THEE LBERWVILLE MNDPEIIDENI, THUMSAY, AUGUST 12, 1920. *.....,.....êe.e..: #-T, fl~U ic( h t penteiii i o SutiTO AVOI> li ie ihschool and t ha t t wi r tUp nInwente quit for the week. ty N ew s SOO~~~~<1N9SAYS REPORT tire, tire ynt aebeniceday o u fl ..::oo:a:bb:m szum C S ZIt I a known tact. ad oe hih ev- IN WAUXEiAN~ ta oi lt! ~ ,h.take' Snge are ilb $ 0adolled l hece of waste ou an oil-soaked Roy Shane and Ruth Woods, PIA&T t-Ride Ttcckeres0f We FRD D. EiLIiER 2 rt :* , ~ iBEL UIAN 1 B O Y 2,id O-f WiI ~ or4 ~ l Figures i otsDeath, FAMILY LEAVINfiI ' wsia te en~ ~ SENT TO FATIIER TNmtcommutera rates on - tthehea ie eft !afl paoaedr gIeando In an effrtter i vi orét ininvs vene, ho s a orthWesel* bewee Wakegn tenaet lire tte ie palla oof 1, etc.? 1Rtith Woods, Who two weelteagit FORHA l'cSO Nul Lakf, e .'iNNO Tl diCA O a ~Chcgo wlltbe increaedmater- Atiother theory advancëd ait a p - Z" Il .ublicity in ennction wtth - FORkWAI oSO N' art-tiiNO TH nd bot :aly i theve'rnvai hutre, eeme eibiltty of the tires8 origin. wa.î tha't the death in bhsaaruttent of Samuel bîestihlook d , f..r],(blbMtr t aighi, te lie practically aitstiedp dePite th@ oeoi-okdrsa sd1 cenn T. A. Ltftls. Chicago 's miillonatre Wauega Mniser et Ap det f iuis. hîch ereprviddtact that na officiai confirmation Of Up Pie Of the mlitars' equipment 1tiuioiid merehant, stlpiped away te pointent aster Gc sa S e ýut .dîy fat Arrivs in Nrih Chiago toprelimlnary reports have bepn re- niight have been the orles ho ignite by Waukegàn bate Saturday afleinoon j 4.,atia room ceird s yt. POntaneous combustion. t.ieut iark da-uiteîiiîi:i'tg .itRo reayo a' YMCA n retinteîI tfor $1s wpek. and that ji ahrW onh ant .Thai thiere ii he aninclease bors and alliers had been working (Inil), Mt_.Slayne, aiseofotChicago, whnse rePr>ry ofloat'IwY-Mif.A. e ;tîld foll o inFahr hmlehant indcatd tronglyIlle tle tac!hat iguna etc.,dutlng the las! lt-w dayt. naine livas iinked with bers in the Th[e.Ve ? ,lgiadw t. lintrucîthiseleifoti illd fOlier Seen for Ten Yai. ncreaSea In rates tiave been an- It ts a ad. lit lv heralded trageîiv yetefflay soW iheir home at 31p spectacle., away, and ai lier otihpi nucli iirc swth - White soute people ai i,fdotibi, siha.nctandt 5h15-.Woodls arrivëdin 6berman Place fit Mis. George -Mc- ii' ' is aotih fIiýaIilear. ditîs of'fity foiles of h 'icagoi> In, the autrîsabitiyafIur\asn\it i i ittîtiegabouhntt 6 FM I tNiandweiît Donald (tf Falriî-w l'lace, «fnitan ' Ai er ,"iiiieýsS, .rs. Edithi , JitrephtiSchtehlinek. aged Il4 iagg-u tîtose villes the agenit..]lave heen i in ne tcano.a ra suiîprthe bFa'îîr t-,ite'ttlltt, 0t ntuent fa madle thliateë Gatsiger . .' 1 îîEei; ay, tttti sf trtî'] htwl hnave ~- 0sutrt h elen t ut sev icrt'ert oan Iîtîiw ethle ted a famIliy wil teave about Augtist 2-, Ili 1t:îî'aîhverit.ent n: fIat she flsii aihit, Irank 13(-ieetrlinck, irl-iel, cent. This increase affects îotetîv a i oli iphe l -lt, 1ltt - . for the Island ot Katilai, tvhich i, h- Itîili ' L. $ilof t lie $1 oti aItell ri el iin North h icagoettgmhe ther dai'Ot.,lt e conmmutationîîtickets btfil uiotheb>'e lentpai i serv ittittbuei -ethyobane catedl northeaet ot Oahit ishand a-tere :Itt '0 lt PaY. SWti'ld tit t tcatv it' hi'tît lgilui. ahere bis îîoîîîer and siîtiiht tares as weth. b h wtr paatilo(. inrr -' ittîrsu T hciai-11lr titi-l tte capital la locatesi 1- fileite si oi Ihlle[tetti a (ub>fteraeîekiie]bylteCe i h Irset itetthave hhar ief hthslie tnealtîoi po seniiamt Mr. Galiger vitt lie Aiîierittizati on tsiiig. tnlai,t uin jh ls lairent, wionm he liait'it Checago froîaW'îîtand. th17 he i een t-hdhe hctil ioaer li * lit A 'h ithi- Io glhiýt iathé "Mayof (the National Y. M tC. A. InSPector Folîn)Pr fetiilttatiti t't'i siie-lie wa, ~tour- yetrs oh!. m-rie -icet'.ioI.t;; 2.Pa pietti etie îîtdnca toui sînder drection i ihe uter ft a ted ho (d aI.,'i tcoi i i Sjtî'itg- The fai liel'. thîo ilsetîpta td ati ile 'lîde ticketa for i$l12 7\ and 6<ke ride ing. The PumîîfirttMoire filait'ait! ftt t,k t ut a. iis. Before aaliag tt-' lol i ir o- fieldt or ftle 'oîîty clerks office tae 'îcg iada' oînrhvs or îîîonthly tickets stî fr l hav$1 '~~ e be(in gîîied.îidrtt îetlsale d oî en citlia lin the west. enroute ta the- ehow that Dr. i.e lhit a W eIî'flelt Stith & Stewart avenue, Nrh h esa- feli t he raptcesni] i e: $11 be o Whiqe ieter liesatîr igOhfiI{.r-ttî i. ciigh v)itlour.i oeet. mcldin KasasCit. S pr actice, tgo, canme ho 'taukt-gaii tî'oîîîHaateten, forasenleta traes f'thhel10lri ocstîll la e p ressure f gbt a"' tittr.ofaflicn lgr, aenc nf ie- ri For, Neb., Denver, andt Pallisades. Assistant a 'tatain4s>*Wilia t I;Pgiini, rneal Antacrît, iniApril. 191, hrsnl ae:$ t ,riî iejscestis-tt rsue ghgstttt-0 h atscs ntcne voe. AIt ke City, Provoan.îd Og A.Deane recaomtetdt-d ttitnta îîn alt rmteaict h itkels. $1654 foit 2, cittît al.1 4 2f; showed btît 31 jotdnit Ithe- liait nhi l t-în.iporl-tu t fldéfendant citlltj "b0i a ll.cnlit i6th dat of ihat îmonti. lothékealî rion.Ti wudlesuf î.namîes un the Ihten,'e.Iwas net don. eain Watak. litfic Trte incicase for itra sîite îraft'îmc ient bareiy te tbrow a slreain of w.. uniiîouyttthi'Iait-l.ittb Jete. lasig Wakegn, ut ev 'should lie hlt-Idtatht- grand ic>. Ili he ihartedIt o work in North, Chi- aniiounced by tht- .t. te pubi c util- ter ho the irai fluoo. Wheti l) l Itepntlarîa il > er' OaJ~ wil pracl sevral te t Ohei hreoindrern w rs t- and cago tatingbitrolley andt eagert> 1ihies conmmission wsut fie ai ie ltale was connected up It Oas possible h Tt0('lagrcupe 'lle tui- the Chrii»chureh In pace-of h hi hr- hhtrnar itiitvr ookîng forwar.l hotiefinie le outil Thé. etCp-hicea u Scn oul n w edaai iîo îeai e a g o c oruhlestilerbune R.V. 9tth WStaugliter. wlio i, lakning. gel îogeîlier enougb te brin, bis lit- .ate under federal gov-ernnifnl con of water te tle roof andt nier. t his vacation, iIatlyt lclado poruiy turneit in a taxi drillel by An Cotdi Mr. 4 aie bokInCago Iên oiig .to lhfNN i '" " l aih oml ai fOtotni trot stitl hauts anfl ie buîsL i t- At Ihat thet iré woutd base -oblaînemi1 or Wamkegan. Mt.Gaîgr aahtendongY.M.He- bad il !a ife and iwq chllmren. added ta it and net te -2cenît rat- sunh a tari lIai tht- entire building Aîhtiîoth Suîayni ana %Jiss Woods Cthliho ort hicagernin lerity 16 TNN6STIÇ ES Josephi, hbonMarch 28, 1906, an imiMr>as permutlleunde' t-set-le l' hte probably wauld bave been destroyed wrerraetolongteetho tiaîinthbien iii tht- UniversityîJne26. the fo1ltwing year., But he interstate commissiotn grt.nhed the had If ataenthal employes of the wtaflis, eng l;gri theit serfttheyf ft Bre ieKfIfl 11>11lii found that alter sending mont-y home eaatern ibats an ntîtruat-onitireiglit Mohrmanin bakery neaiby heard the were finatty exonisrated. Mlss milItary serlvice PI.ol lu iliai im tSF i' D PO N rugularty ho (ert-lthlree moutils besimîc ate f4)prcnt lios ea"Pceln ffae-adtesnao H-e bubalsauactive ftmîlitue a-tareu aeof Wi ttt.înt~ tC5St rctn f lmssi hesui !~ oods, Il waf;s Sîownl ml u --ilt orient ttidents ai flteic 'i 'i jwI j WI~ u l ii ad ittte teft, and the of ifs pecutiar positon, coi-, inuiti bruaking gltisaa mont-,]'la1ftis' apartment b>' tAf- I~U.~DUU FIIUAIn-ilege. which would pa>' for their bouti classifications ini suint- iietMancees Picia el-.0lenw il ls S spent tive bours witbhlmfi hieetagre slwly TIn cme ht-and ait he suggestioun if '.htpîers, achoot ht-at. arrived on the scene and sent a tetephote trail te lihmylie A ht Citag "alhShleetct1eftefut Year, 1914, Tht- Germains in- tlb' Illinois commi.3sion witt evy a earty thha morning and surveyed the foui-tp I.flig droppet dead wltlte DiR. à. A. LEE ISTh icra oNrt hreee t sit e, bis home land. Hia wife and flat rate increase of t, 1-1 t'r cent lire wtth mach sorrow. He mont o!f til.t wo were In bis apartment. alodf retgbt depotan omaî baby were kitted ant for a long time il Fte aad. at etztwili en.Anw - B O IJN I) O E R T O ~ se ll avenue. N atI h ic g , s b e did net know what had htco nie of l'l0e a rance In rte, swill vl'utin- ati on tht- job. il mbas t A e atw ~ ~ wW ~ireimatnînt eJod.he asli b d E E Z E D struiVRTO. e'k t ightnlng tate Fiiday nîglît 1'ihe bay, Josephi. tresse tue cosit of lt ing î0it> itt-,palns for tbe openlng ot achool lit-lt anilbundreits of dollars Wortbh att lie quit lts jobind u it, -tte, in thie preclable extutnt, atto itg r o "utiroadotuand now the tre bas;canger] -QR E iturAmiwlit estro>ed b> ire. In tacethéielrican ar'îitfi beîng desîgaa'i ed offliciais-, %%ho claîîitîiin - .ii. iio, TUE6 ND JRY total bas hy tilict ii Ile neigliiboti. (oup C. L-.S.Ca val r> lié sîent 17- Illte new sehietitle 1 i ià - at l tht- atiis of thing a at-riait>' flood o! $3500.iiîtlsoesat giiigteIutai iîtt 'woaI i-tîî liowevr rn. Keller. like boardtET An alarm was sent in te the Northi ilis reit-nge. pay.1,11illrnyy t- pooit'il. t î1îîeînberq, feets that Ih was nîai for- T O D E ,"Sanitarium't Head, Charged Chicagos ire tepartimenî ai exactty il b, heie ,eiiieaho North "licago '-r lie- use,]te Iit.tih oiiiloit ,"Id lic aeiliathlut iirerer tt-ni ust-r Ahe bgnatS* With Violation of Medical 'clock b> tht- niglit waîcbnan ai. ite 1:and esunied bis aork ai the fouîîîr>. Iliitaianant'e ithiavtut, Ith-litleehion ohil idtabilde h i n ati tht- rnt sim thmbo dyn beornes in ti t ractice Act, under Bond. 1ChîiJ.; t adhs comf ipianUt fî,iiftttl mUuticatisalle.T hl ~ie HliClnian onr5uiic a, ; l b t- arf tbe réarl- in! birnei!. tht-lisausuauy an indication that the fghtersînadle a hurrieul htri p lt >0 oltttbetlandutî> îtt -iiuîstîîe wt i" - I liit' blaze.- ouid have inierfrred ilhii th,, kidneyf ame eut of order- Kop D)r. Kestioli A. heu- ti diwaitscellé,reacbing the freigît slatilo okl ea Itupe. lie sent flotfite boy. 5i PCIeIi vtictaî i i,,, ilutind artinQ: of achooL Asititht- schtitth bm orm ok» b kn 'we ks go onéaica praotiothon 0 bu ormnt5 fe b aIaiAitttggi-d ut lite boy tits Plue tfoi îtio 0,aioet liiî ii~.cnotraewhuî ht aia ri Mobde lai edclPite te éa'l Oit îrecelved ai the Noth Chicago potîe Iie iitearier Aniwerp. fie a-as (de- i,'i if, s'boll to Ilit. rUt.t *t- e ormountif tht -at-irs ar-t ni lin fondr$50 ns. eiit, ott .tîinajry station. I. 'id by îîaîîîigîation autiiolilîs ai 'ulhmtîn coilpan> iit.1tîit l Wii lt-4lit ilime bain er e Juoonstie altrhA.îiTay' Tht- nathweet corner of tht- freiglit Wtindtsor, Onit.Cantada. until fieuit- p b, blimcittfori- he ' t ( .- t hti.vilile iorailg t-fot u si.There at Ir a'station was tnuck by iglittitti. Clîet 1had bt-en inrestigateit. Tht-n lie was tî r le oket l ta itîtillt Lt- totnwit vi iliilins tstation was bsdiy damaged by ire tutilowtu h proceed to Northi Chicaigo. tiif, toi-s, o1 trafic 1,î 1ii IPlmr 97N ent vneThe- depot agent lidaila of bis fui-ni WIitn lie arrive,] thece Ille conflue- ELLS AN. AMfrc ci rohis Cho, nser97N cir othe e ui-oe si-lre,]in.flite building att boultir turned filet nver ta Frank Mr «. M u*m... gki miPdosmic 1t T. reguhar!>' ment et reisutration and] éducation O tptrtt-if i a dsc>etb ock, emploYe Of the Amétrirai Ex $109000 Fl IE IN Iiit ORYOf R Ipingood bnthla *8IMinsa*% au Illinois, ailter ont- of Lee's ilienta tie.priss opn.Tltrcall O p Ilaim"a auuus M m rtpeOte ,Andraiw Koivisto. dit-itunutuntsual ,Tht- lirt-could be st-en btaztng for te police tepartmont an,] the offîcra ra*idu "e &IANIIAI Tu iireurmstancos. fuent ht ot hiao~ ok tht- lai tetobis fathers home.AAE!/dU485 MILL IN IVAUKEEIAN «S Koivisto Oaa ubercuhar [ilie cor- station was teluget witb calta rt-gard- 1 where tht-rt- was a Joyful reunion- Qners biques( sitawtd. and wtneýsae tng thet ino. Many people teared the The rallier la wetl known bi North teitfid hf,,ha rrelid i..,agý Chicago Hardware Foundry cotnpanty Chicago. in Derember 16, 1919, he ROOM IN RUINS, The toltawmng article appeareda 1 an ah;advttdfr1 asl ln as tht- scenletof tht- tire, as the- ileit bis certiicate of naît'raîizaî.rtn t-w tays aga In tht- Mitwaukee Jour- iovsescs h neniis-Patt ocatt-d Juat arrosis tht- ttretjwtb h t-ecrk ai Waukegsn, stul no na iment had a ientleucy te lapsn ip f ram teNorth Short- freighî eboy wit makdhhehr Milwaukee Reporter, Brought;,l deaili . acoî'diuir ho the phy 'Icians Chiot Hurt stati-s tliat tie Naval Here to Act as "Best Man Il ict-du" 'Thr-atre wbho prforunediletht-utuottsvy Station iremen aasstted tht- Nortli Tells Experiences. Grand avenue an,] busties off ta At th hearing Monnay afternoon Chicago mon In tighting thet ire ~~Wauliegan Ii.. by a cotpie, viSa In TIIt P.1.LtFLS AOKte hate8ofNhDAreloOlernSt CY ILIiJNSPRINGIELD 'CRLATFSTR ON I PIR0FTHPE14 TUEFAI OFQUALITY To the Boys and Girls of Lake County WE OFFE.R YOIJ AN OPPORTUNITY TO START MN BUSINS FOR YOURSELF. Corne over to Cedar Cres-farms and'purchase A YOUNG BERKSHIRE GILT Due te farrow in the Early Faâ. Thiar,-strnen t iceÎtionaily mrail. Surely àtrfater and mother Winl assiatyen in etabiîhiwg yonrself in a profitable business off your own. CEDAR CREST FARMS LAKE VILLA, ILLINOIS Etbhei1868 Phiip aeg r sPECIAL àtteltlon giýen ta Phffi Jae er sThe cale of Drftssed Itoge. Veaif . PutrHideia. etc Aiso Butter and Eggts. P r o c e d a os ia p. Gehnerai, promptly remlted. Thla le th-. 0ldp,,t hauebe on the are.Tg Coni .ï"'on pirRt,)nCold î9torage PRE Merchant CiA0IL iCIRCIJS -IS COMINGl t TO WAUKEfiAN 23 1 W aukegan ana vîrmntîy bloaisonie,] oui uoday in myi>rait colorsafater tht- bibI posters aiftht- tirs, puhliruty car ut tht- St-is-Flota cirrus rompît-ted tht-m woî-k. Tht- car, n charge of t.tihi tarkett. wau. suationed intheît-railwa> -yards f itiniwlirh point tht- openations uf the- rî'w were drectet. A amali atm> ,oh bilt puait-rt btfitt-e 'white palace on wlitels," at an tart> bour ,lîls morning.for the highways and -Itht- b>'wa>s andl, wîth an appretatise audience oh admt ring youngsterst t->'ts îîopptng out o! their ht-ada, tht- paper- tien skiltully platent-t up t' roaans uof bntghiby-calant-t papen cons eying Flou rruil, seront targeat in tht- v,rtt, istlui gîe Iwo performances% hwie. afý,-rnutîn an,] nîgît, Mon,]aY jAugrusl 23. Cirrus tntn hast-e corne ta tIec dry. contiiciedt- tht- show grounda, feet quptîhes of aIl kitits, 10 sa>' nothint- of the- cil> icenses, biling an,] Irans- poration facîiiies for tht- long traisf hauting ie l bg amusement concert, Wirh the- int car carne the liho- graphei. anti le contrsching press agent. Orhîrs .,wit fohiow with pub- lirîr> îîen a titil a'htaso do sdtltittt5t neasîtapel wuck andcit>' and,]country bliting. Tht-eic-tii ait-n- hei.-suastîn ntIlit- Chicago, hoist-unt-att>-In April. tuay- tng tînt-e weeks anuiteît-gent-rat%-t'r dict o! the pregs %athai il vas te test tînt-e rings ant stage circutlever st-t-t hiere, noetlti.a in tht- air, rings, stages an,] hippodrome track pre9ieth- ed In a msiner Iearlng not a doitI amo ment ,]uring thIe entire entertstinuttl. Tht- performances open with 'The irhiofthîe Rainbow," In vhidli the utst' reisfamily il; Introituceit, - t tig le prforanè tina style i-" leasIng. Tht- aftemôlOn slytw '.-sat 2:15 andthîe nhght ont- aI - vi doons opt-nîngne hour etrler. T'- ,tstret parade vIll be giveU aah i-tay- "wivetn tht- muhîîooked-far i ,îtî-- -tits-rount, Juat arrange totake -hrltt> and st-e i Itl" atrises the- i - - Yiu> men. TrmE -NDEPENOINT shwiye pute Ltbortyvlle flr-t. Flue, possibis ut inrentiary ornin, faut-t ta bring wîtI lhem a -best cause, ai lt-ast $10,000 tamnage ai tht- 7,ii, vas the unusuat experlence of Viaukegan Twpim. igh achocit Monday mornlng, tht- burnet portion ai tht- a Journal reporter. building being the manual training lncitt-ntally, Il di-monstrateit the rmûm att tht- .outiiwest corner or the- esse aith wirb tht- Waukogan 'ma-- gymnasiuin, Thet act thai ibe iremen, wvîttlht->age mitt' operates. 'tlhe vattdty a' arrive, ai he île tno, oundthele tat tht-se Ont oDf-state uions betveer door of tht- lasemenl open an,] then 'Wisconsin resîdenta lias ueeii the distcort-rei~lte ire bat poasibt>' tart- bote vot contention ton Ivelve t-t in sOie soîit vaste in the man- lial training roon i a tht- opposite aite liolths in circuit courts of thme stars. of tue building. indiratet lirmiy in the The rt-porter v as walttng for s mnlttsof tht- t-dol boart members, suret car ai 11:36 a. . vnen ap- Janihor Toiterdelt, sand latiers, that sonteb.,iy t-tht-i wtnt,. insfide tht--proachet b> a neatt,' dreOsea rotin, building for thte express purpose o!f Wan seho stoppet tramn a roadoter un sthn ful ir.- il, the building or (bat tht-y vîmbrh ver. seatedtwio yoang vomno- i ien fornit-r purpaoss nt tht-nen co lzdyoeq tegrs aceitlental> s-t the place on tire. eR-onzdb'osç h-grs Tht- bswas rtstricte,] 10 tht-Imathîe partant pencn) artist vas In- îUah trainingt riom-tt- flour of the formeit af the thienita Of thet- 5111 gyîînasfium atit b the tilttroof-theand] bt-r iubbatit-te.- e- latte r vas ruinet for a spart- O! per- .. à]>-uhtt ol hlait50 ht ettsquare. WudYUIPPo The- huiine vwas imaure,] an,] vai- "Sure," ht- rtturne,. Ou.s rt-prest-ntatives a! the campantes il w 11M1). . ni en the bridai basite,] on.thoom un ed. jMMig party reaChOit tht- Wstiktgan court- Tht- manual training roumi la a banse A traine unît-r Or 'runnter, wreek. Tht- tiooring abe4e cavt-d-ifl et- tnt-y li-e calleli. met tlt- tour vîti in a sMll spot and the chaiTed boards 4*o-!urmîustiîmcuury Are yoU gbina etc. laying aver tho maclitiet>' mate the roorti. always go active tuiring ltht itiis achooi. look as if a cyclone had struck Wlt thlie antitrpaît-it sfirmtve -t-- i: Tht- iachinery may not lie ruint-i, pic. the- parti wn55 iittrt-d Int thtii lu naiatnereiy lie rover.,] witI the lre- ,tltrk'. office vbere fiv-e othir couiPles fus ofthetir an tereorelooé; ý a-r watitg. Tht-rt-vas ne hltch am (useutitht lir niut ht-r-fot- ti ie Ii. mhban t ls work. exce-dingt> diicouagitg (ram tte-as Fl-si the echtrk nttrnîs,]tht- wetid- ptet oh saIt sgt- , - tt,-ne-ittt Ihuit À ittatthî certtficstt- Thet aai tihrawn un liy t't- ireiiit, -ii,- ,neceýsî%ris' Hiîrected i hm vo a ran i i iii-a,s rbly roctihand tht- çticnr Tht- dixtor,' In the- tourse Of dulorwata ;ted b> awei--ttig iiy rYte- noutill,hs, avt ittht- a-a. Ht- arote thîha uîîornîog tattenr tle sîualiot hait nult, helth rertîficahe. and t-arned $3. t-table,] rt-eanitir an,] a fewa asit- B-k ttht-ourdymett t-trushed the- anIs rt tut-i but-y, Pruss»,t -cîtubidt-gmooti. Ctàtiottttrv cou- 'hrieut-i-oa-trt- able tu chîeck thetilne a- gnston rompîtted andthie icense iaite, fi-nuit apreadina tto l let- il ted cut andt trned over tethhe troutpie. blyiououim soditnhothis tht-y dit fiui, -YOURE NE/?" srvice. tint hhat romni itstart-i, "Nturtorilîn. judoe. h echot-d the- lv woutd h btt ten mot diffitult tu -tkute oeef et enitaistatt-ton richckbeesusi- it la go large and the-l î'ît In u.n aîtjott>fliroof"thelb 1natumal ltiaiiug of the fliaiiit-Wotlit bonds of! 'atuimony wvetied asdit ive hart- causu-,]il vo apreat rapidit>',Tht- iiiutt-t and the--part>' vatatt-d In fa_ tariuelthai t ' kept thet ire and va- sec ef antler Yoneucurpît- ter avsy tram the- bailer rooni also ita lhVs : a sîû t-> teft the building. 1important bt-cause note o! tht- hea(ing *'Firtu-en minutestie get marriet." r- apparattis vas dama5ed eltiier b>' ire mtrkeii the reporter te the groomn. or water. The boiler romn La -quitO 'Yes." answert-d the latter.,--ut voutt 1 ner th manel rainng Mnt. have italien thteet days In Wtcconsfli 1DTens- anual tajuiterwa xie suan itlies 100short to valu that 19$ig. ThI cet- ronuancehdjuatel' a eert î's over now andt1t viIgive 'cmii ciucdt eto tandcor cn m chtra ndsttis aner'-tht-y have thintus ite 0a science gonlmver. v otheacta! Satpotiono teor.But sa>'. t voutdn'i main,] letg j goavorthe amaed prtio of hea docior In titis burg, non a ..ustice ot ,, ichool with 1t vlev ta getting busa ltthe peme. No vanter Wauktgt tsntt jonce and making th.erepaire. It'aikkIngablout Whnconstn ceuple« colin- uopet tht-y cramliee nhbet4 bt-fore 1îleudown ht-rt- .. We desire to announce the es- tablishment of a-Psy Station at the Citizens' State Ba.nk at Ârea,. Invoices for service may be paid at that establishiment. Public Service Company of Northero Illinois TE LE P ON ES Office 2216 Residence 1658 DR. V. C. HOEFNER Osteopat hPlysaiam 215 Madison Street., Plaza Motet WAUKEGAN, ILL. At Grayslake, Il., on TuesdaYs and l"rIdays, (rom 2 to 5 0oclOck. BY APPI'ONTMENT ONLY. Office at Orayalake Motel. Phone 25 ALEX FELDMAN TE LIPHONE 307-J LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 Puy the Highest Prices for JUNK AND OL) AUTOS. Autoemobile Part for Sale. The Beît Tbing for the Farm E. F. Thielke & Son,, R. D. 1. KlÙ-l. Wis. writes concern- int!11i 1h.-i loi.4gb! plant: 'Wp lia' an automobile, but if w,. had to give up elilier Our atito or our lIolgi.the auto a ou1d go îniglity quick. Write for Çatalog NORTH SHORE FELEèfhIÇ. COMPANY 232 N. County St. Phoms 607 124 N. West St. Phone 1058-M WAUJ<EGAN, ILLINOIS CompleteElectricService E.M. RtJi CANDIDAT' STATE SEI EIGHTH DI Primary, Sept, KANM A CONY A MIE DAYS Magnificer Displ, Excellent DiE 8h.p, Swimo as shoi 78 W611111110114111 rIer.eshbd Hau U.mu4ifUI RhdIt Attermeeu &Bd E Race Five Dmys Of ltoiy Ceiet 34 Puem, Lau 'lU sFair coule to th, t- JOHN HANCOCK Mutual- Life Insurance Clompany BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The largest corporation in thue Commonwealth An arrny off satisfied policyholders is our greatest asset. The. JOHN WACOCK provides internes for disablemeuts. Old age internes and family protcton at lowest coit., See ont agent. If the Company is mot represented in your vicinity, write for informaation. Write for an -agency. Do it today. JOSEPH H. STRONG, -General Agent 3. M. STRONG ÇB* md Ageucy iep.oevi.e<e FRST NATIOAL RANM BUIDIN CfIfCGO, UJIff . CAPTURE. SA IN CAR STU WAUKE6 Two Gobs Corni Forest Cemete Justice Met tirove to titeat nîton hbefht- s l'h, statidlig In front of t-tare. 'tîen lit-relut hei-founiîiiliai the "tii Het- atfie-,ihi l tnt anîthious'h h-ý wali a good t iî-cnilîi in nf iotsiti ,, tt h , '- 4 të, ,rutis prt-d at i indi - ina0oln' lait- intliu i-ateint webe-r tIVint un Lak- ing loward tLake- titi gan vhen lie passeitz etriklngtyliîk.' tht- tr brother froLanit kîîV more ecist-y an,] %t- thal t vas lmtut' -a1rý (ta r 1-i.Lki.-' n r- i'ri Wcber tut Lia hît- oitiihe atior stPoppentr lb,-Lait iery and iîd t1l- iar,tholdig, arrivaI of tht- puttîc Tht- ,aitors wty-t Forettcit>' jtih ant us mfflt inimedit,heusr was tbat lh iîît are l tir,' -n ailS- i -lin n thtt tilttîtjai ui,n uot tii- gtr, ntju i 't. 1 L t-t C-heiter Cciter. sg'- Itiiebt-n hh.itiii. sgt-ct 13t.11. -' t i it-> fu- -ntub ýreut, i ;rt-î -ait> l tanneit 'dito for un eeie 0 LAKE V Mc. antd Mtb enfltnL 'XVdeiti-ttay a ithi uit ,Mr," tithiK.-- e i sthi. 111 ai-- t ti l -cent., 'iridIt r" .1irandîl ri" 1ir