Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Sep 1920, p. 12

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FIND BODY 0f MURDERED BABE SIN SEWER'NERF Ioy Fourid by Street Em- ployes; Exhumation Ordered Today by Dr. Foley. -D CORONER STARTS A PROB Eml0loyea cof the treet d&partmiit inaking repairs te the South &Venll, tewer Friday aItegnoon Madc à grewsocle dîscovery. Iineide Of a anhole just (as.,'T market street they, discovered il' Corpse cf a baby.,Pluie evieci e et a probable murder. Il was John Nauta wbo disrùieTfçl flic1 ittle babe Hie report6d the iai- ter to Williani MeVennon. atrret forernan. Witout toppina to tlîirk tîbM a ie îci,iglt have beec, eonnitted the forernan )is~tructell the laborer 1taiiuryite o bdy ln a V earliy lot. - Word of the glastly tird lranme Io the eu", of Cty physician J. C'. Fol. y andlie tmmnediately i eported tlie niat- fer toeCoroner J. L. T&Ylur. wlio pl'(- uled to cone taiV,,tkegan tb18 af- ternoon ta Conduct a thorougb probe. 'witb apaeurance that flie Polce wGnld be askéd te aF"51t Il' lclfng fthe gufity Part y. Pending thi' arrivai of Coroner Taylor, Dr. }'olpy gave ordere f0 have the body exhumed and renoved Io :n nndertaklng .çtkbi-bient where Bn fnqueit wfll ha hEid. The bodly o'flihé Chfld la eîffieleft- ly large ta make fitProbable that te person who drov)ped It fntb the Bew- er must have lifted a nianhole ccv- er in do se. John Ntuînaa-erte.l tbat thie body of the child was In a good Mite ut preservtilon. indicat- Ing that i it a e liin lathe wafcr but a shiort Uniue. c ty officiais tO ioae atenti1n the matter huas been ealled seeem ta agrec that tbe child nituet have been mourdered and tbromnin lto tbe sew- er. Thýre In a Pfflibllb it IIO thAt the iofant may have been alive wben dropped lto the sewer. The probe that tbe Coroner Plans ta malte probabij wilil decide defin- stely whetber or net tbe cilid wae murdered, or wbtber Il was MerelY an inhum;an mnner of di2sall flgu CAJISTA DOOLITTLE9 AGiED RESIDENT Ouli COUNTY, DIED FRID'Y Mir@ Calt, aged reside t or Grayslake Paeeed ta the great beyond Frlday ai 4:30 A. M. af- ter an ejtended illuess. She 'a'aSE8 years of ue. MrFt. L>oitlewaq barnat ai chies- ter, New York in 1832 and camne ta Lake UOnty about thirteen yeare lat- er. She flved In th vlily of Avol' Genter for nparly sevenly-ire yeare and was very well known irofiihbUt the counnu. She was [ie mafter et five cliii- gItan. Herbert A. of Wilson. W. L. of Avon Center, My-. F. D. Babeîahall, of Waukegaa,' Mrs. John W. Hock. raysiake. and Alma. uho died in in- fancY. She léaves iliree step cli- dren, Alrs. L. A. Burge. Waniiegan. Cassius Dolitile of Av-on (Calter, and Edward Ioolittle î. i olîtle aise Icavest t spIe grandeblidren and aine P.tcp-grandhildr(cn. Funeral wilfl hatel !d *Mor.d..y a!. iernoon at 2 p MN. etaidîd ime train thec Giat.î1éke M E d In-l terment ai Moncmetcry. GURNEE GETS TWO PRIZES Lau., Ccunyyruiral ,nd Village F(isITuel-n nfini prIi. t, t . 1111_ *oet; Stafe Fair with Ihcilreuea- tional cahbit, ~and a !.al.e <C.inîy high s. bol,, \Vax ie.tùn S huc-I ai Ciii ne, captiirçrd nût î n]y il.' blue Tiblion and 1100, but iliir exhilit 1'a"s Lward.-d the grand tharup1iun- %jiip of the 'hûw. C'ounflç Supt. T. 9. Slm ,n. hoa ýa ut uund troi th,, fair twr lie %saý in charge cf thc ccany alhîiitF. founâ it thie opinion of ician)' perone iliat ,Iý.îkc ('C),liii ns, an .-ase e tnt r. Mr. Wlley. in chai c" cf flie agrl- cultural depanlm' ut of Curnte Hic-h bch oolcwompaiied the exhlhlts ta Springfield and înt only arranged bhent but aise >awited Supt. Sinp- son in arranglng îbo-e e ali ter sehoolaq. ln order la ule, Warren Ecb<îol waz compelad te compele with 6pringfieid, Decatur and Moanoîîbl high schools. Al the Lake county exhîhitlie the rtate fairt ulil aise lha exhibited ai the Libertyville fafir and there will be. umnd addl;ionml one. 'I tf a "S iT:., T friuZrcie or ee'a1 j 1m.I por-Ti aý 'rîTe lony *tructure et aur tîntis la lopîde und contres tiîr bbc case of! the bîî'd. the bony struc tare ta outaide anti encloras (the oft bic"îeýie ai.ox--, Ttier%1'! alsolufe- uy no Li.îCîtlni Yferr luicene o! sire, perîiiiiitat or lcmiieranY, afler th. grawcîliofthie body. Itecent studles o!fbbcelrala. ne are old bi an edi. wrijl cttr In flie Journal of- fie Ailercfîfî edîil Aaaolallon, have in'&ced. aboya ilîsl stgbt changea le île buîtk lit)' le brouglit about, but enly Il i.> brlig fie volume ad prn. guee tf lie clh'r occuante o!fie ikui-ilie blond rindl bbecerclirospînai 3ulil. r Thankful fer Thot. m u 1h . aàfbu b bk s- WHEN ARPLUNE WAS NOVELTY l1% 1#10 Newapaper Conuldered Os'dl. nary Fulits las Somathinmo Watti et CSplurg" HeadulaS. Nin@.rum &o uho would bave drewned o an NC-4 filng castly frm Rockav* le Hailfax. fron Halifax to Trep4swey, frani there te the Az- ores andl on te Lisboa, and thenice te PlYmoullil Or e! Hawkee anti Orteve, tb. Indomtable one%, jumping off nt lit. John's In a land machine wllh fan oenen betwcen tliem ansd the Iish .oùast, whftlier blicy t-ee boend7 Or bt fw rue'. ni lIritn P.-lia won afler liiqtrrnd Grvve heti failed? Or of a diriglble, large an fthe occan lilner Adrlltc, eth ive gondolas and a -eo* e 1.-- aea, salllag san lty :!hrfyDiih bbc log. Most of the bîme set- log notlilg else. from England toaa landlag field ln Mîneola? O1) Jul)! 7, 1.910. a New York nte- r,aper publafl theb labeât "ocean dîglîl" îicws wi t tree-iloimn licati "Curtesa, ln Great Oan Fliglit, Situsem 80 Fel Abore Wïaca. 'I9emalns Aloft More Than 12 Min- ute, Crellng Aliantle Clby's Tbrongs." The stor)' goes on t descnlha 1the 'Steady as fi sea gul. tie great yel. ow biplace ficw ct-erthIe sea. 1,300 eet abavthefivai-ves andltasMlle out rom tic phare, recîaînirig aloft for 12 >laufs ala 1 seconds" If tells hou urtds aloest wreck-ed tf ne sMart la a deeli hreugli a brealter. li eacident forccd hlm te descend itber lic ad covereti 1M0feet. "Sendlog for ncw propeler blades." ha Secount Baya. 1fr. Curlîsa super- ntendcd their adjustment, andtiffet n ingle test he forgot te accident andi 'eLn114 reascendeil. This dlsplay of îîîîfl"eaand c-urag0 lirouglit a.cheer --af lbe"-New York Et-c- iliig 'est. -Effclecy's Aieward. LYIus acy. l]the vrtue, lias t e lieIf e-rn * -red melen a mian stops a bic iW-el ayt-s:I-vliodj toul-i iiiî*cdonc i-Olle Stii , jlîur, DûL PICTURES SEA1TLI3 AS BAYVINi BO>ITOM DROPPED OUT NOW Lake Cut a Baok from the =rtreaDeolares Things have Slowed Up. TELLS 0F WAR EXPERIENCE A Lake ecunby young mmenvliq bas been living lna'Sattle for soe m Ia andi uho la nowv:yvisting ef Dccrfield, brings back a pîclure of hou tha bol- tom lia droppeti out o! thînga lI Seat- tle. This Young man l9 Bidon Knapp, vliose fathar lBis acîel knowu mar- chant la Decrfield. Me. Knapp says t bal labor troubles la Seattle have cauaeti a cessation o! business ta a point ulicre Seattle faces m rallier critleal situation sithei present limne. hc says a lot o! factorîca bave closed doua as a result o!fIthe labor troubles, the0 ounera belng un- vllllng to sacrifice &Hil Ielr profit f0 = te demanda mad by laboi' anti ralier tairfe a chance et the resutItbhcy bave locecd bliir doors for an indefi- Dite peried.1 Tho'iebggest concers thal lias fol- Ioved tiis PolicY 1a tbe Skinner-Eddy Slip Yards whete penbapa 15,0W0 or 20.000 mca ucra employed dursg flic war building slips fer flic govern. ment. Labar troubîecala liaI plant g0t go ba nomre lime go blial bhc ciapany Isaucti ene sweepfng order whîcb compleldy closcd the facbery n'lieclicovered ana as etseveral blockis. That la netul l; not ouly vas the plant cloet but lb. company Ina- medîatcly starfet i dlmanbeling tlebig faclory and Iliumflie Indications ara bliat It accer reopea. Indicafiag hou employes of tii, coîipany wonilet for the gorerumeal andi "iiqsested'"dui-lag ftle van. 1Mr. Knai telle an lntcrasting Incident that liappenad wblle lie vaslanacrice, la sllpyard vok turing bbe var. Bing an aggresslve young man, fulil o! ginger anti alusys li the habft Illu AY, 'TI1URS~AY SEPTEMBER Z, i~2u. AnieJnf Oentistry. Jf z 5I deniifîery lo now ln tie cl;iv:c~ iî~--1 ~~..-- j *,.ii nt Conice i'f the Nec'rope'ii. of r'ra- lj*~'~ ' qu!nîiîand ceus!ls of ilre teethi or, I I> mnore properly, four aliutménf t'*âh niants beinrîg g'd nbiffs PnC 1:1e t6eh uiipda ie lIN-) cenýr-a1 iiîci s1re mlîe froair! nite 1,-ti': agr t*o ir rceriele--p,1 . ~ç -~adyfirttie.Sco17e1 GIRLS' SCIIOOL IATS Beoeînàng i'tylch. srpleîî- lii<1.f4.' fil'st sthool days id e fai-lyFali wc-ar. Soute -e ti'imîn-d with smiill flat bandq, othiers w.ilhi bojm s and sti'" eai(rs. To lic had in ',o-îsited to youtlu. $2.98 to $15 Boy's Blouses At $1.25 This special pricing prv- vails for this weck only. Striped patternsin dark and liglit grounds. Guaranteed fast 1.2)r coloris.Seia BOYS' SCIIOL JIATS In the Rali Rah' style. Plain aud iîîîhi,(] ,eslprs. The values are-unusual at BOYS' OVERALLS Mfade of serviceable mnatérials.' They are 'well sewed and warranted flot to rip. To be had lu mli sizes and tbey are a rcmarkable value $10.25 Hair Bow Ribbons lu the required widthri, and ail wanted shadei.ý. A splendid quality. Spe- ciaily priced 59C at yard.- ...... / Chaluren', BoasSupportera lIn the' l-koî Stay- On-A inake. -Uceavy. strong edastie. lilaek& whbite.pair *I~eBet Sore..On heJ~î,Iow~ 25c 35c 39e -~BOY'S SCIIOL SUITS Specially priced ThIe velues preseutcd in tis sale are truly cxtraordinary and flot to be dîîplicatcd elscwheî'e. The plices- are made possible by a v'ery speciaîl piîrc'hase and cconontv suggests taking fuîll advantage A ttiis tile. Suits with Two Pairs ofKnickers - Two Groups. Ini a gi-cat , ai-ty ot mixedl eol- m-, Theyare in the beltcd styles, sinîgle and double brcasted. The liants have double kucie and seal. $14.95 aîîd $19.75, Another group of wcll-ilnade -.uif t t4IO$0,9 with one pair of Knickeî's at ..... ... BOYS' 5FR VICEABLE KNICKERS -Most boys are hard on clotlts. That's aitqc- knowledged fact. - - ;Tllese Knickers are miade of, c.ruro? and wool fabries in a -way to 'withstaid the hardest wear. À purchase of plenty at these priees is advised. $1.98 and $249 IIOSIERY SPEGIALS '- These represent notcworthy values. For ea>-'.h pair i* of that excellent quality ailways m-aintai'.î ed in this section. FOR BOYS, Black Cat malte. Jlea-y, ribbed, serviceable hoi3c. sizeup to 10, 49c pa r .... .....-......... Boy's ho8e of fine eomb- edy arn. Double knee and foot Priced at pair .59C 69c 85C l'OR GIRLS -Fine ribbed hose in white, black and Cordo- van. A big value 49c at pair .......... Girls' Mercerized btle hose in white, black and Coi dovan Pnced at 59C 69rc 85C ,61RLS'GEIN@IIAM DRESSES SpECIAL VALUES Withlit. airjroachiati of1 achool * de>p lb.-. -'lîlng Of! Gînglini I)rce' le m i st tilmely. For tle are dresses of deîîefdable qualîly, tiie klnd mutihers vitla 10 ha've-in aumbe-r4 for 11111e -One Group Specially Pniced as 2.98 Mentioned at tac, ba.T iisa ptiii tc <,f ilsi-i ,qade utfpli adl striptd g.ciar tu an ixQellcITt firni ti,,u- liat Iaulid4r$ wsdi ancd i.- od Beric. Ail sz- sire I tilT group 29 & . Other Ginghain Dresses Are Prîced from $1.28 to$3.,98 G~irls' Middies for School Wear N7 -ry s.po'ial pieces arc iii effect at this tittie. And tiiese ar'e Middils not oltcn to be had at such prie- es. Made of seîr iceable materials witl ilute ard co lorcî l olars uît $2.25 to $4.98 Spéeial note le nmade of a niiddy made of heavy wliitc niaterial, with detachable sailor collar of wool serge. $4 8 Priced at......-.............. Boys' -ed Girls' School Shoe Special In stich well know-n maltes as Educator, Red (loose, Black Diaunond, Kreider's and J. P. S. - The wearing qualities are unequiallead. Ail spe- - c-ially pî'iced. - GIRLS' BLACK KID SHOUS Ail solid Icatier., J. P. S. make. Spliucliti f-' s-hool weaî'. Piled at' Laite style BUtto Style 8%bil '4.00J 8te i 1 3.50 11% ta 24.50 11% tu W2 4.00 Other radesarae $335 to $850 ]BoyS ROU - g i e s 2 % a t S - Rl m 9 t 10 1 - - pàt'ecd 490 ]pricegI$3.50 Other Grades Are Prtced Iroan $3.00 to *.00. owklug mt a gnomt apod. Wunthe oeil for men came durlng tevar, lit. Knapp responded. Sel a position V& t Skiner yards vdrkinà on sblp building as bis bit le var votk. Ordered te "Slow Up.1 Imagine lis surprise uban unc day a mme came Up fa bina and samd Ilaa declmîva way,l'You nmuet net vork su Luat, vs do't voikt ibaf ay ber. Tout-c &et te cul doua your speed."? Mrt. ltnapp kacu item 1the uay lie @Md Ilb that ho meant every word and therefor,, net daslrlag te gati leo trouble vlbh a dictaber o!fliis sort Knapp was oblfged te slow up rallier than produe. linl.the elut way ho bad been llu bhehabit of lae lsotber lins of vort. la apeakleg of ithe vay bhe balp treatêdeilti oikt hers Knapp ad Ilb vau a frequcalthlbng te dati 25, er 80 men la the bold of smoeahlp fQat asa under course etf. construction whiling away fle icbme sbootleg croipe. No foreman uculti lolerfere ulihtlim te cmilithems dewn Orurge liienate get douc for bhc gorernament under lhe cosI plus figures and flic more time they kilîcdtheflcmnira mony the coina- May vas pald fotreficgot-rnenf. "It vas a îoyetcry te lac," aaid Mpr. Knapp. «"as f0 bau tlicy furacd out mny shlps at al consîderlingflic vay fthe mnaas a ubole uorkcd." Tliis lea ust e piclure paiatcd by ,the former Lake cont)' youag man of conditfons ln Seat tle, and gît-as am- ple uaderatanding forthfli crîtîcal sit- uation thal lias dcveloped now la con- nection vitlleor ia 11mb part e!t th cotntry. Whilc flicre liq hope bilaI Iings may revive I Seattble belore long aecordiog fe Mr. Knapp tbe7 are la prett)' lid chape thore nov. i~ The FoM-iCoupe ia.ssntlfl the motor car for.phyaiou -v'y* day of the yeaz' beoeume of its up&to-datem nesn every detail--large. sliding windows, it is a breezy open car in fine weather and ini rainy,' storrny, cold weather it is clod-dust-proof and water-proof-with. broad scat heavily upholstered, it as a «maot cooefortable car. Equippedl with electric starting and ihting syteni and demnountable rxn with 334-inch tires, and carrying ail Ford merits in econorny, in operation and upkeep. Not oely ideal for physicians but for salesmen, real etate men and everone who, wants a depenclable two-ueated car. the Fordi Coupe? WILSON & 011# %OP EUET Al ~ ZAN *- UTVLE »Dita v a y J V s4CI 14 1 AT ST. PATJI RECENTLY An lmprojaeebof ln Public ie nerally laq flic I biCilItlt t.Patrîeku cet 'Worthl, be purpoi-e .,l MOeeting Place for t-aricu, tiliec ch.c Th e erouta Itormalay opencd liy a lic Party ariangcd by the Ili Clcby. '27ild aoejeby lb le one liendrd per cent Hc - ely andti lirefore rival cage whilc 15>5 aImtu * - ou. Lait Frlday uîglîb a la beld (),n (lie cliurch laie autiis o f ihe liaugliu.,r bilas Gertrlude licLaee, baIng IL, chargîe ac;isisîti i Jilng young ladiesi: j -i Jisin.L>aIzicl. .Nlat)ej Cx, Alite l'weeay. .Ma-gar.- 'lie affair lraecd a '.i- onea and a largei crowdt ai In connuetîion nlihtî 1 the sodlebles m.îieàinM 'Vlolîs 11mb Iather T l.î 1>' lustiled "Ii l he av.- Parîiinnee. 1. ul, io-it Pltitflb i( ht- liit,ih te, C iiig r0oiT, Utc' if iir, T - andl lîglîts t1-i'i-tlTIawn Oat lcte andi ,' a r orsu th lst. il'siiTlo ias a cc ing a asiT i5aOy hIu rhiecl i t, n- cul uc-J . k'uml- r,îce Co. In 111:-q conne-i un I"all OLnOUOc-î-cl lo is larIltic 1mis %1l i ' pnogrece E psrlst, n ;lie c'r<-iilau01 cicly IiiE;'îîng place and i Ive 11LPro'.enients tluaib. aInCe, it-caiuc latbe pliai l ileeceiry io erecet Acn AehoOl loir use ItyCTlli 1511. - i O lthue n.-at si te po-ê'csand(]as Flaîll adv8nciJ v"-Yr> r.îclIn l lam iaslcit'-,i e .,chaaci Ilot tan:(,iTg t- for- Tlie ai pili ss UOTI,. t,' Anotae iifljçmu pornùc, e. caiul made b vastt tic lir.etallalioîi o! i lem WIerî b> Lti,-chai-tIi la nov ËUPUITItiihi a Modern vay. MI[R PRICE 1 POOLE ci U tl fan iIc' Ccoerce- dairy f.înIî rx farnier- îuîârki, tîng a'"- ke'ep îîîlk lîrîce up -w. ,smt I nghitlby Russell J. I laai r tl i (y couaicul conîmibîce of Chicago. Mir. Pocole lias cpi-at a % gatine complainte of Y James !Nlc.anaman, and »w of o!Cary. Ili., ibat a Cary local of the, alarbe-l lion refuse t 10 îerîii tlirali 169)srr-s of wtt-aI lomgmag ta iu-g--raad Lt ««I hae f-tinty of faci t-i flic.cer îo tf luedsîirl 'I i. 1 Rubin's -%4>WV-

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