FAIR Tif T e T ..... TIME AGAINe The Purpose of Our Own Festival and a History of Some Others ................---- J. STAHL & CO* E MEN I4HO SHOW RF-ÇULTS' M Lake County's argest Real Estate OPerators= Our Specialties: egan Homes and Lake County Farms - ON EASY TERMS Ve make farm loans, buy, seli and xchange farms. Immédiate service! Phone, Cail or Write - J. STAHL & CO. Phones 237 or 238 226 Washington Street E VAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS point. It ieasonething duferent to practically every on@ Of ne. Tiiere ia no doubt~ thongh, that the. feeling of gayety ia univeral--eren to, those who muet work 1ke Turko to inake the, occaion &a Buccem 1. The man or voman with a gronch bas no business at our fair this ilear. You must go prcpared te cnjOy the. blare of band rnusic and the, imillion noises that aren't rmusic. You inust be kcyed up to revel ini the iight Of thousand& of chttcring hoeliday enakers, of bright decorations, of pretty girls, of sideàhown and ballylicos, of popcorn balla in red tissue lud sweatng glasese of orangeade, of sizzling sandwiches and ice creana tones, of liîe-stock and household and iffpfement di&plays, of pattering tntters and paceru and running hc'rees, of buzzing grandstand, of golden nsahine and ye)Iow d,.luo Yes, and tired fcdt and wlîimpering babies ieith hcat-rash and Eî,it ale(ks hure and tiecr-for Mwc haven't readicd fthe land of pcrfec tion yet.. Now l14s pre! Ulc s'îrfa(eeOIT! the ituation And see evhlat's inside. Th~is enea fair ia going to bc a pretty fine advertiseenent for our viiole ccîlnrunty-the surrounding farta lands and farmers, the town anid its entcrprisiug pulîcsp iUd îrLhurt.s. And realh' that le the rock- buttfor purPîIOae of holding a far-idIvürfieh.ig. Iti t a community situ and effort to show its rp q k licw iudi they ainount to, and toe show out- siders that thus is aàanîgbty goed placte te live ir--properous, progresive country and neighborly people.'. A ian ]ooking fer a place in which to settie down coudn't ressonat,.v ask for anything more or bette- Cuurtesy ta Visitors. The fIclýs of this corrnuý ty nul' rstand onie anoîlier. 0ur fannée know the. town Luiness meiin th ii who they' deal. 0ur business menu are pretty well acqttinted '!îrlnost of thei. pecple who corne luto their stores. Now we mant toe ' alofu&--Our spirit-of kindl.ness and intelligence te the strangera e.Ln ur gates during the festival RsOx. It is Cie bekt sort of amdvrr1ý-. g vcn cC piut fi rîh. .It is in(-timably worth ni. e tri us if visiters go hiore and rav: 1 lwas like te attend thnir fi.r. 'Le whoie t-)wn seains te wiggle ils latclîatring, at me. A d l ,c.~te eiest' pec.plfh -gi) out of their way to b. pohlite.--rcady to give îr.frrtnat. n <cr do a little favor-l*m certaily~ going back ofhEncr aud get a ar.tîh fciint cf thecm7* in order furtLcr te anQn. r ilic hr ,u:n l,.li intro diices tl.k artMPl, w. tak-e down Our banlv rt1r.i ce Lr(-rk-a large recl volumne-and turu te page 426. Thercin we lti i.eî the word '-fair' is derived from t4e Old Frrnch 'er. the mrcl ýru French "or, the Ita.hîa.n "r, the Latin "«fcria," nieaning holiday, an.d that this is COriuected witil the Latin "foeetu.%" meaning feust. in the. United States therc are no fairs cf the lind that bave heen common in tbe Old World. 'i êi eIn n lire te aP}itd te sa var;tvtY Of exhibitions, such as churcb, chittsuAd agriculturnl c'ihibitions, and local, state, naticial, or interna.tiornal expsit.ns or fairs. T1h. fact is, the terntsaraplied te ail e wl î.i.ewIre 1cc1Ac are expecctcd te besCuè( patronage or inake purchaEet. Bits of Fair Hstory. The. auoct comyron lind are agr.cultural fairs-oûunty and etate, au you know. Thie kinid got thcir Etart as a regular thing in Amieuica in 1@19. At Albany, N. Y., there waa a prosporous merchaet1 Elkauab Waî'n. ~o 1d-"I l Mt n o ter1rtse Would <n curago fParming Contanued.on Page 3 Early Fal. Sale 0F Cotton Bankets These cool nights make you think of Blankets. We have &orne wonderful values to show you i ulai colora and also in fancy plaids, 64x80 Plain Colors, Gray or Tan * & 64x80 Plain Colors, Gray orTan . 66x80 Fancy" Finish 66x80 Fancy Heavy,. Plaids, Wool Plaids, Extra 3.79 3,98 4.79' 5,098 Sec these Wonderful Values Innes Dry Goods Co. WAUKEGAN TheMost fgr the Least-But Always for Cash _What the N. Y. Sun said about the Studebaker LihtSix THESIJD BA ERln tie Sludebsker LrLt Sax. je cortrolild aud n:'.er becomes éx- The I.git Sis the only car. with A lbÀ urried inspectJon stîVe OLlY a ces,eýiy bt a t he take Mani- lie exception ettwo eling e0nsid. _ __m t conception et boy inuci ciass> bld l4 in contact vili the waler rnani- erably over U,000, tuat bas tie craak- NE uIN ts e ew car really liae. It looke a iTe flow of coud watt r le faster suait and coneectiia erda nîachineda&L - -great deal longer ta Il le becaue od Ligli Sixluofn tfhhe rakig benLoCulof lie body. Thaea.te oe(!ed Ofthe ticnu'r lm îucreasE*d over. Ti.ese ms iining operations ita ____Si ___Oe f heFe. blg, ac en acd b lmar icularly Eotiat the water remains at Ia Con- sure perfect balance. A Corps orse- blackeef liedromdy anle. Evan iat enperature. This exclustvesCOn- pr npceaceku nUOmr gacflviewed <l &D nle vnof tiheutachlni2le. and ssory cra.k- Spnnugiig seucations at â,iromiiîlIe the Wtad sbield le tipped nt a cle er eacintkstc eifo i t haf I isin perfect rumnlng balac E shows bas licorne a Studebaker habit, anle ad te tender@ have a ntat coied metor *and combines Wti It wien It in pas-ed hi the final tnapcc CE bu h"u"wibl convinclang. teovosavnae ftewtrW utprbaps lie greateat ant yet ln. teovcsaatae ti etr tor for asiembling. Connecting rode troduced le the appearance of the nev Outan'ling tentues.are ecuti ttI l ol e ond o t .ar tetfor cale a r oilte ME tadebaker Ligit Six. Coincident witti thinge net usually ltusd I cars of tudebaker bas a 40-horse power six- tacoai el oable ton fr at of!8, Weili kuov a mû.of a al ils adveit aithe mter car show il t uahis prîce. 1ke plate glatee oai Win- cylinder mter, sud the car weigia Ils acceetibiiity sud cdean cut de.îgn, lnclined valve action, founud oati JUSin at nearly three trnes the Stude M ta a.'nuncod liat the entire tacilitien dows in rear et s distinctive <i>psy compet. but 2.400 pounde. Cord tires but anaofor its truly vonderful econ- aoirnuopted car and In on. ofthtcekrpic.Ltl nulrlls ofet b.great 815.000,00 taccories new tp ued orha edul u- are 32x4 inches and whtteieare steel cliii. Tus econorny le secnred iy On bkrpieLtl agaiyes * nenrng compleilon in South Bend, ming ieadlIgbîs, limousine footboard tfloed. meana of a unique featurs vhlcb con- bitgica rcdA.taemtl Ide vear on lie pistons sud better ___ tar l e dof tu o te auc verts every drop o! gasoline loto Puw- rf alure oftheli new Studebaker Ligit balance repuit. ture ofwti b deodte tc iuua adut ober luxurieus trimminge.. Tbi So perfrtcly la tie neW (car balanceut er wvith ne po4sibilty ot vaste, and sx ihii e 7eo av e Andnovli ne ca l hatedpoi h cla f genuine leatàer and liait te a mcao lieti cIhr ialved the performance sud general eltîcien-d An*o h e a J aldb ohdrtver* comparîment ad ton- or quartered, and caci section vilii cy of the new car are lu conacqueilce tien, vittri te valves are Inclined ai Amcrg otber noteworibi fNatures E ismakers use c"Wrda Greateat nesu have plenly of l:g room. Tio >1mcw te sanie aciat. l. iicauye of! iîja rernarkiaîîe. an angle et 20 deg., and viti lie new are a c*evnient and accessible sut- _ ÀStSix," and judgtag , Lb.the andale isrenbt oad la fel rttt-, en diseibuîiori ot wiehtlit-te 0ev %fauefrwihaptn pl- iiziLmnflddsgtegnsi utetfrtkn pWa h Ligit sud liebinstrumnt board leoutilian- Studebaker 1LigttSix te severe test» etr e hc a'n pî- lia~cnaiod eln i ae e jemn o mtgu ero i ancrothe tiat bave iatheed labout fi rae orlcnenec fdr -. rreidnglits annencsmnent provedle cation han been xmade, tic internai hot the combustion ciO.flber are ntd- cmeue adiiale tma crils conidered net ouyunusual but lu fat[, wben you stîde ta under le i abtlily te ield tic' rcsd at i pecdmune- spoc whIch surroundseacssaîrk plug. , led ln aeY vs>'. Th.ce te Practi- gcars; lirte point suspension fer me -_ revoluieear te is deaga, veel you are iaîmtdîattly diîligbl'-<i du-r conditions wheri- îeaa '-r. lesS secures incter vaperizatien, a lioiter cîyasriî ipsaemeie 1radtaaiso;srii n _ .......... revlutionry ln ls desig.viiihthe acceusbiil t fcltti lie-al, scteetifically balan'--',l tare sliow' d a fue'l, grealer ec-feieiy sud btter coin-trm mautInwhneoee IrThecar aigtliirice a thed îli a ccblgeslly and steerîng vilel tendeecy teward mleî-ay. bustion. Ali tinese recuit from the tact comobustion charner, providing maxi- !an osrcinvt eofes titcar gi irie a s edwtic a bakeacleratoand tter, g w4îîl" tiat theitceoing gas, after bbrg mui eceeomy. perfect combustion cil treateu nickel-steel, transmission eord tires, viici iodei arc on alI of makes m'eu feel I tny>ou could dri've Other ouitaeding and uxceptioniîl tlîoreughly vap)orizqd iy litising 0ii' r anaoprecluding the possibility et sur geare; and a construction that Mbaine _ ti* Most e«pensive mter cars. As a the car a11 day witilout a5by dicom- Mastures In thce ev clar are eumî-r- the- hotucombiustion chatrier, bits ibis mater o ct nunerous features cft tort. cuis. The mr o f tS% Inchbore by unJack-tcd huot>spot thc Instant fi t is naoic oieing n op f titdirete drive îtietan b igi pricei totr cars are te he foued 0f1 *-netb vieel bwe, Ibc nDev 4% Inch stroke, viii slumlnum de.- Il rough thetinIe-t valve. This bat sPOt or sceping dowe paat the pistons. glrt i rrsai Visit Our Booth at -the Fair and Let Us Tell You More.,,ot h World'is GAts ih- * PRICE $485 f. o. b. SOUTH BEND .Ahn&Wells1Motor C ompany! S217 N. Genesee St., Waukegan Lake County Distribulors Poe5 LAKE,- COUNTY NEWS 1$ -ALWAYSFRSIN FI If you gel cornes soi we will rt Many of1 here regt systemati ens the, h Let Us San -PHO - 225 D WAUI SR. N. SMITH -On the NEVM E =- M=hrd