«n£ EMMETV ~irr udf ia en en ~lA. e~JIlLE I Aerican Legion NewsItm JIK!ILkMN O WED ON18, - W uheanWeely ua SENIOR, DIEU 'I' lie btggeéat fbin on oui- mmid -his ol aiiryuwoi aTO. RAISE SHIPS GETS WORD FIANCE W. J. SMITH ------ ... -- -Edtor CIeCk iO FRJAY e a t flntwe have.flot.yet, tie rivl iîîî. nd get husy. IS N Y s a KILLED IN WRECK 7. .- a ag rcharge of the cami . This sunititr The party given by the W o uian Ch.larles F. Saie. the f ather of of molit of the, fellows, and rnaking uverWholiblng buccess. 1l)espite IllejaLbryii is Winfe ifr h' USS1111CAIPTION PRICE-01.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCIE. Charles P. Single, Jr., off flde village, thoera about as Inactive as a bunch or fact that the mércury was out uili chy 15» l'na"4di Wsiiginl. ln ______________________________________________ watt burn inHastings, England, iha clama. Dont you undèr8tandtirait sai- books, ovtr a hundred wlas Prenosn.. Plans Cli3 tvc tristefor Marriage Changed Offce etphoi, umor , Lbetyiiii Emchnge ine 13, 1945, and landed i wth his par- aller Cam.l >of the Libertyvllle Poat lO The Impelial Players frin uWaukegau millions u Oflus0f shiy)Pingsursit by to Tragedy. mIosmi et thé Postofficé et Libertyvilie. I., as Second Class Mail Matter. enta in New York City' on June 13. about'thé beat lutile proposItith triéd lurnhshed nome -réel péptuy jazz that .Germa4 -îhmarinea <urng the war ___ ________________________________________________ 1846, bis famlly coming dlrectly to hY snY 1egion Posttinthé atate 0f made us dance in apite ofQilethlin ti. b1t'liaiilberiin la wel known leà.i On lis. 8Il of c-ii t: m,1,,It -S Chiena0o, where tliey took up tireir pet- Illinois? We've got te find comeone W£ baid a great tirae, and want an and i it thue cornstruction work on the Winnifrced Gifford ol Waukegal,, ; Officiai Publication for thé Village of LbertYville. maint abode. tInia t lfor us, and'find her toute de other one. And wlien t cones te exis, rsî'îilcCcourse w,ët off the village a tr ie niarriedtotaAi K Thlrm. , OSsial Publication for Lake County Board of supervisons' Proceedinhe M r. Smaie wae educated in the Chi- suite, or the aunimer wiil bégies, and the. ladies retiented uc wltb a premier ni.,, of ye.ars âge.le it.si l]sode Ai Mlaukee. In Iîit <veninL,, bts l~ Uvey 'rhuedsy. Adverfcing Rtas Mde Knon on'Aplica o ago public sébooils, and after complet-' about half -of the possibilitles of thse lunch. The quailty and quantît>' of iI ha isrésidence l Iii.bertyîîi. dyii' 'eeI mîîo ' _______________ _____ ______-___I;___ li .s education jained an oldar bro- (amp test. ithe cakes remindeti un 0f the nid da> s 1; ii ser wrtten iliByron l'olby Wan i i ip i. i ion>ý. M ! ! ___________________- htr'wha was 4#ometeading in Min. Tire camp ip'lIt Dot closeountil théeimfre the war, when cakewere wr MIi'liuwberiln Outlines hie Plans, and îison llm'.îng b ,tn nsiIi î':an4,.r uf THEY'LL KNOW B1iLL'S THERE, AT.SPRINGFIELD. nésota, on the bani sof Laite Minne. tiret tif Otober, snd thera muet b.osaIa luxury. If wé badn't, been ettatîl lit >i .b teflpte i ,ovbiI5 'merrlls, iil> 'ila ttlimm ri.eur St. Paul. few women in Ulis conununity w'ho enough to reniéember a fetw mannera .t, 'luib hhoetai".îm'lon bsfMtnayî.*vakj.a tu. Things have flot always in, the paut uhaped thenaselves sa we MWben the war with the sountibrakel.é 'bld 1ke fospend a 10w 'éceks run once. we iight have gone invey0f il,,-i'iesure eunk 1-V the (;el i lflsnn "aht.i (,rýd m rnie. could cnasen. uprtM.W isfr aiostigïsta é ot ie broher aonrve fand .'.nbuggy p.iig T rn h work an d sepeumfoon. Oh stanuem ae nit - . tnt"l"est ' fcrit Message iîiied b% i a utu.iiteu.t coaatety upor r.Wessfr arou higîm ht efur einb rowhead a ostuhe a tio thé amp. the w ceep- and aun for lOhng disedcaps cf n v i ' lBalimore Ans.i.'an in a rectént t0 file effts tht>; 'ew ab ,, ". vnJ fit. worked for and for varjous men whom he backed in their camnpaîgn. ta join the Union army, srigi!forf bs eavy over the vési ende. werer't there! The oui>' thing Ye' u i ' le tu las bthe foiiaaîng to a ' n10ré- Assland, K>, esiled 'lhtre b' 1rl.t-wý. However. this year it'je différent, hli jeentcring the race as Lake Boultôn's Chicago Baftery unfi l tej Just maie-Up your imlads that thé e aldo Il you didn'f coiné le tu eilL ; > (-i>. I -ppareL>îil neni,ti b>' Mr. that his trient..î ho, ..î ii ciaeoff the war. cause Je a good ori. and begin f0 iD misei'y unit] the, Auxiliary anuounc hanhrîa:tsen killdInt1 m .îrî.a ~.. Coiinty's only republicant candidate for the Hause and lMi'. Smalse wua badly waundedetathfli noise It aroundtithait e need a custo- es the uéxt ane. W. 'élut to express '"For i'aising slips suak by Germean be ha eeu fit ta leave the field open to any otiier n wha might selge of Vecksburg anmd 'as ùursed tia for thea canWt. Týe pey -le gond, Our sincere appeistiut h aiaCbîinsi h nia hne The 3fiiwauiiee muan, Rt. h Y 'r * back tu heaîli thIle home off a rebel and 'ée know (bat corneène wotld bisse for iheir efforts, anti to voîce aur en-ad eisehere, or for entrt»plissi reckes Unl éh . bi 'isnmtn aspire to it aud cornes Into fine race ai the latter part of the tîie doctor, wbo taok s tiking tu hlm and if if' fhsy, kuew the place were open. tire approvai of thle 'ésy the affair 0f their ileanures, s $1,O00,000O corpor- . tedMise Gîfforît anti Mr 'l'fmuî aflotted by law ta file a petition for the prirnary.. Mr. Weiss is trested hifli as a son. . If omis Iunderd forty men advertise the w euf Over. We liat a réel urne. It att>'» bas been foruied, In 'éhicli ny son nt illeir illarriajge wlîicu' . W i,, eqperienced in Lake County politics and in the politics of the dis- r1a6deevs Burridmsrlggeac, e'én' bBi eelsr> on. asfrtnae ht .'mrdsBrrdareliaoran re fiaaili Ite- alPlceo teintenr,î îî Vin iAsanie J. Fennerty, s grmitdaugh i vore a 'white colua r. Il wauthe ouI>' esfed. This iirm i,gknowu as ihel ,a bc e tated sl i, wau ji'..i' trie. He knows the needs cf Lake County in the niatter of state tir of 0en. J. B. Beaubiens, who seftled 1A't are beginniing f0 lotie patience di stinguisblng mary béf'éen bis face Tran.4î-ontiientai Wrecking C'ompany. mumie fomr Kfnîîuîky tu juiba ,yh legialation, Having heid the position of Assistant Attarney Gen- infChicsgo in 1812. To thia union was 1wit th(le mn iwhotant'interested ant bis toreo. lagertya sistér toit Wiuifilieiitquariet ainbWashi.ngton, îînîî lîîalib o f Mr. Thu'npsiîn linerfs lias. P, Smale, J..Maud L. lunongh Io attend Ille nieeiings. Tiere oithat. lie wore fliat stifi necv lband t sla brancb office in Blstimore.'M j-18 Giffordl *w: .v'ro:, eral, representing Mr. Brundage in thjs counaty, he lias been n Sae. liarry S. Snsle. Nonie A. 1ar'e alnuîîîber nifîrienm auneyer saw ai Lecause bie friand ohjecfed te caf b Tfin tsavoued Intél us oî io mtai[i,*!i(*>Mmer r..,~i. touch with the leaders at Springfield and therefore. if he is sent to Smaie, Water B. Suite Mrc. Jasei els meeting, andtJi ln about lime they unes. Preiiy.rough on flot nighma, eh hekn teal ltto join f lc aai oi 'r ov> l ,te pilin.,e A.iaia'] .A .Smale, Nonie1 sal lit bo hecani., inîiestet, and lent:}fagerty. ses ias trilet ath îîbt teufsiauay thaii teliailnir ats<a the Legislature.aa Representative froni this the Eighth District, he A. hitiing tiet in infancy and Walteri liant ipâti oi Iule work thle Pont je ont forler ibhe big Soldiérs' ad stiri"ing and romantic star. ~, #sfrleintag;ibst@ rqýa ouhtimeiteytobcpacdina ifletilpoiio i hemt-1. 1n 1919. tryîng fu accouîsui.Soute 0f >011fel- Sallure-liteunion tu lie beflt in thée enp sCieies backm'd by Inteligent bout ai 'sre ad>'andtbat aIl détaile fir Arter ithe Chicago iire on Novenibeî 10W8 seeuuu f0 (lin fiiat jiour obliga- Tturmatay, Auguai j19subi' fand.u t,»(anti i ru ie lbats off Opai 911"1u1ito i ilifoinlahfit hé'.: tionends ilimediately dus ta ber sitlacfrtsin tanG.i.nf.tuenntiaellposition ed ein the mat- en dt t'ornet'idbet ter of beiug close ta the powers that bc."1t.i171. Mr., Smale became assaciateti%, ea nt e wib , r8hnbilyon.r tues t ottlufrsoffi il. o r.ctî b a it îgnem.~ ue i te u' f iti i' Nobody doubta Mr. Weiss' capabilities in the matter of filling with tbe Thoapson & Taylor Ca. af ieru ainîvaiî uttaf ioa hirouglî spécial tevires the coîmîîuan>l, sa phoue ifiy liat i fMnieSualfor'fber Chrticago,. witb whoni lbe remaîneml unhill '>'Stop belng a test iii'diI fief to The Auxilsry sucm'etdedin ingttîna ixs i lcaf ais, o a u.fini)mm. amino h..warinit uri i. l hrvit soidlà-i. the office of rep>resentative. Nobody doibta thaf ie wili bc abl i uta .;htîHli lie livel until Ibis Nov- the lace. Tliat exesut, about.buîng boa 1 neîv inciubers 'ai ihe party Thurs' fit-lucatemi ai. any <b.'îtfî. andt this with' pcîî aCuf'-' ta make himself heard and will lbc scec»ain every importamnt action in eînb.'m lie owould have heenî wlth itshi;' a>sinxgo do%% i. V'e aie husy. ia0. da> niglit 0u course. Ibis la flot anout senuina 'im miuasbeneaîîh Ie .sur >X--iliiiilimg uah. raîi ne .'éiàd ~ but wha Mr. Wess has any frends fii» 5>1 eans 5e '.som'k ttebotwelsu heurs sit aV, arge a inubra irlttsts i pefiace. Amîtthet, fidla îiîressicve îof ail. l1 h>,. ti mg,,,r'i. Springfield. Nobody doubts buti.htsrivieis îîa mnybutimis finisiftev wîtîî andi lien put la Iwo ni l rmie-111iie' al ubutier lasl te a e ant htI uutncl.s uîit iem!'5 i 0Siuike.îî 1e >. ,' I Vveuont sk nut0>taile' tim ip r m' erspla stî imwe a n.hei i,,t- trInce h, l.stb an se siii .iîa£nie'.," m> i . . i» the district and sorne enemies. If hé did not have the latter if a Snsias compeliet arlsse up an b l eis » ' Yaue sa at mitas ite 'ta mmmifield films uesit, jeni.irglar îîe oeîng f iiet, traibonet ;s if ula." : 1111't .1'. l m. ,> lu i Jt ' - i would nican that he had neyer bee» conspicuous in anything. adtahmîs iibiiui i teneostha a on i n I li tevemy twîi wuekS tu attendt aaon Augumn 19. at 9 p. in, In fi illît , X'L i- , umâa ba rmns re'é ii,,, i ml.;>i- i ks i,- notta isdisredt hathehas5Ono 55ibousfixent heg a isgren meetin,,.nsdt eai.4 onmihing about Hall 1if ît.e Engioi Channel. TheIr (;tryiies w ;s tî m u b'i. '.m. * oh..;;r aaies who cannot be called frienda. Hawever. lit seenia to us that 'TtiI' aty. Atigust 3, lie ufferet a sliî5itf aw'hîi 3011 art, a part Seaefo Ii. xîoait awf iatsn nt .i Miims. "iale ,,t w'J, * r) titis in the time when sanie of those ore spots can bc buried with 'sroe ad. ewaa apparéndtytreove0 asking yen taeî'ven work outsîte of bc. 1,D I MrTTw h i iju many virecki;' carrmtii n5dlae la iilint bisoke antie'éas aco n~l e tae i caming inteestet in the raft off thîngs 1 lhhnrtmo ENtad fx n ,levm'a isin I the hope and exýpectatia» that Mr. Weiss in hi& electia» ta the n ieyan he lkgwt 1 EN O L NTIte,%n,%II flLmqb. ticur ntat 'rty o5in h ethemian Ia is o t ami a tive m Anibero ars lisi urrency. The niajorliy re off il.~. b xI , 'lniàpmoi, ',as pm legialature wilbc areai ereeta ef rom LkeCounty adwilli dcmé onikesa fia otln nash.horn iu ogan zfa tot eofpoestand ATut SCIIOOL10 ee, ,ýigà lae caeIUIIlshIoeDieorarzaintoa 1and beroln lies the value or the..i ae reflect credit upon the district aud alitai» patronage for Lake Caunt- Funeral- services 'éere beit frontsfthée'éell ia become stagnant, and w bsihd.'é shemlefor erttofoa i bu ty which bas neyer been given recognition in the past. In short, vie Christ Eptacopal cbtlrch, Woodla'én lits lie missesa mbutt nimit',teithB of i [~D mnpossiblemff) de vise an01'shurepst' li CUK TPO IC O Uavenue and Slxfy-fift.h streef. Chicago.lilfea '.'iieasurea Ai that stage if jCOla raine votsieli' whîch lie in nioeait U E A nP LC believe if he gocs ta Springfield, Mr. Weiss' influence will bc fsf Monda>', Augusf 9, 1920. lufermént In (aini fi e a regulaîjami psck on your M RC K Ni Y À I 5 e fwtr nflt tga imprtaceandscpe a t lit"brngham te bco~ tI )akwoad cemeter>'. undér thé direc!-hacti, juup Into abomut fifty feef off eptii., hie uresstiruoff tli, mages fi >= A ficint iporanceand cop toiet lst brin hom th bacn" o im(f t' R.Grant, Post No. 28, G. A. 'éster andtrtr i) sila triste ho short,. Tht, Libertsiie Townahîîî Iligh 1 been î. turnlfic few dIisahase fet'n TAXE S OLENCA Lake County wherein in the past we ha'? s' c -'i I ,it ' . .î;t. îi.w; > ast uotiianiiu;Tî,; i nent imed ai tiibigig majoîlhty 1 Sciioni mauliopen Sept. 7. vifli evur>' bhi owok other portions cof the distuî'..i and state grau )si alil the banos that - o--- t meuibera in the, Libertyvilî Plos,' indicationn af nier 200 huntret stîî. Tig d-cîubali imir mtges'! OBITUARY. but af (bat evér-abseni group that dues dents enî'oiiet. The Bioardi offEduca-, equlpujedth i>pmWerIti s i,îiîIi i-..hmi i mmcli, 'î shieren>,, aught ta corne to a county like Lake. ,Chiarles E. Augin, 'ébo caime ta an not seel ta be able t» grasp thie tact tien andtihe arncipl, iMr> Ita>. aie érappiib oolîaks , rias, i tîiit andi '>'nu(,»(*tiiligf itiw .,.W,- arrm.s:em1l t We delieve that Lake County and its voterasbahuld rally to.uhtmety teath tlirough trowning et tili a e ering la is ttlelI'iiî hare elliîd'ismrimig liihaie ue>mmi ot-k. 1I-,iler tevcm'm fatni the pmiîiiiistru ftue %Waiikî'gsiî PJIi(s .t",Monda> tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h spotofM Wesa»wefecaid ttatthy ildos. iegrav'ai pitlasi Thurada>', August tryfng fa carryin»asdtappt>' in civil ilfe i nsneorter b hiat fui' iimens. 'éhith le cuîlpan, u plopmmi ua c harge of djiii i',gfils-sutomoi 'm the uppot ofMr Wissand e fel cofidet tat Ïey wll d soi15,waa a renfident off Libertyvîlle prac- nome off the things fthit vere patienti> Amranceiîlent'a-'i.unden ils> o, oai,> w In sort-m'y- .Twoiî iiig4.' arir.'e '> hi.u>igliWauIpà , eil ' i '.ie<tof 1-" - - - - ~ - tîcali>' ail hie tilt,. Boro InChicago P<»nfed out1th ient wîiue in thé suffitoi' ail atuldentsa s'0icrin oaiendt î*> alis i'oosftrum i>îiand uit 'itti l iiii*.i »linlou .a. m'n!tIhlm. Car - 4~7 years aga, lhe came fe this vicinit>' tar>' or naval service iiiring the siam'. tmi iioi h hrfe in the Ke,<ilm-i> mm- hm'oigmîb1tir. (îl> 4'tr 1il>,- i'lirait> o!fi)i \lm ,gnt- 4618 VraI; f0 declar f r h ethe shartl>' affer. and for yeaî-s vas cen- When >'ou camne back y3011didn't fit iastonshipî or amother itownshuip, TW wrm'i'k. tllirilt v lissae.r a'.nIt unk @o" iu.niîi4 t,îlcti -lî, -'ant.I, b i., FAIR TO BE ON otrde fte rotgè.rans. o hne gagd in farmiag n9arthe village. A ihings as you expecte t hem t leisai. fitui tteî 'h îs ît fthé, ~trealsure thifm lim'el",-'t h'ne;- i'msi i.î, mgi!wi On abo LY, hefirt ay f he umer f ear âe h qit hefeaim ,either dld vo. Sa vu bnganized an,'side O.ufIlemmis'.mihip siaubt b.- at mvte iruggii bal,#. tii,»Piip Ilie Ilaiautîlltmre rai thm.îîîluté ta.i iu- i O LaorDay th tretta> a th asd locatsd in Liberfyville, reaidlng A.merican Legion WcmmuIdV'.ar Veferans 1m1îPied, w t, iii !?is been passîng anomtid 1-l'i i e bâtns.'-, t i Il Iim -Ion iili,t'hicago u-l<'deparIm--mi Bih SCALE FOR , lir. tefventy-aeven laitir unions ut hors umifIl hie teath. Mr, Austin was beadedb o mesoi f Ilie amartest lue»n,m' ke. wsitiy ltasiue> c., > i 1 ;1hi-en ifasherm:. mu rti.iI allni-lwth mli-,wner t.> c v 9 I orsywl.taleaPominent part. mrldadmaehehm i ntentofîiti liélp OUIs'.; t. ,.AI noissubât isthtboard off cdu- ihi o1.iT it oftonneli md a n 0-0,Ioi'nif, rvcrine and ail nîembers of the variousa i ie iparents, et and dovo and out hutties, tho» tOl cation tbought off excludl g anysu- ho 'u t'aib. 1.aîîa'.n'm if Tu E Runions a the caunt>'viiilhoind aThe ueral vwSs heit Saturday &ietire : thé*art that (lie muet Po'éerfuîi dents. N ob bi unr' ic InaF m ii i i é, s aIihîu iiitcn Cýlda(niýno wr.c; T E Y R 190l fuU lorce. lintuouati sasIn cht-go of thé Libt-r influence for good gaver»iment Naspopadouti uumong (lii rem ut 7.i f.menu m 5>mfiiuii im-utet b>'the t'hli.àga police affa The offîcers sot tirectors offthé~'ent netrtimn lb u-amember. The asembera off the Lib- the Constitution off the, UnltedStates, ing ftuie' enectet in Gna>'ike, lots, P.i -i tiîîîis miy im % 5c' ore>ident'i,onsue hemt. 'inanIo, TU,' ,asing tlii;a Lake Couatil Faiîis évebeau taing ev-nshietby ithe Looa Carn'h.ai Ca., vith ert>'viiie band attentet thse funeral iD shouit takre in netfing hinga iu (hie which 'vas,;turnet tow» in ai> ., etiln dii Wt01117"hl ereoi erYthing Possitli tümake fie 1920 their rtes, shows and concessions a body, gving bast honora ta mie af great nation ais thé>' shoult o.Itb . ili id] in tiîsîvililage leatf veckI.Libi-r - CARD OF TFW4ý 1Jssmrsugv; cum' .tvbe ti fair blgger ant btter tIan eîeî ,AB la addition, thé Fain AsâocIation te .oldeet membcrs off thet organisa- not saying tleimuets teofciate (bat the "n ilie Mill be reatu tir ;ti( o, î.îVJTi,o' ihis iieflot mii.Xpli uuiJu ("'inii'flI tiin ,u'.t f0 avîî ussaL, lime sot-k ils eing doue uniierlias contracféd for tour seliaratoi frefloe. Intéessent 'éas mate ef Lakeeide nman cigible fa membermihip l ine M'.io aTendlet atyear. a»î t-;In'-îî'i.ria lou in.- b,' indixn' rsl ,,»,I ahnf Illie ritio at mi3rd si r.t sJious baatiicas.u A short I me ago, attr&aOa. A.IYnae 'Who teaireti cars cemetér>'. Thé funeral vas ans off thé Legmon who dues net jain efiter netlitilo»awbich wifl lie madte »iio "l % iimxleu(im In Ille>f- îe,i.l ii >T i 'm , f '.i v. t-u,' Hosaiot degtroyed thousanal ostaké an areapiane rite,asga pas-; largeat heid nhère In recent >'5X5, as a muental atjustment or uleflot futfîll- mruntIbis year. 'l i n ný.: Worth of sheds and fitlias beemi s big'se>gr Plne wlibeon the grounsaChani>' Austin vas velI tinova ant îng lits duty as s citizen. Yeuubave FF A 11, ifoilifiIon!llassîs vilCarieui. lob ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r fesrkaelbetam tuigfininfarpopular vith ail. The Rev. Mn. Kl-i' aed the Lugmon. Soîumttîîog prompt- mEtra rnussstforchér iss ul i 1p the gadn sulable ahipe fort fuic The Lake ColintyFair lelongs tu liuer conttucted the services et flicest )ou (o. SomeuMng liai vas rightlth-eeso,», of Wausaui, wi.ii liha've teopîleof aetat n asbes iec.Bsd bis tparents,lhé la Promptet >Oîî la. but fitt int finish ca lio te ne'é cuîss tilihIbm A force ci' umen arte u,,guli knigtt stitce8bfuband profiable omly ait r -et Il on oas hfr, Bert Autin. the job, oaidmn»,That nmerel>'beguni'îaetnrlnuhwl'-e.Tis-- ilanl thé bu andLs sud iniishii- tcissthé support of the, entîre cou»rT.Il mi n t vour fauit fthau endo fut niufaderl i viti n (t e a lacu is m, îrimenf aî fAisexhir>itana sill i t t Tisera .'élîl be sometingin bthe' IC attend the meetings. inebae w-elsbeactuoe îitucfor'i Ilt of l-e Flelayei . a a in wi., nti-lcai ain f0) apgeai tu ever>' mémber 0f thea L..BROCK WAY IS hlaî'un't fout >au enougli about flic or-'Varions changesa tnt additionsvilii ttuu of aiicreaset m.WN-ýai f~uile- tasilY. 'Plan ta hie there sud bt-lngî ganization ->ou have joineti. Theré la lie made tlirougbouf ftie building. A, . - 5 a -dt f otr ihyu.à th:faiELEGTlacPREe antuch f0 tell yen thiat the onl>' way laboratory tale, e4eipped (or cîglif J î.ialtitoeséha vo re ryousf0for l i 's and te flisci- fusia st year. as oui breeder§' tissu »'~i T T do, la te urge ye o conteé fa thé Inter- t' our azeiichirls fou claaslmoons;, six ciatlonsam xapushing the Plan 0f isUling I I JkIIL a JUwFO ION ings and &ce. t.ntervaod f>'pew ntere for the coin- obliers of the couat> know more M.iOUtlI ~A There la rat-ci) a meeting lti fila nieni'ial depantassunt, a large sinti for the bmeh ICI I BIivesay. circuitou bîbeîislclo sacg in thé vent the kiichen. etc., ill atti materiaill> te tuneedera tmm r ore ' - a iF X Àve1A I L . inkay crcihcerirmchne hents.e spu odei'tll cho'ad x'iIf o teeechr Lents m>iàb ili help tu mnait Li.. L4ku i, Lake. eounty--was4ionorod-et4lrs'sfafe macie i o altuOtf eieIi com n 'clh Imm emlmn vellefable imcd grain uisolays. ' ~~ convention off Circuit Clértie and Re- Quest ion ut national Inîportancel and atudileni a Thé reiiurn li AKR STE> 11311cordra.issîi I Ottva n ~ Ever>' eeti thé Légion goîs on record1 partnieufsa i a choolà taseetoné» Wedsda> and Thurgday off 18sf 'ééék iegialative bat>' offits state in conlléc CIV 1 C-araily rev-nméd 'sud as usatexcel- URETOP Y &LIM b'btg ics idn fih tt iowtta, ~L~~ SAYS L16IHTERI OIL Prmet.Teboffer ireuiuuis havé R TOPA . ON as ocisUon bs. tadecd d8oflThem ON ROADS <il VEmore SPEND th é M ost uatictiu and on tunit nkew *iArrested il iociatiop in »th é score of y ars h é a s ltion In t he gove rnlg bodies off fhe .U t Ia éhîcti mnta people am-e intérested. cago byDvorea Wfe; held thé position off circuif dàent ant nation titan su>' othas' hall dçozen SPE D IU VACATION a h la oumici' tou cieaist théeuosbiite ' $700 inl Areai's. recorder. For the last tusse years lie biodies 0f1 the nafion, tlian an>y otheitET E SERVICE 1 u ai camfon for théevamemi andthabie. Iliai beau vice-président off fli s 5- baîf tozeji sorieties lakemi as a unît.li I m u é a lange tent hbis been turnîstdMr s. woiianhosai ber na î ~ clation. Sevral tme hisaman sî If >'O(iat-e not interesied In quels- 'Illixn o is us of îes>iiit ae £ aI R.~~~~' .Rdefm.Defstbiwhu$lmsRa. o'éi Sr.Pi ee n isamentioued for président but god (ions of national snd stafe importance 'il xesieueofia)ja gênerai superinteindfr. of ailu Ie va -)farionéed W iteaSu romfIendu ver. alo candidaféasgo lie YOU at-e nta gond cifizen. If you are ail on the blghvayS inm onte paus eofAU ST 2 hto 8h men dps-tmnî- Chicago Frlday and font tht, roîîo'tng 'élfhdrev luthébir favor. inferestpd, the bést place faeihave your Lake Count>' bas resultet in the sent- Ad turing Uthc ast tain, a 'Dette.s tor>': Af the convention flis year Mr. idéas Itisténedtof0inaet one off the méat. ing lu off sévaral complainte, nefoui>'l Motor fhraugh end live in the Tented City-a-ver 800 famuhles Babiees'Contest" sutif béa feabure ihis "I letbia5unliNew ton, whr'Ti,. Brocivay vas uneniouil> eiected Jnge of Lîbertyville Poat. If your ides b>' motoriseebut hy faxpayera viîo there lest yea. Yesr, and thé babis cea be scorémi 8f vorcsmj n 1919 arrsfed in Chicago vithauf opposition. Is no good that I; mérita circulation, express fhé belief that lansormieIn- you wibi hé quotedtfhroughouf thé stances et leaf, the use off ligliter ou114 Firemen's Tournamtent on Aug. 19, 20 and 21. Aug. 19 sp>' tme turinig fise fair bY"à compe- on Wednesday for failure fu psy $70 Thé convention vas belid Iu cou-allte. Lbertyvllle Pant vill9gOon would gise bettes' nesuife la ever>'free day. Fair offieialy opmete 20th. tt lnurs.Anyo intéxested sisould alimon>' 'élicli lie ovet me. He ves nction vifli fhat Of thé Count>' récord la favar off if.-aad vor tu O5é'a~Snehn nwRt .osdA ison chngngplne set in toUch us ith Mise. Retheffer. Dîcited Up by a depuf y shéîitf on Clérts and Superviiors ueclfloutimt thé other ponts of thée tate do Siehn epRt a n IWlo hnigpae In treovariuo menle buartrnentm Zîrd sand Stafe Str'eet, Chicago, sud aud senthé Couat>' Treaiurérs aisea- Ilîkéise, or to née.that al thé poste Charels RuAiell, count>' aupenin- inwmid-air, aima chansing front auto tai plane wliule raing. ilcé.thon, vdlihb. ssany sand intoir- tali fn anearby police station. ciatlon. betveen (lie acéane go ou record lu tsndent off hîghvsms, admîttedti at Poea'nlAt ae u.2 n 8 etmésrsUiessjraser. Wlsn arreted ho vas 'éîth >.ra. An- . Afflouai honora eveétitres Lake laver-off IL Thé natonal body la 50 complaintes have heén madets f0 bm ra4 iAuoRcsug21nd1. The boys' sud girls' stocki judglug ua J. Aiiyn, iro4rietor of te Colonial cossnty w'éen lev A. HRone..couatY véal organfizéd ithat théidividual.cmen s. . Night Fyn with ftreworks featuring th.e opening bous'of conéaa vlib. el a usal imte Caé ntWlhisInnatFoxLae ent, vas re-elêcted treasurrof thé speak ta, the vIolé LégOM vith no tIff- '"Where o a Ilanusd outhe average osais and ode tyHé.i.Showo each evening. thé direction off Mn. McCo> off Wau '*"He paline $300 In cash or $50 efate association. ficult', and W'éson a good idée, a icplaed tgbvay fitla botter ftuse one af thé Monday, Chldrena Day; TIaesday, IndustrWa Day; Wedsnes- couda.' Ioess th"an t hae liesîmon>' dito me -- -boforé throo millionmén and Uthé>' Ugîter vareties," Mn. Russell -asit. day. Soldier'a Day; Thurmday, Goveràor'a Day; Friday, Tiit racés ujl b.micllettottIe suad gaeéme a judgmeut note Indore *'Rat.nap geste the SMBéat ia evérbackIt I, If bas os fairsatart. That le "Othérv;isépassing automobilles vîli ~ l e;Btra, uoadAitmD -"Ua. au thflistaing conuîttée bu asr. et b>'lié snd Mrs. Aily'n, for the bal - Made," M*. E lantIIIIShaY Bae. tg tamtbutlit Suit abowsya ht 'éépick fups ot oui>' thé oit bit gravai-pigiidDy audaAt u AltoDy 1171111e111 for four days off reciagvitis ance of the dobf. "My liiuatdbouglt '82 tirec. I cendo.,'éhat iou as an individuM alen cruahéd toné, £nd dirt. Thé reigult j Five day. liorse rekg-bmsin United States. lact-aad Preaitumïs. aa thé foiioving "Pnior fo has'iug Newton arrested hought a g5c box 0f RÂTSNAP. The do. y moral>' ntaroatinig yourseîf. - iathat lit ia not lang efore a road Horse.Shosa every nigit, beinning Aug. 23. 'Million doBer "ates: 1 n at securet a 'érif off exeat mnoas trait ont>' caught titres lrate. bot RAT, Anid ve have nmre groat fUnies. Thé la uied.Live Stock parade ecadi evcning. Monde>', sept. 6. to matie certain that lbe dit Dot les,. 93NAP itfed 12 ln a wveét. 'm never Program for Uis I,t ncomitiiete at '11,vould bc fanr botten f0 ccarifim 2.214 ..Tr .......... .. Purs. $60.00 thse State Off Illinois lie h5bad fotd vthout RAT-BNAP. Rock- onIauld' this lime, airédy includes douce», par- a rondt that laf0 hé olled-thn ais- Biggest Machinery and Automoabile display ever staged la 2:15P ... ..'".'Pre80.0nie that lho did ual intetd to pa.>' fe 'f raie chicitena ithouf if.," RAT 1ties. ,shows, réunions, aeroérs, athiétic pI>' the o11nd udia a roîbér avérfit, middle west. 29 TsOt. ....... .. .......-.....Purse 8500.00 v17110ofl a chargeoin tninkinaes an>a if.sesy'bvera hs>»,~01i h ble hti vl ieh Lii .lîun Lester f Wtmeeiing Tuéat "Ilinois State .%Ir. antilr6. i1m1i nde minfC;lui., .Naîti Neville Mn. ant Mrom i n. .'.ta.tisîn. M5,5 )Aiss ('lail; ai friends sumimi Mn. and Mush wee enutSf loi Mise" n, izebi vîited finiîs ;î MnW anti Mia titrée chuitrm'n a union la Ares t8 Mn. and Mra. alionA "cru ..-, /ni ()Ut NMîrro int" that 1 beautîful Note Hier! dlit» . (. %Ilrrco'lei c atching (7) I nsrk-' and your Schi 'I. Mein AI a Furm AII IF YOU1 AUGLIST 12,1920..