~% w~'rv'uz IM9I3e lA , SEPTEMBER 30,.1920. aU~Uir aUIUtInUEU!u eta eturaning la 0cr 11011 IHIW IIlIIK?! bera Baturdmy. issAfnme Wolî mati bas been speaq £AIEII<V.t <134-* ftmg n ady a t home.-, U8,U~IJ~U IL'~ tiM. and iMr-s. 1). à. I)oioi o!f Ame WM 'W~mAlr~ patSunday at t4 H. C. Pa u I'VLI~~L~8W George- Uosiag mt aélyo!Rotiz Laie rere Ivaitine ceilers Suntiay al 110_W T h e a l * , * * g 0 0 0 N tying. 0 LÀ99E-VILLA "-r«e Caulff or.nre anresed i n $Ma JeidaY aternoca. 'Te'police sud ci. James Leonarti. Mr. MeNut! j'ssfoj Itslunloatin ld foreta Anthony LeoÜard oa! Ibis Pinc 0. n bOneséOn the corner of Ca a at c at er.FrdHtiia »Wd nr eenavenue. *lad to bu.Chéâ» a nuf rlday nigitita Midi ddmw y a M Umed Zick SUaOnan nu mta trip msutoispand; 4~hJ Usebi anti Amiwtant Ilu I iiti Mma. Leonrd>à simien aui c.sW I rti. .andpreachati tuehuieM07 li c, a r. apni dtai hiet BrAiGlaiser o! Maynooti spent th, te' tout to! the houasliudteuly Put -to wros i nu i. and Mn à tmIrniJob,l.etinianti Md Jameis AineliL elsasaila gambîlag. TI. UM. amid Mra. MiII Hucir animia à"fl S arosd an tuse1100e atdi HuM*etretunnetilest Fnlday avouan *cc as409ed On <ha egi a d.bafose font nàf no neeks' auto-tMp ta Chetel tisai ns lubie>sa" eards. The Wlmcaitain. ltob astiOn. nec. eOOugitcY sUr Thb.Buey Bas clubmot Wednesda P Il à iies uyler Oti Sp ati«d CIbs m ii, lhMci. BOCiÉt. *ie Clef, ne lia> tiught tint ths 'Tora nas no Bandar $eh"oli vweouhmorveti en tis .PorcnitS anderas the Charch bmti hein fresi *68 tain, wn eilelosgi. Ir peintdi »nsâ, but muBaauder nil nlt er-- t IiOhame Ot th&ehb, liiesvu ticu Siàda,.a MMnY anthéteca"da s0" PW@ace à b.a ol attisce la deisei.. tlfp Y j M« ina Utir f01 i a. W j»Tweed *ad nite.1moeafSund&] b5 o a io ns. l ta cusi ns-the> naes- nti -Chicago fiands. caOTh cbne omt« xtue.ii lm sts The ladies a! Lte cemetiry saçlat. 'liaCosmitec C Na., » VIUl b. antfnliaePFiday iy Mn. o. Indepeat&nis, aminethi ae " Cciii!ant i Mc. A. B. Joimnon ai fiai 41 tha Youasmesca mi vnft duerhm bonds, nilc nos Sioti ai ff " hmela Anioci. Theiim eauonatea aiwma et ti- ThILE.J. Lehmeann femily have ru louds etad nk wai nia naarrecctcti tumnasitu tfii- ity home for the wn ysbtesdAir anemroon:- ter andt Ibsr country bomea is ciosed the McQueen brothers nwlîî efethe itasemont. triai an Saturday before Justie j. kU liev, anti Mm. McClky or ptia>l- EBiebop. blnia came Tuesdag ftai e charge af lurId . iE. chia-ch. Serbices wnu ha 000 600 0000000000 bQS* *** a t tefurclu as ioon ase ierc * - IVA IIO *jrorir are dorte. The ltcv. Mr. Me- * ~~**S @SOO.Sê*0IGaCiesk ecta ta basin hie non ai BilglInatifute nazi rock. lu ILL Il loi sou menuMd 4 Dal Md toni Fanse e SOs.o ffSCUPLON U. SORE I m Una. lac Cabeor e! troit, Mici., spent sana iys lest neek niti Mca. Pifmai anti 'lra. Sink Mn.anid lir. Lea tierroomi are ne- ceîving congratulations on tic bîrti of s ion on TFrlilsy-, Sept. 28., B. J. Hlooper lie atiandînt a conben- don o !draggls t. ai S. Louis. lir anti Mm. Oscar Douglas speût Sunday nitlt Mme. Douglas' parents et NontIs Prairie. Tie Laie Villa Comimercial Associ- ation null meaf ai the hall Tuesdsy eheniag. Oct. 5. AIl members nil pieuse taie nafice and ha present, as there la important business to ha traniacted . The Royal Stighbora adovted thmea nen reembers ai, thiir regufar meeting Tueetiey. Mca. ). W. Siai, a! Indiniapoile, lad.. la vistiig witbhebr son and ftain ily, Mr. and lira. Jack Siai. Mme. Jlec (abade (nos TeInta Wilton) and Ilitla dagter are epeading a tan days wnthMr. anti Mme. Jack Siai. AN ENTIRE lIERD 0f: GRADE IIOISTEINS IodrFOR SALE nodrto devote my tuuie ta pure bred catle, 1 bave decided to seil ny entre herd of Figh.Grade HoIstemas, wluch can be secs at -MY ra noe-baiE",lenorth of Grays.luk~ hs stock is ail from tbe very best pure bred bulle that I(couki buy. many of tbem jvmg as mucb milk as pure-bred-some bav- magto be rilked three tunesnaday. NO A SCRUB UNTHE 1111. You eau have your choice of any bigli grade cow on thefa-hm NIlof them will6e soldwztbin the next 30days,- a1evoey orne s a ornqmaker. There Are 34 HIead: ,15 Cows »iW mlig some just 4 filijeifs, don-up. 4 Ibuîuro, ot brod;- fine ai~is 1 fu, b e, uosh OI<1.: 2 gad ~4 Çanmthi Old. 2 grade O Iwfimmk"inaIs Evehédo d ck u d b me. a a u aasedto bea qxmo.oscd. !hu t"ka Veat-deu IM~ and IXOeY to abu uad alygf.t mi sisok. adIam gm ongs o th e immWho wmo cattle, ,oh froua t1e»ioWst fvin mà M."Ei Uleothm u u etaesii obout dthea '7 J I FROËLICH £BLANCk AUCTIONEERS I{aving decideti 1tnit ffarmîng. lic anilemaignet i llselI Sf Public Auction un the preomises knorn as tic aId Wes- lerild terni. 1 mile' nèti i or Hait -ay cand 3! miles soati of Liherfyville, on Milraukee avenue, on TUESOAv, OCTOBER 5, 1920, Comnienclng ut 10 o'clock. a. rm., sharp 58-H4EADOF(WLIVESTOCK--8 .Conaiting o! 20 cholce cuwr, an milliers and clouee nningers;,4 3-yr.-old iei!ers, cloue Up epriageca; 7 yearling icifers anti 1 bull. registes-ci Holstein stock bull anti nagiaterati con. boti rîri papers. Tpié cons aire ait Hol- steins andi baavy nmiii producere. 10-MIÊAQ 0F H'ORSES-10 $Pan of Roui Mare,e anti 7 yens olti, neigit 2600. .Black tare 6 and 7-yr nli, Vi 2809. Buy mare, 7-yr. ofd. ni. 1700. ]ElaciL 0011, 2-ym. olti, 4 yearling coltla. HOGS--2 brood son., 13 sboats. HA-fi CORN, GRAIN, POULTRY 30 mtins tin hy bey l a rn. 5 mIncie meillet, 50 ha. harley, 35 acres coca la siioci. 700 bu. oats. 200 chicians, eand Sgese. ments: Mcormick grali Deering mower; Gslouay i 3 &readt.r; ceeder; ikey Plr i ng plowis; riding cultivato., a .cultivators; dise harrow; 1141 jbhy rakp; 1 corn planter;, ha hôg rack, hayfork,' carrier ~ a n d l u i e y s ; f a o î n l i. * form scale; cotn siieller;,,Ob gei'; ahovel piow; '140e4gg >~ and brooder, heavy double b4~ buggy harùeRa; flynota; ial, top buggy; 2-inch tire wagon;ý tire wagon; wagog.box; bol entier; set of gravai dumpo; manure ,*lanko; milk OQOler, kettie; 9 milk can; pàiga"d id 40 grain baga; keroiene ts*k; 1 machine;' kerosene etove. -forks and Marly- ther mtII*. , lunch wll b. served. Lt, nsOL Terme: Sumos et $1 * cash; sumos over $10,.4I moiel W. . ffiodaon,, John 3. Wiok. AoitN Geo. Welduer. CNe ÂDMIDICAMIN1901 PUBLIC NOTICE ia benbp tint the. Submeriber Sxeutalx, lut WiII Md Testamt of j". Boshel, docesed, wIf attooltisi Court of Lake Couety, At a oi of to bohldoe tthe Coo-t Oc Waukeenle in d W Qg, -(* ssonday of Novembor e gt, IM and where ail poisns brw agninet said otate are uoF ro q u o t od to p to sen t - th e , u m 1 1 Court for adjudication. BiLDA BESiai., xg Waulcegan, September là, lU RPECAL SSE Idg T- " trie a 0 u 9 p*0e9 o @o ô@o6@ 0Guires Lt the honme of<I '1. JanteI N SA E . 0 AR 10CHMeGuire at Hickory, Sunîlay. AUCTION SALES id- lPUMc.,P. p*Dnneoarelurned lu ber 0000000000000000: boment Thice Onks. MlMonday, & ea Mrts. P, K. Bluat Ile aiing a fan eccompanied 'by ber d M~îr, Mn MIKE GOERGEN AUCTION SALE cedy lLeoua . S.onner, #ot;îebtidrer,. Tuesday, Oct. 5, ai 12 M., Miie me ayinKenaha IGeorge Jamison and L. S. Bonnir (boegeon Ill seil et publie auctian at Dr. IL. P. Beehe iccompanied Mme.,were Cicgvii ons. y .thé former JlmmiF Lyon's store at d Jamas Siennes to Kenoeba ho$pital, birJVft4O5CLd the re, Evereti St4tioa: 4Nno- oa t.- BaturdaY. whema sha had her tonflule Ception. for the n iner By.Blc4hoee 1 y sîaweight 1500 rarovd.Stephen FOO]kl. sud riteaif the home hay mare. 10 yesrs, 1500; diving mare, Mca. Athur ftoaafaldt visjted wth of Mr. anI Mc. C. I.L1)ennman. leriday 4 yaars, 1000; bey bersé, 10 yeare, *bar fciimier,*Mrs.. William 'Topel, at eveaing. 1200; 2 cowa, oaa nitb calf by sidé; *Waukiegam, Tuesday. . Mr. id UM roe Strang, ai Wou. oni haavy springer: 1 $boat, 50 th$.; Mrs. H. p. 8eObe agent Temday wîiih kega, iéit a faw days a 1h Mm. and- 100 chickens. 5 tons of hay ln stack.,.3 Mrll. JOoopb Kohoutut- Libertyville. Mca. W. B. Stelqi tons ot strar. Farm Inimiements and .7 Mcas. Gerge John". ,O! .Mlnwaukee, Toole' 2 mÔnera; dise; bay rakae; 2 D e 18visting bar dauifeor,Am. Willia 0 * * 0*.* Q0 S@*i 0 0 9 e0 0 0o02-sec. barrons; seedar; cultivator, et Christij». * R I CX OR Y 0Pion; aboai lpion; .ecraper; heavy ti Mn. an" Mrs. lUehardsoa. of Chlu. spriiig nagon; ilght relut naxom.; hay a 8% are vieilles their daugbtar, Mca:00 00* 00S 060000000, rack; buggy; 2 acte donble -hamaue; Id LOO Midledorn. The Moeiluime fily held a reunion singIe harase driviag haeaua; 4 col- Misa Seaa1 Bic. e .ftWOdgdoJ itthe bol". OC MM. James MeGuira os;iadl; lmO1filrope; log Chain; lt fo bew â9AMe itu laie Gesva , L Bn undey. Aingmtho&e present Puhicys; large kattie; lawn moner; L sb.ding -ina neeke at L at e Cre M id Miw Clise MeGuire and grndu u'wlgebirro*w ash me- ba nPhOn. Dr IL P Dme. l aiahiy.Mr ai m egi. GriS in and tom- Chine; daveè»iort; culîboord; altovels; Mr Mc.ad Mrà. Herbert Coten. o!1ily ad s sd M s. Bey , R),Harmar and tonks; Viells; othar articles. 8Chicagoi, he b»a»spa;iaa" on litM. cM 16. Ud.Giilxngs, ail of ER S uma of $10 anidunder. k ~ ~ ît' 4ase h ueO nbr Eoon Wauukà;M. nd Mca. William lMc. cash; surmesover $10, 5 monthisaut'7 touti. ghafte " »Fr5lez lir. w'iliam Bon-.Pnen t.- ly sunday momng, tbrus mca front ne n,î oe à»oMii. Geongen, Propricton. 6 Aunra ra s- arlously IDJ11redti theic Fraik Edi*.Sris, MJort lgavage and, J. A &Bcik Ae, Clar. et 01atnmiug !et Meir auto la front of GOrdou WOIl. loft au Salurday on a J___À______________________ h- thei. bla Mettale, MOu the Trevor- motor ttp te magie river, Wisconsin. JMSPIREAUTO ALIE 1 41 WlImOt road. Thlme d emi ten nana Masller ArthuU uter returned home Stna.Otbr1.e .m tn id refliov e W b. Keno@auho&pltai. ou S*tltu S Ce padn ek arda me to !o 16 en9a . prop tnEd DrIe. Eoeer and Béelee ere Caled 1,in l Ch a'iesgo. dig wO ees atbic athe bingofl .Str ae 4> nttdn re. sad famJIlý !M.adMl.O ..iolei iadfarre, on Dun4 roui. near Nortiflelu wht fChicago, fnntlly, Mr. a9 Mia. Lon 1Hill snd churches. 1 :Ml nt !We il 'mleonthtit Way te viit the Michel- daugbter. Uri andi Mma. Carilawells ato eefZ 'y Golden faniily Of!tibis vIllage, bei the anda famlly and Me. ad -ira. Austin 50 Hesd if Lîvasteai 33 bead ofC cal- île-S of these 'ira reglaitered, balane '*rleott- te ha >throna lite the ditcb Savage aid daugiter, Irene, ield a hIgb grade Holatéins;, 8 nith calves hy Ir by the ovarturniag of their auto on ieuituberdIn inla Oaisii- 'oods, ad.4anngcblne iic.pr flhc rond est Of Loonlaie, Mrs..,IIgerý ltsut Sunday. sbred 4socrbllnlt ptra balance krpe 9* beng paWuly injred. She ns talc. M . and Mm I l. . Tilluîon and igh grock Nbon stln a ge7rio era lan e . a- n tethe offie o! Dr. Beebead front daugbtcn sud Mn.ad j r. . ig.hgaerlO $lf, 4 oaa y ear nd bld ite etofc Goldeti rarm. . Thomapsslfoki dInnar wîîh INr. and 7 head of licesgate,8yer Mr. and Mme. samtual E. Meelia and MYs. Wllbu.r E Hunier and ianiily, lest oldl300iba;- ey em, 8 y eght0 -son- 9r Chicago, aent Sunday nîfithSunday- d 00.s'bYta,8ysWih IMme. Meshas mohe ie. agrt Mm. and Mm«. George 1laard-, of '")0 Ibs.; roan mare, 10 yaarsia e Daviser Marar t Veeganiare staying clib jM s1300> ibs.. ha% colt. 1 Year, 2 blàci colts 2aEtber Joseph iSavage, of Chicago' Frank Ednaria. white-ieulu.;band je weil msîccheld. conlng 3 years. ilmood ildtil ver uilay jtý is arens, ay n bi trp.cow niih 7 pie, 75 chickens. 20 tons L r.and MS o eaa ibe prnt,--wy nhi Il> .bIP 1timOîlîY haY, 10 tons upland hay Mm.anSMc. Jsepi avae.baied. 4 tons hal, d claver. bey, 1000 g Mr, and Mr@,. L-l. Grice çnd'Mn. 0,091>00000000 000 hu. (nets. 16 acres bill com. la ehock. C andi Mrs. H. Ragtha are enJoying nV L( 2 ceailIcm nflcsoi * fro-Weeks' vacation at Chetak, Mls. 0- - Ferre20 are lmanîa n theolack, Mn. and me,, Oliver Cmihon, of Wau. 0.6ý0 .0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 00 09pion b a.breri;D lgcc kegan, araeaiijoyiag a fr0- neak' Va- hinder brn att ey loaer ien;or frin Wtl Aitocir elatives and Mr. andi Mis. Johnsaon. Mr>. and Mrs. McCorireck moner; aide dalivery r and M Keueabtrg and dauÉhter of NWauka- raie; 12-dise pulvarirer; bandi cuhti- M.atMm. Ennemi Kelly, of Chi . nae recuitviators ai the John vato;2slycllaos -e.'a 'Loge, Yviateti 0,cr SutdaY wnhthe Walton home.tg;2suk ltvtrs*-e.'a- former's parent., Mn. aid Mca. WiI. Mr. Rherwood of lake Villa bisited revit;spiagtootb barron; -sulky pion; hem Kely. th Volo Suaday S eoo laset S nd y g ng w ; 2 band ploya; VIctor m ik- G t uda ng machina 3 unit; 1% lih. P. gasolne h Raymnondî Taylor aent lait Wcdnels- moming aid gaobe 'a bery înteresting angine; coma planter; grindatoita; 8 1 day and Thucaday in Chicago. - tllit. tilk cana, pelle andi atrainer; 3-ml. t Mra. John Derby la entantaaing ber- Mr. and Mca. Otto MoliMtr andi son truck nagon; tron whealItruck; 3- cm Cleeand,0.te rs. W .Waife, Of O! UàbertYbiii. btsited reldSlves heme sîsring miii wagon; bayeytcac il" 13 Icllvela.nd . Mv. I.Ongfo Moût- lest Sunday. rack; 2 acte double harmeau; driviag Of Hopein, la.aiMme. 'P. P. Reaves. of Mme. 30e Daigneli boiS a sale Mon- harrif-9, tamis and aboyaIs; barrai of! t H aiknd a. .. day and ill soon move I-a Chicago. gond eider vintegar; bey fori. omes in -r niMe Frank Taylor-, Mme. Mr. aid Mca. Millilani Rthmerford anS puleys; mfiy otier articles. A it W. L_ Taylor and the Misses Leonelia and-daughter, Hase!. lea%, fo Oreffon g»od lunch serveS eat nooi. et Tavloî andi EdnaeRicharde motoresi f0 this wWee, nhena tbay will inal<e their TERMS: Suma o! $10 aid iuler. Ic IlurîtogiotO, Wls., Weduîaesday. 1hiuare home,.ah ue ,r$1.Eratee MisClarea Oison bad hem fonaile e- The Ladies' Aid- Society- w ii et cas;pe rcetsOe 1,E eteu med in s Kenoshe hoapital et ekpwfiera oh iacenhrta. c. aesPere cfnitn Me. Viurda Mondy ! ekgaP7.Alrg endance la desirigd, an John J. Wick. AUctioneer. h axet Tundayani "'idY wifiî An-'sa tu male rlàssfor flic coming ha J . ere6e.Cer. 0 tiOvh rtlatives andti Inonrd. zaar. J .Slmne lr. 11i. and Mme. George KuhauPt enfer-___ eninedthie laîfer's Parents,. Mm. anS *çSO011000009000000 Mra. Schmali. antd Mm. anti Mrs. Scblei D00 mer a son, ail of Milwaukee, Over 0 E E RFI EL D s SunSa>y. *000000000*0o o. Mirs. tiamlock and Mms. John John-. m n m.Wlla ue !Wi soifIl u g n a rfed te e n ! ock is e r .and gel r for Willam W its Wmi. C n e j neci in Antloch. ebo re V8tn iWoma o sN h W Re v. S- E . PoIllock wil le se ont Rev.Thom a nu i m ee f it b the o >' Wedneday for Rockford, here be Scouts an Wednesday te eorganize cOnterence of the M. E. church. Min s ut'e arte inteKalb rueDie There wibuthSuna cani e-vice nexthome over the vieci end. Drc -Sd at the bult undaychool wnu ber Grandma Brand. who learmailigber Fs DaId t il W.uc.ai lime, home l-Wifh Mie. Mary Wesing legli. Fs i>r ani Ea.W. . Wrrierbave The board ai dîrecars o! the D3eer- OT retarneti home. efler s fer Says' va-fielS bantii-ied a Meeting Bturday -ltion ofthfe Dlls andi oqher places evetiing tea maie plans for tic apening N T la -e Wïsc nde aMrnd.M$.o!the hank fI tle corner roore o! j. TAN E Hidoreaer ent atinMi-. aMm. .Strykeir'ebuilding. TAN EV aid CenTe r seis itn rltives J. A. Slryker bas nioved the stock o! LIBERTYVILLE aIrs Ch e Se ntai, Wish genai-al me-rchande andi butcher shop - 4:53 a. m. Mie.aer saules e, nderfainetier l'into bis- nen location ln the Anderson moîie, me Gynlu.ani auhtrof building. hielî i-,,las emodelqid. The 5:2 a. m. WaiMonda,-Tuetilts e bovëï eai e f aIlmets. - S5a m - Miss Aima Babor la visiting heberI- M.A.:rn53îa.vngbi brd of wee. cg o uple ware stock lino he building vacated 6.23 a. m. . r n -.Fan alr rCi by J. A. 8tryieî.053a . ,cge Mm.aidMs th'raiTy ,O i- On Wetinsday F. H. MaYer deliver-6:3 -a'm cago.epent flic ,Past week nifb lhe e& a "CiractulaWalter Sharoft of:3 . i foimer, mot r* . Walter Taylor.Rsai.:5 a.m fOn 'hiesday mociag et Il âecloci ut the Met bodiat churcil, occuredthe Mca. Joseph Müturisceaid chiltmea :3 .n marag f is ay lzae ! o. lDahaque. lana, scpent leat- *eek 8:23 a. nm. lÔregd t !eMAsurMary liaboeThePl- itb Mr. and ira. E. H. Seiig. 853an. bori tosý Amthai e lebiss Vve n Mrs. John Fletcher of Obicago spent i-S 98.3 a. nm. bruoiernosCiago.nta&hyMiss Vfivos-Monday nith lier daugbian. Mcas. Roy :> .m Plutîeer o Cicao.se-mad o ba-Hutchinson, 'cho la at Miss J. WOod 95 a or. I and ber elater, Miss Ruth Polock. man'$ hosîullal. 9 lO53 a. RI. aridess Cbanliy Hulrand se Il hMrs. Alex Wiiliuan.2 .m briesm".id'George Geiand tesdil Mme i.M. Hale entertalied the mis- 105a*n. W btcom b, as tiebrs. Bo. 9. E. P l. sona y Society Of the P csbyterin -. 1 1:53 a. ca. lock faher f te brde *doredh c turcb Tbursdiay affemnos.11:3ani bei fibr ! te rie orfrmtifi Blly [bey ras eo.serve Inlathe pires- il12:23 p. nM. neramony liathee presoence of a la&s" byteriai Sanday Schooi Slbd@W. A125 . thbe ceemnoay, e receptian Us iaied,,Ibait ayIcie ilnsoal e1:5 .m lie churci Parler and a nit.itiubg bet». tiicte frgond wraicne then 1a :23 p. ni. fast nas serves la ince hureî base. osutyear. mett teYudle aditmd eon DeVourg of Ch*'g n 1: 53 P. M. friands. Aller November 1, Ma-. andti ledgeto h M.o m22 ,m Mn.r MgPiethorpe nul be at baIn. < UOncle, J. A. Sîryker. fhlir frienlde histic. Webbl t itg Ha!Y iijestrom wus takca ouiuik2:53 . ni etreet, Wich th« groom ibat ftlcaisb.l iy ici Sauuday nigit. The 4aetor Wnas3.23 p. niW for the reception. o!is bride. OMMuiRa dnd pronounetIdbiSaihent ap. i 3:53 P. nM. ___________ - V5tiicitin. Mr. Silicaf nons W"aimma- dilaly taica 0 fte h Whqa pt4:23p. ni os....oss..eoo*e baJ. Whnere he wààôsOei .. Mr. nd rs. larnce2-b"M,-à4d5:23 P'.nm.' MisaDada Muinqie, o! Russell, aventt #bomoth feir brothèr, .e5e diior- , 5:53 p. m. a"ne tinte nti býer aUnt, Mca. Jbaba mal. 6.23 p. M'. Bane. ' u- e.-t,. o!MeElizabeth Kilts of CObluago 1 -6:53 p. m. Mý iss Mairgeait C éi fWnUkagei, vlgtlng ai tih E. H. Sait as, :2 .i OjUMttheIweek-end niti borep folks. :Thg Royal Neigbbol'e7:23 p. iaa Trberear4îyn-tbe vCWntY IlCi Viii bail an Ice cmeaioOfIet th# 5 .m 1wl.th idaJo AÏn t ans, Ricli- C" ctiy. Hause Piday~i~ :53pm anti Martin. MtUOl MeGuire andi othere. 1. aa lenlatSuandny 8- :23 P. i. 1Mra s» plile Mtthena flutn»ye- ;Loula nhere be lea atne a c9:3 p. - ersi deys nitia Mc,. Dum"n, of Gumaee tio Dot Rexall Sugias.1' t Shore Trains, are Cleasi Comatortab1e Dependable THE CONVENIENT SCHEDULE? CONNECT AT LAKE BLUFF WITH EXPRESS 5 :06 a. m. 5 :36-a. m. 6.06 a. mi. -.6:36 a. m. 7 :06 a. M. 7 :36 a.m. > 8:06 a. m. --8:36 a. u. 9:6a. lm. 9-1:36 a. m. '1:06 a. u. 12:06 p. m. 12:36 p. nm. r 1:06 p. n à I1:36 P. M. 2.06O6p.mah -.2436 p.nim 3:06 p.,nim, 3:36 p. Mi. 4:06 p. mi. 4:6p . 3:06 pinM., 5:36 P.ni. 6:06'p. M. - 6:36 p.,um 7:06 P~.M 7:36 P. um~ c8.06 p. m -9:06e.m 9:36 P. i 10: 06p.m itil1: 53 a. m. * a. .1.. r. APRRINII 6:25 a. ni. 7:25 a. ni. 7.55 a. m. 8:25 a. ni. 8: 55 a. mn. 9:25 n. ni. 9:55 a. . 10:25 a. a 10I:55 a. m 1 i25 a. ni 11: 55 a..iim. 12:25 p. . 1:25 p.ni 1: 55 É..hi 2:25 p.ni.ï t~2:55 p. uu a 3.25 p.-i ~> 3:55 P.nu 4:25 Pt 4:55 P., M. -i5:25P. M. 1 6:25 p.u I*6-55 p.u - 7:25p,, 7:55p., 9:25 p. tIq o:25 p. DIs e '1:55 p. 7 ~,1:5p.-i ali SHIORE & IILWAIJKIEL Phone: Libertyvle- 74 Coc and gr a bindere. drill, manure sprender. corn planter, inower, hay teddor, hay rake, potato planter and diggar. gang gow, 3 waiking plowg. 3 VenhkeY CUItlvtoiM, 2 walking- cuiti- vators, rolief, dise harrow, buggy, mnllk wagon, rond cart, corn sheliar. feed; cutter, root cutter, milk cart. a Section dirag. 3% h. p. gasoline englne. pump lng Jack, 4 truck wagons, wagon box. 2 bay racks, les plow with aIl the ex- tras, 250 egg incuhator and brooder, 3 .sets of heavy haras, 2 sets of Mie barnes, 2 nefs of Way fortsa. ropes and pulle, 30 mllk cana. cook atove, a lot1 of househôid furniture, grain baga, forts, Bliovels, and many other articles. Soin. of tuie marhinery là naw. PliMny to ont and drink at nooh. TERMS PF SALE: All anmset $10 and under, cauh,. over that amouet a credit of six months wrut h. giiven on îuod laniable notes. bearing 7 per cent luterest.- Absolutely no property remoyed until full settienient ofans F RANK MATOU&ILK, George Weider, Clark. W. J1. OL.OOeNAUTO S ... Wednesdy. Oct 6. at 10 a. m. W. L1 Glodeh nILkssiil at puiblieauction. on bis fer., 3 mniles souti o(Prniriee Vian 1 mile Southi of Aptaksic and 1 mile îorth of Buffalo Grovo: 3 boinas: gray mara, 10 yrs.. 1400, black borae, 5 yra., 1350; black horne, 6 yrs. 1IM. Il bond of cattie. 1 witb calf hy aida, balance meeVy Bar-itigers and milkers; 2 yenrl- lng heifera, bull 18 mos. old. Ail youngc stock 'and hoein raised. 2 hogst 9 sboats. 150 chickens-SO Whifte Log- horni pullets. Peed: 9 acres fead ceuxi. 1a. bill corn eut vitx binder, 10 tons choies timothy bey, 4 tons choie cdo- ,ver hay, 3 tons choiePrairie bar, 1160 bu. oats-50 bu. Notthlandaseed onts 60 bu. barley, 25 bu. corn. Farre Impie- MIr.at. Mr*. Orrett.anad somo! Jrv, '9gPark anti Hsrbert Chansberlain or Chicagi *oea Bistet the j. i.. chism- bl houte Sundny. Ur. antiUlma. D« Baftikand MMi. Dsvi Radie apent 'lhmltaday iti -the (anmer'm loler ati aima callesion 1*!sa EMoMA Grabite Tbucsday. Mca. Johtn Siapienti rturnesila hem home. Sundny. aler spendlng gaverai neeki calag for a lady ai Dininonti Lako. Mr. atidlins. viiliacetpl antertea- eti qut. as umber of frilcds Suaday. Mmm. William Kuahien an4da dughfer Berthe visited Mli. anS Mm. Prai La&mpiier la Chicago Snamday andid Suntiay. Miss Edita Shepherd antertained 1 ftlendstr in.Cbicago over tii. neai M. bnremus of ChlengO visati hi% brother, Michael,.hfiiraI o! tbh nu-ci. Miss Avis Piyne anjoyati a v acation laet neei andi toi '*a tript>roagh Canada. New liauaptire, Vermont and, messe se US'B - e.-- .uty-The lu,., 'v 't, c~L. . i , i, 1 Publie notice la beroy the tiret instàlioat *gAm omoet No!,14, fol ostem et now d» and payable et tieM The tiret inafaDmont bonis Lt & par cent u«ter 3* 1.t10 ;= flt Û. IL. et **y$ About What TWUILO two rats breedlng eOOIZ three yarg prodoces $U viduaI rat&. Act nies yjqoi* rMt, don't nait. EÂ'r-ÏN4Pl* est. cleneat.mnt, c»Omt5 inator. No lxWlg viti. it] Dmy up atter klihwa-lIeake i Cata or doge non't t Io t, 0 anaranteed b? Sebmrnuk ffd and Deckere flcg Store. Plret le, Laks e nlty-.ll