111E LMOR1VILE MDI)'>ENr.THLIMMAYWC SEPTEMBER 2, 1920. eti y -le In depen en t . T EWjUn . lell 914 atrelle g~oLEGIlON SIEARCIIS tTbrBayenngtmaei e h olwn rltvsa b en, lierANT nioVU S55 e y and ?~stat , ;i us sh nweter ineCole) at thse jhonte on tBroadway la ra few deys tn I.af '1W >.<-pi 1 auhau W U'iIIIDSmI Al Conute t ilarnîton, Ohio. Atter lie, FOR ' onte Of lier Parents, Mr. and Mrs. wî-ek: Mr. and Mrss. William ut - W eb.vSw TOi Y~K 'dI1 VJI44kIi~ ~ dL~- j -usît thie mnuy lie received a telegrant! John Coleo n Newberry avenue. A Guiru sof itckford; Mra. John Kestar, EMDIEM lu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pust lng tu De sigsed by his vife rMi mmbe !get eeprsnss !lili.Et. sd i.Gog ot W. J. MITIt ---- Editor DPC~s osol eI ailo. IL'U ~ ~ I4. h rd .e re Ply iset, and ofTbe rturf nd tMtr. GeorgeiBull il. 0. M oTil.... .. . ... .... . .. ..... ...... _Imanager -une 2bh. Sue did, not arrive ansd, w bie Pcle aY Pot n !T e eund tilI.h m t CS4L . NLLV .. .. .. Local Manager -il,' set anoter elegrani and rî'ply kiffs. ITuemday 0 Ithis week. CM&___06_____________ .__ .__ .__........ ______...__ 'i be neit silver dollar imâtued troin to* itiat Julia Deltawell ent bisa a A t'ali on ail Ainrîclin egion n'n *USSPTIN PRCE-1J0 ER EAR STRCTL IN DVACU.the United States mints will bear a 1î 4ias tollowa: Susie flot heie or Libîrty-vljle Post No. 329. Liberty- ____________________________________________________ ymbol commemlorating thse aew Pence I is ldo ont k nv~e sae a.' se ille,_________Weil__as__a____________________________in Offlie NulUbsi' Lihefl III erlita-If thse auggestion torwarded tau s o ol netg.t sd,<tilsswl salLgoare n ,,Meë TlephonWeuwili< 1. by theileAEechage. Wil litsi wtt.Buste ln of 914 IMarketis i ie Uited lStates tu scaruis for' Pst MW nttte étfiea etfle , III, éàt* eSuV C lus U Maletent. matlc*assocIatIon in adolpted. ILI] Julia Deltawell and If elhe IF vate ArcPle L. Lakce af LiOrnnge, lit.1 ueu t Us Poeottle etUberyvile, N.. a Becnd'Caas ailAt thee tinal meting 01 these ociety. (j'iiitssnd lia flo toihe ey teyWol elvdt uI naaybs OGLESBYVS THO PSON aicis an beln in session at Chicago b ft h o is nny l ptal ssfferlng frram a cons tTHte lo. OLSYVS H M SNfor thse past four days. a resolutlon 111ot telegram." thsPpafih eOr*bsbnsetu!m. ves Iltroduced by 15rran Zens. f ari out tent for Il Lake County people are growing more iateneely anterested in Californie advocatIng tiIs stop. Thiis e d arle Gitionun t rhis wifc ils hHoteglon beadquarhcs ln In sdiRnapolîs *e ittr fghttha isbeig wge inthestae fr te Cmin pli-cou ntry bua been pnactically depleted Iwosl'tied and ciea tsi tise ouselaLait'. case lu e o ! ofthe sirangpmt Use ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o bitrfgttsij en ac ieeaefrts aigp~ îsilver, andi as e new Issue of! cuver ýOnoteadfnal neiU »whlch ha, beffles those wtws. duty 1%.Tie effort of Maiyaor, Thampenont gain contrai of State af- dollars le soan tu De cenat, tise suggesv e iio a 3 -o c tionla lmey. ne mod wtl n sul ends one of tile mont unusual il was t'a identlfy tise "ouiided an Mie in a conepicuous thing and a general feeling which seems toaouibtedly lie usesi. and en"mbî-M Of cVe tlledramnssftlet even has Ieen killsed or the A. E. F. On July 1,' î n r lotm eplag tise state sthat if tise peop*l in thse city of Chicago are thse victorlame Ieace would b.ve his.eg1,njo teatetnofte % tou-d1111 lalar was rpanded tin atla. &dous snd willing ta continue under ftne Mayor's domination, that tonicai vae -gnPOIe. (en as treil rot opote oln as pitl SIre'in frnt ompetsloi, O ISei Ssi -- thei prerogative, but neyer han it been found that thse people in fmemory. the dowmutte district. feel thes me towvard tise Mayar of Chicago FINOS WIFE WITII FOWLER BUYS LAND) "ben ail trac*er ake w a sFrday S pt. 3- 6:3 PNM as do tihe citizens af tisai metropolis. d lftu ~urrcr o l id e tound lntYsi aag' hosPîtai andi Do record of ni., eaun h . .Cuc -cego pobitice far years tea aknown fact. Hie» cantinued succeua tifl Laki~c ie'@ oidier n t anoo, baiex fp the palle proves it, but thse financial candition at present intise City RE9V1113 UI L L T 3 Frankt T. Fowler Whoalias Juph sots' Il ustesi every m0utls he could think t - rs U l fO f ci shca o we%"tisai-Mayor Thsmenbs o ena siighie 600 acre tfrim on SasidiLakte ru of ta u gasote new» of lier non. il la Chicgn acabsîderatlon or $105.,000, bas ;, bellevei iet be liq stil li tve. ligbt" as an executive. And just becaume Citizens cf Chicago ire Wbn lFrank Pappazoff, 631 Norths nantced ie hean ujust purchased i-f on!'1 'fl vase ],ite së-es,îd lu tise 97th Cool- wihlg ta tolenate hit» andi bis methad in no reason wiy tise people 'It'lt ee'~t, Hamilton,. Ohio. ramne ta J. R. Cribis of Anioch tihe olsiThoi o' Pâ'» O1tise remous 6tls marines.I o Waukegasi a few weeks ago, tallowtng a., Witen faim of 132 licre.sn ait tIF'O of thes tate should place themiselves under his contrai and under a Iwo mauhhssu eritn for lits vite, corth biait of Cedarl-aite. Mn. Fowt, Mitsel)oahhY Ayes8. Vho attends the th cnro o hecrw tatb pay it i hiag.Mr$. Suntie lappazaft. andi tousiilher lsO tUrchsud 30 acres of Vater ili I 'niverslty et S'attle. Wasah, invio- '1 It as s known fact that anybady wha is in Mayor Thompsoni's ah Ilui Sautis Sheridan rosi, he disiMr. Fawien purchasusi 300 frtue - '1ta taliern f Se .Ahhersthe exi. v r W faction is controlled body and saul by tise mayan himself. ,Thbat is 5<ot'drisa his trptsy "oral" andi portfrunage an tise laieo!Robent B.' Peou (Surn t u Stter Vas iene. teÂi'ste.tfut sivailunsevers stsISplan la tusopen a big stihîjivi- ,- O i A rea I4owws ivn n e why the genenal feeling in thse statle is that if tise Thompson-Lundsn Plac A r N o addispose o! lots forn ummircý laoni-al tiseborne of lies failero0 10555usd lie starteil ouitau how iisage purposelu. liteplans 50 -fýinik . 0 'd het h ol~' gcl ointe wins in the prescrnt prinaany and is carried thnough ta victory tf., s5e hallbeen nUhiise'Ilis ber s etwt mesttyaIwh .i, ses Sure ret: Mhe sud Mis. r- sn the election, if will permit Mayor Thompsan ta daminate state tecton. Hie maldo lave violenily. faIira ontssatiaiprtsreca b Bei afar o h ex oryas arrs'tng ber off her fes hy thse a! tainsmI and Weillwater wsll be stiltt,îîîs thilr Co<'kingham, Githîs m Ave'rts, ci ltrstdi eLau efar orts ex oryrn.tnis littîoweresl aisbem triifact!iciail cottageru UHeî.ayq thît, wtîilsatrop, *larrv Lt.imlroi', *,iend Mls.',Itrse nteLau Net a finger canitbc pointed ah johin G. Oglesby. the candidate Iiîîmss!a'L- ,, l,, Iisfl e i u "er exclusive featuies. Mr..tChaiîles Parr, aIl of Chiicago:Mms. Lu. ,o ilB ecmda oute olppoeing Mr. Thompson's selection. Len Smali. l'n ise andi attention filet Uthe o YouI sasi a his BelO We1I"ct liiA ass ar Anaolunoteffd Mn. Oglesby ta. lang been in public ser'vice in Illinois'and h-us s'n mise p,ývcîbiat 'n,wbal o i rpry ei ahopJhiot fAe.4ai arecord that is untarnished is every respect. He is a product of On 8untay ntgbt Pappazoff sw Wsntrforsaleaetonsdi ln ise unW.Weavr an Mis LoI A Mine autisa Warrant frts arrest o! hita OEPENOIENT reacis over 15.00 ed Ch'1ica~go were fUlsa presçnt.A ot WEAR YOUR OLD CLO IHES JIlinois, lits father was the wan-governor of Illinois, and Mn. Ogieç- j% 1soifthmie ifort-ebe .. ' br le surounded by men of calibre, position and business ability. on t"'e City jati. He iassgulahed there erg eoleili wee. enJoYabte tisne as hall bu ail. until tis mortig. Mn. ansi Mrss. Pap thse eo-called etate ticket. azo. s ffecclonale as twa loves".: Anybody who lias any doubts as ta the merits of tise twa îi,-k- slned tise beartng. Pappazas! :en'I nauncesi that bis ie bas; decides Iot ells asould lait down and faîte a few minutes ta analyze tise individul; retorn ta isî n sd givs 015lber sweet- Members uposi bath. Witis a careful analysis the Oglesby ticket i'id t t'ni's'î s' s In <î iv' , 'ij mesaares up âïl fine shape and aften yau analvs'e the Thampson inolusaand conseuuntly droPpusi bs ticcet vou wiII con-e ta ' .. .. .. t"-iiidr 4 titivsaof the Chicago L u and comp.oli as rfanenl wna wil De Siat ttnev tplan ta iaie tbuir haine donninated absolutelv by him in Case îlney wcre successful. in fi 4s 1" ' t t Iazo!j i.ý Ieairned 10 lik e mesity. Il was on Jusie 29, 1920, that ib' j %%i.ukt-gan police recelvîsi the fottaw f I Wosnen un ta, recently were flot considered in the caxrpagn, iîi'1er "miNI!,t' tP. i - taiks. but naw tIsai Tennessee has spoken. the candidates are al an alqoance'.ai Hamnilton. Ohi; dsanging their line of! argumnent. It'. going ta' change 1hng Frank 'Pappazoff eays hits wifes i1' - whale lot, tbis waman's righs tove. sisal sise bas been siayin isg'1b Jua ..-* Pay for the first, few records and we will deliver this genuine T HAT'S just how confident, we are that 'the Pathe is the one real phoriograph that you will 'wan t to keep. NO IL0e d tesat> ebage an a jew- eileti Pathe. The SaPPiire Sali nover Vears out. ZGuaraiihoed longeî ite o( Records. 3Play&a ait maitesa i recorde. and i layo thbem botter. 4 Always. ready tg play asi sean as YOU slip un a record. A S suttreme ln ton.i because of t b e tamous Pause Saip' pbtre Bell. $The Pethie Cern trolla enablee you te increi.or de. creace tise taal vol- ume ai Vill. Pay for the records yoù select and the pay- ments for the phonagraph wîII be arranged as best suits your awn convenience. There is no ailier, as gaad as Pathe-the Supreme Phono- grapb--Supreme in every gaod quality that ý6ù ever looked for in a modern Phonograplu-Su- preme in design and in construction and in MU- sîcal range, above ail supreme in the ane biggeet thing that counts-Supreme in Tone-iisitbiout doubt the finest musical instrument of its kinci made today. On Your Own Terms (withtn reecon) Corne in. make your selection of records. Play them first on the'Pathe model yau nie best and canvince Yourself that the Pailue îe the onlyPhonograph ta buy. - i = - i H. H E H M E E G. T. LUCE&'SON Libertyville, Illnois s lb née and See the World's Z'Lealding Cabinet Women, the world over, agree that the Sellers Kitti ien Cabinet is in a cas al its oïm>. It is the cabinet with ail thie conveniences that housewives have aiways wanted, but until now have neyer found. bet us show you why the Sellers is a muet wonderful convenience - ai marvel for efficiency, strength and beauiy. SELL 1ýERS CBNT "'-Me Sest Servant in Your House » Tisousande af dollars extra are apent annuelly for ina- provements, Yet tise cot to you isana greater tisan tise Prnce yau WOuld psy for *DY good Cabint. Wisy be est. lud witis anytising les tisa tise best? Tisink whist thse conveniencès, wisicis are found lina otiser cabinet, wilI mean-ta you. For instance, tise Automnatic Lower. ing Flour Bmn, a rernarkabie device tisai fills easily and uhen slips quietly backr in place; the Auîomatîc Ba". j\Shelf Extenden; tise _?orcelîron Work Table; tise Axt- Proof Casters, besides imnyoîiser long-wanted features. We wili demnonstnate ial oftisese impravementss and ici yon judge fat' youreif. Compare tise Sellera wtth any calbine-t ye'. ever saw or used. Our liberai seeling poiicy will permit you, ta arrange terme ta suit your incoir e. Came la scon forademwastretion. Toke advan- tait uf this apportunity. Begin ta enjoy-TODAY- tise easien work and more leieure a Sellers guarantees. The Ray Furniture and Paint Store Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenlngs Loca Shoirt hem. 0 Bd Dradley aient "taw Park. Miss liettyo jocis dais tsi Chicego. NmIssMarte langle cago vlilton Mondai 0. C. hîsîlî'> mha i of hown. tfi a Chicsîg flitts, ittie datugli J. S. Gridtcy, is au! ".wk o fthe înusps. lam,.arris..'d 'luieda <layteseWilth nuIit George Doyle thi fra mthe Dieti Motos iadui Cbevnolet tmt Mis a Majole Mes f tee Weukegan, Wh, Weeks. wtth tsi-r <'u E! îsger lose tinette.;Ills& t'en'iing ait th' W suing lier tfs i5s, School We art line of yearsà, Also a PANTý Hosiel-> E.W For thse w. img tisatieur suketanttal isu beautiful asti Note, thern in (1) Haut( dim*8. (2) ble hoiler cat *(3) Rat' Mrro featun( catcling crei (5) Roui (6) Ricb Ci (7) Fana tnark---etamj antd your pit ta eut kiteni RlnS. Sc har LI BERTYVILLE - - - = ILLINOIS PUR six Exclusive Advantagss in SFxA JEWELLED PATHE I and yet the Poilue costs no more thon the ordlnary phonograplu Phone 27 x~4 w