, 1 -E Elcifll t THE _IBERTYkVILE INDEPEDENT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1920. ~~aU1c unu HADaient of tao catupâ,l. 1o b 'n eJjy Obelon issued miis aee>h. oîpet gave ILN ~ ~---u------.s*.pep. ~ szac-- -SntHaponItad.d heotei IF I OY LaOge ae21 and flb, girl, 0 ga .5,1.iiii I4U lil B>abetween t g 161Sa, ILL~PIOIW A N A DSS a AEIopu&IàI, dur- J d a ieis tile 19-year-Old-bride îo<iay 20 CssRARE I mCharge thonii.> 600lIJlI>AUmed fils buiaidiîuni orftitariied i lt, p:.ms: z:m~eeee.ee..e.e. LAIL~>~AVALb i> rnol c, ___moreafier their Marriage yesterda, 'y o, nAea mroe ATE-aiiss iat jI#. Six Hundred Youths Learning boys- frontiil- far soutit as Te,.t.i and Says DsetonChre was a 'n'."O"' «theét'n FOneRistwnEet ealsLncl' LaIhCE-3 ots'nArae, imp brOveid WorANalhus.Tepne10 t__ts .'iiî Tt-v iitkeadSewII Optwn~ ok~ îul i Out of Window to Break dwelllng andi work shop combnl. AI lHighland Park. a8-et To Be Sailors at Suniner -Collretlttnitlt t 5 boandch re i ________ Sohool There. rt-ad>' forîned andthOe thirteeuth Cola- Stick to Hlm. et th, ;,,at Productif Com. a'Qorum.barlgflnf. Alan 2 lots132I1OLS .Nm>Mnr onnt aei pan' is in formation. St inîcAg 1.Idd' ut ao , lii tëi,.e letelael. SPR.INFiELIas ai.-Purrks-1blait ha . Addr es s .L.Ivn;.Ae I G r at La te . I - t ur p. .- tî * po e ra n gh e ea h b i t-e n g ap f ic , h er, e lse la engag d the in te Off Illinois of t e old e t 31:i t f i era m Onit frisonta and no gh bort% « .« d & L t h e r e n t t a k e . N % a l r a ià l P I n c h n g o n t li.0 8 a g e & b u s ea i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __no is .o rr silg.t ,g e nuth eeen uu a r a n t e edte e h a I e r*r vi.ito ploding aong atut--it dditioun lcf sand othe hait ns.a nd ertn. i tikthlmnrjf tnctgot tgsae.ho IVadla.Iîol.fri tt -fl ln.landn wae aitt 'tu8 sation am,atn oa I.idden hait. A j otiter necessaries. Ris onIý etipenat- jThis ww.s ail a itrett>, bmOwn-hair-d clone in mrrYhtOvIliaeMrglharet ar- pitod. bas recolîid tow AbrahamoPOit RENT-11-roolti bouse, alsm de Enjrsadrig ei tria you iI of 6or 17, wearig a ans poîîemTt' t> trftuil ol at od> rgrdl k- lwayrde h ssmt D m ff to heeLa 19 irk a q.menqir i Ielrenssof r. ere O n otfr pr t e r 8 o wM.navy uniforni and a regulatioî u iruhtt -gttifn ' rîl Itu s>anoatig.,igllrartBr hmheplt etd umsedo nuine. orfr pronl u pujkdh.pasg.asti trn ughtou111i nfni iilbr ov drtaelie tint! thua w heip-lb) 439, 'b ota it -th.--< InqiRon ee Lises ofBijjk, Ara. fui tinte. Experience unnece.4barv. n~J oIton wichltutg sbayttet ani wll b tnttuced it ii- s.-tît . ~t aet tît wititnion 1WIl. DasWon bas ieft OrPet anld retoloftt-,i~ -nt t3-fWit Iteaioa RikgMii sallri.At inan .liil iite chrgeofCi esertion lîreterred iby fber, h" w~ent 10w ork totiaY as If a graitt ,îringi'ieid.WANTID-OOoO GIRInternatio.alorîiatown.Mill. After producing the- neci'c-y tcri-- andthetti-nînningnoflt-e tnt-c]. Liilit' evealed ialoi as W. H. Orpet. IlteTweigbt bad bon liftî-dthrobbildingulA Th.. maie bItL FORitt lIt,- liiîl{iiiPa._Il____ deaifls: the visitor wa- pe'rmit tell t(I or,, Inciuded in the cour-e ot in,,1lutirnipifgrt otti ironLîîers. He sald hie had no staternent1 RLHU entr "nva cap ithtia fnavat lion. In addition eacit roîitnpar ' berctnmurter trial et Waukegan. e10 1115k. e tapmair a wnetgond.lt-oinit il off Van a liteRL iOUS WRK E. N-AN-MR&CIatcoinmS;ao ci"--Mesumnter naval tl*atnill>' Ialf aut t training in tire b,It-listlae.' nkeg .Lnonu tlewsstot, R OK WR A R ai Tuire Pendent office. camp for boys. insitît'were ffouttd a vie. The len est rtutter%- .. lt- liTe identification cante b>' chance The ittle wîîe tanulîngi>' repeateti r.presentative. ILlla - recortiî'd rn SMITH, 633 NO. IENESEE STREETse lage titan S00 youtb,., initi'triou.Iy reajy -coame poptalr withlt, it- . -The case off W. H. Dawson was callot 1 ier, Watter pentode stri y lerhua-tsi ioriondalory w id fontf1. W- nabe picesantPeaNItEnaUS.i Emiligodi la te tanksa litIbefall i . according to Lit-tiI i-r-pe, betore Jutige Fitzgeraldi. The judgaIL aîtandierpace ah. sik ver hpyb otte- oilr"'.,efiiva l inCîte attOURePPI-Eceu aRdGET liter»ou -90W Off the UniediStates na tyE% b the L, will lt-arnt 10 signal tt lookedth it- défendent ovt-r andi in bolitandtttrieonai iflti eyhpy aieosêriettvat rpI ORPIE1 IH ltyu utn sêdalo asrrangabcUcie ani oter'l'lieff tying sailor knot. antistai-tetiti'l.counteil prenant. uwln Austin.. 18-ift 27 N metiiarkingtîUn l ii.. b flange andtibe initiatet inm t 1eI-4-quIred il tDawson wa tecorrect a tew days ago wheii Orpet toî ieis ln -0 o ling lhe brole a quoruand frnwiA..Bedit27N.- - traiing te younger geriertioti foireinsoTut> ligtlltten etus noli lI- m.wilie hewas Mbisis tSan oJse, fitty t>tevp.nti'd thécontibuatiln of tite Utica Si., Waukegan, Il: 29-12t FORI SALE -cthoice resWence lots on Ing Tie)wil ated lctresonfi- .No."l tpite mninlin ilVil îtes away, tel work in tecnnres apliol ti t andal a. If wap rennved McKiney_____Grim.____ gtt-ne ati firsi aid. The entliusaiaî eptt Ocnerethte sali e vor to REprlntTiad.FO SAE ecnbaiiivwr rbotea *rereientcm.sl-o te.wsbsra e ihvthOrpet. 1,itere lhe could earn $6 a day. Mr. Aftong FORle off tite resî.ients otor ?be 014 luitregiTht-nI uant'. 5ded-oortht- iouh haderî-achd aoftihe ttitkb Titiof ais aitk toti en o tb s atindti h.- hixsructor î'aid that srai lellaa frlnee>.t. rPPt becane ffrigitiened and,,tfear- Vandalia ai ltâàt *riod Uneoins dis-- b ornte,cbeiîp. lt-a Smitb, telephone FAIMES WANTMiJ- Branigar Dmu 01" ait the -aorth. end of the stationclaring ftat ber ignorance of Cail-i- * flitihe lttended leaving behep alld paac a ) n1--.RudLke 32 o.17N ero t he« bas boom tuinuetover ta the bOyei. tanuinb-r off boyt have ttttl7roaeiltt 1ornia g are la ils. mariber wtbuliefaranwarrant TISitttebys ap tent st-hint tri ask tif theY coulint ihiti egib ast e 0b-5Wtii lt ssetifor bie arresî on sa-ff*c lnnse the______market______ Tarai theU i. bos ai- oe 511enri- , t, ett. t'ýa ît'..i-blieve lber husitanti was leavîng beht-r ile charge orf wiffe abondonmetnîi tealdfl&s. oth ae tllenol-(ýet nt aere a halîp> li. wben liecliadi ntendeti going. onl>' a atifirnon. teaod i. Vandalia's hiitor c building romps FOR SALE-On. Palge car. five-pea- tirnt. If you wish1t a»li. oel or writa IM &o I I cam pachl themeroe tnl'utengtts aeathappybo ti 1, W5-t oli wback fnopossession tof teut. Claiei'senger. 6-cylinder, tiret clazd condi- ibella. Phone Central 8148. 11-24t pe han Fcamp it-îl wek heo. Theatt111 Armymils0aw0y0 ,m*main 00000 i catiof $61.000. The trntnsactIn ion: une Jewel gaz range, 4-buratr; 7W the cmp., li sx we, ramoneing dv inhernie 70o@ CiOefom heal g. a trinng. teamp ,(,ieour ow. sclidda , ta sinsînea at f 5t eC<plei5'd byAssistant L>irter one 5ce box. 501b. captaciiy; one Wheel- LUNION HOTEL FOR SALIMe or rlbestingnsbacAns" 4.olîlf;-ringubisf W A dU triO N D A14Tittiis G. Vernunm offlte %rte de- ît & Wilson drapieati sewing m&A- change fotr ltin land. Goci bars Oforsl Cirg l ctol tnetîti reirstp f Hre i;(îtjî eat gbchargeof h îmgi cuit W U ON A 0portaient off public worie chine, fine condition. G. A. W.latead. andi sheds; 'a gopt hall; 2%1 acro. of ieti. &. S. Weyinan, U. S. N.. is in cramil song leader ai Great Lakte- fi-r tlion1 tecageo aving niurdered 0 0 000 However. aSas & voer tof Fayette Teléphone 136-Rlbertyville. 33-2t land adjoining la ltetear antd aie cbaro et the choland Lieut. D. R. i :t cars. A reginptenai hits.-'i:lhi oyoo wetî Main a- Miss Mari-Daley was a Chticago vie- totîntv defeate' a bond isseu for a Iciove by aide; 22 mtiles fi-ontChiego, KjUs, 11.'S. N., la camp Inîructor. It' r- ti b ieen formeti a. orb-' Ibort. Ifle served in athe army titrougli- flot Medneud--y. ni-w rOurttouise. >occupant>' Off te IOR RENT- 91 acres offland in Town -on.Milwaukee avenue, ail bard rnis, -C Cbellepoit fficers offte regular imu iiey bav-e a fine tile beach - out lte var. He met bis viffe in Earl Harrison loftiSaturday moirn buiding w Il lbtdefeî Ii'd.Tht count- of Vernton; 60 acres unifer cultiva- i ait va>' to the lekasup nolt. la- naiy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etacopaycm ndr, att lIt5towofttrcap -Detroit. After lte war he came West ing for a trip itltough the eut. afier (y has t ied it foi- lao yto t e ioanUoi est li venture. nquire off H. B. quire John Banhi, Ownoi-, Libmtyvll, ¶ti5tefJs Cm enyortmandierar I "Ral-nap's trowof heirCanl andi st % ieli hmeHr ie> av ioweks actonspn a heanui etaoS3OO.SelrTbid i. ierysle.3-havenas Na ils mavy tu train teyoungea- gen- -t S ate lb. Sent Tmap Ev.- been having abard si ruggli ta- homne off bis moter. Mts. Mariba Hir- nttai renta one wi h esîedHRB O E 0) frlilomd aratica." @ad Lieut. Knspe loday. MaeMil, Emiîly Bis>aye ~'~ aitnetadn laeitsn oAl peparîng o reliefs rooiantimark- gentie andigaffe for an>'lady 10 if NEWS, lit's lnThe Indep.endrn. 'lie arta atraining boys ln lthe -~My- iuabonti bougbi$2 Irai. 1 ut lite>' face te worlcl vitit fl-t Mrs Mary Ratier returnedta toLih nb- i.wnowtiou0w î:tL5drive. Inquire ai lndependenî office. utudeat' R. O. T. C. andibtiis caphoughi a 85e box off RAT-ANAP. The n-eicniec.-ettville Tuesday. aler a week"avieli ~n vanîsheti- OT kis ea-f. Tuesday eventag catann oy o h a mon p ol agttreIas u A-Th itewf élrr ii nw. aitehm fbrbo r ae tonyJh .Bnh fV -LOIIT- -A ral of auto tools, behelon talHait Day. lBU. Reward. Mr&. Har- ti. for Ibenavy.aln tP ild1 i ek.O m evreg o e uratarelletiyMray t. tri ha, ntiofni:'en iorilboklet, ., aUFi Ouiiianld Giaylake. Reward <.G. Ke>'ir. 140 S. second StreOt, 1 i-ithoui RAT-ANA?. Rociton 1could- hati onl>' macle firmer iber Intention ene forîs aIdeedn ofc.,3-LHgln PrIi 4 'Uairorsalmilitar>' trining bas nt *reine ciiciens vititout IL"' R4T-' ta "stand bbIi" VitoroSa ervsiand aI bhmeof n aWhé ident b.toprcrslt at - - -I faisi a ~com a aw ntivolnia>'S'NAP cones incakes. Titre. isie,. Altitougit Orpet tbld te jutge te>' 1r. nt eri Msit. . eraSai rdae>1,.' thît holn jnmecdsi ftbfhe n Cta0cTtN tralflmg ta tihe oui>' 1.15.8tirai Cul 7.60c, $1.26. SMdand guaranteeti iad been mariled a month. lnspec- 1 Miadss . Ji . SeoffWulie ata spetht L ëOl - --iot ob I eJerdsa M'a Rt.H»eoftukg kilntd- lbe. îtoa, "lue actis bt ionCuPh cir i&$wah ~tiitank tht friend,, anti place.Congrsipreecll Sp-nbrDecitrrDineStoryantiScbanDoclinroffliteSatoreg ande e reordskaittoen ai theehneaof harearentseIsp- oetordsof totitntlowantiai00theighome fof bthrkindrentsd sy- paopriatod $»0.0000 forlte establIit h- aiticare Co. revealeci ihat te license itationit t ntM Mt. eoge ape onti do thelindttt ndtielit iioRnYdINt ai>tln- i a i aobrse Mangti MrMs os ehî onyti ke nti cork anti sergeantai eti crs ourtnt 1 Sari C. Morgan, Paor tuent IIERMAN IIURMEISTEAI __________________________________________________'tauer. is Luiliof Cyspreakecr it.ta 5day 19 chool aet0a. an.lRoy P ar pending the week at the- home o tf Mn. anti Mrs. C. U. Pratt. -î' il iniuis il le'- had bet-it it- %Wnl*gbt, Rapt. Mlr. anti Ent. H. E. Maiunan were 1 Ilpreidin in~îffict-r le wutild have at'- ireaicblnIg alIil a iii te le%. Mr. Chicago 'tisiors Thurstiay jlet the-raies thit5gote b ilt it Galtineau of Chiacago wtli et. ie- Miss Heien Murphy off Chicago spten1 naine czar anti cotîntei Lincotu, pi es- preacitr-hli the iitîrningIf the cek -ndtiat ite honîte ot bei- par- Bnt on the proposition thlat Le coutl I1 Christiaîn Endeat or ai 7 1). m, Triple,-___ Ct-R n;t,. ntieb.absent i lot etiio- ani[ Iectsing J'rinîe ant i Gbing IL." jh' L T IIA S -L cGar> ci Kenttsittît,î'nttt- î ite-Ii-the eter Vwlle Miss Ireno .antiis. -SffNK SCARF, We ek t-ndt ai his hont- liete. It Is also a historie tact. mu Bing 'Thetl'tlion Ver- Serv-ire aul('entrai Nlrs. William Itn.etoff McHenrY lbain recorda, 1h01 iitin tatidalia -,l'ark Oiaiitt s ilt-ocloc-k. The 1 TEDYEE G t-ntet-ained a part> off sixteen ladies ai - eg slitivse hall ChlicuD.go *a-, giauni-1 .î.eucket etlttle ebenin> wilil e te Rot. I AT HALF DAY, ILL. lier hine tait Thurada>- aflérnoion n i- ' - ttt- charter.air io.îi t:tît son offlte Art-acon- REWARD. liotnor off Mn.- John Knox. A ver>' 1cas e- Kt.toiiai ciiurch. on file tollowingi anc atternoon was tnjo)ecl b> ail pres- CONVEYED THE WRONG IDEA i-allhath tht' lies. Ili. John Tiiomption b R.HRY .KYE etnI ars. Knox cas ptesenteti cith ___ê__tii Chîiagovroiin.-nt ilit te %ME.,IM&IAR .KYE a beautitinuct giasas, herbet sei. I 1o Anecdote. l'bat Show N.,eeslty ititti-it and lm-i-itttnvrk it.ciibe'l4 eon tet 9:r.AieGayreturneti home iast .1t40lîuSe'cionntdtîStree-atttî Ens. Alle Gear>fer Carefut Wording When Urs- file. St-eu t n't fatnt- - rbo h GHAD AK, N S >Saturda>' front a week'i vieil. lIth tel- gth ie1of1 s-imrs1HGLN PAKDI S Olives anti fientis et Kenosita. ll lt îr.'utsday, Aug. 24. wilhi- tht' Ope-l (111 Iil 1 ~Fiances Geai-y off Grayslake &pei- rng nitt-t ftot Iti, BOY Scoutsloff Anti- h Ail titi, c~~~~~m ek enti et the home off bis grand- TIiC.St)kts flîou"e ai Lenox.vtIni>ica uut ie aî.Pr Gi iit 10 il y O d F ien s a d A l Iie W O ciSrs. Jack Rintieranti infant tiaugh-1 "111110W Plat-es' offtite region w..î-.. _ l idret Ianticieitt-ents xciit hi Frierids aiiu ~ter oftAkronIOhio, re .H: a eBn P:e:r> Stokes, Jr.;nonertirte Wilij.ýh, mai~l.,S utirt-i .Vt o boriefNlt n Mrs. Ueo. Brostghtqn. -off Ta itunversity. wa an onîlergrtiad-ot fo Botrn, tlMi.anti ars. Ray Stanlt-ynote. -IAItLNCE-j( Eu lît -iil ofetChicago. August 13, a son. Mrs. ýluit moitatn çertuiried litst. uotai- aL tpsc1î ThltTitis ln lnc m ft W'iii rinlg Sane was iiiaieri> Mu" Saille [fil]er. just tîefîrî' a Chrisîî:au iiîay pe . Gare Alp-hu arge ihi« S . R CI î,f tith i: iag,,j i-od, i. lty posIîtti vte s-l nuaittîr Ga-tmripetiarMWe. î 1 hve ake avanageof heA lmanofChtcago sîîint tite off hi.-tclassinatvs tai-tuox. fils elle** 'Suiula),,Auguat 22. 121h Sunday I hvetaenadvatgeeftheAeacy Plan Of the IUnited Cigar Stores îî.k enticit iondsanmd relatives in w- tjtet Trînit>'. W'aucenda. iltIlf 196,and ti lt - legram, liii> tttiiiiiiuiiioi il7::,0 asfii, Woodsock, Illinois C.mpamy, which in everY eue"mlalrespect m sm tr W DSeao us rwsanett trInz Ilt ionloithe te- mirin-. CluriScitool utai 9a.a. maks * soreaTORE'. - 'ittor n ut ii-ttModyI- a, -ber. lutit ueatîilngmerely f tilet 1h1 MOt ning prayeu itt Il a. m CIGAR STORE ~1W'eis~ et Waukc'guto. vit.> i-t a itht-y t'en-rlue îit..hi- sttbtt -Ar -Titirt'wil hebtUt cftîtr un the Chatt CaddtefrOfieo W. . Wis ofVakean.m- o invttitt I BiIiiItox f t'-C-iion Iti tt tmo Sundayît ln AugtîaaddaefrOfieo Tlhis Plau bas rved immemsey succesaIful wherever iwtroduced, be- wtcaniate toon li-ita ute iatligO c-,nli'ifflhu- itm-i-Il t4)te Lt- rqusit cause it passes en te muokers i mier places Eaithan aantages :cut 8ý h. tîtefipul>' tt-iî't.'tahh richar: "TIli, ta asist in thte aingin>' offlte hymans ~ Rpeett LA., Lakect-cuinty flias bul ont candi 'Dot saitmnie- tho.n lti Have 35 hboît. fronittir places un thte e-s. Tilti StateRprsnttv enjoyed by the unokers of the large ecubes un whucls the United C'gar ça i itfewt uti folcet eciIw"crIo F [>iairicvcaio,î)tli Stores Co.operates 1000 Stores. MI i.. i ,lias a fine chance te c-bn. - ' paîlt us in urî id ;,tre-membersa tre i il i-uxit-t ed te cornet Il (nom lte 8th [itit O. W-im servesut gron iot. l"t Art-le' IPari - coint.church. Adth fmile bans itUitd igr toesp-ce.wltlit-%vseMr. Ttfr -ni, Ii f.afft ITlueservices ton Suntiay, Augnat '-9 - unlni I7:3it t an la. uit anti t. i toReuhican Prnnary TOB YA LD LN publie. ltiti tit 'oi-f lteq, eti' - en(hurrit Sciiot-ti tI9:-45fa.ti. UntdCuetor Certificates witi al porchaes. TO BU aL(DLIN " t-iieiiiu)Jgi- l'utt-i' l ati"rtti rt- r-iOn Tut-staY. Auguisu 24, ai 6: 34îi.Spt11,19 United Coupon. '.~~~~~ýQ U E N T T A X R E C E IP IS lhei-lt i t hrintau itt1 i cagolb: p-11 kt i~ w lb a eibr io e u. --l nmnoni inro one or 1 W iil (O pen a It l sitie.Bluti." 'lIiit-et. gillaîtt.tva .- toaioffOur Lord. SaintBl*t Pi oper t 'iogaîn-il v ich h i t len ltai .rend., i e l mniuilt- 1ttI--" lolotniw. If you CainnoiCt ,ne otrIlit: _________________________ t0t tt ,ttwictttal s-tecrients for lInU- Ileî.i. titi't'ttitti t.î itti i -t: ---. 1 service. wîl uî oîînt adtittey ur îlei.. I .i--t't , t- n uit. t'. idi-halied t lit'tb f't ilt 1 ----------tions.ot- ift a d t hte coiluet off St. U n tanCg a to eiiitu~- el(j :î i th w MINISTERED TO THE SELECT rtaleAp>ot, lailiooiev. g.tuu neîuia--ýgon hi ieliiil t-oiàiý, rul tobeletandpreacit Tii>'Word, inC nncio*WihMyB rbrShponb ,u-. tuiil taou-Ies h' tIP&Ïtors Congregaton Mîgitt Be -FoW grant. Vie teseecitThes, tinte Tht- in onectonWih M B rbr SopontinPomi-îi miki-Ousnbpuitrtltasem liNumbers but Their Gentllity lieveti. lovebtht prd hcitant ie was gvriIli, vit or olin by n Wa UnqeschnurcIt ed, love bthai o rd ie and e- -% ~ta.uaejrmuv Aungsur I lf'ii)rdîntîn - îînarnîiiu.-iypa.ti-ed b>' te lameé, tlrough JssChrist. a SatuiULII3, Iugust 2 1, 1920 jtht- rouncil. llapoeto oLtNetirl> es-ror>-.»e off about Lord.Am>'h-ipen." i f heIteis The meat;uie a netIi, îo tLe cuurcte. flintitve have in PuiiiatelpM A ai-Charg of lie uriothe oit placeo Io the. properly-ownerandI h h&i-hreoftecur kpaeo ctb>'of Mlîne. Hereiofore propei-tY lapeculîarl> interesteti et prebsait Ie Sunday mmaiug at Si. Lavi-énce's, To C-lebrate the Occasion,the Followieg Special loducements Are Offered: oni wittchthce owneî liai falledti 0thte problen. 9f geîîîng people-partie- w herf the Rev. Edward S. White, S. T. utuisecial ollacsmentla for ias'prove- blai-lY men-to attenti the servIces. B., tle ReY. Chester Hill, andtihib Rev.- mîenin suaril as psvIatg or the laYing Borne oite ciiet ye8iei-day a conveet- G. A. MacWhorteg vwere ail prenent lni 1 FEFDoule ertficteà %,It EHpurham off sld..Vi-lk.u bas beoin souti et lienaCtion wiul tihe pastar of a dwlndlli lte sanctuar>' of lte citurcitandtin Ir ____________________________________________________________ counly catithouso tu soute prIvai. dockin Virginla. Pari iogeiter la the Serv ice offlte - ra,, Tn -part>', wiîo ban held Il nutil te 0w- Thuit od omn was mailns a Hou' Communion ai il o'clock. 2 FREE, Te Ulole Lertînicates with cigarette m'rchaaes ner bis epîid hitaetithe tfoie Offpour flotIof Il as a proachai-. or eveu MOTHODJBT EPIBCOPAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nterpst wîtîch lr e ued ho ptirchat esaaieitrset aDck sws Ra.amunig a$1oroer repap-of pu albeilIssni laf; u l w.no ,sonigefC.P K.Irer atr co-ýtgs In former yeans, btfore asa;bui-ta ca nthetsrouts nd>ScolaI1a.t.Gre 3 FRM .A Tobacco Pouch, Geaiuine Buckskn. with ail purchases -tai e aw viae pasmoti lilnung lte adh«r tcothsiltante Suiy ho t10.m.Grg - _____________of_________pipes.______________ toiil off Interet that cuti ho pulpît le 0,tigt have Mfai orceraaed. B, Ilt'olt, 9pL citargeti maillyumen made irtune luit appirenîl>' ho wai content as long .,Marning wèrahip ai il o'clock, Mr-. titt Of lte urctam of îeîn &0ni aC itthyody 'Caueteoiebher itîi. for lhW Puahian yl deliverte message. FREES A Metal Book Match Holder ih urcisass anoutiing nit of tho e pa-eor pln q estngute"waesoe niwsId. CoutmuaiiîyVesper Service aI 6 pint.- taidrth nworiry nePhldepieOVome, or.t . .Mrs. Keiser wla, tr hrle FMEEA Meta] Ash Tray wîth ptifrchascs amoùnîtlïi-,tri50c -ofUdr iete odnac it lLiit hidlptasjuaithew- i sr ti. M. Kise va-yuoel a i m ofMoline ruin bu>' up eny 1riolueft>' vei-. wis hold enough to hint blihfnetl orlur Ir WEISSc VOL. XXVIII, 1 w on S L.cko count>' ftuciii,î thai, as -jOl5si-r Culby signa t Iic-1191 ihat luuîtieof I.ak' c coj lfait ait 'su- hýavLe e.-uiid 'lliub- a"':c offftc'-stlu 1týittltt-i*t cltui ti t -ti t ci; Ibt-. b.il j- - h .: - w- t fi i t. t - tl., i t1 -- t.-u' u........ t !- a t t-- - Il. - t.. fil, -- D L. GE( -. Ilit u -i, it 't t bt-am,;. , t' - h if lflt ll