VALUE 0F FAIR TO OUR PEOP.LE To Their Memory Sanc tif y and pre3erve their memorX swith- AMONUME.NT 1T is 'a. most fitting and suitable way to perform your sacred duty tô' those who have gone. We errect modem .mo- numents at mod'emn cost. .A iide range of designs- await your selection or we wIIl make a design in* ac- cord with your own ideas. You -Will find our service equaled by few- surpassed by none. F.. BAIRSTOW CO. Phone 31, Waukegan, Ilu. REX E. WELLS FCOME ANID SEE US Y OU wli find the fatch- string of this newspa- per office banging out ail ready to lie pulled durlng fair time, &W once Insido you will- b. met wIth, cordial welconie. If we don't know yoV iofonaly, this fi a firit-rate opportufllty to cet acquainted. If you're an old acquaintaflce,- you'll have the advantage of not feeling lk company. Mctal Pen Resaut, of Ac t Boine 60 years àjg-ý)3osepiî iiite wua a orklng IeweleC ln Brming. baem, England. One day, beacWial iy wçilt one «f bis âine teel o' an*,. being suddeniy reqaured to sign a r.. ceipt, andi not fIndlng a pen handy, lhe Used the eplit tc'ol ais pi" R ~ ue rails happy accident 19 5ald to iave led to the idea of maklng iwas09 M. J. ACHEN Phone 5'68 VALUE 0F FAIR 10OUWR PEOPLE ý6Agrcutural and Industrial Show' for Both the Town and Çountry Folkc. MN ECHANCE FOR NEW DUÀS Ilesldes, t Appeuis te Ail of Us Who Want'te B*A-Mused Whil* We're. Leornlng-Cfoser TOuch With Hocme Laves of Nelghbore ý-Tli fair lr, an edlucational clearing bouge. il ao an agricuturel andi In- dustrial insttitt for residents of bath toWn and country. Itlas a short course In better fariulng and better livintg. It la àpbyreas denionetTiitiof of wby thie mans who fertae with bis tend Insteail ,f %%tb bis bands must icevltabiy sue- . R la a compreblensive exhibition of what tie anitiouS boy or giema, Sebieves in agriculture, lave-stock rea- Ing, dairying. liortieulturai. home, gar- denlng, domnestic scitnce or bousehîoif economy. iltga an exposition of ttie Inarveious lip4rovemcnt In farm ma- cliinery and egriculturel ImPiemeitB. It la an object lesson In tbe great part wbieh liiproved mecblnerY Pisys la tie developalent and cultivation of the farm mnd the increased prosperityj gf the fermer. Look for Veursef. Thec cilef edurationai veiue of our falr lies ln thie fact tint It i8 demon- etrative in chereeter. The cys lasa imore convincing intructor than the. «r. W. are sow te acccpt and b- Bae Inl any new metiiod until w. bave bafi opticai proof orets asuperiorlty Iliver the oid. Oten lit ia difficult te eecure tii. at- tentbon ofthtii busy main or wonian ioni onougb te give auch a demontration. -Mot lnfrequentiy Il bappens that farte- 'ersw ho.would be most benefited by betrmethode ot farming are net suf- Olcntly lnterested te b. Presectet Sny>pcci meeting calied for Uic pur- pose of discussing Uic subjeet. But Uic fair appeais te thet trait Of mnakind i lh demanda entertainuient ' d a m s m n a n d b e c o m e s a e l a - , e n ou- - for the discussion Of aui n a ts bain g te d o w itii agriculture., tndatv, ichoe andi the ichool.1 i: itis cierIng-bouse of educetton, itbe fermer learns wbet Uic manufac-1 f turer, Uic merchant and the banker aiel and bave been doing te matke bisla bçr leu ardooup and bis fartaorea profitable and the tuwn resîdent learne; uvhet rapid progr-"In te bcg mede l agriculture. A bond ot commuon Inter- est la crented whlch meus Much te' bhul town andi country. Value te Everybody, Taie farnier leerne tir acttul obser-, 1vtion or tise newest devIces nd lut- provements Ln egricultural ImpIe- mente,.lHe learns Ibeir use and ben'e-1 fils. Ile learns In whet way thej asslet in sol cuitivetion, In plant1 growth, In aowlng, tn barvestlng, lai thresing. nic learns the ecouomil Ivalue (p taie mure modernm maclilnery.' of tu iles', of Xotor power on thi The- urben dwciler le fiýrnlsed a Ivasai licture or the tegrîculturnirl - sourcea orthte comuiunlty. Die learns about the fertilliiy of Ile poli la the' v"lcnty; of uliet la being (loue to lu-, lreaee thecfatanyleld; t0 IniProve the' qualIty of the stock, and tu multliy' the total dalry product. Every man and woman, wbetber, town or country resideut. La bro0uglît toa coser touci v.itb thc home 111e ,ïat others. Al Imbibe tiiet broader iduclon whlch operto- thai Ideal education wlc la '5serv ice to self andi aU Isumenlty., Phone Waukegan 247 O'SHEA & BIDINGER M0 - 211 North Genesee Street WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS CHAS. BAIRSTOW, WAUKEGAN, ILL. Lake County Distributor - for the- New Essex Car The Hudson Six and Nash Motor Comnpany Cars -and Trucks SEE THESE CARS NOW Phone Waukegan 31 for Denionstration IJT/d SF Player Pianos, Upright and Grand Pianos Pianos Rented and Pianos Tuned 1Victrolas and Victor Records THE BRUNSWICK, Ail Phonographs In One A C H.EN-WE'LL S N0TO-R CO01M PA N 217 North Genese Street WAUKEGAN, ILL Lake County Distributors for and PAIGE. MOTOR CARS On Hand at Ail Times Our Motto: Guaranteed Service Phone 568 for Demonstration See dark. NM1 Geni forl y< Geo. 1 lu Buj cg Pho M TI RS USE THE WAUKEGAN DAILY SUN AND LIBERTYVILIEINDEj le 'a ESSE MOTOR CARS il - - "- "mc2:ý - - . 1 .We Carry Everything In. Music