THE LIRYVILLE INDB>EP>)NT, THURAY. OCTOBER 21, 1920. County Seat Newsj liw i mas lielitastilv lîicke I lits be lnznsandi ran f ranit thebouse le- UKEIRQ N 4iIRL'S woe rs. tHardy, -eu id tell lier Irot h-1 KT 1 er a it e incident. cTV RE CARRIED i Mr. Pereina itm 1 is 1'ardy's experieuce was î'cry BY ÀA O VIT Ilter li ao Ias been deati a nuit. ber ofyears. lad a -heri t taie itefor" ______lier oh. St! lIts. Pei-'il tos il a-lcn -i sa' m caitut',lier 1, oit- con lg"Man Sent to Canon Su ltanr roatida ndtht'e'gblh> ;ue'ir ~y Prson or 2 Year iti t i tid tear eciasioncd by litsi ty Piso fo 20111r i elle % itlti hecente a pais- Ëd Photo-when Arrested. 11'ic i ir,. s sîe taie hl iatuonet -le 1ît . ouu- t-ho esîgn an erder f)t .....~~~ ~~ $'îs-.i.. , oun a le, il tank. r.Penli! 'C. M. AILEXADER EVANEiELIST, DIES 'SUDDENLY IN ENie Man Who Lead Singing in the Williams Revival Here 20 Years Ago, Passes. Kograhs t perons ow lsidtig u'k book l i lieIius" sand wrote iterollections of Waukegan's first $JOlorado Witt lte puzaiedtietoknow ile o dem e n an ordiuar-y i'ee cforreah religions revival. clea evange- 6bOer thirIrpictures ati mb a L.ot, Papuen TIue man look <le order t) lulUt Willams came 10 Waukegaa anti 101 fianda unies, liiey know lice tht- b.flk anti gelt teaîney hefer' lna 5linge tabernacle cleme lte Elile Ijisuit et present La elsecitere of .brsasSrs h.-tote fir theater and aearty buildings stand, I Canoâ itCty, clerc te Colorado could stop paymîent. Ùeiti a two week's revival meeting WOla________ad____hIl 1scaline today cîit word ltaI Charles pa la loent n iahi0 ito. es fl. exnde, for yeams a nloted evan- le for satgeae n20anrbsers aAI geilst dîed suddeniy la Birmiingham, IL rieretDeve t roblts Il a POLICE *STOP AL Lgad »»«$ tomm Into te cayalde and I ir lexander, citen Mr. Williams ýu the car to Colorado Springs was holding fila meetings In Wau- ff hl ti e au1 Clado Splngs LEUU DN PPE S kegan casltus choir leader. It cas lie 0*01I tire taxi driver recovereti cueo rganizedthe litsbgchoir ehicit blOiMMUA and Zk ff1ed the policeleadth îe ingîng anti many a father liRMIoasas»Intir nhetaxlitebroice ND A FarERNîbOeî a il Imoîher ln Waukegan today re- jaaut thaeerrent Of themtsher et call 110w clien Mr. Alexander was à tfWdtire PhOtograph of a Wau- WakgnOfcrsArs o OIsimnging In lits choir. Pa M. aukgahOffcer ArestWo- lula haer Years Mr, Aiexaader enter- "w Oeormslo Bprlogs newapapers man and Man, Said b> be edth fe preachiig work hi mslf -rallher 1, gàmio 'theameothWas ~ da ppn FrersCh . titan continue as singiag leader and M W ent tc ae t de Kdnpia oreasChl s ,years vent on lte iecame more dw kai'1 Priceso tisCit as a CenSIiSpicuohttan Mr. Willianls cho »Ir Maire. Thes Photograpit pro- Actîng la co-operaulon cli heie la hae years bics toIt een iteard et yw as gven during a war romance 73îon police. te Waukegan police o muet'. Mr. Wlliamns' meetings cere Us rOb1er laed Issu a blueisekel Sunday aflernoon aperindedti <iii>seasaîronal a Inte extremeanad lte 4»at lAMes la 1917. Tite man waa People, a man anti a wonîan ahi',.a turneumuth fe lowa apside doca dt 1Vg tlm0etaICanyon City twO o rring te thc report receiveti here.niatepnesta r reîos ifterar. MOr h@e ls as arreslgd. laed kitnapeti a 9-year nid girl troul*ti Mn aterson la Wael gn waso Zion. Those taken [inoeketstory a .a ny'caerted" Iitnug M.aueanderu lurueti aver te George Strieti, assit- apuie la sog Mran morsc MR ATENED 'WOMAÀN tant chiet ef police of Zion. were ctmd MrWilaseteaes MSHAfRlIT rMALIN. Siî'f Ht mama i d tîaMrsvWiliam' enta.. Or.24 tel. 501 Sur-tAYMOND eel. H cAgo * i 1867,Mr. Alexantier tati net quite fin- WITII PARAL SIS RYMoNa H X.L. 1152 i sfCd theie!ftythird year of a lire e i- f3EW rîli the coutple lint , cn iru t It as la 1902 lIat Mr. Alexandier MA K D $154> rEustodv lu Waukeîtoîn ta Aidel 51,1 - tirai rame fMo conspirueus notice in. a 'S yearoId girl. introughuc liel _Englisit speakiug - utsa- abut .1 tek Snil word. havîng acrempanieti Dr. R. A. 01 who said He 'was Doctor afturnoou ahen tilt -iWtukegan l'e'r i orceY, tien supertnentn of the rIed te Intmidate an a ed w ~eidord f-oui the Zitýrt- 1;Meolv Bible itutue. on a corîi - ýW o ntmiat a aed' lil mrianýatî wittil c %-rt i an g enis>ie tour. LadY, Mrs. Helen Hardy. napiung tue chltitiThte ltcalt ofîîrirt-ý - I-eowIng hii campaigna cilli Dr. se iiskéd 10 icrop -ltt ..F,., li orrey, extending overthree erfeur K'MIlng lins. Ellea Hardy. 301 Bel- roule in ahli h tht-s ssu-e gettnn- :years, 'etc Alexander jeined te late Wft street. Waukegan. titat unIers,acti. Motorca-cle Poirenan PoI-ilj 11v. J. Wilbur Chahpman pariy, anti, i onsented te permit hîni to gise Rire ode uorîlî on Shteridan ru-t'A accompanteti by lis cife. !ormerhy Medical Ireatiment, whirh couiti antI mcl the car îîsî it I'ite Wati- Mis$ Helen Cadbiury of Bi'minghahm. ,J9,a allrk alanger aito rep- kegan linîlîs.Tue occupantq cer-t.totredth ie pmripîrfle tes of ibis M1ated hnseif teolte a dector con- arronipalieteio te police station andI country anti maay abroati cils re- ldt a Chîltago licrspt ha.eete Ziou police notitied. ',nambable evangehîstlr succetis. Il cas ý1d te btmckeu cîtl paratysîs. At Zion i ice lest1-tred 1'î s.-sdtlen years ago ltaI the Chep- lr te man lait forreti bist aavHarriet Malin cas tivaicetl lv 1 teman-Alexander campalgri cas ielq la io tha Hardy home. the- aged il on huotanti. Johin 'Malin, hast Janîrary. Chicago, aillicrenters on thec1nort [ Utter earl7 a liaîf lojrs word The custody o! Ilie tee ciildei. acest andi out aides. 8X210g baie Thurs.bay ' mrninq boy anti a irl, % ca sal-led ol tea Mr. Alexander spealtIh firsf week q« Il o'clock finaiiy cas cuiýbîIe husbanti. Recenîly haw ent teailtte-6fJuly'.tast, aithbie Mned>- Bible lat- pof tid offthie man oaly citen lier lhiti.taktng'Iii, son Rftt Iia. t1)iti stItile, Chiciago, chers le itatireceIv- Ob.r. Hernie Dri-c. unc'tpec!ediy Ieaving huts daughir-r cthî lis.nolhi1cd the training wichu launctet i hm 069red ai rhe Hardy iteme. er, . ".Malin, aiîo iies in ~Z1,.- n iî acu eiaa'ii1>4 Oban the -nian appe4red toilofileHomie, Zoon.fIl cas îîndprsîeod tl.- Orho reîresenled i> în -If 'o b.-te tle niollîi oft hoie 11111egiru suld i a' usu Igt of a (ftiîago -cal e irt lita e lrmitcd la sec ect-ocrasi ,itall,"Y E U SI 1soei ite lîti betna :1 iat sîce providinz sile made no effort h te 'Ya4:U ESu gKed té oeil lter home. bils. coni hec* acsy. sras 17î. iresaiti. planat i'aii' can On Sunday Mis. SMain ralied 1* istment hlace- ccg' 'ieîî Zion fî'oîî C'hitago and saîi 1wci a i [11111$21,37ôé IN Idra Hary: for sae. ht u-c ar;din f~i oidcoueFIVE YEARS IçF)U RE S e>loin th îe door. iwalke'l out o!fte hîome1Io icet lit-c îîîctbî' Mtal tht- parlar ant i nto te dI-ansd s'as iîciîed mb tGthe car,. siIi groomi. M:s. tat Iy. cto lias rot cas inimediateli- drivcu acas. Report of Accomplishments in ftin *agoQtlh1cabtit foc a yc:ii,. wsy C. A. Malin. Mihnneapolis. Minn.a iu, nFelisG ti ~evl xciteÈ over the shr" roltrejîresenisix ! It ikl, Vlufe la~ei.a ie.r. 14.' aIQthed i-W Plateicaircati. iappened tale, le ,_i fyng to Managementt. ded ilteli'i c t y-a 'ti-x la-ttc 1 ion Hmbl fieui ttt ic ifhiung gcn-e out'rene nrs 115: . e i te. iliteret .' ho c itsi-motitor.\t i'hýl, 1 veyar g C Pves. ol yeuî eu.. Stat.labout ,i i o mht iii-lai I lit i'le nut, e Iil-i b , i eyasao h ' .C .i &«#a 7001 tatît- ciii kiluat.t- lit- tItoui Il 113;*,1 c4%,auk.-gans'a.s buideuc ti lhîsuoh- -.Streo a- witipa: J.,St., it theluZun Ittltc, e, vti io-i i'., -.lîgatbc et $28910.47 ichen Ed Yager » you. l ilt .iyî'a i7t: ssii ual-i1iho huke4.ian e sonu-et lied heidea lIatinlure sboutit t-ne a rieemPilon funti. H'e cas ap- sialit nouu e.-et.a. -ît-.. Ice întiland ittîIi- Wsti rt i Intae.h chaîrmani !Iletteemptîon i cii iolbe it 'u tt. iy. h-Itut înt îî-uînîu-. c- - .comutrie. wcich wsu-utho s'rk lay- MIi the ii t nci t1tii-ltt '- " -it it liî' tryt 11dutti-e i nt-itrtt Îg plans fer a ipiag eut tle big tiebt. '* >ODU lii uv-v n hz itii ýe ri t-c sucre's> labesi tltiby exatr '1et'as te yottr cc,' co sil 'ii,. i ini.î 1.-i ,anduîtnt-ut-of tht- tttt h tz t. rîgures-Iho- îodsy' it $9.53275- ady. aparrlng for 1010eduloppilî c'u1htI i L,î,.s mandlits. 'lai' îfimeans ilie doitbhlas tîcen de- 11jteeti o! Produring actru te ant ia al !t Io t. ie lti Wt 10creaseut$2. In672lutht-fisc 't-ara ~ger, a-l'tu as a sb.rî, -5'tîhii ('!tilta4tt-Je is PMmari n atlliatnd ati't-u4 t- t la inaddition ihere lIs hie suai of &. inubInletia lu îtîibet il l n . 1, r'î'r'38l.79 in pletiges not pabti anti due, 16.. Chicago. am. vEIJI3njt4 shdthe r'ommittee cen-idersgonod Mm,. Hardy sali sie laaino 'u îc-ýALL ES Nana ultumalely w a-lite paii. t lte lbouse. %%hi5 lf~ j V le the -r' tas bien vers' active ~IA'm juslIl," lisebtrt agercou 31iI In t4 aboys work e! ail kintis, antimen Of .fl "You'd ater boardl a-su fs BO 4 hecemmunity ativantage o!thIe alh- »t money lain bemîy tonds antidmrJette Tr shu'andi olth-mactivîlles .tems ls eue vty titan take care of your 1 n r ~ L rtlvu¶y whIch tle general public th. If you vaut the treaf ment E S LÀTE R knoceIlttIe of. Important as Il la. 1# pn't aparé $150 1I dli give ye'ý 'lufiltlte piacing of neccomers lu 'l"I 'Sp.cs Wouud Kil ler. of John (laclcen,*fornier employe o! caiere Ibis> may have permanent n nu 11-4 Off Mrs Hardy s lb, AmerIran Steel & Wire Company, Içdhiage. un addition te carng for ltun- Wetaches, andti lrcw thenO n a01 duc> o! blonti polaonîng lidcay. aflter reils rtghl aite-Y."'> Thfcfumaihi- 14o -Tbosu- are k'.tng itii. Lt-t fîtîr weeseIbines at ltshome tour alg 0l1 the lotigijgIff itsh "Y"V'la no ip or yswt hýe-' lie umibe. 's fhCnaa mail feature, lîbeia g aboya lit *k autyu eyetg aa itts fot Tevfl ou.e uS gean aIear In tse dormltom'.'107 lper- an eye -te u astlag 'himn;'>,,. r Tae boa sifeuut Inve ek ge ntimanent guests. unaier witlcu are clas- pt eyez. "Look-'at me close." lie Nothîig sas titouatl of te alîght I for esixmnus wto iesati ye anadtmn. "No m euse I o e"Bs'.Y.,ry.Aie iase aecomodateti 3033 Aiasthu-finie lie"oa t t; - Luter. boîvever. blood polsoalng tanslent onelght1guests dtirngte ~~~~" ~ ~ à Lh ltaet k-îti-.- devebIopeti anti evetyttlIng Possible year. Thte bale-r .of men citod e- VIRg tu indutto-Mca Hi'ily Incou aasdonc b>' lt.. parent4 but te a:i sireti permanent ledtilng. butoh Mtê bte, 7.Mtrealment aNsàIL. netties ti, paretnIaite leavea lcoUîoi fot le accomodtaetianti cers - 'Mr. Drew Arr'.ves. la-o eider braillera ant IL sister. Iherefors dîrecte t e privaIs of ter ~Ifflenthy tlcere came a Inock. TIe Mrs. Glacken cas a Petitori. 'Mr. uooging Places,. numbereti 907. ..t tventh e d..,r. folov6ei Glackeu lte fater. il; a aell kiios'n ____Il__ 'lra. -lau Il cn--1,-rt- "-.iher farmnir. He bas hidherses In roe- lUséw. Witeniite mtraiger leartiel 1lin itis circuit. B Y S A EF O bort H. Ouret, Prosident W. a. Smith, Vice Pr.uldent F. W. Churchill, S.crstary end Manager. TELEHONE si ECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. L¶TUCS R TILE - TILLS GUARAEED Capital: $125,000.00 MKÉGAN:~-: -illNois SCIIOOL: CAME HERE 'l wo 11 ycar nli negro toy' ahsl -1- tm rnamea as Danlel Rre. 38000 h:'dsavenue. ("icago. andi James t l'143. Wabash avenue, Chicago, m-et piclKeti up bv lte Waukeffl Plt! teSuntaY nîgi. It deveiopIM t' s' tit-v hati escapeti froiniSt. Bene- I--aacidemy. COrlîlsa. WlS.. 'hey lad ciao.. Iheîr day te the naval sation - t ".lr day 10 Chicago. AI tle naval station titey boartiet a car anti got off tt Wauksgan. tlnkiag île>' vers In Chîtato. OffIclaIs of te academy wore aottlied. WED ON"SATURDAY; TWO STOLEN AU. TELEPIIONE BOOTI RETURN MONDAY TO TOS ARE RECOVERED SUICIDE STILL UNr SEEK A DIVORCE ihe lv.o autbl ewblcb ;ere SOLVED MYSTERY Another Situation Develops infl cacin ?crdgat elegto s re- Arthur Stnipe, Husband of wo- the "aeas Corpûs Case Cao dd f llh. red Cburch- man who talked- to William Started Heme. I11111 car waa asi.en Saturday nigitt; Bue CalsBalrStOW's, car was stolen Bug, Makes Satement. AnrwHotiîlk of Ciîicago c-:.:Io tSufday nlgbt. Bot men have gone Waukegan la.t qaîîîrday tilie1w p.z*ta Chicago t0 geltteir machines. Arthur Stripe. 176 South Jackson lent nt ftle hahalc orIris ' m in Up 1 intis orning the police liitdnet - circuit court brouglit bv 'Niis Helon Yet recelved any trace of Harry Ben- .d tre le hone onif erjsgomplet- Kut. do ta regain flîe of -.~en~ sons car which was sBliefl Moday edaW islla ogecniersaon wt' he- 9year-old daughitrr.lncî.-d lelen alternoon. nileia ion. FCitenl it einni' Kusisdo. Noulk. according ta 'liss mGrs(i atios. laife tlureay afet Kîlsisdoa t the father et lir !ild. rirunoonwheu site heard a alleran The habeas corputs action was ltel JIL CYI hrîandtia lrels aa lied anitcably And ilt' ttti thla' 'tlî.îinisel! white alili In 'the tete- 0 pka. Ms ui.o i'1 f jl ihone boolh on the naval training ai]inapeaedbetimari.E r C'A s tation, todayomalle a statement thaI. alleted b ave le s otEvlIet-e pof noeason why the youag hefr Itmat o i salin1(,!; 1%ruaUE mniwh liîaitibeen a close frisant of ru te casram o~nc Moniar - whpii 13 3IULEN ILIE lte ani'ly fer live .>ears. coniruittird t ht couîple ilttrned ' Voigto aid -suicide. ronllte a 1 AIaItoney1%il re- -BIîrge liai hecn tnthé navy smare Pc'tt a rui0101<IYW ' ili as 1.) year.. utd and ltdonly t tting %(t-lin for îiîrr- Fred Churchill Reports to Po-01aeuior>i year ta serte bpfore lie onl reasn fr ljssi.tti ei'ard a lice Theft of Car From Front coutld have re-ttred on a penson" te 9YeaOld chu iîc mig i ai e of the Baptist Church. Nir.. Striîrn deî'larei. "lie wm'a.14 a tiîle. FriendsarSe entiiosuor utt Il,- pars old anti que of the brIghtest get the couple te recon-idor iloir At 3 o'clock Monday aflernoon Har.gelus antilad asotes.N wa redla intenion.r> Benson. a cieck ai th. Globeà store, the nais. Miss il siado originaîlly%%a, mar- reportedt athie Watiklezan police t eIi îuaatielfeai are . alEiko.nwe eit.,HIul'dson supert.;I lait bFen stolir as la fine iiealllî Burge necerwas osha. but ma rrled loulk wcîleti .-from la front o et lib tre.l.-iel priuayateivIom digh lhought Ertckson lîad divoiced îîipr lpfit itere abt liait an h I prrrulry tenie o ydtîh A chilti was barn, Then il w ao oe.Tt' t er. aito goe under the natte of learnedti fat Erickson iaiti not ()" ,foren .in % the, hsn al*sinc e îrît Nirs. Natalîe Krpger. luîge and My a divorce in , lii.- ilion-- agSaniglîl.son Waller wcre close [r.end. Andl lairi ioc-( ie inr frequenit.Y tl'Y ,ad ai Our bouse ovker vo0e Frck wson t gal. The wfuedi Asvnlstiterst-iCre n ight. Sometirlies lie would sray for voretiErilten. îriHouk rfusd h Fred W. ('hîri'hîîl, 4:t-, Nortfltitree or four nightsis n succession to remarry lier. Miss Kusîvde0 le E tica etieet,--was stolen tt'om In anti then again te would rernain hlm. but later lhe gaineti possesson front ýo! the FirvI HalO st chiur-h in awyfr perhaps a week. We really et~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ alc-it le l ohthrai.Wuea audytih i- r regarded blin as a member of the litI He turneti the litle girîvl til between and 9ortal.Tii ruai family. îHe calleti rie ISad and my hi s cousin. Soren Prom. ta takp rare ter waasreferrcd te the NWaukegar i a t'otlier' of. When Mis Kusisdo I led lie' police. whlo coaductel' c thoroiîgh ".%Irï. Stripe il- pos:tlve slie teard haheas corpus petîtien sIclip niit¶ searet hut aithotlassit. <Ie fatal shot fired, il souatiet like Promt as defentiant. A compte-e de-ct itti,,n of I>îe ma the iteavy tap of a drum. Sue then chine was s-upplie I o thie 1.011e"ofIbhard voltes, but wa.s unable 10t e. 1140KS.1R1G al.lke shoe, c.tit-sbetai-en IMW nec the conversat on asth elv IÎOO SH RTA E wakeeandChlrag.s and as'tta er at i thler candof lthe fine aas O'her citie-5 in lituke in-tuY.bu' lit apî,crtterily decil El lU ,.pie f tItis (Irs.zno-tI, srit.t 1gl't ,i rcee h ro olî ft i 1Nes aof 8"oolng. A.Nt' IEit CAR 15 STOLEN "e n il ie nu icorfl uig 1 I' At 10:'25 1). .Suunday nîliti Chlar- I eboltltig uii it iu.a t LOCAL lîar'îeîvlcailtth auean wIt.i.-utt-flt0t F.FIt' cC tirl1, a' ês i3arstowcallel theNil'a'uta Li -s, îuterrîîed lei le xInnm LO A SoOO llenea nii~ed thon thi lit,- ii: dto (tl hb.' lati-r and 1,t-li~er rof Supt. Clan says Waukegan Es- rocu slol,-î troi lecorner o! Cen "iI- ~ ~ t .î ~. caped by Placing Order Of aorth sore cillesawerp noiied n lhe- itoring Doiînolt1e ar f or Textbooks early., 'tutwlitt si-ail. Mr. Balrstov.. as- t:! Il,:Litige- Wa 1 Iwas 0, ____________ sert edt! ti I l, lia* sa net rr t-h cd at ony i.dtze Ni lu-i l y at t infii 'iei limei 'Ilte text book sîlortage in the pub- tiace of litsc. i 1w tai! r, - t ao, le sCitools 110w ronfrenting thicago ~-fl ,.%%Itl,')ci%,a f21 antillter parts of the state doepara Blot affect Waukegan, John S, Clark. MD U Lt ict lo ieat L.îkes Tltur-dtuay iiit superînlendent of sclîools, staled Q M S. E .B'LRil t 111eofîI;cliti- ai bodyre- day. He SaY. the Pupils there are rpelia iheiwa iarie weil equipped-intactart theilleare AWAYA 0 î-iy lt.Kre-g.-cMci cli .;.1>12. tew cilles lante stale where lte PASiSiES' Lo eEpi'îcuriAIT scbool chltirea are as well provlded gywuw.-i %'aieL UEDrig h for l ienatret 'E in. uim offl lt is lbi *'We foveesaa prob'able shortage In R HOME LRE a-lStn.t,t ai -tit Ki.-ger textboohîs as earIy as îast ispring -noa is belîu-id o d e b-.îi.t*' and ti .ed accordingly," Mr. Clark Det-ri~M lns f bu ueginuerl'y Aimootîr & Co., tri sati. 'We gave thte local book store@ es "lwsfins o bot(it 11Ii gi a l Of lexi books last "May aidttitiey a Year; Lived in Lake ONrs* . ,îîti eclaredthtuaIwitci pu in tfieir orders early. Iiookstores . r h. a.iolud Ilui-e Arceitu runiinL ta other cilles a-aited unlîl later in Cotinty MaflY ears. i p titis evenlng't' Il-teliltd tluaI h. line aumner andi foundti îat te mnis i- otild. coulil not SuîpldY 1cm a-ith sufflclen¶ .Mrs. Geni-ge Butler. a pioncer res- leiir , boOk. Wukeansorier o k»i(lient or Waukkegtîn. passei away îCn îîîlî t, Ct .-lu t.îdl was fIletiearly and lhi oaccouais for ,brlclayatîternoon ai .3-ýtOei,ck St aun'-î-oî,'t-elin, e. i-t kL '.l.-Ot the' tact fliwe have books whitî 1c lien-t re, *'>S14 Ridgela 1 ovenueit 1î..s",IN. , ;li ,'ttOiig t Otiier citles hav"ent.dealtlî(tue te heart disae, M rul. eoi uelî il liitti-s itaI *"lhe ownerseofIle book stores ila Houtler a-a-, 78 earso f ige, For b.---nol'uîoîd îlot tl.., - qlt'tti l Ig WVaukegan ail assert thal fifleen per- ic ia-.i ycar she tati been sîting but <tr 1 o ii ns.dl cent margin et1lroîittallowed the e cliito ook alauttane- e 1e 1i- agiîe ui)\ lIte tel.'I bOOkalores hy. law i% net enough tot wor'te about Ilirce monîlîs ago. iulet 1tl e- pyorhexpenle of hatidlirg tem sabra P. Harmon cas born in War-;lei ii ,tiloelt i laklng intoronsideration lte popirible irn. Ps., Sepîcaîber 26,.1h42. Site V îîîut", t T. 'ite ootng tosses, lu l leîir fear that they might. came toeIllinuois In lSi4 when sie was was relerr-d lit~ a spec.iai bôtid of become ove"tocko-,liche local dealeril 12U ent-s olti, re.iding on Stilwaaiket- inuluil- foriniuestlotation Lie o ordered about loi) fecer books tbait road siest o!f Waikegat. On NONv-nani e laic tk, 11in tirge- we actualîy neeti Thev hav pt iemer 2#C 1864 site sas marrieàtia1 T, b-i1A..'ità: tkru luo Cli. go Bddtffnalerei t sd e arle Pe- I1 Geýorge But 1er. They itîved l a att lday. furTfiial we sut fgel them c-ntltaiîy 4 egan and tiave liveti here ever Murne, iWaool l e si1'. tt- ., asti-ii lu te lucartîinie'tomne of lice chîldren or rîtiltre n acre bot u of tc illtCiO -&the1ýaietii,-ll t'.!tirgo- have purchiaiet second hanti books ti nion foir,. 'eihur S, Ausii'n of Po'p- 1 iadt been oierateid upen 1,i'o or hlave Iten able te borros' tem." lac ci t e auikegati. F-rank Il. Pro- 1t itesfoi a ijîtîtl ttt oi onIjs brtu prieter cf i HIle- ieok d0ýore.p, ovi "i te lc o ti'iadhoBut te tlt' 1- et Shreveport, La , and SIrs. Amy'5h tic l-te PIIYSICIANS NERF E. Eteeuhn do iied abouît Ilifitleen- PHYSIIANS'HER Year ago li ielr titibaud slce [paet'ie follos'lng liother'tant i i- ASKE TO IfihT Isý Thonraa I-unt. !4lcof, TELLS WIIY PRICE PRE CRITIO B Misouri, itlii' Haristo! ofMiekeron OF' lARD COAL IS PRESC IPTIN BA ýNIrh. sud Glerge Ilaicît on of re". date. fOuit. - 1t11Butter.was a nîîtîturrcof the IH A IT S Waukegan Doctors Receive; hic nurcIî ___ .Letters Urging Them to Join, hont.Inrnient. Oakoo e m 1t1ey. Capt. Jenkyn Who Brought a the New Organization. Cargo of Coal here this week. cWleizan 1t1.vIî?ans a5fv ~Wi S OTA~Gives Explanation. Ilire ils'. il iii ii ieni la buce. rsMJ f~~Accordiug to Captain A. '%f.-Jen- Mîenîbel s of un ü iganizton thie pur- 5 k4 îuivL ,j s kippe r of the olier Odanati. piose of wh iIl.i to iight any hetritha- SE TMID D ? wich brouglit a cargo of sofii-cal tion ientiîng l tdaeitie acmber jnisu-juarrqî te Waukegan docks last week, anti clans ai-e ermiiled ta lwrite. ANS R.,E. Y. wIS dnt 1tetinofbr ,tag acar-go of liquoru~î est ilittiens luni pliyi y*dent w tetion for aoinii it ei 1f alte tt-ce ,e Itîas bt-en a decideti figîl on uoiiong certainu prominet members of Itie iitef'iruol pr-ofession 10 place te i-siane o!fs-hisky pre- scriptions on a sîricler itasîs. Tire nec organuntulton, it a ppc Sms. la pla3ned 1 to cobat aay sudc ffi't. 'Mètitersbtil lu tire orýgani7atln, [t Is exphaiued. 1-cals an initial tee of $11. wiluî a nitly f ee Of $1 thiereafter. Tht- receipt o! Iheme eîîers lias cr-eateti con.gider-abie Interest aiflehg W'aukt-gan hhysiiaas. and ti lil known lIaI ioule o! Ileni lave spurnet Illhe effer teo jo anlt-nec or- ganîzation. Thte Lake county repubilan cen- tral rommnilîe las opened iteailquar- lors lu rooni No. .1,Wefzeh bulding, at flic nerthcast crnér o! Wasllng- Ion anti County streets. W. 0. SamBnîspetretary ofte or- ganîzation. ta la charge ant iclil te titere contlnuroushy f rom aoc uatl atter lte election, Nos.ember 2. Ally. E. V. Orvîa la one of te,ý- absenl-mintiet man lnte county. He 6trOlied labo lte Waukegaa police sta- tien Tturmtiay. 'itay, l I>' ver coat.herig'> te a.k- e5. -ft lbas Ico pairs of gboves anti mY baak. book ll tsepocl<ets." - le&k itergeant Frank McMaztamaa 'Insiltlleila, earl anti presenîl>' draggsti lte roaIout of thecst oIanti tona- choget. "W oUln't thal frosl youm puaklns." th1e iavyer seid. "I dlian't have thte toast idea, i voult i fnd t. hitem-la tact 1 doh't kaow toc it gat tes-e but 1 hravs trleti every ter place la. lova andt as i vas golng by bere -J coulai chance a mitot lanlte dark." Mr. (irvîs adoiedti iaIttesaine coaI was los1 a yeum and a haIt on on.eoc- cauon. lie ftnally fount I lnlu'ltse sbienit's office la McHenry ceuni>'. Irie saya ite doesn'l' 1<11w hec [t got moire.m kie la tliîaking terleus t&f iavlng a etra adds'ess 'attachedtIto lte cat diîb lte propem aniotnt of postage aftîxetigo0 it Ila case ite loes the~ ceaI agWa it vtlget bteck tla l 5111hlemsatrouble... 1 -la tis vartlcuiar case le iosn't rememnber viien le dore hiiaovercoat lutl ouItaîaIl tMay h4ace beeri lust vhnter. of lýard roah back tb Waukegan, tl cosisit uablon vîli fol case up an>' untii foreignu tlries lire able te supply theit oc-n coal neetis andtihie Unitedi States ceSses erporflng ceaI. "The People et tis country rmuaI expeet le îîay higi pnîces for' Coal clea tle peoplein la l>'stand ready 10 psy $35 a ton for ailt ard coal delîveredti Iere. b le tany conder lIaI tle coal OPeratoars prefer te mhilp chers lte>'cao gel lte bestlprîces for tîsîr Producîf" ne malti. Captaîn Jenkyn sati Il probably vouhd te son, lime befome toneigii couatries cOtlîticatcht up dit ceai production anti refuse 10 acrept ship- mente f rom titis country. Wetea t lune comes te teitL lial tle price et coal lere couhti te locer. Itntll lIen lie reudtse ne toper Mr relief. Indications are Mhat Wsaukegan ciii have an adequate suisply o fitard ceaI. providing toals maletehîe ex- pecteti trips bers. No Grattude. Me' 0 t oOut gottea en la tiIs eau at if YeistP op 70cr trl toLk itee îî ion a shouilil flr>f taie u kick lui-ause 701 lîtveit naan t-5a8 sUp,-talies Belvidere, Genesee, Washing- ton, Spring, County and Lake Streets lncluded. Arcoinpafled by a petion sligned by a mnaîority of the property oWners onail the principal atreets ta the bus- &ness section, the City counoil on Monday nîght received a letter fromu W. C. 1-ollister, Seci-etary-nianager Or th1e Uflamber of Commerce in be- liait or the directrors a9king for lthe establishîment and maintaInance of an ornaniental llgbting systent of lthe organization, thre proposed umprove- mient being one of tile mosî ambitioniq ever attempted, andi one lthatwouid greatly improve the appearance or the City. The tcPetitioners asked fiat tie Ilgbting, systeni extend over the foi- lowlflg atreel,: ijeneee etreet f ront BelvIdere strel o Grand avenue. %v.ashînigton street, lrom Spring 10 UtiCa irtreeta. Blvîdere strept. Past of Gene.3ee. street and wesit 10 lak strept. Madison street front courity In iyllci <on soutb tide 'or Cîreel only.) on Madhson stroet front('ounty to, Spiring on hoth tilder of îreet. County street, front Madison to %Waler streptt. Water gîrpot frram County strfet In ýSteridIan road. Lake street. frorîî Gene-ce street to Norlth Shore Dairy. Tie ownerq-of the propprty in rthe prescibet lerrttory asketi that thte Improvement fie fnancod by special assessinent toý be paiti in ton an- filiai instaiments. -ni1e counicui placedth 1e pét ition on file 0 motion thalt thé prayer of the petîlloners lie granted andi a resolu- lion was adopted ta prépare esti- mate" for presen6alion ta the counicl. 'l'ne cost of maIntainance hi 1<> b. borne by Ithé City. #.,,ter Little. 1t - .** aid M.rrtlo'i,, îith the , , 1 tr. . ,. i i 1.; 1 ~ '.11,a, ultr vail, 1 ,t ln fil~ i r 1 . t e: 1 - .UItc ' * ..Uo doe-sn't rjîake lir s......Love's a fireç. anIl itiîît hv i. n tt . î If aligl.I. lit a a, -ti.u.t lItl.. riat , il' ng îrney Ili,. . hySi 'I L.eb. SQUEEZE D TO0 DEATH %%%m the body beginat tiffan »ud movement become.puinful it à uauay a= Indcation tathe k&dn lvae out of o&,-r. 19»P Sb.. Or *ishoahy y MU«n ?rbe wodsWeIWad remdy lier bldney. L*ve*, blUoendlSk maadi woubl Wmmouu mince lOM Te"e teulasty ai hop In god . l*,"zee *u<tet. Gaummid ernm.tmi DY, . L. T AYLOIR Office in Firei Natioml UBai, Bmiia RUUta:-1 10 i3:30 and -4 la 8 P. M. luideuce un Broadway,,oppo@ite para L.ibeityiUe, &doio. DR. 0. F. DUTTEIRFIELD. VETERINAITSUL4U Libertyiel. Ililinots. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law ilfie ab Home,. Cook. Ave. plione163 .1 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS A TTO R EY-.AT-LA W Libertyville . Illionois LUce Bulii. aes. t'houe 136-31. Ouce Pàone là PAUL MAC GUPMI. A'TOENEY AI LAW. Ulbeityvilîs, Illinois DR. C.- 0LN ET TELEPNONES M ^NÔ U MIe. wlth fraimSa...u LISERIYVILLE .: ILLINmoII.. f. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTUREn 0F Merbie. and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work oft 2very Description. Sorrespondgence .Soicited 16Genesee st MARIN C. DIER ITIMT-AT-LAW M0?Washlmton strest WAUKEGANJ. - . ILN 'OnePhono 0U8 Esu. Phono 4860-x SEEK TO. HORSES JUDE H elen Morto Dodging Ba Won by 1 one for Helen La ke 111orft-sI al ton. t h e- "ait k l"lrbt of ail Ji file business a-C Helen. a dismi Ji; engage inta t- lrylng 10 gItan ter th1e Cîher t'eabody âStuc 5 nObtionlla1 hie I Ji really 1s on la an old ti ory. Miss Morion court 1% aukelga home, Wfio cit entiy Injureti w h e r forcies. Ho 't-tors nodia t lit MorIon atiketi h M-e wast awarld jà.uitto April il, 4h1e rase ha, mince anti nw 1 itg la collect il MUlýs Morton atI tt homte o! tercetbutrlors, tlievetilth- rtîo- agit. am gmui- W, ,- 't i tt t-e ý h11er'ln-cu1rila keI ' 10 hi,- l R. WEI CJROCERY General 1 STAPLE AND DRY (JO( BOOTS MIATS Countn Produ Pite LAKE VILLA P. E. ML DRI. REXALL, COUGH Standard Bock C cfZectionetry Perfumery Carefully TMIE R~ GRAYSLA F-1-F SPARI Are Gasine Sa The New and Lr gînes. Heat aur rut Aiffret tiisP DIETZ/