[ HE LUBERTYVRIE INLEPENDENT. TURDAY. AUGUST 19, 1920. -~@05*4 1- 1 'ORE (oucY ai.News ÎN APPLES ARE FATAL TO 3 YEAR OLD BOY MI' aitl di. 1hbaa lau Cianlaia 'a 'ai ~u im'Tuedav ia'i'ath b"ai.gs"X liS pre aI ' ' Ma totuaitaR i-ml ait" lia il i., ' Jar ' au-'i r'l, niililal a' tir HOKah avIà. ularîaTI h t""- ' g ii .ttle Wt,'4 'l'il.,t a %, 1ii h.a"' tii.' youagnter bti iiiîî Th'e coadtislaof aIli'a' 'aix, li lau gtw worm thraargtaici'la'- a 'ru1t 'lih se ifft4 Bt.'prostî':ta'd btai hi" i qlfme» ip Mthéir affliction.IRubeita ivas »m aseealV brîglil and lai ailîaPi feliow Ma matie may frta-td' \i'ai'i ajver hA wet. FATAL TO CHIARLES FELS: ODIES SA T'Y Do Youi Realize titat thae Thompaon-Tammany - platform commit& Thompson's candidates for tate off ices ta, Take frai» the' farmer every doliar by which his Iand ini- cremad iii value ince the World War tarted? Coaflacate property of eveny buamncu. a mani and fariner? met-eau' te rent of every City and Farm tenant in the sate? Strike et eveny home buyer and home ownen in Ilinoi? To prove titis read the' Thomp- ion ptatform. Stop and Ink of Clacag's ptiful plught under Thampionas Tammany domination: The' Cty Treamury bankruoî. Taxes incrcased and tht' pro- ceeds disipated. Enormoni feeî paad to fayon- Usime priviieges accordetl heel- Ceatracta awarded at fat prices le henchmen. Te prove tiis ead the' Chicago C.nptrouïer'ireport, Patalotic Republicani a Bury Tbomon-Tamnmany- tam under an avalanche -of bal- Iota Primat-y. Day, Suptember Iai b>.' voting for JohnG.Oglesby Fer Governor He Will Keep Tammnany Out .of IllnoM* a btig peritinal tai piaceai agaînst ltent. Thte men in question iii lîve l-a High lanti Park, Lake Forest aid Lake Bluff anti membena or the' Soard de- cuare ltai McGli bas infoninetitheis ltaI bias evîdence te prove titat ibe>' bavea' aoiietipaying lte ta% ot titeir stocki anti bonds ai least sine, 1913. "«In tilt'case a! one tich maon ai Highliandi Park, McGili declanes he vili Prove Ibai he bai fOrtY Million diale~s la stocks aidbondasibci ho acquîncti ince-Agià and on whhich ho bas 001 beeau sylng'a cOnt'a Worth of taxes" saai one membur af tht' re- vft'w boirai lyan ' aqbuadmilîted f bat the' luove le thu mont sUliit»»IaltaIt bas et-un bee» stsrtui b>' aboardi of nevhev in Lake County. As a reeull of tise moe t-e t igra by biSarit niembersa t thebm I oSPaddition ta thse tAxes 0f' Lake Count>' bat bai evPn been mode lina'a, ingle action vill Su attalied. Tise nevlew boardi membera admit I bey bavec neYer l"d iisuei adai'le denlanai madie upoà ttum lInnt-oInlg mon o! sunob promuince as tcOlill han indlude inla Is ,putif Ion, Tise mnen summoneti are. HIGHLAND PARK tl-.'P. Beitty R. ..Datty- Chas. Bayoton, Hellen èh. Doyston ' Bsis Smillh Buflard, Annettu M. ObaIlhi Morlon E. Cisurci, S Moe. Ulsaedt. Isaac C. Elîan, jr., LOUM attal. Elien W. Ripveil. Howard H. Ritoit cock, Nathan F. Lsopolit Edwin F. Mandael, Cnopîey 0. PhiIlps,, @teste. Frank E. Pbullips, Adelle Ronvîwld. -Augusta N. Rosenvalti. Jullus Rosen- vald, Clara R. Smith, Eaiward R. Smtith. Gra<'e M. amilt, Lydia F. Sf eple. Alonso Tyner. Walson J. Wehb. LAREFý OREST Ge'rftrude N. Aldricht. tirs Anna L. Bevaut. Arthur D). Eeiftn, John Bar' 1dcn, Williamn M. Enurnap, John 9. 1Chapanan. Dumont -Clarke, Fli,.ua- B. Doyai, Peinl Roe French, Wnâ. B. PAGE ~IX AN OLO R[Liiw 1200 IIEAR MAYOR Succumbs at McAlister i. îýs 01<1 Wood Cut S1g,1-s the'A ET MP O ',îk:îin1 which tice Wau ON Hopitl a Sx'aim kctý,, Gaetc W s Pblih-Charles 8'els, 79t years laid,.2123 W. aet W sPbuh A u R O Y Belvldere atreet ,jassued ayavY i t Iei M ý (1 yers AT THE ARM RY JaittiMAllister hlîaai ai suatuirday ~1i71V earUt____iiiSx 'ciock a' ni. th1 Gets. Big OainUpon Hisat-a broken liack %abicli lie.,. uteu WAUKEGAN GAitack upon League and Pub.- aluua ne ai twenîy îluat ilOOt a Sa- PRININO r r 0lic Utilities Commission. ~ au 5 aa, i-t.iU'iia Tîvelva- baîntreti peopile Friday nigita i i' saa'sa'"~"~ laarai William Hale Thtom paon, mayor -11u 1atataa îaai"~ rKt c'itof('liiea"go, at tIhe Aimory ln Wauke-, ii' tlat-I uJiti '> L I- iat , faiare lni. an, wabo anoke lanflae intea'est of Lent e auxltliaiS ueeo bai>it'io ie aceLnertilat tiiatl of Kankakee, etaublcan candi- Ihis ttl.-ttai îaauuiaaasgo tlae ead aa - 'a' taîr goiemlrie '~ait ara'aiiel-tioiton file' dia'-1 iSJameeno- positon of bas egttita' hie quiista'd 11e wsintroducei b>'JmesMatat bils tiree sonsaid bis sni'st \a iodntan. of Wattkegan. He fol- 1George line, sboulal act asPaIlbeaur riEdgar J. Cook, Iepublican can- 'ers Il was bis reiluet lallO tbf iiih( f îtrc. itte for congress, lth dsrc. iaterai ute privaae, lite rOOiluti J ~May or Thompionls attacks on tbe wiH bc carrled out. Relatlive quest Ibat floyers e ltinittt'd. Publac Utilities Commission, demanti Mn. Fels was iorut 1n Steinberg. tiait American soiiers bc taken ouit Germany, came 10 Wauke.gan fiflY of Europe andi kept out, demanti for tîve years aige and luëiSlîvei ber.' ùbürl bnusforex-ervce enop-ever since. Het' va. acampeter by poitirl on oculsory x-sert Ice e, tra.. laasittan10 ompllsny îliar>ser IBesies bis wldtaw Mir. Fels-l.'ivi'5 ire, tusî home ruIe for municipalitles, te followîng cbildren: rMn. >atleit and hîs atarE on p'oflteers venu Richt'y. Chicago. Mrai. GeoreLi, greeteti vitit entbusîasm. and Lena Fais of Waukegan. Charles -A musical prograiu b> LUck>' CIa- of Oakland 'CRI., W'illiam nf Spring baîtgit anti Bob Alian vas given. field, fil., anti H.nmv of (Chicago- - ~M.avor Thompion piedictedthaltIWau- Tht' renlaîns aGItuai'.'movi'tito lte, Ikeganas street car fanes will be rîlseti home of lhe daugbta-r. laI . G.'oi'gI, fttid.10six cents, thse NorthE Laine, 232 Nantit (ena-see satreet. Suit- aI -to. . . i ah<lurfe lecetrie railroati company zow dai- mornîng, and friends nSaY view aIa' maaa-cf a hiaoak ut ouhbaving a petition before tht' Public 1the body ther.'. Mondsv moraIn aia an 1 ha1 iar "I5s. stil ua ne bc ate t'îities Commission. 1 A. M. aI 1the Laiae bone- 1ev. VM a, xaaiili be-seen s hI' e said be turneti aganit Goternor C. Rutherford offietating ineieneent ""a ..ttiaiaî I~ule. qise Ga-, Lowden because thet' ate exetutive la Oakwaod cemetery. ,.. ' , -l' , heranun oest ou 0of theC banda of hlie Mn. Fela vas womaang on the.'rolf a . h a"'" ... . -tail 'iribone anti Daily News repréenftai-tif a bungalow that J. Goldgcbii i . ii i es of te moneyed Interesîs as Acon t~ revtlng at Ash stri'etanmd Massena as ha' receiveai bis certlficate of eler- -eneIt bad -beela rainîng anti ;ion anti becaitiui 'btatrayed tbe Pooe< Pali aer vîit vil 'îthae'roof hati * '1îtil of Chicagorint thah.'Iainaisofthe liceen Cnvera-al vas siti On.' of ARE t t'ON rOtoand imi tten îpubic utilltY bar- file'art'taers aa iai wiied Nh. haie o IlU Aa-5.,t. the a-eatbem vas 50 cool fuccident baippeneai. 100 ILE l iil TO i)n perlions vont' overcoatai. the' Suildaenly th.' Atad fnit,i'lpêdA- nuaigor na-art>' collapseti ater ite fin - .' taitpid over the etge he graiha LÀ~~ ~.:4 ~ ~ 'irlaI s speech andi vas g-en doldai 2x4beam. For a maniant ira'luitg ,ýtrapplications'. 'allapendet lit air-ai'an lias gracia Mayon Thompaion hintedt hat W'au- %vPi nal ha-Ifhall tuaia rcaffotl be s a oulai ha'lucky if theistreet front wtich lue iiiia'adtu filet'grounîl Boys of Scout Troop Numb ir 5aiaes wvian at raiseai au mors e aruhdtfiostl.A .6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ja seddb 'owr a- aiat ux cents intihe near future un- ~'erStar on aui. ta,,s athe Publie' llilitier Commission xa durellw an isclti etheDrai.Fo.' a!r 01i- nul kaocked oui. He' statedihu aa elvaamiasssa tht'fac - i-tî i-an Turalhall pletiged imbiseif for'itit hi' ack a d bti brlaeen. itue rule for public utilîtles. i r tut' i '~~ ai'\li Regartilng the' Unitedi States stayingSU MO MI ta a i'a'ady aia 1~t"a (;,a",al oui of enianglifle alliances vth o- U MO ILION= k. on iha'to~aai ai-aa rça ign counîrles, Mayom TitomPaoit de- ~ ~ ~ it' utle "ain irùaredaitievery presittent andalles-E IN EM N rilaig.t'a' a n alat ortby of tht' naine ihad ti o IE -ND M N W ihh Wasingtîon, and iltaemnaia'd for i,~~~~~~~~~ î'aala :h '.a<ar'iMi lincunibéntinlathe pesiaency to TIY P Y U A iroop, i'ifand theisas ai aiwroflg anal jluflit'YP Y P A Ile O->"gr-alta t !aisntt- îaDt- ar. anad tbcr@ba foole t ht tIir:. aspec' eaac'a tII.,> a i-laîtigla ,eopiie vito etecleal bami au elretaOflt .' ao Atty., Larry MoGili, gi lta ittt 'ti iuIliaz ' o.'aaing h t heir 'principlPs andti amies. Tbus;." Chia r tiii taaial itila a tacadearea Mayor 'Titompqon,"lt in SaYs FHe Has. Evidence to "i ul: aîaa, ,aaa alrutaî ai.'ta "llieha Icari ite paiafortn vag hum it A lie' and Prv Tem uSak s n t aa a-o-a-a Î.,a nt~ - nx'i i-n aysisla lais ha'.n ruaiulitriSa't'a larru iene rv hm Sakr"i a tla- inut ia- on hei an ut ihuu Isrt tc Matter of Tax Responsibiti- 1!l-My xeaii'o-r-r aot Edwaril J. ('ook iiilge lii ty. .aiai laoraîa: tt 7ihtali g, a ulcongrees. at <> Dclaring un hias petîlion that thene anaiacv rt a tacti'r> ilicir ln ttornley i A. Miller an W '0.are nearly ont' hundreti miilionatres ilai ail jjIhtîjli 'expetat e Iseat anal samaonverete oetiten Waukegaf living in Laits County visa bave been iaî'hl ~ ~ sin îaaa' .'la' 'Xt'ii atonoe tea' l'Ut. eVadîng their pemonal propetyty lx 1 I, a'il.la(- b% .a..iîa la "la"lai t liOon stocks andi bonds ruSing ntom lii. a' i ta'ail a bi li îîriYIt' £U~flM mliaons of diollars, Atti'. Lanry A. I h Q ,al. a iaIî., l t lai aI L WIVLS FIR I MCGIII o! Citicago, througit Atty. Chas ial Paa ' aî i 'a- li laat ~Jcta of Waukt'gan bas fflîct a petllloit faîeatt aatfia-re a the utea D & VIlhle~before lthe Lake County Board of Re. lu tala alka Io. 're t liire IJAu Iil-l ,qvîet-demandîng tisat thetae veaihhy t tac h A-u" îa' iaata aiîa,-a,'r e esummonedte 10appean befone i l - a,1ottl sta(ril'a ik-s;a t'l a LEÀVE FOIbRh L litterevltva'ers on Auguit 23rd lu ~ ~ ' ~aI'~lutlit - lii lai acai.a~show cause wby îhey ghioW.d flot h ave (,'lvm. 'Eanut . laanmar,i avit . uines. Joîtias Kupjacnhtlmei, Frank t. Letta, 1lugb J. MCBrney, bl.izabeith MatEiwee, George D, Meilaughlin, Donald Rl. McLennon, E. S. Mouare, Joseph Morris Wmn. S. Nortb, Francis Alger Pike, E. A. Russiell. 1. Douglas, Stuart, Robert Stutart, Lereit Thompson"Belle W. Thorne, amn W. Thorne, Catherîna' C. Tii rme. Atigu,,ta la. l'nderwOr'ai 1-orratra Unda'rwôad, Mmes Anna H. %Wler Milton WIlsn Chiarles IL Thorne. 1LARE rTitFF Stinîtle. leid. aliaE. Garreit. Bia . Kelly. Removal f rom Highlandi Park. Lake Forest andi Laake Bluff tici<Chicago, on the Part of neariy a hundrei Norh Shore' milionaria foiiawing the' filhng of petittons befome lthe tLake ctunîty board of ne'vli'w, citauaging thacha witla dodglng taxes oan pemgianal 'prap-rir tlnvoivtng taxes oaa tMillîinsIaaf adollars worth of stocksand îlbands. wil ni reteaaacltern imot te oblaigaition, il wa" anninvil îuday ty ;ig'Ir, l3aira'low, chaaraln of tIll onil. "The.'poil bookaala-aow naoi atîortia agalnit wlaoini the chargesareai'-i'i îraied ln Lak' county lata iiaaaa aina A nil, anal îar.oaal I)roliartyv nax. llui b.' Parai -tbta' i li e lr liaian- tane amtIlab resiignr ai Ataral f ("hailalaan Bai rat<ait da'ai'a l, .%lunY Of thtata a' ai ti liai a-'ankom lai esa biaaaib t. 11jî'.4'1i '- uI iti tai 1 teaijd.'nee "ttiiiii'at' iii Laiçka eauan' i sonie yeair., go be'au.,et'hte C'ookl ICounty Bearatio'f Ria-wu aîtaîaîîaîa'îl I colect taxes un the e irronaliapraawtaar lthe boaî ai itia.îanaiaaaend. "n-Renjoval lu ('iteaigo aaaa 1'tiril nat reliase dte atlilonairra frontal îi'r ob- ligation of answeminir the charge,, which th'y inuit do aon Aaaguat 23, na-i itive ta clainai liaIthe) fatîleai a s taxes on tueur percaîaîi îraperty for iaevenal years, ln tmone antan'a's go- ing back to 1916." tite chairman 'tata-a AttOrney LarrY A. Ma-OuI lChtcago lawyen. waa filied tht' petîtioni. thmough Attorney ('barea E. Jack. of Wîukegan, damitutera' lm one 111gh- land Park resildent wbo bas faulei to incluin b itaschedule $4oi.ooo,ooo in bonde anti stocks ailnce 1913. Il back taxéeauaobe collectel on tisamount Ir will meam more retenue for Lake cOlunty than ail]thp' atiir property combnei. Mri. Anna .1. Slcasa.wîoi. nattn. t 0 nciuda'd anàrngt tiose whoa ara' chargea i wtt evadang taxation. de- i spatecraitslutah.'contrai.), liaah.' I arrest Persornailal p'rirY taxiia>-ina Lakae eoanty Thi ax baooks ai iaui ka-gan glatiw 'le laid $76,(o:,,21 tfur peraonij prailia rty an W'arrena owna isahîiftaua itlIanaouni tfai t op- a-rty lia Av-o n alp Frenîiant taaara'aiaas soraa'etif titane whomiaac ausaca,(il nul alipeaa on ti.- pullooks' ara alec tara-a 10 bave a n r ai-t a ti'in tli.i r-oiaa- tY. -Thteir aitan y itaii'r piatiiçs, a-as 1h.- aaa'nlîli,ai. ruti liicoral ll-,- attacha' wloIoalîîka'al îîîii'laai ;il lthe rt-iîue3t ail a aa-paraen If an atii'îlliilii uaaaala iii a4tîI;flga legal na-sadence to ca-cale lutu tia ' laton Ir viii be a fry it h jan aiai ' i tiç proptosition. as Attot ne> M îian ahait case viii providi, Cook touni) with lhi information be ciiaiiiù>ioh;j ii lIN . possession. rMiss Helen Cuiter, vito cliaam.i ahe pald the largeit personai proper>- tax in Lake couaaly, bas notflel 1t14' tati tisarities site bas changeiflia-r <icîial resîdence ta Chuicago. others who bave.moyeI ae -lte fanilie, tf Ro> ert J. Thorne of Montgoniery Wamd & Co., Ileutuen H. Ilonnealan ana l ius Rosenali. PLAN TRAVELIN(i DEFU FOR AUTOS; Public Service Company of Northero llfinois .jOHNIINCOCK Mutual Life Insurance Company BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS The largu coepoatiorn. inth ComwuIIL. Au m o avy.f tldp.liqolders 'ose iun"aut. Ibo JOHN HANMMCEprevUtWçmu fer &nMm.. Seo eut agtut vIfeh CaMpaaY iwm irepresen hyeu Viduaty, wnie fer un"b.. Wvt. fgr am agemey. Do ilte"y. JOSEPH H. STRONG, Gmral Agent su.srrorac çAaskaemid Agemey Sepuvlase aCAGOS, IS.O "4TIJM, TfI3PEEPER"e IS REENDANT IN SUIT FOR DIVORCE Lawrence Huribut of ZMon Sued For Divorce by Wife, of Waukegan. Miarîln LI..lturibbut wbo hbabeen arreaited tinZVoit My aeveral timtas on a "Tom the Peeper" charge. was ni adr defendant ln a divorve suit flipil In the cIrcuit a'aaîrt at Watike- gan Monday by hisi wite, Mns. Dora Huamibut. AthIy fenijaaaa n i Pa ile.' fii('il lie. .4u t. .Niria l1t u t ai ' t l i t aile ,nuil lî,' 1917- hl Ha ldvd 0ltiilî~ ie ' h!la'.uiy 27, 191xand bîas hais led tu 'ji Ipport li*andaltthir I%% litiaal old ',I ;tal"; June Ilaul baut li, ii a .ai a aîîi 'J' lte iltiai- t t ulalirihiln aig il r k'a-l. et pepia' iit i aaiion îa t.ii'i iaU i lanuîfle n oit lta,îainia lia t w ieil n', lita soa i t l'l, aa' î ANOTHER SE E t-aOIVOIaCE NtoS. %aa l'ii g ti "l F",\ i-ta" itig ia<îa t ' 01 411. i i i i*agtoti i ' -li Tui ' a I )ta aa a ndSti labia atiaal la1'. '"' .a aunia aa Good aid V, ' Stasaaty, 'Tiae, faltiaftîl 1 aaai iia .îrHi, t l . ll In vartnî'a -,ris îof Voi bAa-aI 'rai unilaiaît.att y iandit t 1'. fr - i !,, '1.1 tfluai a' The S<i -. '~ f. ' ià tintea ta' 'it, Ira: ual fri, ai a, bua] Ouatr.<ar aîî aiaihîiî'.knewv Il îlot.imiflze btaa'tiîii i ir laang maut lu lte f gaame. SLOW DEATH Achie.. pààma, uvm- ima,dif culty in grinating. olten m set-lama disordoru. The. worM.s standard r.msdy for kidney. live,, bladde end anc cid trouble- deadly dimeass, Kown iau %4e natoiona reued"y o9Holmai for Mo»e Ibis 2no yeuma.AU> druUblta, lin hr« aiwse .Ltédm e . -G*e moal oa.vvoIm M ompt- » hammam Do n je LongGrq Assistant S P. E. BIILDI DRUG RE-XALL GC COUGH MI Staudird Iec&& F Poeumy -E PHYÎICIANS' Pl C&refufly Co THIE 1EXAI --GIAYSLMCE iîat . -~ratai tal'nalat aiah- Pla-mysilUsdiapt'irandt ofaIL lia>'a aalaaataan ha-r' uiae ahaa ~ aîkean business men, Jainea bIr) bmt . ', a ea. t Ilslaeate aîîl Domînîta Buttitti. , oreOS0 i 15 sma ~ii ti" ii.il i îo,sîbie ' tlii.'Waukpil lcnrsO.1~S fa a ii ttI 1 1a'V 0't îîu'i, gooti tlnesef S r etl. wviclitled tht' PoliceCe cli la i eli t e;efeareti Black Band 1 t .I il,. ia analai , a Na 4ansc eîvîtit'5bas partly bet'» soited and 1 atli ara-. iit. la li taike a-talai t îmaflde vbîch hai ls belginligtg VII ,raialtv t" iaca.t-f V1i-a- n taly yeanai ugo ta lînked wvlth te "Yai aSj sit 'I la (if 'ail adisappearnce. ke-giai at.- a- atis- 'Wben Doriniuk Butitti ameat' 1 Alber-t iiaa.t., Iagaailonîkia. tIeýn licant a ayouth lie leti bist llamilng. lia> ('Oict'IarodPlote. Ital>ybticodsvt'Ohert titere and prom' Ray Strang, -"thuck" Thiaiaai. rime, isedt 10seni for hem as aoon aau11e ong. Albet e arin hiPi-er F'ortbe. was eBtablihed un buasinessa here. Foyur yt'ars ago ll develOPed a Bat* ' ficlently suietiul businesst'5hâeie anai tecluleai b senaifo- ber.1 - U.OAi8O UW Ui sweetbeart saiied for Amenleft,1 bstcnellher she on Bulttiisad takeai ito conaldt'nitiof tise fact tatIiM-1 T A E P ~ igrants gre requinea ta, have a cer- tain ansountuo!r money before they are1 permiltud la enter. Bedinse Of thîsl, tic young woman @ftaced and ru- crassai thse àAlftantîçiâx tlioci butai mite coulai gel la touch vits Dominîta. * SPLIRL 11l'fl ,5 ho f ingl aîîa aable'Ici aupplYbr wihbaufficieltfunda and site vas precauiona ta keup han. Ub ttutti RW QUALITY fhrs requentiy have exPresseai fePr f Blak Han acllvltiei. Thse Itt)iier a eil'nto'do. They have - -- -- -ta îlaufling ta aee their mothen Eaabilahud t1858"i l it'tquate protection for theln k f SPECIAL attetntion teven te gý% -, Domlnik Seing especially can- 'I0 the saile ai Dreiseai u1,1011 ' 'ýrai -a, delurreai tem TheY hist UPOn Miutlam, 'eai, Pouit y lBaes ai tin. Titey oititheir business taA. etc Alo Bttrya. ggi ia'îipaceffl up their isousebaiti etcroedaButter aeulandi-add t'i ion a tnuek a' promptly remuaned. This la "thea'ii Their disappearance ore- ldet bouse aunte .uaT.'a" aitl ratrii-olty a litev days later andi sai nd ice lia ts tai o.a9- a,-a«fort mad b>'tht' police telocate plication. Cli6olorae FIC£ tan-a but to no at-ai. Thet' ive.s - kis 1 snd S, liaI te heu» Iakeus 10 a place known Fulton Street Whesate Market. i-aly ta itemaeli'es and thse Buttitti CHICA.O, ILL. bretiters, tlatte sur havînt startuai -A on thoir Journuy btl . -7 = Philp Jaege General Coùmmision Merchant TELEPI4ONES: Office 226 Résidence le DR., V. C. HOEFNER 215 Madison Struet., Pleaza otel WAUI<EGA, ILL. At Graysiake. .fl., on Tueedays and Frlda>aa. f »»2 tW fio'lck, BY APONT TONLY. Office at Orayalake Motel. Phone 25 ALEX FELDMAN TELEPMONE 807-J LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1 Psy the llighest Prices #0, Il JUNK AND) OLD AUTOS. Automobile Parts ter Sale. Pump the Water by EIectrlcity No-yjaora' îunhli in h rtai fia 1 ' i aTt'r by bana l aI ic-4iC Ligla t do it eW t rira ti g ttl'ibe >,l ou n a arijniiîntlh< ai.r tor ia'- o~r ;-tcanvsilent faurl- I -<o ili aW i i tin I- abi.- i-'lti't'jOwt' Write for Cataiog NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC' * COMPANY 232 N* . CUnty St, Phone 007 124 N. West St. Phone 145&M WAUKEGAN, IL.LINOIS .1 BIODY4"SITS IN COFFII ZION Woman who had Wedding Figure ai Funeral 1 Mir». Iazel M. Leiii Naorth Chiciago achao ileath occurréinal i waa given une~ of tii funeralil ever bldInii1 her b9y plii uaca' lig , IlIo In thtec Paersons At the' sert t remuES tbroughout t Theseervicts wer.' t of lrai. Otzen'sa moti Leit'. !711 E,-1101 a îfte'rnoon ut 2 'oc 180o partlctiaat -aiIAi t Wben Miass Ltihy John Otzen the wa'd the; alunique ever eiaborate ceremony 1 t rance of the' bride required thbee fourti tîrne. and tose who event deciaur.'the ic and ceremony wtt, ti uoua they hai ever Mr. Otzen was un o andin lanov connecte cago offices 01ohe l i 'Mcllr'couiaal , 0000000000 a LAKE V 0000000000 Mina iiliKeraot a-a here î'îaîtîag liai M ai. latrraa,'îa eut ala* i'a' Iitx-ait,'t>nt :a t ku id(' iof iauer.'a iat i t hua week and toit ntem, iervade on théi'a lit. and Mn. Pui tataing the 'forml'ai i sa a frienai. ai 01i Mir. tand irai iallal -Ir@. liabe'i licululu aitl of (luri'.'. pent ?Ia Ilarnatable. Mrà. Joi'Koelatrt .%irai liernîlan Ma'> ii i% htinila.Flria>a 1ad, wberê ilpy lita% Long IsO Open M I We desire to announce the es- tablishment of a Psy Station at the Citizens' State Bank at Ârea. Invoices for service may bepaid at that establishment. jý POLICE FAVOR IT Asst. Chief Tyrreli Indorses. New Plan to Aid in Identi- f ying Stolen Cars. Because ai1lihe buge long sustaîineti lhroughout the country' due t ta le theft of autouoiles. a ntiîonal mot-c me'nt i-; on foot fa tirethe lsamuanee. of au "secunily motor vehicle registri- Ion andti dentlficilîan uatrtficate" With etery dar as hi cave tite fac- tort' anal wbtra'iccoenpaitt'that autfo- mobile until fi.' car is eventall pînceai In dîs;Card. Assi. Cblef of Policet Thos. Tyrreil o! Wiukegin bai expreaed bliiicoin- plet. ipprovai of lte identlficain ticket and Ilndoriud IL. Copies of lte pajier are being sent ta 9lu poie chiera lu the' Unitedi Statesa aaiêCan- adi, accori'ing to the polIicO hure. Th.' ticket in rush>' a travelling billI. of sale adchanges ibinde vitit the c4r, eacis change of o1rRersiiP Seing rugistelaion tte bini iâace@,Pro- vidai Onslte ticket. The bill allovm for ix gmiles of each machine. ehala tis spic. bu useai up another ticket ean bu aecul'ed b>' applYiit t tht' IlOirut police dupirtmmeft. Anyone driving a car Whte 1 not known bt te authooeitius and vho do"s no( carry aOne Of theat' carda. sitonid tlie national law b@ Passai, will bu hlai on sumpicion untîl lte owncrmhip of tise automobile cau be. settlud. Tht' ticket provides sonces foi, îbowlng evury ficense, numbur ltai lise car bas carriedthl.er0a 0uIn- dorsement, tbe type of car. the mike, te engine aidtams numburs, nuns- ber or cylhtiera. ad varns ltaIan>' iltempt 10 chanse lte ticket viii bu nugardea Inlu very court lu tht' coun- try' as an altempt W filsif>' an of- ficial document. Tht' thief woulai tien Su arrusteai on a change of for- ger>' as weil as of granai larcen>'. Accordlng t tise police, otan>' mor cars bave be» stolun 1his ynar titan ever Sefont'. Wil more than 60 per cent of 1the stolen ciars are rulurnuai it ia entîmatai ltaI tsosmandn of dollars are lost ln stolen cars cicit Yer InMie iate, that arceflot return. ai.