the noei_ tm -a àemmâti omaiso lieby imdscou thet - à"&ll- men ii novâlhstny bmvi a býemnauppvoatioma of d"arit"ae., uabterelaa.ii aoiy of, mmsie arafiafer- lie t.dagm is mimaithe girlm cf hmy hum. lim. mgirls Of y.uiUdmy iai ibsl bl i t the t lisgirlsik s.vs; i ewt i a more of i. *0bM i m bra'W atYI« -ho, in. Wil lm --iaiber «0 qui ýtoWW** 'mw.atoe, wuwm (ït&-ýO j"hmdk, wfew tlimeu èSMRLM WM DIEM MNtER Wc.mty valus 'Whomuppuwe resd S.lIgfS li- saowih o bin e bm-wo *68 e y ho lmaiMh (l ameume m mq hve bea d0ut*4 Word fro. ~a tiuaNi imIig 'h ma ,.baiw fS ïLut. ilee W. Ha dwula. orue, 1&g~amsga Pumd¶H ri. d4m oeayp rs5w gevme St e Wmgm MI*te op 5pkagsfid amaname. oouty fgai *çàaj4»0 lH l lo esy foi..oe.mtlsin ~lua.lZ4l5 a%494oma:. ~mdibS.cýoumygve Siulow 506 majority, Kno, imoi yeumd b .Sering ihieugmomat the r*k *p tii, hed a eo ieebe u awsed ornanul d;h.t 1. Sewlam'mpopumritanmd, LIte C4m à "y W«-,w ghtiba dbmi aey supooed s. g... W fiwf«4 ' -qu. wspen iwL.-M se be i e ' redl têf the ai ianidomm e ii.alrlaora 1ef eïïvua 10 sutboim-e b lCing on-,*Oi. lauelec r1ml q~slmp 0vnpvoteraof Lake.Oount' ý.& but ti.aaLors uh 'Cs h apenncth r preticylj very rnebet of lie board expreus ~ospoiUu> butb.y could aaôt &y deuy th tl> :a lie quesug" ut ou lb.oe1 liaIs V" mloi Bf ;;r;mad hbyblisve tbi I omnf W Pirt PU 1.wi1, ~~àmtu am ImýAttbld btheviof tb UTYTVLLE SATje Anki no ltid V!illageI Whm art t.snbyn tVw i fenTrain., Ivre Nbot wiliima,,ls y-rensI&h vito abaidmcd ber 2 weha oit chil4 1b the Oxford liotel, Us SotIh ua gtreet Chicago. les t umas moit. tug Mmd wv aIter'areoula 144tea tyviliS, W).» w vo gqehud my on a c arg f'chili abSdanment. Sic Mud ber slstor.ln4av. madie French, el. pe arn oh. uc-va. 5110 boked. vii mputa t Ui Ca r If; eac tc aiticm.. Msw WUbis w. mtho.- -Palce ber bissu, a tacr .0141lder.1 Nelda, but bUqkOSIOTLtbt "o coru ut supor"t tbc utIle m# rogsoed iai fieNew Oxford »t$4, acroas fro*.tic union tation, M41i' ber baby sWIiUSon, th5 be& anl iought a ticet forJwYmVmll is. W' LlbertlIl by Chiot of Pouce Des-. is Llmborry,, who took ber laci ta tichicago " Sac ret n:x nu ofai < ber ey" a leiing vitla mofler-lovea andl glistcning vlth tureza tvliatà sue thought voulal have Lto ha beri great sacrifice. TlePitiflul i eoP r,-,ere -lalier t toiZ2 hrouth ber teare: "'My mre hlahel Wülamsamindi aun i8. years aid. Gerge.07nyhua- b and, vho useal tobe a.,nC*thlc lni1 a factory at Dubuffl 0W14ov. 'Dt M@c rat the bouse af a litand ~7.8elud.1 a hâtif. saa. - 1 1- 1 1 -Hé taime heiccai me aMd about - bton day.s later lia marleéd. '-Tbenbehe gan blai oreland 1ma ihen h. o tanalthat ittie maeuvms eoming -ha. ift P ie Md altbi outý a cent oftmcaY. q1 vas condition to voOk. but 1iwt:von ick té the restaU eht my aid Wges aif$7 Pet veei.'l sf*lYed tiétre soai the 1a4t minute. * Deoides te Abandoen, 044y "Hie ai.»y haeci ÈSfor mareytmia bui -for thcy malid vsunfl goci. 1 Onfi' Mali, hie liter. cmned a thiig about It anal sh i nins Chicago vIti me b6ave the. baby i vbcrc saome vouid find lber Md 1 pu .ut beritntIa a horne vhere the comit be taliOn caro af botter tfias-1 Canla Iafford. - "lIt pearly broke my healt." "A 4MY or tWo gq I cetot otheUi phospital la Dithuquan md MlieMamd i Idocideal tbing Nei4o, téChio dand oave ber sm"vire. W. reg- ietere< t thfe Oufai hatl as aili". andm Mines WtIIaum of lmte pretend te Coirr>y Ssby Awey> >"Thon, miter ts&iiig % short sie*p, i v made W a buadia' that 1lookoa IUlk a bey Mdi chckei ont e fth*i -Lttie Nelda vas heut on the béd *upetglns.'i cricdal al the vay Out tc -7LibertyviUe wvise. thitu-et ut poce *took us aot the train andl tii Iv-s gad beeausa 1 vas oamlmg aiita baby." lisbei mnd ber elster-ln-Iaw . M4arls a ho le 21 ycars aid, vere mast a little. over1chlmed at thelr receptian bY le bluecoateal offlcci's ai Chiceaga.. *e y prafesea that tbey meant mothing ;vwrong, but that tlaey wantea te, do vhat vas let for tbPc hihl. jaeopl i I e1iiiaprltor th Je Ox- tafrdhatei. Bay that they left $ vith. the Inaent. Tie baby vsdlscaveed ahortty attar the twa KIII'Stlit *CLI3R4Y PLEASED SWITHI nosPIAIY e 0F OUR, PEOPLE Le One aifUtsemm'ot.esthuslhtic anal bout attemalea meetings vithin the paut dtan ycans Oî h zieomCiergy ai, ertyvi0o Mondai', Sept, 27. at Saint ifLa*mecae urch. L. Boglplag ii tiecocleiratton a1 Uic foly Coammuntou atI il a.m. b *thc ROY. John Herbert Edvards. pasuor ofa. th*c Churci of Uie HOiy Spirit, LI*e oEi. and Dmosf abUicNarftberum ~*Dcsme. WLO Iras assiatoalànth»sec-- Svice by thce Be. ÇGanser ApiO& ausMm- Wbortee, Pileat4"barte of Ut. ",«4 tow ;&" thencl4Ui DcaUer? vws l mu- &. ion un$tl830 p. xas., v iii y ita à«,' ea oty.o 0im» lri'la aiteahoacot»# isard.. Cuarch01 the Le Forest;4tii lme. r. Trinity ohueci. los>h evo. Ia . e oer. . 8eieJios Ortavol. ifrmgan oftcDoee i ai Intarotei vister *La, at*verg mmw. cf cent lew i il Chlog.ý wr. Dmia Io$m of<the Redeemer; Tioceas. Of Lwood; ButIn. et BSe Tbaoth>"s. m"doai lm; Dr. Stewart cffi »; Dr. i lhinette-. ,total fusai the Uic egat attesi IasDery v a T td. icirtoWtai fi te ne wortic OPOSISMur- DdirecUan or tic 8av. toc, Preti-dhg ff 1i tePrimeanicic 0 wr. F.ta. lMartin recafr. ,l itertall-a bta' vin- id vois gu" tt eti porioar- lipeaodbembig s m fr itue schiti mii UcP" et M uitBime dise iis em ta l tiou oom1 touffl »Urwq50. Shr V004 viii.dive Uic addreds as Gi CIO& lucemgsrvice vi ho at 8 Q00 »T. L&ÂwUecoWS 081CR 117cominamand Sernaisilsmu TcPdemOt454iSiS b-s-Muimpout- sit unespl e Tr ti eaWmoti.L at th hom 0f Mis.iany Nemi mhiihe ursal-« mtcImm mdiob"a of liaip. lM km.a73 .a * «ite mists An moectinsa a*c helal tu e P.rsb la iiit spWit of truec Crliog - asuns.olirleielnid UWor*oes.rspSnlasto Uic InVitatIon of tic Prl"1-18-charge thc Roy. mari C, »orge. Ilastor of tho Preebyterlan arBV Swlong Apparatus ochc, anidfiahev. Christian P. Kiel- The tint re-oijl ,af theause> aif liatoiei iteMtiilfirh ue1ii iig ays a vritor le attid eti meeting oi the Demnlery thec bilettan Sciece Münitei, la visa sud voie MWatgueste et the. Iunolaoom, jiezander tic (beat tmade a deicent reuxpaling briefîy ta an Introduction 'A a auahnewvIci kept im dry, ani ta k ti Cerg prement at the aiternoon aelLowelhlm te obtitin altfroa a rés section. , . cvoIr. l'IMnr vÉites aaboataliverp i"rry. Thke Rte'. illia4n C. DeWitt, D. D., lut onae end of a e etbar -pipé. hetwene DeOan o 11h. Western Theologlcal Sans- d'aIr Ceeth..ville thle upper endl vai tila-rY. Chicao, ef whlch the. Rev. Mr. e atbed tW à flauItng bladalen. »ut li Mac Whonterla an imminua, vas at theaWnntotlM ta uùtos b -D6mqêr meeting, accoampaletby hâi sflo nl 89Ia nteu lb d4aff stuisa ram the. Seinnari. eonsfrnitei ali apparaitu% supputeal vitb Mabtag tfia meeting ancetoftthe mut eaimpresseil air by menusofa it icgtsmtatl've ai the cburcb's mlnlstry pomp. as, today. lits dreme m-aix a -scr heM ltheticdiacese oi.,Chicago, openl on, villithe air enterlngti viii .tic Blshop Sufiragan. maay 61 top of the beinet andl escaping umder tha fliOSi.' premineuit Doctot ami [tuedge no thet if the ailver 8stcPMc Plestb.l»cirge tute iocese, 1ev- tic icilflatberama. floodedi end wos thO~istiod, anddae. oi ie iii eer, lie theigneal the cloaleal drci..oa& latey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o vi r e ataun m afm useal. vîti aa'veral bipotonslmn. ia. mol~om a te curc. mt olyprovemenls, oral City ponises. - To thcélades af St. Lavrance'a UtIibdog Pes.Ped Piber. Git4gfflt crédit muet be givea for Theae ber cf pos-poda la sepermail te. Spli*d manner ia vhlcb they for indaustril use in à procees cov- eta 49 e Dm"F lasncb bountiful style ereal hi a recent patent The outer ai the harvt home ahaner bcid la thc layer la dhssoivedal way hy fertuentu- Parlai liase ei 1 P. m. Tic lunchean ti a>or hytrestinent %Vithbabt vatai la atimia a icatnre ai the Dcaneryr or steain, tic tuer 6irome laYia'rber uaoataga ma sam ancai ic mrc ng loe laI a forni .aied for spin- oIO4"unt O fthe ciergy ta calicat nuomnIn ruiiainI te aR Wo tiaulithe la"es in hiebest pont- sin or itete r loeraya. Tic pLil istyle. Dean Edwarda of lAke slfola teotrlyecnae l rest tmct fie henar upon hlumit log sUgar, la mot neceaaarly a vaete. this fime. &Minlavery happy vielas meSif e omade ta serve Bains SnO presc Ute<ceai apprectatiqu ai tom. purposceas preparIng mai-malade. sef suan.oieibrother cie! ty for ticl deliclaus alimmer and attentive ser-vice vbich the fallowing ladies. membere II of UOthe ili. ib" iven ibem: lins. 1-woy N ua s. l. e., Milaorti, Mis. lfredl S. Wehbblirm.F.-H.MaIL Me.Y. W. l'a mis r. C. w.=lie trot, lire. Harry 'Gloasan, is Flom l Chuerchil, ire. Luin«liattoçku. lire UaUrlmtonm Md Mm s. vS. WhIte The Priest-ln-charge ai et. 1aem ce chnrch déatres hefare clonug t bis art - r e c o - a .cie to expr-es bis. beariheit a.aPrca f lan- anal gratitude tôt the loyal éaip-, port viîich the membera af ieicongre gaton laetohi n te eantrtainelve gatin ae's ta hinhlanto Santer LaIv" the Nartheatern Desuery la sncb royal vay. il vas te bhat meeting eicr beld an the-Dcanery'e istory, gc- coring to the estimation oi maiy ai the older clcrgy. £hurch Jerrwce ni Earl C. Morga, P&tor. 'Sunatay Sceoolat i os. m. ur school le tharougily gradeal anal there 10 a ciaaai for every ago. Ail are vel- come. ROY F. Wright, iSmpt. iereaching et 11 a. m. ThI& la our regularli' cnarterly eonsin sernlO- vice and the hig service et Uic open- lag af the taS vonk. Tie churci sen- saIon viii meet ai the manse Satwaa cventmg at 8 oclack ,promptlî W ex, aminec cndllaatos ior churci imember stop. Chritfian Endeavor a i *î45 p. un. "Our Church PniviiegmeandamiObflig- t1oas' lis mes=moiadoi ocan. Proachbiai 7,80 p. la, Tic 1ev. David Hugli Joncsputos tc i et Pbreshytertan cco'e fUum. ft' Ule saceaker 0fria vumig - Dr. oule lea e eclais. ou oM le mm iti WNir mbnisi pIbéés li o< ur Wo dnamlnttc..'lae agautbau ti bave aCi a mmim Or ., jÏs. bp»k toms maia a jcm ccw ,wr »k rauuwuq Mi liattim. ial Da or tb w th* OPcnlg da7 tas Iuada cbooi *d ationshave bom T. imet. tero *i- 1 ptudes to-l9,drAn 10l be u»M foi-u BUsh. the ceci to plumhthem ou f tS booto 1*1M Carissoff ixetmy mcsvr sola SA F*we.uceby tu "*ao a Ula Isiatos t t estl a poi. vill e s tri. 1Twsla ains ltct aimed bh oeu- pesamn Imp W.oued cf lova, te mPort. a, harge ltai teAharss p bl u- ba obç «bU do=lats tirOugi theWilson tration n a elw lito the lande of Uhic Peustommi Prontacra. "Atthé Mi 0£ thc var." idclarc cogressma <beL ,Wrbela chatimam 0 tOic ajq*ogttsscommi4t in *ta li l]mer haac i et ugreca,"thc adtsmwe- tratmbai qa, baue 28 000 fori- Plusta suaice.Bqd socréumr et War, &ai t iftwa deoicia po f trAailam. ic miet Myias aapius otprpte«. ticpr m qc -laIbI csa.tha mOn a Ifsar #A siite of GaI...marche ssu ia 'lice on Nov. ». 1914, tih l OM Worth of mente an m saods voie, hem hadk "luacerao ihIi m.p6 lcy, osty saes Vaear t f çabici Uic liquidatin omioio c May lu, 210;5 tbmt tic fçllavimi sur- Pins vas 0s banu the Ui Umitites . analâ voa âbsippaiUmar*gmes: t i1.000AW poiais of lumm.t 47»W-9000 Pound@ of bae$, 20-0O000»Oumge 0f cordial heef. 40-00%OO aan of td hOmmen. Loa out 01 sigit, t tries gnormo "13Y Ocier otcr tocat ama ttoata ie aso svitimeli hm àamrcsa bomummr iU5i~ vorti of0f supio t i la rm et athe v"AO e t t Trech ti #' $ow.mU -» ent$a £il aulnm<i gti qg"atia Mt SaUce»OMais oaifeci Am" the. 1!roaci ie mviuc ea", tà vici te piW. . ilathr goals ta thc $Auýerica m spies taJim8s, ve , »Mcl ai ildieuicuiy looimte, ois. limam l, il lemts on tic dollar, t* pececa t udr ei gbrought hiueMai a"mnkteefflm eotttan thtu pro fitaers .Nov vo car mmci of automobie, price" "d tiir icciun. hlai, att#r et record that ýthe WW &mbMdMlt- tfoS bougit sMd -taot omg 4a.the vas- tise- ta rutiL-P18omm W0 orth or ai tomolnafe.aar the var cadeal. 80that 'automéobIle malioe rnigt tkeep op t priSoeeY =fun f nWt*yea., Who wn bubny= = §euy4e G.. mots, CaGmc md Uaus. I ba b. wu bMr. uNn debe 0"« vMmd N"vMb". i yuL t t auk My @May fiedmMd mu.,foier hey« .vim gir. . MW, amy, a Am of.1ynm Wi wu deWMW d.ure psmoey. I & oM wm lat s ul.m «euM y bb" duimg Ot." and N.C, da,.«1.,bî al e âe E. W4. PARKHURSTi rthe. first few.I 'S. and 'we w il r. this genuine~ T HATS just how confident, We are that the..Pallie is the one real phonograph that You Wil want to kaep. Pay for the records you select and the as ey iumets for dus phasmogrpi will be arraned as best sts a 01 ou u 1cOvpoiee. ,fiere is no other as good as Pa,thdc &wmaene ,> grapl-Supri n every gQod qumity, d»ai yo ever Iookcd for in a niodema PIwgrpl-Sti- pion ni es a SmuoibcoioamMdm Ummu tluing tat do-&qWge inaoe.ibu douk thfamclcaIissmomeof its Iud, madeeà.ds Ozi Your Own Téerms uaitio re oecu P ýCm is akfe oa. Pfb. of reolhk ay and1m8 caa,y ojit bt6 tIi. a Ju heS Pon aMsgpi to b"y. -* 1 A JEWEXLX P4ATHE 1 NO ieOilesto 4Auwvma«5d7*. Tho yon simp maeeu uqsflnLbccswuof t b lfamm.S.pathe fhi 2 omtéi luaipire Ba, m et ag orcé, Te bai voce> tbm botter. Umesea t lL Pathe dom no mortwMm the orvfluqrv pbouogwh Mr aimnd Mfrs, du Cicgo Mex. md M». li aityes ln iheboy* Mr.andlMMa.G viete lboetyvile Mms. Buste01 Waaakegan vth th lie. sDa irs. C, $amsesvisiteci rei aitehom0f B. lirm B. J. Simeuc JOti, voie wau Tuesday. -Wai er T. Mal-la odia, Wiz.. ca.11ealc Baturday. Mise Mae Mille thb. veci cm i v ana l lra-.'JaeImi à4r. and lirs. Pi pauda LaLike wtrWetzer liom4-. James Swaq anq omiatai aàici 4a at Clear Lake, Wi Mmia.lmme Ads.z spent Saturday feda ln Grayoi8j ,lits. Gien Hosk mothe?. lire. Max' a Civ days tii wm Misa Beltiye joc cago WVcdnesday e <ie,," at the Wood' Mir. and lirs. R( dron ef AIlegaiu, M aflves la anal mer Reducea pnieus a ta 12r, -andl others W. W. Carroll & Sa lXi. OUO; Noeb Sweàitah Lutheran Forest laut Thu'ai GIRL WANTED To doéiq LiviD,' I w repu, work. Men's Hait S Meo's Rubku Ladies' Rubi Ladies' Hait Sta 1 mac&iwe A AL chWre, and, We have r -aprlsft Magmetos Chi fect service: Libéft, niDmaympts ý'27 * -1-