Libertyvile Itidepeident: Zâke County Indcpenden Wauàégcn Weekfy Sun -.IW EN FOR CABINET POSITION. Illinois people are much i nterest.ed in the report that corne from Washngton that Goy. L owden in being cou- sldered by President-elect Harding au a probable member of bMa cabinet in the position of Secretary of the Treasury' Gov. Lowden's extensive experience in financial mat- torn and the wonderful changez wbich lie las brought in Illnois in handling the financial problems bings hlm eomspicuouhly Wo the front as one of the ment capable men for this position that coud be fou'd in the country'. Diluais nmre years ago produced one of!-the greatest Se.-retaries of the Treasury thé nite States ever had in thé, peruon o! Lyman J. Gage of Chicago. Ilinois can duplicate it at tJiis Urne and W a*11. the appearancea can produce a man even better qualifled Me the position than Kr. Gage, because of hi more extimsive expérience in financial matteru. .Gov. Lowden almont woù the presidential nomina- tion. Tlie fact that lie stepped aside in order that Mr. Iardlng coud vin the nomination would indicate that the. Ilinois governor if h. in wifling to, accept the position not only is qualified to fi11 it but ato is deserving o! re: cognition to thua extent. eurtiier, because Illnois gave a majority of almost a million to the Harding ticket this "tte surely must be recognsed lu making- up the cabinet at Washngton. It In aur belie! that Mr. Harding trengthen lis cabinet materially if le places Gov. Lovden at the lead of the Treaury Departinent. TRIES 'TO S EL L IT TO JUNK MEN First Junk Idan Offered $25; Next one Offered $20; and Third $15. OWeNER IS NORMAN MKAY. If y ou' e gel soi*,.--,?ng tbset), falte the first offcr you get. That'a Nor-man McKya iea, of doing huai- perience. McKat-. wlî lves aI Aica, drove to Waukegan Monday and lust as he enered the city bis machin gurgled îwÔ or three tinics and the engine expIred. It bernme -Jeceased lik Hardings league of nations. %Ir. McKay got out the smeIln4 saits. tNwisted the engifles, tail, coaxed. eaid etrong n-ords and diii everything known to science toa re- Vive a defunet automiobile engino, but ta no avail. He )ooked thre ma- chine over and decided 'fosti ilta a Junk Mian. Hie called a scrap ron baron snd aRked for an offer. "il gve you $25,' tIre metalliirgist" te- ilied. .111 try airollier» McKay-said. asahé, saaw visions of smore than a score and fis e frogakins.' AHe called another Iunk dealer. The neat offer vas $20. 'This As geting serions," the Area Man declsred. -Vl i aanotier.Y The rnevt twenty-second assiplant la tIhsa ley S'-bab arrived. lie lo0usd In styles and sizes for Women andi Misses. The-se frocks art madie of ioyeiy materials, such as one rarely secs at a moderate pricing. Saine are embroidereti oc- cording ta fashiona newest miim. You will finaa-the little tietails of tailoring and trimrnings celighiful. These--are indeed r emarkable values. At a price made possi.. ice only by this sale ..... .................... ...................... Woas eer aNgIW i0 Plies Meay became vâmmer -thea the wùtber man hait rndicted. He told the Junk mon they SUb ta e-@W a liora-bicause Jease James had a cayuse. He misa had a gaibige mnaz hau Anu hemachine.1 Now he doesn't know wliether lie wauîa te accept thre tinet Offer or li4ve t fixed up. The machine Is Êtill in the garage lest a4it usa a hon t wua dragged la. EX- OFICR is Off WITli DRAFTO AID HLUiSuIF Commander M. MPrUeit.execu- tive oficer. et Great lae, lestea Priday for thé. West ecat viii a draft of 250 men. Lait vesk com. mander Abliott'took a alilfr draft Thees men are belflg sent ta tire coast tu b. reidy ta leave IvltiAthe big aquadros whic B ais oM JasuarY a for the. Southi Se& laiaudu aU other points i the.Pacifie. nt a swhy.L no tueur men are beini rued Veat to get things in shape for the bile svent vhich, la regardeit as mre of the moSt imPortant M&maevers tat bras beeu plann.d n YOMr. GreatlAXis la cnding about 2Z0 mecn wes-kiy ta the west coat for tbis purpose. Le&llir in Cev and More@ Mi*$,. The. bide of a i-ow rePrmta thirtY. Ilre pounde of lenther, and that of à bors a lttis more thiD hait that amouat. OUR GREAT STe LOUIS PURCHASEi AND! LOWER- PRICE ADJUSTMENT SALE ~ Peticoats & IN SPetticoats $3998' JBort Sto re-On (ieNIorth Shoré'$29 Readj using Prices of Women's Suits New standards are set' by iow prices and i hgh quality. Merchandiee that i-m be- ing offered on the new basis of readjustmnent-to-lawer-prices, better materials,.better. tailoring and iower prices. You 'will find here ail the newest modes in tailored suits are now~ offered at great reductions.. Ail the new fabrics inciuded. An oppôrtunity ta get the best for the ieast. Every suit in our entire stock is lower in price andi for the sale we offer them at ............................................ OFF 475 Fou -Special, Groups of FaH Coats> Fou groupa of new Fali Coats for Wamen and Misses at'prices lower than they have beeni for years. TheY are new, smart tyles, wvell matie anti unusuaily wearabie. In these groupe one findu coats of the mcfte conserva-_ tive lines,'yct following the new style tendencies. Some alittie wrappy, others quite straight cflune. Large circular collars that can be adjuEted to the weather is a f tucof each--assortinerit I t i i I ,75 b44é4é44êB4*ê~Oi6t'w 'w 'w* -W -V -W #*-W Ony3 More aýs Piano- Player Piano - Phonograph Sale CLOSES NOVEMBER I3th Open Every Evening to 9:00) P. me We stili have, a few good bargains left. Several have bought musical instruments leaving them to be deliver- ed for Xmas. Why not you? 10%o discount on ail over $10 paid down-3 $2, $3, $4 or $5 per week, as you can, on the balance. Liberty Bonds Taken at Face Value FREE PIAI0S ù, rsAor inh. 12 ro1f f rhp-pf ,re 'A Efl t I $37\ O O Priie up fim ~ I. 75«' a.00W'uxjirî.g'anid de- r, ie up fllý - .~ The New Edison Diamnond Point Phonograph NO NEEDLES TO CHANGE J cme in and ]et usf demn- Ilot - rFP0 rie Io have the ptrate tMe new Itdipon. It tg Nel d L pn t! an ütheru - noo a faliung machine. -Tt pitPTee$ 5 rr'fcl Tct eqI llt c eti' n i< p fil 95 I.ARt; F, TOCK 0F4'REC'ORDS ROY'S 109 S. Genesee St. Waukegan, III. - 4. - Goo d Dentistry at Prices You Paid Bel ore the War IWe have now reached theplace in our reconstruction period where it is every man's duty to put his shoulder to the wheel and exert his every effort to bring con- ditions to a pre-war basis. To "do my bit" in this lune I wil give the, people of Waukegan and Lake County the benefit of My 20 yvears' experience, together- with the services of my up-to-ýthe-minute equpment -a qualihty of modern high-class dental service, guaran- ted for 10 years-at a price you have flot been able to obtain for the past five or six years Gold aid Porcelain Bridge Work....................$500 Gold rmas.................................... $5.00 Porcelain Crowis <Pivot Teeth) ................... $5.W Porcelin or Enarnel rillingu, according to ai...e.. $2.00 2p Goid Flhigsp,.according ta .i ...e........ .....$ o00up Our Fuli Upp.r or Lover Trubite Plates, guaranteed ta fit. With that natural tooth appearance .......... $15 ta $25 Pyorrhea, Treatment $1.. Ex-Ray. $1.00 for tiret tolfor cach ucceeding tootl ..c. N - Gaz Extraction.ý tjr t a tql*1.AeflbJVfS10S fM~ at~1fl'R nassatL anJLal l l. tr- ments are steralizcd aftcr eacb patient. hirOur paiinhtss-niethod bas cured ou r patients of the drcad of the dental Cbr1ne in Do'w, befox c tli c old WC"t ther ecfIa in,' itwill save yolusrp* nights imd Javs of agony. jDR. F. E,. cORLISS 130 Washington Street -' Waukegan, Illinois »MITON TO BI CULATED IN C perchants Rsodi 'Satisfactorîly in a Boost Waukegan Ni S00STER WEEK NE on.@ 'ofthe. great facti Su"iligthe. nereat ai Nerobîata An Town Boa whlch Ai plsnned tu begfl day, Noveinher 18, s the big Townl Boostiig Edlitoi ta &0108 ta bave an e: Culat.ion tbrotagbaut Lakt AS a reailit moelant »" a great igfluX et peu, of lovit n Wauk.gan È I;tbng Week. attract.d apercial aoer4ib tal lbt going tau ffer dus ng tit Arrangemenits bave bc bave the speciai Town Bc edltion of Tite Sun direi *tiorh. Lake l'or(. it. Lake L.ake, Ai-sa and other points. Ideri-hants -lean this ing Edltliiir ith Itsls at *cuistton a slendid Opi * leaChing out iju the rer ILaie count.y and aitract. ef-people isho rarely cc, àegan t o1he luti iopl thet wIll bp an edition te regular r litcn rof 'J vsAlcar3 ,,,Iy thre ads( cîat'~m -nier te Tc Wusk r î.h rn andi wsl 'rdzA lbg Tov Week n .%rt.t Inl oder b,1î ithe- dý(itiiro1t n -h.Strit M .14 2, RI Cari Sa suJ At Su 0-V Su ON Si ON ,Caps Shirts Hosiei Sw cat .Necki Under is $ Frocks of Fine Satins and Woolen - Materials 71