Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 14

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ion O H md from eciaiizrd rely .you terafions mng. In ire mak-- October to $8 to$8 to SIZ $8.0 110.00 $3.00 $4.0 $1',00 $1.Oft t» $40 A A' tiC: it .- t M -r,1.-1 r 1't îr -'r i r- utin lit-- ;l-r f-fir ,ri t 1. . 1- om0r i t1'1r i' 1 i - r. ir. rrrlg CI r :' 1,1'u ron t.rra snu.rr.rer-lt- Foerlai îeiinit<r il .5ec. i- i' u n ciiru c collrirt I!. t ýriiriC) ti tîr rarnd jrtr. ur, ho ni ol 10 trNV ' if ý! bI.f ' ir'r if'rr nV. rn h il ltt.'d '.re tnatiCr!valcke Pal tl ritfil iitt et ttPark ifooutball i n atit ci .it-Yly t- secona i aciotthe Wauke- «ao ftwnaathipiliglsciiool ati lèctrie G t. tu ranîd ast-oua, .;-ested 'iueîays nigist nt 7:15 orioNt on1 aclaige o! drlvlng hi, automo-bjile 35 miles 'a heur la Oak gte'ct. île vas tiiied $7.43 laii h pcinre nrtt ttilnnrtiitg. Mi. 1i1r',LOy Hedaietie ha% been ra- nitovodthe flaPreshyteriàuihrîepital la chiicgo. She bas been ilI so.ýe lime. lin il. K. U)avis bas raturnnd front t .îirrip i Mcign where ire Fsurit partridgas fon tise lest wè&k. H'ý sali te biîtng vas uitutiO5iiy gond andI li girl feiIînit P' fi,-'* -t-t-Y day. D<.1 .jialzc iuse retteitcd te iri iiir5 t ('aritegi, institutIlo!1 iýer.i'iology sflattercomplefing is- . tracs w-%Itil the Xenny Acrohlanp COciv.I e. fti.ntiitig. Mn. Drake, a formter, ai,-m'y inaor, bas bc-en ea.plo%.d ia s pîltit dîtrtng the sommer. rivllt' ~ rilibutiofs andi carrying pi-mnccager.. ti- At>rii bas; tust competed i ui- fttrg a neri rouf on tise former r i-t sienne of ; jrs.Mary L. Hlfeiin.;at ;,13 NiSll(,rina Road. Tisa place now 'i. OôrcI ir'ucdby thse Robert lrye- (ial tirtif. FicE fitA'j-lina t',building a $lti.cOrI 1nrgirrjut e-etit o!fluhe B;,irtnw apruril'îtt on Ca)ry avenu-e. Jrin .Sith,-rhtnd lravith ie contrriet. ?i.0r. 1,,-SIti. lîuitl te 'lit front Çrantcl molan. a-h:îndoneif is iens ;mq1 ; ererting -iat-cs idence thora. A 'bcl-we afft!buggy be!olgiiig to Colonfl-rI.R. Mtf. nrttlck chic-b d'a. Opocrt ?in in Çc-'it tci tisa Am- Onrope.C.tIerier hirri t ait le Ftorast- vce efouri Inb s ravine near thse edg- - 3 toen îua-d~It IO'beliOyedtbr FUROPEÂNS WATCIt ELECTION IN U. S. C. T. Heydecker Recives Let- ter from Cousi9, i Bavaria Relating Conditions. BIG STRIKES LOOM THERE. i'eoiJie o? Europe lare looking *.agerty toward the comning eloction in the U nited States Ini the hope that file ni-w administration wiul bentfît tlei n l the re-opeaing of!enfumer- rial relations and bringing about bet- ter conditions la tise old v6orld, w.rites Aartiph Istorm, Sr., of Reutilngo.n, à.arvaria, lu lite cousin, 1C . q. I-ly- cleciser. o! Wauk, gan. in a letior dat- tu Auguht 26, whrtrh the lOC21l alan- lias ju',t I ciii iii Our tai tacs get hardly any ýabcr_ ie l if) nttire cimles the- fartores pa trot it IluI 41) marks pe-r day o! 4aight1 1rolrr' vrltes uIllecousin. --But il -i, Uer taiorers are very difseatimiied b-c*ause Ii- muet pay a mtlte tax or bM per cet, T. ibs ainount the em- iv) * E 0deduct from thse vagea andO deitt-r toýtIIe tax board. A gen- i rai strîie Is ttî-reenre çîiunted upon andith 1e gres! Bosch vorks lainStutt- gari, fthe Usinier atotor factory ia I terikuckhaeim vere cloaed tempor- %1r1lY r vthe gnvernit1util t»e w0crit eîn deciar.- they are ready 'to %"Ili the' pleaid&ntitai -ici-ion ln 1l),ieinber briflg cii i ý.Irît'-r con- Cit ion' -O>ur Imperial govertuii-ltl nay in- ied nhave ruade mitakem but favor. 111iumri bpite of the îuew republtc tera la as uni-at tudny as formeity and dlliera only that it now costa 'J more. OulrIng the sar and afteracrd, indIiolitalm have esruted mIllîie io t tlle present Tgoverrament hami ittrie 4 (orageI' o collent lho i-reLis frc'rn hI e a ai-andi reoî,iîon, PtJucugh il Tor *-gnî rion oithý bas iiolr(i I tiertuans Are SquAnilerinif -G.ernitany basi be-cone pour »eithfle i-r- ai-tASeIfr if tv ball plonly of 1lrnS.'Ii h.y danre an't s et andt sur ns cilsn tiey luse andi trari n s maltv ilithie. enuaetic otgisleare fil- led and any picir l laid. Tire vork filin sarn moch mîney andreoie- 44ueltly thei' llityer alffl. Thse tsi ter algul-- tht" hi' muet t'.! umonucl- 11, 'ettrtiieire mta - '.i-lt lt-te W,rli - It titstp reocit gOýout 10 ti -hi Aiiý itat 1 the(ýrrirtrare pro'.per- ltn' and r' tr . o c: -rn r-l'or Pt!ln of the l*4ce tiuit. But dit t-a gri a' ai V.-- are rirt u a-i' r)ttri Irg 110.0our îren1 al m.I inIntts- e wi ihi' rîdur l intov t0 y tîNath,>i'poltrhouFî- If rot s'--, tr 1- oes ftan fond are obta!ti rç tie c leclion o? rour pre-Flr t et>- T-rilti"i. Vii I1IVlipvf it 1%ê' etbc t' - , 'I! . i -t'ii' P iu t l, ', 1 r os"r'-Ci't tu11-.v1-1I Ail- i- - -1,1 'v I 'r t -11- c f 'l- -- " -i t l "'. - -di or--t n s naet t No wo'.h if erreur>, m brrc, i. I t vmeharo lire ti n ti r lrÇ f ~ ~ V a nd] tii .rtt'-,!!irroêilint we i rdi I, o tir' -V. ' hr'tri 'tIýr, t !i!r!- lrrr'" -cr. Ar- I t il n t il, ptîc t a;O' r'g i i, ' ur me ti -t ln r r->'- tt p t i m fi t I' -MY i r ean iirr r ,"r t, tiv, i tir ' rrttu \,,AUI<ECAeJ LO17,tL' î'î fi bî i'. a u.,' of i * - ig v r i'lr Tise'- Waulsegan Conoerya.tor-y or Musiê bas-secured th araih boume for FrIday evening, October 29, for their flu recital Mis. love, tiiel vearrdent, saym the recitai promises to be the Mot interesting of the.r ManY fine programas. Amnong other Attractions It ilkexpected viii be fic- wünderful chilid singer of and opera. littie Lat Noies. of, Peru, Ill., t*omertY of Waukegan, and a atil- dent o! Mrs. Love. It la saad tiei chilti 4as 2,000 nanesof o! ersons who demfie ber record onn tha Victîrola. am I<tOtmaYeor 0fZion was dis- cilarged (rom IlcAiîqter hoapital to- Cay. SAMqPLING IIEINE WINE COýTS A? -DENER 50 "BUCKS" OÀYS Y ÔC R'M7, 1920____ ______ mtltlplylna *top Watcb. 'l"'-o. i.-tf 1"or timing work thse diai of a SiIo c., A ne ts iîîîeei(r bas colu!, . npij top wltch Cafles additionn! mark, en Incandescent lawp wit au n orlIy la Idicate e aypoint o ipe lcehairr hedryer; otmht %- Ioi, Aloi Hein -Co. Takos Anethr Fal Out of Old "High Pricos"y hors vanaaY Ld Pluflged to Ità death fronc & bridge. Ida May Minott.e, eght vouails, la -vielling Lhe horne oftALuis . sý1ft, *cker, ln Lake nF'oot. "fie r flale la ta b. that of ber mothr,' saad Count James Minotto, the fathtr. Ida May arrlved ai G OcrlOùk tact îigl. The scisool board lolid a U.cotIng Iast evealag, tranýjact1ng routin' business and-eagaging a fewin ore teachers for tise grades on reconi- mendaton Of Superîntendent Clark. Reports sbolrsd tise higis sehool lunch room lu meeting lits uzienses andt hat thse students are getuIng a fine menu ech day ta select [rom. ROY Wrigbht of Liberfyviiie, sut)- rmltted ta an operation at Lake Coun. ty Ceneral bospital Bila Morn;ng lie is. getting along nicî'ly.9 ce rge NorilstrVm, of Cb.c!a. ahot a t 1îaEs lAke Sunday, led au X-ray Photo takea of bie Injuries ypeabrday. Tberemans O ohnobs Ptton, 16. year-oid 5SOU ef Dr. Fred P. Patton, of Gienîroe, vere Interreti lanqorthi Shore cemetery Tuesday aftf!ruoon. IL was une of the biggest automo- bile tunerale ei'er sen la thse roun- tY. Tisere was a wonderfuii profu- sion o!f fowers. The Young Iran nmet death ln an alitomoilIe accident. Charley Quiggle f hiq nortBag re- ccdved a telegramo frGm 'l'ouîi)Drury at t)"rnet, S. Dak.. stating that ho and iHarold BlOOmstrom haie ,rrii-ed ther.e aely is their fli ier on their way ta Oakes, whero, they aspect ta exterminate the wulti ducks la grea. numbers. "Senti on the decoys," read the message. Quiggle and Sta.nley1 Christian txpeet to lease for Oakes nais Tuesday. Leu Wila, of Oshkoo.was a 'au icagan buintes vilitor here yyeir day aad exi,reeced humaseif as beiag val! pleaxeti with the volume of huai ares done at his local store during the J'stteatson. FrtzKkdrlformerl7 a rorden- M4'ail O rder IH C-on thbe l-ighlaad !'ark elrtae o? lenihHaine, Ciicago miliionaire, .Nta rc cOnsidered thea fralîtte.i 0f humanity A t a rc Tusday-at'.d ho vept. Ftt cas arraigned befora Juau-e o! 1h. Pr-are Ja'nes Dufyf nt lHighland Palk. charged vltb tise thaft of two b bt Tise Alez Hein Ce.. or aon' otiei lies o! aine f rom hie mastets vwint' Srni that takea tbe e ud in suc-h ant ceilar. i inpoî tant muoe as tiseir PICE L)e- "go littho froîn 1on-0 he ha i ER Gcampaign le a gri-at credît tlu pereti. There they laY--rîw fltt. any communlty and worth), ut tise nov ot tbemn-beautlfuî bottles oetiigbeft praise. BuDsbtue f'ont tise allcw a'f tise Tis seaterprIping turm ile iakint a Rhine-and I took oaiy, Iwo."- full page tn fonigis paper-not nmer- Justice Duf!y dry "'I-jbosa two bol- rather, as Mr'. Hein put if-to l'o!nt out tien vil! c-ntastii2,, ieach" , to the buying publie of aokegan li'. Heine testifîed that ba baladvii atbhesopping adsanrtages hieaunFrizler ai. f abey offereti by Wankegan as a tradrng his cla., ftha bus? "bub" of vlrtch1la yShow Up The louses by the Comparisons ur.Jo"btedty this great riiercisantile ln- atî,urtin dei'oted exclusively to the sale of etomen's anti,childran's ai- parei. Tise carefuily prepareui page au- noujecement alsrwbera ln thwe - Laing's paver, proves coiclupivelYy hat the Alez Hein Co.. alois positiv un "F- ders.rl tise supposedly lev-priced. mail order bouses. wbicb alter ail], seeme f0 b a tbe ac-id test o! a»y marchant or 5 asfora, ste pasuing o!f isicb places t mo îthep vîry P)flacle of mr IS JUST AS YOUNGC ANDSTRONGASHISBLOOD No man ù fgt the ba. f life and hoîd hj0.w , m1j blood va flot pure, for rich red blood is what etrength is based upemi -When you see a strong, vigorous man, who neyer knows whei h.o ia Iicked, you may wager that such a man has cou'sing thwoegl his veins rich, red blood. Many ymeple bave thin, pale blood. - Tey are weak, tire easily, become discourséed qtickl-nd@Oo lims fel îk >vî* n the struggle. Sucehfoli"'admre Pierce'. Gold e edicaluDiseoerwih olbydug* a liquid or tablet form. y isodb rgit n It adds vigor to the heart beats and tones u the nerves in . wonderful 'way. This "Medical Discovery" ofDre Pierce's L, j made from Blood root, Oregon Grapo rmot, Stone root, contains no aloohol-yet tories up the atomach, ofimulates the liver and pute the blood making glands in th~e best cf condition Many people write Dr. Pierce at the. Invulida' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., as fol-' 10ws. * JoLIRI' ILL.-" I have taken Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medheal Diaovery' as a tonie and bloed purifier and found it ver benefidial, and 1~ alwaya keep the'Pleat Pelleta' on bond to talce as a regulator.1 1 flnd that te keep me in a bealtisier condition than any miedicine 1 have ever are fine for conatipation and an ecellenteg. ~aWi o uomahliver and bowels"-C. W. JORP 1,610 2dA. ,~ce-. ,a.,..zaL~', as -~ I. I N accord with our idea that. the men and boys of Lake .County deserve the best to be had, we have prepared for Overcoat Week a display sure to meet with the en- thusiastic -approval of ail. It is with absolute confidence in our- ability to please yrou in every way with an Overcoat that will meet your indivi- dual requirements, that we invite you to corne and inspect ourshowing. Overcoats and Suits Fr-n Men Smartly tailored in the newest styles frorn fabrics thatwill give satisfactory service and look good cohtinuously. The pri ces we have them, marked are representative of our policy to provide the, Most for your money at ai times. $>42-50 Others at. $50, $60 and $70 Nteu Line of Men's and Beys' FeU Hats and Caps Nfom In Stock. Overcoats I& 3uits 1920ifaro lt"Shffu& asForS Y- Be to withstand the bard wear and tear that every real boy gives his cloths-yet net a,ý .iil one has that heavy cumbersome appearance usually associated with service. I'4iTý ues we 'cffer are hard to beieve, but bring yqur boys in and w ve will quickly convince you $0 -$115 ~p~I4DABL~ 8~ This Time They B 1923 n, IIL .It is ta flOW rstand iFord- sa am mm hin n't et' hM ad- i save 4 Ford- F ot6r &at, but - $12.50 ý ý7w - ýfflw

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