AÀLE LAST DAY PROVED SBIi SUCCESS, CoetiUnued Prom Page One) Quid by W. l.Marin, larrington.« ý.W=tke. Gurnee -Canaru Sadie t Virginme; $290, lH. K. N'ose, Gurii-' SWutzke, Gurne-Registraî ion Fur'; $240; Lloyd Ritzenthaier, 04 Kane, Area-Ruby Spot Prilly;1 ý,4 .Benson, Grayâlake. UlKaae, Area-1eli Croit Nétbor- %LMY; $400; G. R. White, Antiocb. 0. Ans, Zion-Moocisy Jessie Beeta: $410; L. G. Hutchings, SView. IHenry, Zion-Beauly Korudyke, br; #360; Guy Patoia. Ournee. .X. Uddy, Zion; P'earl City Segis; U H. pepper. Laite Villa. 9sýa0 Bros. & Co., Libertyville- ir'Tehoe 2nd; $600; Clark & d&gfflvidere. i4êbSe Bru. & Ce., Libertyvile- De. Kel Burke; $276; E. J. Ceun- Wd Igt Dixneast II oi. I. wu'I Juilaa Akitrun of Rock; U,. . B. »nsn. Grayalake. IL E. Rlaes..East Mole; nDI.-t RUMuiibUe ord7ie; $240; 11» Ebmde. Belvitiere. 0 Pe Ftenuen. Ltbertyvile--Ruby ty Keradyke; $286; Guy Farmen. %L Peterou. LUbertyville- It Wakefield Farme. Barringten. N. Peteraen, Libertyvlîie-han- IDNgm&kie Nit Hengerweld; $145; @9 MiEode, Beividere. %& Petersen, Iàbertyville-Pet Col- i* CI(bllde; $155; Lloyd Ritsen-P R.Pratrie vlew. On Nichel. Ariigten Heigbts, 111. iWe Dutchlauti; $350; Earl Kane. »Z-.'arman. Gurnee-K S P Oakt- 1leibJe; $410; L. H. Pepx.*r, Laite C V. Iielblook. Birrington-Martin- t Xemestead Jobanna; $310; W. 1. thm. Barriugton. . B. Murrie. tiraysiake-Martinl-1 0 Sir McKinley Segis; $200; W. 1. t*5. Barringten. , V. Vose, Gurue Klng Kerudyke *~ $180; Mrs. Kate Miller, Bar- lsie White, Aullos; Rouse' 14 Ares; John Wirtz, Area; E. J. SPrairie Vlew; C. G. Brainard, bd Laite. ail bougbt calves con- çi by varlous breeders. Thie Pmtre red Bull Sale »9 gelieral lunsp in prices ot farmi Was materially affected the prices (,ofr pure breti uila solti la thse 9 .Oeunty, bull sale lait Saturday. >,,0 Iles açîtiaberageti $80.00 Per jIp INhetop pricese! $155 was palti VA#, BIbise et Guruse. fur a pure Ilolutein. censigned by Ira G. ,ef Gurase. Fromntishe stand- 4oet priceai recelveti by the con- lo the sale vas net an outatanti' oees, yet tise majeity o! tise a i i k i L- otp tait PI ais lm i We have now sta, (ed to suppiy 1the library. The most of them are belng scbool notes to botb Libertyville pa- loaned f rom the pupils. The cbildren ,ers, The seventb grade h as taken tlle out eue book each *eek and keep up the project of furuisbing notes to it two weeks. The Independent, as the eighth grade Willard llyatt. Gilenn Ayers and la doing su oi, t he Register. , Clarence Sebrooder hall the misfortune' Mr- MNcTaggar&, principal of tbe An- -. ,f bavîg sligbt accidents, For tisat tiocb achool, and bis corps of tUachers reason tisose tbree puplis bad to stay visited thse Libertyville. Gransmar out of school. school Friday. Those iuterested lua1110 Gladys Farrell and Clarence Smith IÔWer grades visited tisem, whiie those were promoted inte the "A" division interested in the upper gradles spent of 1the reading class.t the day there. ý»et rd Frlday was evideutly visiting day luaa.tl rd ail iarts of the county. and Liberty.- Twmatyeight mpilis perfect ln, at- ville received more t han lier share of tendance. .t visitors. Miss Lucile Byrd aud lirs. Girls are taking Up the making of Ada Janseis of Lake Zurich and Misses sewing aprons by baudl. Neya Toyntoxn and Rî%by Brooks ef i Tbe seventis grade language elaas Wauconda gpent thse aflernoon Vîsîting bas again taken up pltre study. our schkoo.' ,Tbey are ststdying Careits pîctures and .First Grade are glad to. because they are Inter-i The first grade bad siXty*boysa ad este luntise trees of our town, andti girls pertec t in attendance for the past Corot paints beautiful pictures of ailq mntb. tes 'i11e pupils are maklng a "Boogie I lght Grade' Corner" that wiii frigbtbn anyone wbo The -Ighths grade bas started ls "doesn't wateh out." rr'ading table, and on it yen wiil flud Tb*E Robins have finisbed their1 ail of the curreat magazines, surit as pumpkin hookiets and the Bluebîrds "The Literary Digest," "The. World's are naklng s squirrei bookiet. Work" and sorne eight or ten others cf The freeband cutting posters are tbe sane quality., DiffeZent mesisers quite decoratîve. are bringluz the magasin«s and ietting Alice Mess and Melvin ýÇohner are tbe grade nos e e, and we therefore now six years old. The cbildren are lie te becoase acquainteid witb thse stili tbinking ef their surprise parties. best magazines. We are permitted to MARRJEDANOTIIER- 3 MONTMI BEËIORE FIRST MATE, DIED Mrs. Myrtie, Nowac asks Cir- cuit Judqe to Annul Her Sèc6nd Marriage. lin. Myrtle DNuwak ..s very inucis m4rried wben ah. and Jack Nowak weer, wed -n waukegan. Nov. 27 1917. but sh. didn"t know it, and today she aPiheared ln the circuit court le get the heip of Judge C. C. Edwarde ln straightenlng out themanitai tangle. being rePresented bY Atty. James .G. WeieI,, who aiso tes;lifledlu ner be- a4r. Welch depesed that 11e hat ex- alnined thse recorda ln Wlnrtebago county andi round that while Mrs. No- wak's fîrst husband, Frankt Moore, '0811 fUled bil for divorce ln that ceentY ne decree was ever enlereti andti hat Moore died two tflonths atter bier weddlng te Nowak lnu Vau- kegan. As the. second marriage was "sr- ternsed before Nleoré's dealb' it was nWjlet. lira Nowak's attOrneY dlC net know Wlsetler bis client vould remarry Newak Or net. Pared n iti thse population of thee 0J- e r townshi.ps luthe ciuuty. a5. That said grand jury s con- siulited, centains e i mt.aerý frein ai ;oýwnbp ut Bntili, t(, '*t: The, Lw,, uen autive îîaueu aii lu i ati- l oi. Jiereto M', .XtL. b-ý-mal- LUM E.fiai Woud aBn üýU1îi L.1 b.1 ;.a( ail ivtte I du iiAeýitber.,l oft11 ; lnd jury a i. th., ie loiÏwîig ef WJilur diertu \ J'a. alo: o a i; ebat aiofethtie- are l i euîlo>'. that Harwouijlis anulica in [lis cburcb; tbat Scbiucs la manag-er .of, the generai store sud tilat iisbOP lehbis justice o! the pestce. Ï. Tatapplicante are net, iu fo.4gt(.as w isow tihe pùi-ýouis .fore- baid, Lecanie members ofthtie gr'and Jui). vaiictilart) at a tinie iilen fi wuà c ommiuon knowleetge in Lakie cotilLy t.at the. alieged crinmînal acte, cf iAibdr Glenn Velus wouid bie l- veetigated at this terni of court, and 'appîlcauts respectfuiiy ssk tihe court ins izqutre iste the natte;. Admit Vol.va'&,Power. In paragraps eight tise petîtioners dec aie that the applicants foi, the spet iul venIre are iaw ahilling, peste- able, Ged-fearing peuple, tisat îbey bave loolte tt the ;aw alone for protection and entercement of their rigbts. Tbey point out andtisist tbat 'tbey are "not the aggre3ors lu tise conflict witb Voliva," anti go on te show tbat "many cf ibetu were ameng tise finIat ettlera lu Zionun- der Dowie. long befere Voliva bail arriveti." However. tbey argue that whatever migbt bave been Dowie'à original plan at Zion City that plan falieti when bie bécame bankrupt sud dieti, anti the direct sale of tise prep- erty of tbe lace factories, tise Conte electrie and ethera jprovedi their con- tention." Tiiey insist that thse city ls Épt andi bas not lieen for years a cburcb aettiemeut." and Insist tbat tbe population lea almeat equaily di- videti betw.een Voliva and tiiose-wbo are Dot witbhlhm.", They admit that Volilea hai een Jn centrol of the, City geveruxueut lu tbat bis foliowera held tbe offices and do bis bldding. They argue tbat bis authority la absolute and ezer- cised lu every pbase of activlty, re- iglons. socIal. economlc aud poLttcal and that ohviously b. bas become a grest facter in th iseban t o Lulze conuy andi appicîsuts Idioee la lu cousequence cf the premises ciii- boldeupti te violett.e1the aw of lthe stWa'.itoGt ai wiil as lie bas MOtl, lear 0f the protesses o! lb. iaw" Thc paragraph coucludos lty e'tv ing tbat Vouvie bas '*aPPropr atedt,,N hWe own use and heneft lthe pubîlk parka in Zion andi bas stopiped op Lt sewer, etcr.. deapite the lujiiuctionat order cf the court," sud tbey point eut aillof thîs ie 'but a part o!f1the plan te chare tise ludependeuts out of Zion Clty. Atnug Volivas efforts3 111ev say is th1e erection cf a hure atigu board, circulation cf posters, etc. Tbcy say thar bis tollowers "bleat at various independeuts as tbougis tbey were a herd of goaLs." Thse petitioners argue that thsey bave been law-abiding citizena, bave net been the &lrgreesor orni account- able for thse personai confl <rte andi argue tisaI othérs placet Inl their po- sitions would bave useti violence In ftiethoti ot sdvertlaing lecali>'. el men bougbt their iraI purebeshv loenaddtUi- tl andi tiresecillera isougist bot- Alleged 'paclclug" ot the Lake 0 L A KE VIL LA 0 eshv lebenatttu n s te breeti thir boerts, Such ceunI> grand jury wilh feticaers of!0000 000 O0000 000 0000 creasing our influence. You an, ver>- this oue wtIl ebcnîually gel WhIlbut Glenn Vol'ta andt lat it aasli raT hte i uetiigwelchto ean> tof the meetings. 911Yer gr ad e oa ll cteion Inoetige, e eeseer- .pwaî,ber- nother tront Chicago fer a few George Brotutton la quile IliIat bis ~nyth utiae oa e tsejlebeinesigtdwa 'eopoeti we-ekti.home ber-e, ant isîadaugbters fromt 8anti the Par-m Bureau. thb, lttdsy hy Sales Attorney Janmes (,; ofe! lbDelle Sire Camnpaigns W'elcti. amb predicîcîtle char0es au Mral. AI Boeohmn spout a ev tisys re- Chicago are turing- for hlmý lly ve vwilI gel id ot the 70 madie by Atlerney Meklenhu-guen1t) iti relatives iu Chicago. ___ L o ! gra tdes an ti a ubs a ntie amoisîti a l fl ai W ednesd y wlii't Irs. B-Ile Kelogg of Nile , M ic b U NI Tise firal impression bas been Jutige R. K. Welet, of Rocktord. cisiteti lier atînt, Miss Mary Kerr. anti aP lunlthe tirai Place. the proeediler neck. iyp-,shcïaeIf e salt, it n-as net comnien knoîltdgi' Mr. tnntAirs. Corson are uew nîcel>'jy 1~I lI that 'oVklia n-as te ble incesticatel. se(tîlet in tise Mary Koîr home. Mn.T S ' IST IN ne mftgI4 % , M-,eore. 1MrIe Wch ter'tared ihat theliripsTii!. I oraou recentyinvetet lu a Fordý è.m s'u i C ett ei ;n th? terving ot -qlbpoeiial.;fer %vit- Cl s u i ?s i n i -Id- . th p m la u cf iis i u ~ It n w g- l 'l sM01 M a F r î l a u t e a n t i clî d re n E S T E C l R I bM ,d".eflritale t l-'thetnioe. itiP rsc'îuul ';~PPtniatunday lu Chicago, i rnr ' .a- ,n b, irepP1I e: tha uil wi hs r:uîildVeîlturnnAiîtho anti seken. Jam e suD.u L. Glover, Escaped Lunatic, of the 190!11(,teeatcuti inWisconnet r«i :n4 'a 'e7eso ru or te faiest us- M .atdives lu. A. ilon started Is Picked Up; Has St#ange "ut0111 lf1 - -, auand ru pîlession a1 mn Inul ~î,letnSatorda>' for Hot Springs. . tornalHallucinations. >14I i- w nu-a ii ltIe bird andItllte cotmnt- nontha stay lu bop-s ot heuefitiug. lls for amusvenment. 'We caintulouselte granit jury a NIlrs. Wiliou's lioatlb. i s collection :tgenre ult fu et W. J. Sebona o! Wbit'ngLu diana, Zion, IlI., Oct 14Catln -aIi- 1 î itîve t-en sttç s ttni-y," tic apent lise veek end iwiîh i. daugltors n-as ~.ohn the Bnrtit" sn escapeti VYBaUT ~ ~ ~ j dcat-et Mc. Welch, "lite-e li't ut been hore. lutibt-mezocîay Ho-s mlvi r&ii~m a ay tai sorie Zion persan lias att; Emacît Hook. who lias heen in tIse, ILDIK - flWIsF Ibreughî romptainîs iii thîs offce,. Ir Lake Cont>' General hospitai foes the tiral seen by Theodore Fcnby, Cil>' 'JwURYk niinPÀatio'lKED"ii put1 six veeki. bas se fan recovereti Atorne>' ot the, Ciiy et Zien. andthte .ia theut ne aould i halr«,pt thse county. as taulb. aSie te be motedtot his home nan att-ted to Mr Fonby Ibat lueaas MlA1R E 'N$E - Thene are a number et civil ei' ant isl doing uitely loek iig fcr 1the office et an attorney'. againit Voliva antInlutIse face of ait Evening Churcli sert-tacs amI begin -Wtaft attorney' are yon bookiug Nth1e tacts presenlet tIlie grand Jury et 7 o'clock, commanclug Oct. 31, fori nOAAL P TI or an>' Previous on. undoo.btetit> th(, Dezi bey months, Insteat cf 7:30. tor! Aiket Mn. ltors>'. ameulti net bave acled ti terwie." Ploase note tise change of tise. " i 'aflI 10 sep'Zhon' attorney'," Waal"f___ age____ )Mr. sit Mmi. Dentela anti Mr. and ti tedth e strangen. "I vaut te lu- mtlaetiIre Pae Ole. auaNs lis. Petemaca îrsnsaèteil business la tOns hlm tiaI I'm John thse Bapîlat."1 RDIdi~IRI FIST Waî,kegan Thuratia>. "Yeu are, are yur sait thse et- mc cernThe Bus>' Beea met vits lin. R. A. tomne>. at f'elle iJeooosas u/' l Daniels Wetiueatay oet his veek. _"Yen den't seent te believe me.," i City eue Wibu o'1'e l Volt a AIMJ ATI L RUIMra. O. Barnatable speal Sunta al ath ie man.,,Im 1he grealest man - Ctïg a-crmie ie, tif and i L W IlS the Chittîdeicufasil>' at Guree la tise wolI" ou»PlntTomsA. Ne!- ~ffjf Ilff"Iantitromstbere venî to Milîwaukee fer 1"Tise Wurld je ta , fuil let e, 0 et anti concerain aail 9f saidt ur L l LII evdYs. aA i.Fr Mt ad pensons simtlàrîy ait- Mra. Avis Wicitsaanti Beulah lert aragr tsnlunt o i -- Saturta>' te spent 1the vinter vithls se anti valked tawa>'. n.F' S lien Oit>: The Odanab unloatet a car'go eofsofi Mm .Wlceaa' aunt at Sunuer,. lev, w& ne aMer.illb lceatiCh bor tie llic oeplanadet a oal ai the Relais tdocka ln Waukeg",i Mur home viii be'occupleti turing beriliecsr- look tise strsnger te lte pet- bt*t acurriiotis.taasanti malti ,laiseek. The collier la ceno,ilaed absence b>' Mime Pales e saint qeto istnh jIf ther, nti 1hll niset ~ 'Cp.Jny.aobasisedian-lira. Keele>'anti ebiltren et Dixon, I kfe learnettaI tise ia n', ae vu I tse lae o Ilinta re u-tiielien cf bat-tmg br't tl isetalbonI'fM., ame vlsitlng ber parents, M. suid V. L. lbyen, tisat ho escajiedtraIm , 8lau ndntPute 0tise con- leat o! cetai te tisat clty. Tisawus lt s. Foler.wiwrs en>AalUkein ~kMeatonc fuci mlte. e'.Jenkyn recalledt tisIfhwua agala 0ce- lire. Keller neturnet Puits>' frottaWl.., On Ucteben 511, andt tisIlle bat 0101110%Of tise PÏaetriols andi casion for Wauksgan vhen lthe boat a xateitlI iSbraie aDa nIsl atit nttto ~ tiel- .0enusîaZ-n ar-t-t.Idaiso. mnce l913. t ounty ut L ats, atome- '~beleve tisai.practical>' et-efli Mn. anti lra, E. J. Lebasam iare lbyen a, s quepn sIen>' te telli c.i- - ~ ~ ~ Oes In this yl 'muet have turnet] eut uspendiug tb'ee veeka aI lhier home cemnjng him escape.1He clgliedthtia thie grand Jury nov hn ses-. te saes tue boa unleoed," be sait. hene. enjoylng the beantiful autuansatmlleset theasumvr uga '011 tie bills ailluregard "iadock vas 11usd with people anti eiî'< ma îia 1R e tsos e lu nov- au btlugs above e-Bi e nU tiousetti vere en the iste Mn.an Mu-. Ray' Kerr anti lra. 1&g0 hall beeau o.a ray witls b> Stiseugistlb. malteraspub. i sure. If was aulte asu etIand (,O nU. tahi u.î :to rn îr ees vrîoesemiauoit ee G oge lilteeiofetChicago m4>st i»V. asyliSi officiais. He aie ia i thegrnd ur wee u IerGn semm afilns o ele oaldeys ibis veek vitistheir- par- r-Censmate was tiuipatehed u bi 1la ap(caî cnnt:Odr im. linanti li. ra.nses Kerr. Wl'. Une ,mortng Se loeket toper' *0sW rlgbt-liuiiag men rouît."ireciul disinctly tisaIliser nt- a ALbreuameinlatWni nilsnpseiavysoti'aA. *0Ie i.tmntnet Iereon. progýaun, Portion ot Which constviFfdiA ierglrmeigltWdls n hnPsd-Yeoua& MSthie publîsheti liai cf It, etoftise Mayer 'tosslig thetir-st bueS I i1 it;yue Ladies' Att Society' re-electeti ie tien got a-,11011andias tisir. >7 98draw conaine thet wvus ceai. - Tis art was greeteti1 Uîe folîowiag effîcers: Pr-es. Marie baiement 'widev openot h. mate 3Sf>' ~ ~ ~ ~ it 9tiaucuantth- Cheers. Wuegnlog istasin; Vice Pres., luez Manzer; islq escape, belleving tisaI tise vfntv ~t- is ableSsaLi~îou011 aregu i ueraIn oa av erco e glti p t ear sncbgotuwotDu as OPelistiferoie îsbenefit go sa te lawiln i o'tbJO r11n Ctey ee a11i t bve ceiSec'y-Tr-a. thlDula.D facilitais, la escape. On ie sia ares hd, te-iWtt: Ifsfly O. Shaw andti tuaI tisetims batlattilut arriveti." belOton 9mliliasetdue le tise om- t hia f arme onaifew ay. autà * 1110 ti i t a t n e n l a îipt. J en in m a les qu te regu ar cien e>' f e b.officer e a" tic em lt fle, ts ncam e onm f o viser. b.ys a proortona o le trips tO Wantegaeanti lau tuevutoimore Iban $800 having beau eau-ROt tukon laIe custotwu *Wetdmt townaiip. as cen- a aumbel Oet OCai Peope. ani phi ovat csu-ci mupen ani ober, A. D. 1920. J. A. TREPTOW, Village CI"rk. NOTICE 0F SPECIAL VILLAGE ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREDY GIVEN THAT ON PIDAY, ithe tIs day et Noveusher A. D. 1920, ai the- VILLAGE HALL, iu the- Village ofI Lîbencyville, lu the County of Lake sud ifRaie ofI llnois, A SPECIAL ELECTION WILL BE HELIS for the- Iurposetoft-ding utîcu tlle pippositien te ievy an manai tax of1 net les xct-ed two milîs on the.dcl- lar, u ail taxable proeturltflu sait Vil- lage. un addition 10 Lthe taxes levleti. aî, liîîîîled Iby Section One cf Article Elght oft"An Act for the Incorporation of Cties sud Villages", aeproted April 14111. 11672. and Ada samendalory tîsere- te, foi the lui posO of niaîiainiug pub- lic îiarks ta salid Village, in porsiudO of the provisious of au At Iou iiir- ize Cities anti Villages haviug a poIlu- laîton ut les than fil Iy Ibousani. te nuintaîn by taxation public giarka. ap- proceti anti in force Jonc 291h, 1915. aàdtihIe amendatory Acta thereto, wliiclî ciection null be upeneti ai set ou e'clese lu thse iiieruing andti muIcon- tinue open util fît-e o'cloet ta thse afternoott of thse sanie day. THE SAID ELEUti iCoN 1S CALLED IN PURSUANCE et the Act abeve menticuet. anti in pursuance of an or dinance, paiseti sut appreveti b>'tise Presitiput and Board of Trusteels of sait Village on thse 131h day o! Octe' ber. A. D 1920. GIVEN untier my band, atI bertY- ville. Illinois, Ibis 141h day of Ocleber I RàPTES-1O0Cuits P«e LIseEachýlnaerson. E20 CemtalwM uuCharge '0 - - - - - - FOR SALEl-Heu sa ailotsaai re»a Redi Puliets. 12 White Leghorn coct-. enable prie.. andi easy terme. M&- cris. 12 Rhode Islandi Redi cocker-cia <Win Autn. 0Ut! andi recaters. spprohlmately S tons of jLame bay, 2 stacits eat etraw, 200 baies FOR R2INT-1l'room bonse, stel* rye straw, approximately 500 ahocki beateti, Ciwnlhed or anfui'zished. good ri4ie c9m. 1300 busisel. white Inquire on -the premise ofMm-. Pearfe Oats, 700 buabeis Cliter seed 'data. q~John Rous., Citizen» Bank, Ara. 'Çlarateed f re.of foui seeti; 100 bishi- 8331ff. larYs, 100 busisels barley, 2 Deering grain binders, one nearly new; 2 man- WANTED--OOD GIRL FOR GIN. lire iproaders, eue nearly new; 2 ERAL i'OUSEWORK. NO LAUN. tructk wagons, one nearîy new; 1 hay DRY ORK WQK ESY.MRLleader, 1 McCormick crn binder. 1 DRY ORK.WORK£^$Y MR&champion mower, 1 Jobuson gang StSITM,83 NO. CENIBIE S'FT, pîow, 1 elgbî-foot disc drill, 1 Janes- WAUK9àAN. PHObNE 99L. lit ville cultivator, 1 MeCorici homes rake, 1 tbree-aectîon sIsel drag, 1 put- %vANTilIten or womnen to take ir- verizer. 1 walking plow, 1 surrey, near- dersa amoug triende and nelghbora lY iiew; 2 single buggies. 1 breaking sor thse genuinse guaffnteed hoseeiy, cart, 2 roait carte, 1 mutk wagon' I but, fulllino formonwons &nýI c i,.aeigh, 1 cutter, 1 gravei box, 1 feeti fnblin. fr aea.womn ai cU.grinder, 1 four-rolli cyitone cern dren. Eltminates darnlng. W. pay huiker. 1 steel tracter. i ten-bors gas- 50e an heur for avare lime, or $24 for odine engine, 1 on. anti ee-iatbors. full timse. pefrtieeunnecesafvy. Pumping englue. 1 pulnping jack, 1 Write International Stocklng Iiiii tanning' mili, 1. piatform 800-lb. w.igbt sraIe. 1 cern iheiler, 200 oak »nets, 5o Norîlstewn. Ps. * 11-24t feel 4-inchbablte. more or les,, 50 grain sarta. 100 teet res with horse fork FOR SALUE-I acres or short cern. and pUles; 1 double work barnei, Phene, 108-J. Calvin Ellis. 42.2t obe-balf set wrt hameau, 1 single collar anti hame hamneau, 1 heavy sin- gle hamneau, Ilgit single hamnea, 1 FOR SALE-1,000 shocks of e!uonabrd two-bundre<i gallion t ettle, 1 bar- cern; 25 tons of No. 1 ciever bey. rel vineqr. 2 twenty-inch collara. 2 Albert Goulti. Telegraplr Roati, Lake twenty-two Ineh coleas, 1 galvanlzed Fo'rest. Telephene Laite Forest 701. elght eau couliina tank, 8 eigbî-gallon 42t mut cana, 1 four-burner teroeene 4-t stve. 1 weed or oatl heuter, 1 wasb- FOR ALE---at tra, ubaid.;&]z1 oing machine, 1 kitchen cabinet and six FOR ALEOat tra, uhalei; isekitchen chairs. 2 wooden' bediteatis 1 bay teas age 10 ant Iil gears; uisovela, lios~, lampe, anti other anti- pricea reasensable. One mile DorIs et clés tôe nusneftus tu mention. Hait Day. Ms. IR. D. Kittoe, Phone. TEÏMS OF SALE Libertyville 272-J-i.. 42.2t AIl sums et $10 anti under, cash; over lisat amount a credit ot 6 menthe WANTEf>-Nob. lut. cempetent gener- wîîî be given. on gondi bankabie notes aI houseworit girl; gondi Wagon- Ap- bearing 6 per cent Intereat. No gou ply 705 Ravine Ave.. LakeiteEhi0".o te b rentoveri until ternis of sais are telephense Lake Bluff 907. 43- t romplîsti witis. LAWRENCE AMANN, Prop. FOR SAL-24 washstauds or laa Fred Crabbie, Auctioneier., tories, wlî:e» enaineleti u Iron. Lionel Bull, Cierk. size llix2l, 8-luch bacte aud apiu, m- ves-y reasouabte. Cati afier 4:10 p. n AUGUST SIEG AUCTION 319 sîtSti. Waukegau, 111. Phî,ue- Tbursday, Oct. 28.,'9 a. m. sharp, 7-,. WkIy lî+ Augiust titeig wlll self at pîublie auclîcri - - -on the oid Mîke Itaupp farmt Durin FOR liENT -acefari lu Niý-. ale Grove, 3 miles nortbwezt o! port township;: aiso tor sale, biol- Wli-eling. 1the following:' eîin cow. uew înilch 1W T1'. in- 37 Head of Liv. Stock las.iî astiLi'o si_, \V'aukei. 30 co-Aýà. 7 witb caltes by thym Ir ie, lt+ 6 close apringers. balanc militers, -____________ - - stock bull, làj years oIt, bIack teani, Poli SXLE OR Rr4ST-A 100-acre G Yrs. olti, wt. 3200; bay tetsm, 10 yrs. farm, titres miles nortbeast otfiàber' oId. nI. 2600: black herse, Il yeare tyvtlîe. Charles F. Stolzman. Gurnee.. eld'.%'t 1400; grey hors. 15 yrs., wL 3-t 1600; gre), boise, 12 yrs., wt. 1300; 250 spriug cliiek-ns. leu 2-Ion truck, FOR SALE-Choice nesdence lots on nearly new McKinley Ave. Mmr. Grimes. 2-IU Grain- 2000 bu. cats. 75 hu. bscley. ï0-rs  r, - --- - 10 acres drill coru la sheets. 20 acresi POlSL-arge liard ceai ielf feed- drill corn for feet inl shocks, 5 acres In& bcater. l'boue 158-R. 41-2t1 bcd cern in ahocks, 5Sacres swel corn _________________Ilu hocte. 15 tons baledtiotltety ay, 15 FOR SAL-Trees. variens sirets, tonsfl tiiiiitby bay lu barn. transplant. f ront Dr. R. D. Klttoe's Machiner-y-- Deering grain hintier. woods, eue mile nons cof Hait Day. Milwauikee corn bindel-, MeCormick Apply te Mrs. R. D. Kits. 411tf 6-f1t. mewer, Champion bay rake, Rockt Islandi hay leader, Keystoue aide deliv FOR SALE-A new 8 room tboreughly ory, 14-dise drill nearly uew; Hoesier modern bouse in Ares. Possession seeder, 14 hole; 2 puic.(nîzers 12 anti 30 days atter sale. Ir. M. Hiardiing, Ares. 14 dise, Great Western 80-bu. manure Ilinois. Phsone 184-J. 36t preader. Enesonac sulky jîlow, 2 baud _____~plo-ws. 14 anti 16 Inch; 3-sec. barrow, FOR SALE- 50 acres cf checket and 'dise cul licator, 2 [tuer sulky cultivai- dralet ti-u den ron bai eed; r'. Iotato tplanter, potate dlgger, driledcoi, cea trm bil e Id; pra) îUap anti ban-el. ihov(i plew, geuti anti boasy crr ai $25 anal up per 12 in. wiagon and- gartiner box. 3-lu. acre. Fraînkli1olub'b fainm, 1ý iiiiletron truck. 3s aîring rnîtlk wagon.bob- southn est of Prairie VlIew. 42-3L I sleîgh flew, ruliber tire top buggy, 100 ____________________________ tlb. tîlatbormn scaie, fanulng iuili. corn FOR ALE-A fve-ear-ld îorrI aholler, 3 sets double haraiess. driving FOR SLE -An d iv oe. aroli sorrd, barneas, 2 single exprt-s harues, lu santiedispoantio-bng herse. Knti anti herse cellars, 19 te 23 luth; 2 sets fly genîle sostmbs ion; port odenets. 65 grain Lags, 14 milk cana, palle fa roîs ut aie., rispe ruei"1anti sîraiuer, 2Iîay racks, hay rue. anti driandnPhy weni1()vAgallongstylais looker. stands 15 lbdnds, weigbt 1.105 boraks eisudpuieytank wgallonipgasoue For furthier Inforuaiotn, calilA. 1. Kin- tnk-eectn -iipap o ard.Lihelyclle pono 93 J 2, 42n2i t- tIrouglIè. orlr, siiotels. etc. k ar, Liertyillephon 293J-2.4-t T tirm Omer $10. 1 yî. 7 lier-cent. F011SAL Ti heardig buseandAUGUST SIEG, Proprietor. barn Ld Ilie ici- liuse lias been, J.L.RVING SALE %vrecokt- and the- lumbier is Of fin--!Tht- undiliit-ned elîl se-lf St Public qualtly, anI 1 tan sel! ai a reasonable Aut.nun tîreilises known ai the' lirier ruorfing, boards, siding, 1iILLtlk. , Irving 1lock Factor>, at Are-a, Ili., ou tînîbirs. 2x4'a, wintionî sud doois. At, THURSOAY, OCTOBER 28, ply D. S. Martin, Liiac Fartu. Tt.>ii. commencing ut 1 p. m., Lake. Teleplione Grikyslake lU J- 2 concrete mixer, 1 silo slave- ma- 4 hine with 2ïî,0 lSlets, I1Itollow block maisne n illi'- 225 pllels. 8 anti99in.; WANTED-A working toî-eîîan te rnn1i ioliti bIocLi.îchinc nîtb 200 ei)aUet>s a 220-acre grain tarin. Marricti. Muai or tuer-e; 1 brick minle, v.. 11h 100 Pal- board farn baud. No mlkiig.Fer lets; 1 steel sile scar;oîd, ' steel whesel particulani cal at tudependent office- b arrows, 1 hoist, 7 salaînanders, wat,î ,4311lt able mouldsa a ottyvof pipea nd LOST-Bsetween Libertyvilie and twe miles nertb of Druee'î Lakte, a new1 Pord Fuite tire andi rim. 3Ox33%. Finder1 will b.lberaily rewarded by notItying1 Indeçe"nent. .43-lt 1 A. D. 1920. J. A. TREPTOW. STRAYED-Elet-en ret pilla, veigisl VlaeC lerk. 90 te 130 iiountis. Caîl Liisotytiil Vilage 22, anti receive revand. 43-11 NOTICE FOR PIS wuusu&? ta~g~ Th iae ofLakte Zurich. Lais.AUI..IU1 SALLM Cousit>, Illnois, vi» receive bita until tise tiltS day o! Not-mber A. D. 1900, LAWRENCE AMA1N SLE fer tise construction of a ton-inc on elHavlag soIt s>' tai-m. 1 Ill seAt la sait Village,. eifctini frPubliecnion, 4 miles nerlis et Liber- vhicb are: on file la thse office ofthte tYtiUe, 3 miles .outis et Guu-nee. on gENvider-e Roa uoe.baII mile vest of Village Clert. pia Wili lbcieiteti a ilv*auiteeavenue. ce elttt'. M. of, alt dai>ithlie Village Hall. Ail bita muat le accospaniet FRýIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1M1, S>' a certifiet chseck dtuava on smie ne- Ceiiijiing e~ t 12:80 P. M., harp. aponibîe banulag ouse for' ton p.r-SI84-Mead Lvetok-5 Seat bora..., cent ot tise amoumt of tb. bld t b > t amtheIsachet. S tnt 6 ordr o th sat! ilage an sad bdeyeara ehd, weigbt 2800; 1 gray' herse, ortr e 1h mat vllae, ntisai bia9 years oIt. veigbt 1600; 1 bea> hort. shall bc seaet ant inla vs-llg. Iaty'g driver or sadtdlen, 5 yoare oIt. J. 8. IN. weigbt 900; 1 sornel horne, 4 yeau-a oit, Village Clerk of the. Village et atie herse or driver, velght 1,000, LuiseZurih, ~20 Hlead Hostein Gradle Cattle-7 Lak Zuich Ilinos.millitera. 2 fresh is vlScalvea tlieur 42-43-44. site; 6s pringers; 2 tvo-year oeh Seit- er-s, S yearling befls,-l Ivo ant ie.~o * oxo o ox xx ogez ez z e x haitl>ear oIt Holgteln bull. 5 Chsaer o TH9E INDEP!NDENT la lte e White broot sovs, 13 Chsester Wbite * Mest wîdely road nomwpr in *x sheata, aveorage about i,00 poua o Lakee ceonty>', c eacb; 40 Chster White pilla. 6 veets XeKXOx OxX.XOgXXOOX oit; 36 Rhode IslandEetdHouem,24 R. I. fitigo, pler block meulda, about 500 feel of wine cable, 100 fret of ubiser bose. 1 14-incis base burner anti quan- lity cf atove pipe, sill anti cap meuitis, hait harnel planter of Par-ta, abt-el,. lteel anti numerous &mail tools; 1 elecînic seving machine motor; i eleetri e flat mron, 1 electric Iasp, 1 L. C. Smith lypevriter. Aime Iota 1 anti 2 and ti of-telot 8 la 'Blockt 6 la Village Of Ares. 30 Mfr ont, 80ofI re*r. 180 fI. deep. Improvet vilS ce- rnent blockt double vali dvelling and verk aboep combinet; barn, ltxl. 0ce- ment floor; a cament biock garage, 14x20 font. cesenl floo.* -Taraio! mie e! thse real sainte vil be an- nounet ai sale. TRMS: Suais o!f2 andi untier, euhb; on 'sumoet hiat amnit, a credit et six soaths vi» be givea on goot banitable noIes. beauiag Il Par cent Internetl No Goodatebe rezuotet untîl settlet for. J1. L. IRIVINO, Proprielai'. FredGrabbe, Autt.johfl Roues., Gt. Bsie et Suoeea Oeanersl educstien Islabthefenuation Mmpo whlcls spectalîzeti vocatienal edn-' eation ta'n hl i hîTth'le hetter- fauntia. tien a building his. ite, PSetter tise M perstructure. lIuuys tînt girls alieulti siocelve as much g -iiernl edurntion as ta possible; ln otîter memrds. ehoniti ro- main lu tise reguler publie c mheliun- tif for-ced te lcavs or te preeare mBD& elaIV for a partieular ,oeatlo-UB' ebauge.i iVOLUME XXVII Action of Recent IIV4lous" DecIl R. K. WE PRECIPITATED A lutige R. K .4V'elc atter questlo0, nuaSI Green anti 11e th rc, jurera, Selîmalfusa.' -.Diahop, ordceret s ep. tb lnvesigate VoiLa libel preterreti ty El Nlson and ti ller I lowprq. 1the jury hein, blor.dsy mut uing ai 1 Two o!tue granit anj SchmaltVh.i, leali liat ment tlwtoleV mnainelp ho cou rlroo' tlicy cotîlti sesanti coli hear. l'lt tîîcy aliedth at nethlng ah said about a granit IliRhop tesîifiet-itI -tîîiirtrOOiîi heceUseit to do su, on lte opeul %IQaluni îe alsoleli lll ito e h ili-cc by Jutige Welsh lie 1 lie* liai euiuîniîi'i -lu shuci tf G r-(n lest i net kuow when lie nions thaI Vîflies Wt galet.- le alto ista leurely accidentai il three menîbers or andti Ibah11. iti se they amer-e lunthe c' Jutige Wi'sh lu am cd mat I iaenz tidr nien shoulti fot hbav'e nIeuit lu the foreman se.vig tlî'-r qualifie grand Jurers. belag i .îutge Welsil dccI2 llUs.ant tb ral? a spec' cause etOf the tact tC WQUId be caltev InluT aise ilîsted ih thé1 Mlle Iltio,,sible for cite th1e delay lunls i lOre, alter miore mat lis decîdeti uPoi cal veune fr e t Moud - lsr-neé;t E.flarwoc whtie 11e knew tupe Penaug agaluat Vol have any Idle.. hen 'courIr-centt!ust le t RS-9a Ilr lir-Pén asi bhim dltiç or flite r--ltjur-y t t ouy, ?i" rafle illin rilt e uirIt ' i iku elintgea niait li u de'peuidnnrit ion;t lii0ctotir gtartd lu Seel ;et, I.Ad ý.217,N. Ge Thira Grae unee tem" at eau moments. For ails NOTICE 0F SPECIAL VILLAGE Thé following have bati 100 in ipeil- monlh we will une lies as we please. ELECTION. hng for the past weit; Victor Day, but in a few weeka w. whil be directet. Katberne Gridley, Helen Hewett, Mil- Vincent Casey anti Julia Gagliarti, are tiret Kruekman, Noei Krtimery. John acting as caretakers efthtie readlng NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tisai Landis. Constance Robbins, Louise table, on Friday, the 5th day et November, iGlolaman. Allen Smith anti Evelyn Several' pupila have been bringing A. D. 1920, a1 the VILLAGE HALL. in Wéhreuberg. plants, wbicb are greatly appreciateti, the Village ef Libertyvihle. in the Coun. Fourth Grade because tliey bring an air o! summier. .ty et Lake and, State etIlîlinois. A The foiiowing etticers have been We have ne absences except tise SPECIAL BLECTION WILL BE eleeteti for-.tbe Liberty Juuior Audubon due te ahitunesa, ad we ail mate an HELD for the purpose o! vothug upon Society: % 1effort io be bore entise llbthemen- lise proposition tn ievy an annualtai President-H-arriet Hudson. - iug, hecaus, it we are lai la oui places of one anti one-thîrt i mliii on the dol- Vice Presideuî-Mariou Johnson. wisen the tantiy bell rings wc havee liar on ail taxable preperty witbln 111e Seciy TreasurecrýMabeI Bennett. pusasure et having aur teaciser red a Village ef Libertyvile, iu addition te SIxt 'Vrade. book that we are greatly interestet ln. taxes levieti, as limiteti by Section The ixt grae bs 13 boks i th fortifeen inues.-One et Article Etghî t "'An Act for The hxtbgrad bas139 ock in he fr tileenminues.the,.Ineerperapon oft Cies anti Vil- lges," a*proveti Apnil 101h, 1872, anti HIGH CHOOLNOTE Acte amsndatory thereto, fer the es- HI~H SCH OL N TEStabliashent anti maintenance et a fte ________________________________________________________public, library lu sald Village, lu pur- With tise close of lbe firat six weeks Those vwbo matie the houer roll are'suant', ef the provisions of an Acttof et acisool, tIhe ennolmeul ai t4e L; T. Alma Chsurchill, Marguerite Dilîz, thse Legislature et the State et Illinois, H. ýS. stajadest 203. Ot these 87 are EEthel Hannon, Giadys E7er aud to authorize cittes sud lucea-poratid boys anti 116 are girls, Tiser. aie 76 M y rtle Ilubbard. 1 iowiii, andtiowansbips toesctabligh anti tuitton studeuls, forer ctofe whtonthtIe The 4 folwng are ticacrviug cf bon- lualalain froc, public libraries anti Iigli achool district receives a Isec toraoble mention: readlng roinsa PPr*oet ant inl force Mîarcb 7. 1872, sud the amenatory $100. Tîsore are 57 Btudeuls comiug te Adeline Anderson, Carelyn Butter- Acta tbereto, wbîclî election wili be th1e bîgh scisool froini Gray lake ant iefldt Macla Galiewiay, Herbert John oticet ai set-eu ottocte lu the mora- points norihamest, via C. M. & St. P. son. Paul Kohout, Frank Lafle, Ed- ing ant i wll continue open unîi l ice [turing te six aeek' irerled entilng ward McDonalti, Dorotby Sayers. Jean. - occith ie afternoon ut ltte sanie Octeber III. the average attendante site iSmlIb, Dorothy Snydami, Edythe day. wat 1»6.9. One hundred andt Iirteen Churcbhil, Marie Fincutter, Alsa Hall, studeuts aere nelîber- tartiy uer ab- Mabie Johnson, Narbeth Jonesa, Gratte At saitiélctiona, every eiecler nisy sent. Mortiborsi, KaIser-me Morse anti Alite vote "For a eue anti on--third mîli tax A compilation et grades for the same Rîîz. for a Iree, publie librar:- or -Againsi perioti shews a imaller number etf -a oesand 000 third itil[ltax for satfree iigis grades tissu usual. Thsis dose, nu Thirty-two stutenla failet suncOe r. public lirary". noceasarily m-eau the studenli are de- mors subjecte. la cases wbere th. THiU bAil> ELEC'FiON IS CALLED hug poorel' werk than orthiniiYfIl stutenta report car-t shows that e or IN PURSUANCE OF th-'Act aboco may men that the eacheri are grati- as is Dot doing gucti work, thb. ac mentioneti, anti in porsuauce of an lng mnore ciosely Ihan heretefore. ulty ami appreciste tise co-operttiien o anmant, passtLt sud approveot by the Only fit-e sîndents carrist four, suis- of the uareut lu ascertaining tIse cauae Presîdenî anti Boardtio! Trustees et eceswitb an average et 90 or botter. -anti finding thse remet>'. sait Village, ounlise îLhu day et Otto- -4bei, A. D. 1920. S-. - ......~lGIVEN UNDER MY HANI). ai làb-