-WEAI WA5 WAIJIL UiN A1TTY. DOINi AMONG PICKPOCKETS irts de s Wear h'à ý ,S .. IV.O î-.Iî8 I t I ia -____________________________________________ 1I VAL IIVKflIAI'q WAS1IES WÂUREiAN OFF MAP, REPORT 'Wall of Water 100 Feet High Enguifs Houes, Factories (Inde,' the Hill. THQIJSANDS FIEE FOR LIVES' A utIal vive 100 teet lhigb 1(,i... glîUck W.aukegan and thie Watîz ' laite meaigen evgultetiail of th .e bliore section tnder Ille bill, mahîn. tiioliaus) et-pesono homeleus andi' destmlring $t,vU,oeo Worth ofetprop- erty, il vas reportad thigatafernoin ai tlle centrai Police station, Citicago. accoralng te a dispetch reachint Ibis Clty Irom, a Chicago neoaeper. Acr Cording btiste report thouffands of Persons vere forcedttlo fiee te are%. where te terrible destruction Occur- red. MnI gruesome neya vas genIl> broxicen te a Siloreporter thio isfter- nOoc by a r-eporte1qfr Orlite Clilcagu flewipaper, Who wanted details ufthte catailtroVIIe. *Tite Sun manti ilteneti vîth itrae, s peechieffl, froacu 0le is rtiatr. while 105do of perspiration tie 4 xird cave thtebilsiste of ihs aegilg*ee coltar and bis pipe ceasedt 10 mohe. -Gréai, beavees!" he xsited einl lte rltY editor, when lhe finaliy res M-,'tsOur faîr rity wiped off te Map Ly a tîdai wve or i-umetbing?' i à@e C. E. .vent 10 the Lacis der. gazPet taard te laIte andi reporleti bre, "eve>rvtbtng terme;np:nthing bUt s gaine of Lpenny allite înt- ailey.'. A Wauk egan Lawyer Amnong Those Pinched in Raid of Pickpockets in Chgo Tues. HIE PROVED AN ALIBI W.îîîkeaa pecilel remd vîit muet ln*itir,t. ad w oodèr an Iem ns ia Chticago paper toda>. tei.ing about titi olie raiiiag a "coventioln' 'ol pieispochets bocauso ibis paragraîli appeared I n Ihe article: At the. dee«êve bhosquarterit a censtia devolop.d lttits 27 of 8h... taise,,hidpolice recorda as p gkpet.4 fnsltionaicr.. potte. Ont of te rosidue or- réieted prOVUd te liean innocent Wswi.gn lassyer of sortisrepu. i. narea a net made public bac»»is ho pievad by "splay et tijeaerï tckt. that ho nad coins te Chicago for amfiusement oniy and haaipau.d ai 1h. conve. tion hail te ccn8ulit dliii a client vott0e epectoid te raqulttic hiei services -afle r the noxt je... New, li* qui-.lion aha. hloe hie etiori Y? A4teey. geUrtaliy w-iei UNI ail cIa> îîî.kjîe op alibis lu pioe thi aile nthle une rpterredt l. Senti' .of lu iiii e.nadmitted tLhe>. vere eut puiying li el'e, su a-gios weie tfy tIl i ',lia îlin tes -1 Cee not libSut 1-Y ile t i lea e <i rfertice. 1 ieferrin>. furiber tc, theiîuid, te -The Lo> ai Orderc et 'l"kpockeLPL i,f Amria sent hilqe se iloti]&et nr,>tîaidl41 Ni> L iîiLs tir.et, whlih stidiei. b. iîing. to the saloontof et0 jHi>.', f kh 'ylno, n am ,lieî.u Nor- ton. "lIai' i 'nu iat.: (idd itiienn, lii'ile llili tI lr<iti ss:.n, s' eCuflîrlitjî'îîi~iy ehaiiîreaamhîi, and nomin;î',î-l aï P&rnlanl'nt cli rutne Mî li' t 1the labt mopt.ng vere ,jtot ..i'I Comintteei were nairjî i n fn,'ifences, luiazi '" on ciniaitee ntree' ongi) ithvîl ae4eted. a hen- Tiîroegb the front dor Chie! Of L*lectvi.'em.ocinelr tucs fiibeati. rirt> oldddelgalea vitirledte 1 Liteutenat M iîchael iHughtes. ta .rt ing a teuhseiî. stepped thro'îgh. Veturnteor *artendalrs. lue Binehati beau economlzieg. ]lievas lieiri , artender unîli tthe polie seu '!ie] ,Wltimea eerond five dJelegat. s I.;.ti ssuîied te bair, cos- tuintg '-liieltië a u vwhite efoa asd %,r. i ~'bi.y eiptiug 300 polith *iMýae'5lre; .wl at s Our'a?' poltel! salled liarri' <irdcD. vaguai>. addrasaInK amy outhile itrty deeill'a io~ Evarnied .ti dieb,. Hayîîy ap" pînchedti.3mivoe hm lotIo, aï'iïiants bhal lw tcmaitog s'My ai .1a' i aldo te otiter dele- r8.'s i 'h(- sîebly hall, Aux .tjdýiioftdetectlyit>. lIeva thl h - '.n duli dturbed liu crackà «,f a tai Iil lîcrue9s muthlng daa Ie itie c-Pst *illrouiiiie le ooe dont vellithe Coppeî Wîîîîe<up te htepiclame a % uir a abrocu. Thera vas asa eni 1jiLa" lki» 5the wviiiliflg anl in lie si.lêlingtt ta as alie.Üist un- p1u0,. S'. al ftolibrI îi,. ils vwhite cîeRs &P andi ctoi.ng iiîthle porter waz 1îccG4 aLiia'5 lli>. yDavis,'ÈrltI- il ai Real Porter Faites.. poi 1 ihrer, a n'"91-0. la'] tuwhi'îî. iite vith i fîgt.Thf indt i. .-ul m ehiePriug, lIai 40441 aumi jluliy CapInlthie rOaI bill And!aiii, helped hlm ioihW e teC the e.iu s' IJi rd sOMetliflg tii <'ail ii l, iiopen te doueutf t h" puil.-îl11('11,ll'e Ittînas edltIti.. NO llIGlER WMÔE TO BE ASKED BY CII(O. DISTRICT li cause ti C W auliegan labor ceaIes aie [uiled Oby tliise prexatent In l'hi- cao, iifilitem rromn chicagq l l i- lurestltlg ant iltn(Itolas. Il indirles ,lier, h. to0lbe nuo 'inl atior prl :ce,, and no çr<rou nulilite imadte for 1111 ie aii nc".for some lime te t s eiio-kiîiil' îg î ees crafîs. muen nul hnoU seîk to bave titeir ,magesa lnereased next sping. 'lis anneîuncemet w as matie te- Icue the bousing committee ct the tficago reai estate board b>. GOlZe maeyers, cftlite Glazier's unhin, rep- reieliing preideal Simon 0oreli or ie ildilg Trades comacil. Mr. Aieyera explIsnCti thal vould belae b- tirs cuutribulict o îte ecaiPpaign tow twiînl wiigtd for more bouses. tie >aid t1IatI te councîil hadt petit- lenil jfuriy -irhtîof ls affilialrd Ira- (je., îoit lu arli for iigier .anfges wlîli1the plelent contrartia expire anni that tîtteellitradiez ac]t respondeet .cvormbiy. flie la promietiliter. vouti Le noîîjiîripdictionai trtotitles for une yenr. .ulisdictional fialt have (lune litote Ilncreate strikrm s .nd lie up voik tin aey ether lactor. 'l le pi-omise nijt toa a.k for bigler dagem srtontingent, hoev.-- lpon tbi-rp t)4ing i oe t iC îe fil, tlîî i irei,,-S buîiling.î .îîtansd Guîlîcoin- Infants' F'LANNFE LTE NIUIIT jýc( Vali< ii.\aî,îs i taf lIMONAS Fianei tte î'a tom ý ...... ..89C Here'ys .Saturday Is Clearance- Day Ini the Fail Challenge, Sale SATURDAY wiilbc a. wouderful day in our campaign to bring down the cost of livitg for it la flot only a great day iu the Challenge Sale but it'u Clearance Day as well. - Day on which lue clear away ail the broken linesa and special lota left from eur buay Challenge selling. Were we ta announce either a eontinuation of the Challenige or a Clearance Sale it would b. enough te fi11 thie store with eager customers, but when we tell you that, you'Il find a CHALLENGE CLEARANCE SALE you'll know you can ezpect values worth coming many a mile ta share. We tellyon, of a few of the savings in this ad and you'Il fimd jwot as great bargains not advertiged as you'll read about here. Ccnxe and see. Challenge Money-Savers On the Main Floor SILKS AND SATINS P'ilr'ed )ss aftsailSti, B(î.alltirîl qîlti < inr'hes Nwidf' 'id FANCY SILKS Prînteti RaditLrii anti Foulard Silisa; 40 incites aide,;-24 yard ý ... . ..... . STORM SERGIE Elcellenl qiislîty iu navy blue; 44 inchles vid e; m tard .... .-.. ....... _ 2 9 SATEEN Prinieti Sateea for coal lininîg. 36 intes vide,;9 yard --------..... 9 PERCALES- 1.50 DRESS SATIN Eý trifine blhacks dreFis ii 36 ' u(tes vide; - yard ............A O VELOUR CHECKS Handbome akirtings 6 lches wide. Special aU ...... 4.98 yard .. . ... RIBEONS 1 lair Bow Ribtoas in niai.> vat- lena;i ncites vIde39 yard ... . .... ..... 9 GINGHAMS 36 met Percales je a aarîety 1IZepih .rPla iCnghawîîisiii Of Patterns anti, Clra hra,; 32 incites Yard .............. I ide at Yard ......... 9 SHEETING Peppeicli staîîdaril ttheeting in 9ý 4 widi li. E%1i i-.%- wünifalî knfows the iame.70 Ya70e MUSLIN ('iood BleaijdMiedfsuiî'iExcellentfii. Very sicilfor' Challenge, yard SHEETS 25e TUBING Coud i'eamIe-sstr m n 8h50 J 42 'nd 45-inrit t'îl lItiîing ln(i h ize -Pil a t _ 198 Ct. (id qîalîty i? eacti ' - - ...syrd SO - - 5 C PILLOW SLIPS 42 anti 45-loch l',lhow Sliîpsut eceptiuuai qîîahî 1>at39 FL"NNZL Extra quaisyty saker flannel, für Citahh lige at yard .... ..... 1 .... 9c TOWELS atsx_6In e i sec 39c FLANNEL Oitieg Fiannel ins thî,im gto. Liglil andi dans ' 2 yard 2 c WEDDINEI LICENSE IRREqULARITIES TO BRlNfi FINES; Investigation Shows Several' Ministers "Forget to Re- turn Certificates. THE PENALTY IS $100 FINE k'allure on tie part utf)liStt'15 10t returli 10 te euety crist the lilenie don certificate lifter îhey have fier. lormied reremonites threaîenstent withl presecutien andi fines. te pen- aity. la ucb casFes belng 8100. Th-* 'sliateUP' follue a recent laxesti- galion befe In vhicit a Person solgitl in trace a wpdding but Ieaulse te mînialer vlîo performeti the cere - MOn> f alled to retura te completerd emirtlate the statuset the couple la la doobl A further check-np et the marrlage ficama. records sboys that thse prac- lic Sr sla iel neummon. elptlelily RMomg Baverali ulalaters la ti econu- Ry, tua»Moe instances the rerlifrates eeing returneti long alter te lime lisfait vlch lin 30 tias, in some cases for tva or tliree yeais, andl ln otiters 11« I iail. Jutichles are more prompt le titis re- tard tIan mniaitersi. il ia ehoan. The Katzenjammer Kids Coming Next Tuesday Four animal eitaractui. s take parI la te evifI moving asilaontf -Katz- enjammer Kids," te big sang, dance.f fun anti girl show madie from tej f amatiscoemlc suppiement ca, telles vh ch George M. tait-m viil preslent ai the Majestic theat.'r, Watikegah. for oe n1%Lî onlv. 'Fue-;day. Ote. ber 19. the> are a monuuier bear. a pia)- fui dog andi a terorigus tierg, andl titeir aoties are une ut" lte tune bit laugiting tentures. -"Kalseajasemer Kims-is"b a dietini i (itearlnre trom otiter cartoon plays iteretotare iprouced in that ail char acters appear in te iii -ce. lieans andi Fritz, Ida Katzenjamniur, D.er Cap tain and ahitlite rest of te rouIrai 'ut upu, talle part ., lît 1w If VOUR flOUSE SJIOULD BURN WIIAT WOULD YOU. DO? ..If soî"li lîcii S 1,01114iti lLiil ite acuiti yi go ta ite" innliiie. l'li G.. Ca i ti, lire marnlîst iaoffrILS',' i, ut IllinoiEn, in a balet n b ie 'iii Lf hoîtiers of 'the suite. ..List year tltere weeie 6,08 -Ilal- Ing lîunsefji'es letn li. viîî ii t lI Ides utof 9281ilie confl ILifs 'Tisis l tee 'itvalent u of ii' vaiued et $5.000 eh debtrve .. * Calis lt'Rldicu loue. "Even If titere vere no ir-es il vwlt taile a numbter of yeasm o ca ehrit)~ v-ihthe itousieg abortage. Exe:Y family iturnetioutot a itom' ad le -en- more lu te kilt)'oftfranir secS ers for a placre t"ieë. il plarra one more blîlder ln lthe mîarket filcon- stiruction mateî lIs 1.)tllrtiei' hocai alreRdy proit'bitim C pic"'. Tihlehurm- ing of Iomes q Il thIsla lune 1 iolnig short uf ridiieulous.' Takingt-. ly 'ery s etetlius twa '. the citady Bide andi the aunny. 1h ts two moen ahahe banda andl part mark wvilh of te Ino laitesthie alleny Mtt1ho' wiul lie te younger man of te twe- Buliver-L> lIon. Ie nîîlty thiee la trenglh'-bnl te Cu erlitu stsccesm.fully men lu îîst gîteI iîîî i :o. Tlîe nil of gtlngî ltigî '. 1- le i lu r'm,iee as 1' it fer ol i. " iurlmi, sutI,2 - t cose. Jînimnies Ii I ;LL' ,i ' I i et oh a i i'ii'. îîîl lie rolihed : 'No:..sty '-I il llile Wakeîîj,1t tI M Challenge Money - Saversi In the Shoes WOMEIN'S SHOES utiOf IOItmtVici id.i, 6 3 9-inch eclth tops., $10 talues --1 1.... 6 3 Women's Shoes ut lrk vicii 8 kiîl.$9 saluts..8 Blippers Woiîîcn's feIl alippeis.; subo ad fnr 1.59g (i fl iwt. .- Boys'1 Shoes - Velout caif ln 'izeg "'l2 .... .- -3.45 Boys' Shoes of ieas>' guin uîct.d, ~at ---0.... u.2.65 Women'asShocti - ot patent vici itit Isatiter top 36 Child 'a Shoes lanti turneti vicikidi. itut ton nnI>. 1.00 Misses' ShoeS -Vie] anti untn ttal se4 . i ' 102 37 Child's Shoes, Blacks anti tan. Sizet Challenge Money-Savers On-the Second Floor COVIERALL APRONS 1.1îî - II f v ý n GOWNS Filiiel.e-iff rcns lu ni îîy paf. terns anti ehadea .1039 PETTICOATS, SACQUES Perrcîh e tuiutaaeqtteatiet liiy matie7 c al ..... ..- .......... 9 131;Uk ateeti pîticuatsin ditj è '.in r.ight gowns In -%lip- e t yle .... 1.39 Ilt . 1 C.. ...............79e PETTICOATS Taffeîa l'ince îîeîîicraîs. alI Ciepe de echine sik enveitîpe, colora anti aires 26S ChemIseq..8 et . _-1 e-ay ixs> .. ..2 8 SWEÂ&TERS 1 WGiaens s lip-oirer 'soul ocwat- era. AiH itlors HOUSE DRESSES 0f ginglianisanadt percales in ariaus m aes , 23 BLOOMERS îl~'i' îî îî't. ~ î t î'-.i i'.( '............îî' 1. 35 BLOUSES (ieorgIz-te iIiiiishs Siiiail thfe w aîîtî d niiiw ncivîî for* A Iltuil lwtJl. Ex&illei'lt w t i.glit. an1j 28 ali t ........- - ..........2 . 9 Challenge Money-Savers For Men' MEN'S SUITS Wfuîh 2 pairs of Jnnîts. Sînil est ftylps and fabrîrs.T'te cx- ira Vants doubles th e wear. Spouilal 1375 MEN'S SUITS In Fîzes for the High Steins! men. Every Fauit las 2 petri of panti 29.75 Other 2-Pants Suits In the newest styles and la- bries. peially pi iceti at 47-.5 75V 69.75 OVIERCOATS - n the smnartest new Fteffetm from the best klowan maker., il 49-75 37-50 29.75 MENS PANTS ln lîitî andi darli wisritedm. ail ne-n .. .... 3.95 MEN'S PANTS ln norsteds and ca.hmere.. Su i tp attern. îrnrom- filiins a',7r.8 OVERALLS - ad Jarkets ln mttipeam )d l i m t .,,.. .2.00 DRESS SHIRTS -1IiP-F pa~êt lternsanard faliri Ail SIC. i al . . WORK SHIRTS od hEasy ýoik ,'hîîî, A.:n aitaited 1.39 UNDERWEAR Ileavy îîhhed Fshiu, and di i. nt , lu al t -e -95C SWEATERS Mten sJersey ç;n-atcîr-.3ln ail colors anîd i"s nt.. . --- -- 2.95 FLARNEL SHIRTS 3.1en's fini'l -it ln Il'i or Nue.19 il . ....... .9 UNION SUITS 11t, h or a , nlong iiil [o 'in. Suî atiiing1.39 SKIRTS qnmaggor Plaidltied otut nouai t- "1' , t 1115 a is t 5 9 GIRLS' DRESSES flitilam jiesie.s lu pleUt> cui- irtrombînationa. 2 ti 6 sIis., GIRLS' DRESSES ( lts'tI .ooi serge dî'.'.e,- Bt . ............. 6 .9 5 > RLS' COATS (litit i n ,fîf il ool fabi.LCS.ZMallîy vat-75 ternm Eud ceicr-. es 1 to 4....__£ .0"99 GIRLS' COATS (ii lîî- (lais n 2 tii 6 yeaî euzes. Wîirnuan atî îîufîîtalhe ................ - 3 .9 8 GIRLS' SWEATER3 n. i..i......i...........iî.ne4.95 ""d 5t95 IChallenge Money - Savers In thé Basement COFFTE POTS W'itile'enîumeleti, 31i tif. ' «1e.0 A bar- Q8 gaîlu ah 8 BROONS Excellenît fiSe -fl'.ý irotuis wy[tht r yu heitantihe55C TOILET PAPER Okîr 8 oz. Crelie,1 i 'liiý 8 o rol. 4 BLANKETS Ict tiauketi full :Izl ith o2.98ti COXFORTERS îîIîîîe litiet in %i- .i.9 ii' i uT 6.73 SAUCE ]PANS ---Wearevýer Alimlîîuin l.tpped Santoe Pan. 4- ploia Sie. 13 AMCOIAR Aliiîînum Percoiator, BLA2NKETS I.limt Ilanketi. n mmiii l'inap. 72ax90 aize.- $12-50 79 i ix y 7a]vnnizêd ua>'b tubs. Med'lInt12 saLe ....... t' Boys' Suits 1< bille r9 -ý ýt ... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. The lIportnt News! SIBLK HOSE iVotiieî Silk Hose in1 black and eîîî.jj sîzes. EIjtîal theni if yolu cati at HOSE HOSE Wonîei'q exlla fie ilS busýe Chldiens }Iose fw tîîi', 1ur Ini biac kandt i amuî. . ttatk and l i,. .65 Ail sizs Kt U ...... ..... 1 65 Fine rîîbhîil a . UNIJERWEAR W~î~~sfille rihbeJd iîidvi w tail ii il- "1.35 us. Lt ilI tPoi iia huîîîîy at_....... .aI" %ery popti- rn cspeciaily ini di fabrics ws are Il Mi ncr11> 'oie.- >Iaii in beautiful ergeis 'ant Trie'.- or pleateti styles. es 26 lu 30. alto) 8 9 - 4.90 te5 l 200 e Stome Ce. Ueâa..e t redan, 111 ng Cat 'ive to Sof ita ît Four' be soll- ia step iized a thé co- BLOUSES - <'îipîteandi Crepe id. f'i'. I ( i ef Ne 4f69 SKIRTS or' tII' iîdîd ierfoi sruIîitlI mes. GIRLS' DRESSES ritîir >i 'i aIl îî I sýelge dîî'.' ei in 2 3.85 Coats, Suits, and Dresses at Sav- ings That Break the Back of High Prices SMART FALL SUITS STU14MOIN SUITS. SWAGGER SUITS oif &Il vool serge anid trient ce o ' lcitlls.tlIdtunes.Vl ~izes 44 to 9 9A7 ( unr'etc. Plain antid> it ......... ri..n 2u1 Tisetcîe, itekilCHARÈMtG SUITS Tinseltusies, Ch ckdV loue andIîîi )uî.de'-aîile- Fur tinînieti and silk lined .... - K-i..... .. .7 YROCXKS AT MATCHL]ESS SAVINGS IOVELY DRESSES SMARTEST DRESSES if ail W"'01 serge. s ainlaandt of ail nol Tî lectîns. m a IPIsegeg Varions Tif.Ut I aIil dl ertfea 24.75 zitades --- 1 . 0 1n SAVE ON COATS, ATTRATIVE OATSHANDS~OME COATS of ail-wool ýKerse. nfd l] lstCtiC) t,~ilîs.î bilack andi coloN >...14.951I at. -24.75 DY3*l14CTV CO T. itilt.stail t l i I li' liodes and tain is. Ail sitadis ai .....*1i CHEMISES