Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Oct 1920, p. 5

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MIRRU AL UMIP Convex 'Kettie A necessry uteasi ienio"ern kawh.' is ibirro Alumimm mConvex KetWBe 1s derful coorjuctoi cf iteat, it cooks titi hom" witbout taste cf fuel And kt is eaaiy hai deand. Mro m iimins w akably diardAbe.ton. ifetime, and is tberefore au econouical purc) fainous alsc for its beaety and'many fuaturesc ience Nothéb.features of Ibirre ,CouvexKetie: (1) Kandle-rest ears hald bail ii thrée pot prevent il from ccsning in contact witb ides (2) Tightly rolled, sanitary bead, fre f rôm du crevice. (3) Inset caver prevents boiling over. (4: caver upturned, thua protecWe against staa *(5) R1ivetiesa, no-hum, ebonized kuob, an Mirro feature. (6) Convex sides prevent contents from Fm wheu liquid is being drained. (7) The fus finish. ~()Faniaus Mina maclde-mark starepeci in tom of every piece, and your guarantec af<qualii: out. Utensiis înciuded in Our dispisy of Mirri Aiuminum arae C.C.. Pots, Te& POILS, Ooubd Boiter@, sauce Pans, aud Other articli the beautifui Colonial and plain round stylei Schanck -Hardware 'Reecimg over 1,000realiens eacitweek--reade lidue advertised mmJ puy for them, lTe Independeld a rival as mnadvertiimg msedimn uLakete ouny. Prices Redui Men's Work Shirts Former price, $1.50 Men's Blue Bib Overalis Former price, $325 and, $350 Men's Blue Jackets- Former puice, $300 Menzi's Maroon Bluch Dress Shoes, per pair .Former price, $1000 Miws Conton cloves Former price, 25e E. 'W. PARKI- lu Ford Ownei HAVE TOUR RAGNETO TES 1 Cmoe .n at ny tim .aid J wMitut ycr oe charge, u if it ' a k.-WilIrecharge ik whllei We bave receaty installeci a Magna. Ckarger ampaatus for ttisç6as of work' and cmn im Mminetos cred by "titismacne reguaante fect service for two years' Libertyvilie.Garage Repu aS. EM. Umm, lsuiste visior Sonday. GIL WNT-alLand Mr'J . rs. OtMau ae Ha akgn lîo Fred CrOker transacted business kegau wil s$pend tl ie uHi lt<in suday es enlng. Chicago Wednenday. tyvIlle with chair sou. M. n r.Ovljretvstf CiHîcta eBehmy w jot Akofer returned b0ine SundaylM. dM. ri arttvetdiour iontits uow die u aig ~f asaC icao ih ri gibDktweeb relatives in Ares Suuday. aow di» u aig em Mis BatisBoem w&a hicgo ~~gt f N~ ~kîaahee ~Customers that at>me timentmcc e Civil War was the wor* 111s1t 1o Saturday. agn he ps oirgothv,. iBorn, Sundity, ,Çýt. 10, to r n Mrs.Louis Larsen of Waukegan vi- Mr. and Mis. Charles Jochiheim )iM. oadMriasn on ave dollagroet. s tm 6 " o h-o lIedrelaive her Baurda. iWednesday moved ta Nüitib Chicago, Attorney l'aul Maco)uffin transat-e Dr. J. L. Taylor ban returned homne, vberg Ur. .ochbelm In e'i'.1loYed in business in Chicago Tuesday.Reui ' 'L after s week -sPent lu Waterloo, Iowa. bakery. Mise Alveretta LIgbtbody avent last Reen oeresoin ptces have *«w. u m oeo *a- Ben WUlsn of New Yprk '4,sd uilt Mr. sud Mn., R. A. Heltun and littIe Saturday wltli frieuds'lu Waukegaa. Inaying pever of every dolar saveil by thco.e tii. Jocbhelm home one day lastweek daughterand sudMs Madeline Zook aud Minsses Ebluter and Olga Hus ing lie pag year apprexwmutely 29 P.Md V U A Ml May Carol ofLakeBluf vs-!wifl continue te recede. lted Tbursday wlth Mrs. W. W. (h lr. ThMe . .Bratbl ! mimse. Rea snd Elizabeth Am.ev a SAETDT HV nI.-.Ikoe pent Mouday evean n u UV TA.Smsnadlml è.a Lake Villa vWsted Wednt--day et thé kegan. NO-MRE TMORROW." Deposit y«ur avings wu dàk T. . Smptn sd fmil 'e .Wu-,home of Mr. and lie. J. Wî. Brown on kegu called- on libertyville ieuda' Thîrd set. Mis. E. *A. Blshop Snd daugbîsr, Bank, un4di United States Gonsument upervi.. Frldajr. J. M.Fuller sMd grandson. Thomais iaFacs pu Tedyl li Xsyet Miss Mianais Johheli bas accepted IMfet i#uoîa lîe h om We pay you to sv e.your*owti money andid s sPosition wthhe1h Pullman Company er'. inother, Mms C. M. Fuller, and Miss Heleu Bartlett 01aiIlamond 1 InCiag.ifamlly Suuday. . Lake was a Libertyville visiterlesat Mrs. Ilaude 1. Luskt lef t Saturday lira. Frances Woodwa tii and daugli-Fia. hlss for s few days' viait lu Kaukauus, ter, Miss Margaret of Mlwaukee, Mrià. A. Mobsby af Chicago vislted hase. It ta Wiscosin. spent s few days reoently with, rea- !riends lu Lîbertyville aud Ares lest of~ conn- Mrs. James aviwaent te . lrives lier.. Suaday.. last Saturday te reriain a week vIsit-,Mr. snd. Mrs. R. C. ( îlemin an- Mr. andd lin. Thomnaa CorletaIent * lag ber sister.nounce the bithh of a daugh'ter Thuî's- s,-verai<days llut week VlstuJ es .is Mar). McCarthy of Racilne,j day. (Oct. 7, at the Lake C ouurv tien- ri% esmn Merton, Wisconsin. _________________________________ mitions and Wlî * client Tharsday night with era Hospital. Ms irtyShnketnaad _________________________________ eof Ketde. Ilattie Bioebm. Miss Iniogene Schacbannsd îi er Sunday Scliffll class at ber 11011e rt-.catching IMis. Ada 4nîith enrertained M',r. anhli Elizab*t> Schanck scent S unday in last Saturday aiLeinoon. iis. G. A. ('rockeîî of IA Grange over Chiicago wltb Mr. sud M R.Iaber Do' forget tixe dance te bd given ) >ad of the week end. Schanck and faiUy. * yIeCîoi il'Cu.a i auJbqid ua Fanne ifltet t Cicgo Wednesday Mns. Geoi ge ihbe en- Audlogium Friday nigla. Oct. 15. i excusive spent ,Saturday sud Sunday ai the edir..n recisdMs borne of ber bntber. Charles Sanborci and daughter,.Mar Miss Rlutb Sandberg, s teacher in Leu. of Highlasd Park. L. 'r. H. S., avent the week end Lu Mr. aud Mrà., Pbilip Strand anld son- Thé Preihyt erlan Ladies' Aid So- Ares With Miss Mary Rouse. pouflflg off o! Waukegan speut <lie week eud wlth jcieywî Aetiana aaraj n nbrC are islcpe nouaMin Libnîivile reaties.cblcken pie ussver la the church on s position as agent for thec North, Shore 'dissellettye Joci1beim viittd Fre,, November 2a id 244tb. electric rallroad at'Lake Bluff. ft the bot- Eberwein, Jr., ut St. josetbs s ilite Mr. snd Mrs. Bjyroni Culhy sund lira. r y thraugh- i aGag ad, Amber C. Warreu sud daugbîer. Bar- M.sdln.FlxEfru u ilss ri-u ioec iue aavstd uWue asmlly have removed ta Belyldere, sud Mises are ad FornceHuei ara vàitd uuday i akgnwl ll maIre their home lu hhat city. of Chicago vfislted at theJhe linq wilb T. A. Silmpson and laniit3.t bon houne day la,î week. Mn.sdM.C l u i. lr. and Mis. lBert Swan or Are.l . WIIETHER YOUR BUIING in Mr.aud lire. L. Z. Protine sud son1 and lira. WiII Laycoek meutnIo East.vieited Mr. antdlins Merle YoungM tu esFred sud a Mir. Hausier molored out Troy, Wis., Saturday, where they Vis Liberlyvîlle Wednesday evening. REUR M C ofrom Chicago and spent the, weeck end lited Mir. sud Mns. W. Sîîî nKer. are large or smal, regardleu of your plans and idlea in titisie, wihrltvshr.C. 1. Caszy. living piuih of Liberty- _______eV____ u expernence la rre*sy t your servce. -and Mes. Gilbert Cooper and son, or;Jgresive Larmersa s ialled a ind- -1 I o elu htyuvrn oaçmlsotntms ', Mokena apent tlie week end wlth M rin Delco farna liglîîing plant, on bis can suggest plans far saving you maney and serving yo PUr pi time was bad by those Jresent. siu. where Mr. DeUsmîîl bas empio- fMr. snd lirs. Roliert Sherburuea.di ment. dagherof Nebraska, were Sunday Mr. aud Mrs. Vtrn Corley niotored LIL) MIB E-R guestsw et rti,-honte of M.n. sud lira ere Ironi Mattoon. tI., Sunday, sud T h e a tre______________________________ Sherburne's sister, Mr,. 0. E. ar., %isi tîug tliîs 'eek et the houe of l W._______ ._________________________________ 1tis. Conici s iients, Mr. and Mrs. . z P. Evîlsîzor. Carrll, o. n . ald'Ms tîî trJI lea a a FRIDAY AND SATURDAY tonBues.Alre.herheup at his hontie 'lie tirerotheti weej< OCTOBER 15 AND 16 _______________________________ ,C e 1 will remain foi- fivee monhs or mtore iiiii a .eî ere atta:k of ton:fliis. He 0. W. GRIFmM ___________ (liepostoffice. "'mTi t etQesi " $ 1.2b Mr.Mn.ud ins. Den J. Sinien aud $ .5 daughiter, Ediîh aud IRobertiSimea Newmtîa n ta.nd daugbteu', Misa ~es yEtalé.dli lefISairda fo a to wî k' ~j larjoîy, sud alec-e. Mrs. Fred Hlis, Desd5 wltlirelatives la Lincoln, Ciaecoanti of Sliei idan, Il., epent the week eandNA OCOE lf1111 4 I VI Salu.ttoVe Ph107,e t $3-00 - > 'tliw fre's M -t Mu$.tC. M.Vtc.l&MO utry.n 'W Oconee, . î i i îes ot ia . CONSTANCE TALMAGE in i5C A5oBtersd u S Tli.<ance given by the Sîtaryl Girls -' e eral noPlyr 0cematoted. Tu it atîm Adiorumlat nlaye 1nîg onville lHavea ,îleul Sunday in Wau- TW WE KS oldest bouse conthe stit t 0@ ws.s a3 usuat a successful one. Not ail kegan %iiti lus daugbter, Mis. Roy ansd price 1llsts tmrnsIN fieyun.popeateddth eorcor nor oday bis ciildi-u "aE s 1 IU88StA pi a lle 1 nd 8,l crstic meeting. . urpiîaCd ihîrnSt lis borne ane sd Fulton Street W11011MSII#M& ,ht'lped hîîîîî celebrate hbibrtbds:. au- e c a tHiAoiL qoerSO On accourit or a aiackenlng la buai- 015 ersarý.Fi ness, Llberlyville'î dealer nlujounr, Mr sud Mie J3. W. Brown enter- 2 AIex Feidman, bas decided ta close up tsined the folios iug f niepdo sud rela- ab soli sud movte ta Chicago, where lie lites Suaday at iheir home on Third __________________________________ wiii lie. associated with bis brother in streét: Frank Scbutz, Enirna Tries, business. Mn. sud lira. Heary Titus sud Miss I IR T reaity deai transferring the "Log Mir. sud Mis. Julius Treptow, ac' N Cn -nCabin"l on Washingtou St, Walkegan. ,ompanied by Mn. sud Mrs. W. E. ta Chas. N. Steele. o! the lot Natoa Decker. motoî cd l RockLfOrd SuRday. Bank of Wsukegan, vu paaied ira- T. F. Swan le a daegatt !rom the erty. wblcli adjoins the proeut bank anual meeting o! the M., W.Q Grana pyda t n a building. for the purpose o! erectI L dg e o! the A. F. & A. M. ofIlîlinols, "s ~ ~~modem ,baak sud office building. which lias been lu session la Chicago M iyq aiisa d d sg at ee tfo The Dietz Motor Co., a et aLiti. tI8 s eek. ertyville for the Chevrolot automoebile. The Fiftlelh Aunusi Coflvetiotq ofPrc s 25 4 c50 7 c$IO S .5 $1 0 ED- F I EREths recesved notice that thon wIll bOe Lake Couuty 13uuday School Ann sso.2c 0 So 5 ne rducü* inthe pricesof that CU.silation wili lieo eld 11l theHighland 4P.eto free f &i ,12. Should therei y giud ,O be 22 and 28.Ameun AIL'Linen Crash Tow ehDg's- yo t.Mrodttnctiul h. doal POhia5 ber of Libertyvie Peophe art .., th, or cars boforo thgt tims will hoe n- trourum, whlch lias boul Prspared for 17-inch - - 28Cepm funded the amount af the reductlon in the oelehrsti oft 0f1 oden jub1ile.f Chebertitii. amIl--ato... fît r i 9 1 la- 3AC M rit in*py praph ept- :t". üude4) )N 1%0»: 292

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