'i'nhl TOIU 6ATES; luT BY FAST ýTRAIN- Max Ruban,' driver, Leaps for Lif e a Second Bel ore Truck Is Nt. MACHINE HIJRLED 40 FEET. Max flubait, 1117 Washburr i, te Chticago,.bls fo lump fer hipi lie V. itlen Il imiteà train on the Chilcago andi rIorfh h cIIterc. riliroati strtî,k hi-ý big Moto ftruck. loaded witliîgraptc, a lte :îoutit avenue crossing Sttuidýtyf ILIternoon about fiv l0iclk.Vitef truck was demoüljFIci. beini îtit lorly 1t-l.Ruban jumni.ed ag .î-t, oef0rc ire rc,îit len lot hi, t- lt vas flot lajucfI-i llite truc-k asd-(, dci.u.tg ;j,, ti,,hi avenue ÜbiAand hiad rtaciti-ti a point barcîy fiîrte-en iecf i-011 li.e raks uliien the gatl,-t'w.-re tuve.eet, aceol.d- lng ltu Witn it. . izutitît CanIppd cnu fils breakls Ilt le 1- Otti0,i alt,fl I a ti r i --4 A at-ii ul 'ie a cUü-l Mt t if.,y ou;t1 nut l luuîlî A bi-Cotuili4 i,t<'I lle L[mcki i< tIlloIgià Ile '- ul a tnd sasutLle-r he 1ra n~Ife Clti hround lintitu.l ma lu -i i. t i t 11 ulgià t'a utegan , 1 st i iii' .t k ii ai e.aayhier I i.lie 110 l Iandi juifipt. Ie 'tas fltne , omltua o oîl. i hoeflglfl'er stolOe i lus traiii , a réiaarkabiy -tilot distanre an(> cle train cri-w iurrl,d back leaaecert .n t ue. txtelît <f damages. Itufa afatea te gateman for nosi !0- ti tt-d tItuei, 9&(J-!i suon - tei, sa)m the- ai-rdeýnt would flot atit .- tUP'ned liedtic liiad moj war!,î.nl filîst a train%%asalll.îitchlng. T'n l-ad Of gt1t8ts leze -- al'erud a11(ler t.lraék. KIDNAPPED GIRL? NAW! JUST TOOK AUTO AND WIIEELS Sensational incident at Gray's Lake "Blows Up;' Facts Are As Stated. STOLEN AUTO ABANOONED titartling r.,port frontOrsyljake idonàay ttucrning: iia Sik ir, vent le dance alitRoundi LaLe Salur- Say migat with twtvaYoung mon., tira ngl an auto. 'rltey left for home ln te car aller the dance. Pour tel- lows .-.in u PUit 0k te girl awiy Ir-- ite q - lt, titen made te raîe. '..5 boy. icave th@. car and, vitit lIt girl, drove awas in th@e alf-rucr. LýaIe,- bitey strippelite car, lef ihl g'ilu ta and 'beat i'.coodtoi - Iik fIt Up, 1lnc hp came front a Ituai Whlo 'i i th. day et trNtbtcandti h9e e porler wuitoitlJi âl ud a ig 5c', clice -aidUP, au aworktd up in aafiî <llton <f a good OOt 1tn1d i it- daii r-, ît i i d j.J auto ,tlaie cri Ilitîititear ibi,ýt;, l;Ai tir ii t,. u-t "aid lii ýunst-iirihuniant. And Jtii tiugil itititha1 l -thtroi'bd Ar:( so the1 rlîtry bi-w Up at- or'>7 am!nojr prm t filtruc e car t Ploi1en anitf the wtiêeeji li:<tud. TL' s "Flu" foi Return This Fail, Warning by Or. Robertson Heallt Commissioner John Dit]JRob- eriasna of Chicago beieves an Inluen- ta epidemic vit! recur in Chilcago Iis fall. tai a varaing Issueti yeslerday, he said: "liow serlous I it i L e ido not knov. However, 1Iamaacting 10 deai vilhit Ileffeotlveiy. ,Statistics show influenza recure ai Intervale of tbity years andIataI , four successive winters. 1 PROUD. 0F AIC E DFCE british Nation Mie Aeght l Etcuit hn *loriot Thot Surround Ancont Westminster Abbey. W,.tmiiister bail, iet ta titi *fosr nd tiWestîninter sbley,taitte inn-. hittrlce.Inf-- Lot<ndon. Ad. ru li ta te oure 'of riîlîtî l diét.-. ibock over RIONears.sliitoîigi Rlichard Il was respouible for 115 preIent giories. H. lit vas who, In 1397, aboitha laitrehutanti stdeti te grnt oak'roiif wtlch is riiîitly de- scrbtlas18 "one <f te fine'? feals of -coriîentry eztiint,"t nu itelhtct, %t jttdicielis patchlng frointnid 'iipq il- ber, ln IR-", bas laiqteil to titis day. Pciihabiiy the largesl ball in the vortît Uiîaupported by piliare, te bis. toricat associaions Of Westminster hall, ire full of Intqretit Tabicis on lte Lairs and In te mifdle of thte bail imark te spots wheri Chiarles 1 and te -art of Sttord stood ltitar trials, andI anothet' tahiet recurCl it* lying ln sdate of King Edwaref. liera suceosiveiy te datte cfSont- erset ant iebisrivai, lte dot'@ Of Nîrtlitîmberlfld, andis tttie iatpr, the dulie of Noifolk,' were ail trIa;l anti condinutobtid. The' bal'aas albo îte acene (if thte qsven yeitrst trial of War- ren Illsillrgs niof the proclamta- tlionof (itrî" ii(.11s. lord prôte.tot. A few yeatrs lîter is head vas broug lit frAn etnihtaqtey'abbey anti exposed (nit he ciiotit-rn gales. IVetiinler bhtall ia hec Pnlitleiti a@Bd tegai attiOi-atittt for ni.. te enriliest pzirliatttents r t . lb-l'e. mile IL ktii'a% 1SS.1 O- iaw eeurts'a-ere betitf withla and ti ouad. IOf .i ta"Via Pet LIBEITYVILLE INDEPENDNT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMÉER 9, 1920AG.IFlr£ SAYED RONM BIN BELFAST WAUXIEGAN STORE.LAUE COK LEGION WILL STURT T'WO IS OPPOSED'TO 1P16EONS- IN RACE STAND ON LABORý Beisil Stores tb Partiipat li 300 Mile Pigeon Race About ENTER EIIDS FRON 24 STATE. ltthu~ ie Drure-cltvelarjd drus btdeIne 10 Wakegan, local Boxàaitatçre. %II tti '-e Ivo pige'ons lnt tite big confe-ýtt nferred lu Llow, thie artie front t;e -. 'w Trit Sun ut Aag. 20, we of iueuiifreht. Pigeon fanctere, eportFmeî.'t ocria. izatiofland te pigeon raciha of ttc United ittatep Signai cires art tak'h- t a keen intee nti t , Wg*arier ri-r -on dorby tho Le rur, .1-';- ke t L.ouis. Whlîe îI( uttle i~.t.,c..CA rtc.I on 2uing ;ie r e, '£crifi5 h l y in l N t i 'abit a .C utnj.àg di? iii (1 ' m z e t4tt i-ttl seroiceb are (.t bùi' t ti , that I- ber. -. t tp ýe- t-l ,'enn tiiuin. ti,. t ,ý taei '~--.iueîtt cr-utr Im i le t t-a.cdfroi ii&.'tus sd tran atîitia 5eQ ~. ASIaS 0f st. Litet.. - ' 'a i i tt.g int-aeEetu ittîî il' t.e:~7 t t',' ily' and 'e- ci . - :"n t . it.ft LitAi 1.. r .'.-ltut is ln ti , [L j-lie à..:, .--nn Loi i i.re-t in ibie 'a tud, biiit for i t irtt . e nait tett 15e ig arnty of t igeün taI ttil! akù biti pcrbru ian rai e. tî te expeted tLey wilt rec- ord a "rtl! a mnule. Thte Derbty la to bg a fest-are of te couveniuoc. of hohO limucal druggiteîs. For mente expert pigeon famoeles la charge 0ette lotrbhave Lbeen oc- curied wvit titeir training, tncreaslnir teir flying distance aimopt dally. Thte birds range in age troma 9 menthete 1 1year. Aftlitrtes eeks te Young pigeons are baken, trom lte acalt. yty he lime they btave began to hluIler about anti tumitte andi fly froin the neuf about tbe toft. Titey titen are ranferred 10 lite loft up- stairs, bartded andi braceteteti, and liter- Legmns titeir Ile asufiler@. 11ep L;'-- eY are nstructed lunlte i-t andi a% .,.ryare equipped Wittîî eeryit!itg for comfoo andi iteaiî httlie besf borni geon coulti wist. tn te big 'aune coNere4 aviary te birds May erut about and suit theniselves, bate n cool, Cleir rua- ning water, feedsnd daîtt ltemoeives. Itundreds cf people about Bt. Louis bave asked permssioa te vitacas the race, tai la to vîlaess te "lrapptig ln" of the iirds as lbey return t te- Lig loft. .011ilors eftte pigeon s ectioitof te Uaited States signai corps viii Offi- cially observe te race. Titey wili also exiibit soine 0flt e hro bîrds, viticit distinguisitetithemeelvea llnte var. Gov. Gardiner sud Fraink P. Lucke, preaient oftlthe International Federa- lien Of Antericaia HOnIng Pigeon Fan- cieî-s, vili serve as judges lnawaard- iag te prîtes- viticitrange frOua 1109 up to $1,000. SIlOVES ARM TIIRU CAR WINDOW; BIAS AN ARTERY CUTf Jae Argonls. about 21 yaarE old, of 1102 MçAlister avenue vas taken to' McAlIster itospitaI Saturday night lu have bis right hnnd dresset a6 lte re suit of an Inlury eusltaied whten ite sitovel bis anus tirougit a vlndow ona aSouth Side street car. anarery heing rt. Me firat vas takea fýront- lta. treet- car 1M - fett-Ievru ldie- -anti later reynoved to the hospilal af - ter -Tir. J. Ml Walterr sta caihad anti to0k hlm bte1ha1 place. Tis. main tendàln.on bis rgitt tbun>b vwuDrac- t10a1iy uévera"tMdsivéet sttelies, were requllàtaf lx lin p Delegates to State CUnention Declare Against Mixing in in'-industrial Matter. NAME NAT'L E GA S. Lakc county d!g" in attendatne bt tie te c con t i o f lte Amer- iran Leticn 'succr'ied DulO nly bat- ÎLE t)tis ccuun:y dîtildtI frçm tbt Cook tî'nîd:fttict,blt & IBO sfarled lte b: t Ti--.lfl tID c'cu oer neutr«r.i ty" SC fi.r uh: t to rÉanizations arc- Cûtî .T: à ILal'e cmunty deit-ga- tuti. i at. utnd againat er-- ter-etOte.Lat view Oft le fat Lt< ti,'e-.:p..ton of tEIment- bors ar-e w -- tr-.-n s l.e ,,(:t WOMAN ISIILJI< -BU4IGY eata street.. auto0 mbt a ed by Jo. e. Baturday L'he accident Little dam- tlxt a. ,3rity of th'e memberti cf I UK 31al I I U IN~ âfferý;iLedis OUWN BARN E;gbt, thie cthr e'.<n d' coin- hlii- dnga 2 prismeCook tî'iitc. an i it.Zîn, wad aîrest 1 on Two d0ctestî f 'e or te na- Sut ;dii ie- r I- ntking a ci>gar Je 'ioral (ni nli', a tigto e b d l ie- 1UtL 11.1 is ta leainstcit andi ai Clevelanîd <j t 27ewre W. P. lje waa (liîîg t- -nc tork around Il.1 Liniteen uf Lak- Illuff, and Ed b 1iirn :: e rt. - cL'n-îdcîed L- T. Meehi' ieEut n S~rd lecrIwatt a dang-r "!f.tn ati bis ligtt- qberidan, and, Mlr-. t3î ru-cfl eiint'. egaiî 1Piw :îrtî bput out about Greât Lates.. i, 0: t w - r uýt ut intcpenîi- Ont W;tuk,-gon r, ntkbrr, Okel S. .nls' ant lv 1int . td t tbtrea. Fuqua, was seeciedin Pc-rven the wpre iyide 10 ti te Litf of vo- liai CXCUI.t (tflnuttfe Ite< ttutytt a , r officiais for a? leged 1lýah uc TI.tc c.e Vd cont- tinued uni t r -de-teand Jai ii ne il utit pruîî t % y ntere ding ai- Emnbers. faiîr as-1j tIlr--. îî.Io think tai *Inter fuel ta belng g .tliercd .up he could rit t, Lr: îcd for timoking Wher.eèr It imay b. found tla rtumn. l in i arn. ]b Paria the eci&t carte whichi ail day lumber atong the. Avi4iue de Versailes Hfl , HAL on the edge of lte Seine are toliowed by a ofqp0 womeu and chitdren Average Perron Witt. Be Surpriied at armed w fti it ank d baskets. Thej te Ainoui't of Reading Which roid le worn. ltere are many holes, it Cam Crinain. the. Wotz are troquent and bite of eCoi orý c«. corne turàbilng down. Ttere Wii1doill t1prs pn lu a iélh sand eager hands thrust. the "ii J Iii Nue-tA 1 pre trh blit] tesure ltangrimy baskets and rlui. itîtir. rsauporà. au o mi iaany yiÂtug Maun gaplag tecks. The glemners organise e wnii-u c, ireula. tbeminai?.nte aiittt-It' wortb 0* stances are iit.or,- ît 'n usualiy vexa. lag-they get au mach au a scft flous end unftrtvr- te get nt loegt onehuadredweisbt-in one quarter f bohit ait ittior ta soiid busy dey au hour. 'Itus Paris Ia taklit(g lisIafrgîi<n t î'ctdraug coa-in good tinte. la London vhen r goIni e.iýrse1rnig aitlb.streta ornesty . h,. ~>Seine wtit say Il. tIo tue 00 mch upl the tis uet dea ptomi hvbe th e 1expe;I, ant iLt i. unItversons te bas bilen a bupt andf-wombr t er By il, 1 vec.tîitt otipredict, wiii be basboacSrl-tlttof tif-omtare those who weste il.- .r timne most. At aion ti. ude c lie rad. 40 a~ iiy rate, If Ic Iit n al£itan bour. cusntheasiothe r sd. No arma« 1 wil Lbcnterit,,ta t quarter. tow, îback yads 11<17 ittlte stores of boceke 15 o 20hai es ï-'our t t - you con'ea have ýGen fpat by for lMe lp the M- r15 on0îes f t'W-ri.eor' iastcan iaig vister. ra iCu 'c- olV atr _______________plece-sath l-ii i. run Tiintern; or say, oe-iîtr-d-'f.n-i rîtuir, lInte ous- J'liai, and Iif ic?, lit a tlanestion-of Pp.fth o.u.n f - a book of Ihe blîtîti r the Âeneid. 1 Tbj iào&' "Johnaatfl.a, au do not tiilîk titi i 1at111 filincg te liait et ibe rt andbiier-Plamte, deceîsed beur leu, fil]. luit ry for yGurBeivea Dedijk f6, ,' waa'aitearthed bit wbat >'ou v-an la i iihait an ]tour. voi -U e a -ý for a ew, cou. Titan multilî-y iii't, e-if hour by 365, nec ce, . It, and coneider t ..ttrenaliies you la kkm it Re'^v ry nght have liàd 1-y ut the end et lte dwa ~ e' oc lt eVtwr--Lord bM-iriey. *ven* We Know-f.or'-.k Has ideen Proven Dr. Barber's EOZEM. OINTMENT is the Boat on .ar'th for relieving EzEMAjà ACNE, ITOR, BARBER S ITOR, RING WORM, OHILBLAINS, POISON IV'I, BURNS, BOALDO, 1BUNBURNS, OUTS, ORES. and OLD BORES of lonlg utantThîg. --- Try a Tube Today ut..- PUARCE DRUGiSTOBtE, HOLLOTEINiS DIUG ST09E~ S.-t "'.IEWIOZ DEUG STORE, No. Chic ago Nanufartured and Distributed b ~ME A. USSE, Lake V*41lIno~ 't-r IL 111E MANI L\ TI S17ItRT IlIR( Tii' Read the Big New' The Impossible Has Been Brought to Pass Men's 2, Pants Suits, Are- Here For Saturdayat Tripfle Autonm obile Ac, dut oc> curred in front ci St. Joseph's Church. SAVED LIFE 0F A C.HILQJ. ilc rWonîafl Wtilshurt ait! te art a-ie pammeti couniderativr i cpîi- zutîîrnul, le n( zi h-rt onit ( . rlcp- jot1ie !1t .Yî- î h iu. - 3uniliay ttorring about 10:15 O'Ciur0'F~ie 1t- icc wcre caltcd 1ttiesùrs ien od c.c Titcy disco' c-n ltat F. C3 N'IriOc, Ul Souath t S. L-uiavenue.., ft itaguj dru ig un ;r1t10beurn t lt- i le-n t uîtb 'r, i~iwiscoiniiI..S drn-ir.g souib in loait eiet wlicn a cil-d ran OU ethlie oi-tewaii< atndjcrotocilto - tr' nt of bis 1 ...pti Itti Ini ,1 i Ititia ani topipecI isi.'car in tuile lii ,i îîd bit- tiniîiiu.id. U.Anoîher atilt'a liai etLiýaring ut t-fse otîrit, r 46ttiMl 1 lilti .as c-i ti>fg aiung close be tin hd îta. Wlîen the Nt.> rat ietlhpe tiddelny lte t ,îr iebinil üra-iîed loo itn, njurng-,, d urnan n the first nmachine. A third car beionging 1, iC JU ' - masi-ii. ,Belviiiere tre0l. tii-k&u. i i'lceuniig aiuflg antid - e ' the liadHouut Thit. iî,er ofithe ietu 'ai t... bis c-ar andti ie-n wîiîritîui t - t gîte bis name 1-t<îtd- '(,ii .. liE 1ici-fisenunber w- .,:i 'ttî Iile.1police, toacti,apd iitnîrlg, lin te2being umade. Tite o-' r- try ut aliate bas beenasoketi ti î 1jýyiii nalme of te drilEmr. TWO HURT AT LAK<E 'iLLA, Ezaturday a1ti tLoon it- 1 on vere r4ding ini a Liîge - ;, wiçtîi urnati tuite 1w Ini ý i.- u.: 0t Itook t'ict- on îLe IOI .Lakt road Tao ofte tparty'a-.- cy injure-iland titcy 'rere t. :î1110 îli1h- Biook honte wbere t actý(e cài :1 frientis came andtb lt t ake-1 back Io Cbîcag-t. Tbiiî-î flot ut a >si-iuu, le.. i er ocupants eca -I ic.:..: j. kniai-cftthe pt! Y '- - lui. 'i A beautoa rui-o. t .1 1 cati north oft t c. t , -t - dan roati toulit pitie i. t Ste-ey nighl. TAhe Ca-, ..J :î t ut l gellier were 2 a t) t- i by aittita Mionday, ARREST DION MAN The suits are in the clev- erest new styles fro'n one of A2merica's foremost manufacturers. They're in 'popular fabrics and shades for Fail wear and my howd they'il seli. - So be here early. Young Men's 2 -Pants'Suits This iq Nwoiîdeî'fiil news for the young fîllows of the North ,ýhore. 1U1 3-nil yoîîng men wlio are preparing for the Iligli School or the Uîivei'sity w Vili find it a wouderful oppoî'tunity. They're siiappl, classy Stuits that stifflents admire and the extra pair of paîîts w'uIl insure double wear and mnultipflied satisfaction, even utîder the exacting conditions of school anîd college life.- 'nhe pî-iîe is best of ail - only 2975 You'11 Be Proud of Your Boys In These Sehool Clothes,1 -And You 'Il Be Delighted With -the Savings! Boys' School Suits in the newvest Faîl .stvles. Theo itipular new' single and dlouble breasted beiters in thie .tanted shades of bro-wn and gi-cen, mixtures, checks; îlaids, stî'ipes and plain w-caves. They're in both omie- îîd tw'o pairs of pants styles at 9ê98 14.75 '19.75 I, - The 'Globe Special' -Suits with- Two* Pair, of Pants Hlave &Il th'e.quality it % possible to build ini a suit. - - i'hey're made for 'regular" boys, who play- and romp lu lie "regular" way. 'The pants ar e Nvd -ith double iice and scat and lined throughout. >~ $25- IdCoats have beits mo atch . ..... Knee Pants Blouses Rate à Caps - r actitoo wear, ,mite FnosN A1e Bos great assortment of elreag &aJic -and Foîtu r~BO%-nwtfai. t a d me are lincd. Priceci au of tant color fabrîcai. CUti for schOitoWeuar- lige f ton Thè<prices range fron Att sues. Very 1 1.98 104.98 speclal et ... . 5 1.50 1- 2.00 tritimîplî ii,lsu t, ili i V -- ue of you menNii tlo î-ebd a!toutit. W. hardly need t.ell you what it means to have two pairs of pants with. your suit.- ri-àu ll ren]îi;"(, i la Iliii -î-. t t that exila puil-ir ' p.1its gi\tý double we'ar - liîai-tiî'aIIt--its. the cost in hall' and mwlien via, consider that in addit'ont to twîi extra pahits you're gîtliiig aS iclassy andl dependalu a suit . jayone ct fws oi., oîl jea ize what a snatiiwalci1 [ n t t hii is . a s e s I late Irv rD À CHEC 1 1 et rd% lks à mir, Ttý aux Tin " 1 1