thé cen- Irai part wvbh icbvli hé20 fel, anti et avoîhér point. 19 !éat' Thot ton- crete la 10 be egbl incbes thlcutin tlae total cots for thé roati ta éiti- ujeait I 108,43S.00. Biîr. Clendinen notifiéti the val ionsi speakers that tae board woulti con- aider au>. suggciatlontior Objectionis endtieithér accePt or réjéct tlacin as îile>. cv fit. 111E BROAD VIEW By H. F. C. itla liahelttié things thaut cauut tieats days. Thle lithoe thunls thât peC'hLfts sIjp b>. ie average observer t-àitînig trylng tinties, But iiaey ex- uîtlt limte statu. F-or Instante. scattcred erouvai ovr the auhai an terrator>. o! Oie C;hica;o Teiephone comparn> are tiozeaasci amasi bleptiona exchanglas.' fiéee ery mal-in faci-tin>. voulti bqU.er dssciibe ttaemn.'Teaîuont o! butinai ahoOé I thaese dozeué Of &nji .nal-.in>. exclmAagéa woulti nt flIt s far-sized pli box anti thi> 010 'aIict a' <imicroscope -to fînt 9.tu!tliis contiluous cliain at does to! ii.. Fi'tIil anti largo eXcttnges laiake the bag 6y51itemand' picvidé tlia manieaLcliies for lacal anti 161,g dt.i'tCt, ce cati be Obtainettinl thé bîgiePfCitycl>. lain .atintiniug a teleplaoné cystea, raU.s &1.e ttIjtll'd 10 eqiulabl>. fit If a reitretenii>ite Of Oné Of thé taIrseat teléatt:Otme useCi ilte biggesi City> r. eilel service inuciue ai thé entUli ý ,.l>atgat5in WCdue nét tamil o 4e-teleptacua systea It IE4 ar,l.ietpalé-dtbethéneed.ItIji9 hero au faU Sr.« LOmu .intaau tiis i-hem a Wrl f !aehaugeta and provîtt fa- oitîsuiani 'a>.hliItan suadjustacut W rM*% ig vecésar>.. illaisthae utile l#.lntthU4 coî,t. A litte villiitg- aIl , loe>-sîscaet agréé Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~., 11a bam nltirtssdthé h*~~o4tlmpaou Sytéfcatitbe op- HARDING "ON RECORD" WITHf SPEECH OILER AT MILL SUS- TAINED SERJOUS INJURY LAST N16HlT Flesh Stripped from Hands, Arms and Side of Emàer Salo, Roling Mili Employe. INJURIES MAY PROVE FATAL Eluier Salo, 102,1 Lenox accoua ne- ceivedaiseriouaIs njurie.s. perh.ws fatal. ia.t nlgbt about 8 à' clock, vuien hé wtcs catigbt in thé genretirivlng a conveyor in thé roiliug Mill of thé American Stele and Wîré Co., ptant. Thé f lesb wssat ripiaed f rom ane of bià bauds and arma sund frona bis tide. A Sun reporter roacced thé acene of thé accident aitirtly alter il occurreti and aIi tiat rime il appeareti as if Saio'm Injuried voulti uvques_ tipashi> prove fatal. Sao vas cois Qciaus andi uffer.d gréa' agony.. H-e bais béén enapioyéd as an aller ici the roiiing Mill t thé Amnericau Steel sud Wir Cou.. for thé pît fév monîba. 'ellow workmen nterviewéd b>. a Sun reporter lust nigbt taéd that théy vere under thé opinion that galo*s ciotheis caugit au thé gear. whlch dréw bis ara in. Thé victîna mavaged te extricate, ias5eif and cli for belp. He wvu taken ta tée offices of the Wire miii plant sud thé Wetzet anti Peterson ambulance a s ummoued. Thé ama- bulance raced ta thé sècué andi rumbéti thé ljured man to théelicAllster bon' vital. whére hé vas atténdet b>. Dr. P. C. Knighl., company>.plasclan. Ward froum the MitAiltr hospital thua nornlng stated that Salo vas résling btter. It is récailed Ibat thé isté Chrîs« Holitein vas îjured an trio samnt nuannér at thé Wire Milii plant just a few montha ago. thé injuries proving fatal ta h. Waukegan mati. Shorti>. afler thé death of BOilalelo. Saleowvas gîcen thé ronveyor job lu thé rofilg Mil. Z WAUKEGAÀN PEO- PLE FILE DIVORCE SUITS IIERE TODAY Mrs. W. A. 'Taylor Charges and TIreats to Take Her Life. ONE CHARGES DESERTION. Tvo Waukégau people, a husasît anti a wfe" ara setlng légal separa- tion front Ihir mates, accordilvg to divorcé bils iled inu Waukegau to- day - William A.' 'layior or 1201 JacgsoaL Street la naméil tifoudant la a bil f lét b>. bit; vifé. Mary E. Taylor, wiio charges hlm vith extremé Bairé.m pcatéd cruelt>. sud aiso vllh having .-treaénedto btake ber f c. Shé aays ho choutéd-. mruck*a'Iat bat ber anti on one occasion tore ber coat off. 'J'ie Taylors veré married, October 7, 1903 ati tIé River, Wis.. and licéti together untîl Jut>. 3, 1920. Thére Are four cblîdrén; Marlion . ageti 16. Robert, egeai 14, Ruthi, sgéd 12 anti Harriet. aguti 9. Mrs. Taylor asserts Ilat ber bus. banti owns ltmé bouse In vhich thé>. lve andi whlcl ste says It valuéti at $110. Si esys also Iimst le earns aba..nt $1715 a niontia. lié acté that lac b, made 10 supptort ber anti thé children. William Buchanan, alco of Wauke gev. Iosuseng is wAfe.Sarah Iluchan- an, on tée grounti o! déserion, lie sayat the>. vera marrhed Nov. 8, 1915 at Nashville, 'ltin. sud as that s'hi tiesertut i lanJue 15, 1918. 2i S.. zfor t l' is a sutiatuté fit. 1 fu Cotai 1gth f i onts o! castira.-;l wa- ter. -a s mployed Iu Portlandi, Ore, Vît! :1 cfucesal. LEWIS 6"PRETENDER"e lô "IliRONE" 0Of' DOWIE IS DEAD Was Strcken with Heart Dis- ease This Morning and Pied - Two H ours LaIter. FOUGHT VOLIVA FOR VEARS John A. Lew is, "preténder ta Ihem ibhronie of thé laIe Johb Alexanader Dowie foutîder aOf'ion, self slyléd. "ljhthe '3econd" dîed mUadeni>. of heart disease today ai bas home lu Zion. Lewis vas the légal ativisor of Dowie anti was vsmed lu the lat- ters viii as bis auccésamr. but tha et. eréblp' vas vrested from hlm b> Wili ber Glenn Voive; présent Overser. Lewis lbas been flirting Violîva lu thé courts for many yéais in an effort tu establlsh hlm rlgbt ta succeed D)ovu, but vuthoul succes, Lewis died i at9.16 ocloc t Ibs acrs. log two liours aller beang stricken. Hé wam 73 years oid. belng bora lu Green c6unty, Miss". Sépet. 1 1846. iHe. epent bis yoailh at Merîdan vtaére lie later bécamé vlc-proitint of he Mis- sîssippl Cotton O11(Co., at Meridan. ln 1903 hé came f rom Meridan te 'ion vhéro hé touktIréatméut entier 00v lé anti clamas be vas cureti by Divine power. Two yers lter hé moved te Zion ieré hé bas incé ré- sideti. As Dowies légal atiser hé promoltid thé luter@ oit promoion aclime lu Mezxito vîtere thé Zion founder bhal talion an option on a large tract o! janti. Before thé project litad advanc- éd fer, Dovie dieti sud thé plan was droppeti, . 'Since 1907 lae bas mainlaineti a fol- lowlng under lis ovu leadership iv Zion, vith branches la San Antonio, Buffala. London anti olher places ln varlous parts o!fUIe voilai. lie la survîveai ty CL vidow one son, Robert L, ai McÂlleu. Tex.. andt to daughtérs. Mrs. AnnieiéMorris BSan Antonio. anti -lrs. J. H..iilauk, of Zion,.,Wg'e of thé bealtb comualsioner cor zionw 'l'Iefiavral viii bho heduéxt veek wilb interment lu Lake Mound cena.- tery.. Thé folieving hé butlt Up lu Zion viii hé continueti utder thé leadership of two assoclates. Doacon O. 4,ý iiiértclt* er sud A. B. Billis, vbo vre alto lead. ers lu Dowié's church. Rat-Kilierm. Calé rarélv est rets, but mtacdc and kilt thiél rutlesl , . Dogs of certain ircc'ds amn thé lm Éccable enemies of rats. Other enévafes ure weaséls, fer- rets. the atrCýîr owls snd hull suakea. Int cttscafs an dogseare thé beit protectit. Traps arc excellent, but requiré o te 1e litled îith goves rab- béai with llsh oil, as the rata detect lnanîl>. sny tracé e! humait émeul und louve thé trip nioné. Poison la effêctive, but 1Il bus oîme erloats.dram'. bock; thé rats ar'e. 1lé>te dl$ la théir lhôtes. Atmosphere Above Earth's Surface. Thé atuatsphere la Ielieveai to ex tend nauclu more thien 100 ailes above thé ertlî's surface. ls eisit>. de- tresses repidi>. for the irat feWr allés of ascenut, then muelt more grati- ucli>.. Proin te îlîenonacna of tai. "KIDNAPPED" M. D. rIREE!-YEAR TEI't'PRO" INCOMPETENT IS . VERDICT 0f JURYi Highland Park Physiciani says His Wife Kept Him Priso~n. er for a Year. TO APPO INT CONSERVATOR. lEdward IL Muras. wealthy 1gb i -ta Park plaYsician. 'Who C1tat.,ed titat hitîswife Irai kldaapod hfita tord, .1 kept hlm imprlmoued tala r aitarluIn utder heasy guard for aày.. lua bil filedi n the Laile County rouît fit Wnttkegan recenti>', tOdAy Ivatdu- ciarpd ancompetent -ls the pr,>bate cout.wlien *Judge P. 1b . Pr'on. heurd evidence lna B fetition fiel tîy Louis H,. t..iittd mking tmi, a atr Dr. Muras' estate. I)r. iP.B. Clarke, euperinteîîd.'nt of a priva.e anitarlum Bet DetroIî. Wiîero Dr. Morses lnow being rat éd. cne Of the principal wltittes, emfdthat tbe ia lyeiet= t in,- Ionîutent. A Jury raturned a vi'r- " t4lrl to the salie etteet. Th. eti lion foi appoîntuient Of a conmrvtitor rocommendéd Attorney 0. il. tstock as conîtervator, the bond belng ftrçd . Dr. Mdoras rasided et 620 North . Shlcrldan, roai. Highland Park. and vas .bouse physicienaOf Cook CaiUlty bos)itaI front 1899 tu 1890, and charges that hi marriad Auna 1,. EDMONTON, ALTÂ-Results of ave Mieraâ at ChicagoJUIiY 19, 190fi, and' exqiàats ox d et thé. goý- bat soeniafler *ho begaiaja canýli;î>gn erim f55-an of nagging andi harrasng antd bas mi4, ."o., Ai thé.a kopt it up ever ointe. Thaîr wt'ading groate p rofita r % eh ara f tnpl took them 104linrope and ie de. lsiaia s01-4iare in- elares that lhey met bigs1Skier In, toresng 0o Pari, where ie Vifs engaged in Canada ulito e e sud =as8et If snob conduct on the tatroet bis iater ar y kalked fsxning, br left ln dissuat aud bu been, -ý viti dla iprtant facr vs stranged f rom hiemlever mince . lt.ii 51t5 0fltad Ho charged that ln the madilis of! À earli comparsov wu aept ai pu AprUt, 1912. is wIfe liiduced lî a ,jthe faru fi:tUlm ars lulvean., a1 take rooms at the Congrées; itolthe tc n lefv a rd o1 l- Chicaigo, t(bat about ten days fle(r tela cava. It vas bfouri thle white leBvng thé buere hop ofilite purebreds producod anaualy 4,4 6 m1 bloet. he was torclbly grabtmtt by pocunds More Mali fd c1 ilom p severai men, ibrown loto a r il>ti m111 au fat per cow and yWeded aac talien te- Pennoyer sanitariuru, Kaîo- sha, whlero eha as forcibly ainued for st'verai eéki, ttaon ono it lit réuaovod lu a cQttag3e in LaLa t> ut> if C TI0 I and.fr0adù thera Lualits homeais iii lih 816VI5.EI laud Park. where lie was kep, a~ aseypij prisoner under day and night i 'd0 I 0f two strong men, and thal s,'ae ICONVENIOP IN TODL weeks latur vaz taken tb a houe ,in 11 5f ibertyvil.aad uder strong eîîsrd, L JJE ES N A menthe, lie oharged the gtards were lred by bis wife. and thathey n.. I *. . ll, tiîutally attacked fbim na oiany c- Dil8hIop .cGavick anu te caslsse.zý1Church Dignitaries-W1I On Oeoabér 9ferencr.eoi".a la Street oar ocident ln wlIoh bc Attend Confrne causaitisuch a shock tuilanervousMET G IN HE R OY systeni lie suffered greatly [roma It. ETNG I HE AM ie says bis vîfe aoemed 10take flani-. ish aelight la attacking falm. alana- Officérs of the Arclidiocésan union misng the door on hie injured rui, or th io ly .Nams oclety which i putibing hiss over vliale hievas tires" ing or undresng, Icaping on bia conspue .d of 70,000 Catlaollc omen front hoaily, andi trying n avory va>. b 180 parieht.s will ha lu Waukegan make is lire uubeaîablo. 1lier abuse. néxt Sunda>.. Jul>. 11, for the second hé staid, irev ented hiif[rom oatlng annuai nmeeting of the union lu coula- tr sleeping, lit& wlfes contant uag- ging. h@ aays, eauutdl bint bto oeles of taarchdlocoseeOut-tîdé o! bis cillidténaporarily la May, 1907. Cookc. 'Phia eeting viii b. held and for a tieriod o faie inoth& h. under the auspices of théelot>. Namo wati away froua bout,). Wi a. eré-ien of Lake cotant>., to arouse Inter- covereai ho eays ho went back tQ ii'. witb &8s wile. but conditiaons voe est la the union»s campaigu for 100,- no better and in Altral. 1912, lae &gain 000 iiienabero b>. 1921 and other ac-i lost bits mind whWaatlk(oatîud for tîvities an wtlicb Holi Nome men o! eîghteen monilia. thé arcbdioceae are pîiaint. lI. Mocfts wai lihe itutior of mdl- Itev. Danîil3BYrne, Rov. Charles cal books, and atso iîasaauacturéd Marcîuwiewîoa and Mr. John E. lear- proprletary medicinei frum wtaich MO don colîvpo.e ilité connttee ln gays ha derived a Lolalcei. lit charge of tire local arrangeenats for, an effort te gel Jt "s o[0fMis fle0fatlerang wltich wili be, hela ln business and liroput I 'te saymbs llau ireAriot>.at 'aukegan, tartIng et wife hait laugci(it' t (tiiaLiracy With 2:30 P. tni. lteProientativeseto!ait otiaers 1u reoo inta aut'i-.thé parlahes audIlol> Nane so- taarum. oletieg of Lakte cont>. wlll b, in at-' Dr. Moras aLiu clarged Ilat BO' tendance and wil Met t he Cltcago carmtes and valuable paliers anjount- officers ai the Nortiiwetern station ing to man>. tbous.atd'. of doais dis- and escori Ilium 1tulth Armory. appeareai front a tauabox> andti ibt ltle.A .MGvc, . upôn search ho fitund soin0 of thonsa9R.Ry .J oaik ) . secreted in glov8 box., drawers andtiirîuaI diiector of the, Archidlocesan.j other places, but tat l a v un union; 0. M. Carry, presldent; John alte tbfina l >$ 24,004) worth. He R. Furd, chairman of the organiza-1 charges lis wîfe with having a tn ion conmîltec; Sir Anthony MaIre:' part of the $50,000 Serttut la W weas K. S. G, chaîrnian of thé lecture bu- unable le fliit te "a & Co.,réal reau. sud C. G. ('rainé. exéceutive Soc- eetate agents in tile Chicago TItI.' retar>., are sanie 0f the gneral offi- antiTrus buldin. Ciicago. cers of thé aociety Whao wlliattend anJutCbuCili tia. ia .he théenmeeting, A nuniber o!f('hicago Count>. circuit couît, a at akegans Part.Naeîn i ocvîayUa 9rantgd -au Inarc a rotts.Iningpri. Mr&. Moras from disposilng of or en -___________ cunaberisag thé proîîtrty, lniloding $10.000 worth o!ru oae rhe lu- SM OR S EK B. Mead, survivig tai tuer of the fird cf Meadi & C. Di. Morsdaimas fLVMICH 1to bie vortia 4200.000. sud tîbat ai- thougla soute of îleltroperty tilpéars la bis wifee' naiuo litthé undér- wunesrpooun h ra stadin isIbi I béona 1 hl.. Lakes naval traintng station wîll -k atesrang blhd for pl.aesou the, ASKS COURT TO ' ANNUL MARRIMiE bée deonstratedtlat thé air éxtentis 1lhough aire i, ,(tIi> 18 yecra i! np 1naelieigit o! 45 utiles; lbut othef go, ladys Frimai t o! Rantatee. phemoîaae, mach os thé téilanvlOr tOf Ill. naw knowîa a-4 GLAd>'iC010. la meteurs eud the nu-ors, show titat sééking ber second legat separation raré air exista et a much gréater lua the circuit court. belgiat. lCierl!irst mat t 1so wa; to Henry ________________ - hrîsîlansen i lu scitonatt. 5h. gat -a divorce fronaIîhim et Grand Rapîis, tiamnC Sciesuri aitarPenr1C. Wis. One monlh Inter, Nov. 22, 1919, 1'.> accident eue dny a certatin itffo f ibe vas rnarrieîî f0 Owen E. Cole i %vife dîscoeareal tlat caîtiiug sntipa- Waukégan. Site lavet t -ll Colo until per harpeti ber sissors. Ni 1h Marh1 90 doés oct lavce (Io t for thé selh,, Inuber bill, the girl renites i tat ord griaider 10 conr. arounti.-for ah,îaSttO vas Ignoratnio! the. Il%%-wilcia alavs keepe a rliii o!sandpaîacr la 1says nu peréon ishah hé marrieti witit- lier in.9ehitaé drawer 10 sharpen Lh« Inluone yeai' aflér radivorce. Thére- ticlssousvitJb. 'tfore. sebat 1havé the secondi s'mrnaiannullefi.- Américan Oli>-tplleana vben tie naionasl Iryoutq are bild lu tho Lita- coin Park lagoon, elicao. on Bur- day and Stantia> utlur the cua3pîccé tf the Chicago Atilütuc easatiin. 'nus vas deronstrated b>. the' show- lng co Itimosallora ii im e ('amtrar A,. A. U. claaiiploiiablilm aitiie Ldge- vaier lii- h.tel Stt<las.. Iîreti Keituti. a Illwalan. wiao scor-tI la points b>. îvgiaug one évent asimtialîltng second lunlvii allieti, led thae. Great Laites t-ana. wih hmceu>ai21 pointls. liacle. Who la a secondd hoe Kalanuatuottu, val hé a la-lortuivttae long races, as ho lacs a morid of endurance andl évinats wili a u01a9. îîowerf>li sIrote. -Anotiier taior isa .,îK. ICauiewlao défeatod INrry iiOli's ain thi 100 )atd b.mck siroke. Alhutliuh tue ivitir vas i'ouglt. which bantiiccîpéd Al-tatlivray., the tlawa.ian lé tkoavilo- mner of no l>a a hîit>. vio ojuait conamandi thé reépecto! other avina- mefa l'alis speclt>.. vu FU~ VEEKLY SUN -FOUR PAU ES e1.50 PER YEAIt IN ADV,&ËCýS n5 -REATER FORMER LAKE CO$ ;BRED LIVESTOCI - MAN NAMED JUDiE, 0f VIROIN ISLANDS Lucius 1. M. Malmin, Formeriy of Highwood, Appointed by President Wilson. 'erag profit over feed cost oit 17,u4 more per cow tlaan the grade A 'xýcord wu5 hept of the progeny 9the. senior sire in the HolsteWn er4 Bt the Agassiz farm frgm De.. nthat time. the bull was the sire 'ffiftten, grade and twelve pure. idheifers. Putting1 the topmodt , ibe on the sgades, thsy are worth* oday $175 mach while the dozerCI mrebreds am valued' at twiee ai' ccir and yet cost vo more te aise. The purebred bull calves red by the me- herd leader lit he sme periodi were soId et $100 dec.e to farmers for breedi mrposes, while the grade alvés were sold for meri. ORDER "DR." JONAS IIELD AS ACCESSORU Tft À MIIDIIÇD tu a aIuJIuIRa Police Redouble Search for the Former Zion City Cuit Lead- er Foiiowing Probe. AFIER SLAYING 0F SAILOR Niné persanls ver, ordéréil hélé 10 thé grand jury lu Chicago 'IuemO.aY b>. a corners lJui>. viienacloslea is investigation o! thé AtiYssaian 015- orders on tlae southh aide, oJué ZU, vwhich resultediluthie shootlgnato leatb of Robert Laivion Rosé, a saillor fram rost LaItes and oél Hoyt. a cîgar léri. rovér C. Rétiig. leader ai thé "baCit to Abyssinla" tmavemeuat. anad MvoDe- gro folowers. Oscar anti Anderson Me- tiavick, vére ordered bl-d ou chargés of a! urtier. Oscar Mcuvck confessef- b.e shol olîceman Josepha (aens Wluen the ltler triod ta prevent thé Abys. siW~ans froinihum nitant Américain flag. "Dr' R. D. Joos white agîtator among uegiceii aud liaisard iléSt. James Briggs. 'AlenWilais.sieur>. Lee, au4 Dennia lBrown. ail coioîed, véré helti as ccreaioril citerIthé fal. Ail are in c'astody except Joncs aud Ander- son lictiavlck. Jouas, who ts pérbaps huiler aLnova héré b>. thé naine of Deveraux or Ur-r flth, viii hie recallcd. as thé former beatio! a cult ai 'ion CII>.. 1-eéÎa180 premotédthe lm ce of lcnd inu Miclatgatt1 ivdtaelng severat W'aukegan people 10 lavéals. Me vas taken atter tne ceata ot 1Aose, but afler Ielng quetonUc b>. the potice vas dismnssédl., A Bctore Noediem andi Thread. Thorisasnsd 11mb bouesa werc used i a e menus o! fasluniîg lotiiag long before theo Iltacocer> of nueflies anti tbrend. -Amoug ithe rutiiltao!fte luk;e dwPlIrés of ruatrait leîruo lhavte been fatunil a gre-at nîalur vf plias meute of boue udetît clerq, oflbronze. Some ore qîuihe faiacy. iavliag orna. meulaIlautils. %%hile chers ure cluan- sl>. fssliîlîîat i,tîîît, haie idouble etéma at'und v fe limue hevn fîanti thai i tiat in' exactly PUtclia' vifety plais o! tedai>. Aiatime gyiI ianada G ru-vk ujTîtîhavte 1lita iota iiaîaan>., Atieutt rtmaaaubronzéuIdis nsdlbond hIai rplifflm, tillif>îcy iesîls. liaveu hiée niai- N ry î'lnicrttt II tu'. laular to (lie prti .ett dtty tîrotîcl. PIrst Gun c;ithe ia.vii War. Ou thé Uthhof Januér>.. 1h01, the. stetîtislilî',tar af-théM'est vas asti' b>. tefetleriaigovernament from I4ew York vltb siplles anti re-ent6re. mnal for Fort Suntter, la Chnmiles. tan harbrié. NWhen thIe Star of 4he W'est reacled Charleston stié vas Ilret upîon ty Confederaté lamterts f(rota %the t'ait-and 'vR@ oblurca ta taret LuclitisJ. M. Maimîn. a former resi. dent of IHighwood 'sud Weil anown ibruont Lakte County., for more tua twenty fAce years a inember of théeU'h-I cago bar assortation. and vue vas been ln circuit court. aI Waukegan ona a number o! occasions, hast been appoint- eti b> President wilîson as Juoge 01 the Unitled States district court in tri Virgin Islands, West Itjaiies. lie' vilt asume bis judiviat office Septé.moer 1u-- ihig in, the-ftnîit rtitea i tatése pS' pilament uf a district itage for tnose, parle, The VIrgin Islandls, which wéro for. merty the Danish West ioites vane purehuised b>. thé ulteai States in 1917 for $26,000,000 Juilge Mataîn Ur@ that tbey wsili ho itîrongi>. tonitfie« and wîll berome thé Mialta or thé vbtst arn bemlaplîere. "lie présent goyr. Dor Ilands l.9 Admnirai J. W. Limau. Theré are lhrteéIslandin lathéeCroup, St. 'l'omas. lSt. Croix and jt. Jouan. Thé>. lé ie aa ixet>.miles east as Porto Rico. Judgo Maimin vas grctiuatéo frova thé Union CIolege of Law, nov Noita. western uniccrsit>.. in 1913. ting a clinoante o! WillIianmJenninga kryart avd (thé hale Juilge Merrit W. i'inckr. ney. lie was assistant corporatIon colncili under Jam es Hamilton ,,,Wis and iiuraug thé adniiulstratlor ot fri. tour Mayor E. r. [lunne. of Chicago. MR.eAND MRS. H. E. Al PARTRIDGE 4iOLDEN WEDDING ANNIV, Former Waukegan Editor and, Wife Reach 5Oth Miiestone at Calitornia Home. RESIDE AT ILORWALK, CAL. Tiaefltv an d !ars. H. E. Pati ige af Norwait. Cal.. furnirry of SM'au- kegan recenti>. ceiehraled their gold- en wedding annIveratar>. la Viant cil>., a bout 1Oti guesta, ve;glibors. reistive and others béing ta atLendanv't. Mr. Pitridge forinèri> watt éditer and owuer et the Waukégan U'eétly Gazetto anti was closély âassoc atoti wîîb tée cari>. butor>. of Lako coun- ly. At lresent ha la paeior Of the Congregatiomal -hurch Bt Norvsiki. Fafty yeals aMo Miss Nettié licé et Westlord. Vt., and Mr. aPtridge. tlien a résilient o! ireniett Ili. wer. mai ried .*lalosi orf hhir martiled tifis wa!i suent li Waaakeg>an and Tenues- se, taoctng le ('ailfornia muie years ago froua Cololuado. Lglat relreshuaeutd weré serveai tiirouriiout thé aflérîtoon andj cvé. nlng during thé FuDunveraareY. A Iturse 0fr $85 in golti vas presenteai te thé couple as a tai-rn o! their es- teeto. thé préaentataon bdýng muado b>. te He. T. B. Lavender, pa8tor or thae Morhodlat cttrob ai Ner- walk. The out-of-tovu gucts aur,. Mmr. E. P. CarterrLo.sAt-tiIu, trncO M. i"reeia.n, Long llu:acla: i2ieaior C. l'uuii.Losa Atei>ei-tDr. sud Mrs. t. A. l'ieeaiiaf,', An9.IIes.lDr. antiM lré;. C.' hi Ro' ris, Rayt dena;.- Miss hMarcia 'atidgu. Lam Aiacé L.evi J. (illiflî.. elifluver, lira. C. Rtoui, long liiŽaclt, anti Mu.. Lena M. Sleemnun Stan ll'rar'ino. SENATE CANDIDATE VISITS LAKE COI Cougrc'iiaa Wiitiana MicKiulcy candildate for iUnitedi State'tsei.: vis a LAtte Coulute vietir Tueitda>'. liet reatOl WN'ailogau about t OaClook aller havang beeou at other pinlts lunflac count>.. Mr. McKinly, ltas folloîvedthetaéplan of iti-t meet- iuag folkst' anad telllng tlietlhe la as- plan lu thie office . l andhroa', n M. Siattfr'distirict. tie bas i-zid Lnd word-t to va>. orlias opp"uez1. ?a fact. it. SIltlief! teretti>.suggoémsd Jokiiigly anîd thae congreasmnia agreed:«'i.U>s* gtao oer ut>.disiniel tiigtUli-i yoaa viii IcI nae kme wliîeu yauaé coiing UtL"Ii arvtt you.,. Anadi&G tIheacaaapaagn. goés ric'rcil oan wllli nei-thér Mr. Siaîrtlsff nr i'. BVcKîley haviug an>. bard fiel. tufs agains.l the ot!lr, bath matIS. !aei in leavtng it hp 1tulIas voltera. Ever>. ton o o ett' connans A.*i grant coli. "tiers are axer four tliaccenti millitr! tous cf waer la 9 es.,!ie mile, antI the é sstare estli.s. cd 10 contala t tre. bndred milied ctabiC mille o!f raer. T!)LO It Islea.s« 10 rtek-'a eti.. sanet o d la sca. li là ûabout QOflO t>)')tacs. hat. 1.i.aa îa in it a'inltumai ii Wheu hMan NWtth oti.i't of "".Ltîit ur iVrC. Edeu'ît V. trlvl-ýno f lita. Ira~rd iî'tagty rsbometi b> mu elc»ui raté ma-if 4f dircres printla e crt DsII Thoatit - it]at a ijan on ea wumov4Ug aiOI DalyThugt iee sqmtor wirw'Q ~V' a Am "îinklinesbita norea.iédgUBt &s l4mror oMst'vszÀ * 1.7m Mnau point o! honor-lol B*w itTe. ém 1- . ............. = . It ýJ