Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Oct 1920, p. 14

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OLUR WMEN ARE- IN DErqAND &SY MEADS 0f STORES t Say They Find For Most Part That Oder Wornen Are More Reliable.p TELL THEIR EXPERIENCES L "wiy have a-e been adverllslng for a taeaged and ederiy womencu"' re- peateil trie managîr -of a large store I in in response le a reporters query. -,yeti, tisere are s great many ras-à on..îte principal ane being tIsat ln ttis day o!f unrési a-e. find tihat aid- er ani more settlied people gis-e more court eOus and more Intercqtiug and ti genenatly beller service in manyw es/. te ..s oungei, eoifen 'hrave fornted a ut tenteicy Of laie te go ato factorisIL ainti 01ve They go mb t e tac- Ores ltfruse they cani do pi-cework anra probaimliy earn -more mioney ln lie sIl ilie lue, or thte ame anulit inus IrimUninluthal l'as- tley can eluor1 'tr ter wotking houri. And ;I 1 i-inry lhere Iai mu-r', pat)rlunity or adisancemnt lu itfi ces Pltîrrîonr'ali robir-m Sols cd At tlitsfpoint flic- bI c dofthle ael- are, Ocup-tatneflt ue-redthe- offué'. -'a havie iansiling ta Say 100'ase inn,,, 010(tqa. -r w m en a r- çtt,âdiirr bocausr- liîry r ivi-t heîr mat- îrnilon'it praliicîs ettIîd, They iau f work smtilBa glance at lite cock v, ry fpiv m Inuicst-a taec- lîaw'long i I before file Clo-se off th- day. t i; a taulti. 'Ia s iA a c!la acrerla à C( of youth. niait ginS of wonk (Io ihtse ao- le-n (Ito.file reporter winted ta kcOW. 'Ailoririt aity sort,-the imanatîger re- Mir-l .-a.f tiîey are- hast a c, nain ige e- 1)t tiMen aI narlzing and sessiLg, I anioe indsi orcierical wonk. %( ein lit te te a talct Ihs wonmen easb 4u, are more accut te, i t net as luCFiraashie youngcr ones. The ontv calsons for Ihue Ieemna ta nie te he fIat have learned ito conce- rate, andti at ticy îhave ies more wrtîce in applyîng thenselves- %Vhite Hin rInspires (Contîdesîc, Women ihat have white hair, tlssb Xe in atured and %vise in styles and ilma'na nature are paricutarry ilesir- Iic In 10cpasuit andi dresas Spart ilenta. inasflich as macy inspire cont irIseln tîxeir judgernent. About tue onay place in te Sepert- nentto4res wtare s-ouîir wv men are 'iluIred eIR ite cînail warcs. suris A- notions, or gloves, whcre qtitck 'tIOn is raatrthe oMci( Lite eaBons tr smncoe pus are litercting," rentîried tIse1 v elre a-orker. -Some conle ta us etýausie tlîeY are tiraS ot doing bouse 'Forli exlusî4velY, and aie restîcas.1 'Il(', trnuof tIse limes hais donc that. «*-,e lave a number of womcn licre 'L'Oee sons a-orked ln the tone be- rPe i aar. When they a-ere ready' 0 go lIsey came te nIz for advlce t)out thein mothers and we told theni o eD -'enS11min. ..Ilooetites otten corn sd vont Ifflueu5ptlaot Mi"S ieleftRanogI from Il, tit6. therebv finding lime 1144 lier littiefi ingar practlcsfl for ail thoir hoie d<cIles, glaIces off and yeeterday Mis& Rose -Atte- the tirF, veuli or ta-o, a-tien t3wegda caught lier nnger in a chop-, their m i get ii-ed bt the work, I per and hall tbe end of It early eut [il 1Il .t Itte y %tand up tunder the Or'. work as v I, i-i the younger onea'" A fareivellilîaty a-as held lapé Mec welfare worker concluded. ev. Ding in t!ie nor or Vers, ati andfltlîOrd Bock at the Preabiytprian cOiI:ei hll. Ahout ftony finnds 0f J"WL 2Ute Bock Ciiildireu attended. 0 lth Lfj~~îa j met îrg o0?ltUe tecî-,-l'aend oW- - tc- of the M.rth Chicago Pros- Lruest tnenson of W3ukegan î,s c!rurcli a-lItlbe held this purchaseci the llenry DeaRon place at ei eflngat 8:1., aclock. li4o S. lVary avenue Su lR moailng ini- to the homme ioday. MAY STOP MAILS IN IRELANO Airs. L. italîling and Mr. and Mm . Dublin. Ireland, Oct. 13-A Blate- W. (Jt3ien of Chicago are speading ment isaifed front the <-bief secre- a tea ays vusîting nt the Elenry Dea. tary's departinent a-arca the publie son home. that If. attacks on postai fices and Uir. Enoch *was a business ileitor mails are neOt diacontinued tii. postal In Unîcago yeàterday. service wiii hoe curtailid or even A number ot young ladies front wlthdrawn altogether In the districts horth Uliicago attended a stiower affected. tiels lu the noueor of Mrs. Irene Diek- Bon roulet lasteveni ng at the home FoolIlh Motancholy. or Mias liorence Grood in Waukegam. iielsncîioly. or low spirit%. la thet -tfie gaine f Soceer football played h3iteroei passion wa-h foresn. between the No>rth, and Common- wtealth sChools ended. wath neittai., bidden stglis and tests It folle upo tai haing scored. aie contenteSl lis. Ilke a drop 0lk Utes. stfreJ.M-i mi r e n R Owhi-btepaper, wbicb la flt the tes tLvana. a mel n.that carnies no meaning a-ada 1-1,4t wCek a! tihe Anhydrous Pood t.- 'hnrt. WORRY AND WRINKLES~ Despondency te a thiîîg of çviliü r suits. Worry pro- duces nothing but - " wrinkles and wrtcedm.Let the rtader put % note on her bureau, on ber desk, and Z à ai the head of her bed, just two words, 4'Don't Worry" S Worry la the greatest foe to, the happiness of any house- hold. An anxious, despond- ent face, a fretful, complaîn- ing vole1will make every one uncm/rtale A woman'a nerves are more truly the cause of worry than outside troubles The nerves are to a woman's body the telegraph system which, surely warna ber of any- trouble in the, feminine make-up. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription is the ideal woman's tonic for such conditions. When a womnan complains of backache, dizziness or pain-when everything looks black before her eyes-a dragging feeling, or bearing-down, witb nervousness, site should turn to this "temperance" herbai tonic, knqwn as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It can be obtained in almost every drug store in the land and the ingredients a1re printed in plain Englisb on the wrapper. Put up in tableta or liqluid. Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,N .Y., will send a trial size of "Fa- -vorite Prescription" tablets for 10c. Alan write 1)r. Pierce for cani- dential, advice and you will recuive the medical attention of à sxéci".at whoily without fee-ag Charge whatever. Good Dentistry at Prices Sou Paid e f ore te War We have now reached the place in our reconstruction period where it is every man's duty to put his shoulder ito the wheel and'exert his every effort to brn o-i Sditions to a pre-war basis. To "do my bit" in this line 1 wiII give the people of Waukegan and Lake County ithe benefit of my 20 years' experience, together with the services of my up-to-the-minute equîpment-a quality of modern high-class dental sèrvice, guaran- teed for 10 years-at a price you have not been able tobtain for the past tive or six years Gold and Porcelain Bridge Work .................... $5.00 Gold crowns............................... $5.00 Porcelain Crowns (Pivot Teeth> .................... $500 Porcelamn or Enamel Fillinga, to ase. .....$2.W0-.1p Gold Fillizngs, according to sise....................... $300 up Our Pull Upe or Lower Trubite Plates, guaranteed to fit. With that natural tooth appearance ............ $15 to $25 Pyorrhea Treatment........................... $1.00 EX-Ray. $1.0 for tirst tooth, for each aucceeding tooth ...50 Gaa Extraction. Our Stcralizing Room is ini charge Ôf a trained asaistant and ail instrî- rients are steralized after ecd patient. Our painiess inethod hmas ured oui' patients of the dread of tlîè dental chair. Coine in now, bieforc theclii\ýcz-.Iier sets in, it wvill save you sleepless ~iniglîts ind days of agony. DR* .F. Ei,. C ORLISS" ot the statua f hé future gavera- TO RU E SEL VUS, .. 1am unalterably opposeltOsur- SAYS RANDALL otiler thon Amerteaniuriici ionl for .thoe reson andâOthr va-joli fratght with profoun orne thUe IUnitedStSatta and taie entire rce ,Congressman Sees Grant'om i The alîadow of japanese agg-eseiou Independence "Great overties almnostet etr o.. Thougilîful mea are ia semi-terrov Crfie."at the prospect of Japaneae omîina- tion of Sibenla, Chine. Koresa nd the DEVELOPMÉNT STAGNATED h"'P[e i te nie Stats reeuesthem later.", Randali masufiho baS cableS Attor- HooltLla.-Idepmndence for the ney General Pamer unging thset pro- Philippine Islands before thse next 2à hibi!cen bo extended te tie lhiliP yearmWase oppos'ed as "a crime of thse pince. flrst magnitude."' by Represenlative __________ C. H. Randali, of California, a ment- ber of the coagressional party taur Platinent. iiig theeorient. a-ho came boeoda Platinons wl. dlscovered hy aWhite Aboard the army transport Great men tu gold mIning la Colombla. South Nortlier on nia a-ay te the Unted Amerlea, tu 17W, and fil woa thrownf States. awmy aetirait as votuel«u. l a-nu **You aill finS racticaiv every first taken te Europe in 1741 and member of the congna'aional party wons fend valunble comnerctlll, of theisme miqd," ha said. "Alter espeecialjy ln temanufacture or chent. seelng the Philippine Islands It a-as lent ulenstîs. Il la of y la thse test ,Our aiment unanimous verdict tisai liait century thast itbain been mmcd theY are net ready for lfldepi-ndenc".' te noy extect fer Ipwelry p-es '11; a-ould he .a crime of the tirst magnitude te casI these people adr fI.Lam. lsdes TIse beller eduoabed Filipinos aWho Te ,ac fum"iese o ime are flot poflUtcians are practicaif y rlh ilso lms olr unanimous ia tIse oaposl[ion te lu- ctaithelir heirnao ifiat Il standes Rtnt1lit dePendenoe. îlip on their beas. Thse aveenge length Fise Sevefopment elt te Phili> telBabout one Inch andi a hait. W~~W ~W54 W~ C'*5.'?ry Othir Cityte SU DOpitIse. ju AL ong tue Norths Shore ýo. a tire PURClIASE Of InhÀL trck anS North Chiceago soenui te be lhe, only one whichbholds to the nid tiwagon. FIRE, TRUCK fiERE gr course a rire trusk coats more tan tire Wagon but il must he saken Intot cofsieabon tIsatthse North ~ ~ ~ ~ Cs COcf BdyinNe Ç1 UP-keep 'for a truck a-ould b Nort Chiago adlyin Ned 1muihlegs ail-e cofIl Of taklng of a Truck But Finances aire or snd feeding tIse tire tesa Necessitate Caution. I lci~es, yiln nt osîea tien a tireelruckhnuiS bo more ecia- 1flee lily Of North Chicago May nontîcai, serviceabie sud efficient Rave in tIse near future a reai fire- Ila tie preàent f ire wagon. truck linstead of the "rickity-raekiîy tire wagon wlich "la la use et t: RUS SI TST prenant tie. .-1 b iiST nignt Ulis usatter aastakea up and al;cussed, Ji, Sevelopes tilt tise City is la Do ramanciaI condition ait the present bc àpîîrdlasé a truck a-ischa-et S fat tIse àneses Of th ciiY. Hoa-ever, after the 6 Mard of Local Improvements meet- lng tMa eenmng al thé uembers of - (il Uity <Jouftqil waatbiset a-itb tbe loaru and iry ta devise nmntemans DY WhlcI tila noney <-an ho ralsed. Ille Dnesof afire truck in North Uhacago "a iMPeative. The present r ire wagon 19 la venY Poor condition ans May go to pieces at any tinte. t AnS ihen'a firnSruck 1is neally need- cd t0 neaech aia paris ofthe caiy in a short tînie. If a tire shoutd occur llt t eliih sincet If wolild gi-t a good Raan berore mthe tcam <-<suiS gel lucre, but It the city heu a lime truck the CHIASE BURiLÀRS Tise WaukeganpolIce received a report Tuesdai flight ai 10:15 o'ciock, that 'a hooting affata ir b"takea. place in the vliaanty of S«Éti avenue and Oak street. officerea-whoa-etc dispatched to the acene louaiS (bat lhe ai fair baS happened la S cIùc<- Three men bads ought tu break taia, the bouse tocated juat outis of South avenue on Utica atrasi. Bach of tise mnf. aceordtag a-o the poïlie, a-as arneed. The proprietar of the 150,150 lareds alotaiand friaitened tIsen aa-ay. Namps o!fla-o ai tise - saiS la have panticipaled Iu thse 51' tain a-ene supplieS. to tise police. Ar- re.sta are expected. Another Saving Opport,, nity at Pre- War Prices IGirea t New Yor'k-ý Purchase Sale 900 Women's. Cloth and Plush Coats In Both Full-length and* Sports'Model The part that large capital-gigantic stocks-and tremendous volurnn plays in merchandising is forcibly illustrated in these Three Sensational " Prices. -for values t. $35.00 -for valnes t. 150 Indivîdual styles for women, misses and juniors in cither plitin or f ur trimmed-lolg -or short models--in plushes and cloths. HEIN'S la - tie' place fot coat-biîYhî. ccîetdcîd fions any aligue you cisoose. whiellser the qualily of tailoring. tise gracefulaesa af contour; satiafylnz fit; hesuty %of materias and style; the tasleful ness of embelshmeuls: tndividuality and excluaîvenesa of modela or the aise at stocka. For a-e excelt In al Ihese.. Noa- ae present an extra lipecial sais of conta in lateat fas3hlons-advanageousf y bougbt ands peciaf ty priced ln a determined effort ta estabfli this as "the" colt event of tise season. Ail colora are incluSeS in tise feu Iowlng anirn. -Bolivia Cloths, -Tinseltones, -Suedine, Veldine," -Chamois VelouFs, ALE nýGo, -op values t. $5500 -Silk Velours, -Wool Velours, ~L] *OUE XXVI.-NO. §R. <JRY 6"PACI IS CIJAREE IN SATIONAL IbEl Independents Petitior Welsh Asking thata Grand Jury Be Ca <1,aten news la the Volava ltion a-ID hofound on Page S oeotd section of ths issue. Sensational changes ihâ leged "iieoking' of lise oct. jury a-itIs Votiva folaower: ln the relîlrn of!'nu ir"s bi thrsecounts on a-bici toit of Zion aught tu have hic votre made to i udge fi. K. circuit court, Waukegma. Th Attoiney Meielerg. or c 11ey. Tif. Neimonad ut thea lai ndpendent fa 4fý a makaag thse COMPtant. TIaItIshe grand Jury w erignah!y ceintainea la-o re Vion. bath fotiowens oti V liat thr vacancies a-ens i Volila foliowens. ntaking 1 fise of theni., aasone o tii' made. Tisai telise tîriff of Laie hii de îullei inea- lai chanas-s w-ite a ic bbroug! ýVoliv lv bt-, t -,.- t -y fita aubpo)ýen n ,uttole da: ,cîî-nd tira.i \o] hase bm-in ip s'l IortVi- action. w... r ,nu,0 r.s char-;c "On the t. ce et I' le Jud-e W'ial -ri Is- tIsatIif ILltuirne ouît thtct juny nire a- as ;.arkedic-I- t waa a ut-earri .e -f rju tl a-ili go t i i n i'lun setng g-uitty partir-s arte îun-hý grand Jury le theftuent ai justice and v%-- amnt a!tnj il tampèeei aitlt' 1 amt conftdent 1h41 il honorable citizefs. anduywscm ir'do 5~ethe charges aisle v cktsnherg," State's AI'ul é',#ch asertcd. Judge WeIsh contInueS Il. til nextlWedni-sda)y <on be haie orSured tIsaItilulln be prissented to hlm and h- aapon th(- cas fluait Foitov.log are ie tai thse petltloil which .%rtîrn *tenberg filial lu cirOcoul1 Judge Wetei î1o s Inn-in grand Jury tItn ' -uP i- adi i ýl m-i~--d ftla'tti se( on tp 111e musr slO -. 1. 'lta. t,-orS01. have reelibly -rîuhn.ltsiI tu bp iuhritmd. '!,,t11w * (ContinueS on lage El FORCED lDER tNT HOSPITAL; LOO HOMdE, CO Miss Jean Stroble Starn 000 Suit Against N~ Prominent Persor -A trestiattack la the ce, an a-as begun laistFridriy at aîwaukegan a-hen I oole f HlgIwood Ibroug traiey. E. V. Orvis fileS tht la a $10,000I action for dams $Ag many prominent Hlgir Migiland Park persans a8sd Johna lcyers. Haghwa-od ma: 1401tinti tIse dectaratioi IVII thes exact chargée hofi from the lime-Up 0f S Ueorge Hono Jorten. UM mello Jones, John hceo ilJ Jle m I&Mer and Ruth *f ikigaans Park,thie f It éceeretary of Mie fllinom Hui SetF, the charges a-ut cent, thé removal of Mise St.rQble RtughaooS home t0 rake ce ~I bospitat by aileged 1 ,that durang ber stay thons 1 land éther affecte lboteS and g'eeseed. Mdits birobte laa sumf feret tSapa snd lil asibeease a 11ent abs a-as remaoved ta i luJ, gaalft lber a-ut si. clai 'A-ne plaintIf! tqa sfarnil la Laxe county court cefde n"e or six ysars she fougit -.ia Companiy ta preveat -ti Iing up -bfer squattersc 'ýewden upon th1e praperty wsa - itavinasopera groun- Up'Obte msde ber Ilving t .lites laasdte _ the fi ctio i S r 1Si, b t I t Imse s re d _g t C th t o u n d r bin ga o fo i Waukeg'&'n, Blinois 1» Washington Street

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