Attend the Big Lake County Fair Next Week---Septemnber 6,7,8,9 and 10O LI B E R T'Y jLeà..-Ë,à,EPENDENT LAKECOUNTMN DEPEDENT La eiu Weekl WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOWME XXVIIL.-N. 36. IB11ERTYVII.LE. LAKE COUNTY, ILUINOIS.T, THURSDAY, SEPTEMIBER 2.,1920. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVARE PLANBIGFETE !"PERSONALLY WE KEEPING A STEADY PACE CLAIN THEY ARE LAKE CO. LEAYES FOR BENEFIT OF ARE FOR SNM, VICTIMS OF RET ALIAr 800ONE ANDIcfEN- THE ORPHANAG kl VOTERS DECLARE; TION IN MILK WAR'RY FAR IN THE REAR BaoaePan o e tiv matt orca cp ampaing forethe Con t ahe Mik lMarket-i New Census Shows Lake bat Being Made, Waukegan Be- throughout the county. A. V. Smith Ing company, otf which they are not Over 25,000 More Than ing Asked to Assist. "iq ®tting the supp°rt of many ef the 'members, ls preventling the threshing u • substantial votera in the various tcom- ofther gainTar lkelotoreslt n munities, political dopesters report. ogrand juryainv aetiato rtatI Therei will be a mrid-oummer foee Mr. Smith's fine overseas record as PrauryIegetEdwardo. Lcan Official census figures just received fori th-eeto(teLk lf O.letnn-colonel in the 149th field. James M. Mannan. farmilers living from Washing-ni eLtk, County a phanage to be held on thle illage!artllery, twi ReiHli's Bucks, Rain- near the Cary station on the Bur- populat on of D Ml .1 an intreaise of greien at Lake Bluff Saturday, Sept._ bow division, la one of the leadIng lington railroad reported to United 11L,993. or 34.4 per cent over thle ces- 40. . featuresiIn his campaign, especially States District Attorney Clyne that aus takeon in 1910., On APrit 1. un- The affair lis being arrangedi in the in the western part of the couinty. 1 tin realiation for their refusa tu join official reports fromn Washiton glavei fature of a county fair, afternoonPro- Bo far es known Mr. Smith attained..... the consolidation of mufitk shippers the population of Lake county au Tg,- gram 4:30-8, especially for the Chil-fthe highest rank of any Lake county stockholders of the Milk Marketing 49U drm. Circu" lown, raes, ganes, mant who' served overseans and all ofcopn ha frbde MHny As stated at that timie the increas vaudeville, watlermelor contest; ln the men who slerved under him have coupny thresherto elp the hr- in population iý verý little shurt tact everytg for children's enjoy- nthing but the gresatest praise for- his vesat threr hetond atileu of-a phenomenal; and assures the cou- millt-considerfation for their welfare and sMtr. Clyeaexpessd uisdeer Inay of a.dditional county offices. These le ofptheor lt re town.s will comfort.- tion to investigate the reports. He ewoices are: probte judge, probat be epesntd.Mr. . S aen "Perponally we're for Smnith," la the said should be fand the grain spoiing clerk and recorder of deeds. ', - will have charge of Wankegan's boothi, way thle votera are expressing theW-r' as a result of the alleged boycott, hie Judge Persona now officiates a» Mnd itla hoped that the representa- selves. They laake the position thitilpoect h ilaktn county and probate judge; LatinHeMdn" Ile people of Waukegan will gener- if elected he will conduèt the duties of cilomnyfo lti o the LMreverg la county and probate clerk, and La ouilysupport Waukegan's share, am, prosecuting attorney lwithout tear lor awhchforidlatonspiactoe e-er d r ofdeedsacircuitc rk & there are 170 orphans ;atitii nstitu-fallor, his aim ibeing to serie fthe p-o , str ic h prd con o foo t . reorntyrhafpased.the 7,0m ark tion and Ovier cone half are Wauke- ple faithfully and honestly. His cam- -src h rdcino od t s fie owtih e 70,paratd gan children. l'aign slogan is "A Suare Deal for Unrthla fiespro ii sépe arais- Someof he ercant hae alead Ileryody" eing this Point It will not bie possible don tatlendi t is hopedflthaihoe, .T.•to electr, ,,tthe probate judge and ierk isho are siolicited will respond gener- or_7until 1922. The Icounty recorder cela. eusaly. Mrs. M. V. Kelley of 1 lkaint lbe dected until 1924. Bluff has donated a pony and crtand i conecionwit th reeip" e trewill be a booffth of' chances»enu figures for Lake Coun'ty, shos placed 1In 1%ke, Forest, Lake Bluff, tIng such a big Increase. it la inter, Grat w S llr i Lake Voand Waukegan 80ft GOL esting to, make a comparison with Mrs dw.S. oor or akeForst.census figures for Boonle and hie. has given abl m u1Ireneb doitlp Henry Counties. the two couantu. also Mrs. C ha, . Itweyha I N DE, B RNt. -- .200 Fersons Attend 19th Rg.-whichtwth-111 ake, makle up the Eighth an infant doil. Hawthorne Farm aLt senlatorial district. Libertyville has doniated w&ooly bluab.---- union of School Established Trhe population oi MeFenir, conty, pigeons, g";se and. rabbits. Lake County Farmer Digs Up Seventy-three Years Ago. 164,ring o hene w census65 , ilas. Meld armJ Ogden Armnoura ices o 5,ortopr bias given tunurous thing, amxong Buried Yreasure in Barn be tvvile Ha s2 25 op a i n - - WhIch are vegetables andti fowers Io 9br v il a 2t1 5 io u at o Moro than 200 persons. most of Buoone county has fost. in population be .old t patrons. Mrs Loilta Ar- on Old Meyer Farm- ho wrjfrmraldet, hu ne new population lm given as 1sa22 mour donatedl two beautiful dr-eisser TIfnigo 180i odadn page one of the second sed-ion of The !ndepenl m ii be found the comiplete census day attended the 19th annual reunion ief/59ty0 roep e The evening programi will incrlude cul rency, contained in a glasst jar, li ( loounty ias supI)Ied thlis newsaper by thBurfeau n' the Census àn Washington. Thie village of thle nrowe school air wadswortht nave a Population as large ast both speeaches; by Captain S. W Wurts habiden under thie sill of n old barn, of Ae oile has 2,125, co)mpared with 1,724 in 1910 tad 864 in 1900. Area village Io crerl- AttY. C, T. HeYdecker of waakgant®n Bonggne counties tgether bagho teGratLke$tationD, on the farmn owned U-y Aniolph Schultz itedl with 469; in 1910 il hai 358. Graysiake has a poul tio nof 430, comipared with 603 in wras re-elected president of the or- '(-oQnty's Population la 2,605 greater Vderklut of ' Lake Fs. n southwest,,,y of mDer'fodharotvaided Pj), a dlcrease of 173. Libertyv%-Ilelow-.nship, including the village of Libertyville and part of anhsation.%t9uen rthael bn hat fetther to ouatio. will be entertainmrent beginning't7petyo aei' o vration the , ig4- of Area, has a pouphliioni of 3,719. In 1910 the township had 3,076; 19M, 2,148. Th1 odstsudnto teicol but 48,486. ppltc O'lokMr N,,nan r liFr ellm1Jeerfield .or thepat dwey who att.ended the reunion was John- HlgDLand Park. ha@ Made a degigggd of Oreat Laktes will b,- theesoloists,' Schultz, assisted by Raymiond Hor --- Strock of Waukegan, Who went to increase in Population, news cenm Captain A. F. Crandall and N. 1C ('nie; ir,1, righibor wis moving - - -.shool thére in 185tf. The original log Iguresl show. The populaton now a penter o:f Great Lakes, will ha,,- a balrauon thre fifteen teePlot of b i: w.iintf cabin gchbol was bulit In 1847 by Wil- t,67, an ncrease of- Lý958 or 46.5 per. charge of entertaialment. g.:rund hich he purcnaà,ed last. wm rw.i teotew liam Browe, the present structure re- cent over 1910. Herbert J.' Goued, raaoulitconcert Iu- r fom Edward Meyei. Iiggingun leW : ni <LO r . tsimpy s O ils W Tplacing fitin 1860. - singer will be maiste r of ceremionies.1 der a Mill, he struck the iar of gold, S*ir'dan an d Sheridan road! Is A letter fromn Mrs. Julia E. Browte, P O E There will ble danu(.ng ,followinig the according to (neDrfld report.11 'D- una-1 -j vital to) be spo)iled Shaw, daughiter of th, one for whomi seeramen. lborate plan- r1 e.ILtn tosgos Shbt op, o faction! if the a I.9 C A H the school was namned, resting at bing made for 14successfuilIevnt.proinlied fthe ihoieIib,:i;i r boy half oi .a won 1cooperaie, leICE Lambert, Minn.. wirole a l e r L N of .AS N Thiere will (,b m ma-le ecalid Lt treasuý r-- fk of e lReADSn-,2E'S RIGH :"w FINALE TO SERVI Ee= ng hich was read at the ris0 G E , S N balloonis. kewpie dolls aavr;tlactIve (a"il n n m I li y MIu ud roads booOfthe 86 puplils who aitende noetis MsFrn Wlu wi mr seet tua,-1 itoid the EJJBrowveschool prior to 1860, 37 areP A SvLE TO haive charge of the Liber t) ,file booith, Meyrfml ftetnadtesor o en e ii l-Father Foleerof Wadsworth is living and most of fihema at tended the 9L CTO and somte attractne idonationis will e A ou 11,gL)nomgt L iiia amom, tuie rof wnat AtiisEnP, sented ith Car in Order """ h '"fnw:a1 ditplayed. -11, mioudairl0 a.Sl=IlTucker, John Strock, Sophia WellsCnepaeNwCu os Many prominent p oplro the notrth perence in Drives. to Ease His Work. Sarah A. WelIls Mary Hansen. .'i Chas. 9t NwClb ois shore are n et and he-lpin , jSc ajz refuses todiu the mat 1l'ougheýrty, Uridget Emmierson, Julia Dance Hall and Pavil- &MOng hom are: àM. J.OdgnTr- OF n ,L S 1n_1_h1n1ALa i1 ln -ilas Browe Shaw, Walter Browe, Jamles lo etYa muour. Mrs. A: A. SprgeMrs. Edson thre 1r,àt;re Coum a àlnulin. - Fithat mery, Emmila J. Emery, C. T. Hley- White. Mrs. L'ou;j1,IS witI %. r Frd Tomu[r (san h id "e ntrc hrhdecker, Charls %W. Heydecker, Ed TeLn aeImrvmn so lit. Car ter.Mrs. vn m. J. Vanderkho, d ngium rt noi II lt e ntri e ýceived here of 1ih--ward J. Iliydecker, Fidalia IDietmejyer,, Mrs. Lenar W od. Mr', 1)W. M il; h E il l'put athil i i:l aInsane iaslum iiihlitMary E. Struber, Cecelia Shea, Joseph icar n Sa idy hed ter lcto illertsbauIlgh, Mrs \Vi. A. V e.Mr's 1ilal 'IL m ild t y -1 dA 11n1:i a unth ,A Wr ih. ged 64, a lifelon-, Iletun h en l :«ýitv deci of dl Ditmeyer, Mary J. lHuber tDi mieyer, of officer. Marshall Ernst being iUorace \ cook M rs \\aller liu-w - m ti, rIt i d,1.., l res,.idenit ofLakl ounity. ?Mr. \Wrighit I h ý,j'Jaco)b Jaroshinski, Elizabeth Jarosh- named] presoent, suceedinlg lErnest ster, Mri m.V. Kelle-y.Mrs Nw T Ilhadenoeu Onnoý1 't b", rue w 0 r a:- nd i1_ke findthadli1 sed A ihski G aon gnaez Mitchler. Ade- Janesch,'Awho was named director of ton 1 l'erry 1i1en , 1 h - under fhl> i, litfor 1td hf-, or thl · praIciltily ;all his fle. He w- liude i' onn r iL na Dietmneyer Erb.fthe Ilocs; L. J. Hlewes of Wlaukegan -Il yer. e r \en tThini, omm ) a to theinsane asyluu m ,)n to 11 o er Strang. Thomas Strang, Joseph being elcectie ecretary. IL ae am -eli toiyear.lun ra Friday at the SandIun u and Herberger, Mary iIerberge-r, Barbara Thre asýsociation is planning many ýr !I-o i à lit hf, w t ollihing r - 1.aIk, Ulitn ilr1 i , leaves a daukbu I., r ,n a 1, Al iller, Miary A. M iller, John Miller, impirovein n orn x ye r in ldn s n MsWbr i ofn IndianatkolI a s J1os1 UEphlilingr, Johfn Eilhnger, Kate a fmte,4mew club-hiouse ,a dance hiait PREVENT ORPlW üÉû ,,Ilt C ', 1 . ý " "4,"1 ° , l V' naugur a'ita s net y :' ar g') Johin went Ito Kanisa.,n n Heydece Wau e re id' The association was organized pri- GF TTINGBF4 Se o p a g oHOSEFO RlLRADME n rnand rakWls.noh iesiden marily for fthe purpose ofdeveloping, eimem nmtHe okedh o hu nn0.0AT REASONABLE COST n ;la au e ed i ts1)peral ing adpo igteokh ve arsamed very cent, and builq" n un ihm h10e111we thrwn 1.av ielmye r ns (,mma Hi.edeckeu ' eryand(,prevention of op- to' Determine Status of Or- a nice 1om01- - wsriooloa1ebeen se1s iis cortesl ndentoit I ,ýdy naee eom " **cu rtonfunatilcsofms. marriæd then; b>ut just before the timte lthlie (Cook Couitnty lhrald sends in (lhe umrho l wS læt dyv was set for August 25, 191.tnt phanage, Cole Gift in set a PraIri-ý fire swept away every.A cou 1 e -Ilfal sols laiheam i cnu a p li on The Program consisted of the -u ing fheshadl, except a-field of wheat. ony'owahp ahousing iproblem in Ilthat vicinity tu ielk 1hurt is m - verimlhe 10an - ;igo e itcan colsng"L K CO H O S Doub Til Ten. A fitw tweek.ý later ta hal stormt rutl-nl. 1 tlai : e. Ior go E Fianzen, whio boughit the Il wouh dieishort speatech J .c. ade L r E 0 SC 0 L l'helsleglstatus of the Methodst Johr look im team and went to through Aumiioch on Ilh-,way tolLaki'ie d rks 7fa ci oenrthe nortaide n ilr e r oe 'i 'crare-dJde P. al.oPer is oad .the y. fbeaconess orphanage àat Lake 1Bluff New Mexico, where he worked un a Gen!:.deker, allformer puils of te school at the time of thre filing of the will of!railway construction gang. No onel The 1,Itin- rt filte liho of [ring l'ark boIular*d Into lots and L s now% n,119 P u onilt rontan recitationd. A picnic dinner wa0:N T RZ Kuchard Cole of Waukegan must be hebard awr rmhi o toyas itt"oe hnoerahstis Bselling samue to railroad employes lwn or tif.pare.le is 10ping'served. One of the features of the etermIned t>efore fitcan obtain his Thenl be ieturned. His would-haytý Wisconin line. Iis a areal, not an for $1~50 o $80a ceicuigaI ealo sa e .t an 1d.dy ewas the singing of a song writte oequest of $30,000. If the courts find wbseerdehamrreantr.H iagayl.Onhe Ilioi ie nwhousýwe (oneach acre. He Ihas con. arest at Itfrecovers h ag- o h ccso yCr el enAekEF ta isttuio ws otlealy rgn-wa everidthe srieaertht. Réven ia)lienthe huckhoes, io s ing ratd ihhrdaes obul18 tgor-i urt ptr , fput l e chasisung t orhelleso "ellte, leed at ftatime as a corporationth àm fe ht r ie thng afte work Jhn wouldsit forr , houses ithis failtone a week) 16x32 lnila Penion and keep th i animnal'Gray.' bequest will go to E. Leslie Cole, a hours, noyer saying a Word to any- rure oecosn idu n -fieet, incouding four living routms, be- o h eto e aswte u- ua n ilg col fLk nephew and the only heir at law. lenes.nOfact, nothing could stope s ides pantry and atic, with concrete ting fher to hard work There's a little Broweschool houdvilgeseaua f A Toa tteteuustnettreyW , fo I ntcest, roding.nlt lolaheiad lie, perlect graded igwax foundation. Teyar1 lne1wthgod She lhas been my constart comn- Sadn n oey hl bosecoumly won firait prize at the lino1s - ta . Jh satinAttndietl trainb"H neadg oodnnevr pen sooth, weillkept, delightful. Onu plaster board, shéeeted outside with, on non for thesle last 11 years and Whereweve passed many happysttfarwhteredctol . Otate's Attorney Hoyne of Cook Coun- much, and yet had no bank acutpatrolmnan working now and then with boadte oto uligppr a a uht owt yepn ourg away h ibits, and a tlke county high schoGI, ty Mdonday in Chicago filed a quo lThat is why 1 believe he muet have monie a rd odda mlstecovered with rjoofing papier, fnl ino heprs, ad FaotO n fe i ymmr ' oming the Warrenton township mcooai t warranto, peition In the Superior hlidden fit smewhere. That the Mon- fale velroad surface is the samneboarded and hattened upright. Th a ls lhe spoke of the accident and the! 'round It stillGrecpue o nytebd W court, naming Roderiek P. Hollett, eY is hiB, 1 &M convinced, and I1woutld n'eathetr cosditions are identical. But roof is of asbrestost shingles, thugsPmakt. Iurchase by hhisparish of n car Tho Our heads long ago have lurnDeda unelaittdntolytebu president of the orphanage; A. F. Clark flke to sees him get it to comfort f the mani fromt Mars. himself coldi , not a comfortable home for a family of, whIch he can now Umelin g-tong t ry bon and ,$100, but theet reihibit Wua anJ . A . Hgbee vcrepresdns;l eascbtai z .ein ardgsout a t- hdtour, five or six ,oeople, and fertile about the parish Chorus.- awarded the grand championshp of J.~~ ~~ AStenserty; Mr@. L. Ir. John Meyer'is now in hig seventieth crse fo odsrds o land enoughl, to-raise all their garden Pather Foley naturally thoughit il'Ob the happ childhood days thec show. Swift, treasturer, and J. H. Taylor, as- yeair. He is.a patient ln a sanitarim Illinois! truck. He sella Mtee complete for 201great deal of the horse, purchased Y lon are Iile fart, far sway, Mastant treasurer. as defendants. A Why? Hlow come? leaose page per cent cash. and monthly paymentsl fromt No,-nan rown 11 years aýn And you'll neverrcomle back to us County Supt. T. A. Simpson, who group of trusgtees are made co-de- the Goud Roads association, Spring- (if $25 and $50 mlost reasonaole 1 after he came to takýe charge of th, any more,- Was in charge of rit1e exhibit, founfd lit sh ndntplaint iffi allege thtsegsueALER YEIL i p"e" "'so' ""°" °° --"at Lake '"°'co- u"t at · -"'- -wu a'n"--""M' tmere is no orphanage, as the officers Àsaue. E. B E aire rent." •Whllille he hnge from thfie One On the ;ladi teunion Day prosta aecut a naa