Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 1

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LIBERTY'VI LLE LAKE COUT INDEPENDENT vouimE XV11.-NO. 39. LUBERTYVILLE, LAUE CUNTY. IWIS. THJRSAY. SEPTEMBER 23.,1920. PINC1IED driver. vis s-r lenlie Tuesday lvi*ng biso truck le appearoil la îiug and ex- luekeil the tat it la Chlcag* imîseil to.have Lnd was dis- ATAL s-ped 26. jear5,> 102 îtott ave, MeAlister lioo- LI ion. D lieli t'iday late t'es.dence iod ceinetary. speils' SYMP- md for Any le lose ihe wîll e more tien life iks ber ivorîte ystefn. weak- trotind body, head- Lion. Lion in lit Kba usa"d La n-on- AT H16HIILAND PARK hre .Rselý..... Senatoriai1 Committeemen. ______ iTico Forby----------,;391 The itîjtiaiîdPark totige L o F0 t' lit John son it36 lu pteLa;e te ldBaetstchrc 1J. V. flz ...... l6 building in Laurel avenue, and vilit i oF rvzbChrhi.......... Ï »sP this buil'finîg ton io'.ge purpotc. i -Pyzosi.. . .. .19 The Uatnsasctin wits madie this veek, aiii work on the new lotige beiîdivi4 viii begin iiimediately If is 0190te ha tehal il e eayTO CONSOLIDATE for occupancy ln about tvo monthb The enire aîfpîcturo vlili bo reinm- 5 C ~ S IL aied malleesanId ut. and an up-to-date, C W L :H L àoetevîIho ms-de for té'local 041 laileva. ln addition ta the reguari Ilkîtcheàn and iumerous amaîl rooms.L C IO CTi 11.111 the aev building la remodelol. - tbe ode continues ta meef ln the, Wauconda, DavIin, Murray, Ms-suictP1ie lynich and Slocum Sohool IANO CAU(IT IN 1 Dsts hud. Auelectien fat Site purpose ofr ot- A COK SlIREDDER ilus faor-s-allait the propciltlaor orestingaoa OMUnltY ceOlIW&ed -bioal distrilctaffeting Ove districts to hum lIy, a fariW'-g living tltre lu lte neltitor-Itdo f Walisds-. sni mues southeast of WaRdttvonth..,&sugbt ;lndluilng 5isectons et Tend lu the bés baitiinla acor-a abrdediMouds-y teriTtOiy, viiibe bll Oelober 2,Il'< uoranig, cruqhing the flugere i-er nà a a onood toisai. ' 1 sevorely. Dr. H. O . B Young lias esl-, The district*ageaffctasr-e No. 56, d and sdamputate4 the. mnidle 0lngei- WaUCOsla sebeoi.NO. $7, DavUan s-v t heosecond jolit. Tbe prosaWtà scitool Noe I1. MMrsy stimol, No. 85, et es-v7ng ité t'etof bie band are Glyloi84s10eo. NO. SU. Sbocum LaIre go- d,-shel T. Arhur Simpson, county superIn- 84JIT CHARGES PALATINE tendent of soitools, statel today ltai HEADO MISUSHO FUN8 tho plan la te cenatmouClsconsoid-' .ecteol s-nl equlp t viti thlastet' C. Dewitf Taylor, aresiloat of the educatil cMsluupuent. as lucit mor 'stlàge board of Pslatine, three mou- can lie accoupllsbed u intis usunor bers of te board sud seven athere tsa by oedurting tls-five districts 'ame chargoil ltli' a couiplrs-oy ta lndependently. ehute-unl>mavful oxpenditure of lax- ii. prenntennolluxunt lua bê Ly payera' mono> in a suit filai u inte districts la 140. AIT the buildlugs are Oeck circuit court Tuesday by Ronr-y ol dand wveau have te be rçp1aeed bo- A. Pholmn ao Paistino. Taylor- sud fore msu> yoars. Tt te belved tbat Idesuita-nts have alrea4y misappro- the Cou eonuolîdd o bol couli b. Mtoteel$6000, accordtng 10 Pliolilisa. mintaiel mcre eucoamlcally hua Ne.&eug tat the court estrain t<h iein Oleom lns oe. The Individuel *M furtiéreppeiturns. He a. de. aébcilareluire .on @bW»4Vrofund et mous e>aIn es.or ie osolae iit.l vil eu ~dOd. ~ miy four. INDEPEN'DENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY. SU N $1.50 FER YEAR IN ADVANC BA1TLE ROYAL. ON FOR -TUE lin31 SEATS IN CAMTL Vith à Republîoam NoMbinatpi and One Demlocat Noo*- ated one must meet dotaL. Nov t fat tfelieîrtmarwIes ave bosit bell andi tho e lilUm ibàve melotea titre nominees for the leur- on tonse ai Springfild. Messe WelmslFrancia sand Pierce aud <ho Democrals have solected 1Thumas Graia fitheiotent content tee election tht bai been ysged ta tue legslative inatter for uaay yuer viii 'De carrisl on. Titre. Ir' t tour coflitosei viiibu electeL l'he blg qusetâos is: Have th. lie- publicaus suificlent voli l at iloone- and McHeury Co»Utete have have their titrese nouiuoe comb through -flctorloua? itepublica leaders déclare tttVI te itflablcam sUtck together sSd aivtdee àoir voteq tare. vepa" ,to cms-an ia ail tluremon, 15 intse Logi latuire. Un lte otier baud lb. » ocmisadeciore thora arenboosue itePubiican rotes in tii. dhaIr-t te permait titis to bu dons for lte simple t'esson <bat ftey argnuefrieaI et eacit candidate w'etilupar-t bie n nol div île up their aireusagh. lau Slir- accorîtlug tu dductions of Baeitbi1' aniihétuetotal 'ote» of tte Rq'b licans In lte district vas livuubed bX tDnce sud eacit candidate giveu t numbor ail titree poesibly wouli b"ve mocre voLes titan fteDemocrat r r(an- dilate Mn. Grahtam Butt titey argue t.his wili bu a viPbl. cai împossibilty sud iu. vilIa&U r&e cove lisait to the point as teo wbeb fbree of the four can gel theI.lan 'vtels. 'rusIfIl oliwttat ne or two etfté lepublicon miglit gau a big. ms-jontîy sud cnshâer-ably oeor- SWFWINS BY -IOFFICIAL TOTALTUlad cLMCI CACIN g24 ÉRNARD TO Canvass of Tabulations of thei u y r s' Total Vote in County in Pr' Cll dJudges is Finish- mr ShwtatH nd ASI( A RECOUNT CerkonSentradRersm ar hw ha ude andReresn-11 Failed to Mark the Whoil em Fnsh ow hesta t :t O f the. Prim ary B allots Tice:t.~ heObLk~(u Bolow are offiiaI Sfires linLae Senatr Conest Sows a C()tMtyfor te pimary of sept., 15. Veane inMcHery.on the iSth. there rere 14,5çSf> rot. Variaoe i MoHery. 93board: s~~ ytit u. i funýard, Who wa.s defpat d %I. ItnYard bases lis demand f0!- t h iow~ett hat Mr. Swift lisd been at.>fhoi boa d: n ii" i m ..s > eld la t w ek. fo 1h a recoU nt by cg la m i i h at the Judg ..i. nom inated b > a m ajority of 124. o n M on 8859. Witti officiai returna trou' ail- tre. FOR UNITIED STAýEsJ SENATOR i edls ek o h 'satflos . o u s U . . o f t h . d i s t r i c t ih o w n g t h a t W W I M . M c K i n l e y 4 M R e p t i b i) c s f l n o m i n a t i o n f o r t a t e m e n - i t h n l e p r e c n c s l U t o n a i d t a c o u f t e l r g v t e a t a n t h' A o i n5 7 0 a..ata<124 1 ator jwrnmrenom aisttiltthuis meningnsluer andthl vo " , ca e r ' fr B f r a if t t L . S u i p àiti 4 5 a or.m.. . .di t ic , i is7o nS 2C a n a d ta b l ila t e < re tu r n i c o r- ! e a it m a .JT ltY re o e lv e d b y S w if t . M r. lto tau g s'et d it o u . si e n t oe lium. bp 154 vtes a he wodsitfroin r nFtM. CiuiEld .. 2 f(led an aeti!on la the circuit court at' rectuy and titat there were many er-Ju r dista I h oesbi oteeor h tma sny pern g rmaenysrof tbalos gits'h. u)oàld ams t foIf thevotes NOA&. voe w rh a i lt mvot e rshora E CWto h altbsn i dward N: Woodruff .........476 Waukegan. deMlandîng a recounât of iois, fJetaits. He aiso lhbeu counteil correctlY lhe would have vseato orgovnor.oe th o a" on "bi privtleg.e on tite tact that oscar Z. Canitroin. ........ 5511 eaoorgem. so s-y artl eprtscae rouI oh O.Otehe allots. llege th terewore ia*y defective hee> the wiiiier. For sêfltor there were 12184 votes MffHeary cauaty folloving th* pri- Lensu Oai!................ .4784 Het-aalisthe totalvotetle tii.' cesna am, Uat ho bubeves a recoutit FOR LIEUT..GOVCRNO§S. tu hw 45jenu i o shoubid lieuade. ThebR ficiavote l in »Y E.ILsterling ............7014 in McHiiuil ad Boone countus, sand counteil for eliter candidate; that ICooke Pope & Popead George W. vote for senator. th dstrict te: Swift, 11,185, RIuiyard WilliamH. a. Mhuer ..... luincertain Pr"u iétt n Lake county, tive huuiérd ballots wore caàt for, rd fW egu l ebl i n trandovertota1l37votes erea 1,IFORu SE1CARTARY O FSTATIE jcait and tho totos 214 al oe utii thoubal Mnasaard Sattrday tAt iated te William H. ad..... ~ weehmopsn. Redidy............ufl101 lwhlcit voe Barkeil defective Rnad r Wf lrpeetlb bw 24flelt ir h u MolOsit m£oriU»eruost lnmbodately Louis L. EuUêTioa ....7747 of L.,bertyvilllo, obtalued a inajority. lbe and flot counte; tt ai t les-st the IE. Wý- Orvis of Wauk-egau, Who bu lot on governor. eeal crourse 4he recount must be Audit.. Publie c Aent&. It la apparent titat- inany porsons- mae. n ail three cofltleu. Ajttlew RUMI ............. 7379 coisnted again. The ftàllowlng are lte buudred balots ver- counteil calie.d as associate counsel David R. îîsplayed more lutea-et it local can- .1 woulil sotask for if If the dif- Jullua- Johnson................ 2I70 prpéinetmin'!luLakee coity where Mr. bore ditlnguwia marks contrary to tosîyn, and Edward D. Shurtleff of didates than In the heade ofttle flem ws rear utvh lios1- For Statse Treser..ticket. am t;ý_ waForreinstance. on ystsron'sof tlHrnry S th iero vere 22,0W0votes caif Zdward IL Ralier ... 1......... 424Runis-id Caimesierota vere made inlawor witlà, cronses iirnt fmore FrMnsaneoneitry. atone la thi district andl that there ia a George B. Key&.............56817 thi- count. names than wore talo voteil for aen-1 The case ts set for hesarlng Dort 11,7015 persons inankiled-ITrbaali, dlffereo :eof but 124 votes os-id thst For Attornesy Geeral. etetavlng but 1884 who fallel ta vote on nef Iras up to iste Tbursday I az Ulari rl a gt..........£6789 Lbertyville Nos. 1, 2 and 3; Aztloch ator. and. that ail thoee ballots'ilu Monday moruing ttnocokbfaeo u- fie 4@clar-d wisiner. 1 belleve 1 am justi- Rcai J a-............4169 Nos. 1 ai> 2; Newport and Warren; question *ers couatel for Mr'. Swift. JdeC.Cidwrs wovcInu ent, isuaI. monitor1273dcvotee -S.d ii -uingur as - snt" ald Mi. Clark tsupreme Court.a decision ai ta whether a menantt ofcat olgtat26IIfotve RUV at -. thEav s l dw ard- Schneider ......... - :».283011 Shields Nom. 1, 2 andl 4; Avon Nom. 1 On the early r tum e M r. Runyard ti sîos vi! b a e he fg r s s o that8 2 m r la .oLnêeUjou wltthe v" i Chartes W. Vail ..............5211 às0 2; Freinant; West Deerfleld, anti was doclared te hlite vluner. in t he ie recullts i ho mate. lvita or.gres therlow tsraat88moe ffl Oi --,ma L"Xe couûty4Ila Isnter- jLUC"as.Butta ...............785-Tersl ilb ace iha otr akdterblosfrsae «tUn ote the returna 5f printed la Congres. at Large. j aIl.'igbi pi-cincta lu Deerfleltown rai'ý.,but whien the vota of Mllenry'gieat deat of Interest by people ail; sttorney, than for state sens-loy. be iûn atwe owda Richard Yate%.........6105 shL,. and Iloojie countiés labau enrecel'.' Ioî er the district. This shows ihat. as thene vas but ofiiifgrs h aeedn ae John J. Brownu............... 3667 a dlfference of 124 votes betveen 4M h 'rit'ld-iP'.nuioit gave Sivft 5021 tephen A. nay ..............3011 - ____ Swift and Runyard. that. but a emaîl1 nâa .it.- papr Wth the returnâ Wilam E. Ms-son . ........... 6676 l>umiber o those who did bOT vote1 were sccura'ae in thei work, andIthie For CIerk of the Appeliste Court. o th aofficyo e ato r lhavicated wtaltlon of tlîs [nietiendent was also Second aoiy nmetrhithy èscSeý Justus L. Johnson....... ...4871> Voted. SWITCIIING IN McHENRY. Arthur E,. Snow............... 4401 T e I d p n e tP it U t e N w La Mdllenry counfy tho canvass t.) Reproentative in Congress..h bic bdae.nded Fmiday etternoou nd l Carl R. Chlndblom ........... 7362 I d p n e t n tÀiPte N w PROVE IiOSPI- Coqaty Cleri SUAI made fthe annotince William Lewis Judy.......... 378 Of L k o n y n rn s it F rtT LP gsst when he gave out the Sfires Edgar J. Cook............... 1627 thaï te ecasaseut dowu Mr. tivitta - Abert Wi J. Johnson ......78 th" n90 th e os. l.ofica returus bad ON STATE SRNATOR. The value of a cousty paper ta reaclers in Lake cut lies i the ability cf a newspaper ta mal. Swif t leder by 37 vitereas o.11- Ruayard Swift furnish byve news ta i readers. y b.a rouir- i ilgî n funYaril the eLake .... ....6802 5021 aitIRO N)N M NT m. qst b7 Gmaoty. i Boone ..... ..-...1367 1404'! There is no paper in Lake couuîy placeci in.the position of harnishing the latest, th is noncdta ewHs1a Jet Maaicme te officiai vote ln Laike McHenr .............. 2892 4760; amd the Most important sews tlaits patrons 111wthse LIBFRTYVJL M WEPENDENT. none th NwHsia ocauty ebicit, aildeil fa the oficial tI- Boo» an McHeny gaveMr. Swit Tota ... .......... 1101 1118 The apepessetaSoeThurpresaeaohnhundia sprn ad itsasileetce her eenc eeresWie the Wl R Be yea forfrOccu- the 124 jOr-lty Swlft*t Majority 124. preslent awners toak bold, ta give ils readers the news of ail that, Las bees transpiring in this pancy in a year. ThtRersatAtiveCTboRIOGraha REPUBLICAN REPRISIENTATIVE> coffly up taan liaur before il goes to press.' Accordingly, readers of The ladependeat <ut. -w Grounil wilIlie rokon withlu hat Repenu"frtaUe ThlowLkeMcrnbousneTta - that bas develnswi as late a s Tbursday morning. and they read il in the weekly paper at <the saute thlrty days for Waukegaus 8300, b7ath ol ai forthe' iloer ht 1se-Vickers .78 7863 1lm% 13.960 0jItrynmra'omfa.Ti by bedemcrtsof it datrctbu Pierce.. 4739% 4UIf 6699% 14,021 time that cunty renders reCeive it frcim the coluias of The Daily 000. Vl dctond oola opta.'u c.cum le soarnlaturilay when officiaI Walshb_. 266714 4141 297 7,1051iSu. ils- a meeting Monday roer»unswvrs .lived fro e- c Franchi ..6368 7170% 15Il 1:5 There is no paper i Lake county wbîcb bas the source of news te draw front that the Liber- aecdm besfthbora- Henry county sud tes»,couplil wif h Weiss ..13920 2084% 771 16,775 tyvil neednpsess si sondb)h aemswoonTeWuea al tt proved ftho nov plans preseitoil by Lakte couty's big showing. gave him Ïl neednpusea ti we V euimmWow Te akgnDiySn John Erickson of the vell knovn fSm the nomination by a majorlty of 25,4 OEMOCRATIC REPRESENTATIVEi and ilhas the.fuladvantage cf the newsee1hering force cf tbe countys only daily paper, as !of hospîfal architecta, Schmnidt. Gar- 1U5.% Hayes 1427.Lakle ..... - . ra.. 1 Hayes Illas isown staff af correspandeats in Lake county. The outstandisig fact is that the present ditsdMtî. r.rcton s- lalt dsrct ie oeben:Os-sm'~-01:%31 ntuceif pce t once vitit the Thens bail been sone doubla on the B2n ..... 82 1394i. o ers of The Independent are ever thinking of the importanice cf having latte news in the week- work of preparîng speclficatlons which enaestC perdtîtMHn ly paper, and that is why news that is gathered up to noon Tbursday is inserted ini the current , will take suoUier vesit or toit laya. rra large voie for hayes migbt hd Toal.........162l12 weeklylte b ale fran h Total ..-t--168akecott1man i isue cf the we y ,contract avardotl. aost i it . Lanne county tbt rhma aoin 6% B. m .idf Bon cufycat ut Os-ais or irt Co255.% -This f act was forcibly illutrated lwo weeks aowben The Sun printed complete details'cf Circuit Jutige Edwards. prestilont of y lf".v democratic voteaintafsct. CekCicitCuthg le ho8pital board, said Tuesday titat baiely -'n'ugli to bother countîng Lewis 0. Brockway........... 9189, the census in ail thie îowns, villages and cities of Lake county. This information appeared inl the thte board oxpecis grounail to bie brok- _________William A. Doano----------- ý3142: Independent, which camne eut Thursday afterno on, and many Libertyville reuders thus were longvîthin fortyuay sudthll-a -Smiout Cone. <enths noratoneen before those Wvho take the Daily Sun. This is one o fthe biggest year. OD EBU SCI CH IAshbhl V. Sl............96 ie hsnfraon% LO Q U S H R H John L. Taylor.............94091 piece of nevs that has been prnteci in a long li me, and The Indepenclent management recog- The original plan, calling for a lot Fo.,r.,C..,.nty , ,rv.,.. 1 nized thi-. ;rncee of ettiniz il-eforp ils reariers ahenri of nl the.. nier newsnaners. That bedi. fo -story hospi th. eeet- v.. .ev.o, i.vosî.rmn.mmi ~ an Votes titey tansd vitit Mr. GM,. woul exceet lis-if a million dollrs. 1,Os-m nigt aynalti en The new plans Cali for a twa atori. ocrafictes g O ouvhertcaniiicthe dw 88 bel liospbal. coifting n<Çt tn esceeId aie volat-teU b Can Vote be oa $3QO0000 fund The new hoýpital designeti aà a Viciter' D)efeot Surprise serir'.-mémorial fa fthe youing men anit ýoung wvainuoft aukegan andi i'ne lefeat of James hfi.Vlckeris or Lak.- coun'.> via served in the vorld MlctkenrY Counity dame as ons Cf the. war. wil th,- 240 feet long and wiii be 5005sf lonal developments in the pri- localiîtin the renter ai t he twenty j maries It hiaving been peneran> con- acre - act ai Giceni"iura avenue anti $2ded.that 0e votld bu hibîsman. ia- Sheridan raid. This vas decided quires tu MdileMycotInly for ltd Monda> night. It waa decide ol ea eason tus-t bî-ought .about titis gud (lîii e bospital vIlI face eu. den upsetting of Plillîcal dope brou-. Meibers of the board have beeh Su I t the s@met tvovoa oot bs uin con.,idering a plan of purchaslng thethePt iek eor a « Sortit roprty an herdan roai taprealethat Mr. Vlciters no oflr Sextn prpert on herian a a a reCulent of McHenry cogqty near the hospital pnoperty aus a sltq but lnsfead for fte four years pual for the nurses bouffe. This plan vu-v lilbeeoinlucharge of automiobilo a* rejectol Man4s-y nlghtsafit vasdo- change ila Danville. ni, .Chiti10 have the nurses homo built lte Word passai *bout MeReMW on the bospital site. à 'uout ltaàInlavlev of <ho fact titi bh balDnedirect tinternat lu meory- ]4ISS UÀZ LS&U E t ont>Isu> cfiegr becouae et thab MIS IA ELSM LE Ch a 09resdene ttat hocujd MEs LOUIS LAItSN den'c tecuay0 ?i dfpliUr dlelaresthitt lu vas ié -Miss Hasel SuaIs, laughton of Chas- parts that braugitabout tse daw P . Sms-le. Jr., of Uiter-tyvile, sud Mn. of Mn. Viobe.. 15 la a kk9ova hu Louis A. Larsen et Waukogaa. wve. Uts-n.Vielies sbas bom awaay Orm marriel Saturday atfno. Sepusu (>lunt), or the. N* S h y0arsont o lus§" ta at hobeu owai ber 18, s-t 3 o'oIck. Tbe veddiug <00kva- aianiajelreds.a place at Et. City.otoun'a Episcopait ut-fcounty. citurcl inl Chicago. the Rov: Gardner l it lae euy te, bu seen that *,lWO Alpheaus MscWhonter, pietl'chargeo0f tbi iknt basaion a kn.w5uo of St. Lawrencesdliurch, offlciatlag. titi . Vlekers bai mot boue avOD Oity f-e nnledlto elaive 0f the'Mieitry cotnty dring tao* PMU- Only he imediae reatvs-l te tev 3mars vouli hojust tbhesmil a a couple wvere prenant. Citai. F. S .caljmpallgn argument that.woold voila snd Miss Myrtie Sm aie, father a isud 1 te hie disailvantabo. Ur.- Viebee a.'. - lit atenans.servel a nchier -of uer-me aS Ustii ter of fie bride, vers h tenat.ifîledsoir hlms àmien reienua t u»' Tîle bride wag attirel It a traveling... a climax t em caupaîga 'suit of blue. ' cverYt.ody ' e2Ilecled hlm te 001U0 i*he-br de lqis tlt kpiai .iii l lt'iý hrtugh a vinfir, tai sfnong a large rfrr1' e2 'ieid iA tact net geners-lly renîsubrmlbW în't.ibertYv-.ile wlierpel-,l- i i'e 1I att, Int ttc çm-I tos Isu its la t oî't of bier lire. Mri. 1Lara"ýn la a-..nmnary. th, e"cmulati"ve ote" meinhler orthelieoltkr.owvuJ'ai nfingi;on ieçieistnre -le- foitwed. lit *fiart tint> of 1 H t.s -and 1S'-il fi-. Ivoter-s- f lt"aiv asit. uat MOens and bis bride yl I%,.for the pnreu-for euhb aOft@ltre.'f 0< 111114, Waukegan. f or one or ou.ésMd o0e b*a90LUSiW Lake County 's Big Weekly ài tas thr ve Portion i-at voeul les-vs cO.aMdeu'jteloew for mill kk-mocrat 10 cornelantaaler lthe vw» Iby itsviug a coucentratail »emocratie vote iorn n. Tom Sents Confident Mir. Unammlte deaiocrs-ttc nouai. n0" mnYS ho bs hieil Wovon the fig. Ilvisofethie ltspublicau Party for Ste lait tventy ysars sad Insista ta" they bave itevsr bal enoug velu in Ytne district to permit à tbree.vay @Pûit wltb on> saety te, tho Rapid. Ylcsn ulte mattor of Isuding titro 0nmen. Accordîngly, ho figunes ts-I .-some on.e0 or vî Wli jet imore Vot Je titn s- a<ird msan and titenefore aI& emets <bat a bot figit I viiibu osnbs-a s-b s- long lte lUne, * M. tUrabitamOetcourse declaros ltaS * te iiemocratic vote yul l it iu and lie &111o0expect te sot a numbos' eor tlepubîlcan.votes.@4vel. Un ta.ealter.-bud tlitlepubiea nomunéos insJet <bat lb.>y Ul cet sne 0f te i>mocratlc votes@Ilaithé eledtion. And ibere ion have il. if l in g ýte hoes- bot fight aI ulong the lia.- .Wlite tepublican candidates gel., tint ail]thle democratîc s-nd repubhl- 920 ýars çld; weighit Ibs; One mine 3 n OGra te Litle of Bobi cit: One ms Two rie Us-r Bsn:5 tii Seed e Soule ha nkl- why. althoughi the informatibn wasflot received tintil during the morning of Thursclay, the effort was made to get it into ther current issue. Another instance of the superiority of the Lbertyville Independent as a home papei for Lake county follks was shown in Iast week's issue, tvhen. The Independent prînted a complete table of the primary. eturns in Lake t.ounty on the offices which interested local folks and totals on al state offices. No 'other paper carried these important figures, and, in fact. most weekly papers secured what returns they hadi f rom the Daily Sun, whichi is The IndeendentCs Waukegan associate. But the fact that the primaries were beld Weclnesday and the current issue of The Indepndent. carried ail that important news shows how up-to-the-minute The lnclependient is. The late news was in last week's issue only by much exertion. and yet it was worth it 10 be able to get the information to our large circç of readers right bot off the election ballots. Illustraing further the laté news wbich Ilh'e Indepenclent furnishes its readers, it may be mentionecl that in last weel's issue-ên the front page alone-were seven dfifferent articles wbich had neyer ctppeared in any paper in Lake coin ty before, mom even in The Daly Sun. %llwsfl Independent *"beats them ail ta it" ini printing ni ajor'artile as weil as many minai article s.1 Not a week goes by but what The Independent earnies several exclusive articles of extreme interest to country readers. The Indepenclent bas a staff of country correspondents is every place o fimportance of Lake county and covers the news in evesy cammunity. Our désire is ta bave a correspondent in every locaity in Lake county. We ask aur readers to assist us in dài respectwherever possl>le and send u s the names of people who wMl act as our represiotatve àt their respective comuities. In calling attention tQ the fact of the value of The Independent as a newspaper- for country readers. we do nfot wish ta duscourage the talking of the honme paper.hI fact. we urge reders to *recagnize the imortance of suppotg their awn country weekly intei respective coqmmity. However, we do nat hesitate ta declare that in order ta gçt dil the newsof Lake Ca. it is absa- lutîely essential ta takre either theFaukegan Daily Sun -or the Libertyvifle hldependunt. ' For *country readers we recommpend llTh Inependent, because thecountry correspondence appears only in The Independent and natins the daily. Thus, whlle yau ay wsh tatake yaur hmepa- ['er, if yau want ta be postecl on thé ggàerai news of Lake comnty, the quickest, easiest and the riost effectuai çway ta do sa is ta subscribe for The-Independent, there&>y realizing that -for the price ($1.50 a year) yau get alI the news, bigor saali as it may be. The Independent is the biggest weekly i Northern Iliais. We are flot endeavoning ta in- crease aur circulation toapay extent, because the fac*tis. »have a persasal pride in oi lt that *covers practicaily four out cf five farta houses in Lake caunty. We just want ta rernind those wo, are subscribeàs cf the paper that -tliey Are getting their money's worth, and then some. 1

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