VNkIWU !IW id, MD M .ûY V 5IV YUJ~5ff~P AUIIRIIIW ~ çeica eimnNews 1tti-As Fi»~~ lmgiMOgos, Zand a4 --------------.- - -EiIIOC W@ V iabed thruugh the attaekara04 s4e t7'fls ae"Una Ng1iRffiW REPORT 91" . 1ÂW2iiigriv pJUaC <ai<o 'àt<BN btîw e u b o ....-..-..-- .~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ about bath <o announâce <bat v are .ac i os fl,<bwiAmr gp4vt1oIJi Um m a& 0.. . . Loewaql mem" , ,rePared for a*Mon agni». 11 S4ta 1254t8 115-oaiae(ri . ,! êhlg oweunw »C"el VAî, :qIT8Vý-w-AOA»t Nbrn*1 Viii;. Pils am ie m*047 lyblew inte t*a o. t utre. Lev~a bai,.. fr r à - WQurMutter. el- & ok vai aMue tilim' " n isn.e OffmeTeo omber 1, LiSmutVHie Mihauge. 'ho ,le .Sd4o"ng«k ho=i W@ Mu&t a ata t urolè sth,» utbiqe -~~~~~~~~~ ~~~b84 -o Iiaulingltaiser for thea but conob a h S.it15 mi alr~~m 1 i . < a s.5~ie0 bt£1~W ~lt W * o ekit4Our <uesasla <bat I'raazari& Mi a4yp fed<> on, s'us?. W_ sDera SMurrtay. aaaa tErs d am bai bt la M* 08» Warpir <a t i. goiSe ubu e camslé 1,111 ier*9 nd1r off liorer »iSmter OiC»mi vehtrehm »In h dix&" la s«*f tea mi otoe ýt1j ri f' os l baie ttvtla the (Editorial lrom ChiCagcHeiild & Examine. Iefflbwt au .dit bufr«lt wie h re Wétat iti b o0fOty. Wr-r Tb truk or iood on. br atelllpau i i ou a treets lake a ide.r US pu a m u"mmn cm a10blond wkmf* nale*cl « aEt u ieVh rM& dlm 10. e ,vtlle catis onaU ni kla so? faiS. Owrà Da< na daI. Y11t- (e ot «tho couaty Wrla iu *rnordea <1<6v ttt :wi. Mufly ~ ~ -itmu - atuubuf h mqc"r~ mas la I ,miat tb to itnl lt. Dirai appvaaclm lail . vsplan tal ait sopimha gi ýrî» ea.'Tl#t llai. am the ~ds.1 ustmonthewUiy-VO s- A U seaa.Amàa; hs- in~tpr.e~wai TW.Iy.Bvu od Cma b a.Twety4<* Cccim tho <o t tie . me«* I- Sein"lavq emn limla a asumber 09 large *art lalaukam binent in I t-' rrangd ei? .ay thlrany.ighoir. *bt* W. e l.Twenty-Bive hunt fruit and vegetahle. 'lie eMid"e aM* ias iMearlfglt for ___ moatn" i. cofommu. you oh? tiumrs.11 leut. ever. We baie a M.4 tMe miii UB» . e«tsqans Ces per . In ' li lw, ot"_ âW bot u iin mt o 0f l ot lâ u peuw Ma clai, bovevor, Anuihan&s. , )~ a 44»m'- f. ýtale o e ve1a ý~ ~. vomisud "oiand eb""c 11111r40a"4lmo t - be VhtorvModalafhtatio. lav tft' mii? uoos lir illiité " tn'ru se te eh" me l < ota.. vuimegshe. «tiltSi " 1OU YOlIpek <tl in ibd aNlili.a t <ta <n J15 , - Mfe bak ul0 t er atstuba4se ib tf Ton é. sd id 1atcftie ams he c~~s. an animaia -le tei«à la u ea Peao agy~~ae ait,o ' ae, RtObe *u iqaau1<suaq.jw in the rmma ,. viii r.tieà, £t. dUIOtt",t nS ihe stock '-'-fre iai b qq*m pai 'igfftUoo me mail s furve ed M cnt% tè oefflýw apoin»d*C -tAd- eeî t yala nt s l<g. s'bggt rm eb ut»ebn tu d hll fr OnsImt el om s leabt&W@ o 14.ofü.motdautàSthiml iof.t 'n fiL Let ia be masTday teis--k nv.,t in fîten amr uo n la riotente b ilotdiebMm ~ tisemainsnuinier ofmes RUIt tpon I~n< tl% mol tii.caîf amimaaolesvosatib taaonedni <bt lir. Kanyê lad W4urela lIi ocarad- -"Mel ame un o Bh o q mti.7ho bfoe.cIf lad b MOISlatck u ui.- ýoi odfl ate. lii Cara.11ft akd<lue dIT, vas erecîmi? e "o fut Oflyte&ed d <ktisebUi ____ onuaadHlermtL aidt«,rias pont lere l:(I<the lti' Gt On. hatalu oatl 1104,atu wooritnu"Wa.( Wê. ltusIe, ,* b nue intimt e n mbt. ~ fo.PNSRh Le M>SJnd un<l or-0taeia nwueron aithelr ippi aaymmete IIIîAÎ o PS.cut - Tient--ý% tdandlnig hyft a m mwu e ant o ra flhhlutrip.Wo r om in.s n onerama' . aris m Tu AI> g 0F T ShlOOTINi' I W neK"110,iam x v ïo ner s. 1go is te cm .Àprewa or fte mkmtiài*lbotftaë ir .adte In SOS (l d ratdm sa cle b eme1 MO MIVaNYGbrln a wémnas or lie utterMer h.atoha ueiuet mdaite h. A ow létheir arguer o f m en thUUlE fuponhvn :si the cY*g.anI»YsOho . luraI.îI i. dntlhngiatMr l âi b ldHry Cueaaeti l. thueaa min <?ofbtheM hUr« w.araalrfo ieaaInf dèided tii mmd tthety cf tise tw.nty4ive qut iV WVU ImU c* Wbare. lovovr. grev aeaduly lthee thelUit op.ang alteo dayato Monoffg tëta h W bf e.-uuly baiendy. t a <elt. G a a fl Dsont 10110< adi ty t b o vh' teti et nuhe arivî kmnetrt lIM e p*uig fuitandîegl>le cntiu îdiis anAnd ChdicoNeulyLthe i10 t oCantel..and Hsic erat te tl grue sAut5.< bm ultrau.hi' >i tsaîuoo tussr t*- o ri ge m &14 PI NS RCHrlg for round. Ourre atoaon -Ina sueos Cm- àfWOU. Uelllr 9 maianymo.1111e 4;CIfr oneu.4;Da, maWa to de UU 51 manMMm A f"idik SatIp mtioéesao <i rocatI dos'oe». w1tlmendfafa pim rip v*. an hom d haresQuW.e.IV.NO.CDI' . I TH ANePEviolNT b < e avene. NrthClilago ant mu arn- àTinO0 f vor he ajbott e B er.bai tg t ri a has kiubs. attru hot a unC -bo odt M. . tiotu ldiy miue or w*b&eA ~w. T. mo wit twof thes tlwe o ili Natqiuit vette ol« cni0ca tg hot preence I (l carn ara nlhhoy buIbismd esl attal ble run 'j.- C aIe .01a atiuu .e ut. Tse M ote t nis s ugt motAnChtvd rylit vs4ek W lîlorî. veRt. At Ils Poot meetIng Tumaate * UmH~I nahdfl OrdOfCll8g 1a. aigu <t a ugt <n bat o Ular esofte4«m «n 'haýat, iat1@aw rRohrm il or ~~osmLCis dywsutee~fTe.upm.Mm aiol -auucrptoMte ake <W PIiOl£* MWO I ndYM lTWOe.4S Miford E DAY S LEFT 0Fjeu dud.T e ue. , InCarlg or ni.. h'em ourre toibr u ohca fmu f~ veyoo the i shdb-nY ey@' .î i<i nuioje > ùws " t h atngL.m o iCner a t ih m111r-d AM ggo n W rmDrr.4. I iofrm m n ,.,ferld Ofto,.r -ter. Usioluution? oLer*m& MWy! 6.pan>'.a UI&Ve 44.d&flot 48-9 - TEanythuRNu, latheo a»boul <àthr b m 11pisà n atCh a b lM n * anuae th e m d osatiotuaal.CL oion a ILthatelae tuetoi-ITI the test m reov .,pa 'if g aimbtqtla inluman 8om@*w hbleu otiscao- loe .Ksnyonsmtattaufïti, - <"~T iD yS ae PIlibouahmerejaile . tthlnkingmeetingCu needa ctie ROAD meOBLEM. nti eleparln ast conml tieal. oah a-Aran ugeti atareno.< ni yurrmium o Ls Counî mmd auutiljutiig thetfOC a <>1 P.c1 homeau4mm-r baU em pmlalg Auulowr1fr9. The fflla apmot rib ij5»1àAýDweaeofeig ote uryi o - baoommay onaccu ont ia ~e e ad ut1r.l oaiatl ni e ve o ' nla taWy su he banerf omumd . .er have-N'YT, o teSae WIlPsi el loeo là 1 iy S a c uld Sue »bit oS ado tWii bl e i O i f a r g a boutheP<> m in catch t ai eLu a ndt > bo G a ti A m y a e se t ý .ho«4 weer, inatelay lawnly vhyicln ha t tohia go. WI th erevr yar. tyanti I ifre dns Ila le poemumuaaîay. 1<deyghî do 10 bars it Lotam Saturday NightbiAugust 7th. psu> r0fd~ bt îl boda bve bes viedSon be cnçtCtC Oat I è' dey' v beriblad bpol e wlng i ievoiva îeupla cegl ter? THË ROD PROLrtlaelyme oevee, abs reuivi? mA 0sncb aenaIami lme union. the in Uàl c«ftyjand gbG.iAt.tR antior asya malterr el rodenhom antisaber bnd wonpelaod wgnll19. hebigLer lan,«Càff S'we, ie titatg? Bttet orry ei bie mCais onseof, t ft e ie quof rnd bteU nstefau vle? a ouber a*y t for odcmvo wbm q v*odtht11< ondlaae~ . ailit ilbtitants ____________ orne Tisit hInfoercmel]1 wcudbpsryou a buMa lttiebeau Itbveîe ayhtdo o aVi for a roati me W<at ea tomt- TaKE WIFy8e" tOtni MOTOR tUR NOW, wisnan 4frelngi aa-ida ijoahatis auce. W are ffern oatsicac IrctW utytruh o ave ch do otodfotetidto bave mufer f ilg ibo, mpolaif FOwiJN dev e pnth ion TYto E ey Arclmn.h tre C t -d s tppe easerblongauae . dcao e 1 b ow Uhu Fruaey.hwyr hervie dc uhafar nte edm ès h « rb0t«o ave.toe i h onty peit an s ~an ls tires heaiaelesw eruigve uc re seo icaentio ute - fLm.aItero ePc oircirds enais ef travel or havewanaoutteylwou&at etttono poe PIONAI>FNE P i el for tis Scealetatmu te qd~. bolier. Rial the heavo thégchance.iheaarromv.ferSinclairtL&vlchance, es aecmrin o e tn. eieforced ute onw ae ele <'5os 'o a o ...facti tbehugeumc Uoyatut Ia60ahmeiSea11vmio -r_-_0 -- -C- -cago1,MA00genu3.-WillIafli Br sim - daott w beeuor.i toetnmlstravlo iorogh L'aovaytim900diSmW' t« aita"dltatseeblp et the proie- 13 b.maiipomfaltu 0IO pg< ioad ods'Mir01»< b a.butard XMtoxal<oe u vhy tart' vera touai Suhy oet iio tlmu. bSs affaRir e re al"m'si ta ue my roàd iloy daie.lai lte aS7"0 e lrIng te ieila carceIuaInigbt by a Jua' jlx ise OMgo e e 1M sud bddenty s»anaiodisi <carJtseePu court. mefls 4e Couaty cashelp tulf greatly by uMiig grvelfrem- boutln osir "you frst et"p eS0 Alme r .. 'Mdtuaesit.Ihplamo t1b. au met u ls basa comapcuotal a *l4ePutsi. 190 <o0<rIM«et tue b k hae bS ome ieelymi laS # ans«., Otho aeaienceii 10 Sl ?taie Os14 M 1e tsar lever , -lacndig uoyi-.vor m4eaauate bito e aurà.uaR.pi y1tri7 te <t il 'thepomlaautlary* mu e fr ose yoar as eGooy, ihe Clicago guammu ttnedthcg eWdJuie.tmI'evos o or e aYMlîns <lai sd othierafor s setul«maal.m- . aimbw p'aeismo e-I noviver lad a cbauc.'ý Wi"t about the b amdy. sunitle bora. aqionIls' tesue of trou orne0<oà#u yImm 4supo iot ome? omeabout i theranger 'ruawalked into a ail. fInalir Apt Ila0o ,p(md nt liaddItion a elo une,.«o6d <ow nao dw?0 h lieuklthfl mrote ad <vo odiers van il" :*M ud *9 nse aad usm va kiledby Geary with@ut mny ressom? Did bc, go danserow a a Ilseba tuttle Ivo vera mati $UW eeb dwave a chance? les différmai uhen it bita bo= eeven in avwe <O batlu n mcl cMMs wn 1 luides LloyU, tieme Fer* rouet bav be hnovuate deub your lav- 18uItY' à gomeia polie fical svr bul "aa k.perfot reasotu for ail " ao lr. Liidvg Lare, Nov Tota; Athu Papi ba olSofiiesnee skul tama bnc"wahor Imnuvem a. cor, Chicaïw, Mx Bedabt.eua 5. emes lhé ineldeui from Milwaukbee mereut Sberff iey- nÎos atheb bmramd tt elad ma%. , DIII id plg.Atter a voml et I 7 ,it u.1w atrli Of Zoeuha Un abovod ilo ith*analroom 01 a paiseager coud - OP 9M«St dim4S1 e, -s.;Dla tmbly buat"u b> a puite ho e Utahlng te Waupun. h* ffe tleRbeMhe clta ni amigiue, ie Iea Kiar, CbMýP laVa Zr a oe Sud dromlag for ttans, .mWbple P« msA. M)amgr ioaa-.Cb omwm-oj. h iesâé,Vprimj« W adbon mda Sdalin sitI ftxia:autistu Kionlola ClIa~~UdAl ,ïowmwde ke M4 w'w In geoO1114 du mhuff Inade an0Iork-ainlsu betreuaecir 0ase; Perry ab1<.eS. Isi " m"" f sijv i4 " Po ..niMdu lm s.Iamdcugf hlm. l$ 700(Itacover &tai the SMli7«0 lMt Dx=r.Dca . 1» sVeKAMIi- I b ate VMI VrIl, Ilgdbabeh r.Rd P ne due« WU5 the peulty. Loin Cout at>'oieraougimi lprofit j - . Niel# j. Caluluamm; loft laW &e .. bWgutt>".: et oe Snirobs _____n nt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k 04oie 'oa S dto. n epic.enaae eldea é,la ,up Se ___ 1 WM Bos lod W b«etai« u ou *- ab.ç» i«ir itstuM«tm Mii *o 0Ua. lvas**M all& #om l"fi=& mmlitsd . oe tpn. ian Wt.i « * wreti.' -, b" mià$ ~ <- USq *mw bM clubas fl ce taded lb 4"î 'i- piL Md. a Tieile lb.b*e nouip. j 194 tai e t te efa l t1da rs k U.<on oliêi tir au -r h ba baL arvedbisasasac. Ifihs'd ie a sL w w o isute beau aleoi . ti the ue amboo àwt 0M; am-----bs uNie oo m pi stCon @1 oSotlme mSIII ags oUt lomWa0 jingll a tl Is 51 _______ heIbo_____ tbe .wk the m y oI vanir lInfaoet "ai<l mie _W WM 4m ié ÏM U wed is atum ,*ed. em , .jewetl, bue pieo ainç COw& IoS - -aircotie t'aamlîln t u ni la ~. ~ ~i. i l ~ ~ mai esmoab dwflueeali ail lises11« 1«*m Aes na he Sa't a uo.lees?,mh Ins oS b toilpseefma.mt7im aI111 «*la w".ln«W- ,a& o emm'ditim hh ai do.u'î pat ve hpuld. d t beul isqv a or o I &9, I f th . nu g r a bo a i~molM Lk. oany f au aduhale f i1ré'.lu 1,t a 1«M Ifami MWUV Une îîanîn;Mdcnit m".Cou% bail. aminSalater1e- are94ov<tin soulierai <'tord m et a ho. m ue lt i'lt09 th IlispIide - «Sb - e. ç8m- - aie *M- fmo,waTI: gm.6 r laP a tioLae <ja atudkb i e.btmeutmtwff llRiItus.19 -ý*C 09 holm WUsibisa M=1 b" oiW@» !me&Wîw-w ra At.rv- i. ..i Our Prices on Summer Uuderwear at 39c up Slocke at 15c; Two Pair for 25c CWork -Shirts at $1 .48 Work Pant.s i.8.9 Overallaat 81379 ansd other merchandie down through the Une at the Prime a~re EXCEPTIÔNAL VALUiES, coniderng thse marheî conditon., odko> nguiar pie issi whmmYOoudOuMcr Sale Price of 89.48, -$1A& md $14« tisemmcaume h a1pbmcte& weeusin Cisicao. W. abs Invwit ompan .tke Olq ur e nt nre Lime Of e andm*. * = . W. gmr.nt..s tisfakcton oiim~n i "de -pur phssed.of us. voti tun sDo riaikl W. ýwQul4b. -ýOsW, t mpà~y Yomi wams in o- i» at our -Pdimuptoand lnedIwg August 7, 1920i, .WWU You Give Us TbLs Chance? Phono 14 a"tvilDlpi ,gVER.YTING FOPR MEN' -The - (Tomi Mm aute . I j.w- nue" IL Tiiomaa Ube arIe DogImi Un a? Xebrtlu Shore anjd Mra. Juillu rpi fer lue iveeki. Mr. -Mdilira A. A )K «oy(ront a tri, PUb wS 61Icr a" showe vu la the. <collas auler bualaca liew.L Re Vau &MlIii aQL% IMWheeter an. de maite0Austil spoaitbe dey sitiXI 2. 0.. sfimen. OttdUgbter, Editb, PiM SKemaeiy af wm, adrecathas am tUmm *Md". en dodu imi laor. ha "Molelanier h e normataive Th, leubiMa imeu anMd the PiUaLMt raca. C PUViy, heag la lb.eta D1 ta »0e ath, o 401vmietDoha Gy Ares, 1%b farce col Tobm aSillIle a Is e Muw*r laa promiaimat crym 0au narrant 1 invore»ertuiothur taCEeMW<bey gv âfflbe Mm Ans. Io ity Uemea ArsaIt Tbe U. 9. Civii Ser bête uneomucai? an mi hmoet am istyrtRie. tand Waikegaun hsat, té.m m s et o r.anliam mietiata ai A ai'11111<o e salilai aJtel'rural carniar irfor a route of net 020eforoaci ad MrpUatm aamay le ai tu 5 ~tefe