Lew A. f endee says MAajoriy of Prec.ncts n County are Entirely Too Large. 450 SHOULD BE MAXIÎUMI. IL "s Iiib. ecessary te invide Laise-loity la snch suay tistet a leasi tnet> -tiie aev prerincts can Le added, le tise opinion of Couty tiJerk bL eHntise. At tise Preseut taume -lere are fifiy prectuctsansd tise audition veuld ivIe lit seveuty-tive, iuala t by faernQueortthe tas-gealu aumbler Of Preciluets luntm alate. LP tO Ia fev Years age tiera ver. bui thirty-elglst precînt-is la laise Couraty. Au tise population grevir t wis ro10nd necassary te sdlit tve prca Th.ils vas doue isy decreas- lus- thse boundary lues lu'tise targer townu -!u'tise cunuty. t vas beleved, atf thiaie tirat tise increase lu pre- cinctas oulti Proviie for anytisins- for ses-eratyears. "e asmoti tn teave Dt more tisau 4à,) votIera lu each psecntrMri. Han- c<ieci id, *as'-e f igared tisai the 'viek côbTid net lha expiedited a-titi a Jarges- number ot ballots. Noa- tWat the aomeu are vottis- iowei-er, va haive tount moule Precincts visere 41lere are 600 te -.00 Vtcs. M'sany ut tlisePreciueta in Waukfgan a&M over -, Is sa ' 'v the 450 lisit. Il looks te me asetir .-s '-cmiii have te atit et lesat tveaty. lsse Precirncis This weuid have thse CleccI of isliening ilise iont of thses' ---- Jusîs-em 4 31d1cierks anti vold ate ,~7eu~<r-r siaieesibia teoubtain resuits nore RE-rAIN CONrROL OF- CONGfnESS. Ns-w Yss . Nos, 7tiePuliuican con- 7 Issu oi (5ngw-sfor, another i150 3e' r9 àui an lus-ys-PRd hotise-majorif y and 15 î s-pc. lise mi c-ss s iniseti:te ;a-. rss.jor part ofthtie eleci<si -'.sc- A Let gain ci. 20 soles in Ielieuse sas s-îhou n su sh cnipleîe seUs ille tou ny 17 samies. bit witii Iiîot 6f tise ds-.no(rsa ttc sisrrgiolds tisportlng. Eigis oi tise 15 repubuiossu senla- u irisai candidatss l!o-rnes in a-Lu- r-s-ru today tise seven otisersu 1usd sub- J, rsauiLt leaim, wlile iu trn other Eamies att-of tise rrlsulicara entrans vý*ec reporied l is e isu. l'or ths- ID delliociatir e snate seats lair-e- of thse tinoîit ,part lisait heen, icturneti vinneî--aii frotta souilserait êiati's-wilé su tise border anti aest- cris ,taes thse chieraivette fighting au sîipill baittUe. Esght to Tan Majerfty Sesn. That tis e st-et-airepubliieu an d- rtss* wouid sentsescerai more reput>- .car)u senalors vas predîcied emni- ticflly by sc4it5iibs amipaign aa- avers, visosEc 1aisa sucludet a tma- V O -R 8D NTICOOLDft.A m & D VÂjmI 1os1my of ciglit te leu la tise ut-t sen -_________________________________ ate. Boh théu republican premidea- sii andi sentoriat tickets a-ere re- p-siiseslamsatial il. 17ailfornia, Ne. Livng Sca Microphone. -Vund j~~u- --whyNt xadss, MosrCoorado. South Da- Tise orlire ou tse ales eut 1, o:, Ye. 1 zs:ituu-hisr ît I&, Her rotr s-e," tise stery gays, lieurs. Piano. Ohio sud Wasisins-ton. ca.-cs- i perrejutîie, yet Il la saidt]eta but 1 feel tisorouK1jsY a-sim'd op teo JWhy oct, wid lite te uose? Es-ery. lus 1cm Fomer orenorI'rakPthie whI le*x bstng lasensente thât à Disht." Haeaa--'26oa-vei's' m'nr~j tising else vent un lu PrIce. Wiiy 'Wallis, wiso noîs-suatei Seustor Haid- slip s-issnglits tractliit a. ile Ais-i.-s.)il don't s-ens te g."-Lon. 1sisouidnît ronge, alsO?-B<ssten Tran- Jng aithtie (hils-go convention, vas dist:I tt%7sicu-se Ilte1 dive ltisttiy. jof cript. rroi-ted lun th- iaui. Members of thie New, First Familleis of the-Nation GMARENT PL¶M AND ME '!FRCE~IS. Atshuers and bardons En. countier Seriotu "Slowing Up" of Specialty Trade. MAY BE BUT TEMPORARY. -bic 'ýWaicgsn ta date hanlbme veY«7Irtrv aminthse mnforedvaci- tiens of orimen in the oicrIustau- tories as ÇOMPar4i itis iacI..Yen- «Isba antibUer place, It js a tact of mserit that the emloyaiet Of w emen il a Wak"gamears ta ha theftrt Une f ogis hat hba iue atfetett by the eointg p tiat lim totiowed 4hbe itetar period. Tb* Mornln9G iary Wrapper tae- tory- eonducted bY thse Alhee Brothers. le - 0 etair t e t latnith citY te curtuitlile orktg hure, and Il ov develop tiatishe plant la belut rua Ou a 3S-lu,w-eek baute. vils a mach samatie- er SSinstea 0151 a" d 52 ihtmamas yeviously. Witti a mauch lamres e-.. bMr. Alabeler toda7 expreeeed bellot atlut thtfilîtutg UP veatd sot ltz ever a,1ev weeks, depemding uses thse prepau-atlena for apra brade. wîich lhabeleves viii begia lu about tbat tre. Hie then eXPlaiDed tisai a force nuiea earty normel viii hq restoireti la tise local plant about that tWte. Tise situation fibnt han devaiopési ni the Alohular Plant li dupifraieti ai thse teardon Brothers, jManufeeuiir titn comnpaay, vîjere a t siiar lino f orducta le 'Produced -as at tie Atasuar'a. Iteardon iBrothsers aise hai-e curtalledti ieir force util tme Plant i l atst eutrely ctosed dmu for thee Unie being. Acodlng tu a Wsukegae n aise "aus In Chicago Thursday lie mow a crowd ei 710 or M00men arouusd thse office of one of the big atstanon papers wating for tise afternooa adi- tion t0 coune out ins erder te chseckt oser tise advertisements andtiti for enmployaient. Itite tiret time. à* exîslaluati, titat lie has seuls a erovti of tliis sort Iu front ef a newcp)aper office In tise at neve years. Ait durlng the wast and thse isriosi hat han foilowed' it bias ot been npees sauft-y iok for vorkin lutiat tman- uer sud lhe andi otiserscoul mot ielo but contrast the situation tliere nov with vhatt as duriag thse ual. pile. aàa a ua lt-sý i tmnq el -.osseA @Mat.i.;tick-a4t -bql , Spirit cff Urvice Needede To neovui Malsi t 15gîen in ditIai 01. 3risishulnllmpi-et. nnd, If h,- da Mi Wili, does aU t Iiît c-au e ci-' *uA 11 lmi. Bta li Ri ît s-e do m.'usJ fie be not Pe.eus-.-.i of and don.- 'ib No matter where you live in Lake Couinty It wiIl pay you to see the I.RA"DER IN INDEPENOINt. the standpoint of Iulerest Irons the Thes Boy Scout cîrcus at the M'AU udience and viii be very anapî,y. keian Armary naît vek lagoing 10 There 19*111be no ailîessruaninc %b.au avent Of usausual later-et. fi arowsd or annouacing tistougs a l15 attracting thse interest of Peoplte Jffic ga:loDe. etc. It la believed that lus Chàrcago, Evafflun, KenaSba, Ra- cine and iMlwvaukee vite are plan-uîbt i ii Ue truly eue of tis most Uu te e reeet aione o thet m remaTILssble amuemuent features ever Pértormances whicb are tebé gv-prcranfted inl Lake voussîv asdwoi-tt en Friday. Nov. 12, at S p. iii. and tice tihe price of admjSsi1on as ail Saturday at 3 andi S p. m. eniarîslnment a~nd wortb a good deai UMMaUbtedlytisera viii be-,many more te. encourage thse buys in tiseir People tisroughout thse ounty ie aondeful ralnsnt. w Mi o t v a u t to m is a th e o p p o r t u n - 0 1 c o u r s e t i i-' iir e l; 'i i i i s vs itY of seelng sucs a wonderrul exîsi li clowns- 1) of týhe1ro ail a cil btdon of tise marveicus work done trainedte tknow just wlsat t0 do 1usd by tise Boy Scouts. Es-eryone, bas wl:ea idolt. Lach clown willtis herd cfthtie Boy Scouts andt h ie bis per.ofat rogr-sm, Inciuding a li- varlous ia". of training tisat lisey getiser osx-r 100 of thse best cloxsn renelve, but very fev peopile bave &tunie gathered fr nushi' biggest (ir- ever seen them actually do thee nsany cuàceq andi shows lst&gedi recentlv ji tlhing s o u tihe W a ,k cgran -. i " ' lie b ig c ites. T hese aun is in ss t grin. aven s-ore of the be'î sones front tic- 1 F o r Instance. sley 1%111 hise îîree R lPPOdrvtne. N cw Y ork. t, do sb t- t eama of esgist boys eacîs race over edly tli4 is goinz inbe otise flo t.s-ee tan foot walatts us g- butunusîtal ar-..Y of ber -insunsecra- tlielr haro bands te sOate the wall ebId witil.. B%-me cft t-eseteanis bave MaEY PfOit4farePplanning te ani dons this in as short a lime as A, tend tîis ehoW frnts Liietyv-lje andi seconds. They vwii aise builti a otcr points in tie county. As tinre bridge by lashiug legs togetiser, -40 l8 a SatssrdaY aiternOun show Itlai feet ,laI 20 miaulezsud m4~.a an be ivi coDvenieitt for tisose wlse automsobile acrou:s It.Thsis wili ie vent te retu-n before cars. nnusuaily ilîîstltng. Tisere viii be Tihe boys Ilîrougsosit tiesecoonts- au Indian var iace in fuit eostuns, ', wo have rest abota Boy Scouts tire lgting by s-ubblng Estleic I alule wviii sant particularly 1te 10 0) f inti&tan ss1m, a kBot-cYîag axisibi- them nsrveiously traînes! nt fiii tien of 63 different knots sud C hkE aud. likewise parents of boys tissa tUgvit l lalinant ermmrental deýir@a in training- for a virile manbood viii ivo Minutes. etc* .nt te nventigite the menite ofthiis tbe progrMIE U rl more vas-y rapidly. numtscring over 5000051in the 'fnit eut crovdiugs 141 lto b tan Iheurs, Stles,. soietIes sawng severn l iing.4 coing On at once. 'niera wîîî lie nea OptmiatlTit Touoli Ion"-ravrs-out, tedinus demnutra- Tise StL!e betonngu te no man bat ATý THE WAUKEGAN ARMORY NOVEMBER 3Big Showsu-Friday, 8P. m 3M llied- Pedoniys 30 Ckever Clowns 1 3e 1920 Saturday, 3&8 pm.- Beautiful -Scenic Effects Spectacular Feats -of, Skill Positively the,-Most original, spectacular, awe- inspiring, mirth provoking,. unusual divertisernent presented in Lake Gounty or elsewhere. ever Bring.the family-do your shopping, and see the.big show in Waukegan'next week. NOT A DULL MOMENT IN THE PROGRAM. PRECJNCTS IS SEEN DY COUNTI CLERK LUBERTy vui 12nd 14 Stupendous i)isplays 2 Bands 1,000 sut$ TIIEREISAÀ ON TRU Makes the Avera Load Perntel Over 51/a to ý1Ï URGES T-HICKE 'Illa evoauu lain elentosU, U lev ot ,le situation,absrlites 1013 our plas sit cci read *6 taches thsicis l, sumbgrad-. llcginulug huila, a fiat baubait i muent -, luches tlsick i 6 luettes cs;,s î,ss.- broaulut about 1L i, hlenvy ti-Urk tr-Iii-. a eult.and teicsnttat rv a tsss.cii iii is l,s- t Aid lan.4lusoi-S1. talents -, mnclsln i Fide anti 8 incisesin leti istir tisat tracs Pasilorots irel ZI-Uiyas gres sfii tise eus ini t,-enier. lit I'ov liaîit nteait s(on, %u inci-s , ilic ik tl ls<u tire usidllur aisese -liFed visai ae cenaiti an SX Inchs Cuiflu-eie pa asIuchth 5e 5-iýne bu i t aieruait <-tructit -acePt fleor"eadi-aceu Wausal cuuu-ttirei uustfiu-t 'ers etsfolss ailor.Ii sve are bussiling al re -lail Ast]i t -ens 16 n the- isîfltre 1 I si-evasi- ah of us55 tceatylfl ]e.r(-siie Ira -i tîsthe greails lits t'on tiLIssotfr Cens ,art Ie'au 1,11,-i i îglu i>ng bise Ia.it pt,s llirrCa ma- al as tl vioer trurklq tr S t tsi:uslng- W-ight et Ils,' fsu u of Tii- ft sti5: 0îst)ut t iSsu tîrds csr i te rc I!)r ast uil s12tIsa-;. sricisi -Sor e uertenP lnitS t i - i s - h.l irt 1 sial tautorîsl'I a cltîit s isle catil-ses csîisor lis e. a -it i g t toua c,(in tr itly yu ,e'it ensicthtie dltfer ,ue ceai of tiat etrug roue 1trugale betve istici t yuviiliLe pi issi er bitrera e sw 'in lIuigiu tise 1iseetsIle rejiroudR s is-salIy "i,-tied the ime beiiig, ahle amil j giV.>, nut oiiiy t us lu iuliLeciestroye Jitulisi seili, Wb.(! - ~lire t:'tnci. Il s rÉsi-eoîatle pur,On thi %se sc~isii-siil li' by Ilsle sîul tut.-tu-si) li-- 5 -u t iuciooi f i1tIer s-si isavit iIis- I 5 tu isuet Is tu-onoisi uis id Iisu 5 tali os)issu1g ltc- Wis stisuo otsusj-, ais ibie l 11 ItT55Ï tt ct teriiliig Ilse scialis usent sus sasie).-'il rut l-tsgssssy--in c-uns t,- SSu .sîs liiie:îu tes luitig tIlelt-tsua lients stof iurua <"'sn Mlleusuft N A t til)- cl10-se Ofsti t;list 0155 oputistri issate> <4u51tîmils xriad* bush suinil1919 ts s u !, no ec-ProP rcilmen upsssî 5issus îisrsus-i isesp e ciiiic îts(-selulnillg uhe wsri noiw on tise Staute h Juin etiect. Onbv isv tilette ronds, rostîni millilons cu l 1ua-e, b - -îiui rsolator of fi Alrld>a isuner of s ýtin uciel reads bare beefi eiiher pat 1-uinesdlvhY héaay Ir HiE WÂS Attorney Homer Women's Votf Précinot Was in Figures in 1 utitote lelot <co0ke of Waukeg cossuty>s eldest res tisu us >t6tli biritid m