___________________________________ ______________________________________________________ KA Y NOW, FOR MEDI ( USE ply on Har. 1 is Cèe;. d No Mon' WiI! l Be lssite< 4, liquot.it&de -h thej 's na% ) i; . -,ortier Jmt t» iije bt r. '~ iof memlI cciPitîliliji g IL-J1r je vj eI i -sc. ie4Iicig,àl loii mite a,.ied ji 'Wi I. miates. . further iput- jw mnade w.,.'bitit> mill rrom thti -ut , dy lable 'of deparmbnlent ..i- the mac'. 11 lthat mý sIUPpi>' on t last n h:ian Iwvo 01 ti.«y > j, -ngtr avait ller maye. ý.. Il a ineLdical t iilcohttt. sllfn ulatioii ,%enfla] fer l'e if-set-va LEi lite, th - hyl alcot *ont ÉtiPPI% ftlcérï ma% 1. 'ihisai I,. ut rnferma@ ta vlh th, umemet J StaIs h,.,ao<>l directs thi,, .) tunther m mn>- soîi-, le mamde spirits, viL. or aIqDiol vjich are (!. %lp-ted lit r Internai n. 'nue as . iitOiietili i 'verage Un- WR MW CORPS thi, -an Sixth Corps ,aped toto secomi ai Ch"9a0. lie heaiquarters et the Arum, ce- urlmlag the "ot, Michigan M maiW. 'Te Septier« 1. uadem Stce Wàr De3ttWgt maiters vili replace . îursv i trai liquarter -o thfe- ares emiWeOi ai produi a ba imee med 06à; t Ctli corS Ama. lei tato tb. lud Aue .r.sprehal> et nuee ane eotaillid - admmw ti % aÀR4ED WITII A'flACKIN4i ZION POLICII*KR TWO Youths are hUder Arreet at Zion; Dot Are Plaoed - Utde Bonds. Zis.Set.14-Two yothe got tat toulalet Diait. G. Rnmtad md M. H. Murdochi ver. sema pull- lit ai a virtee. hich enclouesa vwott* pIsse et ami senti of the. Ad. ufnlatratloc buldIng, mcd otUber DIavid «&rsn relue atông andtidt thees 10 doalt. .Tlie boys thon got 9'!r-ati"' and gave mornme bach taik. '1ia omtcer lat thefl maid to have abow- cd MuWs tar mand te have lnformed them et tila ffcet. The boys sttl _becamee aligalve. mnd -fretah., according ta the ogleer'aa tiry &Bd In a tew minutes bleflWe ver, -truck, Andersos tippeti Aid tel]and tha .two Young men took aèvaatagi'01tthe faitad loiedin aou b~. ita- avs«wmmone cone trus te Mm b$@eniand caied lor lep ljoba 1% VhluaMda Carl iuti mse un s E Mi>'<eb> l ita ». Pot. The . oer u = 14 mblàtsd thi.e ean md b"&Oo lij>s Of the betd. Hused sud Mer- ,41m& ver. thest eacortéd to tiiepolnce stUoe md ciàMred viti dbaodety 00111dlct. The>' vara later baud et uaier $50 bonds. CAISRçâIc MTE POVERTY, SUES -Wife 91 Iosoph S. lfaj awas CWams Ne Frsi ivore J-egâb. -ma- of-Wauoonda, volt imevu lte LA"e oOUcty "a aprosper- oui remît>' daer. Va, matifor d- vout a luhie Cook douaty circuit court Y-t,,)y b>' Krs. Irma Hami, vio teàtfgle cruelt>'. Mr. Hlia.àIs sai to ole rital etate a Ined at $42.000 and Pardosal property vatueti at 930,0 liemitq*auanannual lnCom@ et 310.000 Mi LIlibie - tmumond. a wldov, vra» I Mmm limai,.vie Asa aFrench wvem- 0 6 0 0 -C 0 0 0 a. cbarg _,that ber bhshact. d, be-o o ce Oo O éde..havlng mirried ber mster, nov @e U M ATE TIAIWS desd..firsi niarrled another vomain vbo" divorce oraseparaonin atieep e00000e60ees00e0e rnystcrly. aie maya. R EA .L Holmesa"ani ite to W B. R"Ats ent ta France le uarry uMm. Carr &ma ti ie W 1 310.00. lot tu vil- Maa. altâtr. Upos lier dstt h*at 1,g, 0fDcrielt. mrefft Mr. HAU caensto thiacous- . 3. CubisatiUeto Nol&aClit 7rin An1899 and uarrled hlm. Bloc@.tens adti vie W 3D $10.09. g 64, aie mys.eale bus beên kept la Pmu- bloci 34. odigualWmkege I. aitb~ug bler insimni An U5itiJ'. JiA. Tiorbers mad vite te T. H. The,*'myterous épartio" whch urt W D 8100. lotr 21 andi 22 Blocit th, bill mentiona roter 10 a divorce 1. Orvs suli, Wauiegact. Raie obtatami in tic circuit court a N. p. Dotigo Jr.. and vite to J. K' Waekegau, AVe. 9. 1897. The old roc- Wallac W D) 3254.00, lot 263, Belmont odo show thi* au aaveut frou W«m. - .Waniegmn. couda 10 Iubuque. la-. vier. io mur- T P. Vivarti mcd vite te Adeide lie Kais Bachaua, Aue 21. IUS.c. Otrastir tieed-,lot 2 BrotdleY'5 'r" datâ Sater he returaitite Wau- sut,, on (rtsm laie. 0oadât but liii vile refuset to accorn- Aug. 26, 1930. ~ 7him, Calvin tlckey and i vie to P. N. 1%ie eertiicate of ovidence show@ Tomîtason(lc 110.00. Iot& 39- 40141. Mmes temiti*ed ho hati no quarrel wlth block 68, North Chîcago. lhe i>nbowqe bride but married berhont Frasi T. Fowler and wite tu Jame4 légititeiber child. R. Willlamzomi tnd vito W D S106,- WlieuHalit nrt noved tb Wancon- 000, tract of land -La ec. 2, 3. 9, 10 dé. about U3Fenris sio, b. wuaSbtr- il.LJite Villa tovnshhp. bo but tatr vernitata, th réalestate Omvald Altman idVite to M. L. luaimm an d proapoea. LAonard and vile W ) 81200 lot 6, OoCmernng Katie Raéa.Mr. liata Èà s 1 t.) Brophrm mb.l FoxLaie. teiiled that lho trequentl>' rfquisI-c Ra. .rnuelson ati vite tg Kath- ber te rtura t Laie couat>' viti ilrnaile Lb. Fitzgeralti W D $10-00, lot il but tiat ah. refuled. anti that mter Bourciques Reub. Highland Park. hiW ovn rtura ho vrotc ion but nel,- F. N. roMutinan d vite le Law- meisei entbe&moettranota- iérance Repa mcnd vite W D $400, lots aloo 1fn ý .nyfrtasot-'9, 40 andi 41, Blocik68. N'orth Chicago. G eo. Lutkenhaffa to F. W. CushingE W D $10.00. lota-Il. Il acj W hait CAJI nc Ilot 10, block 6, port Clieton, Higb- CAPTURE S L06 iati Park. J. M*Weltun and vifeteu L.J. De. ~T~Il~ UTO V.oedy and vite W LD 31.00, 1 acre n 1WHO TOLEÀUTO E qarter "ce.3.Benton love- Mathias stuaka asti vite to 0. W. SÀTURD T N16 I 'IBaumauan md vife W D $10.00. loti 38 and 42 Oeen Bay' add, Lakte Forent, ai Wlmete; T.Aul. 26. 1920. Abmndoned Car tWlee;w T Sulliv.an teC. A. & K. .1 Arreted y Lcal olic I ilcox W D) $600, lot g0 Siavs Ird Arreted y Loal Plice auh on Fox Laim. On Street Cari johns Bouse, Jr..,msti vite to C. L. - Miller et aI. W Lb 8100. lots 4 & 5, Thée efficient vork of the Wank£. block 1, LoDUa suh. Noi'hh ChicagO. Sma poice departrmnt. aieti .b>',t . F. B.Sera sud vite te T. H. ati police ot Wlmette mcd offiias otie Chrisia& D. Ketu qe ti 31.00. lot 14 Noth Shiore reliront! resufloilu the mcd N hiait lot Il. block 7 Wriglit'a Mreot curir' lunta>' bmorling of tvo adi. ]ibartytile. mii"ontnthe. naval station ebargéti U.A. Rotebrem»d vite to Butgeite viti iavlng toleu au utomnoble Cox W. D 81200, lots 6 mcd 7. blook 4 oui b>'William Llniliert, 838 Huile- liai>' hock mml. onf Lais Marie. bois, avenue, a South Gene... street LouAi Bttgor ta W.. Bodilmeundi 4titai ,erchimt. , vif. W D *4100.30seores ta Nev '>'hi aaleor, gavé thir,'naue.ne quarter meo. 2, W. Autiocli toaMgilp hliows: . . ,l . . Samuel Palmer m ativieto 8. -M. EddIe Cox, 18 years eni. -Godar. W D *1.00 10 acrepta N E Chu,. A. Doinoc, 21 ycara oni. quarter 31W quarter sec. 12. Beerielti it vas at 13:30 a. u. Scuda>' mon- township. Mg, that tir. Liaibers calied op,. thic 1%» Sciurmam tai vie ,to J. . Wagan polce and reIod iat Luiotrm and 'ait. W t> $1,000, Cmr- Ise automobile. a ive paeotager13» IraiI prtlot. 1 mati 2. bok 79. Rugi. dimWChadler ligi bername tr ou lad park. Uovnh'mcd State settu.NoihChf-. Cari Hoorusu atimvite ta Grace B. mgo Ti. a~,egai.cIie tllvet Bmmona W D 810.00, part lot 3. llock ilicir usual plan et thuovilma o0tf a 17, Highland Park dragnai.totfyag te Voilesof etauiAns. 37, 1930. alliées heeen Chilcago nuiMllvau- M. A. Cumminasudatiliete b0. i. i.. to he on tue matchl for thé car. Morgat /W 3 837.00, lot 187. Cum- A&t 4:40 a. m. 't caIlva" reclveii"s &Co's Northi&ave aid. Wau- trous the wllette pollOOo-tahà lna at 1bus..1IL tt.Lladbera's car bai lies ama. 49 ool odeUncitt &ite ho Rose ~Csitiers b>' two aiors Who bil& Buee>',W D109.001,lot10 »erts isneia sorti hounti treot car on Nori &a. 'mi>. Waukcga. 991e111t,0liore line..On.e0f thei. 111: NlcbhlSeim«lt sud vite te R. R. e, ht va. stateti, carrieti a camera. 'àel; mt V . a W D 89,000, PoUlou»n, ieinus adl Laorse lois IaiS9otf ifE3quarter sec 17 autltusitheUtsmain gate or t.e WakegMa owtakp. BWBI station teawaait the arrivai -of BetOmba okuP atidliusiad to A. «W »Wect car. luatensaatUme tbe 1Y. Beasbiea W D) $100, lots 9 Mmd 10 -WOMu policeo ctidtic tralandi- block 19, North Chleago. 6 w er t Rigliooti and rqqU@etiî A a 8 90 5$.telatob t the comductor oueibis 0. A.Dauglirty te Patici Cmvley oui te idlât out te ie o plicemn an'd ite 8,000.N hlit W lf lt ot 10, 1 1 uas 'md vite W D $10»,0 lot 6 hockI-do9n Nelson, 3 Mllwankee; Coà 6, Sieste sud Donu slgz . Wackegan. Jonhan, 4, mrn. lmue aH. C. Broemlce et a]. to J0e A81110 DePauv, 331,Laie Forest: Gentilinl W D 8.000, IE 50 ft. S 175 ft. MartiaieWoît, 19, sane. lot, 14, Plgt -S, Hggbwood. (Ic r-c, Z6, Iilgiiood, Mary AcietI Roncol à« vue et aI. 'to mirobella,]IL,"mre. Gustave Nelsos mad vite W D $20,oo, ana iU. Krikmon, legal age, MIiI. lota 14 anti 17, lock 2. Ituena Parti, eCgeVitte, iii; Wilna LmVerne Millard on LaMe Marie.8«me, Wauitegts. J. 0. Grueet &atui. t EC.Anderson . ereti Bolherger. 44,*Chilcago; Au- W DU$100, lots 87 ta 74.. btock 8. gusta oergimdt, 46, lame, Deulield Pari. iteM viroima, 2,. Waupea, -wà.; sept4. 120. Mabet Lungwts, Io. Roq Granite,, Wl,. Chicago Titi., & Trusit oompay to WI"a T. Ember. 3V4 Milwaukee; C. J. Lognma mad vite deed $10.00, Valonts Dovini223. m& lot 37 te, 41 - bock, 3. Keltoggm, suli., heur> Feaue SIUPklcagu, 41, Loca, Wltbrop Hi.zlo. i -Utia; AtrnMay' Neurnuller, 29, Ci- EllesD«Mulg te O. B. Hilbaru W uo i D. $1400,. lot 8Sblock 1; Grai>' and I mflDCl5 Hondermoi, 233, Fort Sheri Ifaiowmll's mli, Wu48%00». clan, liti; Urnwlà Os1,0. . Wallace, OitafP. iaisas sd buabu t Mien. 'r. T. Claie aMit 4W $ 700-00, 0. Walter Il. Miagnire, 30, Milwaukee, 100 fi. N. 3au L&,lot 35 (Ex E 150 f -> mm; #Meinda Er. Ottmer, 27, West Lylnga Bluff mmlI. oMBieN Laie. iOl.W, I. ]P. Kelilmr ta Wm. Jie ti.W D 'briat jierati, 34, Leetadale, Na%; 12150. lot 38.-ock 2, Everreeb suli. ltiherne' eckhardt, 24, Mt. Wâsb- Long li. melton, ri. Alie Caabre.m miausband too- Annranlie a, i. WaU. gn.Mi. eh Btolie mai "leW D $10.00, 8 enaliteB.aau 2, Elgisn ; e. t quarter lot 13, Waes »lnve&ment Wa'oritlE.,Wsnaue. lil;rae sub. mward a. Metaier. 44, Ziou, iii.; Mu iOélcolube, 3. smre. 0 0 0 a aa O a a 00 0a 0 Walter ce Goode, 46, Chicoago; 0 MARRM M ES 0, llttprd Dveni, 26. Antio, 111.-, *eo*e..*eeooovro erle ebaliî, 27, Debrook, iteron jiarreat,_84. Wankegan, carliEBuvard ILRaer, 44, Cicago. 111;' Coram le. sol »aga . Mary 'Theilsa MuiI, 27, @mre. 'Russedl Marole, 33.Chiago: Emnly, Ueorge M. Bocke. 34. Oliloagol,i 1i iter, 19, nm. m ara Margaret Bock,,33, mmre. 110>' W. U«M$uetePi', 3 Chîcago; 1htriâtorotky,3U, Chicago. 1. Delta aM. K~&o, U, oeintio. 81»ieDavis, S& mrne AUbrse Uontma, 31, Kemoglia, Wi.ClAaiietle DOMre, ,2. Aglns ela ch. 37, Appleton, Wl.. 1Cal ParneitPepr,3» RaY 01. Walratih. 28, Rtacine, Wls Narden cm, q jm'anie . wrot,28, arne ýiLeoflard Maisack, Mllw., 34, li R(obert J. Ebnert, 34, Aberdeen, 8. * ene Webb, mare. le. D>.; Caroline E. Werderna, 33, Mil- wauîtee, Win. iai. C. ftrie>', Mllw., 39; 4f *18.; Ueflevleve M. Tim.Î> i i e Mrbert W. Keil. Chioc., $1, Ud sme. C. arte, marne, as. JaMfee Luke Carroît, 22, Grat L)[jlm w. alk, C8. 3 es, 111.,; Isabel Cutubo, 24, ame. '. A rtac, C. i l C., 114. XF ileary < Il utherland_ ,20, Wauxe. ma rns," e, 1111. ' tan; Mary J. Gillgaj., 26.sme. un" a. Herzberg, Ch»o., 24. ila. An nKrususxî, 23 OBeaver Dam, n, iL .ole>'. àmemc.24. Win; marie locieke>', 22, Milwaukee, hast. youug, (.8go.,.48*. maret 1? Win. Limoucai.mme, 44. Johft Davis Connel. 22. Waukegn; Walter W. Borme, Konombia, lue pbytlmatits BHande. 20, sme karriet MisilleiMm%. SI tieo. Arthur Befnuglam. 27. Area, 111. Uerrlt m. DeUiik, WtUkffla M. jarcy m. Logan, 26, Rockford, lII. '"tuer Maie, lý ame. 24. uustave H. MAlter, ils, Park Ridai.,. hrsa W. lAMe, Waukmgc. 3, lit; misa B. Harrower 23, Wankegau. E. tUrecce"sec mus, . kiomner bo a Vaaike. 30, Keuolia.I ifward KUItJ*tf*iiOc. Wtt, U y%,ln; Mary Johnslon, 27, marne. Jiessin Krlsdemacnu. mmmc, 2S. t3ylventer Patton. 26. Milwaukee. Louis-LIEUt. clicago, 44; IMP W in; icmii>'Margaret Baker. 24. arne Learn,"me, l4s. hrmk A. Moivey, 34, Waukegan; Albert FuSilla Wagnr. i Aima M. IKoch;. 80, me. * Laes, KateseaStamberg. 19, W". Louis J. Kuab, 24, Milwaukee. Wis.; Lac. &Mi Teeder, 18,. me. h're<i Paronsek, 46, Wmhoo, NOI11 Artur UGas, 34, Milwaukee. Ellen Fannlie uilarek, 40. sanie. May'. 97, sme.Jo . allan. 33, Cmlato; ?nUA k'red i. Poccli.22, Foreatvlile, Wla Akola., .me.. peurl Dettmmc. 18. maina. Crawford C. Bara,, 33, Glefooe, RM, Arthur Busse. 51, Green Lake, 9ls; iader Iltauford, 3U. UivanmtM M L Ale@Hayes, 4, 4me. MOhet rtHown, 25, Miwaukee.'W%«. Tnos. Josepli Corrigson, 28, No. Chi. kaute Mea«i, 37. mam@. Gago, Mary J. Victor, 37. UMme. limuT>' M. telaier,3S& Ciugé Mi1 Meg aro istn, 34, Loulavile, Ky'.; 1.50e. 5L.raUI . ,CiP..« Mi'vte LtiN , ,Kenmsia.Wi. Jaob ms aom à&3 DaJmava,. Casa i. Wlerton, Wau"eg6, 5: rna eicà19, OMO.m ete$"aSM. )MoLaiAurora. Si. hMmmduaIR. W. Priebe 44» Aitig OFr*ederc J. HOuien. 30a. 21; Wla; Clara G. DeltuicL S3 Rme. 1 os e allors evbo boarded the. car nt wluette. 'Tie pla worked ot beautifully. Whoun t. .car etopped at the tmain gale of tht naval station the two mui- OrS a, li len asleeP. Conductor KelI. er ponted tbew ont te the. police oMlcara andt tey were placed uiider arretan md brought te the Waukefan City' lait. Tliey stiti hadthet camsera whiCb theY admitted' havlng takemi (rem the. car. The police Oaai'the alien hbave confemuetithat they 'took the car for a Jo>' ride. AT "nu PIOAN1TY"9 SIENSIN ZSON MIy Says One Who Ridas Over the Bumps Cao Sft. HumeS of this Sign. likan>' colaints continue 40 corne IA relative te the liati trecx o! rou throUh Zion City' on the tlioroughtarm trom.Chicago te Mlwaukee. One mo- tomla vait.e la b oreues rob at dve, te lita trip tt h.Crean City'. Ne admit. ho ilauaaenth»Iuaste motorlat but aidliere are su*te lm stiat, darnper bits ardee-ZIos City, for la. miet . Tie Ag One se.. on mutr- big ZIos City "reee osurete reati oue and à flat mien ubu*." "h tbuelpatie moterist" aise adulte thus le tié lonzest one and a a lai-mi" hoe bl eu tmtSVe.d "'IAi tm ore of tiheRuet Dp Icue rmmd w.01 luAmertea trout the stand- point of lohs, muti cAvitem. raie, pueras, iuom. kuonslt @ Pots auj qua4rire," says thit motorlit. M're erti Wle ves, jaged. tuliar- menines and- dibeted. ressmblins tlie uak.pt appearacce of a Crater,. Ater taboriln. valtovlng. £ouuderinh troup "ihleIM #ô rat" and back amd torD. for smre diatano., the mmtrimi kuides imatte bilt borde bearlu bîblcal 'my'l. TvI of thea. prov-, orbe maie a deep Impréesioueshlm, espeeaît>' tic oue reailci 'Ne pro- tUft>' aiov.d. Auotimr saytcg thai attUmestlie motorimi te the. ose vhlci oas. 'No other place Ilii. Zon City' la tie World.' Tis contention vIB lie siritted i vthout argument. lu le te le lope th le igiva>'commission- erit of thts great comnonveath mml see thetr. va>' clear ta improve thîs piece of esplanade within the n"ajr futur.' block 1, Hghland Park. A.toal Nicpan and vifs ta Andry Bartet and vite W D $3900, los 2 ï & 4, block 4. Dreyere auh. North Chi-i caLgo. M.E. HMCC>. andti vie to E. Good man W D $800. lot 14, block 14, Wamb- burn Springs, Waukegan. Carolne Mitchell et ai. te R. PF Rouse. Qd 310, lot ln village et Dia- monti Lake. J. T. Parker anti vifa ta Arviti lipjuth W Dr $6.00W, 8 h4it, lot 9. block 2, Shermaa'm ul. Waukogait E. S. Doolltte ad vite ta Etivard Niera W D) 8706.00, part lot 1, block 7,. Dooltttlem ?aylm sLake auli.. Serai J. Morat et a. ta W. M. Swveet and *ite W D 310.00, W hliaitEU ft. lot 34, Cor'. North.maie di. Wau- LouIt Caro ta B. F. Aireva we $l'M0, lot lan village 0f( oSdest. W. M. Bruit mcd ite ta May' V. Breit W 1D 8490. lot 4 mernatm uh. on Long Lake. Gu9tav Watherg and -vifete nCý E. Luki'- and wl!. W D $10.00. W U5 m. lot 1. jensen'. auuh. la block 5, Latid & Gcot i'saddt, Waakegac. 1 E %V.Bortterdelti andi wl!e ta MiU, dred eýtànnery W D $156, lot 39, hOck 3, Chin imel Lake, luta. Ang. 30, 1920. C. A.. ~woordb Jr.. ta Prank Kralats and w.if e deeti $10.00. lot 5, Ferguson mmi. SNort Chilcago. .Anon Tau"itaand tivfe te John Kilt.n anti v«e W D> 110.00, lot 7. bilock 8. Dreyer ., i.North Chicago. W. F. Homa te Joceph i ioux W D 3300. lots 15 aid2!SPearson, Stookey & Ilo;zan's euhi. HID Uoot. W. F. Hogictae Mward Motaque W D $3100. lot 14, Peann. téoke>' Rogan'. euh, Rlglivood.. W. F. ffogalq ta Jacol Reiumald W 1) $100, lot 17, Pearmon tooke>' Mogenta uh. Highvood. Wm. Seiroeder and VU@e ta Frank Wattcon a vite W D 810o.0. .. laf lot 11.'hiock 2, Smith and Adiamm add.. WVaui.egaa. .John Doets.andasti e ta - Beai. Elaeberg mcd vite W D) $500. lot 10, Mud N 15 ft. lot i1,. hock 62, North Cilcago. J. A. liovers mcd vif. to Simnon Simonian W D 31000, lot$, Gorhant'S Relb in blockt 1, Lehiax suh. Walte- gan. Ana. 31, 1920. J. J. Dicîumeyer to F. J. & lAna Ver- tic W, 1 SiflO. lot 18. Wa9vr+gt't Waiiiîov ave. euh.. Waniegmc. F, L. Condit and vite ta A W. Cal uine M'hi $10.bo'. lot 6 W 25 tt lot 5 and W l,, rt. lot 9. block 21, Lakte Bluff. E w. tluttertield andti vie ta Leu Gilpit and vite W D) $550. lot 11, block 2,. Channel Laie Bufe.. F. H. Kuebiér and vite ta Chas. B. Bcott and F. T. Hlddleeon W D $10.00, lots 5 ati 6 Count>' Cierk's euhi, lib- ert.ville. Auguat23, 1920. Josephi Deliage andivifs teamhile Jurneni., E 47 1-2 ft West 7137 . 0. i-2 block 24 Means Plat, Higlivoot W. i $lb 10.00 r. . nh'I*aoutoJosephi Seeler and vile'lot 41, Btock 107, NortiChi- caWu W. D. $80.00 John Bukasanmd vite te JO" RfOus Jr. and vife Lot 8 ad part Lot 9, aist or ailey ila hock 6. tenez Su0., North Chicago. W D. 810.0e Antanas Uethida and vite ta John LAtiOvic LAM 0 anti 6 Smith Relinl. ln iock 1. Dreyer, SBh. North Cit- cago. W. D. $1.00 P. A. Montgomnery' te H. H. Scliuh. rnann ant i vie Lot 3. Block 16, High- "dm Pari. W. D. 31.00. MAtelua Patrumiaanmd vte ta 'oni Za£amrnekib'mcd vite Lotit 3 and 4. Irniits ieSub in Block 1, Dreyers. iub. N'orth Chicago. W. D. $2800.0o Geo. Haie adi vite ta ,t. P. Htaake anti O. H. Boger. W D f3500. je ares in 8 E quarter sec. 82 Benton leva-. hp. G. B. Borman anmd vite ta J. R. Wllliamson mati ie W D $1160, loi la 8 E cor Ctairton and West - treeta. Wauiegmc. H..1L'CrAndali andi vite ta Wm. Wrath and vite W D $50, lot i Cran. dalla euh on Lake Catherine. Joseph Diuhaye and vite ta Go. Neanmd vite. W Db $1700. N hait Lot 9, -blockt 8, Wrenn'a add., Highlandi Park. John Lanctater and vite taE I. A. acd C. H. Luchani W L>81i.00. 1 amr Amà N 9 Quarter sec. 7, Weut Deerfieti tovcmhip betweec R Bl and pub roati. W. M. Burton to K. W. Burton W L) S1.OQ, lot 287 Laie Forest. - 1 G. W. Brove la F. D. FoSter W L) $1.0D. lot 4, (Ex E,32 fit.) Wadworth. w. J. Lange and vite ta R. A. Bron and vite W DV $10.00, lut 12. Osier- manm'seuhi.,Deerflt.. Mary J. Pack and huabandta t Fra"i Guettes, W D 310.00, part. Lot 12 Wax-. kegan icvestrncleuh in Sec 9, Wau- S. B. Rier and vile ta C. A. Tiorueý W D $10.00, lot 3, lloci 1, haMvig jadi Antioch. sept. 21 1920. Williams Motors Co. ta TitoihatAs- drsv Corp W jD $1200, lots 31lta U1 ant W hait lot 40, block 3. J. K. Or- île suli, Wauiegan. 1& O. Hysina ad vile ta 010 01- so n md vite W 1D110.00.. ubdivided haIt lot S. block 1, Mta-halldale enhm. on Lonq Laie. vt 3 '). U Wells. acd weto C. L. Hard-. or W D 1 - < 56 OroetiBt>y aid, La» g oroit. ThOMiMO Cau&n to A.:C. Slavmn W, D) 8100,lot Il.,block . 9. Wam.hhrn V.RWiidomand vite te Ciris. tIs VeltouAlu d i vi eW rD 84000. lot 11, Clmrksas'p soul., Waukegac. E. J. Perlu ansd vite tat0. 0., star- E, aa o coroidn o -the rond* th.y Auvcto tui:- lInsniy or b'mon- tiy. whcrever tihe ming la apt ta b. ieavy--Tbe U. S. Nolili>. Par'ordinel>' onuy roada- ' eIUî 3. EL Chain or -Uwco. U. S. Pla"n For beut remIte- Royal Cords, L 0K at it, just firm "the business stand- point, compared with, say, ten years, ago-or even five. Every thing speeded uP-made casier. Nearly every business man depending on the' automobile to trans- port himself, and his products. That is one reason, per- bapa, w!hy more attention is, bigpaid to tires-wby tire, casts are being figured closer, mnd'people. are beginning to' look for b. fter ilrev. We believe that people are entitled ta "better tires-the best they'con get Not only the 'man with the bid car, but the man with the smail car, and the meditum sized car. We represent U. S. Tires for that 'roasori-because their policy is the saine as ours-eyery tire as good as you can get it, regardless of the size of the car it is to go on. It wa.s that policy which led to Uctntodctonof the -strajight side automQbile tire, the pneuùmatic truck tire. Andyou can't beat it. 'V U. . Tirep are guaranteed for if e, with no limitation of mileagei. It wiil pay you to talk to us about tires, if you are looking--at "them froin a business standpoint. Un~ted Statua Tires LumTn~JE GAEAU4 Iibstpfh, ~ mTr. ~U~EU~ Fvà1 Yisw, L MarN & UIMILWd.U scUwic IiiDAU COMIT, Is7bu This section certainlqi owes a lot 'o the automobile . 1 40»N " -1 i~*I:iII "la ÊýD 412.0 , ournmft. IHL 1920.