Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Sep 1920, p. 16

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ILLINOIS LE6ION GOING INTO POLI: TICS; MARE PLANS Veterans to Use Votes to Gel: Legisiation for Their Disabled Comrades. LAKE COUNTY JOINS MOVE. 'lle American Legion in Ilinois le goling lioapolilîe. "'Up iotaith ilt." %Vt h ballots lnstead of bayoneta. the argaflîzation of vtcelans ofthlie great van inlends la go aven the pot- Iical top viii lite at-dot- and deter- mutation ta win 11ey pîosessed on vie (ali e fields or 1918. fle 1.egion tmus e Irai srplI and decisieiey w ltaipolifical candi- dates instead of reioaiailtg aoat vrt- aius speakers declared at a mass meet- ing Monaity ut Cok and Lakte Coun- ty post commandera aad 'delegateas te the samIe ,tivefltion. 'l'lie assembir vas an officiai caucus cf eight of tie twenty-one districts e!t the tate pt-e- liminary ta the convention viic takes. place in the Medinah'tempie, t iicago, 'l'iuraday andl Frida>'. WkiAT'TIRE LEGION WANTS ' , » iMfuence o: 65.00 urganiseil examile. biena iIllinoais viliieb.ex- erted for adequate legislatiofl ta pt-- vide fur cîcit andi voundede comraaes, aalusted conipensatian fot- al reterana and tue ptesurvation of the ideals for vltich Our at-mies fought la 1917 ad -1918. 'ibee tie leglonaires lalentet In.sure, flot by resolutionfs. speechu'e andi petitioai, but b>' tbe effeet of their votes.fil la esuImate tilat the. direct vtlng Infunete of the leglon In Ilinois un nonpartisamattere vili reacit 200oui'U. (2o1. Warren R. Roerte, commander- of the tlic J. Sleiler poqi, as chair- gman of iisit nIght," meeting. A ipitit of hainhet-' ls ber.:. hown ihruugh-1 Ileved to bie an augur>' cf the polît- ,cal Pewer the- veterane viii exert toi. leving the stte convention. COOK COUNTY TO BE BAMTEOROUND IN STATE F1GIIT 'HAIS 130 Washington St. Cam . Fi 1# M~W TrORK-Tbr.eortour' OMO& àB vOek. MuidredBrrie rse to the bail games. Tot Mal. <rud. danghter of Charles I.LHa rw ho vivraié,.-~Aiter theicBli.@ la blied. Bbc foUlowe vwbM~ ,Pm ibrougi the WU8*f M bil and iit. aid1 'hemom% ke'aonas. BLUE RIBBO NS 60 I0 ANY IN LAKE Lake County exhibitors at the. Xlii- nota state fair captured a number of blue ribboas on livestock this veek. W. A. Brewerton. proprietor of Thorn- bury Fat-m. Liberty-vIlie, won a num- ber of ribbons wltii hie exhibit of Jerseys. Mis. J. K. Dering of Lakte Villa won a bine rfbiion tu the ladies drivias horse entry. Samuel insuh0of Libertyville exe hlbited B herd of eheep and cBptured a flamber of prises. Mr. Insul's shçeP voie la charge of shepherd CUL.t Starting Next Week Lieut. Gov. Oglesby WiII Throw Gaunt- upe w', er. gîJ'sons giv.b let Down ta the Mayor. th.e P.oUor% or "gossips, to achill Springfield, II-Cookt ceunt>' viliib. csled betause enci spooS ieLd a liuro lie political bettieground ilaIllinoisOf Rn 0 f l tole @Lea lc anlc. starting nexl Mondey vien Lieute-___________ at Govet-not- John Gi. Oguesi>.' Re- publican candidate fot- gos'et-nr, and To Deatro> Rail Anis. tie other anti-Tamna candidates Sa pnebsetndvtr yull invede the lait- et the tiger. 9)kaSogi ietn4wtr Lieutenant Gos t-mot Og1e.-Ly viii Uvtng Bnd piace viceeîte anis Lave Oni3 hu dow-stie uberaýüiaIeqY Occesse ti. Tii-y vIii mwrm campaign hîs div naTe wubatof ral er l cnd tiîrough ii. Drop the ch a apaigh. etin Cookmn uo u iongé un iolîng wateî and repentthîe viii b? opened b> the- antî-Tammeny olseration tinu1 fie colony. Lecmes csndidatea for ttstte cffîcei aiRiv-et-- aist-tnei et tlWibof lils wcikerg aol tive ak. vhet'e une Wthie lat-gesi t ie petis gatb.-ring of ',Le campagn viiill ____________________ The.Oiî.-b> -..rr t-nr comm:rre t L, (Wel -..j vthte ou'-,,ok :Iiroughout î:-nis Lîurnaur G...'.!nor Ogies- dia.sand 'il e repr'.from the c.,imc.utà .à '.-d ulcifte a svweep- lng r.i ..y f... cm a-'Le primarie.-, §Bt-t--i:i -, pur teitel trom h o &--eti Lm,.f Tarn tiýcket and '.-,' * 0...iu..W... ce::> te toun- li ty' Lueîci' ..! nrOgtby vilii fttai Liscampal?,a as treàh as wien 011 tun. puliticians hase marvcied aI the" mariner ita vtîci e Las tept up te pace. Those ie Lo ae accoto- pAlied himnon b, trips Lave returneul r lhe veet endrouîpieteiy vol-n eut. Ogiesby, hovect.Lbas oet- shovo Boy signe5 of beig tired. lie bas won- Ici-fui ca..scity fa ot-stk. The tact that bis lite Las been spetluao.,tiy out doors in iarming l ht-id th e i t-a- p-aun for is fite liuysicai condition. The favorite expres'ion of the can- dilate lot- governor i. ' Let's go," and b. Las cc-t-tamnly lied up trufit inbis cam[uaign. WAUKEGAN GIRLS FINED IN KENOStIA; VIOLATED CURFEW Measure May Be Obsolete in Waukegan but Not So In the Wisconsin City. Wautegaa Las c curfcw orîlnance but no une "-er thieta of enfarcing il. For that reasan t La email wan der tltat tva Waukegan girls, accom-. paLît-I by tva cahlot-s t-cm lie Great Latea. navalhitation, diII fot expect ta Uindlsncb an antiqutel measure enfoîcel la Kenosha. Tiec et resuit v4as fiat eacut et tic quattet pal a fine Oh $1 ail cotesa vienarraigneil la Pulices cUat aiKenuelia. ' Ilot-e, ltavital tLe Kenoahia lit-raid baye of the attair.: Curtev stilil rings te Kenosîta ai lu0' o'ock each fuil. 'ruaI le why Gent-vîteesad GettruIe Statip et Waukegao, andl Ver-non Mc Douineli andl El Rogers,. sailore fron, î Mei. Great Laites training station. vet-e lisied loun municipal coul-t Tuesehy - 'lite quartet felifafoui ofthle min« lSots a! the iaw on Maie alreet t 2 cicocit Tueda>' mening.Nlcl)ontIl thie poteaman fonrte part y, said that MaIie a nigo h el anî ve fr hkoe îLe>' a lgtienel th e i-. a rhnte abouh tovn ta vwhiie evay ILe bout-s~ beiarethele fit-st car stantd lain Le motaina - *iildn't yan taav that you wet-e Vit. latiag tbe cunfew lmw b>' belng unt thile Tuieslate1 l. c tnih? "tse. 1 lidn't thhik tiis tova vas ol' bd-fasiloned," replieI MeDanneili 4X» dollar mui coëts faor cach," XtOST ARTJSTIC KISSER TELLS Of STARS, KISSES 01 mas Mairket Col Lake CountV Greatent Store For Womnen Sale Girls" Ginghamt- School Dresses 1.98 - 4r ii ar iswork a perici 125 TI3AClIIRS IN Ait eiatg o cbr adt.m AT Who are t0 teach for the furet tUme la the. couffty muet ltite on. perlod A T I3 D N C E À ectpenma as:ip If possible, w :' os INSTITUTE IIERE 1WvLh:o th: ~ :;:e mnefo se tihis year are Seat-s Clansroomo Management -and Clat-k Big, Busy Sessions Mark thellPhyaJcai Training; these books wili Week's Meeting at the 0e on sale. Central Sohools. PASSENGiER AE SUPT. SOMPSON I14 CHARGE 60FA20PR ENT nile Laite County teachers Instituts, G P2 E E T Arthur Simpson. la bolnt largelY et- tamdia, tue average ialiy attendance The 20 per- cent increase ln Pas- belng about 125. sesger rates teaia, Pointe thlide et Ale instituts opened Mondor BMd Illinois vent lnO effeet at 12:01 this 10r. are bath morning and aller- morning. With it vent a pr6partion- nom051session& Ibroucgijouthe ba Bét. lncrease la exces ares and a 50 Ibere areper cent aump la Pulman rates. rea largellumber cf leaders- Accardlng ta the ffew rates, It yUll la educationai watt on th* prOgrant tjuco t $t 112.07 ta go ta the Pacifie Md , the. lastîtute ia eve more%, c Co frttrmChicago, iaciualng Pull- cesafilititan ln past years. man berth. The aId rate vas $89.13. Th-ne lectures ad work provaamfor 'ite treta24v or vih tuc remainder of tue week fa as foiI-1Evîieace tthat tua traveling publie tova. ;bas taken cognizance of the new item rflursday. - >ntih. H. C. L. budget vas redlected Mra a. Hudon.lte unprecedeated crusi on coast Mir. Ulea$ofl-COnstr 1lction for ho- boufid trains lest nlight. glnuers. TN e fight of the attorniey general Misa liowma.; Mr. Gîwon-<ýok agaiaat lthe 3 cent rate no0w beiiig structIu awatt Baid dosiga.cbarged by the Illinois rait'oads vili Allas Bovmaa. be contlaued vigorouâiY deapite tie Mir. Hudson. injulaction of the United States Court Mr. IGiessen.lDesign and color wori. of Appekas restraining the state pub- kyidsy. ( lie utilitiesl commission eafortcng, the Muss Bava.- 2 -cent rate 1gw. Attorney Geacrai Air. Hudson. Brundages office saad yeoiterday that air. UlesOn-CýGustructiOn for be. future action wouid b. alang tva glanera. .. linosi-an -ppeal against the Injune- Miss Bovinan; Mr. Geasoa...Con. tion ad au effort ta hurry tih bar- struCtlon WOrk and desiga. lng on Lthe original case. Miss IiOwian._________ Mir. H-udson. Mr ise Designanad colar 6 9 E R O A batùrigay.67 E STO A Mir. Ciseau, lns ai the, Normal Uni. M E OF V ER N versity IIun titis evening, ho.viii 91Te thre. daYs and long periods la T w . LR UNO aidr tarcaver a wsek's vork. The okfrthe, advance clane, thoe -T MR.E NO whO àe laitotkn vork with Mr. Glea- Bon for threyeara or more, iWho aesign and color wor).bs ostu-Oldet Comnrade at Reunion !S Tebegiaaiag clubas conads EgtyeihtYar 0 ae U work. The. intermediatelamd ihyegtYarofg: up Of thOese vhahave h" One o r » Youngest Seventy-one. tvO Years of construction vork; tuis Work le mileil, Part construction agit S. IF. Oreenleaf. 0. A. R. veteran Part deuign. fnrish.d tiie Sun witi soins interest- Beglnuing teachers and those <oh ilog data today regardlng the. 42nd are te teach for th ii. tirai nl rur- annai reunion of uthe Soliers andl ai sch-iln la u couaty ver. called Balors association helil ai Ibertyville upon on Tuesday afternoon te pro- on 'rhursdiay, August l9tii. sent the PrOgrallestiiey prepared. Eighty-eight reterans of Laite Colin- Beginning teaciers ad those vbo ty attoadeil the annuai reunion. are te teacir for the fit-st Umne la roi- The ldeot commode in attendane ai sCfloola la titis county viii have at vas 88 yeare of ege. least titre. perlods for discussion wîth The youngest conirede vas 71 yearl Mr. ifimpson: during tiiese perieds the Of age. classification and Prügrams for rural ITii. average cge of ithe comrsdfl echOOle vii b. discussed. present vas 77 yeare. Mr. k'otter wil have charge ot the The Erand total ages of the reter- Slnging; the 'TvIce 55 sangs" j-jl ans et the annuai reuaion vas 6790 lie Uâeil; ibese books viii i. on sale. yeat-e Mr. Potier offers to glie mare of hlis comrade Greenleat dtates tiat the tîme ta a clasela aigu rbatng and 42nd annual reunica of lie Soldiers rote sangs; If a aufficleni number et and Sailors association vos coe f the toast successtul ever ieid. Describes Pickford, Ferguson, Billhe Burke and Castie Caress. Nev York.-Sb! David Powell doesnt vant il kaown. Juet the. semé, its pretty veli estabiaisid arolind the Paramount mari. studio, that io la- quit. "set up," au one migbt say, over the tact ho began kisslng Mary Pick- ford quit, some lime betore Doug gai the Idea--or the prîrllege! LDavidu Powell gloate orer lils record, y'kiow. It& impossible ta gel hua ta admit IL, butitis true. lest as truc as fihe tact thet iie's been Feading man ta *Il tiie most kîseable femiaine stars sLown tg lte aet of belng kissel on theeamurer aset. "But do't tell Doug." be &&Y1. "I catit rua. ovina or climb anywiere near mo veiliaiii ecati, and la the. event cf a ciiase 1 migit ho rtier- weii-you can cash7 underatand boy 1 test about IL! But tiiere bave been othern. lira. Dou.g laean'l shîne atone. Tiies Mss Murray,.LOG. Most Artitilo iàibea. "Champaigne and stravnerry short - cake! Aprii weatier-vbat it migiit fontlHâte ta ki eii princeai af yaux boyhool dreams, ilfsie .existeI." Sa naya Darid Powell. And io aboutit knov. Re'& gnitat on lmpres- smions--and kissiag. lit fact, he'a sup- paedl o hte moat artistic kisser on the rsereen. ",Ta kise ale o Frguson." he con- tinues. "thal ta 1*k. listeaing ta poetry withb a arp acampaalment-ghosts ar targottea dreame sweeping aver the &oul like deail leavea la November mooniight. "They're ail different," Powell ac- kaovle «dees. "A vomans kislinfnot iust-a woman*ê liis. Each one 13 as indiridual a4 the, voman. "NovwIren. Castic-sbe la flot ai aIl 111e tite otiiers. To tia ber la ta thuak 0f oreille ad cul-glass chauds- iiers--a marriage for conrcnl.nce, .11ll ite convenleut stages-a euch>'l niglit at Palm Beach vith the, oacoa- nut grave bandil paying 'If You Coul Care.' Wonder@ Aoiu bOl'. iis.. "*Rlght about face tramnttI Im- pression le the kles of aveet lUtIle Marguete cCannai. lihe beat pal a ses- sonei l ad crookhI, Atson, Lupin ever bail. Wiiy, she mates yau liant of crusicd velvet tos, in a auahît gardea. or pet-tapa jato and ginger aie it a .COZy corner near the ftt-eplacc on a rai.ny Suaday atternoon. David Powell vonders if, Dillue Burtes tise haà changedl since-veli. aine, other days and filins. "I alvaya made me think of a flapper on ber vay home trom hber firet trip to the Midnight trotte la mnanîntaslimousine, vîth the selides çiulied, down-or, perchante. Vanît>' Fair ad aurreptitlous Muaos betweefl evitos et Nrragansect-the kial of tisa you sneak oa tie reranda ofthîe country club juat et due!"' New Fail Suits Women's Wash Dresses, *This Includes aur entîre stock '0f Vailes, Catais Geot-geiles andl Onggndieis and Lie prîtes t-age tram $2.98 te, $16.50. haif price Speclally Priced at $35'- 49.50 69.50, Aireal>' the novw Fait Suite are appearing la evet-increaming auto- bers la tricotines, velours, iliver- lones, etc.. mati>'oet tem helazg tiiede vit tut- ln a fstriking manner, four apeclal prîtes are quoed ton Thursda>'. .Women 's WooI Sport Rose 1 è98 - 2.98 Wam.n'm hear>' vool sport hon. la bravnanBaheather mtixireri Clean-Up Sale Wash Skirts Values f0 7.50 2o85, Values f0 9.50 4.85- Most vatitel maternlas sJtyles aBda i ie range ar Lý L VOLUME XXVIII- MURlRS D Z . LkB Tc-&is Exonerate L F armers of Char( ing JAIatered 1, ti.i u lire -sie inaetorf[ tie Ccii niilk produccra a inthe1.i t-ici vitre seIling milI t- traite wbici containedles ter, catme today vWheu v V îaadc public a repart the matang oi exthausti G. Huffer, lai-y depar -iîy ofI llinois. Tic reliait gît-es tie cloa bill ut bealtk Tii. Farm bureau,. backeil f 21>u larmefri. Uthoruuguiy tlat 4flB oha ueintauul huard ui fil (hi bat LenitJuliei lt-oui ceu rente la I.ait oUrit) j'art uit he bleaitu letel il ia IltilUaIl' .ilouite Ili. ill ina.'i Bt lMail hl wa- , ooJuily 23 ai Au"àq uIl - Ilý, > , >.r, 1 Ct ieti ntil - 1 r,-. wss .n0 -aI, tree tîtO l-e .îîînk ib,.) ler? cliiil ()a Augi-,t 12 ttiâa,Ie e.-,aive oaiet lu lIl I Ou Auguit 14 tiésia held & ert"'t aIvetItg lIsrýacati.quaitet aa as a t ýuu(") ii chîc a c slstiug or -& A. Weltoi W.i .lolden and W. ver-'eutntuho uit the 01 t bueti t t iad vUt titi were herin .ulowea l suite The) Sot no mai »sy. and ver- eut tuid et hbil.ti bu tg IL wam titýu i tlatrite- ddt-> ,oxpertlitut iré- hlin..,. outeobtained. Ur tiiuti"î to iaiuj ilou. .air iii. . ;(cu.,e , llla'.I li ..le.î4rt-e ril Hcîî.-alm urulîl mti a rîtuîaboutg .1lit fat id 12 per cet-n toi the u> ce îu~t tuti mai quilmaseat- i l'o itt.- menta toi aoild. Mr Hurler mâai110i takunt- sititi... tîu t %Lm, ,îîd -t li, th.te ti h , îu'-e, fi~, .l CIIIIIII'1> a.l i le. , - i are 'ii, nî, ill ., oi' 'hl oliî.emg is the. Bleu; a, -gît-nTu ire i V ;Watkins, orairie E >îî Ju> 23 and agal ai titi. year, a number farmers of Lake couali I1ir ttontthe Cicago I thai tiroirt-milk ainve On Ajîgust 12, Mi. Z. L ellgo mut uinspèctor p tltfteu'a dairynien lanlthe ertiville -af vatëirng I muei o filiese mien ha, caneidet-el absolutely feoiftsoehiing m ttt everty effort chou ç4saafile chta-gesagli ball btenu idey disti the press o! lie cn imeeting vasblîi aietlir office Auguit 14 andl o attenuied. IL was e el a tiiorougît investigatic .eel tu ftite e et-y iel Ilite the charges cf Mr. 1. A. Wiitoa. Joliu W-vtudin and W. E. Wa to, 'be hoard of healthIlc 3 &ugust 16 te find nit elioda usel t hoalti uIn takutg camp Mdilse toeoe.if fi W. ta acote aotier trial plthe resutîseurs- dell arid-bft-lGregcii or for Lake Couhiîy A; Thp comnlticee Vvas pi Mlan by Dr. Becker, Mao aanecified as lIo i 'gaft soap" and ers Satiafy thec.ecimmitie. %ty0frhIllinois vas a imltediately tu help ci tu«. For the. past tva tm ritsm tiidair>' de 130 Washington Street Next Door to Rubins, Washington St. En franco Wednesday Morning,Setm rlt We Wili Open Our Market to Serve You With "Meat That Is A Pleasure To Eat" in this Market you wiIl always receive Courteous Service, Hon- est Weight and Exclusively U. S. Inspected Meats Operating as we' do, a Chain of Markets on a STRXCTLY CASH AND CARRY BASIS, You will get the advantage of our great buying power. You will flot have for the upkeep of an expenoive delivery system or other people's bad accounts. You will get the advantage of a. One-Price Market, where everybody is treated EQUAL and ail articles are marked in plain figures. W. have spared no expens. iin makting oui Waukegan 30arket the most sanitary and up-to-dat. on the North Shore. "Corne in and Let Us Show You How to Save 30% on Your Weely Meat Account" WATCH FOR OUR BIG SATURDAY SALE AD- IN THIS- PAPER, FRIDAY NIGHT -EDITION. Thomnas Ma1 rliet Co@ g', - - - - - - - Phone 351 Other Gingham Dresses to 14 /2o98 m3*98 -$5 'wonderful new collection of girls' ginghamn dresses ln a wide variety of clever styles lu plaids, checks, plein and coinbination, 00 ndispiair at the prie« quoted abue,. Bises range up ta 14. Girls' Wool Dresses to 14 .4.98-6.98-9.98-14.50 up to 19075 Pretty lndeed, and reasonable la price too. are thee e w dreme3 af serge@. and wool plaids or in combînations wlth eaton serge Jaceoi and pleated plaid akirta. Tii... ool dreme4 are prlc.d accdrdinz ta SI».. WoRMe's $1 Union Sui*tà 69c Worna e tit union cuirs inl Aise». tiduce tops- vrty special. 69C. 1.50 Union Suit 1.00 Wumen's extra qualil>' union euits, lace or tiglit kntee.' eoilice top, ail sIzes. Women's $5 House Dresse 3o48, Pot-ch and houge dresses et lce- ooting giagianks andl pet-taies. Ail colot-s. 2.50 H. 0. Aprons 1.69 WoJnipt'm toae-dress or bungalow aprens a nal coi- ot-a, vrery e'cally pt-lced.

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