Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 4 Nov 1920, p. 10

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uien otflci report ldicates the possibi>' Gorernor Sinait ntsc s-e led tht national In Lake count>'. The tirsI lettu prfecnets tota.erl Tuesday night show'ed tRal Sinal waa about 100 votes abead o!f'lard- Ing in Lake county.' Ra no precincta la Laile confit>'did tht -danacre e veay aiovlng liai %ro" Indlte that lie>' bad tien a cisance le land vltip .itrWikdis- tance of tht republican candIdlat.. Thteouttaadlag foulure of tice lec- tioa lu Lake rouai>' vas lie mnannur lu vhich si ,tbt tickets vert voted., Tbrotgh twô tickets a mSrattbinri cime 'oriy on the legllattve aî2ttet'. f you vl] glane nt tht voles In tisas different preclacts 'ou eau readilv/ amalyze tbe tate ticket b> natilig le cavle for the' egsature. It vas generatty voneeded b>' tht ear44us airain cnmig in Tues(lp.y nigisi that It was the soting of the itraighi tickelt thai carri-ed Francis abatg, in euncb a srprsug nianner In Lait emmint>' and it lndîcaterd that people lied deétded Io take no chances la nîsanv cases On the scralching 0f the ticket. How Returna Came In. Whjle The Sun hade mnade- ail ai-- rangemeuts te gelt ticetectloti ro- lamai la Lake couaty as prompty as possib!e tb'a couint>'.Ilîke ail otherst. eticountered miore dela>' In gettng ,çeurns tbsn ever before in an elen. "ybecsur. of tic enoranoiasiae of C i ballot. heanase oftble presence if clu-ven columtxa on the ballot and be- cause there were no many candidates tirercdi tcket. t vas a task Nvieh ithe Judges and- clerks have Peter before encountereda andlime ri- lui-ns camie la astonishlntlv abs'. The large crav'd vas patient, low- *rer, and stoeaI n front of Thc Sua office outil about 10:30 &clacit. viien t lie>' began to break sun>' alter It hati bepn definitti>' declded tijat Harding' Rad been tictorious. The judges andi clerka throighout Lakte oat> tilti fai- loto tihe igit eompllng the.îr figures. u mally ef the preciuets the ctrks vert vomnaand lvus Pew staff for tem ta count baflots. tisa. added tate fhttacttit the bal- Sals veon %o cumberompetIlmade tbe »Uuma lo'y si-y awband mantia llit prednct i MA et baidma retura ta The Smn iarfag tie niglt becanse lie>' got thirl figures sa laie and Probabi>' ilgured thut The Suao bai eased ni; ahop for thse tighî. The Rally Sun forntshcd retura, lier localtheatera, ilht Acade "Y.'bc'li Elite and Orpbeurn. ?olîowing lie posîing Of tise bulletins et Tht S un Wînmiow, The theaters ail annaticem tht returai, as furlshi b>' the lia- Ver, ani big audiences vhtch filîi eaci t boter be ut the biletina witt keen loleet. The Sun aise, furniabel the Lakle county returlis la the Etks' club. which hmd a epecial arrangument fer getting the national returns froni boi WsenUnion. Phone Compsriy Aideain Returni., 1 eaides the service givela by the . Western Union Telegraph Company, t Daily Sun was accorded a ape-, eciel serv ice by the <'hicagog1elephooe cospany. wRdlcl et n i-,svery closely with the Chilcago paliers in~ tile compailation of vbtes frornithei stite and nation. ries iwlth the two berviceS fromn the Weatern Unio nduithe teleilaoe compacy> The Sun'a national retulua erne. lVaeisa~tcterilm and the aSnpleholesve picture et thea- tional situatio va portrayed as the figures vere put up au the bulletin bioards. Hovev'-r, The Sun terce vras on the Job aouilabout 3 oclock andaone of the returuakeft cozniag fa up tu : 45. Il sme precincta ithtcana- t>' thte nlt vau mot filhed until laie tbis mom'ng andaxSof thle ceea t ve The Sun their repotse tdurlng the nloriiiog oday. It was intereding to watch the cn"Wdai front of The Sun office. A cold wind Prevaled, but despite that tact mon andi vomen vaited »&a- tienl>' fer the returna te corne la.. However, there was no loud eher lng. as une uaeq« tu beauI resdeuw big vote w»m reported a mami] out- burat was beard, but aotblng vocif- trous. Returns Are Very Blow. 3 There neyer bas beenc anelection là tht bustor> et oucty whte 9the retUrats have biotaumoslow ln coxnlug la. Tis ma>' be attrlbtcd fpartI>' tu tin tact tiat the ballot wa fthe argest on record and parti>' b tht fact lIant the vote cast la each. Precluct wu$ extseamlY lamge. lu many precîncta the Judges and clerka of election were on the Job utIl 0olit of ater. Tht Sun realized 'tbat lt wouid be a difficuit matr ta gel the return, and for tint ream did not look for Mayretum ua IiI O'clqck. Asaa mlter oefttit il o.aliont 7:30. tva and' a luit laltLer tht poile cloutE. betore ouythlng vu, reeeirui. UP ta Il 0aclocketai ngbt returna badq been receiv rntra but tiree or four precincis lut the Catir, couni'., The Smn ettioe fome remainci en duty uatît afiter 3 6cloci r.eeelvlng1 tad eaMPlug leturna. One Deer- field precluet came la ai 2:30 acIoci. On» prnt t ram Mlon City'camee la at a féuv Minutes befase 3 0aClock. I.laite tovu of Warren the judge and elerka werked nut! 5 elock. TheY falePt a few bous and then re. teradto ta et thie ballots in readi- mess tu be hrought tuthe icoffire of the. eunty Cleri. At 3 O'clocki wheu Tht Sun te- cetved lts ]ami preciAfte cnight the totl aumber et Preclacis hoerda frein was but 21. on ether elctiqaa aIl precincta usual> amt hourd troue ly m igMav a sl,aftuwuiei The ftact tbt the ctuflty ruturi dld c#ee la " Iowil had a tendeuîm 10 d.empen the ardor somewhata the large crawl wlch .teod ln f&m et ttiÈ bulletin board. There wen mai»' who rerna ined "on the Job' faiî)ifully. however. George flai slow Rut i 'o" Ceeily were th' iast to leave the bulletin board. Thi was a few minutes before 3 ociea GRAHAM FALLS. i fontinued Frornpage One 1 ili"f cyU jr- je lin tItarsVots for titir reapletilveeau- ildates. F . 1The emlr excepoto t thiz vas 'la Jacteur>' (lemnt>' vire the lieilry Votera diiinot pmp aatrougi>' for Mir. iàrtaucb bt la Laie CenIrithe votWea ulmPed for Welus Uandlu- uo<*e Cé>uty for Pience. $0a far as-an, fuliher anaalygs cf the returna -goeaI dote mot reveal vhiere any epiplg ta an>' citent vWas crrilicO for Fraucis, iflher le Lake, fBOcueOrS - VH4*r 'Caunties vitu the excetion of Beilton Town- ahlP. Laie CountY whlch la the'aatl- VOtiva fitltiet voted a unit fer Tran- Ithte election of tiese thîce men ta the lower bouse it la toumA that îflrec lawyera viii rePresent tht dis- trict. Nila. Welst b.aîde.q practicing ln WaUkegan laivng scrved as assit. tant Att'. Central for lhe pasl four years. 3Mr. Piece tla fiaYor of Bel- nvitre and has srve-d la .tiat cspaclty 1R-or a long time. Mi-. prgeds vrac- ti ot. lav' ln Woebstock and Iso lam charge o thie managing of a couple f ares. JIADERLEIN 60,000 CongmssiMni1 ari L R. hIamm inajority over liadeilln. teDeme. cratic candidate fer dirIctteagi nMan fro mthe 1ti dintrict la appra' MtelY 60,000, accordiag te prctimeib comnPJete retvm. . Iln Chicago Ofagreemman Chmd. blonaslead te,1W1emdumay "mate In rNew Trier S.WO. tu E'aam 14U 000 and about ttt.. su»laL-i The thbe to box a u»4 emrau bJi before ion me"'.. enpeegie l he» lielghbriee i iithtok y« ivue in one Who . - ted -laum s07 lem flireDoctffl T» NeIrOU vi« N.GeuseUt. Walluma 10Day Piano, Playelr Piano and Phonograph Sale At Tremendous Reductions, Beglnnung-- Thursday, Nov. 4thi to November l3thf Open Every Evening to 9 p. in. We Were able to buy two carloadi of thse new fa- mous Baldwin and Sciller Player Piansos and Edison Pisonograph at a ig aving. This la a chance to buy' a higis grade musical instrumoent at a low price. 10% Discount on ail Over $10 Paid Down $2, $3, $4 or $5 per "ek,'as you can, on balace Liberty Bonds Taken at Face Value o. s- 1- 13' I. e s v s I 1* I o qteol or teh, larelIs oa eet N prfte UiP mllrusle, me, tnlna anA itlior'Picup J fron, - NO uirsafromi T RB NEW ECDIBON DIAMOND POINT PRONOGIAP No Nudisi 10Champe. Com lai and leue dompnntrato t ctte no mreto lie Nov ELimn It la not a "a- bave lie 3ev Ibou.. Uas malant. - Il perfect>' re- linaotee. P- ereaten mugie. 1 I T LARGE S8TOCK 0Op? RRD ,M .GeÈ.aý Stroet, Waukegan, Illinois M e' MSf AIE Len. Smailof lCank-skee, republi- caa eadîdaafor governor, Maau tr klm amelate, Ca the state tieket weW awept mb o flce b>' a landelide et iemuiema vote.. NMa phtralt>' Oven -atmes Hamslton LewIslale ap- Pnaulnaately 500,000, yttt aillaahort efth mmem Huimm datiou b>' 30>3. 89* 1tickets ver, numerouo, but a Erea wority oethle votera, imaav 'lo i vt W»Bouem. dlsemrééd the mâis et the ballt and md b> pleDesaméa a t a 5*1ticket waud tlidaUto fMiir vtei WorHardn, mated itsieParty' circle and caliti SulipluralIt>' intht cil>' et Chi- case te att beween 130,M andu 150.0W. H. rRan nîcu grouter 4iaMî- stat. pwng up a Pluralit>' otimated aI freIn300M0 ta 350.M0. Caok cout>' Precnets outtide Of Chicago augment the total by aitOter ",.000. The repubtican typhoon ihat ptécketl up tht entire 'itate ticket afld neaily depSettever>' candidattheztosi vliere bc tonged ta be. roUled op as- teamblaig pluralitlea fer Willltea I-i. MRIley, '.elected 10 the Uaitedl ftale, senate, and the candidates fer Miner state off ices. kaie Ticket Wittt National. Wltk lhe exception of f"Imai.thet repubiean tîcitet for tht moul part kept'Iade vili the vote for Hardimag and Coolidge, electors. la ChicaPo and. Cbok cmnity Senator Lewis mnade a vallul flght. lissadai a0nt 4et 1'lepmalLAndin * poiticalor- ganimatlan and controt or tht tate au vel], as tht city goverument lFon hlm a griot of serai cled ballots, but lia ripulican landsJîde avept hlm alid e tic votn thelr eagerne0t te 0e the bmrepubliean national tick. et esvuovng bel'n lhe Thonîpson- lundi.ucaddates for stâttoOffice. Reouri r 1I 1prodlacta ow tof 5.73 la lu oit tari>' ida>' gave eSn- nier Iardlmg 431ff8; Cae. 166.461.. & PI.--- Mr-, - ue of 6U37.*.t. Mie leala si the teq urts-.di Pz* edtets natda nsolat te aligiti>' more ohnot-hr f au the stIl Iej j i ihaâve lte htor>'1 ln tht state. Hlm avera ge lead per Precinci la nlow 1356G voies. Exttffd, lbw thiI ratio glvez th a pluralit>' Of 776,988 ln Illinois. MctinltY 1s U19 Wlnner. 8",ulibas 9a le"i m-et Lewis la 1,629 precincta of 152,169. Tht vote la tuas. precinetia, 714 e« whlciam IýM- CaSk eoituat>, mli dvtait. ie: 9natil.31.4; ILwls. 1l9,174. Wb* bas burmehi& deâocratjc op'- ummutfor Uuittd ftufte aaor, - Pitr A. Waller. la. 1,670 priNndscl- hls lat Cook t touaMmd71S dovn. atae-bas ni-i up a plurnli(y et 147,746. SitI4e 'Pr@ssurr Vred E. Sterling Of R-akfori vau tlecttd lieutenanst- 9overcior te sbcceti JohnG. OGWeby.ý celiOnttof 1ee Soal for lhe ri-b. lItemsgubernatem-li nomination. tUMIS L, Emmerom, setu>of Strie, lle re-electeti by an overwtîetoing ma.- jority, a3 vas edward J. fl.undsge. attorneygcneral hf the itaie. Aauirw E. Miller. ThosuPsontundini candidate for state treamwuer to auccoird $ter- ling. vas PuaisetiImta office b>'tht landalide.alFo. Rêtlion of Congreisamen-at. Large William E. mai-on and Richard Vateaisever licir democralic oppen- enta la asarsi b>' astounding uMril. tIti. Rn thelr este, un ln the case of etie recadidales fer state office, thtre was coasiderabte ticket spî h- tîug t b Cicago AndinluChieago vwomeaft Iled te cra*eh their ballats In as large flamber, as bath rpl- licans antidenort icei COOJK COU-NTY TO REIPtEUCANz JlIte rgmhlcaA nnalia liaI svep the ouutry linye.terdayu ebefflms carriedthe lietrs reri lot i couty Sawtoinelis wve vîti aM to- vhbiuiagpluralit>' vanl enthte gumw ridea o! 0,008for miot«thle«a- dicate, figures avallahie eau-ytp oa>' M Extraordînary 0f fer A neer car asouid carry full tare equipmnt by having a spare tire on it attse time of purchase. In orckie>',toge thtie Dort Car estaIWished in every tjwuLip in Lake. County, we wifl mle an extra- <rdnaM7 ui"nment k> thse liret bLlyer in tac to'wn-, .14 d&ring the xnants of November oniy. W. -M fl t hmbiscar wih a Non-SW ôqsare Bul< ng i tube ai Our expense. Lake. County Prices: ffl RIVEASQN COUV -*,7 FOURSEAO- S-AM- - - -sîs7s Yeu Cm. 0wn a PDonCam b7 Maina C." ay. inuai of $M0 22wct. is ront majfllty vas mi, l aI. of tIbethamandm of ourasdIeý i tl-t. bhsuolied Iln several 0f tht countY Candi dates sàlp- PRim5n ttIhe 101dofettitcket, -'Illédemecrat1s -Qonlngt agaînst .ludge Rtobert E. Ci-ove, candidate for etates attarncY, faîled' to developý lis winner ln thetly b>' about 1160,000 Over lus democratie apponent, Mie- hael L. Igoe. 11rank S. Rtlgheinier for Couni>' Juige dettei Prameis X. 8wS b> , lllurality mllghtly under thaht or L'rawe. MEALS fSWINL lhodeath Tuesia>ayiliet ofne" lttdge. $aueer ral< l etLattel Coflt>', ut 3»2 Graiavenue, rocnul Ut optna*lons a Cnata qs sli-d ler, John Becker, 'ho operaed -lI lâla ceuni>' F*Y Yeans aun, iMr Weigt latlng me of bshlm vldliu ati lat' 3,00ô a a resuIt. TIde a ent against Becker sltracted Riuels atten- tdon. le old Mi-. Wedgo a inorîgage on anotber nman's farm. andm0o man- lPuiitcd thteiltal that Mr. Wedge loiz bis mone>'. The Vçie.-a Puzzle. bra't lR passlA tng arrae liai w-heb. *verlu tw iaum s aspire ta ue offIce thc PulIc 131a8dbei oint.Impreq-ari W-ittIu tht ct doit 'ne et lmtoei t% bisr9-u) Pnpallut nuithtle otiier il a 110ci:l doit and :i voraclouq tilmo-t lody te. the oui' tUf -cetor oplni4,n "DeijmautO aIa1 hc¶Ioa Oauicie. Fooligh to Affect SupMoirity. Nierer affcet supeicmorlty. Effort te outagNMim mot mmiily occreame. Von MY 'kaoW lmiro lai thle otier filtow, bl *tm oale t hlm idi.sover the faet %fpw en ttmlce-irwratlon. STC-LEN IN CITY Entimeffight PoNS eForce Or. dered out When Sqpsationa1 Reportis Received. NORSE STROLLED AWAY. sioiiei'in Waukegaa police circles til suuui& alest 3.u Colai vhtn liwestiat a va»»nud or valuable V. S. sil al bec-n suolen hei'. The wagon aise contataed ths sat>' Inornlng edim ofethaIe 'bi- clae meuspaluers. It 10looliesmil Waukegsnitse vwouliho deIa'.-1 lau rt<uiîg tueïr uoluspappcs Tht divter of the wagon laid tle police ise Ift it near the oiîit ern -depot. \'ien he, returuîtrlfor lt a few momenis later IL, vat onlie sulipecs.ed at unce. Ibat Itîiit m,1haie been teken by tii-te iuegromri svlioim he saavlofiecing Inoth i siluy. 'I vere neecii.potaches@<ef vitta',e iniaitl1 the ,mdad ariag tu ltw ici- lireou and Urallyit <ine, a nervous. EI'tiy avanlablle policeman vwas 01 dernd to 1-Lke up the seareti. ÀA cit fi-arn the Pubuiec Service <O.Pit plant au 4:(45 a. ni. aerved t-ici ith polire on thec riglut trail. Il,- Pub- lie service roimp%">'mna c:îolt4i-. New tehe rne astaci te 1 vat e&P. pea'.d te b. a ptngioad of eld popep taa lter piuL TlhRe pou"emfatove4 Ui trait doeamauhel treettfîhe.îIà the blini tiig dIstrict '0 qS.>tth se- nue. Thei-e lie> faond the- banal eiledty mae on p the bill, il; aued ai f ho Mret>'bad i va. durelawa>. The driver boraàpd a domigt aioretrelief uban ltvms fouDmf iliat the nnil andi acaspaperu s r intact, ilOttiing havlimg been takon fi-arn lic aa~t. - ---i PAROCHIAL SCHOO CLOSES CO- (Contnibu 1 1iea'!da..i e of la li 1ý chîul tmas lis-- t ouiy uthii lia: th, t-m ni on aiccoit 10 secure a teacher, ni:. dur)- ru tell bu tlîi'y-arti' i n atie to ou lierîVi.,e '0ai10 of i r apîer iaight tii er daI ctftos.o. and t:'ken un attogethet slon, fr. betieve ni livet>' tutu tr;n. c pi-eset-mu nie. for tl ltad a tey irsPI*rOpl*o àjbaîilet erytlîing t de-,i:e .Nowthie r( cae.ta ictacli nt Fi b-caie3 ijrlit a Cat ai] t tecli lluit-n'at*e ochoiiol. Tnere are a mut ilie e inter tRiat c-ms s-a>'ilicydo Dol ai(cepiic; Stlluir91gE e tw houle' woi-k, I' -niai-e inuerestittg to t te a tanKer àttendanc Th'lis is the firat3 bRa y's acisool lhai c terni ail nt lîretent eo i îdreri attendîn; a br'ariiflil schlî Ia rotntbined, and la b ai tîe iiiani visa hati' iew buiîlding front f , )iit miro date sachi :ý1 saw b>' The DRo ýtüsphsparnsu lnXV Plates tbutilinlga gçîmool tle cotlig tainl ish jtîtReiurt.l fdr tIhec mtnibtrs 0f 4 pf Uieniont haveéos fa-tends nI Waiakt-gu Joseplirs clirchi oit th PPslic e 01meofmet' l sp n lin! IL%17116" .1 --Ae , .. As you know the Dort hem evoloed no iiioeo. X" taleoemnmaetroutgisc e . emanwY beof i.1 u hry durzmoe mmd 1wlow operab v ca It bu corne, to bcs nownmar 4b, c dut coa"*iây .1 perlomncea" d -i<ein al and gusoline aeca..aam ofL.e Dort that vani be cowoed upon ueb «ruaiay. Yet w smnoerclv Lelieve tduie w mgsgutg eue wia which thse Dare ddvxs. di'reéy, mlcm .*ih "uvich e b..d,6."dce amootisueuswith vimichikt da.. ~fdly a woeehy of your amtetion etitls Iiexpéuiam maimiaençe andid frqueaaçod olsrvice -Ti.bbetts Auto C'O'mpany- 205 S. Sheridan Road Phone 27i) WAuk.egan - .IMAD BY MA TEweST M IN IN, Mt. Hoiyoke Co Perfects Machii IiJUmp of thi WORKS PERFEC Proticiency In readl ai-ed by machine antI cd b y medtaiîca me .irotasor tcolin A. ktoiyake Cailege. kraftsor tcot Riii chine that wlR detect aâ-e encaunttred in r remed>' thtIDouble. "<r. batd an thse princi tu, a>'cIIOlograît4 lii regular tn its niaicil aluan pageoruf il reaits for a fi'tirt d lup. i-tsds gaifl, amu tzePerricnt.r ioodt aor Scott dî-mîostlîatp 0! DMUNItP ps ijumii tteorintai-y Ii-eJ'q. uLîmmiedlsix ior at-cen t tint. andth ie cpped ron-cîut-ntiv sltikene fie nailn(-. Pi-ofie tr i inir' I1tiP habit thai ttw '.îding 14ilu 11--i on Neu ia . e5 li Uc iîl ili J' .5Ia ad ii eiî't mi oaleii isitîl tiir C4iibni, iii a titie,. malle. tife- <Ithi eci cout-le int Igh. At ue evone- fOwil' th-Il tirsi sip reopens la.o;' rispe enn birpdi ODe ne 0-i. I tirieýt-, t hpli tratuedti ta ontari-ml lier, and lier et-'.t-e tc ttftrelillles 1t hu t *#tittieu tuancouire Pd in a sîmilar olennu mi*tlnt- A girl May agice and tht-n mia adie tttvrttirthat lier. * ie ttctmporar' lOeso s liaimedtatoty t Machine. 'l'he- huti closes st-t t-rai mimnes tien t regains lier trac) Imis wa'tlie profesk avare 0of 5D>'weakne conception andi cao ri-tid tie tarit. à aires l'lace of!1: l'rofeairr tcoitubi-tai Ilie î><eýst:e tii autîtiti-t tison-e t-:ii;intiton'. iearlirig -rte siih thi the studii has lt-ai-n4 !0Y hec ut'iity t li-i cari' ius bt- met ta n', snu aiyli, i lau-s il4raniiin 1K oitho ie i- r:iîrrg mchil èoaiut(ýl ti inatditre-rî't t- aie 1ti.11 %uh t il: aiiig ril. ut t. 'I. t*:i u r" Il t>' 1' air :11 1, a t- d as N A, , i n lr, girl.- lt'i tiliflhaL Si, --r i . FU 11 rN,- pral1l'lI;î,.co:lt cI p i)ii i ownit l1-e.

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