f, Womermis tué tmue coverai aprons lnu&Hi9 7 c colora and ises at.- îow Coneés A nother-Lnk" in the £av~o Peerless PriceiReducing'Sales B ring-' ing Ilundreds o'Wonder/ul Ready-to- Wear Values Bought Since t he Very 'Sharp Lieline ini Prices and Offeredio Fou in the Most Sensational- SiS te Gloes l colora 7 J November .Bargain Sales, With Ou-r Sensatï1o'nally LOWE R PRICÈ CH=L'S $1 UION SUITs Warm tleece-liued union suit. In tzatom2 o S. -wlile .69C $i bo JERSEY BLOOMERS Vi anna Mises'and chlld, ren*s cotton jerse'y bloomeN Ja lu ail sizes.59 Northern. 89c BRASEE style~nlcely made audntrin- style:ns brasmade anlu goa med and lna Il sir.57 $1.50 IMXN NCHEISE Women's and misses' muslua envelope chemise hIn good79 styles aud moatâail aizes. 9 II' argest Women's ALEX .HEIaN'G-o0 Waukegan'a Girpateai Store For Wonijen and Chiidren $1.50 SIIrK. WOOL ROSE Women'a and misse.'alik bose, flu itealend.voal base ln black white and LV colora. 1000~~ ILK Rx]OSE TO $3.00 A groat sale orfineflue 1 houe, lu $2.50, &Z.75 and 13 values An ail colora antdat- ,7 Sa.7 $1.50 ENIT PIETTICOAIS Women',$ saad quallty. Warin kait petticaats la w&éut col. -89 or@an mmdzo very spa)clal a $2.00 UNION SUITS Wamne'. extra lheavy fIse llued union sults lu al i z ta l long, short or Do .3 and Children's Store Presents at Great Savings the Season's Newest- Dresses -s uits Satins, Taffetas, Crepes, Tricolettes, etc. Desses te $3 19.M75 Dresses te $65 ,$45 A. dreirs sale of Incomparable values lu wltlch tht-ré are dosens of stylest for street, afterncoou and party wear. Dresses of serges, wool trlcotlnu, satins, taffetas, georgette crepes, trîcolettes, wooi velours and jerseys elabrately be&ded, embrçîld- ered and lace trimmeil. The Season's Suits te $35 19175 Sait$ to $50, 34.50 Suit$ te $79. 50 et ~adttnîfr it~$6500O Our d ofir rr th l local roady te wear field L3 foiî'ilily illit.iaud by the-îe remarkabie suit v-aliues wlîlch are admitedly beyond rrtmparison. Serges. vool vel- ours, brjo,lradclùtb-î a-oui jerri'-ys duvettes Bard duvetyneq. -iaity belng Long & Short, Plain Cols te $35, 16.95 Ceat teê 67.50 & Furred Coats Cat, t. $50 Ceats to $100 $75 lers mre lltterally thou8ands of coalt ta sect from n absort, long aud wraDpY annri1%, plt4n and eahoraiety fur trlmmed wlth great collais aud cufta. Womnder- lully srft. il-h frîbrin... stylish colora beautîfutl lnlnert ail aize%. Much of IThis Merchandise Is Offered at Prices -Considerably Less Than Wholesale!! SWEATERS AND Wlitri and imd iAses' woil sweatera and scarfa lit goçod colorn, vot lta $6.60 at SCARFS 3098 WOMEN'S $1.50 WAISTS Nice iaokiug voile waista Ifj lu s nunber of wauted iI ýstyli lgtiy solled;, alil U WOlmiE'S$2.50 WAIS Womeu's pretty vatots of voiles and oraaudlea lunail sîzes. ea styles. 1 7 SILK WAISTS TO$89 11aiidsomeýne- tw iaints F of stlk taffetas. georgette 'erpes, tricolci tes. ool 5095 jei..ey; al coloms I. SILK WAIST& TO 0 50 --the moat beauttful crea. tions of the- seasoulu -- : gergetteblouses. elabor M ' steLy beaded au d em . 1, broidered. 9 -7 $2.00 CORSETS AT' Womîîen"s sud misses'cor- È seta Lu good styles lu a farrneof sises. 1. CORSECTS TO *4o0 Front aud back ilacse styles la most ail sites lu wat~2moela EXTRA SPECIAL'! One Rack ol Women's COA TS & DRESSES, UP TO $25.00 AT 12 0 Thsgreat under-prîce lot cif coats aud dresses lacoamposed 0f odds aud ends of brokeu linea..- The materîas, colorsansd stylo are orrect and very deirbl.- Whle the asatmeut lesta, yaur choice at $12.98. Fmrat Hertra rt Servid. Amsrtment Limited. FLANNELETTE PET'O'TS Wome'a' extra heavy flanuelette petticoats madewa il es r i .19 $3.00 SILK CHeMISE AT Womo's aud misse' silk ouvelope chemise tu flésh only ln al slzes.09 $2ý-00 UMDY BLOUSES Msses'and girls, middy -blouses cf a gond grade fE Whblte tlwiii, uev styles. I Chilren' Flaiel leepers Uzira heavy flanuelette slepIng garmenua vth f eet for clildreu of 2 to 6. 97cJ $1L50 CORSET COVERS Pretty new styles lu cor. I setoaversansd camisoles@ mi lufhaff ayals: *l M.fee.. n e V lisx.10" $2.00 FLANEL'TER Wauuen's extra beavy fliunlette uight owas lu white and calors sud' lu a&l aise& . PLAID SKIRTS TO $14.50 Pnetty new plaida lu nIde.. P7' kifain sd box phetc. e fotIs An .1a,Y 9075îg. PLAID SKIRTS Thosé acfit, rich, Scotch wociens la ultra styl- ish check&ansd plaida la Dleala of vailous sizes. TF0$2.5 BOYS' HEAVY HOSE 'AT Values up ta 960 lu blsck ff ouly. Extra heavy rlbbd boss lu aisesftromn 7T'/àta .u CHILREWSCOATS Chldren's warm vînter ( f Costa lu the amaller mi. I M es mrade to sali for $7.00..t .9 CHILDREN'S COATS Th se ceat. are , lu ,ZBis 9 8 uit te 6 lu good vaw - terlali, beltod, etc. GOWNS CHILDRN'S COATS valiesto $11.60 la Moet 1.39 1s stam UV ta1l a pret- 1*9 ty belted aud pleated129 styles SKIRTS TO $7.98 AT Wamen'a DowvàPui rts la maty sergeu Uwvauted càeecka u tylish modela,$ 08.00 HOUSE DRESSES Wornmi's home dres.A t ptet*y uev stylela MI ,g~ mmedum, sud drk colr. S/0 OFIF ON "U o r Every plce of fur la Our '2 stock la reduced lucludlug c0iq pcarfq sud uiuffsl. CHILD'5 $1.50 DRESSES New dresses lu pretty stylesasnd colorlugît1. lu Biaes up te 6, spectlly prlced. :18C OHILD'S $3,00 DRESSES Pretty 1lît ti1etd re %, -lu fi. &Hl aIses up b .4ïlu wlde range 0f coloringa 8 CHILD'S SERGE DRE8Sszs A very apecial selliug brîngs ibis remarkabl 1y low itrîce uth sîzea te 6. 4098 CILDT'S SERGE: Values up to $9 lu uavy -serge droses- plstu or pleated efforts lu aîzes te, 10, DRESSES $2.00 »MBIN GOWNS Womeu'a mufilu gowusn, 4l euveleye chemise aud Pet- -, ticoats mi thîs Tory loy pre. 1037'I *$1.50.CORSET COVERS Wome'sa ud'\ misses' musiu and $il,, corset f coversa lugoad stl 1sai aigua.79 SVOLUME XXqii.- REV. TIOS.~ QUITS REFOI IN CO.; WO Head of Lake Coi Mter League P *pit at OswE ail of iris trr foi >e Iîo h. l- . Ordti t-atu,, i ,el, i ary, t 1w lie 'fliho year, a t eîdpetî or aiway s ar 'e i, it! flents. in W..mkotazn moverrie-.i iii Litk" retenti> lxed. liai ently tu quOel rt-t go, ino te murti-t * wego, Ill., assy.r l 4 Quayle - -itti: pulipit. 'O-.we;o, Ili 'lIil, quaylet, fL"îr rtr, cailitu ber ît ,a Federmied r r Quayle hi.a lrt.'l aa a îrerriel itndlit bei aI scit*t1y rg or thr .-î , mitany ~i ant] 01trrr ..t r, il lact. ':1 . -W lt-agi t : tary, "r .a Il )-- ils airt 4i.-a,, rei, dents o! l.ri-t- landl Park. ititrî the sahi',At1, api forts aloug teforui bteu uneedrrd or 1 bepu efaict' fr b> lt It was NMm Qua) $100 a nMth by IL Iague fer devotîi tin retorul movemt Quayle aho veut ai reglol' ad mare t the operstor% ther Whvas attive iu However, vith thi Il apptarently mari tho L.sw Sud Or.le M r. Qua> let 00f generally trgtred droppeil the -Laai work the le-ague it elîitet because lu waa nîerely Mr. Ç Mri. Quayle in t of bis admlnstm-ai the Law sud Onu4 have loat hlit.nflu for mas the iprestige of that klud me c in Lake court y iT leaders and tht- r e rally when thev oven things haveo possile to dises f rom_ Mr. Quayle. faci tha tltéRe- a very drarrtic an of procedure n lr course which oIU entjy bellet t-rtv ra of resait- a-iho mitthori SAM DUB '~DESTROY MONDJ I miii Monda' i tSaituel Iluba, t- 0.-ar tireKoot sIloytd b> fit.- tli uUtseltol.i tr a-eit. mmaed. bu on rAre second f to tity of flour, F-i tit.ri,,were Crli * acrrîîcaed to hmv fectise flue. :4l r'tlin u1wf tI-UI1ttttfo!. ti.6 îoof. Mr. D * covtiped by ilut * b.miir a uew lici a2 i.tofl as mate] bliomîorial er Swit Ireru5ld. Marines," vwbO don, Mglmfd, Noveflber 23, ai byterian churcit Clle viii offici x queeted tao iti AttOrUeY Paul 5% paamd daus NàOaGUMwfWed HlabhImid Part tria ita audl audible. L LA Coats Dresses te $25 Dresses te $45 r BARGAII SPECIAL", Ail of Our Trimmn'ed .Hats VALUES TO $8.50 A"D 13 45. Thou. two Ver 10w Dri OInl- elud. our eptire .tock of trim. meid hata ta 88.92. There la a number af .wanted atyles wlth that imdivduality characterlstlc af HaiR bai. MURIP