Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Oct 1920, p. 1

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hl .odatteoi tire tru,!k costa more aegn but it must be >ngheeWaton that th@ for a truck would ho nl the coet of taking Beding the tire tenin 'thIng Into, Cofeidera. k would b. more eco- ceable and efficient It f ire wagon. 'OTS TO 'E BUREiLARS ran PoUce recelved a iight at 10:15 Q*clock, ng affair lui takea ciflity of Sodtb avenue t. officera wbo veto thse scee found that happened lkt a oWCl&k, 1 souglst to break tain ted just isouth of South ýa atreet. Bach of thse g to the poïlece. vas roprietor of thse bonne ind frightened tkm of tva of thse Mn participaied ln the3 af. lied. bo tue p)olICe, Ar- et ed. le Coats lodel iendous in these er piqin 1 cloths. e ga-acutulitesa ut renea of models -advanaeoui;> bIncluded las tisa Veldine,ý! 'I LIBE.RTYVILLE I.NDEPENDýENT LAKE COUrMr IDePENENTLake Conty -sBftWeekly WAUKEGAN, WEEKLY SUN OLUME XXVI.-.NO 43. __ LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUN, ILUNOIS, T1rSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. $ 1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCB IIR. JURY "PACI(ED" WELLSMEYERS WEOWING- -- _ _ _ _ _ ï,r-DNOERY"PCKW' eWdnesday night. Oct. 20, et 8:30 ESTEFAER "TH o' dock was1 celebrated thse wedding o ISCH RG IN SEN<~ Misa Marguerite Weill; and Arthur G.' Moyers. et thsehoule of the bride on NMilwaukee avenue. south of tJîO vil- SATINALPETIION lage. The. Rev. C. F. Klilauer was SÂTON L E'JTJ1~ ttaflcorciating clergyman, ansd the, Indeendets etiton Jdge The bride le the daugbi-er 0f Mr andj Welsh Asking thata Special Mr%. Nathan WeIIe. and le pwtlm Grand Jury Be CaIled. among a large cîrcle of friends in Lib- ertyville. The bridegroom l9 es on <Itenoe l tIe olia lvetig*of Mr. snd Mrs. Herman J. Meyere. (aen e In 0fthe s aIssue gasdlea aveil kisown and highly re-f _tion wiii befound on Page one ofthse gar<ied youp& njan. aisend eetin o ibi isue.Onl>' the parents cof tÉracO1I" a few near relatives were present at Sensational charges that tire ai- the ceremony. A muet delitouis lunch ieged "laklng' of the October grinl vas served. Thse newly wedded foULe f jury witis Vlles followerre resulted viii aaleé thelr home la Lîbertyville. 0 In thse return o 'nu Ir," bille" on thseI three counie on visicisindependenti, of Zionctsougbt tu have flirt ndictçd vere made te iudge li. K. WeIn S L L S circuit court, Waukegmn. Thnrnday ly Attorney biekebrg. of couinose for Re.T. H. Neos and titler tmem. MONDAY PROVED .ri eft tIe Independent factioni vho C e maklng lthe ompWant.GR T NThat thse grand Jury wa drawn.- -,O E T V C S *rWgnal!y cntaineà two reeldente of c Zion. btha followers ni Voiva. but Thse Lake County Hostein Breederâ tisat thrt.e vacanclet; were fil!ed %vithAscitosfitanulae.n pe Volv fllwes.main atoalutof adverse veather corrdticons , was a tise of trient. vam ont. o filhe chargea distinct succeuse. mince thei 45 animale marie. isted! brougbt an average of $360. Taihehrffoflaecnîor Lloyd ltltzenthaber of Prairie View hieidej'utés knew (bta criminaul ald the top price of $1651) for Smnall charg- e Eip. b be broughi aza !-1 Huiles Cornucopla 474858, tbree year Voliva b ~'ti li al ser Al old. 32l/,ound eile,.co, n 1»b subp,,o,on d s tnt1iiiîiiWt.l' a fcw Clark & Rhode ot B(eIidere. Ill. days :eîî, nd iliai liaoid ,>i Ail but seven of the. aninials con hatie betn a anl uotr t file r' Ibigflt.d purchased by Lake couniv e___ actionw... , < i« . eri. ;atl breciiers, asmhow i itthle local tarai-________________________________ cbat;e.1 .ec1' l1j :pir,! e rs appreciate wt-ll rti lstock and rare someni uîîîl~fîu i~ clsr'01 abunda ntly able to cooîîîete aith out- oge mm rfle et l*' iqujJ bn o' Wî*i'Iit -ao vti id r. g, ." ide hu. ors s ien an animal lI brought!r fY IA onBon ugey that if itliras oitui it i '[.. mensi ev bougli ftIIICI4N L zt Benj.Robblns and Arthur1 jury reailY s ia. ln a tI' thelr iret purebied feniialt.s at this burglary. vas~al aAi.nri. 1~iî î at S IJEC 1I i lbert Glaze, burglary. vili go i t 1 nilIn sceîng thati ý Ieceuse of file Bull Sale held on'VJY JLI .1 uînYn.lruy gul'ty partins are îîonl-ýed. Thet. Saturday. Octobu-r 16. the. fis'. bulls y Frank Holub,. ppe. gran Juy i*thefounianho ai (e conisîgnud in the. Holstein sale dld not F ItKN Y lrank Hansmer, lteeping a jutcln !ý( c a i rîng as good prices as was uxpected. STAT 'S ORN blîng bouse. mc tampered wih Thes ale tears absolutely clean ln ev- no eseadMs no jr1 as cofi.dtha theorândhl ery way, and it ie thse deelaseý of every iodrycnut- juyws oprle f hrlihyconsigner to cet- that thse men vbo Prosecutor Takes This Means' i iodrycnut honorable cîtizene. and 1I anni lh-prhsdteraiasae niey o lainDoe sTem-eiilaIOaly acn 5 the. Charges maie Iv AfV10iicl i hiranmae ae n irey o [ern Jce s er ohn joclous. àdeorderly col ~eklnbr."Stta t rn ;.1<iIaaîtist. F rank Terlap. intîrnidate cih asr. tte Atorey Tefoloving list indicates botis tire P Drws to aClose. an'd ibreat. JudgIe Waseiteh d tn. tccs buyer an&- seller and ,r;ce paid. FiniAîonyJme l Berthsa Dickens and Josephiai til next WedJnesday.<oniliat 14t- rame- that orith@ fbW'ur i.len nature appeared In circuit court * rcoic.init o dt b. ai tsaIfu norialoî f animal and 'rice paid. and the naine J'OrdwraMndyad imsedi Edwýard Wou,!ki, larceny. b. har oented b haulm nformw ai 1 tift-fe wrd of yad i sl1 Milton IKelier et aI., iarcenY. Lloyd Rtz-nthaler, Prairie Vew,- tecu tie ciîa ae Ot Ca uleksedVc polIothe 5are ex: 3i ctm takeli fro, Snal HoetCQrnucopia Pontlac; tecutdce.lau,-k inttimidation. tie lîlnn w are e rx' v price paid. $1650: Consigned hy Clark( He. annquneed that he was taking. Michael Oi'alley. burglary. teherg fîled n whch I)rencU ikn Roe el.eeibis course as a ireans rof cleanlng; .rbeit T'laylor. larcens'. Iéndeg iWes' tin rnrii M,:i Lloyd hiltzenthaier. Prairie View-U 'Il e docket_ a sort of boulse- 1Con tan! Pasc1ew5cz, arexult Judg ýVe,,h o s:tnnin aclcaning, as It wpre, preparatory itent'to milt grad ur int '~' p 1 ,,r,- De l>îkkert Pietertje; ,$550; consign'-d y j gad illurty n d 11db il' re, 1 hY<lai k & Rhiode. le-tvlngoffice. Mr. Welch eviderît- Wn.Wyers. tra'isl,ortàtion l anoil ril enthaiuetî, Praii.Vew ly dot.s not wish 10 pais on thoèe catiriezliquorF uiii prohibition act on the. ifalel aiO. t1.1 l Rtîîn Ix'ea eut> ; isj nian . old cases tri hie succemmor. rtt 1.Tiat. îhc-yor 0111 <il b>oiaîk &Roder.Seme of thuse cases have been i v nn oril odî have re,,eflIY ynlib ii r iaui,l-I t.)Cak&Rdr re eoebthv eutdI v l odr, od bh'suiitteil , '1 ran> ;uî À AJ.iStabl. Prairie l,'ew O.FC'tedhor bu hac raued ni EIlî ., idb ____________ - Aa.!it, Echo l'aet'e; $500; Spencurdsgemne-oî fte eer G~eorge Scholz. Ia,uef'. (Conînud onl'ae Elist lii'. r Brrinton' ýhave been called for trial-for w-but .a.Lruhîir Pr*ew.-tt. ,iii i _________nPge________i.. J. aid rari eVie Ine Liressort no one but the <o îrt officiais as Arthur Pruii' . ois knou Ko aayOak; $47oî; Walter 1. Mar. know. A\rthur Initl, .i Lh- tee9 FO CE) iE NT iaBLai rington.1 Somneorit tiese- caes have bssa against hlmi. FORC D D R ATOi. StahI. Pi-airie Viow l)ay old, dragging &long for asarly four years.1 Samuel Iý Due, rapt. t.Il; $10o; %Valier 1. Martin. 1The. futlllty of hringlng therm 10 May, Niaîxine, ii 1aigliqur iCll I.A J. StaIhl, Prairie Vew-Looking trial now probably Is recognized bY. probibiî: n te-riory HOSPITuAL; LOOUI) z'i Gtas !inaowfiakes; $26:t;Clark t. he prosecutor. Peaýl I1, Foýrts \\ n Jrdait n a île. lelvidere . t la dottbtt.d if theî c- eurhbas, Barreý: Fil. Aitiiljr. FrankS II ~ ~ AIARi j Staîii, -Piaiirmg View -Cluchilde' heen a lime wheii a tates attoru'Y: an)(. Jamens W'îarcen'> HO E C A G aheD o, 30 mr &hd.ltLake Count>- lias disnîissedt asi Aîci tr~ l Aler Frank SiIijrsironr, I.gàIland1 Parke- many critninal cases ut one lIme. Jolin Fleming and .-Dies Watl Mis Jen Srobe Sart $1,- tîebdAliic!ila Ko'iiiîltkv $130: Soe of these cias- se re tiose cc-fy. , . 000 Suit Against Mans< . rak Siljeïrii.l.ti, iiatid Park- tiefts i Lake Forest, sont. gt-ew Multmore and M' in. heily. larcei Prominent Persons. Witakt.ieid SitoIstake »iIini; $30f): out of the. sue nilîl trîke. soire de- Ed. Aîerilge and Frank Si W-oke! iîl'i Far is. 1 vloped during the. heer-i:uliniug, bu igîary. Frank Sljeetrom. lHighland Park- 1 seulon. Peai-1 L, enni-. XViîiJordan, ~A r eiseguak n h Frtd y eacrntUnnaîitiomt.$120:. Wakefield Fanîns, Itlie5 interesting 10 note that the! Attcridgeand Fiani; iclbutm art ws b eg ait viseYn Mirceu 'i arington. states attorney did flot ti-imis,;the. Pearl L. l)Pnni., ii .Jordan, rt e wokegn wen Iss eat , ran Sijesroni Ilghlnd ark casietatstand on tire docket Aiteridg-- 1 nd Fi mii S * -te, burs Wble. of Higiswood ilarougislber ut-urinkcFs,-stoui. lGhlDavPir trney. L. V. Orvis filîd thse praecipe Nina btntland; $300; EFUI H. Kane. agaimuet ormer treasurer Fred Aine. Y l-uics, Wii aI las a 910.0011 action for damrge. nam- Area.' whereln bu was indictud for eut- Burt Rasymonid, burgl,îî' fias meny prominent Highvood and Frank SilJestrom, Highland Park-,buzzlement. Tisosu cases vur e for Edw. AtiericIge. !ur.ii-ry. klighland Park persone as detendenits. Mapie5'ood Early Dawn; $510; E. J. i'on thse dockeî visich' indIcates that Johln Myens. Hlgisvood mayer, bouts Countryman. Agt., Dixon. il1. 1, tiese tate doesn't givu uailail boite 0»e. Frank SiIJeatrom, Highland Park- tisat int tue tise county mlgbt te- MIG IMEA? Net mtil tise declaration fi filet! Caîmîla )tcKinkey Seglle; $400; Lloyd gnme an action agaînst the former OT PH MEAf 'mlIi the exact chargées b. novis but ltltzenthaler. Prairie Viev. eounty treasurer-in short the li U-erm thse lne-np Of defendents. A. S. Benson, Graystak-Martitt' bîmation by leasing tie se s on tise T R I I~ P erge RIeno Joes. lira. George eaks Lady Monoah Psy; $500; W. 1. docket in tisat tise> expeet teuloe T R ilU Q CHILI Miso joues, jon klno Joue@.lire Mnin, earsingfm. lMr. Âmes. :ral Milie &BdRut Swng.ail A .Àu. ~~Gays'ake- C~isi e oig rtise case s hic RE Mr.ARA of tigandParitthelaterbeing Knoll Colanlias Rag AppI; 480; Mn. Weleh im edRE INL B À Ct1001letalY efthétIsllinsDma HI5SO C- ate Miller, Barrington. Charles Coaselli, appual. St>, tise charges yull conter areund A. G. Bensen. Qrayslake.-Queen Wilbur G. $alter, appeal. hfie removal ert ils Streltble flrom bO ,t iarbaeksAllade, Girl; $310; Lloyd Mike Balsas,. appual tlgisvood home te lf4ke ceunI>' gen Rltsoabhalor, 'Prairie VUev. Alex Panooka. appear. Miss Marion Mosely of Hi ~I ieepital b> aileged force. and A. S Benzin, Graylake-Waketield H. j. Pilu>. ;ppeal. hitend bier tyt oot e r d fruîburSegit Lycits Chicago, $330-, Wakefield Arthur Jung, for burglary andtar land Park WIII Return Ho «l te fet oce n untr arme, Ilarrington. - ceny. Fi@m Nor'th This WeeI rMita5trd. em Uufee ra s t. Marra Training Sool. Des- Oscar Powell. assauît vits ntent taip and i t as heceause ofthIis ai,. 'iplainols-,JomO ortiopa raes;tmud. Sell ise vas removed te tise iompt- $430; Water I. Mar.. ilMYla5tOD.. Justin Malinana4ki. rut>erY. Ceming home tram Labrador lai, gaaift lber viii Ele. aime. - st. Mary'e Tralala ,s cisool Des- Walter irause and Annie Krause latter part et Ibis veek yl b.s ,fine1 plaiatlf lfia a fm*nlllar , Plalues-Marbinoaki Segie LlII; $450; appeal. Marion Moseley, daugiter of Mr la1 Laxe county court cicisa, and for W. 1. Martin. litreelnon ~M. Carleton J. Moseley,.of n"t or six year a aise fettht tise Ray- St. Marre Trainias Scisool, Des- Nin. Joe. Merrîchi. teisl -land Pa*. Misa Moseley accu .MI& Company te prevent them troua Planes--Olive Pletertle Pontiac Ca- kitovi as Mre. Jo. liarsocli:.oeil, nbd Dr. and Mrs. lVlfred T.9 tth1lg up-b.fer squatters cdoimra&Mn ai';$260; J. Z CoutrYmanU, Agt.. ig 1101cr vltbOUt lîcensu. tlfeilbtise land orthtis rozeni irnalaea upon tise preperty viici la ixon. 111. . Joe Malik, agcault with deadly lait spring tu carry on-tlb. va »V tavInla opera grounda.Mine St. Mary's Traaiig School, Des- veation. chlld nutrItion after coteraI ne mad ber Ilving b>' raîpllag Plaines-Lulu Woodcatest CornucoPla ' George Opper and William Curran. of siiedial cIndy under tise t10 me nd lise croîng oethtie 111; $280; Eai-I Paddock, Round Lakte. o)tierwise knovn as Wm. Ke4M, lar- of.Mr. Emmercon, of BWothe I Fotirs. fi vas claimed, Interfer- 'St. Mary's Training Sebool, Des ceny. 1etirated expert. is 1te varhllng of tise opera Plaine-Eldorado Lady lcatras Do rgm Bridon, & She made St. AnVlony Miseio Kol; $280; E. J. Countryian. Agent. Cnttefr. elctti frhoadiqunrters, goinoi tronsts ' n Infî action MtIss StrOble vas Dx Wpsiuion. 'pinte isera' ch. vuemolt ln VYICtOM51118 .eOr tise iavinla esompan>r .H SirreryriieVe-ICE. Hapiter, nttenifg wrhesMiss Moseley ie a gradnate ot 11L a thl'lble detaîner sut. Lake coun- Martîneoake Lady Cleome; $370; W. 1.H .Shodr rii Ie- ceck.- Mavr. viere, atter a foury tY ledllrt, hut ithtIe second tise appel. Martin. iortis Rosenber'g, larcen> ardeuni- course, eh.e decided ta perfect hi foundit ntavor etfbis, plain- H. H. Schroedor. Prairie Vev-' ezziement.. -.,iog pecial1flIn.. nstead of -i -= *Ohe atnak ahl-ecds;$6;John A. Collins. abanonmtit.fl a! "eong-out" Party. "'e r ihoo efnetsI arictlsRahlMoclls The ,Grenfelis proceded! ber t ta, O,=0 uit.are AuniseCamnpbell Robert E. Rouse..emht.azlemteist. States asen. eeki ago sud a tJhbPIo Whllng aci4 305gbe Wrighst. (ContinueS on Page ight) Louise Snyder, iarceny. tise et. aREPUBLICAN AALLY TI4URSDAY V D IJ i MAT a IE GOAT? etT'rdyeepn Otoe 8 lys ille wili isoltI a big rally ut thbu' WITli TRACTORS I Auditorium. under tise auspices or tise I LaIke County Itupubuican Central Coin-; ~ Jy~'~uIfw mittee..-Al tisecouni>iandi legislative, KV L A E T RIE I cand idates will bu îresent and îîcaku K VeAT!IK sottlsan o! hcg îîî bu Carl R. i DyTe y -CinIdblons fCicg il ePrseitîFjrSt AnnUal "'Lake Villa Day" alco bc preunt a x)rommflent s-ornt trasTh sa Ai AND -rH1Nb% Thecomînttet. le endeaboring tiS se-1' - PTECO:r 1cure a n ritnational reputatîrin for ïoIIowinej,. sua bý îuthtet.winneru OB PRODUCTION- tisis occasion, in addition tu tiehue lit h. îihîvintîune. SPSIU.Manufacturerg u-ýni deaIers',lass--, Tise Lihertybilte baud vîli furniesh 1 rdso 4's. p.i, -; drivun b>' music for Use occasion, lbt vîli he a A. osîng, rouslag, old-fasbioned itepublîcaa rai- *ý Case.,8M points; driven by J. ly and menwooentanddriven b>'r a CEriLEBRAuvTED. H. C 79 fpointu; drinen b>' 2tItREn 6 points. driven b>' ~1th-LaRe Villa certainly put i lsel t Os Chrit tie map Tuesday when atliseld tisu Mr. and Mrs. Crs ladre. tirsI annual pîowîng match, mrotti enact Ceremgny;- Rioe Gen- propelled. follovud b>' a ho brst erousy Thown. show n a ring establaisued for 0-4 erousy Thýwn. pua-pose. Wicis Otto W. Lehman. presideriý M r.una lIre Chris Atwerdt. 224 of tise association vbicis put nveoe Besi"> place, celerated their golden thet big Lake VlIa day &fair, ami wedd fir nnnîverfary Sundmy evt.nlng, Frankt T. Fovlen. general mauagor* at McAlltpr hall, 50 gueits ebeng tht. viole days progs'am passed o40 Ipresent. a teature ofthlie r<vPnt belng 1musc auslIieuu.-mly. ,.c-. 1h.' precenre ofitfour generation-. And thie tIt I couldit't have isec STisose. reprosrining tht. foair gn- more idual> It vas as perfect as If enlaicnsgsvtre \Il* and Mrs. Alwsi-dt. tht. promoters had been givun tile. OP- thcir daiiihtee. Mns Witliarl tiii. portutnity of t"lt.cting mat tois kintI hisr ,n Eî-rlSchumantand lij 11) ofveuther and tîren tht. veatisurman AIUSWIksmo-ithqI t.d -on. Tdw;omrd Scbîîin an made ilt.specially fortise occas.oas. taînI N AL E E Att or %ir. 'ano i r.s 'lwarit's clîl- ithîhebuaîtiful cItai- sky anti dren, svth tht. exceptIon of XMr, Wl-vii 'hlltue soothinz breuze lowing ail lia. 1Dunmeycr. of 'f'lan ilî-nardncr da>. 5-illithe. ýan sunding ils raya EMBEZZLER: MANYY Cal.,wer.'prec,nt. Ttey are:. Wil clown uni:saIllhotone coik l fot gain INiUL Y P EA ng. Ma-s, furris. LAl.t.iwuî .id ltionsfor hoilding sncb an uven~td IN 6U LTlP rving Ais-ardl. Mr. Alwariit ls 7t Tîîuî tht. peopile of Lakte county et- Ker ytars Oîd andI bis vite 69i. isc>th peed a big ime and cisat tise ex- lnar til, unlo>' good healtas. Il htos and managers atsa expecteil Arraignments of Those Indiot- Tise gueste asemrbled ut 5 ocelock aktbig crowd vas forcetull>' n etl- umnduct ~ ~ ~ a edbFrn uy r e dat 'lc ie'vr.rmr- tdee. olthIe first place. crovda amid. aboyer of rice . glow n e r ith.rounds ail day and bise Out on Bond, que reremony' aupîuer was seved, atter mngers sa ample tu entenfaînl Jawrci, tise guesîs participated litomus Uroa., Arraignusent rit more tisait a score cuu atIaîni ngt s ie big et-ent took Place On the of persons lndîcled by tise Late cosîn- Alwerdt vas one rf itet dance-re. - ri, Busse tarm. % iels bas beela ty grand juîry lat veuI took plara' Among lime guesls eret. Irea s su der leate for tise pas1 yeaa- 10 Otto Kan- Salua-day and Monda>' before Judge daugisters, Ibret. daircisters in w «,uhman. Extensive preparatloas wurds and kmong miotions incrtas a wbli, ont. sort-in-lmw, 1:1 mrafllt.iildrti had buen rmade b>'tise Lakte Villa was that of Robua-t Byron Mitchell. and four great-grandchildirtn, lay association. There vero nIent>' formner ttondolit agent toi tise Amrc- *Mr. sud Mri. Alwarcit oet '.tf boobls. djoli racks. etc., anI Po jibiean Express compati>, visa vas cap. sented witli a s.uiunoî. T. Iecreiirtosalprs tîf< tuî-ed ut ReLzina. Sask.. Canada. atter baye been reulîids ut aikof ~,buunty unît man>' sure hreseit troin, inloxiý heing traiteil al] oser bise countrY, on ?,f)yt.ars.niahoiLcuus in ter- a charnuerit embezzîing $12,00 )fît«_rite______ neigratinas-lnctheunt:ue tise tompanye tfutus a fi-w 0di>, cte TEACHERS' MEETING SATURDAY. tithe. sorne.iu rnri a trintieplacet . he ohrained tho' po-siciorn. for tise horst. show andI also tfa- the atter). r.-K. A .Lee.. w abri andcl-ed on Tht. meeting ut tise Lakte count) pierle teatures. Tlise flelda tb the. . a charge oftiîîr.îct cmrng c-Iitolt aàmine schiool reaciiess. buld in Lit»--rty.vIlle ctlor nthe. barnt vert. used for plow ,glovo tcst license, wau ani-igiied toda>' and hast Satua-day. vas veli attended. and vO1 as untured a motion tn quasis . TJ proved ver>' intt.ret.itsg and instructive îuQnunued on Paue Four.) case-s Stahî îîiining Lceà bond fura-150M toi for tht. te-arbena, Mise Tua-usa Wall. of--_ ____ his appeisranco. tise Libea-:yvillIe ecîool, gave a demon- .Mur'.it L. ,Tol.ntaç nd LUorcl W Istraionasof a 20-children cIasit 1>JJÇIRTIW NÇ IN or i Thnip.~n.Vilii 5uIC -h iiiîTvding, saoi-> tliîng, number vork. tc..SI ,a~ s. lir n hoipQn %ii wreeah llJitti Miss Florence Fulkerson rit WaukeT-~ ~ v on fl ,oezhciutil,,,n cýl ia!n-i mnd ga un.,e-iiiblibt.dtwo classes tin Poste.r .** Stete .-rctsniî'e iiil imlScyîîoîî tm desigîîîng. princîpaîlly- ot aosturs and Xnle er ian E'.esd5 ,,f- ., ,. decoriui-i -material for Hallove'eit ridre. tish oîîd.s laîi.i akc ,os-rvance. i-kç d " '11-71-'cast.ami - M~issKte Crammmnd oWaukegan Ei0 ON BALLOT e. Lor-ve ine od alue-Icmmi n(,t- cnd oit thrns . u idçge R. K. Welsh DismisMe teelc i iigns'i and the ioj' I5M ' -~i- aîhrna ;'a uurc~s -n;b1 iii atal ein ooirîosmggvs e Runyard Petition Askinq for ToseîsliGar siloit lecdMiss.1 E fle Smîith. ot Waukugan. a Recount of Ballots. glar>. guii'. ~chai-e >~Taluta sert. nade b>' H. H. Schrriedea-, E.jvry La o ,-iamIpleilded gi>>' t Us trouslise Bîooînington NorhbYschool, i Senator Rodite> B. Swift ot Liber-. gta->- arcenv' cis-fe eiel itaprobation llus si:bject h, ing on c1lisciplint. and tise tyville, taon a signal victur> lit Cir- sa and Olici eacîsera relationt s itb tise cisildi-en cuit tourt Saturday isun Judge R. K. M lion t. MeNellI, motion tri qlaaÂi und patr-ns ofthtIe achoote. i Weîas disanlssed tise recolunt petiblon indit.tniegt for, alieged larcen>'. A gent-raI discussion On thse pros- 1 tlled b>'Altorne>' E. M. Runyaa-d of Robert Wallon pleaded guilt>' ta lemus coufronting tbeteaciuers wvV iad. Waukegan and ordered tise came et sealing a cuit oft clotlsing. but en- The. nuxt meeting v Il behoeld t theo lir. Swvift placed 'en 1h. eledtlen bal- tered a pIeu o!flot guilt>"' on auto- sumo place lit November. lot. Tiese ummiary 'action ofthtie stealing c-arge, court In tisus disuoiaz of thises Dougèsa Blair, tegpro. pletded "nal . FAL.L RACES AT PALATINE wi. tise OnlInsig vicis aide Il guiy'ta burg-'ry charge- remanil-1 possible for lhe name of ettirer cou D ~ u~ry uidate te oc ertltled on lthe 5.11g GereAbu.csred wullait. Champîonship Moises Entered for the isybise cecreltry of sate. GIR eorgtvlb e adl>' vhaeon. îeade Races at Dean Trsck Oct 2315. Judge Walshs daismed tise tInt » net gîilty; remanded 10 custod>' of Coîlateral, 2:1814. the champion petition for recouat flled b>' MUr. sberiff. yearllag trotter of 1920, van tIsaI tille I Enayad on the grounida tiat liltvs John Storlek, sae charge. - on- lest veek at Lexiasttn, Ky'., and willi f lIed prematurely-tut t issiowal tered motion to quas; eut on bond. go ait exiition Mile at the fail racesnet bave beau f lIed unlîl tiesetâte lg- Puar>' Beaver, burglar>' charge, me- et tise C. E. Dean tradk, Palatine. elm"ctbobard bad canvaseed tise ré. Une tion te quasis. III., tis Satua-da>', Oclober 23. Otisor suit cf lise primary and 1 mitted a Ciseeter l. Crtder plesded gut>'teoroes, pi-Minent vinners atirUe las-- report. k. a laren> chargl;e;uae reterred toer faira of Illinois antd Wsconsin have Tise second Petition wuas dm- probation off icer,. , been entered un a race Prograur bisaI d-las>'on tise grounda tb itlw u J51105 051 otin t quais ndîi- vurlval an>' Usat have eeor been gmt. filed te-a laie--tisaI l-uslIbate- Mr te muent for iIeged sieul it lsdeadl> et St tise Dan tack or an>'et tise beea$ll. cneogss ia Ir lites veapou. 1 count>' taira of Nortiserni11110018. decîsica cotaId have beau reaceud. Md r. aind Uusate Broona plîeaded "not IA casht prise of $100 yl b. gitan a recontt aS. If neceesr>, 1<011 111gb- gulit>"- tu ub¶Ilair> a Ford auto race, tIsat vîlI heo pen th eoretar>' 0f SaLttO$crtifl tb Dompa- larI. A. Weaver, Louis renaiIto te vorld; and a cash prise 0f $50 caosetotise asiteseul C&Udtate Gre*- and Traitis B. Wade pleeded "gulit>' for a motorcycle race. Vaudeville *dBieS nd Wels isod vilSatorney 05 110rt 10 a lObOOt>'Charge sud tir o~ or e rtrtaiient. Mueotu'tPls-vIS matsl'nr SteatoeSvft ork ot rerorreil1tiste probation offlce Unu bantd. Good automobile ronsdesm Igbat n caltvsbse conalit aittisa un ail directionse. 3 mîiteà stoftet nd emlbt b dit cseer. oua t ut OW heco. Swift Gives His Newest pavemi ariad .mls-otse H i oudnineouefint g1fr. R thestbu&- Granddaughter $100,000 Plenty rit parking space for aUbe s;lot, aniL on tise otiser lh-anSliedes.. ontlber Ida Ma>' Minotta, 10 daye nid,. vas large graitdstand Beatu for ail. Admis- lu>' sutîulu work a real harSiis» Mr ne 'te Presçnted vils $100.000 b>' ier grandt-BLoIL tu track, 25 andl 50 cents. G and- S den ey Swlft bisDuamel Ott t ba eOded. faîhen, Louis P. Svift, laut veeje. stand souts, 25 cen te. baltlot is>oeket I am f . EBryni Tise paoker bas rnade ut a ouatons ru îmmedlately citer tise SeelaleaOr Yearlil' give each of bis gaandeisilda-un a, sii' efeTe ies 0Fe. Judgqn Weîsh a blegrain wu5@Mt erseif Olaa-glft. Tise money vîlI h. put in ~Csfe tee ba... aw30 et i. . to Springfield b>'theisecrcuit o0449. tavlag i Per centsoecurittes until th e -grandofê'fel wi t, tiaugiter la 18 years olil.At th cavtsnee îî«ri ee;ssi. awnd tse.dnisptt aa t fftt t e tieientî e.iggregate a quartcer of la te d t laprunceti down t, ,. me- cas er tifs isaI onaior 5vlttI ý tae ln .million dollars_ The. recmpueitb le che for convenlenee In gathering th, -nattelblaerptfieSt tebaltoti daugiter of Count James Mnotto. - ll tla oxellt< a hs IU ýL-7 6 ý

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