Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Sep 1920, p. 2

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W-"ý1ASY, Two M.1 LEERTYVHJ.E NEPSf.De. IIJRAY, SEPEMBER 2, 1920. If fornieris of Ivanboe, but rater of Vir- 00 00a0 0 00 0o0 00 0 00 o0 rnatchine. Dr. Mecornic vas tknmmedi[ gtiw il (Iiago lLk aq0 ately summoned and unotn hie arrivai iIAIM tM DRUNKI , tumnta 0 iliaifimniLat eti: WA (JC? N*A ..: ound i.n At r oai)uit w t.Mr. andi Mr. Eltu o - itr oliwassil nHosdeal anitaugliiex' tuth oi Chilcago -o Mfi 1nfI %Ira. Farley WadeÉ li itefRowa f1 ncnieal forcit te Area Sunday. Mrs. Herman cago were week end guests of Wau- pain but vas getng along as wetl as ÂS SA N L E TKtiank ant i ldrun enetimt a toArtate ofda relatives. ,cudb xetd ÀSK AN UL ENT wili heri.Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Murray andi fam- Ray Murpiythûird son o!flMr. Rd 'ti'sî. Jcai ani ttrit t.îîlt f ly of Chticago vlsied i the honte of ?,li. D. H. Murphy, or aur village, and Freprt ll, n WllamLibefMr. and Mrs. Henry (, ary over Sun- Miss Helen Dtn ones agîe Joe Ryan is Freed by Court on t'Stouth . li of antandAMir.lDillon Lîtaibrange Soti lakota, are visitîng at fRle honte a oultnas 0flr. manrd Mi La Grngoe latGrane Charbe of Marriage After ai Mran Mr. .A. Smnith. They FîtE ro to i Kenosita w a mrriet i 1at 'L Grage atho- 1 calied i aIthe H. C., W. Meyer anti.<Gt-<. iere over Suntiay. eday morniga 1 'tcka heCtt Intoxication. sia cyuis.Miss Nettie Murray ws a Chicagooichmch _____ i Tedy ynng sio lié9a3.,Aller a short honeymoofl the baappy Joe Ryais of Northt Chicago Monday X1is. F. Voelker orient Wtttnesday at D. H. MuMhy spent thle firaI of te couple NwAtt make their home at Gary, vus grated annulment of! msrriàge teliante of fier daighiter, Mrs. Ililuip wee in Chicago. lad.. where the groom, bas a gooti no- fa Iita Wyscope.> on the charges titît Mtr- ant fi tnily of Gilmner. James Muirray transactei business sillon wtth the U. S. Steel Co. abs and ber îwo broîbers matie hint Thie foliing xinotoreti(o Starved ta Libertyville Monday. We vishithte nèwly, weds a mont haP- lttoxcateti On moonsitine andi tieuta ok andtient-t the week endth ier.': Mt. anti Mrs. George Hlapite vIitteti t)y and prosperous journ.fy îtrough bed the rnarriage-cere'îoony perfornied ilt andi Mis. R.S. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. relatives in Waukegan Tuesday. lilfç. while he was ndti n a responvîble (;îorge Ross.,lir anti lra. 3. H. Rloues, tElr Harrison ta spending a few tisys - comditioli. the annulmeat being granti MrAcand Mlra. A. R. Roder. Mr.and Mi. here ai the- home of his mother, Mrs. J1 IT C ~ Ef Od bY'Circuit Jtidge Edwartis. Thas. Russell anti Mr anti Mrs. Raipit Marîha tfarrison. INQUE T IS lâ LDI1 RYa dectaret in bis petîtton, whih Rto,. The entire party reports hav- Mr. andi lra. Fred Rutiinkaki r vau id by Attorney J. A. Miler that i a fine finie. lt tot weso ieClnae l tiesony s er!or e tbe a te ot !brtiultrMsP te H adowne ofABYine Clumbi for tmocrne Urn subseenttu untit Mrs. C. (;. Sinsil spent Mantiay ai Graîthophone, wbtch they purcbased q S B O N kePt hi. iDtolicatedte t such an extent Seier, ant fimnily ai Aptaksie.iat r.H .Mianvstt lA)I E E th* hetadbfout, andv hat aste o MssMrteSlitker. whto has bt-en frientis ai Woodstock SuntiayDINSEWE tag" vre bot, ntiliaI s sonas$ pettdîng seversi weeks wîth reatives Abr ee e lhkieasr hal realiied vbal hall happeneti beln - ca is etret ahr oeoAlbeafrtueesdayt eve kiting. -i- loft ber andi bas sdnce contilnue te 10re-iere. Coloner UnrtbIe to Obtain anyg main away. 1irnî nt hlie He waa diing te Wauc-onda n bise oe nbl oM i n ýWbat didt tey gîve )ou ta drink!- Mrs.leia Kublank adcide Saxon tourîng car, anti conting up the Information As To Who M8Othe jutige. vRtatsev arai days Isat week with retasbllRtRR a ee-W tteCnyKaefo "bOIsie"rePtýiet Ryan. ls ut lî orne omeni he ntticedl a ire ufideianth lte hood t .,sposed of Body. "Moosie Y Sunday. dtheý,-He lnîmediateRy stoppedth te car anti d01111s *'wrtten up' intiucatng lie Miss Nellie Saîith spent sev erd aR ts j begani i.gbing the naines. whlich bow- An IlueaI vas heI4 ai lhe Wetz. voUld aigri tbe decree of snnuîateittat the home o filar sitee, Mrs. George evel' were soon. beyonti bis contror. He' anti Peterson underiaklna rmornesliaI as the country bavytng gone dry tht-cc Saisît at Libertyviile, heR.init care for jtiten itif to thtehomne of Mrc. Bflrgraf, night ln an effort ta throw nmre vmsl 11o bole o! keeping hilm cotît iltre Ruthl SmaR, witn bas bt-en sèr-. a short distance away, to gel hei.p. Mr,1tgto ietiîneyi h ol uaRRY "ickered' up. touai> iil i wîtpneuoonia. - Iurgraf liurried itack with lMr. .Meyeruih ntedsvvr nte8t 1,C.Itlay was aiu Esansion visîitui ta the car. but juat befare they reacli- avenue st-ver tit,' latter part of!lt *eeo oo... *~ ~ 000Tuesla). te auto. the gasoline tank explotted weck o! an Intfant corpse. Reports 0itant90000Rt000tit00ni0000li anti svreadthe lanîis aRR over ilie car. ht te ieltt htlt iabo -%f. n. Mr. t.A. wic vaas oon a complets wrec)t. hlite cRîire m igi talhteîe rt-suot A I EA 0 Chisit an ittlt]Ltile spettWedti-ne au istectoet atW i ci a mirbt tave beewan treiait . .00010000 0oo,. le sUV iiei. satii-scte ioon a large crowd bai assenîileti,ofamrebu eewsutin Lod Ra s a ctitoaga t jstttîî, t.t tbultrioa latte It rentier any assistance. tihet came out at tht- taîuestIotttsurit- Moda.Wtîî, let was a bat i tijslati for Mr. stanliate ducb a bPilef. '"I Woudn't Go Camping Without IMc; et. Ii tghtt haîve bot-n warse. as Corotter Taylor was cailedti ta uu lia. J- L. rvi it ptî tlics,,k tettd I Rat.lnap," Saya Ray Whte. lie %vas forttinate an havlng fls car kegan Satnrday afternoan anti itiiaî-- at ber home Ia Wadsworîi tf ni petar aa in ltated about a niontit ago witiilb th iistely gave ordeis to have te body MoIrOrrWicox o!f Chicagot spent the .camping Rast summer, ameR! o! cookingt.SIîuac a irui h-ba îecîdfue ii a Rn- Waek end ahlte haine of bis Rarent.ýý broughtt rats.. We vent te lowo. got ritiCi, H. E. Maintan, wbo lnimMtiatly the rt-mains beinit reniaicd 1 lteh Mr. andi Mm. Mrs. E. Wtilcox. sae RAT-ENAP. broka up cakes, put reporteR tîte lbas to bis company. Mr. Wetzel anti Peterson untiertaking Mr. andi MiS. Wn, llonekamp calîcd ti loutaRde our lent We goI the ais. Meyeru viii soona have lita atif . ulit. reona. ai the George SimIli bome Suniay. arigt-big tellova.1" Farmers, store, agent, Hý E. Mairnan. . The atory of liow thet- tny corpse Wiliam Nickoiey o! Long Grove keepera, houaeives, aboultiune RAT- Forest Ceary, son or bMc, anti tsrs, vas found floating douen tht- sevrer SPen Tusda evningai he orn ofSNAP. Three aises: 26c. 6(k- $1.00. Ettnitîl Geary. nimet it a very painfui When city vorbinen were repairlttg a bssnt, uesayJv.ntL.aR itdhur. ulSotid MdtiGuaranleeti by Sehanck Hdw .accident Tueaday afiarnoon whiRe vts break vas recountedte 10tbe jury. Fur- iStaniileyRe a. J L.Roer ndy Co. andi Decker's Drug Store. iting at ite home o! hie sont, Mrs. ther thau Ibis no evidence vas avait. Btsney loue vs bre oer tînitt - - IRobert V'asey. Ha vas ptayngwith abl. andi Coroner TayRor ortieredth ie visilig is parent .s, Mranti lre . F lit samati cousina in the harn witb a romnains burieti. The chilt vasune- l '. f n r l Fl riFrl~ c i y E t n E N T. n - T he I D E f ed e cier an ti ha tibis r gh hn d bad - develope ti and i te oe r la n Thefuerl o Ms.FanieCoby.- IEDIET.lycrushet in tecog viteels of te VIncet IlRtas deat i we o X6m« &5d-6__E Farm Pôwer in Its, . Most Simple and E conomical Form Let Us Demonstrate the Worth of this Friend of the Farmer at the Lake County Fair. TODAY the trend of thought is more strôngly than ever toward the Wallis--the champion of quality and engineering excellence. %aJ This is true because of Wallis performance, and because the average Wallis owner cannot restrain his enthusiasm over what his I Wallis does for him. HE finds in duis quality tractor the machine that meets his Ask any dealer or Wallis ow,.ner to tell you about its supeutur every demand. Power s there an abundance;, and depend- features. He wiil point out Wallis %aIve-in-head motor %vith ability which insures unfaltering service is a characteristjc its removable cylander sleeves and completely machined com- that wins has admiration. And finally the realization that his bustion chambers. the famous 'V' f rame-the strongest yet i' Wallis is bult to stand the strains-that it keeps on going ightest foundation ever bwlt into a tractor; the cut and 4 tI l from one plowing season to another, with singular freedom hardened steel gears, fully enclosed and operating mn a con- 51~J from troble w'is ls hart An nauralyin is il-stant bath of clean oul; the, oversîze f riction-reducing bearings l thusîasm he tells his experiences to those he meets. videnced b ther W lls mandmets So it is tbe news of Wallis performance is carried. So it isAn today-as ev ece y h steadily ,creasing dmn that men everywhere know of this quaiiy tractor. svhich bas for Wallis tractors-the Ainerican farmer is voting for the Sh supplanted bulk and beav y weight witb compact design and assurance, dependability, durability and economny that tis fine engineering. Wallis advanced engineering brings. -Wallis Reopresents the Highest Ideals ini Tractor Building and Tractor Service See the WaIIis at work w hile you are at the Fair. -I wiII plow daily fromn 10:30 to 11:30 A. M. and froi toW 2 P. M. on the Appley Farm, adjoining the Fair Ground on the North. Use North gate, opposite grand stand., WALLIS DEALERS' IN LAKE. COUNTY DIETZ MOTOR C0-M-P A6N Y, Libertyville, Ilinois SMITH & CALKINS BROS., Barringtôà,, Ilinois WA . CIIINN» J. ALDEN--WERDEN Antioch, Illinois . 4 Id d Wauconda, Illinois6 I o4merlca 's &remvioqt ZÎiactot L RD E. STI p' i î-li t si- i LEN. HONIE LEN. SU Favors .* Warrn G.Hé Prosidaut &BdCl 'Id4e fer Vie. Pro ,Addlmg.ihe cause ocmstie mievUbS. la eppe.ed tet F," Uy snted. A.g eMt of Eure@ Mu et. He faner. roi -preseut Public U theveby gAviagt.u &a ou" flm He favevp < barlug &ma @el vin naure teath afair palesfer bu "M dnteami eh., item PRll BOY IIRNED 1 FIRE IN WIN1 HIARBOR Seven Year OId So Bruno Victim OfUM Fire Sunday Mil Ta-' seven year old se lira. Aiez Bruno, of Win was terribly burned el morning when a lire ut origAn deatroyed the Bru drove the f#MIejY out of haste that personal effec affectp. etc., were matitil< CIleavor ftg as-t- lent-el, b)Uî-, hlhtimef aineilj im 'tplai. where lit- was Dfr Bîllmcyer of Zion-baý In attend hi miandi founti i W,-rp. or auch a charactei h.' only had one chance lir. Btltmeyer saiti te, fho h ei asnbur-e hadtianhaieti se much u thal h.' fPit that h. Wou] recul, er. Co-»@ .m ,in [liftides the terrible ln tittip boy there in anothi tut.' fo the lire wbich x mumed the Brnso borne mai houa. e nete At, b verre ovnd b7 Brad 81 kbovo Bouton realdeat. Il estime that Bruno.1 ail of bis bombeotd cff.4 tb.p terrible acident te ho lost 8400 in real morne On Elaturday ha bom a frilnO hich added te ebîcithe had been sat For Le~ FRED

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