ED WITI NOi MiED jETS STAY go ntgomnéry is and Jury ta .Vidence. ,Y, Negro, charg- Mn. Mary Rintz, IuZdale roati. who iloufty jail hy the ce who feareti an M mîight be madie, ire Justice John iy afierpoan andi Intil today. val; tielitèti ulion, ler Io give itate's 'elch an opportun- ridence before the which wvent lato waa callei ly of Rocktord tant te Of lnventigating lal Ilbel against, IVa. overseer of e Itev. Thomas H. the Intiepeniefit lowers,. 4 chargeti, accost- he sî1reetlnts front afler startiflg ani i ber to go Into n tirew s buicher o the North Chl- iPtî nCe of Mri. tîpon the si-ene Ln 'ta nnat andi -irby wood%. y the police, Mno. that Montgomer ited ber. the polie ianty - Ti.@ INDe. 3 Ille o M LS' eders, t Grove, àl. eBox. Jnananti son of wuea Vtë CIIIDBL M - lu atiendance ai the funtral tof MNsr. H. . Barber Tburstiay. #,% aIr. andi Mrs.Rusl idertrn -OrruStl TO THE ed to thei 1bOttie ni-ar Funtid dt tac. Wiiu., Saturut.y. aetr->.endiflg lir., iasl I tA -ic h Anîlu)Cli telaîl, ta. . LEM4UE 0f NATIONS tMf.Fuand Ms irnlluge and baby of Fuitdu IiIý Wis, senr verSunt- Congré siman tram this istrict iarrii )t l nsMessage ofi Chi- Makes Knawn His Views inl agü ti;I: ire Ar( ClSunda> ots iîfi no Uncertain Manner. . sr age t, al a . JI.S. COMr. and Mrs. Clîauncey Barber ant tngreî.man Carl R. Chluîdbii»n of Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Avery retuinetil %bis, thse Tenth district, la diametrl(to thein honte in,(,îetah, Wls., Satun- caily opposeti to the league of fia day. aiter ap.'udÏng te jasi lI' el tlions. AÀChicago newmpaer hal; heen me soubadîg out te attitude oif varlous .ks.wiliî Iti'laiesint Antochl. coIngresfamen un Ibim important sub - Mrm. Cook ripent the irai tof bel Iet. FollowIng Ih a portIon of tIti week la Chicago. C4etter whlch Cougresaman Chindîblont Andrew flarrition ut Des Plain-% gubmltei: ripent Sunday v.'th bhIs fainiuly atIibis "'In neply t Wlshin Pl ay tatInI)I iacù. dora. fullY thigF Positions taluen on the John -Bolii-n, Srn, v.s in attentiance leagUe of nations hi lthe national ai the funeral oft21r. Graiss ins Chicago. platform of the Repuhîlican Pary andi Mr. anti Mrs. Louis Anderson and by Ils andidate for Presîldent, Sent faily moved to Lyons. lnd.,Fr-lday. Or Wannep G. fîartiing.bInte varlouit whene Mr Anerson bas§ a position. slatemenîs he matie upen the .iuh BOr, to Mn. and. Mns. Lester Os- jeci._ mond. on lait Saturday. a »On. I lals oPPOsed in tht leagueï of nia- Mr. andi Mrs. John Conbett tef lamit tone proposeti anti framed by t@ wek for Califomnia, wbere lhey exlet covenant In te, reaîy of peace wlth to make their home. iierm*ny, andi 1 would be opposed Io~ Mrs. Howard, who bas been vislting any Ottîpr leagué. federatlon or ali- lwr cousin. Mrg. Frank Cox at Loon enfce whlcls woutti teprîve our coun- Lake, lef t Thurstiay for Monîreal. Caus.. try of any Pieutent of ls national 'f rm hence elle milI sait for' ber1 sonvpreignty or of ils Intiepentience oif imeatBrighton, Englanti. action in Ilnternlational affaIra. Mr. ('apeI of Chicago has bought the "We mus i lie free to actInl any John corbett building.1 emfergeaicy as we nurselves may de- Mg ýOg uap etStra termine -without any legal or moral M.GoreKhap ftSariy agreement witît other poem for Urbana. II.. wliere she will vlsil -1 hope ihis mlSWtro"verm thé 00cr tSuntiay with lier daughter. Miss mrt,.andi purpospe oifyolur lnquiu-y." Iola alto, s allending schoo thIert _________-Mn. andi FiisAWiti tDavistf, nI h alt 0O 41o rtO,910OOoo00 0011110 wre lher-tî ilatendth(,Ita-lnetalIfi lit .rtlnf laoh-.\î ii lin Iti 0 A N T 0CH 0O h,ai-i.laîiTiiîîtstz. 000O0 O00 OO*000 0 \Nil.and Mi. V iiiî'lul-,i Mi'îr. Nir. ant Mis .-e Miiîden'luîff îent l %Irsk t ivt 1)r. litt l XIs.t1 JrSundîay wtfliî Air-i. 1A1 llîieni,înfI , ,tM piarenits li<Chicago. , t et. ii Ee tnI T. a nd mitolitci titdit rI i ,tlatTh utsday. hie lnute lasî Titursday. wbii.'iî lb- n -%'aliiIliy - i..ttfl, i I1,, ut t.(llh teltsel frult ;t<iîa1 .' rmî-irte d,-atttoi i ." ILlo uw B;It Nrs. AliIea anti laughter, " . 11r Jh lr aw lI kiac t- 01 iIti lIt' __________________________________jag. tlt-hI bt-t-n un ftultn-.t eallh i trt l 't. u!t ,nItlt lI* i . l li- IWO v.-eçks at hler coniltrion tînsîdq- R. EN LA D et s-rioum. - Thl- cause ni lietr iia..ý - ti,-î l Id L4-an id ad iitfl R. W NLJL NI) -le t.Itin I'alî tri .n i GROCERY AND MARKET l~i airI.îuuî(l.-ui, 1hi.and jei ÙEALER IN -u.îtt-l.1 i extr aîî rSla General Merchandise e"""' "'w. a;,k . if -- il tit STAPLE AND fANCY GROCERIES Ii . Ji iI. i, lilie1,;!la l 1 1 DRY 600:)S. N01 ION! I, titi uni-,n frou Ii i I in r BOOTS AN SHOES Ir s.Aarrai -I I-;t' t.-of Ani I -i -t. i BOOTSAND SOES F .t ndl llau&tr.-xIý I'l Cht-..l i-S. MATS AND CAPS anti Clîarley oi Cry-tLaI Lake, rteitii tlOSIER~ Itlieageil fater, aite ii tiilltui i l--lî - f alt t jwaiti n x i- rl nitetr îîTh- IwueraI aisli aI iril,, îîî,'Titu Counry Produce Bought and SoIdt day aflersiotn ai 2 îtcýiiîck, airlI'.- phne17Hiloffina n , ti rn-tu in eii rIR . In- Ph.,.. 07- 1,i eurî nt il Ii-tale rI.-iietpr>, ai An LÂKE VILLA - LLNOIS liocKt te aî-ek a-ju i illh tîi it î hi MIr.andiNI'itA. loi, ' ir-i P. E. lH'LDE[BRANDT thetidRal] îbii-a dance ai the Ati DRLIGG~STnpe-rýtliouse uos Friday nigliîi.)P, Tîie- aa alarge atilndanc- i i lOjublicafl rally ai the Antuî REXALL GO(jDS AND ItUî t~îIs x-lg COUGH MIEICINES NMe'. Ariiur lliîrenlIdt trurneil -1 1a1 iiay .ir-r l,'IIlitnz IWO wetk li uc.Ninn. Standard Books Fancy Station..'1 toir nd glitsaiWiir-t la'l 1,ni Ciînfeacioney Toilet Arficle. ttnnso sIwi.y-'x.î iI i Perfunry DoUsansd Toits i- .tFiî n .i '- % nulibe--irt r l tt l iiiet - Il il 'l home ot il- diarui Is. IRax>ît t PIIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS T ue-.lla y pext-ng.iii n li(ino r of "'I, Carefully ComFotanded re'-. birîli alTei.etgwi i evenilse a nie,lunch itas w - ii irr_ v Àg i d,%Nrrtbc 1____ I-H KUE ÇEALL SI1UK1 GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS F-I-R-O- L SPARK PLUGS Are Gasoline Savers and Oit Fighters. The New and Proven Ides for Gau en- gifles. H#at and Oil Can- & 15 flot Affect tItis PIug. Price i.10 Corne n andi we wîll iiso' You thse End o0f Al Your Plug Trouble.§ [The cjrect place to lire. DIETZ MOTOR CO. 'ÀbetYvlle- Telephone 891 Tt'- illa r ý, u Ottîi -- An 1 to :i- i PIt ,i ffI Federal Electric Vacuum Cleaners Want your boute abso- Iutely dean s an - tary? Certainly Favor a metiaod of achievug the r"ui witlaont Lrd work? 0fcore The job eu b. doue in a uhlge dy bi muaoff tke FederaL Sold on Monthly Payments t WorksFruW " yLainp Pu'blc Service Co. 6P NORTHEW14 ILLI NOIS I~. il 'o. A T .T E NT -I o N VOTERS 0F THE EIGHTHI SENATORIAL DISTRICT Why Men and Wornen b o Qhi District Should Vote fo r 'F THOMAS E. GRAHAM, OF LAKE COUNTY It is a weII acknowledged fact that the greatest asset for success in public life is practical experience. Mr. Graham has <had more practical, experience in public affairs than ail of bis oponents combined. No business house or corporation would tbink it gooci business policy to exchange experienced employes for inexperiencecl. Wby not apply the samnre to men you chgose to represent you in the State Legisiature at Springfield.. Mr. Graham served on the Làke County Board of Supervisors for fourteen years, being chairman of the Boarci in 1910 and 1911L Hie has been a member of the House of Representatives for eight years. Hua record at Springfield establishes that lie votecl for and sup- ported every progressive measure presented, and tbat he voted againat ail reactionary and vicious measures, Mr. Graham's extensive farm property interesis in the large st cou> ty in the district is assurance that yourinitereats will bei harmoêy with his, and if he is re-elected to represent you i the Stati Leisléure you will be certain of th services of an experienced man wbo knows and will protect your interests to the full imit of his ability. VOTE FOR TOM GRAHAM FOR REPRESENTATIVE -Secretary Democratic County Central- Committee.- lm offyvuzT, h*AY, OCTOBFR 28, 1920. :000O000-0000 eceAarýytoturn quickl, In ding o 'O Oooo00o00ooo0 ooo'0o. ioooooo.Ooooooo line suck iafl ateîîplug ie: 1 ! .,0 0 IIO linmp and lhruM Îng NMrs. Ru,na,,n tOVA H EK li T a C d Ed.a-t ~ W~ o r! ii ad ailz isu l iîe,-0s. I- A- -NHOE , Mt5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : i Il e fWii e ol t d . nd I e n l ltt te sl F e stîî4 îl. O t 21 .1 îtîîîc pas, year >ot w,,,, la oiiîng ibro en uherayeit thl.îIrt îiian thers n iivci ha olrnjl ordtkehi ayroin, Ill jTheodore Frazier wili l aoe an aur- Lod taks ofdlid t i'IL 1dil,, tion sale on FridayN. 5, %fthig n lntrit-tili I lus m ill be receixed ai~rt, . a j1t., ily and 'Ai. and Mn., Ray Harner and Uten-. ew, Sunday ateç,lîi , nlui ', and any xil.ii w it tii l. . daugniter ot Waukegan sptent Sundav NMr. anidMrs. Stui li t.. . is I 'i ;tII ill IIlit alibi Ci Stl' ai thli MeGuire faim.n Mr. Sturmals î erai I' Ia[i n.last I Xîýu.g le Ili tyoui FO nRo Mr. and Mrs. Arhur Pederson and; Tueaday. îakl..luru, .îgain wil , l, en r CodCu AMGip sons of Waukegan aient lte week end 1.Mý.rs. Chartes Kruegei a. n1, Cleolasiti tturn aiLai- Buli with Mr. and Mrm. Alfredi Ped' zson accli.t laitweek. but t- abi- lu bel 'i I, i tlan thi uial "I l'l--Io ex l and family. about. eîb o -ubring along ail,..g o1 Neglected Colds are Daongerous Emnietq W. King underwent an on- Ni. W1. Knédler anld T-îl w.îe Kenu- âl sar,.Talc. no chanice& ReeP îhfe standard renîedy handy for lte finsman"».. eration fer appepdlcits at the Kenoshaaalla visitora a few da)s --o.i Tle iu'iograili wili sa ai . aIS oluek. B reaks up a cold ln 24 hour-.-elievui Ihospital Sunday eoening. He la doirsg Mrs. W. Stanctiff speni ïrîla iîjrnTh î.înlalaa serurll dJ'Th(-laae. Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Hegcdache nicely ait prssent wrlting. îng wîth Mrs. Elizabeth~hîîney .jisli., I 'The (mi thyChoir Ilia' uiin utthi fOrm doesanot affect the bat-Cascin. ie beat Tone Mrn. Eînmett King and daughtr-r are Libertyville. eiîuci-igla.i ,n r ýILaav-oOiîiiIhla ajiendîng this week ln Kenosha. Mrs, F. W. StanclIlfr v. flItle week 1utes. Il ta euniposed (il chorus Mr. and Mns. R. C. Bishop andi sons end the* ctY ntiibfeis amd solos un fl(i- It,;ne oî L R G I T E L I anti Misa Grace Tillotson spent Sun-' lion't forget the ent.eraînnient and' the harvest lime. The readingi. w be A L D G J T E L I day at Pickville Corners. aupper gîven byth iltesdsingv a--sfoli: Ni L-a y . Hollenbeck andi son Fra- of thse Sunday School to t~ equipment 'l lugkt-rs," liy Nli',xStbeîh - -_________ zier, ent to Kenosha Friday evening lor uleir department. 0' 0 at 7:30.- Jones. and 1ýîturned home Sunday noon. , Fîcrtybody la cordiatly inviteti. The ~Mooney %Iuak," by N. F. Mé.Iliard- Thie Misses Mary anti Edith Thornp- cblîdren vîill entertain oýu with reci- ing. Tiseodor. H. Durait, Prosidant W. 9. smitih, Vice Prosit son and Harold Thonupson were Wau- tatilons, nusie andi tableauxi.tîîrv.ard 'Speaking a Pièce," by GIaalîa lieck; F. W. Churchill, 8ecretary and Mianager. kegan visions Monday afiernoofi. the% wiil be plea.sed nt w îit on %ou. eiswefler. E. Olsen la sipending a few dais in Corne andi encourage li-, ebîldren tol An Italiana's 'iew on te Labor TELEHONE 81 Chicago. give you another gond tinte. Question.' by Mrs. F. E. Hastings. 00 0 0 0 0 00000 Woda Hl atra.AloFidyvs SiLh)er, sc-r wfin be socal- SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST Co.. O PRAIREVEW O Seer ahol. ~tne h 5uta eolroom a.'Acharge f efer lplaie s ABSTRA<'I O0F TITLE TffLESGUlALU1WDl- Seveal lttéded he ýun(aý, co l Ie on]y charge. Pont nis tItis goodI 0000000000 0000 00 convention at Highland Park Frida>, lime. C. 011--n airent a few days in WNis- and 'Saturday. The Ladies' Socleîy wiil niie.t ai Ilie Capital: $1 25,000.00 - constan recently.. Sunday, Octoben 31, Ouil b-. ltIlLi iite rof Mrs. M. Jarenius nexi Tîtura- H. Albrecht and famîîy enterîain'I Day, aise, graduation day 14)1 Ile lI lav attirnoon ai 2 o'clock. WAUKEGAN iDo comtpatir .aaurday eeening. .-îIisni chias a nd Ilite i uîl ls itthe l NexI Stinday ser% eï will bie held as lu trylng to avoiti an si-cidenl.1 t. grades in the ell d ien' -i tu.îA ulîi andi Mr& Koten nmet wiliu allaI oighi lu l i nvtl tI nîation i l, tt!iI ili alil 'lýuit-lt lciîîîîîlir 1uI a. Ili. tachi- lini m .i font t he op'pi.- u aîudi ie laae îny-h ND- C lit seî'vic ai Il a. ut. Sulajî il aa fied Adi. in The Independent secure resuit. Give thua4' mahnecmn. îin li ~ui.r d it aeConyTe NE - î ;i. ai . h iiiîini trial and you wiII be convneladwinermi te o. iei. ai h.iî ltîeng i-om e is. bw as.PENDENT. ;îî n 1 icd n i nvrms h ot 20'