nom MT Ola in gili'o. Immt of Joniph a. wmi attend theà0t7 nty, at à ter tbm- the omrt am". in Coumtr. on tie ame ber nex4 lS, whsa ru» hàvln dahu t ame nottfi. md #t the aMe. te MWi lum . Eoeutr. »lMENT NOTICS i baftby siva *tg Mt ci SIaI à>- for otorM sewm,, fa bl. at the O«04~&eV tmmat bear Iater.$ r .luy 1. 1lm. LiL IR nmOE cf ba.m on th* Oth Loomate of th$ state .......... 10 .......... 1824 1 ......16.7» 00 ...... . .. 1 m ' .........86,7180 ........ .. M e 4 .............. c ......... .... 15 ........... 1409 ......... 7aîi.190 et ....1 ....I 25,M ce ........ 6,m000 ."'1, 6,141148 ...........OS 0f Roundc Lake. do t of My knowl.dge 16 Notery Publie. b of bucinug on the bieAcous of the $146,601 82 Io656 ......... 0m00 ..M.......10.4%5 de ......... 9,0 00 ........... . 91 te ............ 8100 .........., 0 00 .. ...1... 3,()73 00 .......... 78zm92 ....... 1. 416567 Zurich, do soleeniy> snowledge and belsaf. .WFOSD, Cashier. tember 1920. 4; Notary Public. maId I VOLUME XXVIII, NO. 38. IDISTICT LEGISIATIVE VOTE li "ysd 606 1196 2966 11107 r csiSA 6021 1384 eu 21135, Go.. and- Wkîs Dy A 3Tol1 BULLETIN. Vkee 474Ï 1163 7467131329 Plerce 4851 62783 361 - 158.1 Waiel 2à,17 276. 38 65()i P-racels G.174 1469, 5920 13752 Wie 13811 757 1727 16295 'l'ho above figures arecomples In the tlree countien but are flot official. -ToTALs IN LAKE COUNTY etats's Attorney7-. Smith IeDe l senator- ltunyard. 6806. Swift. 6021. IReprosentâive Lower Ho.- « Vckers, 13329. Pierce. 15,M8. Waiah '6,502. Francis, 13.752. Wceiis, 16,2lo5. Wl.,e fcccret tc,-Ile udcated that pun.ard hid vwon over swtt for ciacct ballot, It was fice ont> one f6matcn. W'Cfnle ir crl returne from cast. <âsccucme n if canged tiIfl ilI the la'.îuncrats do floet malle a end s o af 1.1r.'. unyard beung trDnger eiowng In Noceniber thici ho f.r .hsd totbel oMr. Swofh b>. the>. dîiyecterday lue>. Wu'l have ua >100 cte.. 'he vote In thse Cirict look-in su fer as Lakte couD!>. la con- was: swccft 11367, Rusyord 11167; ' 1 ceineciJ. --^Aif dur mg theo 1511>.houre of the di>. ffia le InLake, 0jBoorlO&rd The enurrtuus crowd v.hlch alood In McHennci'. cc.a5cte conceded. tisat i front of tise Son of7cice thnouglhoui lice Accyard hald won but the figure even iixg icowcd inien n.,e irest in re- werenet omiete rom McHerysuits. Ecen ah tisa 'ciock thcs iium- Coud... ienn cae thce ugure mg thene hdlii vas a fair lzed cîuwd. C*n.oved a in game forswiftiquirsi At imem during the evencng the side- ehowd àbiggai forswit wichwaia andi strtet were jammed i wth peth ni erroise. pp WauCcpe.fl iza0ers cicctd hardi y be- ceîie.Ct o!daneomu oe lieve the bOletns t'.. S'un posted on Zo uy clda numu oe ueniuch lcrgur ihan eapected. Laie la tise maiter bcause*d 80oacure alrlo alwgrci o that Rur.yard iad vie M.e carried ts a-risna iiw'rce ifr Lak Conl b> ~c"vl 1C0VIceSbut More baflomo end tht-y wcre rpsched tu Mc H nr>. dcd tee tcc-.k and eaved T b>c-. IiU! Scîi hr Mr.Gwu t. Judging Lic lie l'g majorit>. tcced utu Stateby Col. Sinitt bis Irîcods wlîo bel as uluch as lic o 10ne0on his elecîcoix in, 'iclat procucdif)0 ht one of lie' mu bacc huitlise coîecet Icunuch. At b..cp!iinarle" ecer lidO. Col. A.'thlal hlere M'ase Dot as muchi betting V l~iih Ewcpt cl 1bût touir 1cecinct3 as ueic.l. o. bLke coUnin lx uc oitett anainfqt 'I lue womels bati their ârst real ,'in. A. Iiere for thse Itepublicaix c tucis 0f iotig and Il rensaina ho be Domntion fe cr ttetattorney. cseen bhow tht> lîke hhe ,exlertcoce. Wm. F. %%,fcjs of Waulcegaix was They bace voteci beture but theier sut- hbgh uiio n lxthse Egtilltor the Repub' ![rage bas bceix lînutel. Yeserday tise> luron nrnilaiofltfrthie lower bouse. voted the salnie as their busbands. liqe gwcpt L.ake çScuOl>.b>. a wender- In corne preclocts Wednesday att- fil voice and rectieci a votIe of rec- rnoon the volera crowded in se rap- ognictionixin the thir two Couftls5 ldly fluet the jucigea Ver. obligeil ho wtccro It wacq appcarent the. cotera fol- 'hold thent back. allowlng onl>. a lm- locdtedsalinme policY tisat Lake colin- itedt umber to enter ah a hîme. '>. peuple diii naurelv. of canting tirees or.HuuR NOMýiNeSEs voctes for th(-Ir own home man. Dont fofflt tisaItisers were nome The alace'c attoriney figt Vas the mieAi omnaled for ofîce Wedixesday bcg figli in L.akîe ccc'.nly and linie Out Who didh't ecen Iotier ta cousit Oet tcn cotin ftt crJiIO f rom the Tiiy tiseir voes, who bad no concerix. Scia f'icu wiseeunixhiciitatuts sieur- etc-ýcl<use tise! -were unoDppoaed. xuey. The secondun llterest seemed Tic. republican nom tiees referred 'to lu Is celie sallIr lai Pfglt aixd thaIsu i e' .Acs the secconc itc conusuali>. asked Circuit <'Clek I. D. Ilrocluway. b>. ceu. ic Wukegamx lvcen Iniercet wa.i rEniteci lix Wau- Coroner-J. 1. Taylor, Libertyviile. k-qâ u n file ,.iuiaije filbt where Forest. fIrý XXcims the cou>. Lake CeUnI>. mlan c'ý - p a ati..a,.cci baIlle suiftl soîc ie S IhJcLil'L'S (1 c h. eadc.08 1oLc.Cctii bcbig a"a.ixt tirant towship, ditrict one, In b iuc7p. ',Lie 5culWaoicegaui wilh Ci)t-cvsol' Stuaicin heipi un ,, m .ic ci oir h1.'i of the co)utiY te count o! cotles.9 5 Iccli tiraitP!ee cc"ý it ac sre cIii cccte sl,,1clii en- clnct ln ai Lakce Coca!> toget ic foul ti't c. -;%ec.n 1' c. su L'ckc' cixnty rcioina. Ici V. cc.ccc. d' t-i lon lx tse Illee '1Wsn't *a dcî'cocra.tic vu!e jet t. igi in I th c'ast cinrerlnct 13. V clulcI ,an i jic i dc-i.iL j'i e tcc'nct 'chîre lice cii'à,i i cIi' N. .ce X' ei iia.,iacrg Lic a g.cîcd ijlu!, le tic e station, fille d.i .c iii.'tt tic" ecrl)> ýL- ,f thee tiIi.ic'7 ctiFr!cîl e lu' ccouc reiiar il, icihict tof the u " illi >ttc'j tc i tic! I cc T tcccc G c ic tic c!joic' îc., c. ii.~ 'c, oc ti.lle tri n colies Clccd111, tmci nthini 19 is.cs 10cone Ic ipct ,Il :' î 1.1 "Lcii ccc chct iOtt I l"O. iGrantI Icil IticeticI c 'i -. ccîc'c.c .csvLcn tie Zoc on'tcciciy ocn iclccfcolcul ci: ci:'t ce '. iccici n îî liat It 'ccciii j ic i nci11w tiltel2c oîcicc vtc-c a .ýc':ci c Oic' io Mnr. XX'cî 'sfur tlice toi« lOhoci are Icring teuog-, li'jct c ct~itîi le. 01 thec' [c 1i crin m'a lia, ncIt 1'ilite i'II i,.cie couty . lî. itcrc"s an nterOlicicng ticog 1cr lp. liae, .,lpicti nt of Col. Shfiiib cor- Publtclcs 0and l)c tocruila attai' in .[led licclcileur ir Mcccs ur. Iccane î.akc tu 'lu illX'ta tccccltip ci i"c X ,ckcrcnb. D,14and Grant ioct of thilt ocai iotn'cacetcf1c.2 An àst.ccliiLg ihcng suas hat Coi. on elezîl opon a clcutj~,ec Scîciti carcicciG rt No. 1. This ils tube JDaly Sen XYcdnc.claY evocilce ilui tih real wtt d'F.rr.ct Of FOI lakt) and askei WO was alucad fer "precci and c i watiÏolght by Mr. Iieanhe (ent." t iic' nds tusathe ciculil weep tise town- Candlîiate Iean lrmediaîc'iy uc. iui'.ccoinplettly. iowe'.er t lw11 On Seau1g flt h h ad lsticci e,' 1,iitied that Scl.ervitfer Strattoix did Up (-;Of, Smith anid coigrtilaied hipii iolde fine work in fiin townshbip. An- oit bis auucess. c'e'surprising tbîng about it was ' N'uaulegan one.,ie i'th, etl. st tCo. Smith carried Vernon town- precinet of Waukegan, where tile, ex- s!tup. lai-Diq le located in Vernxon poltlcIans bol ay>.countIÀng vt,, soc1 a bard flgbt wes put upon the anti wbere iflal preeunîed tht'>. lnoir. cciatc in thit township. more about countitcg votes thin nu>. ,ienatDr0 Swft andl M. Run>'ard ran uller precllct In tise.counti', cas file si 1cr>. close Iun cOrnePrecincts bYut It fourtis frun tise lest In tic collixi>' va.i about a tece up In tise number te finish lis count-anci lisen 11e> %cca cch carried. -Fîrat one woXld wcre locklngc.up the iolling staiaco carry 1us) -ieit anxd tison tis eixt just qa iSîix mcix rotclîed h. spot et repc.ct would shcow t'cat lise llier bail 1.20 titis mornlng .And tîcey wcere goî.e aheetd. l'uwcvet. In tbe total not gbing tb hur in the returnq tu cnalyci ecen efîre tbm Zion vote te Sun unt il fSotfetime- todtcî. Came ot- -Mr. Ituaynrd vite leading'the>. didit lminci thit lier holdintg IlIr. Swif t ix n e cuity .b> about 1,100 up oftfile retlc'ns pre-eiteâ the cona- voles. of course tic Zîca vote ailded illtonof Ithevhol Ccounty ne- lu Mr. 1tunyard'a total bt eveuen t torD'. Weli, cè gril the reteins te tisaI le w,"ataend of Sentor Swift the .9iitioffice et 1:45 file ornlng, in Laite ceuilit>.bcfore the Bentoix vote atduedth lem to theochiens ad ihrI' is'as reporer].lcame one degree closeS t1cCi, _'ancd rTo Waukiegcix jrecixct Ne, 7, guestoae lhe honer otflisting been thc irst ptO- TIte Sun forcew'cor(J lutte Tc jicrcui Cinact inthIe cîccnt>. le' etd In a par- zetting ftle réurirts t'iil cclii llr fiai retuin. Ah 6: 0 pi. .CorIi Hey- theni. Tlce>. iveitlc hroutghi tic" Iardt deciter callicithe Sun front tise aev- est and longest ou"i tic"y ,iace erilis preciaci gitcgili te r.ief's vote ever ncocînecl , geting ecf lion for lie stale senator canhdiactes as thile figures. Nee'r ietore hauvelice>. titas the, trt count made luuliis pre-lo~ied ao laie. Never before, have ilc( CIoct. Judgi's anti clerice woi'îced ,s)' lsi.i 1Frank T. Fowler ciaitis for L.ake andl s0 laIe. It:was cOMP jobl. Villa the bonor of being lie-banner Tise Oly rteceincl ctiîîhci fliled lc ltehiublean îowe in the Unied States C3one Ibrougi during Vie tight and because out of 318 votes cent 01n1Y hc'Id iu detfitte lelege nc ixclu ttres wer. democratie. caufit> wene AnLocis 2, Avoun 1. At) cEvabryth4 itr ent along stflotblY I taisbl eolelv tctt ] e PrittinWAlikegan'suit was knoOn beforo flite Sîta force -LIBELITYILLE INDEPENDENT, SEPTEMBER 16, 1920. 'B. s FT, Semi Official. Returs of Lake County' Republican Primary, Sept. 15 '20 STAT9 ENATOR Rmunyd Sft 'I 3 41 Newport Antioch 1, 21 nt nt 1, 21 Lake Viia Avon i Wankegan1 P 3 loi 90 1211 Shields 1' 's 4 I..beîtyville 1 Pt 3 Fremont WVanocoda Cuba I -veMon W. Deefixeld Deerfield 1 109 124 141 125 1041 58 441 53 85 11 88 105 139 167 118 1105 161: 65: 46ý 491 17; 44ý 18 44 35 68L w x w 143 '0 j51 158 17 6 5 203'73I66 176 811 54 lIj 34 211 3 58 481 15 90 40 21 7 8 17 19 ô 53 44 371 22 69441 3 33 13 37 111 74 132 56 55 13 44 31 76 52 39 14688641 53 37 29 60 45 28 97 61 98 58 45 22 42 56 U 45 34 23 46 52 251 35 s 20 94 19 9 93ý21 4 13 90 64 33 30 21 19 30 6 24ý 166 130 151 112! 1101 24J 1281, 801 4! 43 29 3! 103 50 28 00 35 20 70 26 6 561 101 1 49 25 24! 51 2 9! 50 63 10f 60 si 131 97141 12 46 27 14 38 2 142712535 SM7121 143MI8!0Q-!354 .1:499 .20891 1 6806! 15m021 47091j 4853! I STATEs ATT'Y Deane, mith 21 157 187 4! 193 23 e6:199 251 18!220 e~ 1511 262 14! 98 77 9ý103 46 8 17 21 144, 82 71 104 74, 11 45 21 51-'1701 120 15i 228' 204 24[ 1741 151 1e: 1421 110 31 180' 216 16 91ij 91 29i 112i 93 «261 145! 133 37' 109 72 M19' 17 75 281 93160 17, 1391 85 37; 8'43 105 52ý 30 75 68, 31 11 1111 67 17, 70 44 '71 31 20i 181È 159 16 115 104 15 118 14 3, 45! 29 1ý 841 39 a, 99' i69 20; 63' 20 7' 411 7 538 19 il, 92J 47 61 125 71 71 691 75 41 731 87 121 1271 142 2Z 41! 57 9! 561 35 7 3 46 1291 1361 299 435 Il 5, 194,1'1721 357i 483 9 l 1351 1631 4311 55 15 4,153[ 150 '350! 595! 10 1151 134!1 711 282,C£17j Il 8i 54 591 39, li15 41 371 281 125: 501 491 110r 46i 86,ý 33 67 11ý 1 911 43' 37 15, 9 231 .il17ý 13! 10 1 7 58 l3ý 115: 114! 3 5 4 13: 601 661 87 68 23! c'2 4 27114.12 7ý 180! 1451 194[ 93 24 20ý 59 116 435 295 41 24; 57[ 621 341 ý217 62, 32 53, 73;2W8, 145 63, 39i 86 139, 395, 2 4 10 28 34 150c! 136 38! 19! 201 Ili 82: 48 1011 U 26 771244 190j 80! ýlý3,28: 205, 176! 1301 23 33ý 23' 185 112' 64 22, 18! 16 1 50 79!67 7ý 45. 34. 173 1061 85 10 20 18 134. 491»81 41 16 7 ý140i 70! 1154 7 28 U5 214 1171 129! il 157' 184 82' 25 381 14 71' 42, 30 27ý 31[ 36 10' 12 1! 25[791 15 383 377 7L1. 1 531 18 86 115 180 ±13!40' Il' 71ý 110! 185' 91' 631 2 19 .27 72 146'126î 9 39! 19 105' 55i 3r 50, 21 4W 32 1 1,32I 3 Iý,731 32' 441 9 1 17; 41 85' 121 86i 31 2!18' 35! 27123 sJ611 « !001 581 31! 141 58ý 24! 111 74 32! 5j 291 i!11'12! l54! il 3 34 22. 90211 17 3 2 1 8142 14 3 il0 92i 49 25~ 7 8 4g 0 54 301 6 38 41 79'106 28 5 4 3 U!329 7ff4 6306123661 747 F258 4278 1 - 37i ,103741 138111! 131131 19534 He's Tralking, to the Wrong fellow T.OTALS, 'The Ot)i,Ic',ty Isiclsvç ccutl I.ciýe tCtîni y' ccir tha iiiilc t IiCuicI, Mr Ohgel.hy for guvi c' cii gettittg 6032 v ote',cii 0 .lic ~' l , ýitctilect, cl ueOitcSbclae rittuniIcg for Ut S, ScnaLor wo's'e OV StIlit t'y a otviieof 6,1;3tuio490Cc., Sterling for- i.euenant goverutun ainilced zcfpail -f tilc. tlet b>. a vote <f 71c'9 to .. for his rival M. Mler. And itmecolfÔr ueCtetar>. of state ltIcl ltccc O762.W te 1.089 At nocen ioda>. cogirestifl nChinu bllm sacd liat ie tas cure lce bal heeli nomicrated.Ilie l1051 Hie.,Cii- cazoAed of he. district h. 115111but iv il aduj ablouît la,'0 t 2000 tu ticat nîcuiort>ln ltce Lace County cend. 'Te vote on hlis e iilie tcet: ilamkI. SCii Ih61 Bîtriet I 1u, thcipci f c.1c17:10 E'duaid N.,X ciiC-i ,5 (1. car E. (Cm lc. ct ii Johin G. Ogleclcy cil Len Snîial 4845.i I.IFE NAS"[' (luîXibilOR Frîed Ststirlng 702'9, Willuamn 1l.Miluler 'JIl2. SIDOREITA.RY OP .9'A'r 'Wililim Ifl.RidO3089. o L.otis L.. Erimenson 7q27 F'ORt AIDITOR Andîew flusel 7417, Juiiuuc Jobnson'3271. STATE TEUM P1) ER YEMA lIN AD VANXCE WEISS w' LUI"l 0-a~ 1 !tic'tu 'ci-19 woliiuci. mvhIle Hcee i 1;i I c l '. -aloui t31 w cUix t'i' c c! . t ici io ct.î iak" Icithil>. vote hon - ____ i ttel i cob;g 1,11 a ut icilayes 161. or cbi c cc atic t'no G(.1 oce E R K !045 i ' l i îcdum crlc t iîte bInthlie ree't of .X'l"l"'NI-'Y .'t'lX , - llpuc ii.'tîlct ccc i c> iitl Up luî a f"Ilc cicJ ucilt .uO Ic .lai" icci l tccci l , uc' trcit,ti%-Fliyec5 re- Icincis orit ci i l i of c11. ceunI>. csere un- lcccclJ. c Ir, . a% iliLbi inut %tc ccc:coft Mt. (Jîuhcci's Edi cci icluJeci' 2 c j plctcacii i îmci' Chiti sWXX' X',61,1i. lli c ci wi $591uc Co StpinA. I i2c CO Jo;c .JccIitcei 4'!i . 1~ %%it r t %' ce $5,ic0 froni Art hur E .cs-.cht 'tiii .il Culs lî'î'cioul Tuesile> lt1ii(EStN.l..~ IN aRt"7u1Lcscitc 'c.uîng of thic' beccL u t uper-, n"iuiIL. CIîcdý'I:i ou7W..iliiicL ccli Sing col taîvard, juy ,1,il, Icci cdciaticeeof th itdunlhanage lici:.iJtCok 1614. li ' , wliîc'îi-,at3c rie of niait>.chidren Alt W. r J. aouic 7731 . ' uc'.ir tise connîy's charge. J. Joînso ~ - I Tis laata au au arla±luM& "liese curioig tbing in tise legisaa tule figbt 'a ccctîat tlîrec nombuets ln, clude Charle Il. Francis of Mdennur ceuni>. nsreail of J. I. Viclcers of [ho sanie coutl.. The tbree bigli muen andl Iherefore lte oomlt4ees club: W. F. Weis, Lakce. XVm. L. Pîerc'uc.iloone. Chas. Hl.-Frandas, Mcenry. Fracncis aranet r.cgadcd a a stîuuig candidate. la icct, lie wàà luul.eýd oun in McIlenry ceunI>. ce a "uc" andcin.1 lecril ta Say so ne- îîc'ocedly. It wc.s ecen toit Ihat XWah icould [cal hui by c big %cole. BLa Fraiat came thnougb azidciwben lise fittals begccîî tu tome la 1h wa e eee licol hi' cad defeîste.ilVicers ln thse dluitibct. Xickiur6 le repreuenative at Sli'runocll nuw and bas heldi le. of- fc' ter noms veara. Hie defetut w» the outstaauîag fealure lat thé -Ëelit lii «ucation becae licrinÏfy bail cit L imsin ahigis imani. [StucswbLis rahaceul omnîuateci la> theO dinscratc thaegiiest'on wVil &cea bâ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT ' LKCOUMTY iNDEPENDENT *»@*v w" à e«.u WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 1 rP.ENATMV IN ASSEIBLY Vickem Piao W"hhFmiaîcs: Wei"s SPECIAL IERO'S BODY IS BROUGIIT HOME PLITJUOS ) -tWNFROM OVERSEAS Thb etsiofti~t ~urors for fle (O,- Harry B oa'sRm islaid tober le.'na was aflnounced today ter to Rest; Died Same Day cal' on 'SoXcrxý',er 1 and 15, the ,ce having been subnuitted ta tire board. Wife Was Buried. 0f .superc l5org ilil,,e 'iuesday sc-,,çcn. >leflibr 0f cascils for trau clu- ALL IN THE FAMILY DEAD Ing tire lasi few'leîrns and the cc.acy cases docîe ted fo r the next lotrsu liodîdates the' Cali pcobabIy %) 1 lbe Tire rocnains of Sergt. larry 1). exlcautied . -Noien. soiunteeî', Who "nlisted b inthe Tirs petit Jurors named aie; ac:aîion section, icc. lu, 1917, and No. it. 1%ian lnd Juc d ~ io fiflna; t Cicecter, Eng- N. A. Ruiniion J, in u. ýSénclad,, iîe on0.5 s Wall ta the baffie N. .iccobino. JlartIL rluaken, f ront, 'acre laiti Lu lest iii St..Niary» Jaiies 1ceidleBcnt.. Xrtisur 'iecIie1 ieclaallCier- Arthur hPalier. Karie Crawcccid.. 'cew- tebuyiccilbetsn hr- Oc*t, Soi La lan~t, Fred llalier. ru inLierbodyul ssic'rc ho scaci tOm- Eu Tmer nt ccliN. P Gîcice, puîarîiy bicriec, ie ac.ase heiu0 une' of tirant, Ediccîrd Bouc 1er. i. A. I, tueica ncuuccîc ciU wr Chais. Ednicî areJutîn art Acon,)n Surgi. N lul..n 111hie wiie reàided ait Rics chr liu, 'a-,. tr .î'.o Guinuv ot1et-ecrai 3caia beore hie Richrd iîuîciaXX'Il. Baîin, Johu eCici.ïtniccfit "nuh Mis. Ruth NcIli wa Doyle, Fred S. lirkcoe. Ja".b M e'; nio a dclugliter ut Nir. and Mie. Jauces W. Franik. achu, Aî!!ciuc t, cC', 4.'ICul> cuceau.. lier death XVaukegpcin J. Ç. fichu r, Wmn. LJIniinaijIocc iîc liIya tew cia15 beicre that ih Dy.. Scc.ilc Juin.Arccil.cof lier fiUbbaid, ii ltact bie î'a» sburced A. R. Andiems . Cliailey Laycoêi, the daey lie ucced. Oclober :11, M28. Trhe Liber tyvcitie, lied Il. lîroctix. a il the.rbb ruluga11 J.~~~~ OeGat(o~ roo . 1.A. days 4111cr lu [llit of lier* patents. Caoin. L. E. Jvfl"r, C. IH. LfWls 'lre bo~dy 'as e scotted B .c cue Soc luler.1-1. ii. t hui port of c'ccry b>. a îiî.îlary ciîer iie lunurcîl vas atîc'ndcd 1j! EL. lîcti, c ' W C. C'ieugi, GOO. hia fatiier. lsirry Noien of Kansas %%ltc.eî, 1). L 'l -c,1.J Mîrit'iel, Cit. uînd hbis wcie'a siâter, Miàia May. iico(,li.iiiohci on. lIcli1c.f, (;ce. Lic iiWflFarlehl ut Meimpcis. Teicti.. bci.îcieà fls au îl1itcn, Ani' ccili, E. FiüIccer, W, local reIa;î .ý. ii.c.'is. Z. c'nc.ut!aci Xc'ocUcacjut hie iciiý*iNcuc orlIA.l1, bcci b X'il'u' ci(chco. C. LIas.c, ccis w.ccc 2,acci(,Id. ie macric @ 1.('c c A. Vga "Z il C~ ut tire lic. l insLakce conul> 10taeh Xc c i A I cgin.A Fcutici cc, fer gLisaaon cicccasa icvulun. c.' t... ! ' (ii Ld ciii"îco tut"'. .lie 'alasc c a ied'at Ccîcip Urant, (lic 'c c .' c Pc cOAO. 'C' iccilarc.r uir eab.cin icioit, [tui 'aiere G c cca iccccdX tccci \X.l.c. Làlhcui sîioli clos sent fte Engiand. J. c. . "".icI.1% .ne ' l Xiviieru lie cc'uiacte~il the illnesa t Md.:î' J i 'cccîtc".oi. lî C.c a usc l K Plin Fi Lc,îccc , Lcbî, Vîîc cus'dhi C'uca, 'cii Gato,.itî, XX'. IH. Sic-hec, I-I I Wr cust cc Id. Molion ('ccîrcli, Il. lFINISH 1'. Wni Kopp. Iieerfied, Robiert ltil3ccBnton. _ __PAVIN(i IN LAKE - I-lXKE CONT'S "...... ....... WINT. Tire. conl-ocec.y as t0 whetlier the. oic>. of North Chicacgo gr the nacc.i stion autliorities bhc.uid repalr thec moi ulcnnlng Eoccut of'wcoty Sec- Practical Assurance Giveri that ondi streel and endîng aI the main galaetc the station, bas been etted Road Program in County for lice preccent at lecist for a nain- W o ufr luoî of saiors fiom irlie station have Wl o ufr iee put'f Ut 1 a Woclk çcarng flicrmaci ini lelliicci MORE 'MONEY AVAILABLE 'l'i tel ricraOancidcioiesl Iceit,-ruit are' bh'-lg 1i1Ll andlas SBeaoulas tie rucadit hcd bIl "irnadown"il" itîll Shàoitage Of Mnterial and frequent Do e î'cdy fur ticicr. C.harle"s _ raina haie îdcio>ed cooc.derably the sel]. coîlîciY aciîî'iioendent of b.81c work of pavlng the Vola road and Bel- saý,s soya[ie rend ccii lie linrvci rc' idere streel. ChsattcesRussell, Cown- llI(,rie lcii'ruci Perec-nt. liei o\-c'ty superintendcnt out hlhways, liow- Ill c ..' u'huile filicccruc. iced StlIi(teverle ishopeful thît the worki ili lu c, b ci l iiccici (llce surface of tliceIomIetedi bcore colii ie.cchtr ar- icii ilcrIic lc'c,,andcîruts arelrulies. rcc.c d as l, . c cciwil lîniii'c 'VbcttLake cotinti, niec haceerno fear ct cmol'ec' ic cciit lîcceeliien I. Of gettin g lis entilE ore cia iii cfliarcd 'ccci c icr!cc .c cc, accm«dcîcg Le reada în-ipc 6-ofr tIce incre:Lc,d C'o'sta I i s c mlc I li,. 1h1 CII ' f- a ic i ndlcated b>. lie tcc 'cc dc.aci c cc a i ...iic ', 'lhe ic ..iîing fc dci Sprinîgfield: c 1; c' Cadccicc c by flic cicti Iliigll coil uf rocci iuildii; ucoe- c cclt c éuaet c.ic iccicces 'i cciric.t,, %oicii lbcas gîccorcsile ta saime 'lci bl.~, i l 10 f lcc i 'dc. a Oc0111 1 ci iicicicca ic i ci lie cc. iel. e t coin- i la fur hLc c u'cc lcc.dcîicî h lce 8aace-cide sý'steeî ofrmalle c c .cIl cccc i e ici ît'cc l cci a itiflice $ctcc.(coccu-jtý0%e cd fcr tise pur- c l. c' lý, i o.! i'cc c11 .cccc-riaient, c îcu!poe in 1918', vii nul at ail cul frit c. c 'ti "uxc J tire 11100100., bul Ciiibe offcet b>. the i . ..c l N~cil ('ccii a 'lîc lit'cl icceci.c laautecnobiie feusc, il e Lc' .c'i..'c f ileco id i iscnflcunced by Store lîgwcy Si- 'c l ci cct c 'ccc-ici lît flic'princt'enentS. 1P. lradt. c,. .1c'c :icc icRCcilicIle XXiîrn the $0000,00o dc bond icisquci cl..c.c.clcctic' ad did Pcul le- pcc.grana îcrcuccced, ho alod, il w.i'ical- u'c ilccc..i.' tc dccc'cc ) ccru' lai if. cue l inclt îvccîId lie cabout i,,'c .!.c' :;, ;i ti*cs l.cîîc"l' tocîil cnd of 14. "lie iluc ber cil1clutoico- tanl,, cc iccclck. s uncccof Ile ie leolicre lias gcewe ro î.îuchInime auL; cc :l c:. ciî enir cutii'y. lIl leiraiiiy titani antc'iîcared, b e.consun- 'ccc elî111',cclcit DOW kecim Iil inrelIsîr îîîd. thal lisat inicciber la likc.'y ta' t- a sc ;tc ' of relicef ccill go u o n ccit eaciiecibel ure fticendc of 19l20. The .'i I. ciiilta t rai cc cg c"' t cc ec"inumcber ou t îuciubiesin Ilinois ut c 'i,.,icc Nzi ciclmk(, e ci 'cent ls 546.496. of 'aiicli 485,200 cire Icleascîre c',a andi 61,296 are CPAFAf RCEVE IG VOTE trucksc. 'l'erc are alsu 9.914 facter- cy cles, wliclî are taxc'd fîcr..lie belle- Wl-l' ic. li ilote dcin0L.ake fit of bard rmcds. u'cc.cyc'.cc c-!. tccceccis ccîesid- Automobile liceocae fte.c, art as- c cIn'îî"c'c1 the .'cnîec,î bvwe escced 'ccording I(o horaepower of tb. c . Gci 'icacc îla l'iCarles F. l[noter andi range froui $8 t0 $60. ccc C c 'ccl 'icc-ïr . rcrent:ilivc1 ý-=- - - c ý' c l r.. ( i.,u "Lti cad. ei,-hth Cilu-.& FR.XIi.CES BEATS VICKERS. --;;ý - - -, -u- ---------- i i ý 1. i ,Il