Auj. 30,31; Sept. 1, 2,3.,4 Six-Days:- Six Nidhts 5OMYOR NGT ÈEST IN THE LAND et c'stie. He s.fbst'. wn.Pt. try, sr. A.tut'I ttCt Wýok. tihool W.rk, Mud TUEfF VAItit1191>tN-tP .5 B: g ftt Boys' M.d Girls' Ctsb Atl it.a EVERY DAY! ETHEL DARE erIRL WITH A SPARTAN -]EART hangea Planes 4000 Fuet FrIn .Eartbl --AluO- NIAIVEL 0F ALL AGES, THE DAREDEVIL SUPEEME LOCKLEAR ini Plane Changes. <Wstci for Dates) SIX NIGHTSI VJOILD'S GREATZST SHOW $20000 FrrcBorks Spectacle -SIEGE 0F THE DARDANE LLES" enI STAR Cdut!" AND>lAUIIE' %ILLE ACTS on t"s nsoeotb MUSIC EVER ÎWHEP.E F....iflli,, . oli.r Bond. wi(h Si. Seooiolv; Eight Other Ba dEsn, Or- r.sestras tDur end NIght. AUTOMOBILE SHOW and *"TRUCIZ TOWN" fflffl âsses frfet etexhiits sMd d-t..ratAo. inlaldin SU 19,11 HARNESS RACINGI XIONMAT, WEDNESDAT. TWtItS- DA,. -RtIDAA -FIr,.tactar 1 iP. M. AUTO RACINGS TtUËSDAt AN4-D SATURDAT at S P. M.-Arneri. Mad Es-"p'@ gest. Mt drt truck dor. s.»d r. HORSE SHOW! STOCK rAILO't MONDAT. TLE"D)AI. WEDESDAT. TUURSDAX ANI)> aIttAY NI(.IITS, et 58sok. 50 ACRES 0F TRACTORS AND OTHER FARN, MACHINERY. SPECIAL EXHIBITS Wis.nfn Deparl,,e..1 of Agrirolturr. So,shod. 2,.w Eu-a Md a score ef * sdded ethibit.. SPECIAL SHOWS THE C. T. KE14NEDY 10-ACRË EXPOSITION. THEEBIUDLESS ANI) DUST- LESS FAIR. MONDAT. AVO. S-AilIscni Scheel Cildftre& r. THE WISCONSIN STATE FAIR "Educatea, Inspires, En- tertains on Biggest Possible Scale." SIUDEBAI(1R'PER: FORMANCE PROVES A WONDERFUL FEAT. BOYS 0f NORTHI UCIIC4iO O OLD TENNIS TOURNEY Much Iiterest Being Shown by the Junior Players; Ar- range Schedule. WILL PLAY ATODO TIMES. Allitigia ICtt Neleon la ackîîow- leged to junior nchampion,.thie ioys of North (1bleago wau- t 1 tage a ro'gràlar I eni s lourrar.ett so an o! fici i iackeiled lii,îdîie 1ilas lîen 1drawn tp for tliîn hy George lllpkoi, Fos,3 Park blaygrolund director. le tliis wýîy. tberpwill bue no doittIiat, tite wilier is tre bona-fido champion or North, Chiicago. Tihe yotingqterm are takint; an in- tensue lIerest in tenînis tii t. anilmer and a number of flicî, are getiing te b. good piayc m-a Sotie 0f tirent oc.-sioîîaily taclde a grown -up and the play la n,,ualiY Close. Oiten tiîey arc u,ed to rounrd ont a double tealîl and aiways give a good ie- coultlof tlieactv 'Tice beys wil lay off 11eir tourna - ment ai, ndd ti nies n itellirvi I li roui tiarai ot ini use 1'y adulte. Pt.Y wii probaltly Iitegiii oday . A htuni- ber ot exritiig îîî,,le ar- i,î,it Pdd i ii th ot jialei;111ionilt-C for l1v, itieect l'ite Iovo w ho rclicdlic11( li mnutre :Don ai iîî, Aîiîlîîi ,r. iClle Ne-I.- l",îtî(îi N- -1,. l- iir Thlai, 1 îu D,10LOtI- hl1-'l v'iiuit,(hîî l ii o, 'Iti>- -,arrk, Eagtsh Hi-bl In Paris. El'gt-ul i l fl' -ic xII 'i o 55t t'yil lilt iîî,lni-l 1' -o-. I l o iitu fit1 tted aîtt tichi,- iiIl of sNr tel -il4 ,itil frnti'Ill-lrtig cf Nlb- vris tt. fIi. tii> - trnelitre ttlnicted t liu Ian' l~lei' iti -t iltîsititfor lit, I ici, revo'iitlitn. For. ais a %% rit ci- -atItue Aligto-i'riteII Reues,' Voltilt s fh.'*if fieorge 111 unItltie.To- rie"s atitl i lt uîtxt'il' y. lte lîrogrcss of îei Ilesc.le ,s-ltole Ill). v-rai is. ittttlilt!itlttcfilets of mi'i.î,t.nis itititi-etl u litlefllslItig ic teîrl- Ini 'îiice. Aîîîcîg Ilte îîîtei gic,t tuî-re lodgt'd waqs Tutin l'iaiie, ilitîlîîîr tif flic 'Age of .t.i' '55'e lr-îfîidlii in md touttogetiier. Ticetuoue 1 st-c of hlse hit-r self lie more 1Iavi utI respitct iii."Tii. limeî I.,luitiiiintttýy ittrli iWthiltte litstiortif Iti- Ternoir. Clianging JapanesConditions. Aile lKobtt-. î iiil 'oltntlîtiniater- Mollu itqtittit-si i 1M 1J)yeîiltr ie iselifior liii-.jipublic wectilire otf Rata. cuira prefettr.-, lîcig Itue ntîtter titItrety lit tua tiititlt tif Ile gi enier. liui.Tiis b il,)timetisîsolîilttry t i-e of ils lulitl, Ilsis lluit> lie ret'ufen- büired t litit ait I luitki iîirclatai, nt ioîtg ago, tiltoit ti LOOt)t> yenitlucuti. .Slit-It i l ubrlic -cIlweiig hlîs.', si-Ili i s ito ou-rtîîi Cet tlitiniiUse. Ilutvr it FiiîoWu achiange filtîli syct-lulgy of tbheîpeoplle, %n li i -otiltItle taiiitly*lias hli tllie litît iy of Socie-ty, a nd faiîlily >lrîîertY O itIl pmS'.l' donq titiveIl' lat lie-llit iiart front Ofi'egetraio ltI lale fie ît, os tn by tite ta î- oî-i fidoîeti Itia other tteotdle's ctilidren to kcep up Ilite fiii ty iltii-gt' 55Ieites-er no hi-ml itIbrît. This,. ritiige Ila u-îtine for kt iîlinîitî-u a crutt1rttîitiflot] f) tue hpteliteiit îof t(litUocalsceiffitre of bfippgqîî. Given New Lesse of Lifte. St. >uîsi ato', Iti' su-hotu fiirlii0ed salirs aîîd ~thiîslit EAiiu,îî.lis A li-Und iiWt- I-i5'uu, - iagi , i-rttptsic ls groutîes-t s-ntIer, lue itou,, o t- Sergt, Attin Nctii,IIo hot slitesîglîl & Sj t ioul' i pl ietrî-i ti nIîtî iiiu lt tt vt lttb-- ken-a tl lidO.ýw.Acosra 'Te e> s liut-IIt, ititit n i id bc- id iit(Ittii'for flte billod t d a jtair Iter Uliii a ni] Ii, i. Lau-icne cf attîiiîiiiiili ild. esI. iiger lîclng iii or sît-î i-il i 'liii - i ter.tu-u tutîa utstîlle. titise îiiblîed tilila Itf i ts., a 40ai-j St iiiI ilitiî--tgr adetie t ouc,1s' tet. i -(li> 1,50 orrt-ctlona Ili [i tg ui ilj-i nn iui' ty, 'vliere J. M55 e O iicertisii- Fli ,l i; l'tie ul O(ldnisburg matIe acsoit ar. t(-1 miltle a iig Ftlidebakt-i six. A Pi - ICtiii die îîj s cttîd BeLuîu.tiris 1,0 a Iii' tuîîîniake Oc it -tt'I t itl htiOlie arî'vuri. le th t1 i 1 -t-r t1---t. ai oCt ut-uit Ieuttti-ini y ii hrIsîi-c-t'uors liii e ah ealy h, 4 d' taI i- ( i i iljuîli ed !lie t 'entie I -iI iile%.1 In@ !pai t er. W't-e Mri Sua iii, iti i -- tise Mat luIs tusty, la the io. e n'f ul 'iîîithîniiiit the t-iunt iitti-be ae t tefai-. end cal lie- tt snautalivibiliistiof Su ar 1 'j . 11W--lt ci' ilt--i tO iiIti Iti iiiiî',-lf, Mlorte. l'is ititg, Ogden.,buüg . di lt.( .lthlIte lliitg. ietotiters oISor uplacst-u-s c3'tig interastiedLarge hov'tuîl '.ty licuitin-tIosen flot wagIisla '-adeil .aed among te ti tkiitltit ts,-iq OS lîg O! uitile rpeeliit'rrua large muni o!f noney vtellit li it MSe tIl'Sised aud r.- titane' i harAs. ¶eeiid iar l e90tî-iu If u Iii any tI'r "liItriIe irwoe the. car np the huyers-1 ssIvIilO 1lIl îiy couruse, dis- bi l te fliraI :tmtrc ndIlater druve a lrlitilng,nt.lit,-ctl, flîld fle . reat t'.a-e.i. î~~Ille wlteel. pensons end Iltiling slleh cîi rl. iqdas ttits whionc th n e ledriver, ocre W. lie Ihinit 1 IOffcr-Leotîarldo d ieute. 1. lni:, i fOa-!i-ushtig, John A. Tiaiien of itîlone iattîl nesclpater 1U01 51Bis--iliu Pqj noua îistaj e41 ret-rs-rth ie. s 'J l 111' s Il- i 0 lu aul cil aùo Ilulluiiad .iau- V..-4lCItt 0 it e cf 5) iles an Jnoq 0i11 JO uoicaalp ln atîn q Ilocur At hii re i cf htl1v uere lie-elËasosu Sa 3diâlla£ iea ose'cd t0,e v-il d'aîîued ta 15 6,[1164113 0opoeloa sn o ît2uîin t I-our t:- t qii-kfy pleked npeslqa51a înmu unbsta tird lie car s-i-rhcir tIh hst bihl at pu tlluîaq tlloq JO lalai luW.Is a041 F- irrite,. an hu 'i!tie iiiil i b-, itahaii 'o.îm Jeith ul S mile lan ite Iti-!'us, dv-- r-t ai sp turs.,lr-tisî in"')!i ;11 t con- PUBLIC LETTING COUNTY AID dhririBRIDGE TOWN 0F WAUCONDA Doiii r .c : i : -. .îtti . Notice lm bt-ieby giv-tn flt laIsetied EI-trpe lAi CS 5sit"iola illa tiy lituesosatsauj llbcniceis-etIai flite office mie-c !eiee u.riniiiie ttc cariandi of- of lite ntlt ulcicnen fii tl'r-i f I ui.'rcas i -i 3 wayre Iti in l W'ukî-en IiM., ut JI nciock n 'rt C ltet t? iiS T ii 1 iiiI a. ii -Attist 23, 1920 f7r hIe cati- r'ut,fîio, eu-1u hOu i tii li wa "titctoî i tiitt-It i-ecl p.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~11 s(nturcii ilt t'~ gi c-. If ie tsîu ut uVaconda.eI tic'tin Ill-t-----(i-Wau - - Fu-lir in i- tutu uî- - i.. iltta fi'caliSuimet v itlitrtmeici tifiesi.~'- -gu --r fiv !ntnhtlîî,'f vi 1 î54- 't ' t.- ifi edat lit he itt 0f fIle undersîgned. A Utitiihedcihtleck for on. bhundred 0100t)u dolttars witl b. letiued wyitb I)ati d ai 111',îli'gte l iis 2nd dUY -OfS gi-ti, A. 1l. 1920. 1y crîIcr Otfhttaulandi Bridîge COnt- Lîîîîce tf Ile Bioardîol uiîurviaorm. CAS-. E E ll1SE-i:, . (o Si..ot lirti ts., NI. W]IITMAN. lliglway Conmmis- inner, Towno! Wauconda. Big-21-wltYl2-19 TIIIRDDIP -i DOWI~ L 0 N D 0 N-Wilson'. bea"It trok,.-fBn did Clemenceau'. Lloyd OGorge, the t r meme1 of thUiBg '1rbrea *orId sae *idutlongest, but now holo tiiia n ordered by bis piy .C t3 tako a vacation vith -,a encouraging. TIiallat th!lg y on actf In wag good," said un edItor. 'Ve ail en. joyed it veri mucli." 'IÇ cli. ln tht Case0." raid the Youthlful poet, "I take back qiet 1 raid In the. letier 1 wrots ta Yeu yesterday about lly determIna.1 tion never to sen& jon any of niy Wvork agoiln. 1 wrote If ln a momlent OfIirritation." Tiie eitor slowiysalook ý1s lîead. "Don't do that" lie mur- niured; "that 1,11cr la what 1 refcrred tuo1" New Souroe of Platlnum SuppIy. lai lestIng native ore for goid a Celifornia chernist, sers t'opular Me- cliente@ blega".Ine, dlseovered that thie rdinary gold tree talent, with cap. piementnry pi-cross, extra ced plat. lnm In the forui of platinum black and In Quantifies Up 10 severjil ouncs to the ton. * TODUMANDZ2CT FARE STAYS JIERE Illinois Body Insists Federal Demnand Cannot Apply Here and Wili FigIt. COMMUTATION THE SAME? Resideut t fiiiinote vilI pay $100.. #00,000 additionaj a year lu increaaod intrastate freight rat0a, but thoy may pa>' 1 Cent lesa pertails, for travel un- bass the. courts or the interatale Ca-. mar. Commission Intervenez. Tii. increasea average. $14 Per cap- ita a Yesr, and $70 per year for a family of ilive..oms TWB State lbi.tltecoms filon Tu.sday nigit, acting in conec- tien with the. naliotiîe booat ln freiglil rates, ainounced a boost of $3 per cent for froîght rtes lu Ili- nois. Application o!the ronds for autiior- ity te increaso Ilepresent liassenger rate froni 3 cents to 3.6 cents per tille was denied on the. ground lîliàois staulti provide a 2-cent rate. Lowver Rate September 1. Tii. conimisiion ruied ftle lower rate la to lieronie effective Septecm- ber 1, wiien fle federai raie expires. Illinois unes aie expected to wage & hot tiglit to prevent t1h. 2 cent rate front becr'nung effective. 1'rediction o. nmade lthe new freight irates wiii fbo effective by Ang. 26. Otîet 1niig cf the.utilitit'5cent- mission svere: l>Deîted aîplication of te ronds, for autborîty te cotteet 4tGO per cent sur charge in iliînoîs tfor lpaseengers car- rîed in sleeping cals. The IntersatînCommtuerce Colîmis - Sien recenly granted tbis increase. The commission ruied the atat. Pas- senger raie law proiiibîtedl grantiog it. Doîtied application foi' 20 Per cent Increasa on nilk or creani, whether on freIglit or passenger trainsi. t Local Rates Remain. L Denied an increuue 0f commlutation rates witbin the. state (This rnling a te commwutation rates la of keen interest 10 Wanke- gan folks because of the large travel between ber. and Chicago. The gen- oral baudlie as been that comimutation rates wonld lie loosted et lest 20 Per cenit. ut now appears unlikely.> 1 Allowed an Increase of 20 per cent on exceas baggage rates or on lisg- gage ln excesscr 150 pounds, wbicii la9 carrlcd free on pissengersA trans- eportation ticket. Mr. Wilkerson gaid lb. situation ln GRAND BALL At the Auditorium, Libertyville, IIL CThurisday, August 9±th UNI)U mmEAUSPICES 0F mm SONS 0F VETERANS il For the Purpose of Hlelping Def ray the Expeiues cf the Sailors' and Soldiers' Reunion kTickets $1 .00 Everybody Welcome A Sale. of Genuiné SiIk Floss Mattresses Government Surplus Stock places us, in a position to offer you a special 45 potind genuine Prime Javo I<apok Silk Floss-more luxurious than a feather bed. These are fulil size. Covered in a Satine Art tlck, roll e dge. W. guarantee a $50 value -for tomor- row we will seli 100 at only $27.4t5 Don't fQrget if you are going on a trip that we carry 200 trunks and hand- baga and suit cases. Our prices- are the lWWést iituSrnva.u Offréâna ham,&semyote 0-rfet V e~U ruývar th@, - 'a-a. ' - , ' state in thu union. si pr cent rais. granted by theg. , - 'jgtVeaesn Tii atte omniuaones icreseaermaut durlng ite-control of the rail- 1 qb. otlier dey a »r.cocbou oy.r a-re md tpo-r A ara ronds. or a totit Lùcrffleo C6$ Ver bldCamo- - ito tho reba ii . to remain la effect unI furtiier evi- cent. Cam r 0wltd O lie d. tor ib",u deuce bas been board Va to the val-nteraled fr1he ll.ofctehe natin llinls allays Tii ~ eperd Wth si'Y. talked on every subject ah. eoultl ing vili be - ed Octnber 16. They Even th. 'g:rl wlio gets mad wbei îhînk of, and ut lest, Iookiug out of also are conditioned on thieroadea h-? % la kssed - a mIOnts'acl'wüyà lflý tlmwindosv pet te dtngy aky, she ex. 'rendering adequate and efficient serv- tiful enough t.> reîuember that l"pep" clinîcd: "Mby oodine@sa int Wb. ice." bais the pour felIow coldn't reti »Oke the wiit !"-Etxchange. The rais,, are a boost of $175.- 1WIg.î a temptatlo. .'« -Houston PoIL, WE GIVE I1> TRADING STAMPS *Vw BeetSYom - ?Otthe 1)feth ShOWe Two Groups- A1-Wool and Silk Frocks Specially Reduced to $1 4.75 and $24.75 rAt these speciaiiy redtiieci prices dit -allics connovt lic tî)o gî c.tliv ctîî1iiia-siielI. "Fly aie frocks of suite and al wooi tîtateri.tls in itiodtwich rcprcsclttCsCrytliiîg icu- and g<tod for Ile past anîd presclît S'eason. uIn fact, ev'cry delail of tese frocks wiii charnti lite îartictilar uttî -tleir niakiîîg i% weii done. 4îu iinspcction will reveal jilst lte frujck yotîa %ii tietl fur. AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE FOR THESE ARE VALUES THAT FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $55. 'Tiicy are nmade of ail-sit taffeta, ail wooi tricotine. 'ucige, Jercy iiitl nîlieýr iîtfî ;P~ splendid qîialîty. Thcy are to lac iîad in ail '.ea îteî -;hadct-, ,asltas-y, titi ik. b:i-,v.1 nwl taupje. Thcy are vrry unusual values and %%ce believe 11.0't v.oiltctl 'us iiirn-sîgtiizc tic ns.'iliiiy 0of iîti- ncdittlc urrcitase. 14.75 & 24*75 t J Tilta£ IIfVI-2SA& C&fi The Yorcl Rùnabétt l a Runabout in reality-e regular buAes messenger, solviiig the question of ecomoiuad quick transporta-, tion. The. Contractor,' Euildeé-, Traveling Salesman,- Collectori Soliditorl ail find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as well as' ,the ;c t econonilcal among motor cars. Low in purchase price,ý' 'coat of operation; and low in cost cf maintenance., Durable, in! service, and useful every day in the year. W. soicit your order for one or more. We ask your patronage in the repafr of your carl assuring you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workrmen, reasonable prices. We know we eau satisfy your wants cf motar gcccamries. i1 I I i 'WILSON &OURM WAUKEOAN .- LIBERTYVILLE t PROMPT DELIVERY 1 t4 -4'. I -'î~. VOLUME XXV llI.-NC SEY3N IN RACE FOR LE61lSLAK IN TIIS DI! instead of Ttiere Bt Candidates Only, 1, That There's a C dîdat.'s for the iogi-latuie bIla dIistri.ctas Republic are ta ai.l.utit iio CCDaspi are tus#aI. jus# sevî-n arpi t.o b.elected. Of the tuait yard Haraid. McIf.-ryt 'week say$: . Soon candidates are col lsgielative nomination& a t s'y oîsnly district. whicli a àBa Mcneda LAke countiei ét.C,,e uV llail afi uthei.1 maire. vhiIeon. o! -he t the. prtmarynmnîation v test at the Novesnber elet the tvu major parties il nomintis Ibut tire,, of Iris, fi ili ho cither thi licauesor tireRepublicali Demuocrat. ileaidoisthe seek n-iminauicn front t ,rtbe_.the Socialiinîs bas Ieillatlivv candidate. lth Me. !u'ai eigit. William Vecuas. 'sulo-g Waihir J. Walshi Mcl'lo fariner, and Chas-uuI ria etock attorney. W.:,.4t1i. didate flilets ,lî ii-làt. td petiU'ond.'theliridocuments seisteil atSpriauglelid1 niglil n iiein étagi n un' on te lat day. Repr'-seni-auve Vicker- and L.awyër l'o.-ru' utflB- tva -ariy iiuu.a- iîti.fl wbaî ny.oIii-d ii'11wi, ',aadkidat.- W,î -i. wbîî, vili t"uîd go tItismatiere iaily and quateliîkeiY rur tiat naluiraliy wî'uil nid t oonty bâtaDnu candidate i J1 ihuw muci strengtli, 5111 deehuu.' la f cM a atii.-0 of-"itti î; A-# ~ bu. i.. h-t - 0If -b suppurIted b> [thedry for tour grantied. Lake Cou.'ty Senatoriai Hors litne M tunýnrd, lalvy'î ,:id cândidat- te noiminti t a,,î lton, s Party -iî%Wiuk'gsti trie wlýi. , - :p 1. t,)Dthoc coLti' dent it.aipb t> , bta'eO- .îtîn >Etnor (i Jud- i C Eia.,ds and li liarsarîl ou Monday i mute tlu Beli.idoreiDnt the litun7ard caaiddacy. f a briof tint. anut partaki Usp"t i of --pres3enta aI Ay'-'all,t. 1, 'r, jomne'i lis> îîMaîie] Supi,îrter,, il Ldwyer theur - indida"- s-ii carr. ty by a subilantiati ead Swift. but îliîîîhu-y Lü titrengtii'-nth.- Wacti in lb.- init-, -ià Mcilenî cunnî, îuîter- tý whona kaowîi Os, r in Lake c, Mn itunyar.t- îry nîncli booaî-îî foii . Vaulic; for tî oiuî t h' i gi g p a; Ot1,i s,-i;ii bis sndietac>. whiih h, thlei ',:erir- sera coo.uri: *»-ha ttuake up t NINETY-YEÀR- WOMAÀN Mr@. NIr' Whltniell yeare, died fit the bot Joeo»,iiW. Hart, of 1 Siunday. Augual 16. Sb oi Plngland, and caime ut the ige of twelva y rnided in titis vicinit) -,'Pars The fanerai day. Anufft 17, ai 3:30 c Fb KleiIiaOlr cond , mIeiiUt inI "OYS ENROLI FOR FAIl B' elow are the',lho -jounîr wno are etiroli VaIr BOYS schOOi. It tent aithle State Fliar <e-hock next Salurda an address et w-aentS L.owden. He wilI b, îitfte bupt. 0f Put M'anCla 0. Blair. 'Il VTId&Y, Auguat 27. 1"rod iialrstov. 101 AI John T. Leov. Uul 1 ; V