t-%,oerty ville Independent Y# C-ànmeiJudejw4Jent - Wauhegan W.eJy Mm Wr . Mo a ......... ...... .. .... ....... . manag r -----------.....................- - .ocalManager- OU P Wlr fIO-4120 'PER VEAR, .STRIC1TLY 'àN DANI Office Telephe n uslr 1, Leeotyville <mobanhe. 'Ioeflet athe Pestoftic etai Lirtyvhlie. II. asSecod Clasa Malt attor. A turmd Huo :o iore& Lake county men and women ahowed tlueir confidence- in CAL &A V. Smith and incidentally they presentedl an boauor ad rhzute to tlueir foremoat military man.,By thir plendi uuiioeity of 3 to 1 in nominating i for state's attorney they sdu - - what thir think of hui, .We knew tbey waiald do it --w. pndict. they would by a uMaority of anoythusg above a 1w. tgon0e vote and the. results proved aur analysis was ýW. oaeturslyý feel elated to thiuuk "bt the. voters of Lake caty "hweddei reard fêt CoLL SMas abilty andthi a-vcum-u orLi service to his counry-for thèe is noa dis- qcoutîn« thie fact that the. latter muet Lave enteredino con- sidmais when the. bellots were being-marked. No maon run- nm lè office wbo Lad performed the. heroic- service that Col.- Salu did overseas, could help but receive votes "s de.tulbute. tho auch a service. That, coupled with recogrnition. of ability adcapuicaty. brouetta Col. SmiÈh'u standard a followingi %4"cl muet bave given. hi a feeling of pride to realize thaot the gmntimuent ras go unamimous for bis succeas. col., Smith ià a Lake -county bdy. He je one wbomn we ail- have watched with pride in hie military work. 'We felt proud af i nâ when he went aitt he bead of the I 49th artillery à overseas service, W. feh proud and happy when be came -bock and so what mare could we do, what more could the votsro do than tender him the fine bonor that bas been ac- cavd'd iai y this won derfully.fine vote? The people do notforget. W. 'are confident Col.'Smith will flot forget the confidence that hie been reposed in him, a confidence and trust which Le will' hold uss acred as he held his cotintry's honor when he wesetta oFrance ta vive hie lufe if necessary that democracy "huld rule the world. - Cal. 3wih, Lake. county feit proýud of you when you- marched away and you bave reasoq 10 f..! proud when you' note the marh ai the men and wamen g'1 Lake«counîy as they 1 fila ta the pols on Wediesdny. The. two marches gor hand inhmund and that's how lîîmny weiîî in L..e couÀity uni Wed- Aiready Waukegan and other Lake County folio- 1ookig aIt the onderful victory of Col. Smith, are sager ly tooktug fouwerd to the time he-aasumes office and sonda out the word that bllnd-piggery and slot-machinlng must cesse. The way the plqers are working in Waukegau moi Noth' Chicago la ashiarne, The men that re jet- ting tW look 11«k. sk" inWaukegflAn arareflection on the cft's good marne. Pt'a Sw etitan it used W be for~ titis whtite-mule which they are .lopplng Up han a far dif férent affect on the usera than the old-time whiskey. And' the poor victinis don't realise it until it's toc late. And nowveyFou mark un: Col. Smith vill merely have to say IN' À DIÇISIVE MANNER thatJie's goiiig te stop the jointe mud they'll stop. An y àtl attorney can do it IF -HE1 -W*MT TO. For., the gamublors, the piggers anid the slot-aiachineris vn 't take chances when they know they arn actuaally ini danger., And. with the advent of Col. Sritb's régime .we prediot an early end to thoeflotte- iahtg msoft drink" parlors in Waukegan which are pat -. i'ouised Wcmuch more generoualy than the regular soda) wftntahja The mystery of their hidden batties ca.à h-, ablv.4 viti haste by Col. Sauth and so they better seil as faetJI possible now because the tlme's short., We often timet woïder if the operators of these loft (?) din.k par- lors kfd thernselves'Imb the belief th at the public doesn't knov that men aren't drinking gallons aud gallons of "NEMAR" stuff altitis tim.. Anarchias who have been allowed to corne imb tiis country from foreig o toes here they1re murdering and pilftrini have now cOrne forward in another challenge to out American goverument. And yet tliere are a lot of Men vWho are ailoved to live in Ibis CooUntry,, Who, If the -Newv York -bomit outrage are caught and.,seat to prison, vould start a nation-vide crusMde t demnd their par- d..The'd qulckly-forget th. tbirty homes frorn vhlc av" s ere1 anufted. ont by tlhe'boiber.. Thoir "martyr.t foi fredom"<fràdo oietthe" themmelveswould recove < J j et Ii.lw tyhoe nom wM 'lb.* te<rloyM.ma n ds millte 30raimed 010 alLV si tteéblggut vii on our baude ik vl iltw -.êv rtala oui Amn. frkeau aAola IqMul taI' up lu eV ez 4uiots froM'abràon I~t tlaboAumerlooui t #Amerr WeIl. voters af Lake cofnîty, .mes and woaien, eLowed tw dbey boewe Lake. couonty bave a represlentatlve et Spei- mal»so 2y ndîa lvote they aoanat.d BUIW WessMr. o e ven outaid e oton townahlp. lluer ~iAdlo i aVOliva Wadbeen Plunked for hi. but ai the, »~MM IÎNWw s tsmiahnor dirougluthe cUntv Écarrying pre 1~ELU~YVIE~ ~ I~r) U~D YISFFJESER23, 1920.'_________________ su11odaead siexa In the car ail LAI(1 COUNTY T the tInte tl'ey were away . At N:agr S IT VC OR BE AS ED TO AID tu the Iihbridgesa Weilai;on the ASBIEi À SURPRIE huadriâdA s a resuit of a toi nado . TO 5,O O T NE wbich BwepI. the lsce.a liait day lIe A YI______________________charge ______ M 1r.Wildr and bis party were mnts' cT13Bm DEFEfTkeyula 1L.lbertYvill,. CIGo~o uIu Advisory Board Mots Sum for eated over the.succas uf their trip Political Dop.stra AIil 0ut inFlaFider retu;o to Gottlm store sud r. O SA OU OFS ohreemjerwll Eaoh County in State the ln the novel conveyance aamoiod. turCluain n *Cierwil 8l oe odr Ie n ve~oa Totl Bin $20,ôO. maretsaviion lie lefI homte for. Il Siiijg'CODISOL-FOR IBAL5-%M ybulbe. John Clark Chines; eveorything in good «&dr; silo bau.proved ttaeflas a succeus tin Whitiethe tierent of ilames il: Mlwaukee are. Glenview, 1lI..41 M tave ainru 'eje, . 1.411 tIoutlWs QuOta ta the. Bais- modem eovetLiences a-la-auto. V*III t MUmtoUM tb fInnib. -ygr j lion Arny appbealfor 11m111.0s trou toih________Minuit.a-I--f' 4b #Pi f~. Minis otoir ofousket-. .......eid.was a tea-.. R SAL-Hud lvin. Aeslilnoa. Ppne90.t. Vo~~l4ty tht. YMr I ~ ~~~~~ ~ i Mire tepriniarles cansequent ta songer; 41091111c"Omdl ,o Paukma n R SIEMdl9 Oeinatu t»ua aluinouYser 18byute86L0U00.,dIf 0 ie sues of Chan. H. Francis of Mul ,Madison St., Waukegau. St POR . LatXel 90 îe r au our-ew tiae d . rBoard- on the. bami ut »l b * -o as te asenatinSccondition. Seyon tgood tires., Z bouili:de.osts and> M4 aV a f be elaotFOR1SALE OR BEST-A 100- acre cords &gn 1 3L (iYMN»TO E h . -ceates betwe,~I ne Ra. fart, lrehm U« solothnto Iàb fedePende __ Librtyille in ioayAvwyBe"e priai. CSwrit'@ victory by 124 cause About 39-4t fid, flsry ebrd1a at _____runioa______en-cote___Atbapren th tidbudtwu puusd by1111 oruetLant given ltin y Mcfenry FORSALE-S"beûr, 17 serles, six 0ne0Of the iarger t double pinka. W. te State Boardlcotelu ltolssiisosOuaty votera..Analyzing the tlguîi"i eyliuhder. seven pamsnger. Good iwftrdso Prairie View. IjI. Iý AÙM *bu vu ot adewWi The18ih captr Metin orthetlbisen ti"t Mr.Runyard dofeattîl condition'Bain, ii Italien soc MUU AMfelIt receolve thlé.u»nlmous Northeeauters Dennery of te OM r.«Wt 17U5 votes la Lake Coun iC .Kehur ietvle t siIIFO ALDM-otteesitltss ' oPothobbcrelireseaotatlves of tii he iialtiYD.cosoClaa i ILr votes ln Booecotisaiy but _C._F. ____________________ omable ai.s ana. ktemi s - Varices OOulte& I»eet t. lAreo er Ir . Swift . camethrough with a nia poRitSALU--40 Chateor White.Plus, vin maUtinl. o Uook cut »Y *111 tbis &Md for 845.. m4Oe8pt . ,bogim-nlag therlty of 1984 la McRéefry County ant i biit 40 tu70 Ilet; fI reglaterei ------- 11119,or " aitu twî -tfhe ouant i of. uow C>s, w*m a. big *dlfferene hetweea the, twe total j kc.d soW, weelgbt 80 Io 40 Ilb.; 1 PARUFOR RENT-KnMo -As bt Woo, of 41orte to ui..tte aucUâ ebr o t 7OUutheo re suffic*ent in put thln over the reglstetred ban! boe,400 lbo.., 18 spanerfrua mir icthe hhough the, varices intttions~btUurs . tcta-fthea" ob eCr, epas enhho.JhnflesGsma ea t le d Cluedlb b~budetareo esi t M*euUrt. *eror eit.ur f drePine.-# " pun er.BarrbWtgi n i. clgO t te udet-a o eRt ti r llblttj" pget eig Ail durlng the dav Thursday Il ba i là Phone s'i. 3-bSUl Vide valute; Particutarbi ual., the l gg,<Ib4t lat»byth r li p ott at Mr. '*Runjari bad lbee» ____________8 aelw Al»yBîdsse caFeoStLwe c curi th e usfut and that It wu oly lBter FOR SALE-WIndfat Apple.fiaesgt- WITD.bZI, adVlr ThdPulloapuiEo.r ystent. cbùge St0. " hrntWh si 1» fo M iclal retumq "cm, front lag sud coolag appt... 11.69 per Wfor mail hbue. T "d a oz ta»o place front ctoefil tu 18 and fweaeu:h enryoa ty lat & Vody told bforel=W.bouge.ave.ab flu lot I Mi mark he OulY r.queat of te Ba, tlOfteaenery. The. speiakier et durit iaI1Mr. Swift iiad -on. Cuhedgrae ator ale e-wgertofiglaind Park. s oAMY for publie flumsucilsup. hem min eeting of the, Dfenery eaCLaerCounty mer sas thai Port for a year. la e. P. Stevens, or the. Roland. Raye I.anau idorre ae ouyFim W ilsws f -FRRETiOU bO.s-u Oin 01 the features eft the program Advertiglng Company, Chicago, wh I.a UXut olie y red afk t ot hone ___________*FOR_______________alions l te establishment of a Boys' and Vill dncu s"The Social Aspects f 0t f 185 lt 'hd o e behtte&. furanh ceor tâIabsb Utria' IndUstrial Home, andias, Advertliig." *0 esflgured how trader suy circum- FOR SALY-Cnoice resleancq loutso sitauire on the prenant@ et les. Pearcis Viier, homèllas children, aud thonse ln bie atternoon thte speakers wIll tanoes MeH.nry County could chtangeL VJh Rue iioreBb pi Vohv lo'wn wayward tendent,« b lite Rev. Igerbert Prince, M. A., who 1be total vote because It waa admlted McllyAe.Ms Gbas SU45 onRu..Ctles ak ia but are nol elel amyt u esrb ASmtrl uln, bat MEr. Ruayard had made a good &P TOUR PRIC 8 10RGB liat your at dempaideluly liaitutyMAYd bacart wtb £ . BendIot."A7 S WANTD laoor tie. rous fo brOught up under condtionstatte sud the Rv. Frederlck api>.n Flentinnt ndh i.WATD-w o'ire AnuIJy experlences in oter states. uho wlI report "Sot. Observations on bospot0 .n f the - eaders ..WUS » 3 1 iîghb housek.epîng for man ant, wif,, proves unate for good cltisenalp. the, Anglo-Catholfe Coagreloasand ltehei ii îgîrssîwe 0 ii'FRS aLE.-1917Ford.. oslteNo. Wir ene Co., . 31' 2 Lake County's tasi or meeting the Lambeth Coaference.' Bath Clrgy- j lOWt-e* igCvr, ije ote O AE-11 ed robe.WreFneC. ,Iaeriyviileý quota wlli bie dlrected by thie Couaty mnen have rocently returneti front visite outrarz' and political doi.esters ex - CheaD. Perfect rumanng order. Ail __ ___ Adisory Board Viiose mendiers are: tEnla. ed M. Swft'& big sl)owlngligodtrsCareN.enadLi.OI'i.TtJi'b oi rî k'rsl<lnt hale Seel, aue- The Wontan's Gulld uofSt. .Law- iIcnybynitattatfrer ertyvilie. Phone 202. 382t I1. là lîleh went 0f It Da) ,,b, .r. sen; Vice Preident, Col. A. V Sith reuce's churcl iwlfl serve a Havest j presientatîve E. D. Shurtleff. Jûdge ~îîîî utîîo taraîut' u Waukegan; Secretary.Treus Mancei Honte dianer ho the. vlsltlag ci.rgy. l)onneiiy and others had been work* FOR SALB--A good piano A.,J. La- WfOdlaind; .blacit au.oit. nu I ni. Tialfflt, Waukegaa; Clgairs'C. Bd. e a1 1111udi . g.t. ht Ii l hW iIternats lu McHn* magdelile, Areat, 111. 39 2t tqutIrei.-.îîJn,,al vards, Waukegan; Ferry L. PerrOns, fmtor als1î. m. arectsa d pfled ts-at outy. %a___________ti; ,à. tili.k, i %Vaukngan; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t DailA BayWat it rsxyrcosadplset- SIT XETDVCIR l:, iîaînltedl. Ai.' Wkegan; Dr.Jonel AFBray, Wau. charge (rom the parîshes-anti Missions FWF XETDVCOY lOR SALE--A itew l-room t horoughiy urlmber land. w,,h 4, lans îî kegn; r. ohnCurai, W uk . 0 fLake, Cook., sud ,ePage counUitiena SI a aiedIsrgt Modem bhuin luAret. Possession Nfrs..il11Hoter.:;i' é.adAîu Damn T Mihobiie r .Wakesn; B wii attend. ioug tht lie weilidefet1Mr.R un j40 days mftfir sale. P.' Ml-Harding. Arta. Beja i D amnT isl Waukeg a; H Btshops Anderson and Griewold bave ard witliaut suy question. il, e inoshne143 W e Ilee'been lnvited .00 attend, sud J i e-leted rlght alongat hi_____ri i-fkana WUkegsu; T. E.' Mlors, Ipected that they williboth ho lier. on ithe. district vid lbe ai l;1.-astwo 1FOR iIALE- Flue test aof bisi ho)r$eo WANTÉD --- 0000GIRL FOR GIN- 0akgn . F. Kicernan, Wank Maayeh tmea -S. a rthrfee îbousaond votes. 1Mr. Run ýweigtit aiîproxlmateiy 3,000; iiood LRAL NOUSEWOR'K. NO LAUN. Wm. J. Smith, Waukegan. rences churcli and an t ller. who aril and h:tri rendi oere confidettteint WIioll elfor $125ý0iIt lo0e CA Y WORK. WORK LAV iS .miglit ho lutereated are invted tu aI- jhat lie î,oîîidoi but dld nct malle No. C'hicago Luamber & <î,al Co, 19 SMITH, OU3 NO. GENESLE STREET, ~~"Ikàmu.ss u~.iq o tend the. opening service au Il s. ,. n esilinate of thte votes, belng w:llîne îCLERKS, (men. Aonien) tiou .er'r AKE 7. --Og B !~tiII CIV S and the nteting au-1ý1riaon and uit 2!o'finte the maJorit,'0faytilite1 Postal Mai Sertire. $1 t5 month. Ex T ",n R CEV Stli aty 0moeotegs.Ianralilons )t-obeil I*:e.euece unî 1 .ar N oe oMr. Runyarui finis -onsiàerabl , p'>înr- s;Io l.o, fîi- 1rîtiItars ont. *AN. su-enor w( sen taotire . ___________ I fiieIQiç n ti-farti iii lie iii iit-d I b lii i liinier ti; il Servce Exai I 'rs aurong friend... and ueighbor - m D MO RA I e <v h n -fnIý y bq , i,ly nv -r I ii., ;Iy., Cî,i n.,ntaI idg, %t%*a!,tîing (,j* the genuine guarante.d bffller% IJEA V D MOCR TIC METHODIET EPISCOPAL vf ~ai'l15~i Iy 'i riva, l,. hC39 full linos for men, womnen "ut ebd- VOTE IN C&etN Y hat hlieliadit ju1.irn t i CPRIGMri l~ liwifli. e e an Wiietedmoct-atic vote Iin Lake speciat conslderation. i iil.i-aiar - .- W.î\ilte Internationial '<cing Mill, countyoas lilght, there Vas corisid- Next Ounday i inte liaI t itis -con-i <' sroeteefrsptforth - -< . flai. -îmînt C4entor e abte frost In the contet botwee'- er:tc year.Thetaon, P.. Il 24 ti Thomas E. Graham tanti Charles PF ofercyer.the a tir ithe iefir bons lu Lake County. Hayes. candidates f6r representatIvf s i okfod, lt We sa yLt .,nee la tiie gepleral assentbly, elgitt i ~s-ý;n sion. n)et 101)(1dL. fl Gralail orote it Lakecutyv. Mornlngwonrship a ano1:,. Specil 942 ~n sd 23 wOmn.--Jl Ha.mnessage by lte pastor. in te ifter- 942 evtao a d 2 men . wan ti ;I o en's no t it e very M em ber Frend ecava s -f , U j f r vles, 13 th e nal ake c ouu oe fori lît hi a de. Visîtûs ouil ail on U.'% JTVFru P t Tt ~ I Vora, hatta l1,8Lae Hayve for: e'ery meniber and friendot iiilie chulih aI f rKt e e wI K V Grhmeg111abod Hayens.161,,'i. u durlg the affernoon. 'filîe I-ourtes:, of,__af V abu ee-t nof your oresence to ret-i. îhtlm __ The democrallc vote lu the rest of requesled.1 .A D IV thie district was very liglit. up to a 1EîiwiriiJi 1I.- auu at 6:304 p. i-ien Mhs s e a laie hou r loday the Gratinai- Hayes l'e- i îolaî 4 Horion. ýormerIy associted o . ture ot-sde f Lkecounty Vere lin- , tbhî tiqlaRtor etthIle Haltedsti-eet aabigle, but lsua hi e r 1. *li.tîî. m ,ijon ehîîrcb. Chicago. as deoa li a iii.ii iii il speak onoial rý~ d li ~t is g r tiI Moan ie Practlcal]y assîîred -c de 1iaver 'this eu n and a brillitant wontan. Lot youngan 8811~~ohlitear lier message. FIVE TRA YUL lé, Atr7,11 'clock the ovening ser#lce = hohave made the. visita llnbtheaterl e DAYS ON 101.26 :nýo. We have invtted tDr. T. E. Tay DAYS N $17.26 lor, af Iowa, brother of Dr. S. Eart I N lOUSE*AUTO J. L. Tiayo, odeUver rthu i Kt usail rly o thiast Sundîy of, tiiiijttefse n 1726 fi sx e v ear. oo Iii $ foi itiac Rally Day October Srd ln the.mn d ~ ~ ~ ~ ; 'y %mt îîîdn îîe<i Img. ring yaîîr frhends. .sîlenI .îî tiagra a tsa sntiso b.ýd for , -_ a a ffu dleadaby l' HATS 'ust how confident we e iha lat i.aiaiGeorgeWiderî ha' PI'SYT Ilý1 liane wîfh hiehshsou o heelà Larl C. Morgan flttor. - T ae haît'the Pathe îs the.one - Slit- en du:,5 a80 Nonday natta the 1Tltere VIlIIbe as reguiitr sessîins il are t Wiaukegali man, accompanietî uy hie the 19uuday Schtola nor tho regular saon Herbert sud 0f, ad a Voman morning worship. Insteadth le Sunday *ra hngahIa O îiwn frilend oft the famtly, left Wîmuîlegan jSclioot ViII htttd thc Atinuat Rs.tly- Day to keep.o ln Ihe liloie oo uels wO'hîihLiiei'ei Eyercises at 10:30 a. mt. This leaa Wltder bati butît. Ttey arrn, id ai gond tinte to boost the orofo Bible__ this allnsd spoal thiee day. iterpSlUdy throughaut the controgatlonyfr erco o. u s.elng slglits.Camte and see the god volt that na Pay orthereods o select and1 thepy The bouse-auto attracteti ketýn in-' being roccomplishied ln att the dexiart- terest ail aloni the route and ln the meuta of the Sunday Scitool. ments for the phonograpb wili be artaniged its = eîtins sul)Ilieyefore the uovotlty of fthe Chriatian Iludeavor ai 6:45 -P.mU best suits your owti convenience. Thee is mc u triprnUae lit Worth white for the party. iTopAIC. 'lnaptilng Stoies Promt For- s a lao They liai but tire. dova tiros anUj eIs Mission Fiels." Leader. Miesn -other a good a uieL-.ne .iureme Oip the enllre Iourney ohîi coenves 1100 t.Alvene. Fry. gaL Sîweei vr goimîUP ta o nilles. . f' vealug worshLi, at 7:30. Topic of gah-srm neeygdqaiyta o Wliere diti you stop -îiitts?" the sermon, "The.spiIit of the flarvest. ever Ioaked for in a modem Plonorapb-Su-. aaked a reporter et sIx o'cloek Mon. Hloge. SPela muaie. oa day Jusb. Bter they reached home on Remember tihe coelgregational suD- six (6) Exlusive Advantag.lis ini prme in design and in construction and in no- = West street. - por- of Wednegday, Sept. 38. TiIs la usce 10aov H«rin nt o li *"W. sbopped ln sud aloagalde parks lie abig gatherlug just for a social A JEWEL.LED PA'HE -sclrne boealsirnen h n .a Olsere other autos Iners barreti oegfod Unis.- Thgre.. yUlieo a speoiew tn e4ls 04a IVIs LE tui htcunsSpeei Tm-ihu U«Oppe'lu Prlvate yards vhere the. Profi, god eats "d, - a fine lime £ haeoa@ ew- 4alwyl y ubon astii. i i.m-uica i nstme f s ind oVaers Oflentim« l nvfted us t10 maie for &Il. Supper Vin ibe rved prompt. ell e ea te T eayou slp oarco . Ourselvres albomne' o stopped aag ,17 aI 18 o'Bell never5 uretlae» md "y Aide a nickelteater for lie'oyneri Innisy oeab& ,October 8, the Wian Otl. BI en atm al ol f i tcî t w u s u ff îclet as a d ra vias L o rli s g S u p er v in I b en 0it5rv ed A t t is - v a s u .b ecau o f' t b11, e CUtr--a ad beleve me ilhwvas u ttfs. citrc. Any des riug ltieneter teé tel. fam u s Fu e Sap., O o r ~ w e m U-m for lie crowd s awarmed AslOut Io W5itp orthlie obtis II I iii ndly 32 Guarat e4 tu me r ph re Bal. us ailte evealas",soid 1Mr. Vw-ier. Ospe l>er tu te pastor or (uo one lit. of Records. -* 1TIIIIteFau. coui.- -o ~Tt ne ost v. rAvied auj day Wo ls e Fm. rll nblsr 129 miels. saI Mr. Wlder fttogs On the oevealug of 0.101er titis ffl ai al maies of te Amreo»Iseor de-, <wthin rognon) la telItin of -the trip. mie said tbey bad chlbur Vill lb forWtumt tesecars lie records. and elays creaue thte touai vol.I lte beata.golug la in o hici ver" 1 Rv. Dr. David Huait laue. pester 0ftlicnbotter. ue t WinI.- 3S t emsa a. W. Parkluiuts itor Tu.aday. Mr. and Mrs. The liaphetai bored ta Libertyvl' MEr. anti mm. Vmr -ter. Natal, ope nt t caso. Mn.. Anna Kelil Ied friendainmu I idid. Mna RAtti tae FrWtay evenia Mma. Chs.rles (. park s"et Wedng E. Thomias. 3jl'. iElizabeth day teILvanston o Auna Alkofer, chia. o wll mcc Fn -Nîr .nd ài . Tf-î Iîighiaad Park. a.- il.. W E. I>eckil lh-muv-ipnce., i., 12c. and otheris W. W. Carroll & Sc George Sutail a Ares Suaday vlisiti 1Ers. Omals apare. George SMîtbý Tie Juvenlo M meet Saturda>'. Set HlietaI2 oclok p. folioweti >' y»art) tirs. Fin',.,Il1..i at tb. blone of b-r' 0. Étay. Mirs 11.-i -iid eh.lîîîî-ii . I anîd marguerite WV Eliabeth Inlgrni 'o fo FbasiTroy, iAi, - 0!4-rLas rencs- A norti o mt .irtvlil ter bmspital, Watj f rom a serlouis opéi A marniage tîCei ,euly iii.Nrtlîur i oaukee antd Miss forneer 1LlberiyvIllei HAVE YE Coein al j Jarg-. .and,. We Lha% ere, 44idratus for Magnetai (lia fect sel-vite f Liberty &OP Pliane: De omelka You can %m of thomusan t you. Eiurolia any course yo 1 -. 1 H .