ibard CORI Self leéti e158-R. 41-2t s, varlouq aisés, tu Dr. R. D. Khittoé's lorti or Hait Day. 1). Kittoé. 41-tf Il stacki aI allai! a ns; also 8 tons 0f un il taltén at oece. à Aré&. Possession P. M. Harding, Ares. I-J. 8-i OF IUSINIEMS concréta mixer, vith locit and brick Ma- in good ordér; silo n one yusrî J. L. Ï&c Phone 98. 38-tf e roots St half prie L doublé pinks. W. 'ew, 111. 38-4 éu and loti Ai ros- id «ay ternis. M&- 'S-tf 1T-Knovn ai thé Lakte Zurich. Ad- -Barricgton, 111. mom bouse. stéa- éd, or unfrulahéti. misé af Mr@. Pearce tses Bat. Ar". 331tf GIRL FOR CEN. VORK. NO LAUN. 01K EASY. MIS. IENI[bau STRE. IONI M& if r wemn to také i- entis Abdi neigbbors guauatéd hoaier>', M. verie and! chW Sdarng. W* -isay mmr turne, or $24 "or- rienee unnécésiar>'. »al Stockt MiII. 11-24t uses ta accident tu g frani south'boucti ké Bluff Standa>' ai t- Paiul MacOuffin. 41 i. T ICE. §â: ourt o! saîid Lakte Il Of' THE APPLI- MORkRIS JOSEPH ro CHANGE RIS ICE le héréby given hà Kaiovsky has.thi'i 'ucuit Court oI thé kn thé SWet nI i- ta change bits carne tbe carné of Marris hcis ta hé heréafer i' vhhch petitln ha viii hé hemrd et tIse 1920, aI salid caurt. ies o thé fuvet Mon. ber 28. 1920. PH KALOW$KY. * Pétitio'ner. 'KWAY. Sali Couru or Petitianér. sept 3Ô oct 7 Il i1i' alîplru un ,f hui tlîl.s lui fileu] suitL of Ilie iOUnty Patet -'l Iiu Il f i - unainet l anI o tf 3tIort le .tosep i tic hutrealuc- rahiét h i'-t lion nsý rettîn- hé heau-t at use ;à 20, toi saud cotîts vnes on tht' firt. aber 1920. r 28. 190.) Pf KALO%%SKY, Pet tine. oclawAy. SCourt. ?. Attorney' for l'e- Sept. 30-Oct. 7-ril OKS IN TI-E PUBLIC LISBRARY r Eleanor H. Porter. b>' oéph-Llnooln. [lad- hi Soérta DUeIL lé» b>' Charteis SOlt f lamé" b>' -BOUl Duc" b>' Péter B. a Maalu j'ý D iliâs. ..àLunRT-YVILLE, INDEFEINDENT. LAM ECOUNTY eMFt# fWAUMMWEL U INDEPENbENT Luis OMt am BiM W ecaekl UEeNu""Y U VOLUME XXVII, No. 41 LIBERTyvmILE INDEPENTDEnTH-URSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1920 $1.50 PER X1ZAR IN. DV»îU& ClIARQE 0F EXTORTION fiL) liai KM 'J~W SECOND MAN ARRESTED ON AAD17f11E N POLICE PLAN A rogh toth Wukàgaja H pWI lieS HMUIBAUTOIST A-V2 EÂR ODBOY . T AS RIVE TO imi> laed under arr:aîaet Qf City REST3D;CiARMMES STÀRTS FOR IJRE; 4N O.M~NT DR Wedbeada UECeARED Wand EgloAEXRWSANI>COn M YQ F 19 ONs lia charged w1th éltortion. A waA TTE14PTED ASSAULT FÀILS TO ARRIVE -- ______DWINER M O R l i i . u t f r r a d t o k H R O t T T ' E DOeIn7a »Gouis m<o but hi dimapA-td a n saaaeévsOICuIpoil Acton I8 Spurred by Case of UhO aWromap'Ùe"yawe du John WelIer Are ted d nAs resuit the Evanston Police Or sY Fred Watts, Now Held in vas worklag at the, coa t îplaitetCnpatofaGr sLclPlieoedheRubcin» nsorgy County Jail. in uhipu c s Uàimlir serret. Cmlito il s oa.oi o dtéIémlcn oic o o Stock SaleMen of 2 Frm kioam wue cumi.ued t0oie)toboc Stenographer. Render Aid. e rorIflOl fllinois todlays addci. Ae"EU"ad:lo Th . bis bod bel g fl alà2 8,ait- d ltre victor tirer Jo bn Q0, gesby OTHER 'COMPLAINTS MADE. A115611 teboI5MîPU.di Cat raMAKES COMÉELm DENIAL HE HAD $80 IN HISPOCKET«rby 1,puarlUty 0f 7,902 viltes. ~Th ERFRiTECNFSO secan al mofe. -tinet a lls at ai th 92théRépcblicaTEnCONUSIO The arrest of Fred Watts for thé On Bt erb 9, lîlO, Louts.jeté- tce it fteRpbiansn. secod Uie n a hare o bavng eRaged28,whorésie@ ithbisJobn WellIer. awéllcWu Wauke- Waa Kari Monter, a 12-year-old boy lacs and vii bé certiidito thée lRélatve to a réent article p"b. vile tua cottage at the régi, of thoSn engmn, nPlacè e r.living aiEvanston, -the vciid0 ol flty cek fte lioscn-Iishéd latheule cbonsa iéa takea lbértlés i.ith yon girl&s.to- Lavreacé Wlder home ou North trenbit hthe local paticé this forni-lay? 4tiei bY iiecretarY of. state Limerson. téléphonae metbod orf 8.1kg st«ck Thot la thé viiiwich thé boruy béfor9 1hSBeté" «avas- wva Pursuéd and vhéréju a .rtettm, S e t e lw t h th é c o n v ic ti e o i o n 8n o S h e r id a m a i~ , w v 'a z c d tm d al r -.l "m o n lc o m p la in t o f a W a u l i g a a u k e g a p l c e ae s t i n g L unsu v ebOu U t r d g inte i t ti p o I L o nh . D e a it h lan o iba ié t h tand y . long mgo f a mani who leeiled gulty test On a lcharge 0f havins extoried Youeg vow-in émployed au a en- On réquet 0f the Evanaton police. cage, keocked out the petition f lied sld hé reprané amalICe t. thé chasee orha"i gattackld a $200 frpésClarence Caahetore. 1le oirapher St thé naval station. Weil. vho called up Tuesday night aMd r-vt l ytéaréafrOgi - as o, a d thé s hall b.pCe ebLld.sied asalo i ecmpiéaismroi yéaffmre. 2o rthShMr. idarad. aesor le beî»ig héld labondo of 82,0oîo, uestéd that a searc'a boco .uduct.d by In vhieh tiéy aakéd for airc on IU$l colletdthora in thé camé or Lceved front tîmé tteféi. has cmn- At théeUmeil vas tiiagé<l Iy.Jeu- l is camé having be» set rtor exthors for thé youngster. vaus of thé Chicago voté. "nrv o"Sm8 aic vlcéd lthé Waukegan poice that It sec that you»g Coa h ll e n-- Monday rnornlng atil) o'cloek. Thé Accordlng to thé lnformiation sup- représente Marshalil e Co.. mkêà thin la liné te male a drive éalnt e hie (Jeisé»'mit 5-yearold son piied by thé Evanstton police. the JUdge Billio déclaraid that thé Og* éxplanation that Marshall & Co. an-t mornaleth cîumnly éfrétic. young voima» béggéd thé pOi't fot boy t.ook a streét car ai Church lesby 5'torileys had failed to show Andrews & Co. are différent crin- corne terrible crime laecciuimitteld. Urne l ia lged a cilmé oceurred. tb gîlé out ber naminelliue of fil'eStreet. Evaneton. for Waukegan Mon sur11Clent Pile,é'of freudl tewar cernseéntirel>. Howéver. 11il a in- saili a itiat for whitb a ain name Jensen vas aléged lt, have extorto<i notoriet>' that would att.ach , he..day night about 6 oriock. IlI tat- rant hlm d4.franchi.4ng thé voters of teresîîng te noie that npparPttlv a Fitzgerald wan executed in Cd'-cagO ;ffl fret» yoag Ca4hmnore 'tu avola J d that hé had $80 Inblhi pochet et a grelitcir,seodcne lsaopdthlo- a, fE vmonthé M&o. prosécution. Accordîng te thé st.oy tel'd !y fticthé tire. App:trt'y no trace of tireu 1ac tion wtottbeofr frynvsiin . oaddistance phone mét!îod of éelllni, fleads of thé oiedeatez Thé parents of Cailîmore éntered *' yoltflg voman, eahe vas leiving il- bas bée fuund ad liehasnflot coin- v knatottrul rfitostock, wberéaq tu date Andrews gay a vateh viii bc kept On L'i Biena vlgoroua dentli. Thcy asserled that place of employment at the stton municated ah i .. ajîcave.hliich Co. aofèreebtyhé oniy ones whby OtiŽoll'reut toadwh,,inthé kaist éu.picion bo~egaérd~îî Ucd> as causéd týî.isdeiate an'.iety. er ! hebdLbaitsnadisdhy coanî>* business men %Li.oit pointa. and they wil Le rade tu gîvé golng ta the Fanâteei comF.sny at mliJust wviy ;- .y shGul' 'lave atti-e t ila, t dlies o eaithefloarofd ih I atrict &actient ot thir actions, othCteao"iélCaltu: asmble passaid. 11. as difn bý ben inlru',êd w 1h ' o iLlng Io ere merel i>'iflisterial. end lihrt î f'iclryqlung l. Theré are a testnien hore who haveNothC1iii heeCah' fIS dutieansonaie toyoit enWukgn,'f ii thé bocsardl irM Pri' *letr xpanigIle bééeunlr ésplcon or onolimeenpoye. wbré é i a'e~éftroant, liractain éd athe lofai' :mot auega.lIainl to the ca o;e wasinord prtifi 0<)ator'vuoaSter rity fla nrsting. .éîmarl'if boi e tuspvicio frOi>'strihfiniereprésented himseif zo bé the statea < frni t h sat hnthe nvtio lç, uilot xp-neî10casocl1)10e o1 funetue hé plk ie vii at igt oIn attorney of Laits coin'y. , n'.Sési hylir>complets descritioa onIthe On 'ý t as s tacSrîinfiaeldof ohe iithdes tlé intee Mtlor Mon~ nuueés ylc 4l.mkeltËOu- li a leedlehaecere ïs-ride ta lths main galle of the ston 5er wa3 'rd Roll n'l oerv efort i, colinty clerkz.pan>'la named ksandl the' othe'r Scomfortabie for filern that the>' viilm.loin acoiegd hav eci adIa ('sssh-o he oshin aetole in eé mor ttoacomp Ey n ,~tu Ua AtaW7p-. n nsmc emal fhi Illeu ae afn hm ~ te legai a'lsice a'.éiiale wa; un- ElliotI-'heteore i it laeasy fi cei bc gad.io changée itlins. kegan, wheré thé>' ietl Je',n and LONDON-Hov wOnid 705 likéetaithé station accéptsi nc 0(er, aud - -an -Simlons on t ic 1 poitnd go the touý, oer lité phone. lEllinoit e,und lMi too la ite ssite a nt i rlIl thé alleged démand for $Cloîl aaî 10 occupy the dat bénéath AlbetIt hiink noihing of il, oh. coni <t Cd. A B& E b5 STWJ foard hiaîi notbing before It but 10 like Etlis sud ii(é e îsa. Ms Pa rki' lat. ai s,,,"iftseréln Chiegt Té canmadie. Thé Cashmorcs ta> titeir son IKep. or Croydon. Eugis»d? lis Atthegat leïvuWinvic qta LRB G A9 NWILL tirar ilit7loisrtend and ta aigrion letter foliowé: ad elitvIbénien t do %le é a:-paid ovrrthe moné>' et té instance réc»t.ly sét a record for hon- maké thé trip ta Waukégan ;n t1h.,tedte ie .nyi;i fSp donwsi ned ed L L o- fte oieinodrtul-k acg'stopable PRUN lain. u*u'e ut lnted o te Srtueoeldoest, 10e "in yby ombr.1 are ssuea n 'ttra. l'.ié pis of the city ira» pitels un t o h plc odrBa~< contiiualll pounedthé 1kéYlifor coosentéd. ,Arrlved In WMa grn iRItla titejutigment of skiUledfiarty rf e aMarsauli & Company. ln Marked estent by réporting any casés agJenstethé tis en. s oltte 110 hours. àtteIdaL"tLttd KeMP tha ive yoij n ieacquaintancet iof leaders that flles ends thé primai-y tlot article >oi have gotten a Mr. wbich corné 10 their attention. They Jcé a réude ébtto wbute hé playédii -ith. girl got outgand 'dhé accelîci ean ltd ll nieyu eLet o.Biztie pst r lit L, te té conainlty y dang 5u ig eceivtJbiltloé'i r'terCas - - . invitation ta, ridé to ber bonie. satatite, madie froid decayéd veg- t)glesby t1 a>'wbeiher or flot hé représentative of Andrewesi 'ona- 10 thecommunty by oing Si» 1 Istead f drivag'herte lie home tableré-Poild tran andofite r-t1inlfthé coonrens.nand courtyavasa a w fr. Elliot. MaiMarhsla Th o atsbebé»iet for more. Broadâtock ditappé<rel anSAILORS ASas .Welr IrOve belwest te fusé, -la te hé the motivé pwerfor fils décision Probabt> ii illiehémadc ho- Company are an entirel>' différent thé march grand jury Lu investigati e taetf l o(.L ondtnî rand avenue, goi»g *0 fast that shte automobiéle nth-é future, accnrding iori-ow. lie lias five tsys vithin concér* and have Dit connéction witta &0hé dlhavé séséral mnfthe tu WdnsdySUSPECTS I ft a dareti net lump out. Arried nt a te A. Burlingtton Green, vha bas ar- wvoie sel,01. uring vhic.htie thé Andreéts &Copn bt ia] ait la thé couaty jolilantd pondoir aver point et of thé ctty ah. gays \\'cIl- rîvéd ftramSouth Américan ports on crtiticaté signedti oda> romns n theur sgeât; Who la 'Joing huincs ln bis situation. olTAl C.ITT" r stopped thé car and trie S I. lthé Vacitle steamer Orita. file cuatoil>'of thé Sécrcrtarf Of Rileé.Lake cunety ln a Mrv. Ellih. our IÇRhJ.)iIU 11UIIiJ * Sr UIl' tack lier. CaOt. Green, a director In thé Nate- ŽNotlg officiai ramé frrat Ogiésby- article le héadeti 'Assume néw Damé SPAN OF FOX LAKE BRIDGE DRI r "lûÀHO E .I foug.ht hlm for Balai 'li.f anlile Company', sali natalité le a coim- letsquarterg tontght. Thé conser n ri tse.tok"udw fa C R A C K S A S FIL L N G GhIIIIb lI Nbou ah.lle sa tdt hi h s m o rn ing. -illy P ound of v elgeta ble a icohol, th er and Su ,,,Iow ever, la fiblet no C ont e nt vil~ i n h rter éto ck." sly a ml a,- e r- CRACKS AS FILLI1G4 POUSEIN fflu I M IL R suitets vers tviat edi suo ta ti I "tu a sei c, vuichi ise t e as fuel ou rnu g ne préa.o. It s ommas ta 1w agrée s hai-aCer a ny.t>' d n ut a' if thé véather boude out thé Lridge o oimv hm oa.1ped iewr tuit a conteet woud get nowtele * tu w'oîyuImnt &comp ietianieput FLits vn Iislau.ie -BEGiUN fiFRE ictim of Burglary Traits Sait- <f 5-1 iOétél ld.hebd abits ett h auatrrl 8ln o ieeeo.'leva.sha &Cmp ta>'. iyurmst -completed ad put Into àls " fédtand hégged vîthbilma aidlie f i scot athnmnuatuerL8te crtité eleciof ortl pitdotyuniilevr work ls bétng rusheti mcd eveiaors frHoUrs; Then CaUSes al>' let fmé get out of thée au Thien conté a gaon,()té ceréJn réouldîtio!théDourame pIntint a o rtiietaae or y teants wîh dumpCars runlteg on.> lihéolféréti ta gîvé me a ride back ta ME i-cCllI out é a o ae in a nsérplacn rtIce-lsa ualy brai-k ith avé b auin ra l rumton Tea Arrest. tawn andi 1 accepted.» N MES AE VIDUNA AND voulti hc certifieti for governor and ti iangint plio ace ifne iiapé tmk r aln rvlfotaState Inspectors Ivs gtrgWellér madie a complété dcitilalof GETS OECREE OF DIVORCE the RIePublican sate ticket asoilti bc dgbating tba yoîu ha Mshalldcot-. s th i 5stanch fWbt 01 éth rier . Dary Co dttns Am niawo aalors lront thé naval staton the charg e. adm ttei gî< ug' the Calming that ber hbuband. 1:0> 1.blank loi- that offte. This contîn- ér,,d ayur nmi Andre.st&tat >tara!iali vséilCduié reths i.gr idet akua.bt lneiBosea-saitbeénlitvit<u4with anotise: gens>'. tlb btemltstmost suret>' pré- Compî> niAtrw oup~ 'hé hitigés téslt n albs. Dealers and Sellers. tise>'are bcbg hbelli t thé police sa- hasing f i-ed ta attack ber I' vifl ldtn.hoCiag o' ttés5ttonifo ecutnIti re W ou vs e htth oe roi nt thayl but the it strictuté bas devtlaPét± tio awsersti;intnert'ht, feae iea.l li aleée unacetitesyenrstnythtonetffnit InbalosaataksdbyNIi l .ojos nfllf, due title t. act hna UPcé otéibey0ftéh îih al opoué.evérab bé ereadta héstnî as alîv nîs Cicagio> . O 1tesby u sit t iluehît te Mwron ti-ftll 'rsmsuj onirTonatFusil home, !01 Buiwnnagwitnei'sea ceait onda7 who l tee- a cild by lier hushaanil. Mms. Margery Jiarmon>' Haro Toohéileduial -athat the apal, runflate fils esâý SAMPLES TO DE ANALYZED avenue. t itatthé>' havé becnoaut vibt Beavers. af Zian. on Wcdnesulzty vas li dissposition bécainésgo gêner- îîo tt' Ninsp» laiCnC~~.ani usif caotr!up the policé nt 8:45 lier. lHe cbàiractci-.bi l éîe.st b3« granîcil a divorce a ug'CCii.,apparentbb5tlfbi-floron tiai'filie Coflde#i&-ù %Wcdom. ian o té mi rla a gthsuenth pur- ispecto Cl. ii. C. Miner and'A . .andi reported flait whcbhe n le b.fitégirl as alvuiutchy unsarrant~ied wiida. Luorth e ate fr îla é tiat henS SlOO ! h Saé i ibu flitho.-Le lieIoitnd thiala a'indow atud urovkej. Mrieti10 1>a n i ai é >'irîl- e o1 faniont ftéwy- iYIIh jaii h ai occsscois-eîo fu hâ i 4 thleé esn rfl Saedso fi 'il"' M5 feiér litqtt3 c valtesgigo th ri-g , le l-lL atyt iele The ti asn rV aq diry deartien ofPubia ad-otefdredpaertn aiuitof aIrePublic1 nd tta fP hiéencte foroceofthe aypAI]ofaheti srai ouIt aIsco te>' uiatîie tuflling back a utIL x1fle11(lySatdatodY iack clOtheq andl a pair of hvown -in-- -telCier hitabandtoni vt h *,!p.*1ht<e -nig afdtso hrreeo- N% YkSi. s-e(.0 s p n ( l e g t fiCh, i t c u ý l c u sa d e a g a in s t fbite sa le a n dt i àdî tri b u - tro t i su s pll e t ttl n e t ri-h os u ffic ie n t E x c u sé. 't l *,, a a n d h a n i n,- b g ici,ic9tî.b î< e ot i-t c etM r. s n îi iterm et n. i e a R v n the long sutît*vih cincete .itdYs t .o ofimputretulk in Wukegîanti an lu lie oul ý,cret Oîîi îml5t tileso. irnlieiictatgle. tui tn r tili'. ottalotngsaunîplés 0of milk tk e e At lqiou p. m.l-i isut srtaAb mi toit alsuféi-ill, "i:îit I otitt city etuat lnhondae oufce mtii thebisé i rcé î iis,. lie Lad tht- (luit i< o on ]tt-chrciar.ue tlit lue <ivas flou b i w î-e luiier-, ls ll yu il, rathéi-rlîan outwai-d. Il fit bnand oiet.v.seen tlotérîng oea- is place terç it a fitpet'on bo lis e te eire OE theriu hîotu,i a tltrili eOeee go li-t'It tises [li i'<ipai. ni'o<ut lhen isuxulilsuret>' te iss e - i nspectoi-g cherketi Up tficc- trioC '. .-tilai- slop. 118 Washlng- thIt aiéi1.iii- i s eumalein ea îub, si-otiming Sent 1.0 the asté aborstoîy ltotireité. fi> 1bstdn>.i loi anly-s t deermnewhe suriws c iiuigét s i hni iiW iuw Ftu etuntial t.uu.irs sud teht Ltué illir. o ial<it dnrIe icl(- ulir> it' tée ailor-iicp hvoughi _____________________ cao Continluie. ila irt>' or below standard. torthviti e taet t il ie aailors i-aujin- 'fle sîîétch tlial imta bLé llci sla oMin tîmg tfle pector faunti s ha thé - hehe not second handi -______ aîu tu iltu elong 'ndt lou.aar.i of practice oi satching bellies anti tops ciot-<tg a pucse tran Yards or giailic aS beén Jd.urnhim-ti 0shoatng Dmand aid dii-ss oa!ment e puca sei ther a ti fro!, tte oi ait eLre o (estr sit atue o th cotaiers At 1:U5 p. tri. Alticla calteit up the thé olîtsollésie. irutents. i héedealers bInire cases plc gi n ai htIoo N M-benedtebtitté sle inuse thé feu.aeo- i- Oindrs prlncIpali>lyin thé hot- tpo lie agai antein taId ibiertyf Ioaile routé ta -FOXLakte ,st5el in case a flumber of sainpi er show resat.Thpoiepédltt titan gong tiowv ia jobnâbulg sed tnplwîitlés or ai-e below standard thflic iey aeiieirn s tfie new roulé yul asie tileul about vcd e iers ne or pétiégrs lns'a - iýrI£lrgieternaie. - 16 tmils. I il til r1 oi Lakte on Iffie>OS eiulufiint larîcgeo, ha-e Hrs. Blue W hite Diarrionds and Elgin W ratche the nunh'rslaesulas lténhi Lalarge.eAnatth Fanla. propri-etoor ai-flie U. thé ap a vel ké ié- otae a local justice te show cause s. talîtir sitop idenlîti it icmn tma raid througb Round Lakte bas bée vit>' thé>' aboultinentlhé prosecuteti. hts h iskt l bu u' thî-ough tilat section andi therelare a îérvatiac, ar-eflt as bati hère as b scndIan çohn. h ai hl orsMaodea complté dénIaI o! thé bard lad wjîtli ait motori'ste righIBoneé conunlties. Inspecter- Miner onîrge anti assoiît tiat thé>'kncw tg thé nev bridge.,.héala u<tét as aaying, anti b>'cursor>' notlirbtg îautthé affair. 1Thé job bhi e en bihg ct elle 1eXatlilnation Of thé milk thé consn-_____ whilé much troublé bas beef eîtcoun, ors apaetyaentsfeig faont 'A ctRO RUNS ON WATER. téreti getting thé cqnCrete Ptiis5 In bâti nikte1 any giest extéîît. Sp lacé hécause tf iflkIioles anti soIt __________iî you (versecé a targe flocit o! spts, thé b4geat pro'.Iens havé nov mut iténarnée fion thé vatér ai aà bée overcomie ant ile etS a-t E T Ent appéars andti poileathe tliight? liii hé opénéti fr use. 'The gras-el teree osig 5as11 vas to thé vrter Thé> 'y sa of suril a chai-acter that ilIl ai111 UR TIG do net rîse ilxé tuckstbat léa ahfock soon ick lanathepké vlicb éadu A1~Y otiutcks vwii break loto the air antid'- siotac bridge an iketherefore ndsA D -r thé i stirt rîy ing at once. tetebideadL lfr alrteiteLimud-liEn su-rs an thé pie. fillig in ork l -lun It wii ll-TH IL cr-pîie utan alrpiané. She on thé long ligloré thse publiecan C5fl ht DAM otneroîoeî- lifa ilshirselîf rani the pilles are belog madti t hav'e a- aahev let suificlenri> tealalov bier ho elîbnrat débli brio .hothe sîrle- ,%Itchpll Lewis' newest étarirng pattielie r ftedanti gel under ary> bure la throvn openi foi- use. vehiclé. '"King Spi-Ue." Lteuh o la> sdltiti c o ta tui ing o oMain voa preoduét b>rtuéDalhottitmte allose lter Io risé aller the Mainewood, prduce b he D a aminaofo!an aiplané. As the air- Film campa»>'. vIicIs coiot e flite - og hégoudt gtu f1 Orphéum théater Tharada>r ani Fi- pianoetune tou h rut aglU SUIGAR IS DOWN TO > de>'. laa grippina lînnian dranituthat ééé1 sesor fSté i- t -a lUn; e ntrsorteIè tué hesurfaeoth ai-pitlnbr y holdé h eeto thé cttiféét nt a rapiti clip. Thé>' rue slang Ny ron îîrst te lait b>' ils élu-img béai-I blé top o! the water ament ltke a 12 CENTS IN Ne 0 ppeal, ralier tban hy a beries Of raceehule andtiintelftaué of autihences. giest epeotd. Il l a woseiérftil siglît !séîýV 0ii ct.' G-Tliere was an- ta Sep a large ulocuc aI hens fotlbw chier bh e-sik o a hal cent n pobit Itis nethioif f getting loto fthé air. in 1etincd sigar loas>' vbn thé Feti- 'ralnym Liztird iseoyerd. 1! >'ou itappen fate eoea- s hlock as ec'i. F.igar Rfeinlng cotoPanin, O Colorado bas matie aoIntevtuéttig uie e>'iil 1.souiiis Itke a hiéivyriai nounci a iét.tItoD t0 12 cents li fiora." A mass of sitelétonizeti bones to no 10 itar-thiéniaitfiapping thei- %- '1!l;0i-épi dénis til'luacit PrIee 0'deeppit, andi ince fthon Barcbnéolemisi aster. dn u'leodfnehne ta esnthug for l isaboit 1"anti exporteslen nturnt bîstar>' have Accol-ii alt tt ieltné îts-sndfilbe biiesl Ticlé5Pie- bé cult npelgtébane@ tu- 00000> eve sérendibhns landi an ~ r ~ centsl,'i ciii> In thés' Tritini'nati aiL-thete laite Matnoboty ie era ie go viil cryi b uvn ad*t-gether. The resulils a sIngular fer- i é Orne snd dgoeaIbigle. Théei WI NP A n 3 cenia ts v cgwh na tion. Il la 14 feet 4iîgb t té k t lait bv&béén Lit F'px Lik ntis ttutîy i-s u nier thé centiolBoie lha iofik -ncrfrarmi hr or thé goyetninit un a 5 Sar 0bles ~sure ie-lt grifeliei-9Cl Oi ey tiys yl rnitlsr s tietcblng 20 ft'ét Ino thé air andt a onu>' a short ties, goint on about itpl leiitli.fionthé front af the tneîi- business iowavti souteentoubera hba Ill titp aithe teéil or mure tIbm resîlng place a'ltbln.tva ari-nhre