Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 22 Jul 1920, p. 11

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(, JUY 22, 1920. Thllm Watike,n's Foreùnost Store for Men. cul Pni!y of Or. lijce 'ru Ail 1" .Our Ml c~/sem Libertyville Independent FISKE A. C. VICTOR( Lake Courity Independent - Waukegan Weekly Sun IN OPENIN(i(iAME The need of a qae saving station for Wauke9an was forcibly Of BOYS. LEAGUIE 5 0 )I T shown Sunday night when relatives of the young lieople who were uetî by NlitUono i uni of the 'In disatreuai on a yacht tried for hours te get someone with a tug te Defeats Giants by Score of 15 Bloi scouts of Ain, oea> go to their rescue before finally gettiflg anyone to do so. Wauke- to, 13 in Extra lnning DOINGS OF THE SEASCOUTS gan, according te persans famiîhar wth shipping,> has a greater ton- Contest Tuesday.. nage than many of thse other Lake'Michigan ports whch have live- DeUo seascouts buow dt'urIa saving stations. None cf the commercial fishermen or boat owners 2 NEW TEAMS JOIN LEAGUE tenvileN . crW oben "heagull" cf otl- who werc aked toi take out searching parties would do so, and it Tema àC.ti edhelent eboat arrlyed reeently, îr.fdu was flot until a few young men about town heard of the matter tlh TeiiseA ' lmdtt' < lan.iat car, the blue and tan ralltîrg riggedi resue art wa oganaed a ea "cmtnndere" ad euipcdby a score ocf 1 te 1.3 TueF.dny «fa4bolet, 501 the boutonliron 1pille mtils, a esicleprt ws ranze, oa "omnnderd"ad quppdtcrnoon in the openicg gamc of ithe anilucefbr lwaW(rmt' with searchlights. At Great Lakes adEantnitw'th aeNorth Chicago tiy',' IaKue. T u 'riece ersdwiy'frmt and vanson i vivs th sam trme was îIoyed at ros Park titecar. A quarter-mlle Journey on roIlers, .tor3-nody to go.' Heurs were lost and lives might have aIsoe wam a corker front .tart te fnis. it santilt geint, was file uîcat stunt. been loat simply btcause there waa nobedy whozc duty it wcs ta go. 'Reaular gaines in the boy' lîagu ArrIvlng ut a dock,, a blt 1ai riggeîJ, aie reven InnIng contens, but it wim. the' boat Eawung out sud Iow. red irfitl«y te play elght Ilithe Hiti a day's itiurney tu It is indecd gratifying ta think that the rail wage a';ard 4 oef the initial saine cfsthe league yea- ftle slip beatiquard erstuufîhlowI-'d. terday, as the score viae hnoied ut aud fDot content wth tliet, the Sit- euch a character that the chances are the workmetn will accept-and twî'lve aplece, et the end of lie eev- gîils' roweti neveu mItasmure ja ne strike will bc precipitated. However, it's another catec wherecilnh nning. The v. lners acoreul tu celebiate," au Skipper Jis Mayecr three cunsin lutheir hait ef the elglth Ivr)tce. the public pays the bill. And so long as the public doesn't kick why en a îew cdean hts erro)ra sanf- Senscoutsof the Sloop Mnto, we presume the rairoada îhemselves have no kick corming. Thle vîtched Inl. However. the , iatsBor4ougli of Quecos ,rIir n> 1.-l railroads tbemsclves crtainly cannot raise the $z4o,oooooo back caime, batrik mironh and made a des- abiharîl a launch for a trip tIieu-ilî fthe lierait attemllt to againt) lie hscore Atlanitc lifet white recerily aincloreti psy and the millions additional that will cerne as tFe restult of the Their rally fet! cbort, bowever, (inlyluta rtrve. Tus.iiot inras.Iti acsec weeth ajrad avn temo ne refntier crossing thi.plate. I h ot ie. T' ,;,Cu. incrase Itis cae o whre he rilradshavn'ttbernoieyand The.laygroun.l dircetor aauouneed iuere dtllgl.tet wlth their tr!iiîîfd the therefore cant psy it. Accordingly they slip it ona the public lfast liai lovo more teame ie hd bNue undi tan unlforna licil iti livc- lienter.-.! the leatue, thus î ]y disçusmion In everni fuIies 'of and the public %vill have te pay it and wender why the cost f ctlh-îe total cumber of compeîîng teants Unele Sema big ships. Alil grîee thut ing gocs up. However, we think it is best te pay everything rather te elght. The uew Porine: Victory the "tanjacket" la Sifliit and )Liaily. than have al of out rairoadi tied up and apparently the railroads, Club andi the' Eaicleîs. The other rIligeport, 'Co.. seiliculîtit u the' tOama previotègly e îlered In te blooli "Francla ]Druke" have tien iven the wage board and the railroad meni themselîîres have agreed that North Chirngn boys' leaguc: Won>- ni-w aîuîp beadqnrters, by Ille cty. this is right. The raireads actually are uncencerned because the dens tars. 4 'ub Juniors, YoiLng Aic- T1he mite'le on teeple-ba - i Il ta ha.assredthe c thir igh tomae feigt ad rieftmp iJ.(ants FIetis A. îIle barber of Bindgeport. 1'I .- lIZIlI Koverrnment hl sue hm<fterrgtt mk rih n amn It Clduled ferte tilance îng baq thtee large roit . îfeet of passenger rates high enough te insure a Profit Of 51/2 per cent-and If tho w.ek waer nt 1 w 111e off the <teck, nuit a Young Amerîcana va. (iants. itidhenceh tnby-ail exellentl ne mnatter what the expense, that will be their percentage, which 'FhurE.îay ai n:oo P . shows how nicely it is all slipped to the public in the last chapier, nve k , vs'.. <'ubn Thlt>tay aiet oriiittton for pructiclog tlic ci scout 6:30> PM. tr.gltint. iBos, the coui.!I y cii-r that of paying. *Wondere va tars, ait 3 êoO betiow»ig more antd mure*ltt.n*ite.I _________________________ PM. n lu ttù-,evirsud fasclr.stng gauw -of - scout eaàirunallp. TO FILM INVENTION DONT EET SICK; MRS. DE YOÙe PLAy LN, SCOUTS UILD A FRLEK 0F~I.BR S "DOCS" ON OUTING TENNIS SEIFINALS il@-,n <oie F ATU E T e- n al Gýir f, th, be om ty Service Worker ranger, couiferred lapon the Boey Sot Rlu îfay u Round i. an & Won-R iqht to Play by De. the loner of dolng the Ernit %nork on WîiI Demonstrate Fencler for iglns nîeIriurçf.îr îI ornalie feating Hulda Nelson. oftiteAlesrut t. tief fn-r Automobile to revent Run- r i oe tii*i L i,.t Mar Ethel ioil .Communlty Ser- IBoIliSaous f0 ie cf sr~htuyotither ning Ove anBoynSc us i oofsrviuhîf frtii ..,bOereedstian.*litfaî.t .-.- I!ii -tot vie worker, won Ilei rbt te meltgovernient hy asaisfig lfl le United) tht v.tIfiti .~i -lOOit4Mrs. DeYoe In te ot-s Parkt wom- Sînles forenlry service tundt teior IAW MAY -COMPEL USE <' rd tthec .N,r i:.g,-t n ioureF.a e Iunlen iyieea- ty bystesrting fiis gretît firelireak IAli ny i ohieri în eitngi îg fuasHulda Neson In two Whlhl ,ote i1.'e-h o An î ru t' uî tigttlu îaig>-,î ets 15&nt.venlng. e'itch 9tertc h aëýé o Il 1 )~,* 16 p t ai-tlw- <ki rgt a .rir, met, corce. wtroG-2. 6-1. lbut fhey do flot Pn<<,iat llI la, .îut..1a d' . i v Ilt' an d pii, lfl' l htl heft 111 ,Iit' day ias indicate the cloi5,nffs orf!the pîay. A camp tras esiablîshet for fticBEcY ap î-îecaî riIt. ad utA1ru nngn Itli tîia~O igt ntl n tefit ist eacch ite ot-'lscouts %- the Untted rtat'-- ferestry (Nt hem Wit)an autotuobite, wheentis %, yl lt,<ithcd P l ih@edy, e*s erve until tCe coîtit we two a-vic.e lu the Arroyo Suco. t o l, ai tuî k b, bé la( i î<.wii andnîtuc-tbme' îli lie trNtd but u î-ygallpmenttIo deuce and ffiN s d-..uoniwtlaîî,uîtiI, nnî,,r tht <t0tIî col.igîPe f"Loc bi):11g mpeofti nts vere feaiured uy PAY FOR SCOUTS' ADWRC tif xi !.. .t.j.chîm. I- log ralil. The oth-r four gamts 'Ht tîerîîioil la'~îrî,t lii 'f thi', ne30 alseowen tel, deuce tut A leaing ciî-înnufl t n\%iaiivpr di- at~~~~~~~~~î,IIIF a-.. iaT" DD C A1s~Roi?, -mai Q roue oui the rutted an c,'Iwrtuna to i- publie of I -r i ctur' ato tu te I n their MA LU wnutrIn eaph of th-in.Mis- Nelson hi îyo l îuou h o e.-t-Y N4 si-fa--*iuir -- A < i~VcrNN cee. rite court in aei nîtyle S-th iano'tai, iyite elîthe oy Il Ihr iîii -t.î' i li Mi rr c.i,à;'Ktamie in r y th jubasuj v. ~ ~ ~ Ilr i - I rI o ttItiutOiidL. lL>I1NL> e, I-ome fine ln, baud n-er Icîciîî' l c)a tqtte Win. ""-h Mr P;,:i e .î. that tritre are aboot lil Ri e. Hlit Fre as workiitg co-liruitIn wi th t'e 1îirIl t i, 4 ii-- ~ iuuut n uFe v.i amdi .cTLeNorthi Si.c S-it iatClub 4 ru-t ityle andi bctr u'£'turfi divesfitirtiseo tf ,cfiuttr,. iii ti, îî aaittt au) tlou-..dt alttii -it tcening w-III, - Ji i b ' rt citer, toc, baurd t i0i andIt.. Misii If lt mostuît L efretfo a i u- roi(k. ;-tIr, fleuRuds bt-ng sildil . . and ruade !o er.- * i,î lLneuti oI', n as bot heredt îy lier uppo ititcr %nIti) iq:I-us ti:s lu u ni tf .1 ni lo machitiî a k~i-I. lii v on i-urdéI . Au;iit ilU, A n-u' erce andti t httr.,, Io lu dii- i u] di o l irîsgi,tad tutis te fthe 1:.7i *, i tif lite t-t.. À :t-aic. m Ithiln a " Irîe aite. iiantage hj iii r us i ratilier seak sie i:.. %t%1i,4b ji nq lis bys lu a i-v.~~~~~~~ 'ltI ~t.ct îllenca Hynnl'or. teky %5i iiiTu-il Oc- n>whilh gave Miss Rouchh flie be:rty îort, fer ii..' îiery grattern-i Ve lti , t lawIw ecruiteltinit Lfi0liii ar . othle tcauîl.llitutIîeeed ,cit10 un tick bard.,ip ~t te Iie a relghhor, ant.) sic - i niti ra-hnes10tittithtm l'l A t.Itîe13,, L, I.. -irutt:y hp ciller wonentirige ni.iict m îîîoc--ut> n tî.e lit, sei aertiau-.l fi .' u t ti1 if i i2i ,dI il it i ,'î( .iw'.Ivilpruîbablv 4 b e tav.) Iis wLetk 1Inentionil fe,cf I ,u itttoe li useai. N il oli- Li A Nieri1- Iainig I1h- 1mai nhaautieoulbîP mi.h tip.g tpli e t ittutdeattlv- lii i 1 b llrth uly p rtoan znj' lu'oiîi,iiti-a"Ire tîî.-rei.iît! f IL. carHow is Your Batch of fc telry at fTHE BOY SCOUT OF AMERICA. i tl i ti ei't li4 l i i. Home Brew, is Salutation ibe"t.ayey Witt a i-i-i itiy - i tiov. c hi au: e t4-f tcMr l.. I l a iitbist-c lit 1 i t' -î. lîg - tn.t t1- anl 1 1.1.0 l I ',ît -ou: lh i, t -. alabimeI ot a n ih t'ft.lain s yetlow." _____ eti l o r.t% tt,_ira fit 1'.r, l.enI ittNe.CO* YST. -tct 1i niet> unih tiea nt'r.. IFi JIJ(.JIIII st Oi l t<5.,IeoI il ii i aIrtr <il .' I ],Ii aiS -For tii - tii . .1rici Di- Ià LU* Mi ti.- 1. c I l A , to I eti i-r IIUSSEY LUMBER Co$ jloalAn lh Li l 1 I, ~NEI4IIBOtlRS HAVEîtiltteiai EIMPLOXE SUSTAINS i I ACUDOOR PART y ar 1h - - or j BAD INJURY TOD.&Y Tl.u ot n lI r --_____ t FU 0"'-EMTE F FEROES etrci 1 kaiiiiloit'i.i - "1"cahlv le tii mib r -- ci Ile e ei. i -O tr it nd lac, !t a lh - 1 t ti Atlana', Gs. r: - z, «i'- k <Ii-ti l fI I - al iuu 10of lei:t uiîred i u fite- BmîlGrl.ave After Operatzof, Oe- ctuif tMn. ai.d N[I- fe.rge W CAMP FRE MrNN CUIG _ y a iSein itlt iiii, 't'wutiIN iCI lii..i 1- t-îtii- iil'ii lai, , . it t-serves fIýe ,icor-mIuofthtietOp.- trang au d M r. and Mlrs. raul ut d tc . a-i i. ii.,. ci- ~e eatirng Srecm. Hit> - n]u wt c e ut'ai--.)hui-'-ii - M fi iii 'tt i - (.iî--lent f c Ile Lw 4r rîil< ait. i l iii; at Y -!Uton a li kNard partI'. The eu-i - CaoIi ii h1 IC,-i1 I i -î ii, tuat greatt1 . hi.î,-.îu-ii'tdi N n." li e tcsurSt. 'te ', sue .-Johln Wba'tn. Elvin 3. ii-tît nzttit t smn n i j Y i leitIl.n olii 10-il u jloip ouI i aihe--nsi-e--t?îi- I a tl -cr ii! >c.î i. b Brumn n. AbLe .1e ltii- , i- -iet em laine ti-i nî r t i-ai ttni,,.! h&ltu-rt o, S(ti erz Mo-Wcichsud tL. r a ti rontiile, . NY. This fSnst-citis el îLe h1(,, i Ii til c It(ili ed iirii il oul îrv,î hlili uit îul -iritilz. calîhde. a Icisi îe winilehi:0 . 14yt-ut yi-ii Larea l racU ' 1 L îî~ Alilkinde of uut-qtQeoc me colicl in s l ut- cahipedut o! thIftr Tonm ltî. -e(y wab inthfe ltrck t .Attfit mOIIit iu loe IlJIuuIy 11111v.îîeiit paylId. Rîfroctlmonta s Woet Ui stefýri rmd fIl floc aime il ii-cOsinice. whcrî li- <. in eli itirig atîtloItl . l.ocaiug table tt ni ed.Tht gueulabhall a ireguumn Csap Pire chailiate .1,5 an active purI -il il a t icnikofficeraye. SLrsrine finie ind pilas are -eltag made te nlIO'i cclTtîa e fc iter areDaiet jic latn 1 bi rne onClyta nti :luin ber t3ia ut..) two Ici-tifeu qr, rlie-ti he t lrformauce" ai an ear- Carter Bota)rd.t111-1181scout commis- - <It'i-.lit.i'o...îoitît opun fienmare 1%- date.ciner, George tI. i'ratt. treasurer of Flaid êset. -i - the nationaul seûit -ttt tili and! George stti, for the wonîrîu ticctor. r.allzlng thtmore tbac judf thte pain of theC U INISKLL DIfubbei, fretp courit tteeman in Gan- lfîivinte Pfeiffen sbouid take bersimiitoperatloti nbtûh la te rote l eInttN. fratit-e fl ,historyr aiongtide of IBoift t ethet dreud uip t Meryhoa.tla SCOUTS APD SEAMEN ASHORE or Traveler (Ganer), for lic(tuarct n the rief, a.! tloera. INAUTO -4U O stilîtmathlInIng or deMar.easndccotti sown iiorcialtlîbasleset-ton, w5 ovrbeote Manie knew It ~Wbeuite Ameircan steaied flnie pliihlied il bcdi lb.rles.S bte arbon of KtIg>ion, Jamalca, the v>au Lru u Vena l 177. loe egun. W, R. Meýer. ýne offie proptietorsvbosfit)i,-oySutva- tiflairnIn iOngntcav, .Au le.! n n- "e., coutuie.) Ilte klntily doctor. of lb.- Kîney and Meyen photographie ]nt et the dock 10 liowth 1eim around.i arrinttivt'inunzrýagewandmnon-sisce e lohi.) t-etlit'ttnini bic.), béhind studio, 122 Sou:!, Geneae efreet, y Thea*e weeatJudI h - hirtinae turtdlg a flaina' thugb ber, "1you are a uulghty brave 11111. terday receive.! Word filait tus cousIln., ber ige tue d.Ida wo frldsiud ci ,,.girl.Ton anen't gSeig te C07." H. H. Weuthe. -stel ranufatturer of pralat fur the aa:ii-t5Ice nd courts- jol, te Nidf, wde orl, ad mne e-Marte bhillkettthet l ebek and Chicago, wac cosenousîy injura ~be eus attentioun iiicht titreceived train gtîi' tier nlious Jourutys, four voy- sftaigiilenedup bhersutalbody. may due' sud ut, sounilerman,. aged 12, th. boy scouts. - &g,.a, ti-hiIliuttit four.ftueafnt only "-Course' uotý,"aieo@nuid, "roe fou'was kitie.) in aa auftnobile accident roiiiîltlit'e Nîirîdbut lu and ouit of tevnsed Adbr i y ae e itin. ltegarding tite fatal ac DOINCS 0F THE BOY SCOUTS. v.orld. ll It(IlhîttIhe w d 01 caal- roudly into titose of Ilesurg yeon. edeut a Chient euewspaper caYa:-- his itiiti 'moe y-eip fPrn&i hedco a h re lm but a slight bhlle fon tht Scout Bollingin tof T'roop Ne. 14,- FOR SUITS SOLO REGULARIT UP TO 845 ý FOR SUITS SOLO, REGULARLI UP TO 476 FOR SURT SOLO RECULARLY UP TO $76 Tiiese Suits isîchîde the best o! tise'surplus stockg of these farnous utatnu- faettîrers. We bought thern at great piie coîîcessionîs %vcui the late delivery, of niat criais and the backward season e amied the inakers to be left with hea.vy overstocks. They lost monoy te be sur*e, but you reap the benefit. Ail youi men know these famous clothes-they're the best tu be had and the styles are just wh4 yQu al want- iýncluded are Suits of Worsteds, Serges> Unfinished Worstcds, Mixtures, Chcviots, ée., i-n double atnd single Ibreasted styles In young men.sW and couseri'at4ve ntodeiii, Those Wonderful 541k Shirts at AUl of you imen who attended this sale lttst week know what sensational values are offeî'ed and you'Ill le lierr for more withalyous fîicstt uutli abotut that. Sa0 MANHATTÂFi7 Hi!RTS À. reinarkablc-shlowin- i the Iatest patternis. You ail knoitx the naine. $ Idrl4L HUNION SUITS tif e7celti I ll.f1:tile jîlîl ity. 9Se \i-ci- s4poQj:fl at .... .... - - - They's'e shirts Worth Up to $16.50 and inehîde Silk Bî'oad- cloths, Silk Jerseys and (repe de Chines in the famous MaU- hattan, Wilson Bros. an.d Bell- claire niakes. AUl sizes. MENS DRES& SHIRTS ln ail the 'wanted ne* patterns 1- colors.. ARlsizos,. Specially .3 priecd at . -.... ATHLECTIC UNION SUITS for warîn days. Built for mon-1 9 fd-Special il 0F UliTs r great uctions 3 made' ý, -but we rith Hart umber of >, for the e market inched in It's- A Fact---m Hundreds o f the Men of Lake County havèe secured the clothing values of their lives in our wonderful sale of Fashion Art, and Kuppe nheimer Suits The BestClothes in America at a Price Most .Merchants Rad to Pay in Wholesale Lots9

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