Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 4

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*~~l . - 11E B v1uL o~ty~ileIndependet '~Ccumn4rInepmident - WaykgnWel u MNLD NALLEY . ............ Local Manager OUSSORIPTION PRICE-41.5O PIER VEAR, #TRICTLY IN ADVANCE. Office Tolophene Number 1. Libertyvillelchne mteseIKt the Pootof ic. t Ubertyville, Ill., as Second Clan Mail Matter. ÀSSESD MUEIF IN LAKE'COUNTI, 1NMRIASED $359310 Board of Review Completes Its Work and Reports; *Muoh Work Done The aasesed value of Lake rounfy, viticli la one-itaîf the real value, la $8,757,700 for the yean 1920.,a sitown by titi report o! the 1ak, county board of review made public today. The aaaeesed value ofthLie county shows an inrcnse 0f 2,) ever 1919.t The-assesaîd value of Watukegan i t *7,ffl,4615, an increase pf 14,955 ovin 19119. The sssessedrvalue, of rnî of tIte other lake shote c1illes ief .risn ds folloas: Zion-$177.98.77o t 'us t-an alast year. l:O6. *ILalce FIs-4.6S lîîsr yar; lait 3enr. $5,389 .515 , Highland P a r k -$1,479,935 is- TYean; last ia,,$4 '4)5,235. $ orne ixuet-ding-ly interesting ig- ures are ohlaîned on the board o! ne- view repiort for Waiîkegan, tL i Mii lie sein bY the fnllowing: There are but 209 horses lunft? cifY, tht-y have a total value 9i $15, 510. or an average value of 474.68 y There- are 40 cows i lw lt ~y, val ued at $2,120, or au average. valu- Por îach coc- 0f but $53. There are 755 automobiles. jnaking a total value ut $2457(-5,.or auavi- age o! 112ý.44. h lathe entire civ :zhete liii but 148 waichee and Clocha. ThIy er-tp rsnt a total valuie <ur$2825. or ait average of h19.0S each. The number o! pianos îq - : of te aotos. namîly. 755. 'lII. -h%, a total value of $47.ý', an average o! $63.38. Thrire but-404-eu..winit iaî1ineI inthe City, nepeenllig a total valt of $3S13. or an at-uai saie ot $1268 each. These figures ooflil indiaii'îat te oc-uer,. of au(rnobil.u.aou. and sewtug machin., o lot oi to- theait oery hizily i>n iVuke.r. . The- iost Tu. ti,-.uîng taci <Onîru.i out in i)n.-<-i)nn ilb Th'Iia-îînionils and Xec t-Iry. Thf-t al nu:a lît~u itt io . i Tite board of î e % i..v% la-.s .da ixceediqzl3- bus-,ait-ar ndha lransacted nîtîcit bu-laes Tl t înI le indîbted tî Rober, 'entiu;L clerkj of thei boar-d. .tr drtalla onuticsuÀoik accompished. together cithti olat-,. ete. ni Pear3aîl lias mad% otn of thei mou. effclesa ciiku île- boarîd of e' lew of 1.Ake miîntv h u ,,i Io:Zed. ,o ige licifl Io bcte asu-îd valut- foiui tt. '-ar Je conupared, o the- ase --d inlue for lasi year- in rass îhiir thte valuation o! [lie town ut Waukegan 19 gît-tn it mitans that portion of tttý town ouiside titi cil> Tii-s eeis1 true with regard 10 ilgllaud Park 1"ke Forest, Zion City, etc. Thei-otnpaaiv« figures foliote. - -1919. 1.420 Benion-$..... G0,695 g; 52e ,-S20 1 moBn-----------1.ui9 6fts 1, . 9 %r7 TiI. IBenton.-$ 1820 '2,4o Newport ..... 661.136 1 Î02:4 10 Atioch .... a 119.733h 1,123111" Lake Villa ... 739,495 717.64à Grant----------- 60.990 691 Avon ..... 44,45A 1,028,82n Warren ....3150.01: ' - 0,5 Town W'kgau 1373240 i.526,79u> City Wkgan.- 6671,66A 7,0o961 S * Ttl. W'kgan.S8 8047100 $ 9536405 SOWIeds ....S 2,13r2.195 $ 2,819,970 1.Aki Foretsi..- M59515 1 S 9.l TU. Shieltd.. $8,2",-4.710 $ 7,716,655 liberville -.81,9 le.885 $i S69î Mremont 826,860 t26,S-5 Wauconda - .s674.0 -.02,3--uî Cub.--......... %2â,530 s22.t95- 1U ....... . Oufl.09U io.çt50S v»rnon ..... 9 .C 875 925380 'W. Deiehd.. 838.736 693,475 Voeifield 1.489l,006 1,502.265 Hghland Pic - -4495,236 4479.935 TUl. lrfield.$ 5,984.240 $ 5.082200 TH. county..$38,402,390 $38,77700 ON INSTRUMENT TO TÀLK TO IEÀD 940V York, St I6 3r-To commuai. «M iS h withfe sPirit worhd by meens lu Um SJBt leclrical instrumnents in »VW t» SMalof Thomas A. Mdson. bM mfIt If penonalities ctuaily «0 M8 ier Seaiti tey miy be CUlà@M in80possees viry itthe ply- «M ce aMd titat tem îstre 10 -MOMMbatewitt ttie fo115 on mrtî IMe eien»Ae Impossible of fuflii- 1" betuse of laek of meas. nie WI» la te mEise imnuntattht are eepUbie 1t tie sîlgiteet Influence. Went Mrne e et.. a n.the ti.MN pa"UNur m ob w oer 1&M000rea& a*m-mkoe Il (i rc Jeorvices1 ST. LAWRENCE'S CHURCH Rev. Gardner p= s MacWhOrter Prlest.ii'.chargs. Holy Communion at, 7:30 a: M. Chureki Scitooi t 9:46 a. nt. Hloly Communion and sermon Il a. t PifESBYTERIÂN Earl C. Morgan. Pa'-tor. Stlnday Scitoot at 10 a. mt. Roy P. Wright, Supt. Priachlng a. ut. - Topîc o! the1 sermon. *Wita stie lony of De- noninationalism?" Christian Endiavor ai 6:45 p. m. Toplc, "Bile Verses Titgt Hel»O? The piston willloBé titis service. preaching af 7: 30 p. m. Topic of thei sermon. "Tite Court o! Judgmcnt 1 Cannot Escape." Wednisdiy, Oct. 13, PraPer Meeting. Continued Studie In the. Lite of PauL Boy Scouts and Camp Ie Girls ut the respective meeting places on Tues. day, Oct. 12. Titi Board o! Trustees will meet t titi Mens. Monaiy, Oct.Il. sorne Im- portant busiess. You are weconetef0 ny or ai of thise services. Bring a friend. Y-OR SAL-Hlolsfein and Grade Quir if sounda trangi now to suy Wau- luigan. Wisconsin, or Chicago. Wi1 cousin, but sucit would have bien tlite case it the kadger stafe could hav madie gond ifs tifie 0itat-If n;:e the northeru bounda-y 0f Illinois. Under the ondince o! 1787. WAis- conam's southern boundmry teas In- tinaed to run fron thte southertu enq or like hichlgnf0t tieMississippi. Altisough Ilinois lu 1818 oitainid ber, nkortileru enutilies front the then un-, settled region West of lte lakes, many' atteos w eeeatterteirds madei 10 es- tabilihtheficiginel boundarles or Wisconsin, and oui survey deter, tlned the *'ordinsnge linel'as nit ning t4rough 13ýf tree &bi Oîcag. FIVE REASONS IWIY HIARDING SiIOULD BE MADE PPFSIDENT Cong. Martin B. 'Madden Ad- vànces Important Argu- ments for G 0. P. Man Chticago, Uct4-Flve Importent rea. sons why Senaton Harding should lie iilectid rausdent have bien put for- wîard by tongresoian Martn B. Mailden of Illinois. They are:, , ' Hi wiii recontaetthe postal uer- vice; Placéelit on a business busts; In- sure thse expeditieus handling ais. Patch, tranisportaflon and delivery of fihe mail, and Maire the people naise tiat thei Postal servicelanteis and Dot an initruinentallty to promote oritesi office. 2. He wlillPut ail departmnents of fihe Uovrnnient on a business lise-s; Insure economy; encourage co-opena. ion; Invite counsel and adylce. 3- li-e wtliI sourage the expansion of Anterlcan Indnatry hY favorlng thte Protection of the Products 0f Ameni- eu labor; put the country on s sounil fînanclai ias; privent ruinous coum- .Petition front abrpad wiîh the pro- dUCts 0f the tarn; encourage the pro- tection of thehôme market and 1h,, expansion of America's commere ItirOugiOUt the world. 4. Hi wil h'inlufat-or of Amera taicing hen Proper place as the lae of thought -011n9 the nations of the world under an American Plan whtch tie people themoelves wijl approve wai thle tovîrnmenf direct. lne wIlI 'I OCTOBER 7, 1920. preveut entangUaa9,' alliances with 1orelgix nations and keep America sale for Antsiceana. 5. kie wli co -speraue with-the Con- gress ln ail eannest effort to builil up the sliattered forces of American ln- (diistry; encourage Investinent; bring aDout a state of peace at home, and Putf the ti and ot disapproval on the attempt of any executive hereafler te tOurn tihe goverament Int , cbaninela nOt COntempiated by théi Constitution. SlI3IIFF O DEI To SEIZE PROPERTY OF DEFUNCT COS* NELLIE CONR.4D TO 'ADDITIONAL LIBERTYVILLE NEWS CONSTRUCT 1$659000, OFFICE, BUILDIN6I Structure to be Located at the N. W. Corner oif Genesee and Water Streets. A '$65,000 officee au,] store -.iîdtn,ý la to be conitructed at once at the1 northiwst cor. of Geneice and Water Ste.. Waukigan, and excavation work la to lie Ksted et once, h stas Lend Monday nigkir when .icl tact John S. Shîepherti. ofMleakî, Springfield, Ill.. Sept. 29-4ecre, appei-id before min-bers of tht. city refary of State Louis 1, Nnmînrson foday forwarded to the sheriffi of celantssiOn 0f Wauitetan 10 îliqcumq thei respective counti et, warrants un- eiverai matters relatlng to cliîngi-4 der section 115 of te general co- an grades of the sidewalks on thos- oPerative acf of tis atati. .jrectinq streets. thé' walkî intprisent rn theito relze and seli pîrsonal prop- located several feitab<.ve the p)avin: ty of sueki defunci corporations te News of the lînproî-ement --îel Rattsfy the amount 0f frsftchlse.ftax Mo little Interdet la Waukegsn, ln vlîw due titicste,.i0f the. tact ihat the strictu--.,. li Accordtng 10tte recorde of ttiheli occupietl lîy Ruii ;orgas, rtp corporation department practicallyl ion of the confectionary stan.' *ili thi ail of flue golng roncerns psîd titel ricorner for a year. the prot.nelIilon franchise taxes durinrà lte montit of tteing financed by -grs. Nelîte Con- July, as la evid.,nc'ed by thje fart that rad., widow o! the- laie john <'uni-ail. Secnegary of State kionnrBon *ha; 'ho caminjto lfflmveston -1 mon. collecied $2,621.095M4 ln franchise tijan a million dollars he taxes front cortioitions. Notwltl. deatki of lier father. Robert 1)-o. ar stand'ng this -fact. howevei % there sîstîr, Mims L.orena l)aiy. 1 art- Fe-utist îhoî-nd dIiintlu.nt tha' Rïorgas wlil ccupy the tir8t floon 'i ii hi e iiijt o tae t ht-jr ax lin- j ofhe buildinîg, e h ich wcl ha., : medistely 1 .t t- erfit of thpt-jr n- fot fr'întuige on Ge-mst l et.*C-i I mpectîve toutit if nir have tht-fr prop- 111fet on<ii Vaer ont-et. anîd ît-ý rty meizeil and tl ni o sat'fY th-, second andtI îird at.nIes wcliiitr amutdue tht- siate. ofutOffices. iped Chapman la a Chuicago business eénwruitdlMarg at '.isitor tod .aY, 1 tawer utoed 2in Dnui-iae. la. Misses Marie Englebrecht and-Jus,- The wedding camee an a surprise t0 phine Delhaye attended a dance at Thethrmnyred.Bth otee Arcaia Teady nihf.Young people are poular and, well Mia, Charlotte Brimmer of Lon A- known. Mn. Replie attended the Lake geles, Cal.. and Mm. Harry Hanson Forest University lant year. S$be re- and two ions -uf Chicago spent We- cently went t0 fubuque tu lake a poi- nesday at the home of Mns. Joseph tion. asteacher'in one .f the Ieho)oli Guerln. c~ilihat city., Mr. }lapke li a talented' olualilan, and las a menîber of HaPlke's Mr. and Mal. Paul Pettingili haveorhestra. They will reside in lU- returned front their honeyinoon t ri»ore b su1u and are visltlng et the home of. Mrs. efoth rsn Pettlngill's parents, Dr. and Mn. J. L. 'The £jaihoe -oî -tu *11wlll Taylor, on Broadway. another of lis famous dantes at the Miss Wlnlfred Mack, daughter of Auditorium on Friday evening, October Mr. and Mmi. James R. Mica, of Àe16. The dances given jby this club in ertyvîlle, i*d M. Alo J. Hapke. ion the paît havé prdved popular eaffaire. of Mr. atid Mm. Chris Ha.tike of Wau- and the coming one wlll lie a wtnner. Thooders M. Dums Prueldont W. IL Smith, Vice Prealdefit F. W. Churchill, S.cretary and Manager. TELEPIIOE S1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST ABSTRACT O F TITLE - TITLES GUARA1NTEED> Capital: $125.0O.00 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Il' OUTLOOK FOR A FONOT -BALL TEAM POOR AT PRESENT By ligh School Reporter. The L. T. H. S. football lisa will not hi titi îconlng machine that went into titi garnie0f hast seaion. Set-irai of the beavywiighf lUne plungers were lest through graduation and set-iraI othens are out bicause of injuries ne- celved tait siaaon. The entire liiieup will lie One of light, fast min, and titi coach will have to depend on hils open plays and passes ton ail substantial gains. Titi hackfld le well adapted f0 this style of play, as botit Porteous and Lindrotit are fait on their feet. but so fan havi had trouble ln connect- îng with ahi baIl. Thine are a lange numbîr ouf for titiend positions, but If la difflcuit to say who wili cover thi winigsoutil afti tt i lrI t-c-w gai) es. 1r :1iractce Vijeiker sud 1lagerty have shown wîll. while Hook, Citan- dler and Cssey are also showlng upi 10ais utat but lîurk tht.e eperience. At the truekle iposiuions, îwo neii metn are to hi found in Barnnissud Walter Englebrecht. and witiî souîe exper- enci fhey ahould glve a gond account of tlîiuîuelves. Bt-aides tht-se tc'o nien tht-te are set-iraI others wito may gît a chance b 'show their abillfy. Tbe guard Positions are open wtth a large numiter of continders. Amtong tose who have shown u» well in practice are Plagg, Lyn, Ruhuione.Teet mîyer, Kohout and Parker. Since se- irai o!flheemin-have badl some ix- perienci thesi positions ahould hi To those who followîd last seasonsà tuien, th efailier form o!Ritufet & center will binng a nay of hope. With tiîs excrepion. ili-t-ue1it o V t. willt, ne,, 1 , az- i- - ,. . îîîiîîî' bi edly develop many weik places titat wiil later hav-i to i filled. 'The coacht Is hoplng ttfJ.hey cen lie drilled f0 1itold until kilt fast backs can gît al In tht- balkfild hoth lIai offense and defenie wl l e built aroumd Junior EnglebrEcht and Portious. two t-et- irasof luat iianon'i squad. Botit are fasj. and expeiencid mten sud ahould hi "good ground gaint-ns this seaison. Woî"king with tht-se two min are Aus- tin, Kithn. Lind-ofu, Kleinhauîr and Olndot-f, aIl of wlîom are îhowing -speeê-d eê-atit.but -,-ak4.-e. porience. The aquad bas hein Working for two wîeks, and with barely two liants out, titi coach hgi found It diffîcult te develo» a fiant that could prescrit a trng qffensi and dîfînse. 'Most o! the min were nîw f0 the ganie and had t0 hi taught the rudifitents isîher tth fi atheS proddtt Howiver, the boys havieî-esponded with tîteiný beat and lu the gaines w-lt nuake ilueir opponenta work for ivery point titiy score. As a scoring machine, the teant btaa muet to hi learned. but should, aftîr is first gante, hi able in count ai rigulariieirvait. ecausi of the raw matertal. fîw fast open field runs wMI lie attempted, but passes are ex. pected fo bal pin thti acoring 10 a lLrge extent. The outlook. tho' doubt- fnl. could hi far more discounaging iuis îarly lu the sinon, and if is hope- id that by rapld divilopmeut thtelant may atlltiake a record showing- Beginning Saturday, October 9,we will place on sale a la'rge1 assortment of Used Furniture, Broken Lines and Odds and Ends. This is your opportunity to pick up some wonder fui bargains in bouse furnishings. FoIlowing are some of the bigreductions: ..........__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ Used Dining Room Set M"~ission Oak 48-mnch table, 8-foot extension and five genwine leather seated chairs, $eo worth $125 price this sale .......... P 5 0 Used Dining Room Set Amenican Walnut Table, 42x60-inch top, 1 0-foot extension, Colonial base, seven leather-seated chairs and one arm chair to match., A set wvhen new worth $300.00. Pice this sale 19 f l Complete Set .~.-.......... .........$1 5 0 Çircassian Triplîcate mirrors, walnut beclroom chair to match; easily worth $65.00. Price this ta flf sale, two pieces ........................3 .0 Circassian Walnut Dressing Table Colonial design, 32-inch top, 20x22 inch plate glass mimeor, value $40; 9 f l Pnice this sale ............................$ 3 0 Golden Oak Dressing Table Adam period style. 34-inch top, I 6x20-inch plate mirror; value $35.00; iQ9 Pnice this sale .. . ..-..- ..........--..-....-.. 192 Used Mission Oak Seetional -- Book Case One I 4-insection, two i 2-inch cections, drawer in base. A very mseful article and1 in ex* -cellent condition; priced for thià sale$ 18.50 Used Mahogany Library Table Colonial design, 26x4O inch top; an excellent table in good repain, buts îlghtly marred; worth new $45.00; pnîce thas sale 18 7 Princets Style Golden Oak, Dresser ý 20x34 inch top. 18x30-inch bevel plate miri or; value today $40.00; Price this sale ......... _...... ...$ 6 0 We have a quantity of pictures in many sîzes and designs which will be on sale at a pnîce of less than 50 per cent of today's cost. if in need of pictures. this will be a rare oppontunîîy to secure themn. . We wil place on sale our entire stock of WALL PA- PER inmom -lots and Lv the roi, at lets than pires- eut wholesale priccs. We wish te cose eut our en- tire stock. Sellers' Kitchen Cabinets -have been reduced 10 per, cent by the manufacturers 'Mattresses have also- been reduced. We offer both the Selers' Cabinets and our fulll une of- Mattresses at the Reduced Prices We wiIl display the above- merchandise in our north room, with many other real bargains, includlng Clothes Baskets, Bread Boards, Curtain . Stretchers, Odd Bed Roum Chairs, Re ed Strollers, Cotton Warp Rugs, Floor Lamps, Simmons Beds and Sprln's Everything shown muet b. moved and we have cut to a point that wilj move them The. Ray Furiture &Pint Stor Phone 9 t- - --4 Libertyville, lliînois J' Libeity Saop Phone:_ Rucu'ag oveî tides adiv.tised a dwal aï ua il ...l ----j Walnut Dressing Table MA HON., * MRS. L CHEîA SHR To do m) Livinçcii s1 wlI repair work. Mien's Haif So Men's Ruhber Ladies' Rubbt Ladies' Haif S Star 1 will do worl machinery' AI AL Next Door to L F HAVE Y( Caine in at charge, and, ii Wé have ret apparatils for Magiietos chat fect service fé Fait Clearance Sale!

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